DTAA between India and USA (2024)

The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) is a treaty that is signed by two countries. The agreement is signed to make a country an attractive destination as well as to enable NRIs to take relief from having to pay taxes multiple times.

DTAA does not mean that the NRI can completely avoid taxes, but it means that the NRI can avoid paying higher taxes in both countries. DTAA allows an NRI to cut down on their tax implications on the income earned in India. DTAA also reduces the instances of tax evasion.


Mr X, a resident of India works in the United States. In turn, for the work done, Mr X is given some remuneration in the United States. Now, the US Government levies the Federal Income Tax on the income earned in the US.

However, there is a possibility that the Indian Government also charges income tax on the same sum, i.e. the remuneration earned abroad as Mr X is a resident of India.

To save innocent taxpayers like Mr X from the harmful effects of double taxation, the Governments of two or more countries may enter into an agreement known as the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA). Thus, Governments enter into a Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements with the intent of providing relief to the tax-payers:

  • By either exempting the income earned abroad in its entirety, (In our example, the entire income earned by Mr X in the US will be exempt in India);
  • By providing credit to the extent of tax already paid in the US (The tax paid by Mr X in the US will be eligible for deduction in India).

The DTAA applies to the residents of the contracting states i.e. India and USA, subject to certain exceptions.

Applicability of the agreement:

The DTAA applies to the following taxes:

United States:

  1. Federal Income Tax imposed by the Internal Revenue Code (IRC):The DTAA applies to the Federal Income Tax of the US or in other words, the US income tax. However, the agreement does not apply to the following taxes:
    • Accumulated Earnings Tax: This tax is usually levied on companies whose retention ratio of earnings is unreasonable. The main intention of the introduction of this tax is to encourage companies to declare a dividend to the shareholders.
    • Personal Holding Company Tax: This tax is levied on closely held corporations where earnings are retained with an intent to avoid higher individual tax rates.
  2. Social Security Taxes: This tax is leviable on salaried individuals as well as self-employed taxpayers. This amount is used for maintaining the social security of the nation.
  3. Exercise taxes imposed on insurance premiums and with respect to private foundations:The DTAA applies to the premium paid to foreign insurers only to the extent the risks are not re-insured with a person who is not entitled to exemption from such taxes.

In India:

  1. Income Tax including a surcharge (excluding income tax on undistributed income of companies)
  2. Surtax

Residential Status

Resident:A Resident refers to a person who as per the relevant laws of the Contracting States, i.e. India and the US are liable to pay tax by reason of domicile, residence, citizenship, place of management, place of incorporation, etc.

If a person is a resident of both contracting states, then residence will be determined as follows:

General Rule:Individual is deemed to be a resident of the state where his permanent home is available

Deemed to be a resident of the country in which:
A permanent home in both statesPersonal and economic relations are closer.
If the above rule is not determinable or no permanent home in either state is there
Habitual abode is present
Habitual abode in both statesHe is a National
National of both states or neither of them
Competent Authorities shall determine the residential status by mutual agreement.

Income from Immovable Property

General Rule:Income derived by a resident from immovable property is to be taxed in the state where the immovable property is situated. Eg: If a US Resident derives rental income from immovable property situated in India, then the rental income will be liable to tax in India. Applicability as per the agreement: For instance, the following points will be considered as income from the immovable property:

  • Income from agriculture or forestry
  • Income derived from the direct use, letting or use in any other form of the immovable property
  • Income from immovable property of an enterprise
  • Income from Immovable property used for the performance of independent personal services


General Rule: Dividend paid by a resident company of a contracting state to a resident of the other contracting state, may be taxed in that other state.
Eg: If a US Company pays a dividend to an Indian Resident shareholder, then the dividend income will be liable to tax in India. Further, USA (Company paying the dividend) also has a right to tax the said dividend in their state. However, if the beneficial shareholder is a resident of India i.e. a resident of the other contracting state, then the tax so charged shall not exceed:

(a)The beneficial owner is a company which owns at least 10% of the voting stock of the company paying the dividend15% of the gross amount of dividend
(b)Other Cases25% of the gross amount of dividend


General Rule: Interest arising in a contracting state and paid to a resident of the other contracting state may be taxed in that other State.
As per the DTAA, if interest income arises in India and the amount belongs to a US Resident, then the said amount shall be taxable in the US. However, such interest may be liable to tax in India as per the Indian Income Tax Act (ie the contracting state where the interest has arisen).
Exception : If the beneficial owner of the interest is a resident of the USA (resident of the other contracting state), then the tax charged in India shall not exceed:

(a)Interest paid on a bank loan (involved in bonafide banking business) or a similar financial institution (including an insurance company)10% of the gross amount of interest
(b)In other cases15% of the gross amount

Capital gains

Every contracting state may tax capital gains as per the applicable domestic law with an exception to shipping and air transport companies. In other words, generally, capital gains are subject to tax based on the domestic laws of the country. For eg: If a US Resident, say, Miss J, sells an Indian Property, then the property is liable to tax as per the Indian Domestic Laws.

