The Most Landlord-Friendly States in 2023 (2024)

Table of Contents
  1. What Makes a State Landlord-Friendly?
  2. Top 12 Landlord-Friendly States in the U.S. in 2023
  3. Worst States for Landlords
  4. Know What You’re Getting Into Before Becoming a Landlord

How do you know if your state is landlord-friendly or not? Landlord-friendly states are those that have high demands for rentals, not too much competition, laws that favor landlords, and other attributes such as low tax rates.

If you’ve recently bought an investment property or are considering buying a rental home or apartment, researching different locations will help maximize your profits. As a landlord, you can avoid losing money by understanding important real estate factors, including tenant rights, tax rates, population and job growth, and demand for rentals in specific states and cities.

While it’s possible to make money from rentals in various locations across the U.S., choosing to buy a home in a landlord-friendly state is the best way to make monthly income and long-term returns on your investment. Than Merill for FortuneBuilders says, “Today’s most successful rental property owners are those who know where to invest. The market in which a rental property is located will play an instrumental role in its success or failure.”

In this article, learn about the most landlord-friendly states, plus states where you may want to avoid buying an investment property.

What Makes a State Landlord-Friendly?

  • High rental demand: States with a younger population, many universities and colleges, and cities where it’s expensive to purchase homes tend to have a high demand for rentals. This makes it easier for landlords to fill vacancies and charge desirable rental rates.
  • Not too much competition: To make money on a rental property, landlords need to be able to attract renters who will pay a fair rate. This is most likely to occur where the supply of rentals doesn’t exceed the demand. For instance, if a state has a lot of new construction and a dwindling or aging population, this can lead to low demand and high competition.
  • Low or moderate property taxes: Some states have much higher property tax rates and insurance rates than others, which can be an obstacle to initially purchasing an investment property. The most landlord-friendly states don’t require homeowners to pay a lot of taxes or insurance, which depletes their monthly and yearly profits. Landlords ideally want to purchase in states where taxes are not quickly increasing.
  • Population and job growth: States that are growing and experiencing booms in businesses attract more renters. This tends to occur in states that are affordable and have growing cities, college towns, and suburbs.
  • Fair landlord-tenant laws: Since real estate laws vary by state, some locations will be more supportive of landlords’ rights than others. Certain states are also more lenient in terms of laws related to security deposits, eviction, and other issues, giving landlords more control over their rental agreements.
  • Favorable eviction process laws: Landlord-friendly states make evicting destructive or uncooperative tenants easy. The best states to purchase rentals in have a low tolerance for tenants who don’t pay rent, continuously pay late, damage properties, or breach their rental agreements in other ways. These regulations prevent landlords from having to wait months to remove unwanted tenants.
  • No (or flexible) rent control: To continuously keep up with inflation and make a profit, landlords need to be able to increase rent over time. Some states don’t allow landlords to increase rents by putting in place rent control laws (in order to prevent price gouging). States that are more landlord-friendly block rent control, giving property owners more leeway to decide their rental rates.

Rental property laws and regulations in the United States vary from state to state. Within a state, laws can also differ from county to county. In some states, it makes more sense to buy rentals in bigger cities, while in other states rentals located in suburbs or smaller towns are more profitable.

Top 12 Landlord-Friendly States in the U.S. in 2023

Below are the most landlord-friendly states in the United States, beginning with the best:

1. Texas

With high demand for rental properties, cities that are drawing in younger populations, and favorable rental property laws, Texas is considered among the best states for real estate investing. In Morris Invest’s words, “Texas offers outstanding real estate investment opportunities . . . the state has steady population growth, and offers a thriving economy and job diversity that result in reliable rental income.”

  • Favorable lease violation laws: If a tenant fails to pay rent, pays rent late repeatedly, or violates their agreement in other ways, landlords in Texas are protected in many ways. For example, landlord relief laws in Texas allow landlords with unpaid rent to receive compensation quickly or to repossess properties if their lease terms are violated.
  • Affordable markets: Many cities and suburbs in Texas remain affordable and are in demand by renters, including college students and workers just entering the workforce.
  • Increasing population: Texas’s population is growing by roughly 1,200 people per day. Many of those moving to Texas are particularly younger people. More than 50 percent of the state’s population is 34 years old or younger.
  • High price growth: Now is the time to purchase in cities such as Austin, which are expected to keep experiencing considerable growth in real estate prices.

