Expats Can Struggle To Find Their Feet But Most Stay For The Long Term - Expat Network (2024)

Expats Can Struggle To Find Their Feet But Most Stay For The Long Term

Expats Can Struggle To Find Their Feet But Most Stay For The Long Term - Expat Network (1)

A recent international study on the global professional workforce carried out by Expat Explorers founded by Helen McClure looks at how long it takes people to settle into expat life and how long they live as expats. The results have formed the basis of her book,Do they eat soup in England?

Although it takes nearly a quarterof expats more than a year to feel settled, on averagethey go on to spend between five and 10 years abroad, according to a new study.

The survey, which recorded feedback from 61 nationalitiesbased in 56 countries, indicts that most expats don’t just move to one place – around 80% of expats have lived in two or more countries. Opportunities to move appear to be greater once people become an expat, particularly in countries with labour or skills shortages. Only 19% have only lived in one country.

Unsurprisingly, the main reason people move to a new country is for work opportunities (66%). Just over 13% moved for a cultural experience and 6% moved for financial reasons.

The top three advantages of expat life were cultural experience (32%), being financially better off (26%) and travel (16%).

It appears to take most people between six and 12 months to feel settled (31%); 19% took between three and six months; For 23% the process took more than a year. Some people (6%) never feel settled. This can contribute to expats returning home early, or unhappiness if they stay.

How quickly someone settles is as much about what they have left behind, as it is about getting to grips with their new surroundings. Missing family and friends were the top reasons respondents cited for missing home (62% combined). 10% stated countryside, 3% said weather. A further 2% missed their working life.

Just over 4% of expats returned home after a year. Although a small proportion,according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN’s migration agency: “The international migrant population globally has increased in size but remained relatively stable as a proportion of the world’s population.”This figure is around 3% of the general population.

The financial ramifications for corporations and employers can be great, in terms of replacing staff and making repatriation arrangements.

Helen McClure, who conducted the study for a new book designed to support expats and repats, said: “Employers are in a great position to reduce costs and employee turnover by preparing expats, and their families. It is often the trailing spouse that feels emotionally unprepared and unsupported, especially if they have had to give up their job to become the enabler and move project manager. This is a role that is often overlooked.”

Nearly half of all expats (48%) find it difficult to return home. Survey respondents found it hard to connect with people who didn’t have the same experiences or broader world view. They found that friendships had changed and moved on, even if they’d made the effort to stay in contact while apart. This was either because friends had moved on, or the respondent themselves had changed.

One respondent said it was difficult to “find people who could understand our lives. [It’s] Like trying to explain Narnia to people who just see a wardrobe.”

Another respondent noted: “Reverse culture shock is a very real thing, you only remember the good of where you have just left and instantly forget the bad!”

Expats Can Struggle To Find Their Feet But Most Stay For The Long Term - Expat Network (2024)


What are the struggles of an expat? ›

5 challenges expats face when moving abroad for work
  • Saying goodbye to friends and (extended) family back at home. ...
  • Lost in translation! ...
  • Adapting to a new business culture and work environment. ...
  • Expat family? ...
  • Getting access to healthcare (and health insurance)
Mar 3, 2023

Where expats struggle most to get settled? ›

Meanwhile, the bottom three countries where expats struggle to get settled in include Germany, Japan and China due to difficult language barriers and a challenging digital infrastructure, Internations says.

What is the hardest part of being an expat? ›

Being an expatriate has downsides: living away from friends and family is difficult, and it could be harder than you think to settle into a new place at first. Friendships you thought were solid may grow cold and faced with missing out on important life events with your loved ones, you may feel disconcerted.

How long do expats stay? ›

It appears to take most people between six and 12 months to feel settled (31%); 19% took between three and six months; For 23% the process took more than a year. Some people (6%) never feel settled. This can contribute to expats returning home early, or unhappiness if they stay.

Why it is difficult to manage expatriates? ›

Culture Shock

The primary challenge of managing expatriates is culture shock. It's impossible to expect expatriates to acclimate quickly, if at all. Moving across the world and needing to adjust to a new culture, work environment, and social structure with no immediate support system is no small task.

What is expatriate problem? ›

Common problems expats face are loneliness, cultural differences, sorting out healthcare, cost of living, finding proper schools for children, learning the language, and relationship problems.

Where do expats live the most? ›

The top three countries for American expats are Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom, which are all popular for their proximity to the States and lower cost of living.

