The 2022 American Home Size Index (2024)

The 2022 American Home Size Index (1)

Over the last 75 years, the U.S. housing market has undergone a dramatic transformation. Rising productivity, high demand for housing, and new highways built in the wake of World War II pushed many Americans to the suburbs, where homeownership rose and density decreased. The average number of occupants in each home fell, while the average size of a new single-family home ballooned - from just 909 square feet in 1949 to 2,480 square feet in 2021. In 1950, 15.7% of U.S. homes were overcrowded; by 2000 that number had fallen to 5.7%.

The shift towards larger homes was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic when concerns over social distancing and remote work led many to relocate from urban areas to suburban and rural neighborhoods. In one September 2019 survey, 53% of respondents said they preferred to live in a community where the houses are larger and farther apart, with schools, stores, and restaurants several miles away. By July 2021 that figure had risen to 60%.

Home sizes and prices vary from state to state and city to city, dictated by changes in supply, demand, and other factors. But where in America are the biggest homes? And where are they the most expensive? Home warranty company American Home Shield has created the 2022 American Home Size Index to find out.

What We Did

To determine the average home size in every state, American Home Shield reviewed 506,374 listings of houses and condos for sale from Zillow. We dropped the listings without home size, price, or city and removed the ones with home size set to ‘0.’ After processing, our dataset was left with 474,157 houses. We categorized houses and condos built in 2018 or later as new homes (142,659 listings).

Next, we grouped the data by states and cities and calculated the median lot size and the median price per sq. ft. across each group. We also computed the increase in median home size by comparing new homes (post-2018) and older homes (pre-2018). We kept only cities with at least 300 listings and 20 new listings.

Key Findings

  • Fast-growing tech hubs in the Rocky Mountains have the largest homes. In Colorado Springs, the average home is 2,760 square feet – the largest of any major U.S. city.
  • Areas with newer housing stock have larger homes. In Utah, the state with the largest homes, the typical home is 33 years old – 11 years newer than the U.S. median.
  • High-density coastal cities have the most expensive real estate. In New York City, there are 28,182 people per square mile, and homes cost $1,519.57 per square foot on average – each the highest such figure of any major U.S. city.
  • Expensive real estate may be driving people to look for cheaper homes elsewhere. From 2020 to 2021, the population of New York City fell 3.5% – the second largest decline of any major U.S. city.

Comparing Home Sizes Across the Country

Several factors can dictate how large the average home is in a certain state or city. One of the primary factors is the age of the housing stock. American homes have gotten larger over time; states with a higher percentage of new homes tend to have larger homes on average. The typical home in Utah, for example, was built in 1989, the third youngest median year built for homes in any state. The average home in Utah is 2,800 square feet, the most of any state.

At the city level, home age can also be a good predictor of size. In Raleigh, NC, for example, the typical home was built in 1993, the second youngest median year built for homes in any major city. The average home in Raleigh is 2,366 square feet, the third largest of any city. Similarly, the typical home in Henderson, NV, was built in 1998 – the youngest housing stock of any city. The average home in Henderson is 2,337 square feet, the fourth largest of any city.

Wondering how your city compares? View the interactive comparison tool below to quickly see how home sizes vary from state to state and city to city.

Rural, Western States Have the Largest Homes

Potential homebuyers looking to purchase a large home should look westward. The four states with the largest average homes – Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and Wyoming – are all in the West and are largely rural. The average home in Utah, for example, is 2,800 square feet – more than double the 1,164-square foot average in Hawaii, the state with the smallest homes.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (2)

As the preference for large home sizes and low-density neighborhoods increases, many Americans are moving to states with larger houses. The population of Idaho, for example – where homes are 2,311 square feet on average, the third largest of any state – rose 2.9% from 2020 to 2021 – the largest increase in the United States. The population of Utah increased 1.7% from 2020 to 2021, the second largest increase.

Fast-Growing, Midsize Tech Hubs Have the Largest Homes

While major coastal cities like San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington, D.C. were once the main drivers of job growth, in recent years employment growth has shifted to smaller, suburban cities with more affordable housing and lower costs of living. The development of tech hubs in fast-growing, well-educated areas like Colorado Springs, CO; Fort Worth, TX; and Raleigh, NC, has allowed wealth to flourish in midsize cities and created a demand for newer, larger homes.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (3)

A U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data search shows that while nationwide employment growth fell 0.3% from 2017 to 2021, in Aurora, CO, the number of jobs grew 5.7% – the sixth largest job growth of any city with at least 150,000 workers. The influx of new workers has created the demand for new housing, pushing up the size of the average Aurora home. Today, the average home in Aurora is 2,451 square feet, the second largest of any U.S. city. The typical home in Aurora is 38 years old – six years newer than the U.S. median.