2. Alabama

As an affordable state with a low tolerance for lease violations, landlords are likely to earn a monthly profit on their rentals in Alabama.

  • Low property tax rates: Alabama has the second-lowest tax rates in the country, meaning more of the rent that renters pay each month goes directly into the owner’s pockets, making it easier to make a profit on real estate investments.
  • Right to raise rent: Landlords can raise the rent as long as they provide a 30-day notice. Rental laws also prevent tenants from withholding rent if a landlord does not make repairs to the property that weren’t listed in the lease agreement.
  • Favorable eviction processes:Landlords can give a 14-day notice to end a lease if a tenant violates the lease terms or a 7-day notice of eviction if rent isn’t paid on time.

3. Indiana

With affordable prices of homes and apartments, plus moderate rent prices, landlords benefit from favorable price-to-rent ratios in Indiana.

  • Attractive cities and suburbs: Cities, including Indianapolis, have seen great long-term gains on real estate investments over the past ten years. This trend is expected to continue as more people seek housing in these affordable cities.
  • Appealing security deposit laws: Indiana allows landlords to retain security deposits for 45 days. Landlords can also use deposits on damages caused by tenants.

4. Colorado

With growing cities and an expanding population of young people, Colorado is drawing in many renters willing to pay high rent for updated properties and those in appealing locations.

  • Real estate prices expected to keep rising: Costs of homes and apartments in Colorado have been going up steadily over the past decade. Growth here doesn’t seem to be slowing down, suggesting a good return on investment.
  • Compensation for unpaid rent: When tenants fail to pay rent on time, landlords can give a 3-day notice to remove renters. Other states, however, may allow the eviction process to drag on for far too long, effectively ruining any profit potential for the owner.

5. Florida

Florida has one of the highest rates of renters of any state, as well as an expanding population. The costs of homes in Florida are relatively low compared to other states with bigger populations. Rental laws in this state are also flexible, giving landlords the freedom to develop their own terms.

  • High demand for rentals: Whether college kids or older adults, a high percentage of Floridians choose to rent instead of buy.
  • Unlimited security deposit limit: Landlords can require as much security deposit as they want, as long as it’s returned within 60 days of the renter vacating.
  • Rent control prohibited: Landlords can increase tenants’ rent and also set their own price for unpaid rent or late rent.

6. Arizona

Compared to many other states, landlords in Arizona are favored in eviction processes and have a lot of control over their lease agreements.

  • Low property taxes: With one of the lowest tax rates in the U.S., Arizona tends to be an affordable state to purchase and maintain rental property in.
  • Favorable eviction processes: Landlords can raise the rent on their property with a 30-day written notice. They can also give a 5- to 10-day notice to evict a renter if they break their agreement or damage property.

7. North Carolina

As one of the fastest-growing states with booming cities, North Carolina is becoming home to an increasing number of young adults and families looking to rent.

  • Rapidly growing population: Cities such as Durham, Charlotte, and Raleigh are thriving with job opportunities and expanding in size, creating demand for rentals.
  • Affordable cost of living: This state remains affordable to live in compared to many others, although prices are rising due to increasing demand. The cost of living is a main driver for people moving to North Carolina.
  • Low tax rates: Low property taxes in North Carolina mean that homeowners get to keep more of the monthly rent they’re earning.

8. Illinois

Having a high demand for renters, a big population, and favorable real estate laws, this is a state where landlords are likely to profit from their rentals.

  • Plenty of renters, especially in cities: Big cities in this state, including Chicago, are home to many renters who are willing to pay high rental prices.
  • Easy process to evict: Landlords have the right to evict tenants with a 10-day written notice if they’ve violated their agreement.
  • Flexible security prices: Landlords have a say over how much is charged for security deposits, plus the right to use deposits for any property damage.

