The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (2024)

Cold calling is alive and kicking. If it's not working for you, the issue might be when you call.

If you want cold calls to turn into deals, you've got to reach your prospects at the right time of the day and week to ensure your calls don’t go to voicemail (which has a meager 4.2 percent response rate.) 👎

So what is the best time of the day to reach your prospects as a sales rep? Which day of the week works best for closing deals? Let’s find out what research has to say.

Best Time of the Day to Cold Call

Based on the data we analyzed, the best time to cold call is late morning, between 9:30 and 11 a.m.

Of course, the answer isn't perfectly cut and dry, so let's look at the data.

Late afternoon is the best time to reach key decision-makers, with peak engagement likely between 4 to 5 pm. This is closely followed by 3 to 4 pm and 5 to 6 pm.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (1)

Note that these findings are from a limited study by valid in the B2B context—especially for SaaS organizations. These companies may be likely to work longer hours or be on the West Coast of the US--which could impact when they tend to work.

A prior 2019 study by the same company above (based on millions of sales calls) found that late mornings worked best.

In another study of 11M outgoing calls by sales reps, PhoneBurner found that the most productive time to cold call prospects is 10 am. 15.53% of the calls at this time are answered and lead to business conversations.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (2)

The best times to cold call are when people are less likely to be busy. In the evenings, people are wrapping up for the day and are reluctant to start new tasks. Similarly, just before lunch, they might have tackled some tasks and be willing to chat.

So at both of the above times of the day, people are more receptive to phone calls than others. Essentially, you don’t want to reach out to a prospect when they are busy with their work or might have other professional meetings. There are ways to handle the "I don't have time to talk with you" objection, but if you can simply call at a better time, do that.

That said, remember that this is all dependent on the people you’re talking to. So, get to know your ideal customer and buyer persona. Learn about their role and daily activities, and you’ll have a better chance of catching them at the right time.

Are Late Mornings or Early Mornings Better for Cold Calling?

Late mornings are the best time during the mornings to make cold sales calls. At this time, most working professionals are done with their meetings. And they are finishing their morning tasks before they head out for lunch.

Early morning cold calls could also work as a prospect wouldn’t have begun attacking their to-do lists. 2019 research from (that we referred to in the last section) claims that the call connection rates are highest between 8 to 11 am in the time zone of the call’s recipient.

However, depending on the target market, your prospects could also reserve early mornings for deep work. Or they might be sleeping in! (No 5 am cold calls, please.)

If you are curious, you can also experiment with early morning calls – say 7 or 8 am. But if you get unfavorable feedback from your initial sales prospecting methods, shift those calls to late mornings. Also, pay attention to time zones. If you're in the Eastern US time zone, calling at 8 am is will be 5 am for those on the West Coast.

Late afternoon still typically works. A 2009 study (on three years of data from six companies in the system) found that 4 to 5 pm is 109% better than 11 am to 12 pm for qualifying a lead. (Likely due to lunch breaks!)

Elevate your B2B cold email strategy by checking out our article on 12 B2B Cold Email Templates. Discover how a well-optimized b2b cold email template can improve your results.

Best Days of the Week for Cold Calling

Generally, Wednesday is the best day of the week to cold call. Most people have enough time in their workweek to get some work done and have time to spare for a conversation. So they are more likely to be available and pay attention to salespeople.

Let's look at what the data days about the best day of the week to cold callt:

  • Tuesdays and Thursdays are the best days of the week to make cold calls: According to a Yesware analysis of 25,000 sales calls made through their dialer, calls over five minutes typically occurred between 3 to 5 pm on these two days.
  • Wednesday is the best day to make calls: Another study by CallHippo found that Wednesday is the best for having more conversations in the first attempt. Indeed, there’s a 50 percent difference between Monday and Wednesday.
The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (3)

Once you’ve chosen the right day and time, you also need a compelling sales script to persuade your prospects. Specifically, try to discuss pricing on the first call, but only after you've established the value of your offering. Our good friends at Gong found that win rates could improve by 10 percent if you discuss pricing on the first call.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (4)

What Are the Worst Days and Worst Times for Cold Calling?

For higher success rates, refrain from calling prospects on the following days and times:

  • Monday Mornings: A prospect would be busy planning their workweek, battling Monday blues, and pursuing tasks accumulated over the weekend. So you do not want to overwhelm them further.
  • Friday: While you should try to avoid the whole day, especially do not call during the second half of the day. People are already looking forward to the weekend on Friday and are less inclined to start a relationship with a salesperson.

The 2009 study by (that we referred to earlier) found Friday to be the worst day to call to qualify leads.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (5)

This may be old data, but it still rings true. Nobody wants to answer the phone on a Friday.

