Countries Where U.S. Citizens Can Buy Property 2023 (2024)

U.S. citizens who want to invest in Anguilla can buy up to half an acre of land. The land laws require one to build an external floor area of 2000 sq. ft. The construction must be complete within 18 months after receiving the Alien Landholding License.


As an independent commonwealth country, Barbados is in the sights of many U.S. citizens seeking to invest abroad. What makes this location attractive to investors is its beautiful warm weather, thriving tourism culture, and distance from the U.S. A flight from New York to Barbados takes about five hours.

Tourism is the leading revenue earner for Barbados. The locals are welcoming and ever-ready to socialize.

To buy real estate in Barbados, non-residents must seek permission from the Caribbean Country’s Central Bank. Should you skip this step, your purchase is rendered null and void.


The Bermuda currency is directly tied to the U.S. dollar. This explains why you can use the U.S. dollar in Bermuda without issues.

Bermuda is a distinct tourist destination with the most attractive beaches, beautiful culture, and modern infrastructure. Thousands of tourists visit this paradise island every year.

There are plenty of U.S. citizens already living in Bermuda. Bermuda is a high potential location for investors to avoid lengthy processes in their quest to purchase property here.

The Cayman Isles

The Cayman Brac, Little Cayman, and Grand Cayman make up the Cayman Isles. It has a paltry 55,000 people and is the closest Caribbean location to the United States.

If you are a U.S. citizen purchasing property in the Cayman Isles for personal use, you will have a smooth, stress-free process during the transaction. However, if you want to buy a commercial property, you may become frustrated. The process is lengthy, and there are numerous requirements you must present to the relevant authorities before successfully buying a commercial property.


A good fraction of Americans and Canadians visit Mexico either as tourists or as permanent residents after retirement. Mexico’s growth rate has been constant as more U.S. citizens seek to invest in local tourism.

The laws of Mexico prevent foreigners from purchasing properties less than 31 miles from the coast. Also, you cannot buy real estate if the property you want is 62 miles or a shorter distance away from the international border. However, should you seek to buy any property via the Mexican Corporation or the Mexican Land Trust, these rules don’t apply.

Turks and Caicos

Located north of the Dominican Republic, Turks and Caicos is an excellent place to purchase a property. The pristine beaches, warm climate, ocean views, and unchartered territories make this land ideal for U.S. citizens who want to change their scenery. It’s also ideal for people planning to set up hotels and beachside villas to offer accommodation for visiting tourists.

Turks and Caicos have banks that do not mind lending to non-residents. Investing in property, especially in more developed areas like Providenciales Island, sets you up for future success. The island of Providenciales features infrastructure, accommodations, stores, and utilities that show its exponential potential to grow.

Real estate prices here differ depending on the location of the property you want to buy. The less developed and further away the property is from the main island, the cheaper it likely is.

Countries Where U.S. Citizens Can Buy Property 2023 (2024)


What countries can a US citizen own land? ›

Countries Where U.S. Citizens Can Buy Property 2023
  • Anguilla.
  • Barbados.
  • Bermuda.
  • Cayman Islands.
  • Mexico.
  • Turks and Caicos.

Can a US citizen buy property in another country? ›

Owning Foreign Real Estate as a Corporation or Land Trust

It's common for United States citizens to purchase foreign real estate through a foreign entity such as a corporation, partnership, or trust.

Can US citizens own property in Mexico? ›

Foreigners can own property in Mexico. It's perfectly legal. Outside the restricted zones—50 kilometers (about 31 miles) from shorelines and 100 kilometers (about 62 miles) from international borders—foreigners can hold direct deed to property with the same rights and responsibilities as Mexican nationals.

What is the easiest country to buy property in Europe? ›

Portugal is the easiest European country to buy property in. Those who wish to purchase property in Europe can purchase commercial property under Portugal's Golden Visa scheme.

What American citizen owns the most land? ›

The nation's largest private landowners are the Emmerson family in California who own over 2.4 million acres. The bulk of that land is dedicated to timber in Northern California.

Can I buy land in Canada as a US citizen? ›

For real estate investors, looking to Canada can diversify one's portfolio of properties and generate an alternative source of rental income. U.S. residents can own property in Canada without becoming a resident of Canada, but must report income or proceeds from a sale to both country's taxing authorities.