9. Pennsylvania

With plenty of job opportunities and a lower cost of living compared to many states in the Northeast, Pennsylvania is a smart state to purchase property in.

  • High average rental rate: The average rental income in Pennsylvania is $1,300, more than the national average (which is around $1,000 to $1,100). Plus, cities including Pittsburg and Philadephia are even more expensive and in demand, although rental laws in these cities can vary from the rest of the state.
  • Appealing eviction laws: Landlords in Pennsylvania have the right to give a 10-day notice to unpaying renters, asking them to either pay or move out. After ten days, the landlord can begin the legal eviction process.

10. Ohio

Ohio has a growing population, lots of job opportunities near bigger cities, plus a relatively affordable cost of living. These are all factors that renters look for when choosing which state to reside in.

  • In-demand cities: Cities such as Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, and Canton are attracting renters and workers looking for jobs in diverse cities, especially younger professionals who commonly rent.
  • High tax write-offs: Landlords in Ohio can make more income thanks to mortgage appreciation and tax write-offs when improvements are made to the rental property.
  • Fast eviction for unpaid rent: If a tenant fails to pay rent, they can be notified by the landlord within three days that they need to pay or move out.

11. Georgia

As a state with a very low tax rate, Georgia is an affordable place to become a landlord. Additionally, laws in this state regarding security deposits and late fees favor landlords.

  • Flexible eviction laws: Georgia has informal eviction laws, allowing landlords to take action quickly if a tenant has unpaid rent or has done damage. Landlords can give a 7-day notice to evict tenants if they aren’t paying or adhering to the terms.
  • Unlimited late rental fees: In the case of unpaid rent, landlords can collect extra money from late fees, which are more lenient in this state than most others.
  • No limits on security deposits: Landlords have flexibility in Georgia to establish their own security deposit amounts based on their property and the situation.

12. Kentucky

Kentucky has low property tax rates plus some of the most unspecified laws related to rental security deposits and late fees. This gives landlords the power to reclaim money from tenants who haven’t rightfully paid. Additionally, there’s less construction of new homes in this state and fewer houses for sale compared to many others, decreasing competition.

  • Low property taxes: Low taxes mean that landlords can keep rent at a reasonable price in order to attract renters while still making a profit.
  • Flexible use of security deposits: Landlords can use the security deposit funds for any damage done to the unit, unpaid rent, or other costs incurred by the tenants.
  • Lenient eviction and violation laws: An eviction process can be initiated by a landlord with a 7- to 15-day notice depending on the violations. Landlords also benefit from unconditional quit notice laws in this state, which force tenants to vacate properties within 14 days if they are in violation of their agreement.

Worst States for Landlords

While some states are ideal for purchasing rental properties, others are riskier and less likely to lead to a return on your investment.

Characteristics of states that are not landlord-friendly include:

  • High tax rates
  • Too much competition
  • High cost of purchasing property
  • Strict laws that favor tenants
  • Dwindling or stagnant populations
  • Expensive building costs
  • High crime rates and concerns with safety
  • Poor job growth
  • Poor public transportation and other transportation issues such as traffic

Among the worst states for landlords are:

  • California: Real estate prices and tax rates are very high in California. This state also has a Tenant Protection Act enacted in 2019 that puts strict rent control and eviction laws into place.
  • Vermont: Property taxes in this state are high, plus it can be difficult for landlords to keep security deposits when tenants have broken their lease terms. Overall, experts consider Vermont to be one of the worst states for landlords.
  • New York: New York is a state with many rental laws to adhere to, high real estate prices, and high tax rates. Many rental laws favor tenants over landlords, such as those related to term violations and security deposits. For example, some eviction laws, including unconditional quit notices, make it a lengthy process to remove tenants from a property when they haven’t paid on time.
  • Massachusetts: Like New York, homes in Massachusetts tend to be expensive, plus property taxes are high and eviction laws are more tenant-leaning.
  • Nebraska: Nebraska ranks fourth in the country for property tax rates, even though homes in this state are overall affordable. Rent in Nebraska tends to be low, plus strict security deposit and eviction laws can be tougher on landlords.

