Farm data by state (2024)

Driving the rural highways of Illinois reveals mile after mile of corn, soybeans, and wheat. Recently I traveled to California and was driving on a long highway in the central part of that state. It was similar to the highways in my home state of Illinois, flat with small towns scattered along the way. However, the only crops I saw were irrigated almonds, grapes, and oranges. Around the edges of the fields, nothing without irrigation was green, not even weeds.

This got me thinking about perspective: We often don’t know much about the overall farm landscape in faraway states. The range and variation of income and farm size is wide, as evidenced by comparisons of farm income, farm size, and crop production in different states based on USDA data for 2019.

The state with the largest number of farms, by far, was Texas with 247,000 farms and 126 million acres of farmland and ranches. However, the largest number of farms and greatest number of acres of farmland did not yield the highest net farm income, which at a little over $5.5 billion collectively earned Texas only second place.

California put up $10.9 billion in net farm income coming from only 69,000 farms. Obviously, those are some large and profitable farms, because average net income per farm was about $158,000. At the other end of the net income spectrum is Alaska, where farms collectively netted a loss of $5.5 million, about $5,200 of loss per farm. No other state showed a cumulative net farm loss for 2019. Surprisingly, the largest state (Alaska) has even fewer farms than the smallest state (Rhode Island): 1,050 versus 1,100.

Rounding out the top five in farm net income per state are Nebraska with $4.1 billion, Iowa with $3.2 billion, and Washington with about $3 billion. The last one surprised me. Washington producers grow close to $2 billion worth of apples, and those apples are profitable, since Washington is only 12th in total farm cash receipts but fifth in farm net income. Farmers in Washington also raise cattle and produce a lot of dairy products and potatoes.

The tropical paradise of Hawaii is ahead of New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Alaska in farm net income with $111 million. A drive around the big island reveals thousands of acres of cattle plus goats and chickens wandering along the edge of roads. Hawaii’s 7,300 farmers working 1.1 million acres also grow macadamia nuts, coffee, papaya, and avocados.

Where Are the Farms?

Another surprise to me were the top states in number of farms. After Texas, Missouri had the second largest number of farms with 95,200. Divide the $2.3 billion in farm net income by that number, and it’s only $24,200 per farm. Third was Iowa, as one might expect, with 85,300 farms. Numbers four and five were Ohio with 77,800 farms and Oklahoma with 77,300. I was surprised that Nebraska, with the third highest farm net income, only has 45,700 farms, which is 18th in number of farms. The state has a large average size of farm at 983 acres.

The number of acres of farmland by state was intriguing as well. Texas towers above all other states in number of acres, more than twice as many as second-place Montana with 58 million acres of farmland. As expected, Montana’s top crop is cattle ($1.35 billion in cash receipts), but the wheat and hay income combined exceeds cattle revenue. Kansas is third with 45.7 million farmland acres. Cattle lead in cash receipts ($8.4 billion), but Kansas farmers also grow a lot of corn, soybeans, wheat, and grain sorghum, nearly $6 billion worth collectively. Rounding out the top five in farm and ranch acres are Nebraska with 44.9 million acres and South Dakota with 43.2 million acres. South Dakota has very balanced farm production between animals and grain at about $3.5 billion in cattle and hogs and about $3.8 billion in corn and soybeans combined.

The smallest three states in number of acres are New Hampshire with 430,000 acres, Connecticut with 380,000 acres, and Rhode Island with only 60,000 acres. Some individual farms in the Heartland are bigger than the entire inventory of farm acres in the State of Rhode Island. In fact, Bill Gates owns six Rhode Islands worth of farmland.

Ranking states by gross farm cash receipts reveals California with almost $50 billion, followed by Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, and Minnesota. (See the chart, above.) On a gross receipt basis, dairy products are the biggest crop for California. Corn is the top crop for Iowa and Minnesota, and cattle the biggest part of cash receipts for Nebraska and Texas. Most of the crops of the top production states are the usual suspects. However, Texas is also producing more than $2 billion a year in cotton and over $2 billion in broilers (chickens).