What is the number 1 place for expats? ›

#1 Valencia: Livable, Friendly & Affordable

Valencia places 1st out of 50 in the Expat City Ranking 2022, as well as 1st in the Quality of Life Index. Expats describe public transportation as affordable (85% happy vs. 70% globally) and love the great opportunities for recreational sports (92% vs.

What is the most livable country for expats? ›

Denmark. Denmark should be at the top of the list for expats searching for the best quality of life available. This small Nordic country consistently ranks highly in international surveys on factors like happiness, income equality, safety, and access to education. It's also a global leader in social welfare.

What is the hardest part about moving to another country? ›

Whether traveling or living as an expat, you need to accept getting buried in documentation. Working visas, health insurance, cellphone contracts are always challenging in a foreign country – especially in a foreign language. And then there's doing foreign taxes!

What is the best and worst country for expats? ›

The Best & Worst Places for Expats in 2022
  • Settling In Made Easy in Mexico. ...
  • Money Goes a Long Way in Indonesia. ...
  • Safe & Financially Stable in Taiwan. ...
  • The Bottom 10 Expat Destinations. ...
  • Struggling to Find Friends in Kuwait. ...
  • New Zealand Proves Too Expensive. ...
  • Hong Kong Offers No Room for Creativity. ...
  • Further Reading.

What state is best for expats? ›

What's the best state for expat taxes?
  • Alaska.
  • Florida.
  • Nevada.
  • South Dakota.
  • Texas.
  • Washington.
  • Wyoming.
Oct 25, 2022

How long can an expat stay in USA? ›

According to the IRS, a full day is a 24 hour period that begins and ends at midnight. For a full day to be counted, towards the 330 days, you must spend that entire day in a foreign country or countries of your choice.

Is an expat still a U.S. citizen? ›

Expatriation is the process of relinquishing U.S. status. It includes both U.S. Citizens and Green Card Holders (aka Legal Permanent Residents) who meet the definition of a Long-Term Resident (LTR). The baseline perspective is that formal expatriation rules apply to US Citizens and Lawful Permanent Residents.

Do expats still get Social Security? ›

Generally, we cannot pay Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance benefits to noncitizens after their sixth calendar month outside the United States. However, you might qualify for an exception, which could allow you to receive benefits without visiting the United States.

What are the 3 main reasons why US expatriates failed? ›

A number of reasons are commonly cited for expatriate failure, including social isolation, culture shock, family pressure and responsibility overload.

What are the major success factors for expatriates? ›

Pre-departure training

Cultural awareness. Information on their host country. Language training. Expectations around their role.

What kinds of problems do expatriates face when returning home? ›

The problems are:
  • Reverse culture shock - Expatriates can experience reverse culture shock, where they experience more challenges in reintegrating into their domestic environment. ...
  • New social environment - The expatriates may need to navigate a new social environment where they have to make new friends.

What are pros and cons for an expatriate? ›

Here are the pros and cons to keep in mind when deciding to live and work overseas.
  • Pro: Experience the Global Marketplace. ...
  • Con: Interrupted Career Progression. ...
  • Pro: Cross-Cultural Communication. ...
  • Con: Office Politics in a Second Language. ...
  • Pro: Diversify Your Income. ...
  • Con: Hidden Costs of Living Abroad.

What are the five 5 factors in expatriate selection? ›

Importance of expatriates selection criteria

The factors concerned within the expatriation selection area are 1) Technical Ability; 2) Cross-culture suitability; 3) Family requirements; 4) Organisation-Specific requirements; 5) Language.

What is the reason for expat? ›

An expatriate is somebody who has left their country of origin in order to reside in another country. Expats may leave home for work reasons and seek more lucrative employment in a different country. Expatriates may live for a while overseas or completely renounce their citizenship of one country in favor of another.

Where is the safest place for expats to live? ›

William Russell: Which countries are the safest to live in for expats?
  • Austria: 95% of expats feel safe in Austria.
  • Canada with its relatively low level of crime.
  • Denmark has a low crime rate and there's almost no risk of natural disaster.
  • Iceland has a very low level of crime, and high levels of equality.
May 26, 2022

What is the easiest country to move to from the US? ›

Portugal has a warm climate and a much lower cost of living than the US, which makes it one of the easiest countries to immigrate to from the US. Portugal is well known for its beautiful beaches, rich culture and history, and vibrant cities.

How many US citizens are expats? ›

In 2018, the Federal Voting Assistance Program estimated a total number of 4.8 million American civilians lived abroad, 3.9 million civilians, plus 1.2 million service members and other government-affiliated Americans.