Know What You’re Getting Into Before Becoming a Landlord

Being a landlord isn’t always a guaranteed way to make money, nor is it necessarily easy to do. Sometimes, being a landlord can feel like a full-time job instead of a passive way to boost your income. Hence why some landlords choose to hire property managers to help take care of their rentals and tenants. This makes sense if the upkeep of your property and dealing with maintenance are too difficult for you.

That being said, if you’re prepared to invest in one or more rental properties and willing to do your homework beforehand, rentals can be a solid investment. However, as explained in this article, you want to avoid purchasing in a state or county where there’s not much demand for rentals—or other issues such as high taxes and strict rent control, which will make your job ten times harder.

  • Learn as much as possible about the responsibilities involved in being a landlord.
  • Know the laws and demographics in specific locations you’re interested in before purchasing an investment property.
  • Speak with a property manager if you need help taking care of your rental.
  • Seek help from a local real estate agent for their input and advice on specific locations.

Want to learn more about what it takes to be an effective and profitable landlord? Check out this article: How to Become a Landlord and Build Wealth.”


Leaders Media has established sourcing guidelines and relies on relevant, and credible sources for the data, facts, and expert insights and analysis we reference. You can learn more about our mission, ethics, and how we cite sources in our editorial policy.

  • The Most Landlord-Friendly States For Investors. (2022, December 2). FortuneBuilders.
  • Morris, C. (2020, November 3).Is Texas a Good Place to Invest in Rental Real Estate?Morris Invest.
  • Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. (n.d.).Texas Tops the List of Renter Majority Cities.
  • Winters, M. (2022, April 2).The 15 worst places to buy a home in the U.S. if you want it to increase in value. CNBC.
  • Santarelli, M. (2023, January 3).Indianapolis Housing Market: Prices, Trends, Forecast 2022-2023. Norada Real Estate Investments.
  • Fastest Growing States 2023. (n.d.).
  • Ormsby, K. (2022, August 11).Best & Worst States To Consider Investing In Real Estate. WalletGenius.
  • Christensen, K. (2022, November 30).Is Ohio a Good Place to Invest in Real Estate in 2021?RealWealth.
  • Baker, G., & Morito, J. A. (2022, July 1).10 States With the Strongest & Weakest Housing Markets. Fit Small Business.
The Most Landlord-Friendly States in 2023 (2024)


Which states are most favorable to landlords? ›

Top 12 Landlord-Friendly States in the U.S. in 2023
  1. Texas. With high demand for rental properties, cities that are drawing in younger populations, and favorable rental property laws, Texas is considered among the best states for real estate investing. ...
  2. Alabama. ...
  3. Indiana. ...
  4. Colorado. ...
  5. Florida. ...
  6. Arizona. ...
  7. North Carolina. ...
  8. Illinois.
Feb 3, 2023

What state has the fastest eviction process? ›

Louisiana. Louisiana's effective property tax rate is just 0.54%, the third lowest in the US. It is also one of the states that have laws that preempt rent control. Louisiana has one of the fastest eviction processes in the country.

Is Texas a landlord-friendly state? ›

Despite high property taxes, Texas' laws favor a landlord's rights when it comes to security deposits and eviction notices, making it a landlord-friendly state. In addition, Texas does not have a state-wide requirement for landlords to obtain a license.

What is the best state to be a tenant? ›

Full rankings
Median monthly rentMedian annual income
1. North Dakota$853$66,519
2. South Dakota$809$66,143
3. Iowa$845$65,600
4. Kansas$912$64,124
5 more rows
Jun 1, 2023

What state pays the most rent? ›

Hawaii and California top the list of states where renters spend the biggest chunk of their paychecks on housing, according to an analysis by Forbes Home. The average monthly income of Hawaiians is $5,079, yet residents spend an average of $2,136 on rent.