Do I have to pay taxes if I own property in another country? ›

Do US Citizens Have to Pay Taxes on Foreign Property? All US citizens must file a yearly tax return regardless of where they live in the world. When filing your return, you must report your worldwide income. This includes any gain or loss from selling a foreign property and rental income.

Do I have to declare foreign property to IRS? ›

Yes, you must report foreign properties on your U.S. tax return just like you would report any owned U.S. property. To do that, you first need to know what type of ownership you have because it affects what tax forms you must file.

What countries can you buy property and gain citizenship? ›

  • Portugal, Spain, and Greece are popular countries where you can buy a property and get residency among investors who want to become residents of the EU.
  • Turkey offers paths to citizenship, which include purchasing real estate in the country.

Can Americans own land in China? ›

Foreign investors are not allowed to buy land in China. The land in China belongs to the state and the collectives.

Can Americans own property in Spain? ›

Can Foreigners Buy Property in Spain? In short, yes! The Spanish government welcomes and even encourages foreign buyers in general. Though if you are specifically looking to buy a holiday let, you might need some legal help with the bureaucratic part of it.

Can Americans buy property in Italy? ›

There are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy properties in Italy. However, the Italian authorities have the power of making some verifications of criminal records and other aspects.

Which country is the hardest to buy a house? ›

Switzerland is the most difficult country to get on the ladder, with first-time buyers on average 48 years old before they can buy their first home, according to

What is the easiest country to live in Europe as an American? ›

Spain is one of the easiest European countries to move to as a US citizen. Since you are from an English-speaking country you can easily get a temporary visa via the North American Language and Cultural Assistant program.

What is the best country to start real estate? ›

This article will focus on real investment opportunities in different countries, helping you choose the desirable one.
  • Top 15 Countries for Real Estate Investment. ...
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) ...
  • California, United States. ...
  • Ontario, Canada. ...
  • Berlin, Germany. ...
  • London, United Kingdom. ...
  • New South Wales, Australia.
Feb 23, 2023

Who owns the most houses in the US? ›

John Malone is the largest private landowner in the United States. Malone made his fortune as a media tycoon, building the company Tele-Communications, Inc, or TCI, and acting as its CEO before selling it to AT&T for $50 billion in 1999.

Who owns the biggest ranch in America? ›

Stan Kroenke

Who owns the most land in Florida? ›

Summary of the 11 Largest Landowners in Florida
RankLandownerAcreage Owned
1The St. Joe Company576,000 acres
2Foley Timber and Land Company562,000 acres
3Plum Creek Timber415,000 acres
4Rayonier Company400,000 acres
7 more rows
Apr 6, 2023

Is it cheaper to live in Canada or the US? ›

Overall, both Canada and the US are fairly expensive to live in. Canada has much higher housing costs but healthcare costs are much more expensive in the US. While US salaries are slightly higher, Canadians have a much easier time making a higher salary with less education.

Can Americans buy property in Ireland? ›

There are no residency-based restrictions to buying property in Ireland. You can buy property here if you are an Irish citizen, EU/EEA citizen, non-EEA national or even non-resident in Ireland. However, owning property in Ireland does not mean you have the right to live here.

Can Americans buy property in Costa Rica? ›

Can Foreigners Buy and Own Property in Costa Rica ? The good news is, yes! The great part about Costa Rica is that foreigners and locals have the same ownership rights when it comes to buying property.

Can the IRS take your house in another country? ›

Yes. Regardless of where you live, the IRS can file a lien against your assets regardless if the assets are located in the US or in a foreign country. Just as long as you own the assets, they are subject to levy.

What country has no property tax? ›

Countries With No Property Tax: Monaco

Monaco is yet another tax haven based on its tax policies, and it does not levy taxes on individual income, capital gains, as well as net wealth.

How does the IRS know if I have rental income? ›

Ways the IRS can find out about rental income include routing tax audits, real estate paperwork and public records, and information from a whistleblower. Investors who don't report rental income may be subject to accuracy-related penalties, civil fraud penalties, and possible criminal charges.

How does IRS track foreign bank account? ›

Through FATCA, the IRS receives account numbers, balances, names, addresses, and identification numbers of account holders. Americans with foreign accounts must also submit Form 8938 to the IRS in addition to the largely redundant FBAR form.