Perspective of Farm Size and Type

Other notable crops among the top 10 production states are turkeys in North Carolina and chicken eggs in Indiana. Hogs are not the top crop in any of the top 10 production states, but they are a major component of cash receipts in six of them: Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Illinois, North Carolina, and Indiana.

Another interesting statistic is that farm net income as a percentage of gross receipts is generally higher in the 10 states with the least farm production. Apparently, in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire margins are higher on crops such as flowers, vegetables, cranberries, melons, and turkeys — over 40% to net income on average. When you are farming 70 acres total, you need efficient crops.

While traveling around the country, I have noticed a big difference in what is considered a “large” or a “small” farm. In Kanawha County, West Virginia, where I was born, you’re lucky to find 5 flat acres. Twenty acres would be considered an enormous field. However, in Illinois, 20 acres is barely enough to entice a grain farmer to rent it. A quarter section (160 acres) is considered a decent-size field in southern Illinois, but in eastern Colorado a nonirrigated quarter section is considered a pip-squeak, barely worth messing with. On the flip side, the grain farmers I know in Illinois can’t imagine managing a 70,000-acre cattle ranch in Colorado or farming 10,000 acres of wheat by themselves. It’s all about perspective. The average farm size in China is just an acre or two, and they make a living on that.

Bottom line, people are farming millions of different situations in millions of different ways.

Farm data by state (2024)


Farm data by state? ›

Texas had the most farms in the United States in 2021 followed by Missouri and Iowa. Texas accounted for roughly 12% of the farms in the United States in 2021. Thirty nine (39) states had 12,000 or more farms in 2021.

What US state has most farms? ›

Texas had the most farms in the United States in 2021 followed by Missouri and Iowa. Texas accounted for roughly 12% of the farms in the United States in 2021. Thirty nine (39) states had 12,000 or more farms in 2021.

How do I find farm records? › (FSA Farm+)

Producers with accounts can now access farm records and maps online, the latest self-service feature added to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) website. You can quickly and easily access your land information in real time by desktop computer, tablet or phone.

What is the #1 Agriculture state in the US? ›

What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50)What US states produce the most food? (Ranking 1-50) California ranks first in the U.S. for agricultural cash receipts followed by Iowa, Texas, Nebraska and Illinois.

How many farms are in each state? ›

Farms getting government payments, by state, according to the 2017 USDA Census of Agriculture
StateNumber of FarmsPercent Receiving Government Subsidies
47 more rows

Which state is 90% farmland? ›

The United States had 895.3 million acres of land in farms in 2021. Texas had the most land in farms in the United States in 2021 followed by Montana and Kansas.

What state has the richest farmland? ›

1. California

It is recognized as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States. California's crops account for around 73% of the state's agricultural revenue, with livestock commodities accounting for the remaining 27%, allowing it to surpass all other states in terms of farm income.

How long do you keep farm records? ›

Keep all records of income or deductible expenses for three years after the filing date for income tax purposes. The Internal Revenue Service has a three-year statute of limitations on auditing a return.

What is a record of all items in a farm? ›

Farm inventory record is a written document containing the list of all items in the farm at a particular time. It is the complete account and evaluation of all assets and liabilities on the farm at a specified date.

What is an FSA map? ›

The FSA map is common name for a full page aerial map that contains land boundaries and acreage calculations.

What state has the least farms? ›

Surprisingly, the largest state (Alaska) has even fewer farms than the smallest state (Rhode Island): 1,050 versus 1,100.

Where is the most fertile land in the US? ›

Mollisols found in the Midwestern U.S. are the best for agriculture due to the grasslands that were present thousands of years ago. These prairies produced strong and fertile soils because after each year, the grasses would breakdown and contribute nutrients to the ground.