Where is the best place to be a landlord? ›

Based on the factors above, we've put together a list of 10 of the best states to be a landlord in 2022.
  1. Indiana. The price-to-rent ratio in Indiana is one of the most favorable in the country. ...
  2. Kentucky. ...
  3. Arizona. ...
  4. Texas. ...
  5. Alabama. ...
  6. Florida. ...
  7. Georgia. ...
  8. Illinois.
Jan 28, 2022

What state has the lowest eviction rate? ›

While last month's Household Census survey shows renters concerned about evictions, California consistently has the LOWEST eviction rates of the 10 most populous states, with 2.2 pre-COVID eviction filings per 100 rental households as compared to 9 per 100 in New York and 16 per 100 in Michigan.

Who is the most evicted in the US? ›

Data shows Black Americans, and especially Black women with children, face the highest rates of eviction, according to the Eviction Lab.

What is the fastest you can be evicted? ›

The appropriate Eviction Notice to serve for non-payment of rent would be a 3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit, or a 30 or 60 Day Notice to Vacate. If the tenant has been there for less than a year paying on a month to month basis and you want to terminate their tenancy, a 30 Day Notice to Vacate is the correct form to serve.

Is Tennessee a landlord-friendly state? ›

Tennessee is considered a fairly landlord-friendly state because of the lack of rent control laws.

What a landlord Cannot do in Alabama? ›

Keep in mind that with a long-term lease, the landlord cannot increase the rent until the lease ends and a new tenancy begins—unless the lease itself provides for an increase. Alabama landlords may not raise the rent in a discriminatory manner—for example, only for members of a certain race.

Can a landlord harass you for rent in Texas? ›

This section of the Texas Property Code discusses landlord retaliation. This subchapter prohibits landlords from retaliating against a tenant for exercising a right given to them by law or by the lease.

What states have the weakest tenant protections? ›

The state laws and regulations in West Virginia and Arkansas were the least friendly to renters. The other states with the least favorable legal regulations and landlord-tenant laws were North Carolina, Ohio, Colorado, Idaho, Georgia, Louisiana, Wyoming, and Mississippi.

Where are the most renters in the US? ›

Many residents in Northeast states are renters. The company IPX1031 found in a recent report that the highest percentage of renters in the U.S. can be found on the East Coast.

Which states are the most safe and secure for renters? ›

Vermont, Delaware and Hawaii topped the list for laws benefiting renters over landlords, with Georgia, West Virginia and Arkansas at the bottom.

What state has the highest rent 2023? ›

California once again cities topped the charts for the most expensive single-family home rental markets in the country, with Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, and San Diego taking the top four spots with asking rent at $4,099, $3,850, $3,736 and $3,600 respectively.

Where is rent growing the fastest? ›

Cities With The fastest Growing 3-Bedroom Home Rent Prices in 2023
  • Santa Barbara, California. ...
  • Rochester, New York. ...
  • Anderson, Indiana. ...
  • Rochester, Minnesota. January 2023: $2,050. ...
  • Kalamazoo, Michigan. January 2023: $1,673. ...
  • Monroe, Louisiana. January 2023: $1,400. ...
  • Greenville, North Carolina. January: $1,500. ...
  • Lawton, Oklahoma.
Feb 17, 2023

Where is the cheapest rent in United states? ›

The best cities for affordable rent, summed up
RankCityCost of living (U.S. average=100)
1Little Rock, AR87.70
2Tulsa, OK88.60
3Omaha, NE91.70
4Des Moines, IA92.30
21 more rows
Dec 30, 2022

How much do most landlords make? ›

Landlord Salary in California
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$115,059$55
75th Percentile$94,495$45
25th Percentile$46,513$22

Are landlords usually wealthy? ›

The value of those properties isn't necessarily through the roof: 40% of landlords own less than $200,000 worth of property, and an additional 30% fall in the $200,000-$400,000 range. Only 30% of landlords own properties worth $400,000 or more, with 7% at the top owning properties worth $1 million or more.

What is the hardest part about being a landlord? ›

There are many costs of owning a rental property, including maintenance costs, mortgage payments, property management costs (if you choose to hire a company), insurance, etc. Being a landlord for the first time means that managing all of these expenses can be difficult, and even overwhelming.