Can IRS track my foreign income? ›

In doing so, it put taxpayers on notice that the IRS will actively review and match foreign financial asset and income information against annually filed tax returns and international informational reports, especially related to offshore private banks.

Can IRS seize assets in foreign country? ›

There are two basic types of forfeiture actions that can be initiated by the United States against foreign assets. One would be against assets that are located in a foreign country; the other would be against foreign assets located within this country.

What is the strongest passport in the world? ›

Japan (193 countries) If you're looking for a country with great travel options, then you can't go wrong with Japan. The Japanese passport is ranked as the most powerful in the world, allow visa-free access to 193 countries.

What is the cheapest country to get residency in? ›

Cambodia is one of the easiest and cheapest countries for immigration. The only thing you need to do to get a residency there is to pay a fee for the required number of months. For 12-months, the sum is $285. Another easy country to move to is Portugal.

Where is the easiest country to get citizenship? ›

List of Easiest Countries to get Permanent Residency
  • Canada. Canada is largely considered the easiest country to immigrate to and acquire citizenship status. ...
  • New Zealand. New Zealand offers a Skilled Migration Program for individuals aged under 55 years. ...
  • Portugal. ...
  • Thailand. ...
  • Ireland. ...
  • Australia.
Dec 26, 2022

Can Americans own land in Russia? ›

Not only foreign citizens are allowed to buy properties in Russia, but foreign companies are also allowed to buy real estate for commercial use.

How much is a house in China? ›

In 2021, the average sales price for residential real estate in Shenzhen was over 61.6 thousand yuan per square meters. It was the highest price among all major cities in China. The average price across the country was 16,533 yuan per square meter.

Is it legal to own a gun in China? ›

With the exception of individuals with hunting permits and some ethnic minorities, civilian firearm ownership is restricted to non-individual entities. Law enforcement, military, paramilitary, and security personnel are allowed to use firearms.

Can US citizens buy a house in Portugal? ›

Can You Buy Property in Portugal as a Foreigner? The short answer is YES! One of the most encouraging qualities of Portugal is that there are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy a home in the country.

Can I get residency in Portugal if I buy a house? ›

Buying property in Portugal allows you to acquire a Portugal residence permit, as long as you stay in the country for a minimum of 14 days each two years. That means you can buy a property in Portugal and get residency. Moreover, you may apply for citizenship and an EU passport five years after obtaining residency.

Can I buy property in Greece? ›

Can Foreigners Buy Property In Greece? Yes, they can. There are no restrictions as to who can purchase property in Greece, yet EU citizens or residents are considerably more advantageous in the process.

Can US citizens buy property in France? ›

There are no restrictions for foreign investors buying a house in France, even non-residents. All investors need is a French bank account and a valid ID. Besides your deposit, you can also expect to pay notaire's fees.

Is it cheaper to live in Italy than the US? ›

Living in Italy is significantly less expensive than living in the U.S. The simplest reason is that housing and health insurance costs are much lower. But it doesn't stop there.

How long can I stay in Italy if I own a house there? ›

The Investor Visa allows you to reside, work, and study in Italy. You and your family can visit Schengen Area countries without a visa and stay there for up to 90 days out of 180 days. There is a special tax regime for new residents in Italy.

What country has the safest houses? ›

The 7 Most Secure Homes in the World
  • The Corbi Home in Los Angeles, California. ...
  • 3 Indian Creek Road, Miami, Florida. ...
  • The Zombie Bunker in Poland. ...
  • Buckingham Palace, London, England. ...
  • The White House, Washington D.C. ...
  • Fair Field Estate in the Hamptons, New York. ...
  • The Tardigrade House in Berkeley, California.

Which country has the best property rights? ›

International property rights index

Finland is the top country by property rights index in the world. As of 2022, property rights index in Finland was 8.17 score. The top 5 countries also includes Singapore, Switzerland, New Zealand, and Luxembourg.

Which country house is most beautiful? ›

Tuscany, Italy

With its charming and traditional countryside homes it is no surprise that Tuscan houses have been voted among the most beautiful in the world.

What country are Americans moving to? ›

40% opt for the Western hemisphere — Canada, Central and South America. 26% move to Europe. 14% head to East Asia and the Pacific — think Australia and New Zealand as well as China and Japan. 14% head to the Middle East.

