Prospecting Listings Strategies (2024)

If you want to dominate your marketplace and be the real estate professional people think of first, then you need to employ the 10-10-20 Prospecting Strategy: Upon getting a listing, you personally visit the 10 homes to the right of the listing, the 10 homes to the left of the listing, and the 20 homes across the street from the listing. With this strategy, you visit each of the 40 homes three times.

While many agents know about this strategy, few actually do it. The reasons why vary from “I don’t have time” to “I don’t know what to say” to “I’m afraid to knock on doors.” So even though they may send hundreds of “just listed” mailers to the neighboring communities, they don’t make the personal contacts needed to attain new clients.

Building and maintaining a sizable inventory of listings is the most important thing a real estate professional can do. You’ve heard the old adage: If you don’t list, you won’t last. That is truer today than at any other time in the history of our industry. That’s why you need to use the 10-10-20 Prospecting strategy to promote every one of your existing listings to the neighbors of that home—face-to-face. Here’s how (and why) the 10-10-20 Prospecting strategy works:

Step 1:Tell the Neighbors About Your New Listing

Whether you’ve been in real estate for 2 years or 20 years, chances are you get excited when you get a listing, and you want to share the news with everyone in your office. When you’re on this “high,” rather than tell your fellow agents about your success, tell the neighbors: 10 houses to the right of the listing, 10 houses to the left of the listing, and 20 houses across the street from the listing. Harness your excitement to not only promote your new listing, but also to prospect for future clients.

History tells us that when a house goes on the market, within six months another home on that same street gets listed. This Keeping up with the Joneses mentality is prevalent in all aspects of life, from the cars people drive to the clothes they wear to the homes they live in. So if someone is selling their house in order to move into a larger home, one or more of the neighbors will think, “Betty and Joe are moving to a bigger place. We should too.” It’s your job to find those people rather than have them list with someone else.

When you talk with the neighbors, introduce yourself, tell them that the neighbor’s house is for sale and you wanted them to know in case they have a friend or family member looking for a home, and then leave them with your business card. The majority of the people you talk to will be extremely receptive to you. Why? Because people are nosey by nature. They’ll ask you what the home is listed for, whether the interior is updated, and many other questions about the house. They may even reveal that someone they know is planning to move soon, or they may say, “I’ve been thinking of listing my home too.” Typically the only time you’ll get resistance is if a tenant lives in the house you’re prospecting.

Now you have very easily and in a non-aggressive manner told 40 people that you’re in real estate. You also demonstrated to them that you work hard. Those are great things to communicate, especially when you know that in the next six months at least one of them will likely list their home.

Tip: Bring information about the listing and also a ‘Buyer’s Packet’ in case you find someone thinking about purchasing a home.

Step 2: Invite the Neighbors to the Open House

When it’s time to conduct the listing’s open house, invite those same 40 neighbors to a “special screening” of the home. Visit them a second time and say, “The open house for your neighbor is on Sunday between two and four. However we’re going to open it up an hour before, between one and two, just for the neighbors to give you an exclusive showing. If you have any interest or if you know someone who is looking for a new home, please stop by.” You can even give them a printed invitation so they remember the details.

Granted, many of the neighbors will come just because they’re nosey, and that’s okay. From a sales perspective, these 40 neighbors know other people—some of whom have a desire to move. By exposing the home to as many people as possible, you’re helping your seller. From a prospecting perspective, you just made another “touch” to a group of 40 people in a very short period of time and have reinforced your earlier messages of “I’m in real estate” and “I work hard.” You’re making it so that when these 40 people need a real estate agent, they think of you first.

Tip: Make the invitation to the “special screening” something that will “wow” the neighbors.

Step3:Visit the Neighbors Post-Sale

When the house sells, go back to those same 40 neighbors and tell them the good news. You could say, “I want to let you know that we just sold the house down the block. I was wondering if you knew anyone else in the neighborhood who might be interested in selling, especially since that home had so much interest.”

Remember, you have already met these neighbors twice. This is your third interaction with them. This time you’re again reinforcing your earlier messages of “I’m in real estate” and “I work hard,” but now you’re adding a very important third message: “I sold the house. I’m successful.”

