The most boring person in the world works in data analytics, likes watching TV, and lives in a town, scientists say (2024)

  • Scientists say they've identified the jobs, hobbies, and traits deemed to be the most boring.
  • Data analysis is considered the most bland job and sleeping is among the most boring "hobbies."
  • Researchers want to understand how the perception of being boring affects a person's relationships.

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The "most boring person in the world" works in data analysis, lives in a small town, and enjoys watching TV in their spare time, according to scientists, who claim they've identified what makes a person least interesting.

Social scientists have long been fascinated with the concept of boredom. Although it can have some supposed benefits for creativity and productivity, when it comes to careers, many people tend to fear being bored. Even worse, they fear being labeled a bore by others — and the potential stigma that comes with it.

Psychologists from the University of Essex, University of Limerick, and the London School of Economics wanted to understand the latter.

As part of the study, published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, researchers examined 500 people across five individual studies.

They first asked participants to list the occupations, hobbies and characteristics they deemed to be most boring. People working in data analysis, accounting, tax/insurance, cleaning, and banking were listed as having the most boring professions.

Sleeping, religion, TV, watching animals, and mathematics, were seen to be the five most boring hobbies, by participants.

Researchers then wanted to analyse the potential impact this perception could have on a person's relationships with colleagues and peers.

It's potentially negative. Participants were more likely to want to avoid peers deemed to be highly boring. When asked, hypothetically, how much they would expect as compensation if they were they asked to spend time with a boring person, the average answer was $35 a day.

Being seen as boring could impact someone's career and relationships, say the researchers

Wijnand Van Tilburg, senior lecturer at University of Essex's department of psychology and co-author of the study, suggests its findings could provide insight into the real-life impact of what happens when a person is deemed to be bland.

"Perceptions can change but people may not take time to speak to those with 'boring' jobs and hobbies, instead choosing to avoid them," Van Tilburg said in a release on the university website.

Boring people were also deemed to be generally less competent and less warm by their peers in the study, which could increase their chances of being ostracized.

Van Tilburg added that boring people often don't get the chance to prove these negative stereotypes wrong. "The very fact that people choose to avoid them can lead to social ostracization and increase loneliness leading to a really negative impact on their lives," he said.

How a person is seen is likely to depend on the context, and by whom they're being perceived. As Tilburg highlights: "The truth of the matter is people like bankers and accountants are highly capable and have power in society — perhaps we should try not to upset them and stereotype them as boring!"

The most boring person in the world works in data analytics, likes watching TV, and lives in a town, scientists say (2024)


The most boring person in the world works in data analytics, likes watching TV, and lives in a town, scientists say? ›

The answer is a religious data entry worker, who likes watching TV, and lives in a town, according to the researchers from the University of Essex. The research data comprised of more than 500 people across five experiences where they studied a number of professions.

Who is the most boring person works in data analytics? ›

The "most boring person in the world" works in data analysis, lives in a small town, and enjoys watching TV in their spare time, according to scientists, who claim they've identified what makes a person least interesting. Social scientists have long been fascinated with the concept of boredom.

Why is data analyst the most boring job? ›

Yes, being a Data Analyst could be boring

Because it might not be challenging enough for us. So what we really need is a 'challenge room' that comes from the questions of decision makers (stakeholders) or can also come from our 'anxiety' and 'wild ideas' as a data analyst.

Who is the most boring person in the world? ›

They found that the most boring person in the world is a religious data entry worker who likes watching TV and lives in a town. This study by the University of Essex also revealed jobs, characteristics, and hobbies considered a stereotypical snooze. Scientists volunteered 500 people across five experiments.

What is the most boring job in the world? ›

Top 38 Most Boring Jobs In The World 2023
  • Project Management. ...
  • Financial services and Banking. ...
  • Printer Paper Feeder. ...
  • Milk Bottle Squeezer. ...
  • Questionnaire Coder. ...
  • The Fire Checker. ...
  • Scanned Documents Typist. ...
  • Paint Watcher. The person who literally has to watch paint dry.

Is data scientist a boring job? ›

The one thing that is true in roaming rumors that data science jobs do have repetitive tasks. Despite this, data scientists enjoy their work. You'll enjoy anything if you're good at it.

Is it boring being a data scientist? ›

Data Science can be boring

Those algorithms are extremely fascinating and take a very different approach to solving problems than traditional programming. But building those models is only 10% of the work a Data Scientist is doing.