Payments Received by professors, teachers and research scholars

Eg: If Miss K, an Indian Resident moves to the US to serve either as a teacher or as a research scholar at any University or College or Recognised Educational Institution, then Miss K may be exempted from tax on the fulfilment of the following conditions:

  • The engagement should be for a period not exceeding two yearsand
  • Immediately before the visit, the individual (Miss K) is a resident of the other contracting state (in our case India)

Note: This exemption shall be available for a maximum period of two years from the date he/she first visits that state for the aforementioned purpose. Additional Condition for Research: This exception shall be applicable only if such research is undertaken by the individual in the public interest and not primarily for the benefit of some private party.

Relief from Double Taxation

In USA:USA shall allow its residents’ credit against the US Tax with respect to:

  • Income Tax paid to India by or on behalf of such resident
  • If the US Company owns at least 10% of the voting stock of a company which is a resident of India and the US Company receives dividends, then the income tax received by the Indian Government from the Indian company with respect to the profits from which dividends are paid shall be allowed as a credit.

In India:If an Indian Resident derives income and the same is taxed in the United States, then India shall allow the amount equal to the income tax paid in the United States, as a deduction. However, such deduction shall not exceed the Indian tax paid on the foreign income earned. As per the agreement, income shall be deemed to arise as follows:

1Income derived by a resident of one contracting state (Eg USA)Taxed in another contracting state (Eg: India)
2Income derived by a resident of one contracting state (USA)Income not taxed in the other contracting state

However, for the purpose of ascertainment of the source of income, the domestic laws of the contracting states shall also apply.

DTAA between India and USA – Reporting in ITR

Non-residents in India must disclose and pay tax on any income generated outside of India, sometimes known as foreign income.

Foreign income and foreign assets earned by Indian residents should be reported in the Income Tax Return.

Schedule FSI (Foreign Source of Income)

The taxpayer should include information about foreign income, which is revenue obtained outside of India. Enter the following information:

  • Country Code - Choose the country where the money is earned.
  • Identification Number for Taxpayers
  • Income earned outside of India - Enter the amount earned outside of India.
  • Outside-of-India taxes - Income tax paid on earnings obtained outside of India
  • In India, taxes are levied. - In India, tax is levied on income received outside the country.
  • Tax relief is given if the tax paid outside India is less than the tax payable in India, whichever is less.
    appropriate DTAA Article - Enter the appropriate DTAA article under which the taxpayer claims tax relief.

Schedule TR (Tax Relief)

When a taxpayer enters information about foreign income on Schedule FSI, the information on Schedule TR (Tax Relief) is updated. The relief from double taxation is deducted from the tax calculation.

Schedule FA (Foreign Assets)

If the taxpayer holds any foreign assets outside India, they must report it under Schedule FA i.e. Foreign Assets.

Form 67

To claim the overseas tax credit, the taxpayer must first file Form 67 on the income tax website before filing Form 1040. Form 67 contains information on foreign income and tax breaks.

DTAA between India and USA (1)

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DTAA between India and USA (2024)


What is the DTAA rate between India and USA? ›

@15% where tax resident of USA is beneficial owner of equity shares as not exceeding the 10% total equity share of Indian bank or financial institution.

What is Article 10 of DTAA between India and USA? ›

ARTICLE 10 - Dividends - 1. Dividends paid by a company which is a resident of a Contracting State to a resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other State.

How can I claim DTAA benefit in India? ›

How to avail benefits under DTAA:
  1. Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) obtained from Government of home country.
  2. Self-attested copy of Passport and Visa.
  3. Indemnity-cum-declaration (in case of Banks)
  4. OCI card (if applicable)
  5. Self-attested copy of PAN Card (if available)

What is Article 5 of DTAA between India and USA? ›

5. For the purposes of this Article, interest on funds connected with the operation of ships or aircraft in international traffic shall be regarded as profits derived from the operation of such ships or aircraft, and the provisions of Article 11 (Interest) shall not apply in relation to such interest.

How is Indian income taxed in USA? ›

Any income from dividends in India is tax-free. However, in the US, dividends are added to the total income and taxed. How to report for taxes: NRIs need to report “Interest and dividends “income in Schedule B of Form 1040. Form 1116 can be used for foreign tax credits.