With this “win” under your belt and with the neighbors’ familiarity with you, who do you think they’ll feel comfortable listing with when they want to sell their home? YOU! In fact, you’ll have attained top-of-mind awareness and started a relationship with them, which means they’ll think of you first for all their real estate needs.

Tip: Bring a “Seller’s Packet” in case you find someone ready to sell their home.

Your Next Listing is Just a Knock Away

Knocking on 40 doors is quick and doable (it only takes about 90 minutes). If you have a listing assistant, you can assign this task to them. The key is to get those face-to-face contacts when prospecting. When you employ the 10-10-20 Prospecting Strategy, you will get more listings, which results in more sales.

Prospecting Listings Strategies (2024)


How much prospecting is enough? ›

Therefore, we recommend that salespeople who work the entire sales process spend 30-40 percent of their week prospecting for leads. There is a potential pitfall of the sales team not reaching that percentage by finding other things to focus on besides prospecting for leads.

What is the secret to successful prospecting? ›

Use referrals

Referrals are considered the most successful sales prospecting method. If you have a good relationship with your customers, then take advantage of it. Ask your customers for referrals. People are more keen on buying from someone they know, someone they have a more personal relationship with.

What are the 3 steps in strategic prospecting process? ›

The Complete 3-Step Prospecting Process to Score More Sales Meetings With Behavioral Intent Data
  • Step 1: Examine your intelligence. ...
  • Step 2: Find common ground. ...
  • Step 3: Plot your messaging sequence.
Feb 5, 2019

What are the 5 P's of prospecting? ›

I call them the five Ps of prospecting: purpose, preparation, personalization, perseverance, and practice.

What is the golden rule of prospecting? ›

You must be ready before you even reach out. Correctly identify your prospect as a true potential buyer. Know who they are and be ready to answer their questions with confidence. Be prepared to get a lead.

How many no's does it take to get a yes? ›

OMG, it's all about the numbers. “9 Nos to YES” is about the numbers. It's about increasing your odds of success. It's about having the confidence to march proudly through the NOs, knowing that if you keep going, you will get to “yes”.

How do you stand out in prospecting? ›

6 Standout Sales Prospecting Techniques (And How to Get Them Started)
  1. Sales Prospecting is Ongoing, Not a One-Off Event. Prospecting needs to be a priority. ...
  2. Quality Over Quantity Leads. ...
  3. Warm Up Your Cold Calls. ...
  4. Marketing Automation Is Your Best Friend. ...
  5. Ask For Referral. ...
  6. Use Incentives, Recognition and Love.

What is the easiest method of prospecting? ›

Phone calls

Cold calling is probably one of the most popular and effective sales prospecting methods of reaching out to your prospects. Also, you can easily turn your cold call intention into the warm one if you use the “Go Online” prospecting method effectively.

How do I increase my prospecting list? ›

How to build a prospect list
  1. Nail down your product offering. ...
  2. Develop an in-depth understanding of your buyers. ...
  3. Invest in a platform to organize & track prospect data. ...
  4. Find companies for your prospect lists. ...
  5. Identify decision-makers and harness their contact details. ...
  6. Perfect your outreach strategy.
Feb 13, 2023

What not to do when prospecting? ›

10 Things You SHOULDN'T Do When Prospecting
  1. Go into it cold. ...
  2. Get too focused on your checklist. ...
  3. Be too apologetic. ...
  4. Give up. ...
  5. Do all the talking. ...
  6. Forget to follow up. ...
  7. Waste time. ...
  8. Come off as uneducated about your offering.
Mar 23, 2021

What is the best time to do prospecting? ›

Late mornings at around 11 am (right before lunch) and late afternoons between 4 to 5 pm (before the end of the workday) are the best cold calling times. The middle of the week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) are the best days to reach prospects.

What are the three laws of prospecting? ›

The More You Prospect, the Luckier You Get
  • The Universal Law of Need.
  • The 30-Day Rule.
  • The Law of Replacement.