How stressful is data analyst job? ›

Several data professionals have defined data analytics as a stressful career. So, if you are someone planning on taking up data analytics and science as a career, it is high time that you rethink and make an informed decision.

Do data analysts enjoy their job? ›

It takes a lot of creativity and problem-solving skills to be able to think outside of the box and find new solutions. I like being challenged, and I love the thrill of finding a solution to a problem that we spent months trying to solve. It's that sense of accomplishment that makes me love my job.

Are data analysts happy with their job? ›

According to Payscale reviews from 3,118 respondents, data analysts report a job satisfaction rating of 3.75 out of five.

What is the personality of a boring person? ›

"Our research shows that people who possess stereotypically boring features are perceived as both less interpersonally warm and less competent, and they elicit social avoidance by others," write the researchers.

What is the personality of a boring? ›

Boring people are predictable. They use too many tired cliches. They agree too readily and too often, and they rarely express any strong opinions of their own. Bores can sometimes be overly-solicitous—they appear too nice, always complimenting others over and over again.

What are the habits of extremely boring people? ›

Sleeping, religion, watching TV, observing animals and mathematics were the five most boring hobbies according to the participants.

What is the most fun job ever? ›

12 of the most fun jobs in every field
  • Novelist.
  • Race car driving instructor.
  • Food critic.
  • Event planner.
  • Sommelier.
  • Race car mechanic.
  • Video game designer.
  • Voice-over artist.
Mar 16, 2023

What is the happiest job in the world? ›

20 of the happiest jobs
  • Early childhood education teacher.
  • Sound engineering technician.
  • Event planner.
  • Plumber.
  • General manager.
  • Carpenter.
  • Esthetician.
  • Interior designer.
Mar 16, 2023

Is data science a happy career? ›

Data science is a fantastic career with a tonne of potential for future growth. Already, there is a lot of demand, competitive pay, and several benefits. Companies are actively looking for data scientists that can glean valuable information from massive amounts of data.

Are data scientists happy? ›

Data scientists are about average in terms of happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, data scientists rate their career happiness 3.3 out of 5 stars which puts them in the top 43% of careers.

Are data scientists smart? ›

Generally, Data Scientists and Machine learning practitioners are smart, meaning they have general technical intelligence that makes them formidable within their profession.

Are data jobs hard? ›

Data science is a difficult field. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is that it requires a broad set of skills and knowledge. The core elements of data science are math, statistics, and computer science.

Is data scientist a lonely job? ›

You don't like to work for long periods of time alone

This work is best done alone and with minimal interruption. If you are a highly social person and desire constant interaction, a data science career might be too isolating.

Can I be a data scientist if I'm bad at math? ›

Being mathematically gifted isn't a strict prerequisite for being a data scientist. Sure, it helps, but being a data scientist is more than just being good at math and statistics. Being a data scientist means knowing how to solve problems and communicate them in an effective and concise manner.

What is the hardest part of data analyst? ›

The hardest part of data science is not building an accurate model or obtaining good, clean data, but defining feasible problems and coming up with reasonable ways of measuring solutions.

Why not to become data analyst? ›

You're gonna have to know how to use all kinds of software applications. You're also gonna need to know how to program in Python, R and SQL. And if you don't love working on computers, then you definitely don't want to become a data analyst because that is basically the entire job. Well, it's about 80% of the job.

Is it hard to get hired as a data analyst? ›

In short: Data analysts are in high demand, putting newcomers in a great position. The jobs are there; as long as you've mastered (and can demonstrate) the right skills, there's nothing to stop you getting a foot in the door. CareerFoundry graduate Chad is a great example of this.

Which personality type is best for data analyst? ›

The average Data Analyst is likely a natural problem-solver: Perceptive, analytical, and detail-oriented. The average Data Analyst tends to be confident and insightful, enjoying deep discussion to understand a particular issue.

What kind of people are data analysts? ›

According to McKenzie, successful data analysts have strong mathematical and statistical skills, as well as: Analytical skills to gather, view and analyze information. Numerical skills to measure and statistically analyze data. Technical skills including software and scripting languages to organize and present data.

Do data analysts work long hours? ›

Generally speaking, Data Analysts can expect to work between 40 and 60 hours a week, typically on a Monday through Friday schedule, which would correspond with the hours the business or company is open. This often means a 9-5 or 8-6 day.