Is money received from USA taxable in India? ›

The foreign income i.e. income accruing or arising outside India in any financial year is liable to income-tax in that year even if it is not received or brought into India. There is no escape from liability to income-tax even if the remittance of income is restricted by the foreign country.

How do I claim DTAA benefits in USA? ›

As per the DTAA agreement between India and the USA, the same income is not taxable in both countries. Thus, if you have paid tax on such income in USA, you can claim the credit of such tax paid by filing Form 67.

What is Article 21 of the DTAA with USA? ›

Article 21(1) provides an exclusive right to the Residence State on income not dealt with in the foregoing Articles of this Convention . However, paragraph 3 of the UN Model gives right to tax such income to the Source State as well. 2.

What is Article 23 of DTAA between India and USA? ›

Where a resident of India derives income which, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, may be taxed in the United States, India shall allow as a deduction from the tax on the income of that resident an amount equal to the income-tax paid in the United States, whether directly or by deduction.

How can we avoid double taxation in India? ›

How to avoid juridical double taxation? The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) helps you avoid paying taxes in both your home country and the country you reside. The tax treaty is signed by India and another country to avoid double taxation.

What are the tax documents required as per DTAA in India? ›

  • Form 10F (Click to download format)
  • Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) in original (Click to download application format)
  • Self Declaration from NRI (Click to download format)
  • Self attested copy of PAN Card.
  • Self attested copy of Passport and VISA/PIO Card.

What is Article 16 of DTAA between India and USA? ›

Article 16 of the DTAA Section 90(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 give powers to central government to enter into agreements with foreign countries to grant relief from payment of Income Tax chargeable under the Act to promote mutual economic relations, trade and investment.

What is Article 11 of the DTAA with USA? ›

Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement – Article 11 Taxation of Interest. This Article provides the right to both the countries in respect of taxation of interest. Generally, the interest is taxed in the sourced country at a given rate on gross basis.

What is Article 4 of the double taxation Avoidance Agreement DTAA? ›

Article 4 provides the criteria, as to who or which person, shall be considered a resident of a Contracting State. In case the application of such a criterion results in dual residency, the rules of determining the residential status of a person (tie breaker rule) are generally provided in the tax Treaty.

What is Article 20 of the US Indian Tax Treaty? ›

ARTICLE 20 – Students and Trainees

payments received from abroad for the purpose of his maintenance, education, study, research or training. grants or awards from a government, scientific, educational or other tax-exempt organization. income (not in excess of $5,000) from personal services performed in the US.

How much tax NRI has to pay in India? ›

When NRIs invest in certain Indian assets, they are taxed at 20% on the income earned. If the special investment income is the only income the NRI has during the financial year and TDS has been deducted, then such an NRI is not required to file an income tax return.

How much foreign income is tax free in USA? ›

If you're an expat and you qualify for a Foreign Earned Income Exclusion from your U.S. taxes, you can exclude up to $108,700 or even more if you incurred housing costs in 2021. (Exclusion is adjusted annually for inflation). For your 2022 tax filing, the maximum exclusion is $112,000 of foreign earned income.

How much income is tax free in USA? ›

In 2021, for that same age and filing status, the income threshold was $12,550.

Is money taxable in USA if I receive it from overseas? ›

Americans who receive financial gifts from foreign loved ones won't have to pay taxes on the transfer. However, if you yourself sent funds to an American while abroad, you might. Recipients of foreign inheritances typically don't have a tax liability in the United States.

How can I transfer large amount from USA to India? ›

To transfer money from USA to India online, you can avail of the telephonic or wire transfer facility. The Indian bank will have correspondent banks through which such a transfer takes place. If your bank is part of the SWIFT network, the money can also be transferred through SWIFT.

What is Article 25 of DTAA with USA? ›

(a) Where a resident of India derives income which, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, may be taxed in the United States, India shall allow as a deduction from the tax on the income of that resident an amount equal to the income-tax paid in the United States, whether directly or by deduction.

How can the US expats avoid double taxation? ›

Foreign Tax Credit

Well, if you qualify for the Foreign Tax Credit, the IRS will give you a tax credit equal to at least part of the taxes you paid to a foreign government. In many cases, they will credit you the entire amount you paid in foreign income taxes, removing any possibility of US double taxation.

What is the DTAA law in India? ›

DTAA stands for Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, which is a bilateral agreement between India and another country. The purpose of DTAA is to prevent double taxation of the same income in both countries. India has signed DTAA with more than 90 countries around the world to provide relief from double taxation.

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