Where is the best place to retire as an expat? ›

Countries Natixis ranked as secure retirement locations are mostly concentrated in Europe but also include New Zealand and Australia. The top three countries in the rankings are Norway, Switzerland and Iceland, all of which have life expectancies of 83 years, compared to 77 in the U.S. and the world average of 72.

What city has the most American expats? ›

10 cities outside of the United States with the largest population of American overseas citizens
  • Vancouver, Canada: 183,155.
  • Tel Aviv, Israel: 102,442.
  • Toronto, Canada: 78,371.
  • London, United Kingdom: 61,490.
  • Montreal, Canada: 44,597.
  • San Jose, Costa Rica: 44,191.
  • Quebec City, Canada: 37,002.
  • Tokyo, Japan: 34,302.
Oct 8, 2016

What country is the easiest to be an expat? ›

Portugal consistently tops lists of the best places for expats to live, and in fact, the number of Americans living in Portugal rose 45% in 2021, according to government data. For those looking into short-term relocation, Portugal is a great option.

What country has most American expats? ›

Download Table Data
Country2023 Population
United States339,996,563
220 more rows

Where is the most expensive place to live in the world for expats? ›

These are the world's top 20 most expensive places for expats to live (with the 2022 rankings in parentheses):
  • New York, US (2022 ranking: 2)
  • Hong Kong, China (1)
  • Geneva, Switzerland (3)
  • London, UK (4)
  • Singapore (13)
  • Zurich, Switzerland (7)
  • San Francisco, US (11)
  • Tel Aviv, Israel (6)
6 days ago

What's the cheapest country to live in? ›

Cheapest Countries to Live In
  • Vietnam.
  • South Africa.
  • Ecuador.
  • Costa Rica.
  • Malaysia.
  • Mexico.
  • Indonesia.
  • Bulgaria.

What are the easiest country to move to? ›

Top 5 Easiest Countries To Immigrate To In 2023
  • 1 – United States. The U.S. is arguably one of the best countries to immigrate to and can be one of the easiest, depending on your profession. ...
  • 2 – Canada. ...
  • 3 – Germany. ...
  • 4 – Australia. ...
  • 5 – Portugal.
Feb 20, 2023

What is the number 1 country people want to move to? ›

Which are the most popular countries for moving abroad?
The Top 10 Countries for Moving AbroadNumber of countries that want to move here the most
1. Canada30
2. Japan13
3. Spain12
4. Germany8
6 more rows

What is the biggest problem to work in a foreign country? ›

Expats have to adjust to working in an unfamiliar culture. The cultural differences and norms in the workplace are as significant as the changes in language, food, and dress around the world. They require respect and some extra work to adapt to the workplace.

Where are American expats the happiest? ›

The Winner: The Best Place To Live

The best destination to live as an expat in 2022? Mexico is the winner, with 91% of expats saying they are happy with their life South of the Border. Drilling down, Mexico ranks first for the ease of settling in and second for personal finances.

What is the hardest country to live in? ›

Of the 52 countries assessed in the new InterNations Expat Essentials Index 2023, Germany has been ranked as the hardest country for expats to start a new life.

Where is the best place to live in the United States? ›

The best place to live in the U.S. earned the top spot on U.S. News & World Report's list for a number of reasons. Good weather isn't one of them. Green Bay, Wisconsin, jumped two spots to become the best city to live in for 2023, according to the publication's annual ranking.

What state is best to retire for quality of life? ›

The best state to retire: Vermont

Vermont quietly has a lot going for it, including very good scores in public health, crime, quality of life, and cost of living. It also has lower-than-average housing costs as well as reasonable taxes for retirees.

Where is the best place to move out of the US? ›

Cyprus is a beautiful and highly developed nation with a low cost of living and a comfortable tax system. But there are many more: check our Best countries to move from the USA list. Greece, Cyprus, Andorra, Portugal, the Caribbean and Malta are among the most favourable places for US expats.

What is the longest a non US citizen can stay in the US? ›

When you enter the U.S., a customs officer will give you authorization to stay in the the country for up to six months. If you'd like to stay for longer, you may be able to apply to extend this for up to one year.

Do expats pay federal income tax? ›

1. Do expats pay taxes? Yes, you file a U.S. tax return if you're a U.S. citizen and make over the general income threshold — regardless if you live abroad or Stateside.

Do expats pay Social Security tax? ›

In general, U.S. social security and Medicare taxes continue to apply to wages for services you perform as an employee outside of the United States if one of the following applies: You are working for an American employer which includes: The U.S. Government or any of its instrumentalities.