What do data analysts do all day? ›

Data analysts spend their workdays digging into big data and making it useable for the company they work for. This includes tasks like analyzing data systems, automating information retrieval and preparing reports that show managers how this data could be applied to their business model.

What are the cons of being a data analyst? ›

Data Analyst: Pros: Writing queries, free food, doing analysis, forecasting, creating graphs, creating presentations, flexibility to schedule. Cons: Communication, menial tasks unrelated to job, not feeling valued.

Is data analyst an introvert? ›

Data Analyst

The path to becoming a data analyst requires good organizational and analytical skills while offering an independent working environment, making it one of the best career choices for introverts.

How do you deal with a boring person? ›

Here are four suggestions:
  1. Find something redeeming about the person. You may be bored because you're just not that into what the person is saying. ...
  2. Get out your mental escape plan. ...
  3. Turn on your persistence switch. ...
  4. Look for openings to share your own viewpoints or observations.
Feb 20, 2016

How do you know if someone thinks you are boring? ›

7 Tips to Know If You're Boring Someone
  1. Repeated, perfunctory responses. A person who says, “Oh really? ...
  2. Simple questions. People who are bored ask simple questions. ...
  3. Interruption. ...
  4. Request for clarification. ...
  5. Imbalance of talking time. ...
  6. Body position. ...
  7. Audience posture.
Oct 6, 2011

Is it wrong to be a boring person? ›

If you're wondering, “Is it OK to be a boring person,” the answer is yes. In the grand scheme of things, a dull personality causes no harm to the world. However, you may wish that you possessed more sparkle. You probably want to be more exciting but lack the skills or opportunity.

What do you call an extremely boring person? ›

nounold-fashion person. dotard. dull person. fogy. fussbudget.

What is the emotion for boring? ›

Boredom is an emotion or signal that lets you know that you are doing something that doesn't give you satisfaction. Boredom could tell you two things: that you are not fully present and engaged in your current task or that your task is not meaningful to you.

What are some facts about a boring person? ›

Are you a boring person? If you have several of these 11 characteristics, you just might be…
  • You watch too much TV. ...
  • You have nothing to add. ...
  • You talk (way) too much. ...
  • You talk (way) too little. ...
  • You're negative all the time.
Aug 21, 2022

Why did my life become so boring? ›

One of the most common reasons why you feel bored is because your life is becoming too much of a routine to the point where you know what to expect in all your days to common. There are too many mundane things in your life that you lack spontaneity and adventure, and this is why your life can be perceived as boring.

What makes a man boring? ›

A boyfriend who doesn't like to talk too much or doesn't like to get out of the house at all can be considered a boring boyfriend. Though their likes may differ from their partner, someone who's unwilling to do anything fun at all might be justifiably termed as boring.

Do most people find life boring? ›

A new study of 2,000 Americans examined how frequently in adult life we experience days with no fun at all and found the typical respondent experiences more than a third of their year as boring, dreaded or specifically not fun days.

What is an easy job that pays a lot of money? ›

Easy, good, paying jobs include pet care, dog walking, home sitting, technical writing, patient care, delivery driving, massage therapy, and political science jobs. Most of these jobs only need the skill set and perhaps a post-secondary qualification.

What is highest paying job in USA? ›

Highest-Paying Occupations
Physicians, all otherEqual to or greater than $208,000 per year
Physicians, pathologistsEqual to or greater than $208,000 per year
PsychiatristsEqual to or greater than $208,000 per year
RadiologistsEqual to or greater than $208,000 per year
17 more rows
Apr 4, 2023

What jobs require intelligence? ›

10 Careers That Require the Highest IQ
  • 10 Careers That Require a High IQ Score. It is often assumed that people who have attained success have impressively high IQs. ...
  • Doctors. ...
  • University professors. ...
  • Attorneys. ...
  • Engineers. ...
  • Scholars and scientists. ...
  • Specialists in material science and engineering. ...
  • IT experts.
Dec 12, 2022

What is the most paid job in the world? ›

So, given below is an updated list of the most paid jobs in the world.
  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ...
  2. Medical Professionals. ...
  3. Corporate Lawyer. ...
  4. Investment Banker. ...
  5. Data Scientist. ...
  6. Project Manager. ...
  7. Senior Software Engineer. ...
  8. Web Developers.
4 days ago