About 70 miles south of Aurora down I-25 is Colorado Springs, also a fast-growing tech hub with growing demand for large new homes. From 2017 to 2021, employment in Colorado Springs grew 5.3%, the seventh largest increase of any city with at least 150,000 workers. New, high-income workers create demand for large, new homes, and in Colorado Springs, the average home is now 2,760 square feet – the largest of any U.S. city.

States With the Most Expensive Real Estate Have Smaller Homes

One factor that dictates home size is the cost of real estate. Many of the states with the smallest average home sizes in the West and Northeast also have the most expensive real estate per square foot, limiting the supply of large, suburban homes found throughout the Rocky Mountains or Mid-Atlantic states.

In Hawaii, the average home costs a whopping $743.86 per square foot – the most of any U.S. state and more than six times the cost of real estate in West Virginia. The average home in Hawaii is just 1,164 square feet, the smallest of any state. Similarly, in New York, the average home costs $421.49 – the third most of any state. The average home size in New York is 1,490 square feet – the second smallest of any state.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (4)

But high costs of small homes in the West and Northeast may also be pushing people to look for cheaper, large homes in other parts of the country. From 2020 to 2021, the population of Hawaii declined by 0.7%, the third largest decline of any state. The population of New York declined by 1.6% over the same period, the largest decrease of any state.

Dense, Coastal Cities Have the Most Expensive Homes

Dense, coastal cities with limited, older housing stock have the most expensive homes. In New York City, there are 28,182 people per square mile – by far the densest major city in the United States. The average home in New York City costs $1,519.57 per square foot, more than 20 times the cost of housing in Cleveland or Detroit and the most of any city.

Similarly, in San Francisco, there are 17,376 people per square mile – the second densest population of any major U.S. city. In a dense city with natural growth boundaries like San Francisco, high density coupled with demand can drive the price of housing sky high. The average home in San Francisco costs $1,074.34 per square foot, the third most expensive real estate of any city in the country.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (5)

In recent years, however, skyrocketing real estate prices have driven many Americans from major coastal cities to more affordable suburban ones. From 2020 to 2021, the population of New York City declined by 3.5%, the second largest decline of the top 50 largest cities. The population of San Francisco fell 6.3%, by far the largest decline.

Homeowners In Older States May Be Downsizing Their Homes

Home sizes are often dedicated by demographics and can change in tandem with the size and composition of an area’s population. In some parts of the country, one factor that may dictate changing home sizes is the age of a population. As homeowners age, they often downsize their homes, leaving large, family homes for smaller dwellings. According to data from Zillow, 46% of baby boomers who moved in 2021 were downsizing to a smaller home.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (6)

In Vermont, the percentage of the population that is 65 and older grew from 16.3% in 2015 to 19.4% in 2020 – the largest increase of any state. The housing market likely responded to the increased demand for smaller homes from older residents, as homes in Vermont are now 7.6% smaller than they were prior to 2018 – the third largest decline of any state. Similarly, in Maine, the 65-and-older cohort grew from 17.6% of the population in 2015 to 20.6% in 2020, the second largest increase of any state. Homes in Maine are now 4.6% smaller than they were prior to 2018, the fourth largest decline of any state.

Trends In Home Size Vary By City

The supply and demand for new housing can dictate home sizes. In some cities with high demand for housing, developers continue to build large, new homes, raising the average home size. The population of Tampa, FL, for example, grew 0.8% from 2020 to 2021 – the sixth largest increase of any of the 50 largest U.S. cities. In response to the increased demand and the large supply of vacant land, developers built bigger homes. The average home in Tampa is now 88.9% larger than it was prior to 2018, the largest increase of any city.

Other fast-growing cities, however, went the other direction – building smaller homes to accommodate the large influx in demand. The population of Aurora, CO, for example, grew 0.7% from 2020 to 2021, the ninth largest increase of any major U.S. city. The average home in Aurora is 8.9% smaller now than it was prior to 2018, the fifth largest decline of any large city in the United States.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (7)

In some cities, larger homes may be the result of growing family sizes. In Minneapolis, where home sizes have grown the third fastest since 2018, the average family size grew 1.3% from 2015 to 2020 – one of the largest increases in any city. In Charlotte, where homes have grown the 10th fastest since 2018, the average family size grew 2.2% from 2015 to 2020 – also one of the largest increases of any city.