What gender has the highest eviction rates in the US? ›

Second, among renters, women—especially Black and Latinx women—faced higher eviction rates than men. Across all renters, the risk of eviction was approximately 2% higher for women than for men. Among Black renters this increases to 4%, and for Latinx renters it jumps to 9%.

Is Oregon landlord-friendly? ›

Unfortunately, Oregon is considered one of the least landlord-friendly states in the U.S. This is because there are many rent control policies and protection measures for tenants, which can affect the landlord.

Is Virginia a landlord-friendly state? ›

Is Virginia a Landlord-Friendly State? Overall, this is considered a landlord-friendly state since the Virginia landlord-tenant law doesn't impose any rent control policies for landlords.

How many renters in US are behind on rent? ›

13, LendingTree found that more than 8.07 million people 18 or older in the United States aren't caught up on their monthly rent payments. This means that 13.7% of the country's adult renters living in a household that charges them rent are behind on their monthly payments.

How many Americans are delinquent on rent? ›

Some 15% of American households, around 6 million, are behind on rent this fall, according to a recent report.

How much does it cost to evict a tenant in US? ›

It often takes around three months to legally remove a tenant from your property. Statista shows that the average rent in North America is $1,322 per month. Therefore, the cost to evict someone, in terms of missed rent, is typically around $3,966.

What is the longest an eviction can take? ›

Constable returns possession of property to landlord.

Evicting a tenant in California can take around five to eight weeks, depending on the type of eviction. If tenants request a continuance or jury trial, the process can take longer.

What a landlord Cannot do in California? ›

Under the Fair Housing Act, it's illegal for landlords to discriminate against a prospective tenant based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, familial status, or disability.

How much does it cost to evict someone in California? ›

There are a few different types of fees involved in an eviction. In total, an eviction will likely cost you around $3,000-$4,000 (not including lost rent).

What a landlord Cannot do in Tennessee? ›

You cannot be evicted without notice. The landlord cannot change the locks or shut off your utilities to make you leave. Most of the time, a landlord needs to go to court before evicting you.

Why is Tennessee rent so high? ›

Rental prices in Memphis, Tennessee, have been affected by the pandemic, inflation, and the raising of interest rates. Investors and landlords renovating properties and charging more to cover costs also lead to higher rental prices. As inflation slows in 2023, prices should plateau.

Does TN have a rent cap? ›

There are no regulations in Tennessee landlord tenant laws regarding rent raises. Therefore, a landlord can raise the rent as much as they want. More reading: Tennessee Code Title 66. Property.

Is Alabama a landlord friendly state? ›

2. Alabama. One of the most landlord-friendly states to buy a rental property in, Alabama, does not require any rental licensing, and the property tax is just 0.48%. In addition, there are no limits to deposits or late fees, so any reasonable amount can be demanded in the lease terms.

What happens if your landlord doesn t fix things Alabama? ›

If, after written request the landlord fails to make necessary repairs, you may terminate the lease and move without penalty. If you want to stay you can sue the landlord to force them to make repairs. You can also move out and sue the landlord for damages.

What a landlord Cannot do in Florida? ›

Florida law prohibits landlords from evicting tenants without going through the court system (self-help evictions). Your landlord can't evict you without a judge's order. And if the sheriff shows up to evict you, he also must have a court order. The only exception to this is if you have legally abandoned your place.

Are landlords responsible for roaches in Texas? ›

The law requires your landlord to repair conditions that affect ordinary tenants' physical health and safety. These could include roaches, rats, sewage leaks, roof leaks, faulty electrical wiring, and normal wear and tear to the unit (such as ripped carpeting or broken flooring).

What a landlord Cannot do in Ohio? ›

The Ohio Civil Rights Commission and the Fair Housing Act protect the tenant from any discrimination from their landlord. Landlords cannot discriminate against any tenant for their race, color, gender identity, nationality, religion, etc.

How much can landlords raise rent in states without rent control? ›

In most areas without rent control, there's no limit on the amount your landlord can increase the rent.