Who is considered US expat? ›

When it comes to U.S. taxes, being an expat or expatriate has a clear-cut meaning — specifically a taxpayer who has given up their U.S. citizenship or abandoned their green card. We'll get to more about what it means to be an expatriate according to this definition in a moment.

Do expats file U.S. taxes? ›

Yes. If you are an American expatriate (expat), someone who moved from the U.S. and now lives abroad, you will need to file a U.S. tax return if you earned above the minimum income threshold. These gross income thresholds typically amount to the Standard Deduction amount for your filing status and age.

How much do US expats pay in taxes? ›

Some American expats who work abroad may also need to pay US social security and Medicare taxes on their earned income, especially if they are self-employed or work for a US-based employer. For the 2022 tax year, the rate for expat employees is 7.65%. For self-employed expats, however, the total is double, at 15.3%.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

To acquire the full amount, you need to maximize your working life and begin collecting your check until age 70. Another way to maximize your check is by asking for a raise every two or three years. Moving companies throughout your career is another way to prove your worth, and generate more money.

What happens to my Social Security number if I leave the US? ›

What happens to a Social Security account if an individual leaves the United States? The SSN number remains valid. However, generally, if an individual leaves the United States for more than six (6) months, he or she is no longer eligible for Social Security benefits.

Do expats get Medicare? ›

Remember, you can have Medicare while you live abroad, but it will usually not cover the care you receive. Most people qualify for premium-free Part A, meaning you will pay nothing for coverage. If you must pay a premium for Part A, be aware of the high monthly cost for maintaining Part A coverage.

What are the common tension faced by expatriate? ›

Challenges Faced by Expatriates Living Abroad

Expatriates need to learn cultural nuances, customs, mannerisms, and expectations. As an outsider in a foreign land, these things can be difficult to understand. Depending on your personality and situation, it can take a while to get settled into your new job.

What is the personality of an expat? ›

Flexibility, social sensitivity, optimism. Not to mention patience, good observation skills to work out how things work, curiosity, friendliness and a willingness to make a fool of yourself.”

Why do expats feel lonely? ›

Being an expat can bring a certain kind of loneliness. When you leave your home country, you tend to go away from your family, friends, and colleagues, and step into a new world where you are exposed to all kinds of challenges and difficulties. Let me offer three ways to get over that expat loneliness.

What are three personality traits common to expatriates? ›

A recent poll shows that the top three personality traits that lead to successful expat assignments are: flexibility, sense of humor, and resiliency.

What personality traits make the best expatriates? ›

8 Personality Traits Every Successful Expat Has
  • Global Curiosity. Being interested in and excited about new cultures is essential. ...
  • Emotional Intelligence. ...
  • Extreme Organization. ...
  • Cultural Adaptability. ...
  • Language Skills. ...
  • Flexibility. ...
  • Leadership. ...
  • Patience.
Mar 18, 2017

What is one benefit of an expat? ›

Independence. A common reason expats move abroad is to get away from the monotony of daily life in their home countries. Moving to another country gives you the opportunity to start anew, even in a different career.

What kind of people are expats? ›

An expatriate, or expat, is an individual living and/or working in a country other than their country of citizenship, often temporarily and for work reasons. An expatriate can also be an individual who has relinquished citizenship in their home country to become a citizen of another.

What is expat anxiety? ›

Expat anxiety is simply anxiety that one experiences as a result of living abroad. You might not know that you're experiencing it at first because the signs of anxiety can start subtly. For example, perhaps you find yourself irritable and in a negative mindset when you expect to be happy in your new home.

How do expats deal with loneliness? ›

Spending time learning the local language in your new location can help you immensely when navigating day-to-day activities. Getting even a small grasp on the local language will help you connect with locals, make new friends and settle in, helping you to fight off any feelings of expat loneliness.

How much money do you need to expatriate? ›

When you budget for a move abroad, you anticipate and save up towards those costs. The travel community online often suggests from $5000 to $8000 USD per person as a starting budget to move overseas.

What is the difference between an immigrant and an expat? ›

The difference between an expat and immigrant

Often, an immigrant is seen as someone who has moved to another country permanently, and an expat may be seen to have moved to a country temporarily. Expats may be more likely to move around than an immigrant. Both immigrants and expats often find work abroad.

How to be a successful expatriate? ›

Learn about local business and culture.
  1. Build a supportive professional and social network: Networking is critical to your success.
  2. Attend work events. ...
  3. Build a healthy friend group. ...
  4. Find a buddy before you move. ...
  5. Pay Attention to your Health. ...
  6. Find reliable, active people- who care about you.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.