Home Sizes Across the Country

Knowing the average size and price per square foot of homes throughout the United States can help potential homebuyers find the perfect place for them. Homebuyers looking for compact, older homes may do best to look in major coastal cities like New York City, Boston, or San Francisco, while those looking to get a little more home for their buck may want to join the thousands of Americans moving to fast-growing, midsize tech hubs in the Rocky Mountains and Mid-Atlantic.

In some cities, the high cost of real estate per square foot coupled with small home sizes can lead to relatively low home prices overall. In Philadelphia, for example, the average home costs $306.22 per square foot – among the most of any major city. With an average home size of 1,318 square feet, however, the average home in Philadelphia costs $403,598 – among the least of any U.S. city.

Conversely, in Colorado Springs the average home costs $213.79 per square foot, among the least of any major city. At an average size of 2,760 square feet, however, homes in Colorado Springs cost $605,958 on average – among the most of any city.

Staying Informed In a Volatile Housing Market

While “location, location, location” was once the guiding mantra in real estate, in recent years the rise in remote work has led many to move from expensive city centers to more affordable suburban areas. Americans want larger homes in lower-density areas since the COVID-19 pandemic, and developers are quick to accommodate their demand. Construction on new homes is booming, and real estate values continue to soar. But every housing market is different, and while homes in some cities are getting larger, homes in other areas are downsizing. Before starting your next real estate search, it is important to know which cities and states have the largest homes.


To create these tables, we pulled 506,374 listings of houses and condos for sale from Zillow. We dropped the listings without home size, price, or city and removed the ones with home size set to ‘0.’ Although using median figures should minimize outliers and inadequate values, we pre-cleaned such values using the DBSCAN clustering algorithm (467 listings were removed). After processing, our dataset was left with 474,157 houses. We categorized houses and condos built in 2018 or later as new homes (142,659 listings).

Next, we grouped the data by states and cities and calculated the median lot size and the median price per sq. ft. across each group. We also computed the increase in median home size by comparing new homes (post-2018) and older homes (pre-2018).

We kept only cities with at least 300 listings and 20 new listings.

The data was collected in May 2022.

AHS assumes no responsibility, and specifically disclaims all liability, for your use of any and all information contained herein.

The 2022 American Home Size Index (2024)


What is the average home size in America 2022? ›

The median size of homes across the United States is 2,014 square feet. However, this number varies significantly depending on where you live. For example, while the average home size in Colorado is about 2,500 square feet, the average home size in New York is only about 1,500 square feet, or 1,000 sq ft less.

How many square feet is a 3 bedroom 2 bath house? ›

The typical size of a 3 bedroom house plan in the US is close to 2000 sq ft (185 m2).

What is the average size of a new home in the United States? ›

The average number of occupants in each home fell, while the average size of a new single-family home ballooned - from just 909 square feet in 1949 to 2,480 square feet in 2021.

Are the average homes getting bigger or smaller in the US? ›

In 1949, the typical single-family home was just 909 square feet—by 2021, it had shot up to 2,480 square feet. While U.S. homes are getting larger on the whole, they still vary drastically depending on the location.

How many Americans own a home in 2022? ›

Top Home Ownership Statistics In America: 65.8% of Americans own a home as of 2022. Some 74 million Americans, or about 27%, live in a condo or HOA property. 58.4 percent of the housing units were owner-occupied.

Are American homes getting bigger? ›

Although the size of the average American home has grown bigger and bigger, household sizes have actually decreased. That means most of us are living large with fewer people. These trends often result from demographic shifts and societal factors.

What is the perfect house size? ›

On average, the ideal square footage is about 600 – 700 square feet per person. That means a family of three will want a house that's at least 1,800 square feet. A family of four will want a home that's around 2,400 square feet.

What is a good size for a 4 bedroom house? ›

A 4 bedroom house plan's average size is close to 2000 square feet (about 185 m2). You'll usually find a living room, dining room, kitchen, two and a half to three bathrooms, and four medium-size bedrooms in this size floor plan.

How many bedrooms can a 1500 square feet house have? ›

The typical 1,500 sq. ft. floor plans have two to three bedrooms in the layout. The benefit of choosing your own home plan is deciding what size you would like each room to be.

What is the most common house size in America? ›

In 2021, the average square footage of a single-family home fell to 2,273 square feet. Now let's learn more about why American homes are so big, the drawbacks of having more square footage and what home buyers should consider when it comes to home size.

What is the most popular number of bedrooms? ›

According to the U.S. Census Bureau estimates, 39.3 percent of all occupied housing units had three bedrooms in 2020. The second most popular type of housing was two-bedroom homes, accounting for 25.7 percent of housing stock.

