Do You Have to be a Lawyer to Represent Someone in Court? (2024)

Do You Have to be a Lawyer to Represent Someone in Court? (1)

Posted by Ugur Nedim & filed under NSW Courts.

Most of the time, you do have to be a qualified legal practitioner to be able to represent someone else in court, such as a solicitor or barrister. This obviously benefits lawyers but it benefits you because lawyers are trained and experienced in attending court.

One reason for the reluctance of the court to allow just anybody to represent a defendant is the fact that lawyers are bound by specific rules which include an ethical code of conduct.

This governs the way that they can handle a case.

Obviously, those who are not qualified legal practitioners are not bound by the same regulations.

There is also a danger that a non-lawyer is uninsured. This means that they could potentially be putting you at risk.

Only on rare occasions will someone not qualified be allowed to speak to the court on behalf of a defendant.

One example of this is a Western Australian case, where the judge allowed two law students to represent a defendant in a criminal trial after legal aid was refused.

But the court stated that this was a “rare and exceptional” case, and was due partly to the fact that the accused suffered a severe hearing problem and when he spoke, it was hard to comprehend him.

In criminal cases heard in NSW, the law is that an accused person can be represented either by themselves, by their lawyer, or by anyone else who the court permits to represent them.

This means you will generally have two choices in court: get a legal representative or appear personally.

It is rare for a court to permit someone else to represent you and will only be granted in exceptional circ*mstances.

If you appear personally with no legal representation, you are allowed to bring along a person known as a McKenzie friend.

A McKenzie friend is someone who is not necessarily legally qualified but you may wish to have them with you in court anyway.

This person will not be allowed to represent you but they can inform you, support you and offer you advice on how to proceed.

A McKenzie friend may be useful if you don’t have a solicitor or barrister and would like the assistance of someone else.

Perhaps your McKenzie friend has legal knowledge but does not hold the right qualifications to represent you in court.

This may be the case if they are a lawyer overseas, or their practising certificate has expired and they did not renew it.

Alternatively, they may have no legal training at all.

This idea was cemented in our common law by an English case in the 1970s, which confirmed earlier case history.

The man in this case was going through a divorce from his wife. Although he was initially granted Legal Aid, by the later stages of his case, the legal aid was terminated.

Mr McKenzie was left without legal representation. His former solicitors decided to help him out and they did this by sending an Australian barrister to court with him free of charge, the idea being that the barrister could assist him.

Because he did not hold the relevant British credentials, the Australian barrister could not represent Mr McKenzie, but he intended to sit beside the husband in court and prompt him.

In court the trial judge did not allow this, stating that the Australian barrister was not entitled to help the husband.

Mr McKenzie appealed this decision by the trial judge and he was successful.

Every litigant is entitled to the help and support of a friend in court and the denial of this result may mean that natural justice is also denied. This case determined that a McKenzie friend is allowed to:

  • Prompt a litigant
  • Give advice
  • Make notes or suggestions
  • Suggest ways that the litigant could cross-examine witnesses

An unqualified lawyer cannot represent someone in court – that is, they cannot speak on behalf of the person involved in the case – but they can give general information on how to conduct the case, including suggesting which witnesses to call etc.

Exceptions where a McKenzie friend may actually represent in court will be very rare. Their role will be restricted to advising the party to the proceedings.

Another possible exception to the rule that only lawyers can represent you in court is where the court attendance is very straight-forward, such as a ‘mention’. Mentions include early court dates when you simply wish to adjourn the case to another later date. A person may ‘see the leave of the court’ to mention a case on your behalf. However, the court will only grant the ‘leave’ (ie permission) if the person has some form of legal training eg is studying law and is employed by a law firm as a legal clerk.

In the case of McKenzie friends, the court will normally need a good reason to exclude them.

In some cases, the court may remove someone acting as a McKenzie friend from acting if their conduct is such that it impedes the efficient administration of justice.

Examples of this would be if the McKenzie friend uses the litigant as a puppet, indirectly running the case, or being disorderly.