Where is the biggest farm in the US? ›

King Ranch, largest ranch in the United States, composed of a group of four tracts of land in southeastern Texas, totaling approximately 825,000 acres (333,800 hectares).

What is considered a large farm? ›

Midsize: 1582 acres. Large: 2926 acres. Very large: 4673 acres.

What is the average income of an American farmer? ›

For example Farm Market jobs pay as much as $17,867 (55.6%) more than the average Farmer salary of $32,133.

Why is farmland decreasing? ›

Urban sprawl has absorbed agricultural land for commercial, residential, and industrial development. While urban development converted mostly cropland, low-density residential development took an equal toll on cropland and pastures.

What state has the best soil? ›

The best states for farmland in the US include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

What is the cheapest state to buy a farm? ›

Investing in agricultural land can be a great opportunity to capitalize on the current market, with some states offering highly affordable farmland. North Dakota and Wyoming are two of the most cost-effective states for farming land, followed by Alabama and Kentucky.

Which farming is most profitable in USA? ›

Dairy Farming: Dairy farming is one of the most profitable agricultural business ideas. Aside from milk, it also produces manure. There is a high demand for organic dairy products all year round such as milk, cheese, curd, cream and so much more.

How much property does China own in the US? ›

China owns roughly 384,000 acres of U.S. agricultural land, according to a 2021 report from the Department of Agriculture.

What is the most fertile soil in the United States? ›

The Great Plains of the United States: This region is known for its fertile, dark, and rich soil. The Black Soil Belt in Russia: This region is known for its fertile black soil, which is rich in nutrients and ideal for agriculture.

Who owns the most US farmland? ›

People own most farmland. Some 2.6 million owners are individuals or families, and they own more than two thirds of all farm acreage. Fewer than 32,500 non family held corpor ations own farmland, and they own less than 5 percent of all U.S. farmland.

Can a farm show a loss every year? ›

As long the producer does not intentionally create losses in their farming, this should not be an issue. Losses can happen at every turn in farming not without anyone's help, the weather and grain/livestock markets are two great examples.

How long do you have to keep tax returns for a farm? ›

Keep records for 3 years from the date you filed your original return or 2 years from the date you paid the tax, whichever is later, if you file a claim for credit or refund after you file your return.

Which farm assets are deducted in the year paid? ›

Deductible farming expenses

Some of the expenses that farmers commonly deduct cover the cost of livestock and feed, seeds, fertilizer, wages paid to employees, interest paid during the year on farm-related loans, depreciation to recover a portion of equipment costs, utilities and insurance premiums.

What is cash record? ›

Cash Record means, in respect of a Participant in relation to a Business Day, a record or records kept by Austraclear of the Cash Elements of Cash Transactions of that Participant in relation to that Business Day which relate to a particular Nominated Account of the Participant and the result of those Cash Elements.

What is an input record? ›

n. a paper document containing information to be entered into an electronic recordkeeping system a file containing data (a record) used to update another computer file, especially a master file.

What is a purchase record? ›

Purchase Record means the documentation maintained by the Buyer recording the amount of the Goods removed from the Consignment Warehouse and taken over by the Buyer and specifying the amount of Goods the Seller is obliged to deliver to the Consignment Warehouse to maintain the minimum agreed levels.

What are the four types of FSA? ›

Types of FSAs
  • Healthcare FSA. The most common type of FSA is a health FSA, also known as a medical FSA. ...
  • Limited-purpose FSA. A limited-purpose FSA allows employees to pay for qualified vision care and dental expenses. ...
  • Dependent care FSA. ...
  • Adoption FSA. ...
  • Commuter FSA.

What does my FSA pay for? ›

An arrangement through your employer that lets you pay for many out-of-pocket medical expenses with tax-free dollars. Allowed expenses include insurance copayments and deductibles, qualified prescription drugs, insulin, and medical devices.