What is the first of the 4 pillars of prospecting? ›

Building quality prospect lists should be your first concern. You need to identify, research and segment your prospects.

What is strategic prospecting strategy? ›

Strategic prospecting is designed to help sales teams identify, qualify, and prioritize sales opportunities and also to determine whether those sales opportunities represent new potential customers or opportunities to generate revenue from existing customers.

What are the three keys to prospecting success? ›

The answer is numbers, consistency, and organization. The three keys to prospecting success are numbers, consistency, and organization.

What are the four objectives of prospecting? ›

Summary. The four core prospective objectives are: set an appointment; gather information and qualify; close a sale; and build familiarity.

What are the 3 gold rule? ›

Take a look at the three main rules of accounting: Debit the receiver and credit the giver. Debit what comes in and credit what goes out. Debit expenses and losses, credit income and gains.

What are some common methods of prospecting? ›

The Best Sales Prospecting Methods
  • Create Ideal Customer Profiles. ...
  • Focus On Warm Calls. ...
  • Send Engaging, Personalized Emails. ...
  • Target Prospects via LinkedIn. ...
  • Attend Relevant Events. ...
  • Ask For Referrals. ...
  • Seek Partnerships for Co-selling. ...
  • Take Advantage of Automation.
Dec 1, 2022

What is the success ratio for prospecting? ›

Consider another set of numbers: As a rule, the unscreened suspect-to-prospect ratio is 10:1, with a prospect-to-sale ratio of 3:1.

How many touches does it take to close a deal? ›

How many touches does it take to make a sale? The simple answer is: more than most people think! According to our Top Performance in Sales Prospecting research, it takes an average of 8 touches to get an initial meeting (or other conversion) with a new prospect.

How do you get a yes every time? ›

Here's her advice, according to what researchers studying persuasion have found.
  1. Use a personal note. ...
  2. Be up front with your request. ...
  3. Use guilt to your advantage. ...
  4. Use the right words. ...
  5. Focus on what the other person will gain. ...
  6. Remind the person he or she can always say no. ...
  7. Appropriate physical touch may help.
Dec 22, 2016

How do you respond when a prospect says no? ›

Top 5 sales tactics to overcome objections and turn a “no” into a “yes”
  1. Identify the real reason. The real reason is sometimes completely different than what the prospect will first say. ...
  2. Use active listening. ...
  3. Mirror the objection. ...
  4. Use proof and data. ...
  5. Be ready to adapt your offer.
Oct 21, 2022

Why is prospecting difficult for some people? ›

The inherent challenge of prospecting is not knowing how a lead will respond to an often overtly forward inquiry about their interest in a sale. This relatively direct process can sometimes be uncomfortable for salespeople and prospects, but these interactions are simply a reality of the sales cycle.

What is the first step in a prospecting strategy? ›

Define your target market

The first step of an effective outbound prospecting strategy involves identifying the specific group of people you want to reach with your message. This process may involve researching your audience and understanding their needs, wants, pain points, and challenges.

Which is the most difficult method of prospecting to use? ›

Sales Blitz is practically the most difficult method of prospecting to use. taken, argumentative or hot-headed prospects, and other similar consequences.

At what point do you stop pursuing a prospect? ›

The only real time to stop following up is when someone isn't a qualified prospect. Maybe you realize they don't have the money for your product or aren't the right size for your service.

What is warm calling? ›

Warm calling is when a rep calls a sales lead that they've already communicated with. The call is warmer than a cold call because the prospect is familiar with you and your company.

How do you reach out to leads? ›

Here are some best practices to help you effectively follow up with sales leads and prospects to win more business.
  1. Segment your leads. ...
  2. Respond in a timely fashion. ...
  3. Nurture your leads with useful content. ...
  4. Personalize your communication. ...
  5. Use various communication channels. ...
  6. Create a follow-up schedule. ...
  7. Track communications.
Mar 18, 2021

How to do prospect mapping? ›

Designing your Prospect Strategy Map involves a five-step best practices system for business development success.
  1. Step 1: Know Your Ideal Client. ...
  2. Step 2: Articulate Your Value Proposition. ...
  3. Step 3: Manage Your Pipeline. ...
  4. Step 4: Excel in Phone and First Interviews. ...
  5. Step 5: Develop Your Unique Risk Management Process.