What is America's hardest job? ›

The toughest jobs have a lot of occupational hazards.
  • Taxi Driver. ...
  • Surgeon. ...
  • Firefighter. Average salary: $52,500. ...
  • Airline Pilot. Average salary: $93,300. ...
  • Teacher. Average salary: $60,477. ...
  • Healthcare Professional. Average salary: $69,870. ...
  • Oncologist. Average salary: $319,033. ...
  • Military Personnel. Average salary:$38,250.
Mar 17, 2023

What is the most peaceful job in the world? ›

100 Least Stressful Jobs (Find a Peaceful Work Experience That Fits You)
  • Accounting Clerk. The job of an accounting clerk is routinized and straightforward. ...
  • Actuary. ...
  • AirBnB Lister. ...
  • Art Director. ...
  • Art Model. ...
  • Artist. ...
  • Astronomer. ...
  • Audio Or Video Transcriber.

What is the most respected jobs in the world? ›

Doctors, scientists, and farmers are the most respected jobs. Reality TV stars and politicians attracted the least respect. The top factors that make a job respectable are caring for others, trustworthiness, and being essential to society.

What is the 1 happiest job in America? ›

Agriculture, logging and forestry have the highest levels of self-reported happiness — and lowest levels of self-reported stress — of any major industry category, according to our analysis of thousands of time journals from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey.

What type of person is good at data analytics? ›

The average Data Analyst is likely a natural problem-solver: Perceptive, analytical, and detail-oriented. The average Data Analyst tends to be confident and insightful, enjoying deep discussion to understand a particular issue.

What kind of person should be a data analyst? ›

pay attention to details and accuracy. be able to work as part of a team. be willing to keep up to date with any changes in data protection laws and the latest database technologies. have excellent communication skills, and to be able to explain technical issues, to non-technical people.

What personality for data analytics? ›

Soft skills and key personality traits play a big role. The most effective data analysts we've seen are creative, self-driven people – problem solvers with a flair for analytical challenges that they work through in a systematic way.

What personalities do data analyst have? ›

What makes a good Data Analyst? – 8 Pointers a good analyst should strive to develop
  • Be able to tell a story, but keep it Simple. ...
  • Pay attention to Detail. ...
  • Be Commercially Savvy. ...
  • Be Creative with Data. ...
  • Be a People Person. ...
  • Keep Learning new Tools and Skills. ...
  • Don't be Afraid to make Mistakes, Learn from Them. ...
  • Know when to Stop.

Is data analytics a stressful job? ›

Several data professionals have defined data analytics as a stressful career. So, if you are someone planning on taking up data analytics and science as a career, it is high time that you rethink and make an informed decision.

Is data analyst a skilled job? ›

A successful data analyst needs to have a combination of technical as well leadership skills. A background in mathematics, statistics, computer science, information management, or economics can serve as a solid foundation to build your career as a data analyst.

Is data analyst a high income skill? ›

These job skills may be rare, and they're often crucial to running a successful business.
1. Data analysis.
Job titleAverage base pay
Data analyst$67,179
Data engineer$94,327
Data scientist$102,994
1 more row
Apr 13, 2023

How smart do you have to be to be a data analyst? ›

While data analysts should have a foundational knowledge of statistics and mathematics, much of their work can be done without complex mathematics. Generally, though, data analysts should have a grasp of statistics, linear algebra, and calculus.

How hard is it to get a data analyst job? ›

In short: Data analysts are in high demand, putting newcomers in a great position. The jobs are there; as long as you've mastered (and can demonstrate) the right skills, there's nothing to stop you getting a foot in the door. CareerFoundry graduate Chad is a great example of this.

What personality type is most analytical? ›

INTP. Known as the Logicians, INTPs are analytical, flexible, and adaptable. Some of these traits may come across as critical, but it's important to remember that INTPs are always analyzing.

Which 4 personality types are considered to be analysts? ›

The personality types in the Analyst Role – Architects (INTJ), Logicians (INTP), Commanders (ENTJ), and Debaters (ENTP) – are known for their love of rationality. Because they share the Thinking trait, these types often aim to make decisions with their heads rather than their hearts.

What employers look for with a data analyst? ›

Most companies that employ data analysts require candidates to have a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Math, Statistics or a related field. Some employers may prefer or require their data analysts to have a master's degree in a field such as engineering or computer science as well.

What is data analyst greatest strength? ›

“I think the two biggest traits that are important for successful data analysts to have are extensive technical knowledge and strong communication skills. Technical knowledge is needed to complete the majority of a data analyst's responsibilities.

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