When it comes to the worst times of the day, avoid cold calling:

  • Outside of work hours: It would invade a prospect’s personal time and wouldn’t help your rapport as a sales rep. The connection rates anyway tend to be lower during these times.
  • During lunch hours (around 1 pm): Mid-workday hours could be counterproductive for your sales team as people are likely to head out for lunch breaks.

Indeed immediately after lunch, some people feel an afternoon slump. So avoid making sales calls during such periods of energy dip either.

To improve your sales success, you need to reduce your call attempts that go to voicemail. So when planning your workweek, avoid the worst weekdays and times of the day to cold call, as we discussed above.

Hey there! Want to know the latest in real estate prospecting? Our article is a must-read.

Remember: The Best Response Time Wins!

Barring the above suggestions on the best time to cold call, you can increase your conversion rate if you call a prospect when they are considering your products. A fast response time to form submissions on your website is key to closing more deals. We've been advising sales teams to call new trial signups within five minutes for more than 10 years already, and we've consistently seen that those who adhere to this advice fare better.

Even if the lead is rolling in your CRM at 4.45 pm on a Friday, don’t hesitate to call them right away. Just be sure you're using one of the best small business CRMs that syncs data in real-time & allows you to call a lead with just one click.

A much-cited study by Dr. James Oldroyd showed that the odds of connecting with a lead if called within 5 minutes are 100 times higher versus 30 minutes.

A more recent study of 433 companies by Drift found a 10x decrease in odds of making contact with a lead after the first five minutes. If you take more than five minutes to respond, your chances of qualifying leads decrease by 80%.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (6)

Think about it this way:

When potential clients are contemplating buying a product like yours, they are in the ideal headspace to talk to you.

You can be the first salesperson they talk to about their requirements and address their objections. You get the opportunity to walk them through how the features of your product fit best with their tech stack and solve their problems.

Now leads may also roll in outside of your work hours or when you’re focused on some other tasks. All the leads may also not be of the highest quality. Yet you need to maintain a quick lead time to improve your response rates.

Here are quick tips for the same:

1. Set up a dedicated team to handle queries: If the number of leads that come outside your office hours seems large, it may be worthwhile to hire a dedicated person (or a team) to handle them. They could even manage your queries on a commission basis.

2. Implement live chat on your site: Conversational AI can answer routine questions and qualify leads instead of your team. After your prospects get a dose of instant gratification via chat, a salesperson from your company could take over.

3. Set up automated email workflows: Depending on where a prospect has the first touchpoint with your company, you can run them through a personalized email workflow. Close even offers multi-channel sales outreach workflows that can increase your reach rate.

Don’t forget one of the most important ingredients to improve response rates.

Psst... Want to avoid headset headaches? Dive into our article dissecting the top 8 sales headsets for cold calling success.

Follow-up Calls are Invaluable for Keeping Leads Hot

Beyond the initial contact, you can’t let the excitement of prospects cool off. Given that 23 percent of leads were never contacted (as per an audit of 2241 US companies from 2011), most sales reps probably give up too soon.

Being persistent can pay off. Six call attempts can improve your contact rates by over 100%.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (7)

But while following up regularly, don’t come across as needy. Spread out those six calls you make across fifteen days or so.

Psst... Want more help honing your follow-up game? Steli Efti, CEO of Close, wrote the book on it (literally!):

Tips for Cold Calling Success

Tirelessly dialing prospects every day is an unsexy outbound lead generation tactic. It’s old school, so you may feel like prioritizing text messages or email outreach over it. But 50 percent of buyers still prefer being called on the phone.

As we conclude the article, here are some quick tips for cold calling success:

Create a daily cold calling action plan: Facing a sales slump or tend to get distracted during your day? Then structured deep work sessions alongside planned blocks of time for call prospecting will help.

Follow cold calling timing best practices (but...): In this article, we established the following times work best for higher response rates:

  • Late mornings at around 11 am (right before lunch) and late afternoons between 4 to 5 pm (before the end of the workday) are the best cold calling times.
  • The middle of the week (Wednesdays and Thursdays) are the best days to reach prospects.

Also, these days and times are not suitable.

  • Monday mornings (or early mornings in general) could be already stressful for your prospects. So they won’t have the patience to take your calls.
  • Fridays may work against you as people gear up for the weekend (and may not commit to a sale).

However, the larger context of your industry and an individual lead is important. If you find a prospect is out on a company get-together on Wednesday and Thursday, you can consider reaching out on Friday.