What to do when a prospect goes cold? ›

Here are four techniques you can try:
  1. Look for a different contact. This approach likely won't help you if you sell directly to the public, but if you're in B2B sales and the prospect has gone cold, you should look for another way in. ...
  2. Research and personalize. ...
  3. Do something unusual. ...
  4. Throw a Hail Mary.
Jan 27, 2022

What is the best time of day to call a prospect? ›

The best times to cold call are between 9 am - 4 pm while most prospects are at work, and 10 am - 2 pm provides the best response times. This is according to data collected and analyzed by PhoneBurner.

How often should you prospect in real estate? ›

Real estate prospecting is a numbers game, so set a realistic goal for yourself to make sure you're giving yourself the best chance. For new agents, five contacts per day is a good place to start, and more seasoned agents could up this to ten or 15 contacts as you gain confidence and experience in the industry.

Is cold calling really necessary? ›

Cold calling is excellent training, especially for newbie sales reps. It allows you to practice your sales pitch over and over until it's perfected. Once you have a few conversations with prospective clients, it can also help by allowing you to gain real-time feedback so you can adjust your pitch as needed.

What is the final step of prospecting? ›

The last two stages are the qualified prospect and customer. Qualified prospects are those who have the budget, authority, need, and timing. These individuals will eventually complete the sales process, become your customers and boost profits for your business.

Which prospecting method is currently one of the most widely and successfully used? ›

According to research by Rain Groups, picking up the phone is still one of the most effective sales prospecting methods. In the study above, it's important to note that buyer personas prefer different prospecting methods. The study indicated that the buyers who prefer phone calls are: Tech buyers (54%)

How many steps are there in prospecting? ›

Basically, selling is a six-step process, which starts with sales prospecting and qualifying, and followed by The Preparation, The Presentation, Handling Objectives, Closing the Sale and Follow-up.

Which is first lead or prospect? ›

Leads and opportunities are essentially at opposite ends of the sales funnel. You want to qualify leads, thus making them prospects, and then nurture those prospects into promising opportunities. The journey of lead to prospect to opportunity is a pathway to success.

What are the 4 pillars theory? ›

The four pillars or beliefs of Theory of Constraints (TOC) Management Philosophy are Inherent simplicity, inherent harmony, the inherent goodness of people and inherent potential.

What are the methods of ore prospecting? ›

Five major geophysical methods—magnetic, gravimetric, electrical, radiometric, and seismic—are successfully utilized in mineral exploration. Some of these methods require complex and costly instruments and highly trained operators.

What are the 4 strategic types? ›

4 key strategy types
  • Business strategy. A business strategy typically defines how a company intends to compete in the market. ...
  • Operational strategy. Operational strategies focus on a company's employees and management team. ...
  • Transformational strategy. ...
  • Functional strategy.
May 3, 2023

Which prospecting method is the most effective and why? ›

Cold calling is probably one of the most popular and effective sales prospecting methods of reaching out to your prospects. Also, you can easily turn your cold call intention into the warm one if you use the “Go Online” prospecting method effectively.

What is one of the most effective prospecting sources? ›

Top 5 Sales Prospecting Techniques
  • Cold emailing. Email prospecting is a helpful strategy to generate leads and secure an initial meeting or phone call. ...
  • Cold calling. You may call 80 prospects and only talk to five individuals, which results in one warm lead. ...
  • Social selling. ...
  • Asking for referrals. ...
  • Attending events.
Jan 14, 2020

What are the 4 strategic options? ›

The four marketing strategic alternatives categories include diversification, product development, market development, and market penetration. Companies can use these strategies as a blueprint to achieve their goals.

Why is prospecting so challenging in sales? ›

The inherent challenge of prospecting is not knowing how a lead will respond to an often overtly forward inquiry about their interest in a sale. This relatively direct process can sometimes be uncomfortable for salespeople and prospects, but these interactions are simply a reality of the sales cycle.

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.