What was the average size of home in the US from 1950? ›

1950s: The average new home sold for $82,098. It had 983 square feet of floor space and a household size of 3.37 people, or 292 square feet per person. Homes had more shower space than sleep space: 1.5 bedrooms and 2.35 bathrooms.

What size house is good for a family of 4? ›

The average house size for a family of four to live comfortably is around 2400 square feet. It is widely believed that each person in a home requires 200-400 square feet of living space.

Why are larger homes worth less per square foot? ›

Because the bigger the house plan, all other things being equal, there are more square feet to spread the cost over.

Why do Americans have such large houses? ›

But over the course of the 20th century, government policy, the invention of cheaper, mass-produced building materials, marketing by home builders, and a shift in how people regarded their houses—not just as homes, but as financial assets—encouraged ever larger houses.

How many blacks own homes in America? ›

While the U.S. homeownership rate increased to 65.5% in 2021, the rate among Black Americans lags significantly (44%), has only increased 0.4% in the last 10 years and is nearly 29 percentage points less than White Americans (72.7%), representing the largest Black-White homeownership rate gap in a decade.

Who owns the most houses in the US? ›

John Malone is the largest private landowner in the United States. Malone made his fortune as a media tycoon, building the company Tele-Communications, Inc, or TCI, and acting as its CEO before selling it to AT&T for $50 billion in 1999.

What percentage of American homes are paid off? ›

A: 37% of U.S. households no longer have a home mortgage to pay, according to a Zillow data analysis.

How long will American houses last? ›

The average life span of a house in the United States is about 50-70 years. Houses can last for decades if they are well-maintained and have been constructed with quality materials. A poorly built home may not last more than 20 years.

Is home ownership in the US declining? ›

The decline in homeownership halted between: 2012 and 2016 for householders with less than a high school education (19.9% to 20.8%). 2016 and 2018 for those with a high school degree (30.8% to 31.4%).

What is considered a small house? ›

A small home is a home under 2500 square feet (232 square meters). These homes are designed to hold an individual with room to spare or perfect for a medium to large family. They are often in established neighborhoods with multiple rooms, garages, yards, and many other aspects.

What size house sells best? › says that large homes get more views on its website than smaller ones: For instance, an 8,000-square-foot mega mansion saw 30% more traffic than a 1,000-square-foot house. But in reality, the larger the property, the longer it stays on the market.

How many bedrooms should a family of 4 have? ›

A family of four should fit comfortably in a house with three to four bedrooms. Consider an additional room for every one to two children or if you plan on your family growing.

Is a 1200 sq ft house big enough? ›

1200 Square Feet:

You may get a spacious living room as well as three bedrooms apartments and two bathrooms in a 1200 square feet apartment. This offers plenty of living space for a family without feeling cramped.

How many square feet do 2 people need in a house? ›

Lighting brand Sofary recently surveyed 900 people about the costs and benefits of moving in with their significant others and found that when it comes to square footage, couples truly need their space — 1,800 square feet, to be exact.

What is the best size for a master bedroom? ›

The “perfect” size of a master bedroom should be dimensions that provide from 200 to 250 square feet. As a rule of thumb, this perfect size should accommodate a King sized bed, as well as some additional seating furniture. Here are some of the standard master bedroom sizes and dimensions, by home size.

Is 1500 sq ft house big or small? ›

How big is 1,500 square feet, really? It's about the size of three two-car garages. You usually get three bedrooms, enough to stretch out for an office and a guest room or to care for your small family.

How many bedrooms can you fit in 1200 sq ft? ›

1,200 square foot homes can easily accommodate two or three bedrooms.

How many bedrooms should a 2000 sq ft house have? ›

Typically, units of this size have three or even four bedrooms, plus a kitchen, living area, walk-in closets and multiple bathrooms.

How many bedrooms should a 3000 sq ft house have? ›

How many bedrooms does a 3000-square-foot house have? Most 3000-square-foot house plans will have at least four bedrooms. Some will have many more, while others will use the extra floor space to expand rooms like the kitchen and living room to provide more daytime living space.

How big of a house is too big for one person? ›

How To Calculate What Size House You Need
Number of PeopleSquare Footage
1600 sq. ft.
21,200 sq. ft.
31,800 sq. ft.
42,400 sq. ft.
Oct 27, 2022

What is the average USA house? ›

Average home price in the United States: $436,800

The median home sales price is $436,800 as of the first quarter of 2023. That's a 32% increase from 2020, when the median was $329,000. MEDIAN SALES PRICE OF HOMES IN THE U.S. Data source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

What style are most American houses? ›

Ranch Style

Ranch house styles are the most searched style in the US today and are common in cities and suburbs across the country. There are various ranch house styles, including California and split-level ranch homes. The main distinguishing features between these styles are living space and home layout.