Where are Americans moving to? ›

And secondly, they are also states where housing is more affordable and available than in parts of the country that lost residents. The states that attracted the most new residents in 2022 are Florida, Texas, North Carolina and South Carolina, followed by other states in the South and West.

Where are American expats moving to? ›

The top three countries for American expats are Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom, which are all popular for their proximity to the States and lower cost of living.

Where is the hottest real estate market in the country? ›

The hottest housing markets include those markets in North Carolina, Colorado and Texas that were also popular during the pandemic, including Raleigh and Durham, Denver and Austin.
Hottest Markets Overall
  • Raleigh: 71.7.
  • Denver: 67.5.
  • (Tie) Austin: 67.3.
  • (Tie) Durham: 67.3.
  • Phoenix: 66.9.
  • Richmond: 66.8.
Feb 14, 2023

What state makes the most money in real estate? ›

The top 10 states where real estate brokers earn the most money on average:
  • California: $104,120.
  • New York: $99,930.
  • Texas: $95,150.
  • Nevada: $93,850.
  • Wisconsin: $93,400.
  • Maryland: $92,540.
  • Indiana: $89,720.
  • North Carolina: $84,770.
Jul 28, 2020

Which country owns the most houses? ›

Which countries and continents have the most houses? The most populous country in the world is China (population 1.44 billion). As one might expect, China also has the largest number of houses (roughly 658 million).

What countries can Americans not own land? ›

China, Laos and Vietnam are Communist countries that do not allow personal ownership of property.

Can Americans buy land in China? ›

Foreign investors are not allowed to buy land in China. The land in China belongs to the state and the collectives.

Can a US citizen buy a house in Italy? ›

There are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy properties in Italy. However, the Italian authorities have the power of making some verifications of criminal records and other aspects.

Can Americans buy land in Portugal? ›

The short answer is YES! One of the most encouraging qualities of Portugal is that there are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy a home in the country. Furthermore, the Portuguese government incentivizes foreigners to invest in real estate property in Portugal through the Golden Visa program.

Is there any free land left in US? ›

The Homestead Act of 1862 is no longer in effect, but free land is still available out there in the great wide open (often literally in the great wide open). In fact, the town of Beatrice, Nebraska has even enacted a Homestead Act of 2010.

Is there any country with free land? ›

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a fully recognised entity within the United Nations and has a similar status to the Vatican City State and Palestine, having been recognised by over 100 countries. People often call it “the only country in the world with no land”, but here they do have land on a lease.

Can Americans buy land in Russia? ›

According to Russian law, foreigners are usually allowed to purchase or rent property in Russia, but certain exceptions apply. Also, in order to be allowed to buy a property, the foreign citizen must hold a valid Russian resident permit.

Can Americans buy land in Japan? ›

In Japan, unlike other countries, there are no restrictions for foreigners based on whether or not they have permanent resident status, Japanese nationality, or based on their visa type. This means that foreigners are allowed to own both land and buildings in Japan as real estate properties.

Can I buy property in Mexico? ›

It is perfectly legal for foreigners to buy & own Mexican real estate. Beyond the somewhat tedious process of setting up a bank trust (fideicomiso), buying property in Mexico as an American or Canadian is fairly straightforward.

Can an American buy property in Greece? ›

Can Foreigners Buy Property In Greece? Yes, they can. There are no restrictions as to who can purchase property in Greece, yet EU citizens or residents are considerably more advantageous in the process.

Can an American buy a house in Spain? ›

Can Foreigners Buy Property in Spain? In short, yes! The Spanish government welcomes and even encourages foreign buyers in general. Though if you are specifically looking to buy a holiday let, you might need some legal help with the bureaucratic part of it.

Can US citizens buy land in Brazil? ›

If you intend to invest in real estate in Brazil, here are some tips. Any citizen can purchase urban properties in Brazil, including foreigners.

Can US citizens own land in Brazil? ›

Can foreigners buy real estate in Brazil? Yes, foreign citizens can buy real estate in Brazil, and they actually buy a LOT.

Can I get residency in Portugal if I buy land? ›

Buying property in Portugal allows you to acquire a Portugal residence permit, as long as you stay in the country for a minimum of 14 days each two years. That means you can buy a property in Portugal and get residency.

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Name: Neely Ledner

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.