If the McKenzie friend wastes time or causes long delays unnecessarily, the court should give them a warning. If the behaviour continues, they may not be allowed to assist anymore.

However this intervention is rare as it is a general rule that a person who wishes to have a McKenzie friend present should be allowed to do so.

Anyone appearing before a NSW court anytime soon has the right to a McKenzie friend. Just remember that they must obey court rules and are not actually allowed to speak on your behalf or waste the courts time.

In addition, remember that a McKenzie friend is not a lawyer – there is a reason why they are not qualified, so remember that their advice may carry a risk.

Do You Have to be a Lawyer to Represent Someone in Court? (2024)


Do You Have to be a Lawyer to Represent Someone in Court? ›

In court cases, you can either represent yourself or be represented by a lawyer. Even for simple and routine matters, you can't go to court for someone else without a law license. Some federal and state agencies allow non-lawyers to represent others at administrative hearings.

Do you have to know how do you argue to be a lawyer? ›

A lawyer must be able to defend and argue on a client's behalf. They need to convince both a judge and jury that their client's claims are right.

What are the four responsibilities of lawyers? ›

  • Advise and represent clients in courts, before government agencies, and in private legal matters.
  • Communicate with their clients, colleagues, judges, and others involved in the case.
  • Conduct research and analysis of legal problems.
  • Interpret laws, rulings, and regulations for individuals and businesses.
Sep 8, 2022

Can a lawyer represent someone they know? ›

A criminal lawyer can defend someone they know is guilty as long as they do not lie or knowingly mislead the court.

Can a lawyer make you answer yes or no? ›

The court may order to answer yes/no first before the explanation. The explanation must be relevant to the yes/no answer. The court usually will not allow the witness to wander away from the question that was asked. It is also possible that a seeming yes/no question doesn't have a yes/no answer.

Is being a lawyer debating? ›

Primary duties: One of the primary responsibilities of a lawyer is to argue a case on behalf of their client. Lawyers debate with one another, working to secure the best possible outcome for their clients. They use the circ*mstances of the case and past legal precedents to make their arguments.

What type of lawyer makes the most money? ›

Patent lawyers are among the highest-paid types of lawyers and earn one of the highest median salaries in the legal field. These legal professionals advise clients about patents so their clients can obtain patents granted by patent offices around the world.

What skills should lawyers have? ›

9 examples of lawyer skills
  • Analytical and research skills. Lawyers rely heavily on their ability to perform deep research into topics related to cases they work on. ...
  • Attention to detail. ...
  • Organizational skills. ...
  • Time management. ...
  • Persuasive communication. ...
  • Written communication skills. ...
  • Interpersonal skills. ...
  • Technical skills.
May 26, 2023

What are the three roles of a lawyer in society? ›

A lawyer is a representative of the client or a neutral third party, a law enforcement officer, and a public servant who is especially responsible for the standard of justice.

What is professional negligence called? ›

The courts define malpractice as the failure of a professional person to act in accordance with the prevailing professional standards, or failure to foresee consequences that a professional person, having the necessary skills and education, should foresee.

What if a lawyer knows his client is guilty? ›

When a lawyer has actual knowledge that a client has committed perjury or submitted false evidence, the lawyer's first duty is to remonstrate with the client in an effort to convince the client to voluntarily correct the perjured testimony or false evidence.

Can you confess to your lawyer? ›

The attorney-client privilege is a legal protection that keeps communications between lawyers and their clients confidential. This means that you can tell your lawyer almost anything without worrying that it will be used against you in court.

Should you tell your lawyer everything? ›

A client should always feel comfortable telling their attorney the whole truth of the matter for which they are being represented. Any communications that take place with the purpose of securing assistance in a legal proceeding, legal services, or securing a legal opinion are protected.