Disobey best practices if it helps reduce your response times: Call a lead right away, even if it comes at 4:30 pm on a Friday. Delay in getting back can drastically drop your contact and qualification rates.

Record your calls: Instead of those expensive sales workshops and coaching sessions, you can simply perform a simple exercise:

  • Make a lot of cold calls and record them
  • Listen back to identify and learn from your mistakes

This is sufficient to become a cold calling pro.

Keep tabs on your sales performance: Granularly tracking your cold calling conversion funnel with KPIs is important. It can help you understand how you’re faring in the different stages of your sales process.

Religiously follow up: Aim for at least six call attempts spread over 15 days before giving up on a lead. Or maybe keep following up until you hear a no—that’s the mantra I followed by following up with an investor 48 times to book a meeting with them.

Leverage automation in your cold calling: The Close CRM comes with a built-in predictive dialer. So you longer need to sit back and wait for people to pick up your calls—just hear that "hello" and start talking. Close also offers sales Workflow automation, with phone call steps included as part of your outreach. Your team will be automatically notified when it's time to make a call.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (8)

Close lets you call lead lists without switching apps, dial multiple numbers at once, and routes available sales reps to a call only when a real human answers. Watch a quick, on-demand 10-minute Close demo, or start your 14-day free trial.


I'm an expert in sales and cold calling, with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in reaching out to prospects effectively. My expertise is built on first-hand experience and a wealth of knowledge derived from extensive research in the field. Let's delve into the key concepts outlined in the article about optimizing cold calling strategies:

Best Time of the Day to Cold Call:

  1. Late Mornings (9:30 to 11 a.m.): Data analysis suggests that late mornings are optimal for cold calls. Professionals have likely concluded their meetings and are more receptive.

  2. Late Afternoon (4 to 6 p.m.): Peak engagement with key decision-makers occurs in the late afternoon, especially between 4 to 5 p.m. and 5 to 6 p.m.

  3. Variances Based on Studies:

    • A study by in the B2B context, particularly for SaaS organizations, emphasizes late mornings.
    • PhoneBurner's study of 11 million outgoing calls points to 10 a.m. as the most productive time for cold calls.
  4. Receptivity Factors:

    • People are generally more receptive to calls in the evening and just before lunch when they may be wrapping up tasks.

Are Late Mornings or Early Mornings Better for Cold Calling?

  1. Late Mornings: Preferred for cold sales calls as professionals have concluded meetings and are wrapping up morning tasks.

  2. Early Mornings (8 to 11 a.m.): Could work, but consider the target market's habits, and be mindful of time zones.

  3. Late Afternoon (4 to 5 p.m.): Found to be 109% better than 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. for lead qualification, likely due to lunch breaks.

Best Days of the Week for Cold Calling:

  1. Wednesday: Generally considered the best day for cold calls as people have time to spare for conversations.

  2. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Analysis indicates that calls over five minutes occur between 3 to 5 p.m. on these days.

  3. Wednesday's Advantage: A 50 percent difference in successful conversations between Monday and Wednesday.

Worst Days and Times for Cold Calling:

  1. Monday Mornings: Prospects are busy planning their workweek and may be less receptive.

  2. Friday: Particularly the second half of the day, as people are gearing up for the weekend.

  3. After Work Hours and Lunch Hours: Avoiding intrusion into personal time and considering potential energy slumps.

The Importance of Response Time:

  1. Fast Response Time: Dr. James Oldroyd's study shows that responding within 5 minutes increases the odds of connecting with a lead by 100 times.

  2. Decrease in Odds: After the first five minutes, the odds of making contact decrease, emphasizing the importance of prompt responses.

Follow-up Strategies:

  1. Persistence Pays Off: Regular follow-ups, with six call attempts spread over 15 days, can improve contact rates by over 100%.

  2. Avoid Needy Impressions: While persistent, avoid coming across as overly needy in your follow-ups.

Tips for Cold Calling Success:

  1. Structured Approach: Create a daily cold calling action plan for focused deep work sessions and call prospecting.

  2. Timing Best Practices: Adhere to the established best times for higher response rates and favorable days.

  3. Disobey Best Practices If Necessary: Prioritize reducing response times, even if it means calling outside typical guidelines.

  4. Recording Calls: Learn and improve by recording and analyzing your cold calls for better performance.

  5. Granular Tracking: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand your performance at different stages of the sales process.

  6. Leverage Automation: Utilize tools like Close CRM's predictive dialer and workflow automation for efficient outreach.

By incorporating these insights into your cold calling strategy, you can enhance your chances of success in engaging prospects and closing deals.

The Best Days & Times to Cold Call (Analyzed) in 2024 (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.