What is FSA database? ›

The Federal Student Aid Data Center is the centralized source for information relating to the federal financial assistance programs.

How many acres is a farm? ›

In 2017, there were 77,100 unique farms and ranches in the state, operating across 25.3 million acres (10,200,000 hectares) of land. The average farm size was 328 acres (133 ha), significantly less than the average farm size in the U.S. of 444 acres (180 ha).

Which state has the most female farmers? ›

Nationally women were 30 percent of farmers, but in states in the Northeast, Southwest, and West women comprise larger shares. Although Texas had the most women farmers, Arizona had the highest proportion of women farmers (45 percent of all farmers in the state).

What state has the largest average farm size? ›

The average farm size in the United States in 2021 was 445 acres, up 1 acre from the prior year. Wyoming had the largest average farm size in the United States in 2021 followed by Montana & Nevada. Wyoming and Montana are the only 2 states in the United States with average farm sizes over 2,000 acres.

Where is the richest soil in America? ›

Iowa has some of the most fertile soils in the world. this “black gold” is found in northeast Iowa's gently rolling terrain, molded by climate, water and plant life.

Where is most farmland being lost in the US? ›

Low-density residential (LDR) land use includes scattered subdivisions and large-lot housing, which fragments the agricultural land base and limits production. The Plains states are losing some of the most prime farmland in America, according to AFT. Kristopher Reynolds is the Midwest regional director with AFT.

Where is the cheapest place to buy a farm? ›

  • Eastern Ohio. $5,000/acre. ...
  • Southwest Iowa. $4,000/acre. ...
  • Southeastern Wyoming. $4,000/acre (irrigation in place) ...
  • Eastern North Dakota. $5,000/acre. ...
  • Eastern Oregon. $5,000/acre. ...
  • East-Central North Carolina. $6,000/acre. ...
  • Southeast Arkansas. $4,500/acre. ...
  • South Georgia. $3,500/acre. Annual land payment: $285/acre.
Mar 4, 2014

Who is the richest farmer in the world? ›

Most Richest Farmers in the World

Qin Yinglin is a Chinese businessman who founded the Muyuan Foodstuff Company, which is one of China's largest pig breeding and pork processing firms. As of 2021, Qin's net worth is estimated at over $20 billion, making him one of the wealthiest farmers in the world.

How much land does an average farmer own in US? ›

The average farm size for 2021 is 445 acres, up from 444 acres the previous year.

Who owns the largest cattle ranch in the US? ›

Waggoner Ranch
W. T. Waggoner Estate
CountryUnited States of America
Construction started1849
OwnerStan Kroenke
Grounds510,527 acres
2 more rows

How many acres can 1 person farm? ›

For someone who isn't farming as their full-time source of income, even one to three acres may be plenty of growing space for one person to maintain. This is particularly true if they do most of the work by hand and aren't using large mechanized equipment like tractors and combine harvesters.

What is bigger a ranch or a farm? ›

Both ranchers and farmers have big plots of land, but a ranch is usually bigger than a farm. This is because ranches have cattle for the purposes of producing meat and dairy products that are shipped out and purchased at grocery stores or served in a restaurant.

Who is the biggest farmer in the US? ›

Bill Gates

Is the average farmer a millionaire? ›

Farm Household Wealth and Income

Farm operator households have more wealth than the average U.S. household because significant capital assets, like farmland and equipment, are generally necessary to operate a successful farm business. In 2021, the average U.S. farm household had $2,100,879 in wealth.

What state has the most farms? ›

Texas had the most farms in the United States in 2021 followed by Missouri and Iowa. Texas accounted for roughly 12% of the farms in the United States in 2021. Thirty nine (39) states had 12,000 or more farms in 2021.

How profitable is owning a farm? ›

Average net cash farm income (NCFI) for farm businesses* is forecast at $92,400 for calendar year 2023, down 17.7 percent from 2022 in nominal terms. NCFI encompasses cash receipts from farming as well as farm-related income, including Government payments, minus cash expenses.