What is a bad tenant list USA? ›

Bad Tenant Lists Are Illegal

Privacy laws prohibit rental property owners and managers from creating or maintaining such lists. Without the proper measures in place, a list that singles out delinquent renters can lead to discrimination. This is true even if the list's intent is to protect Landlords from abuse.

What is the shortest eviction notice? ›

A Three-Day Notice is the most common and quickest way to initiate the eviction process if the tenant is deliquent in paying the rent. The majority of Evictions, called Unlawful Detainer cases are for nonpayment of rent.

Which US city has the highest rent? ›

The most expensive rental market in the US remains to be New York. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom is roughly $3,260. This is about a $500 decrease from 2021, however as demand continues to increase prices are likely to follow.

Which city is most expensive for renters? ›

While the most expensive rentals are unsurprisingly in New York City, several California cities are not far behind.

Where do people rent most? ›

U.S. Cities with the most Renters
  • Providence, Rhode Island. ...
  • Glendale, California. ...
  • Boston, Massachusetts. ...
  • College Station, Texas. ...
  • New York, New York. Percentage of renters: 68.0. ...
  • Miami, Florida. Percentage of renters: 68.7. ...
  • Brooklyn, New York. Percentage of renters: 70.4. ...
  • New Haven, Connecticut. Percentage of renters: 71.4.
Mar 23, 2022

What state is easiest to rent in? ›

Key insights
  • North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa are the best states for renters.
  • California, Massachusetts and Nevada are the worst states for renters.
  • Overall median rent ranges from $1,774 to $770 per month in Hawaii and West Virginia, respectively.

What state has the highest rent burden? ›

According to the report, the following three states topped the 30% rent-to-income ratios for the fourth quarter of 2022:
  • Florida.
  • Massachusetts.
  • New York.
Feb 1, 2023

What state has the best renters rights? ›

Florida is one of the most landlord-friendly states in America. Landlords can evict tenants after giving them a 3-day notice for nonpayment of rent, and they can terminate leases after giving tenants 15 days' notice. In Florida, an eviction can be completed in two to three weeks.

Is California a landlord-friendly state? ›

Is California a Landlord-Friendly State? California is generally a landlord-friendly state where landlords can charge rental application fees (maximum of $50) and collect security deposits. Make sure to always check local area laws along with state laws to ensure you're fully educated.

Is Ohio a good state for landlords? ›

Ohio Rental Restrictions

Despite this high rate, Ohio qualifies as one of the landlord-friendly states because it does not set a security deposit limit, landlords only give a 3-day notice before filing for eviction, and you have control over the rent charged.

Is NY a landlord-friendly state? ›

New York is considered a landlord-friendly state since rental prices are usually higher, compared to other states. It's also considered a tenant-friendly state because there's a high rate of rent control clauses, so it's vital that landlords identify and analyze them for their lease agreement documents.

Is Las Vegas a landlord-friendly state? ›

Due to the low amount of restrictions regarding rent control policies, rent increases, and fees, Nevada is generally considered a landlord-friendly state. Additionally, the state demands a few mandatory disclosures, making the rental process easier for the landlord.

Is Kentucky a landlord-friendly state? ›

Kentucky is considered a landlord-friendly state because of the lack of rent control laws.

Is Oregon landlord friendly? ›

Unfortunately, Oregon is considered one of the least landlord-friendly states in the U.S. This is because there are many rent control policies and protection measures for tenants, which can affect the landlord.

Is Pennsylvania landlord friendly? ›

RentRedi places Pennsylvania as a landlord-friendly state due to rules that allow for landlords to have more control over the landlord-tenant interactions.

Is Virginia a good state for landlords? ›

Is Virginia a Landlord-Friendly State? Overall, this is considered a landlord-friendly state since the Virginia landlord-tenant law doesn't impose any rent control policies for landlords.

Is Vermont a landlord-friendly state? ›

Vermont is not a landlord-friendly state because of the strict notification policies and eviction rules.

Is South Carolina a landlord-friendly state? ›

South Carolina is considered a landlord-friendly state because of the lack of rent control laws and the ability to evict tenants.

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