What do you say in court when you don't want to answer? ›

Good ways to say anything but "No Comment" to questions you really don't want to answer: "I'm sorry but I'm not able to speak to that subject" "Thanks for asking but I'm not able to answer that question" "I'm sorry but that information is proprietary"

Can you just say I don't know in court? ›

Remind your witnesses that they must tell the truth. It is ok to say, “I don't know” or “I don't remember,” if that is the truth. Tip: You may want to write down ahead of time why you want to offer this witness or exhibit. Then, when the judge asks, you can answer even if you're nervous.

What is the cons of being a lawyer? ›

11 drawbacks of being a lawyer
  • High-stress situations. When you're in this profession, it's important to meet deadlines and the demands of your clients. ...
  • Long hours. ...
  • Expensive education. ...
  • Not as many client opportunities. ...
  • Client's aren't spending as much. ...
  • Threat of outsourced legal work. ...
  • Negative stigma. ...
  • Difficult clients.
Mar 10, 2023

What is the hardest thing of being a lawyer? ›

However, many lawyers find the hardest part of their jobs involves dealing with their clients.
  • Overzealousness. Lawyers often must deal with arm-chair attorneys -- the clients who believe they know more about the law than the licensed attorney they hired to represent them. ...
  • Moral Dilemma. ...
  • Interpretation. ...
  • Fees.

Is being a lawyer draining? ›

The hard truth is that the legal profession is extremely draining. When you choose to be a lawyer, you are choosing a path that often requires putting in long hours to study and prepare for each case. Clients can be demanding.

Can a lawyer be a millionaire? ›

Yes, lawyers can become millionaires.

This does not mean every lawyer can become a millionaire, however, this profession does present an opportunity for this achievement, and many lawyers have become millionaires through their legal work.

What lawyer makes the least money? ›

Legal Aid Attorney

Legal Aid attorneys provide counsel to people who cannot afford to pay for their own lawyer. These are public interest jobs that many lawyers get a great deal of satisfaction out of, even if they don't make a large amount of money.

Who is the highest paid lawyer in the US? ›

Who are the Richest Lawyers in America?
  • Peter Angelos—$2 Billion. Continuing with the sports theme, Peter Angelos is likely better known as a majority owner of the Baltimore Orioles. ...
  • Bill Neukom—$850 Million. ...
  • Judith Sheindlin—$440 Million. ...
  • Steuart Walton—$300 Million.

What type of personality do you need to be a lawyer? ›

Lawyers tend to be predominantly enterprising individuals, which means that they are usually quite natural leaders who thrive at influencing and persuading others. They also tend to be investigative, which means that they are quite inquisitive and curious people that often like to spend time alone with their thoughts.

What are soft skills in law? ›

Lawyer soft skills are valuable precisely because of their unhackability. You've seen the lists. A bulleted outline of empathy, communication, teamwork, problem-solving, time management, critical thinking, decision-making, dependability, leadership and integrity.

What verbal abilities do you need to be a lawyer? ›

Lawyers must have strong oral communication, strong interpersonal skills, and written communication skills to accurately relay critical legal information. As well, a significant portion of a lawyer's job is to create strong and convincing arguments which are presented in the courtroom.

What are the best part of lawyer? ›

The Top 7 Benefits of Being a Lawyer
  • Wide Selection of Legal Career Options. ...
  • Lawyer Benefits and Salary. ...
  • Mental Stimulation and Intellectual Challenges. ...
  • Argue and Debate. ...
  • Work Environment. ...
  • Skills that Transfer – Alternative Legal Careers. ...
  • Flexibility.

What is intentionally touching another person without permission called? ›

Assault and Battery Assault includes a threat or attempt to injure and battery includes the unlawful touching of another person without consent.

What is tort meaning? ›

A tort is an act or omission that gives rise to injury or harm to another and amounts to a civil wrong for which courts impose liability. In the context of torts, "injury" describes the invasion of any legal right, whereas "harm" describes a loss or detriment in fact that an individual suffers. 1.

What is a faulty professional? ›

The definition of professional negligence is when a professional fails to perform their responsibilities to the required standard or breaches a duty of care. This poor conduct subsequently results in a financial loss, physical damage or injury of their client or customer.