What are the 2 most important rooms in a house? ›

The kitchen and the master bathroom. Buyers tend to show more interest in these rooms than any other in a home.

How many bedrooms have the best resale value? ›

A home with three bedrooms or more is often a better choice to ensure future resale value. More than one bathroom (including a master bathroom): Buyers will still buy a one-bath home but at a much lower price than expected.

How many bedrooms should a family of 5 have? ›

A family of four functions best with at least 3 bedrooms in the home. Four bedroom house plans are ideal for a family of five, two adults and three children. Having an extra bedroom (in addition to the basic minimum for your family) is a major plus if you can afford it.

What is the average size of a bedroom? ›

The average bedroom size in U.S. homes is 11 feet x 12 feet (132 square feet). That is the average size when you take into account the standard sizes of master bedrooms, secondary bedrooms, guest suites and their normal variations. So 11'x12' or 132 sq. ft. is the average bedroom size across the board.

What was the average size of a woman in the 1950s? ›

According to the National Sizing Survey, in 1950 the average woman's vital statistics were 36, 24, 35. She was a size 12 and weighed around 9st 12 lb.

Which country has the largest average house size? ›

Click on a tile for details.
  • Australia. Australia is the leading nation with an average of 2,032 square feet. The construction of large houses in the country is attributed to limited land supplies and housing affordability. ...
  • United States. The United States is second in house size by country. ...
  • Canada.

What is the average square footage of a house 2022? ›

According to first quarter 2022 data from the Census Quarterly Starts and Completions by Purpose and Design and NAHB analysis, median single-family square floor area inched down to 2,310 square feet. Average (mean) square footage for new single-family homes decreased to 2,512.

Is 4000 square feet a mansion? ›

The typical real estate definition of a mansion is a home that offers at least 5,000 square feet of space and at least five to six bedrooms. Mansions typically sit on small acreage (homes set on vast amounts of land are considered estates).

What is the average USA home? ›

Average home price in the United States: $436,800

The median home sales price is $436,800 as of the first quarter of 2023. That's a 32% increase from 2020, when the median was $329,000. MEDIAN SALES PRICE OF HOMES IN THE U.S.

Is 2400 square feet a big house? ›

A tiny house is anything less than 1,000 square feet. An average home is in the 2,500-square-foot range. Large homes are 4,000 square feet and bigger.

Is a 1500 square foot house considered small? ›

How big is 1,500 square feet, really? It's about the size of three two-car garages. You usually get three bedrooms, enough to stretch out for an office and a guest room or to care for your small family.

What is the ideal size of a house? ›

Accordingly, a house should be between 1,800 and 2,100 square feet in size for a family of three. The ideal home size is between 2,400 and 2,800 square feet for a family of four, and so on. Up to 3,027 square feet (if you consider yourself middle class) of room is available for you to choose from.

What square footage is considered a big house? ›

In the U.S., most real estate specialists consider a home to be a mansion at or above 8,000 square feet in size. Historically speaking, a mansion would be a home of about 5,000 square feet or above.

How many square feet is a luxury home? ›

No hard and fast rule exists, but typically, a mansion will be at least 5,000 square feet. Most Realtors consider homes above 8,000 square feet to be a mansion.

What size house is a mini mansion? ›

There is not one specific size for a McMansion type of home. Generally speaking, these homes are larger than the median size of a newly built single-family home, which according to the U.S. Census Bureau for 2021, was 2,532 square feet. 1 Most McMansions between 3,000 or 5,000 square feet or larger.

What makes a house a McMansion? ›

McMansion is a slang term that describes a large, often opulent or ostentatious, mass-produced house. The name carries a somewhat critical connotation because McMansions lack architectural uniqueness, class, or style.

How long does the average U.S. house last? ›

The average life span of a house in the United States is about 50-70 years. Houses can last for decades if they are well-maintained and have been constructed with quality materials. A poorly built home may not last more than 20 years.

What is the average age to own a home USA? ›

But is there a right age when these factors should be in place? And are these the factors Americans should consider when deciding to become a homeowner for the first time? In 2022, the average age of first-time homebuyers was 36, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is up from 33 in 2021.

What size house for a family of 4? ›

How Much Space Does A Family Need? The average house size for a family of four to live comfortably is around 2400 square feet. It is widely believed that each person in a home requires 200-400 square feet of living space.

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.