Why is farming no longer profitable? ›

Rising input costs, shrinking production values, commodity specialization, and challenges to land access all appear to be connected to declining farm operator livelihoods, the new study in Frontiers of Sustainable Food Systems concludes.

Is the world running out of farmland? ›

We don't have nearly as much farmland as we did in 1900 because as food production increases, its marginal value decreases relative to that of houses, shopping centers, golf courses, and more.

Is farmland still a good investment? ›

Farmland can serve as a cornerstone of a balanced, well-diversified investment portfolio. Commodity prices, including the cost of food, tend to rise with inflation. This strong correlation allows agricultural investing to protect against inflation, especially compared to high-volatility assets.

Does Texas have the most farms in the US? ›

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas has 247,000 farms — 12.3 percent of the U.S. total and by far the most of any state (Exhibit 2).

Where are the biggest farms in the US? ›

Ted Turner – 2.2 Million Acres (Not All Used as Farmland)

These ranches can be found primarily in Argentina, Kansas, Montana, South Dakota, New Mexico, and Nebraska.

Which state has the biggest farmers market? ›

Dane County Farmers' Market is the largest producers-only market in the country, founded in 1972 and operating each summer around Capitol Square in Madison, Wisconsin.

Which state has the least farmers? ›

According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, West Virginia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Alabama have the highest concentrations of family farms. In each state, 98 percent of farms were family farms in 2012. The states with the lowest concentrations were Nevada (94), Rhode Island (94), California (93), and Alaska (92).

What is Texas number 1 crop? ›

Of all the crops produced in Texas, cotton contributes the largest portion, 9% of the state's agriculture receipts. It's been a major crop in our state for over 100 years. As the top cotton-producing state in the U.S., our cotton production is also a critical part of the national economy.

Which state has more farms California or Texas? ›

Top U.S. states based on number of farms 2022

Texas was by far the leading U.S. state in terms of total number of farms, with about 246 thousand farms by the end of 2022.

Where does Texas rank in agriculture? ›

Texas leads the nation in number of farms and ranches, with 248,416 farms and ranches covering 127 million acres.

Who is the largest privately owned farm in the US? ›

The Microsoft co-founder is considered the largest private owner of farmland in the country with some 269,000 acres across dozens of states, according to last year's edition of the Land Report 100, an annual survey of the nation's largest landowners.

What is considered a big farm? ›

Large: 2926 acres. Very large: 4673 acres.

What is the largest ranch in the US? ›

King Ranch, largest ranch in the United States, composed of a group of four tracts of land in southeastern Texas, totaling approximately 825,000 acres (333,800 hectares). The King Ranch was established by Richard King, a steamboat captain born in 1825 in Orange county, New York.

Which state is better for farming? ›

The best states for farmland in the US include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

What state has the most farm workers? ›

There are 2.5-3 million farmworkers in the United States. The states with the highest farm- worker population are California, Texas, Washington, Florida, Oregon and North Carolina.

Which state employees the most farmers? ›

Geographic profile for Farmers, Ranchers, and Other Agricultural Managers:
StateEmployment (1)Location quotient (9)
1 more row

What state has the cheapest farms? ›

Texas. Texas tops the list of states offering cheap farmland. With its lengthy hot seasons and mild winters, the Lone Star State is especially ideal for growing cotton. The state is also a big beef cattle producer, so the price per acre may be lower due to the high demand for grazing land.

Why is America losing farmland? ›

One of the main reasons behind this trend is urbanization. Cities and towns are expanding into previously rural areas. And that often involves the conversion of farmland into residential, commercial or industrial land uses.

Why are US farms declining? ›

Rising input costs, shrinking production values, commodity specialization, and challenges to land access all appear to be connected to declining farm operator livelihoods, the new study in Frontiers of Sustainable Food Systems concludes.

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.