What is unethical for a lawyer? ›

Attorney misconduct may include: conflict of interest, overbilling, refusing to represent a client for political or professional motives, false or misleading statements, knowingly accepting worthless lawsuits, hiding evidence, abandoning a client, failing to disclose all relevant facts, arguing a position while ...

How do you deal with a lying client? ›

Even if you realize that your client is lying, don't call them out. It will embarrass them, and it won't result in them getting the treatment that they need. If you want to help them, always believe your client, or act as if you do. You can ask questions and gain insight into their character.

What is zealous representation? ›

By providing zealous representation, an attorney makes sure that the authority to decide a defendant's guilt or innocence stays where it belongs: with the judge or jury. Duty Bound. Lawyers are bound to zealously advocate for all clients, rather than just innocent ones.

What happens if you tell your lawyer the truth? ›

If you tell your attorney the truth, they cannot let you testify on your behalf at trial and perjure yourself (lie) on the stand. You should also be aware that your attorney cannot lie on your behalf as this violates the ethical standards required of attorneys.

Do lawyers keep secrets? ›

(a) A lawyer shall not reveal information protected from disclosure by Business and Professions Code section 6068, subdivision (e)(1) unless the client gives informed consent,* or the disclosure is permitted by paragraph (b) of this rule.

Can you confess a crime to a priest? ›

Most Roman Catholic churches now permit a penitent to go to confession either face to face with the priest or anonymously,” says Scott Dodge, a deacon, scholar and educator for the Catholic Diocese of Salt Lake City.

Do you have to answer every question in court? ›

If you don't want to answer a question, do not ask the judge whether you must answer it. If the question is improper, the district attorney will object. Don't look at the district attorney or at the judge for help in answering a question. You are on your own.

Should I be 100% honest with my lawyer? ›

Always be honest and upfront with your lawyer. You and your lawyer have an 'attorney-client' relationship which requires complete honesty and mutual trust. Your lawyer cannot effectively represent you if you withhold information. Under no circ*mstances should you give false, untruthful or misleading information!

What colors are best to wear to court? ›

The best colors to wear to court are conservative colors (e.g., white, light or dark gray, navy, dark blue, etc.) and avoid bright and loud colors. Make sure the color of your belt matches the color of your dress shoes.

How do you greet a judge? ›

In person: In an interview, social event, or in court, address a judge as “Your Honor” or “Judge [last name].” If you are more familiar with the judge, you may call her just “Judge.” In any context, avoid “Sir” or “Ma'am.”

How do you impress a judge in court? ›

6 Tips to Make a Good First Impression in Court
  1. Know the judge.
  2. Be organized with your paperwork.
  3. Dress Appropriately.
  4. Stay calm in front of the jury.
  5. Keep eye contact with the jury.
  6. Don't be late to court.

How do you get a judge to rule in your favor? ›

Whatever the reason for being at court, you must convince the judge or magistrate that he or she should rule in your favor. This is done by providing sufficient documentary evidence and witness testimony. There are different standards of proof for various types of cases.

How do you decline a court question? ›

You can also refuse to answer the question, but be sure to be polite. “Say, 'I appreciate that this is of interest but we don't feel sharing the information is appropriate, especially at this time. But I'd be glad to answer other questions if you have them,'” says Sullivan.

How do you say no when someone courts you? ›

Just be direct and polite! Try: “I really appreciate your interest and openness, but I'm not able to reciprocate it. I know it may be hard to hear, but I'm not interested in moving forward.”

Can your words be used against you in court? ›

The following is the standard Miranda warning: "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning.

Are you forced to talk in court? ›

The judge decides whether or not you have to answer the lawyers' questions. If you refuse to answer a question that the judge allows, you can be found in contempt of court and sent to jail for a short time. Most criminal proceedings are open to the public, and your testimony is recorded on the court transcript.

Is it perjury to say you don t remember? ›

Any time you provide testimony in a criminal case (yours or someone else's) under oath, whether it's verbally or in writing, you're required to tell the truth. If you don't, you could potentially face perjury charges.

Does law school teach you how do you argue? ›

One of the most prevalent experiences about law school is the way that it changes the way you think about everything. Whether you are thinking about an argument to make or about the intention behind a law, law school teaches you that there are no right and wrong answers. It is all about the argument you can make.

Do they teach you to argue in law school? ›

2. 1L Oral Arguments. Most law schools ask their students to complete some sort of oral argument at the end of their 1L year. This is one of the most life-like examples of public speaking in law school as it simulates what it will be like to present to a judge.

Do all lawyers have to debate? ›

Yes, most lawyers need to analyze and communicate in a professional way. But unless you are a litigator that frequently takes cases to trial (which is rare), then debating is not really an urgent skill.

How do you argue like a good lawyer? ›

Lawyers can't become emotionally attached to every case. They must rely on logic and reason to convince the other side. In any heated argument, instead of focusing on your anger, stay calm and use your head. Stick to the facts and if you're correct, you'll come out on top.

Is law school a lot of essays? ›

In law school, you will be reading and writing a ton.

So you can crush all the course work to come. Rather than essays, you'll be primarily writing case briefs/summaries, which break down and analyze a particular legal case.

Is law school easy for anyone? ›

The law school coursework is diverse and vast, which means you can't afford to slack off. You need to put in the necessary work throughout the program if you want to succeed. In summary, law school is hard. Harder than regular college or universities, in terms of stress, workload, and required commitment.

Is law school worth it if you don t want to be a lawyer? ›

It's true: you can go to law school even if you don't want to be a lawyer. A JD can turbocharge your career prospects and teach you incredibly versatile and in-demand skills.

Is it OK to quit law school? ›

There is no shame in dropping out of law school, and as long as you've made an effort to speak with professors, advisors, career services, and the admissions office in order to fully evaluate your decision, you are able to make a fully informed decision about it.

Is law school a lot of memorization? ›

The type of memorization required for law school is a bit different than what you dealt with in undergrad and high school. You'll need to memorize a lot more in a shorter amount of time. And, beyond just memorizing rules and elements, you'll also be required to understand and apply what you've memorized.

Is law school or med school harder? ›

In short, medical school is hands-on and requires a lot of memorization. Law school requires analytical work and critical thinking. Law school requires heavy reading and writing while medical school requires learning about problems through clinical studies and hands-on training.

Do people tell their lawyers everything? ›

A client should always feel comfortable telling their attorney the whole truth of the matter for which they are being represented. Any communications that take place with the purpose of securing assistance in a legal proceeding, legal services, or securing a legal opinion are protected.

Why don t you say anything without a lawyer? ›

Anything You Say Can Be Used Against You.

The Miranda warning also famously advises suspects that anything they say can be used against them in a court of law. The key word here is “anything.” Even before you are placed under arrest, any statement you make is potential evidence.

How do you argue a case? ›

Preparing Your Oral Argument
  1. Know your arguments completely. ...
  2. Understand the basic premise of each of the supplementary materials. ...
  3. Focus on the two most important arguments in the problem. ...
  4. Always focus on why your side is right, rather than on why the other side is wrong.

Should you tell your lawyer the truth? ›

You should be honest with your lawyer

Telling your lawyer the truth and disclosing important facts that can affect your case is important. This is especially true in criminal cases. If you withhold information from your lawyer, it can jeopardize your case.

How do you talk like a lawyer in court? ›

Do's and Don'ts
  1. DO speak calmly and clearly.
  2. DO use the proper forms of address.
  3. DO be polite.
  4. DO stand when you address the court.
  5. DO make eye contact with the judge when you are speaking.
  6. DO ask for clarification if you are unclear about something.
  7. DO thank the judge for listening.
  8. DO arrive early to court.
Jun 1, 2017

What makes a strong lawyer? ›

Here are the top 5 qualities of a good lawyer: responsiveness, analytical skills, good research skills, speaking skills, and listening skills. and understand it on the spot. When a case is in session, curveballs will likely be thrown and they have to be able to interpret and respond to them appropriately.

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