Kevin O'Leary Says Homeowners Should Be Mortgage-Free by Age 45. Here's How to Pull That Off (2024)

Key points

  • Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary is a big fan of shedding debt at a relatively young age.
  • With the right strategy, you can pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule.

Americans aren't strangers to debt. Many consumers owe money on mortgages, auto loans, and credit cards, to name a few sources, and don't really think much of it.

But if you want to live a life of financial freedom, then it's important to shed all of your debt, says Shark Tank personality Kevin O'Leary. In fact, O'Leary insists that it's a good idea to be debt-free by age 45 -- and that includes having your mortgage paid off.

Of course, it's one thing to shed a credit card balance by age 45. But many people don't first buy a home until they reach their 30s. And those who finance it with a 30-year mortgage generally aren't able to be housing debt-free by their mid-40s.

But if getting rid of your mortgage debt by age 45 (or somewhere in that vicinity) is a goal of yours, then there are steps you can take to make that more feasible. Here are a few to consider.

1. Refinance when interest rates get more favorable

Right now, borrowing rates are up across the board, so it's generally not a good time to refinance a mortgage. But if rates come down, you may have an opportunity to lower the interest rate on your home loan, thereby making it easier and less expensive to pay off.

2. Start out with a 15-year mortgage

When you take out a 15-year mortgage, you'll face much higher monthly payments than you will with a 30-year loan. But the upside is that you'll commonly qualify for a much lower interest rate on your mortgage, and you'll also pay less interest in total.

3. Put extra money into your mortgage each month

Maybe your mortgage payment comes to $1,200 on a monthly basis. If you can afford to spend $1,500, don't just stick that extra $300 into your savings account (unless you need to build an emergency fund). Instead, send that money along to your loan servicer to pay down your mortgage balance.

4. Put windfalls into your mortgage

You may come into extra money here and there, whether it's a tax refund, a bonus from your job, or a generous gift from a well-off family member. If you don't need that cash for other purposes, it pays to put it directly toward your mortgage so you can get that balance whittled down.

Is being mortgage-free by age 45 doable?

If you take out a large mortgage at age 39, then shedding it within six years may be quite difficult. On the other hand, if you buy a home in your late 20s or early 30s, it may be possible to have it paid off by your mid-40s if you're willing to make that a priority.

But if you're unwilling to do so, or you simply can't, then try not to stress over it. Sure, there's something to be said for being completely debt-free by age 45, but do remember that mortgage debt is considered a healthy type to have. And many homeowners continue to make mortgage payments well into their 50s and 60s. Some people even have a mortgage during retirement.

There's nothing wrong with trying your best to knock out your mortgage by your mid-40s. But if that doesn't end up happening, rest assured that you'll be in good company.

Kevin O'Leary Says Homeowners Should Be Mortgage-Free by Age 45. Here's How to Pull That Off (2024)


At what age should house be paid off? ›

In fact, O'Leary insists that it's a good idea to be debt-free by age 45 -- and that includes having your mortgage paid off. Of course, it's one thing to shed a credit card balance by age 45. But many people don't first buy a home until they reach their 30s.

What are the benefits of being mortgage free? ›

What are the benefits of being mortgage free? Having more disposable income, and no interest to pay, are just some of the great benefits to being mortgage free. When you pay off your mortgage, you'll have much more money to put into savings, spend on yourself and access when you need it.

At what age should you be debt free? ›

The Standard Route. The Standard Route is what credit companies and lenders recommend. If this is the graduate's choice, he or she will be debt free around the age of 58.

Should I keep a mortgage or pay it off? ›

It's typically smarter to pay down your mortgage as much as possible at the very beginning of the loan to save yourself from paying more interest later. If you're somewhere near the later years of your mortgage, it may be more valuable to put your money into retirement accounts or other investments.

Is it financially smart to pay off your house? ›

Paying off your mortgage early can save you a lot of money in the long run. Even a small extra monthly payment can allow you to own your home sooner. Make sure you have an emergency fund before you put your money toward your loan.

Do most people pay off their house before they retire? ›

Many people strive to pay off their mortgage before they retire. It's a legitimate objective, especially when you consider that 73% of seniors said their home is their most valuable asset, a 2021 survey by American Advisors Group found.

Are there disadvantages to paying off mortgage? ›

Paying it off typically requires a cash outlay equal to the amount of the principal. If the principal is sizeable, this payment could potentially jeopardize a middle-income family's ability to save for retirement, invest for college, maintain an emergency fund, and take care of other financial needs.

When retirees should not pay off their mortgages? ›

Additionally, if pulling money from a tax-advantaged retirement plan such as a 401(k), 403(b), or IRA during retirement will push you into the next tax bracket, you may want to forgo paying down your mortgage and instead put the money into savings.

What percentage of homes are paid off? ›

According to Census Bureau data, over 38 percent of owner-occupied housing units are owned free and clear.

Is it good to be debt-free at 40? ›

Being debt-free — including paying off your mortgage — by your mid-40s puts you on the early path toward success, O'Leary argued. It helps you free yourself from financial obligations at a time when your income is presumably stable and potentially even growing.

What age is most in debt? ›

The average American debt totals $59,580, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit card debt. Debt peaks between ages 40 and 49, and the average amount varies widely across the country.

What age group has the most debt? ›

As a group, middle-aged Americans have the most credit card debt outstanding. Those ages 40 to 59 hold a balance of $440 billion.

Do millionaires pay off debt or invest? ›

They stay away from debt.

Car payments, student loans, same-as-cash financing plans—these just aren't part of their vocabulary. That's why they win with money. They don't owe anything to the bank, so every dollar they earn stays with them to spend, save and give!

Does Dave Ramsey recommend paying off mortgage? ›

The Dave Ramsey mortgage plan encourages homeowners to aggressively pay off their mortgages early, however. One recommendation Ramsey makes is to convert your 30-year mortgage into a fixed-rate, 15-year home loan. Not only will you pay off a 15-year mortgage in half the time, but you'll also pay much less in interest.

Why is it not smart to pay off your mortgage? ›

You may not want to pay off your mortgage early if you have other debts to manage. Credit cards, personal loans and other types of debt usually carry higher interest rates than your mortgage interest rate. Remember, the higher the interest rates, the faster your accounts accrue debt.

Is it worth owning your home outright? ›

When you own a house outright, you cannot get upside-down on your mortgage loan. There's no risk of being forced to stay in the home simply because you owe more than the home is worth. Regardless of what the market does, you're able to make value-based decisions on what to do with your property.

What happens after you pay off your house? ›

Receive mortgage documents: The mortgage company will send you a canceled promissory note, updated deed of trust and certificate of satisfaction. These documents prove that your mortgage is paid off. Save them in a secure location.

Is it good to own your home outright? ›

Immediate ownership: If you pay for a home in full, you own it outright. That means no risk of foreclosure by a lender. You have 100 percent equity in the home, which immediately goes into your assets pile.

Why are retirees selling their forever homes? ›

Change in Financial Situations

As people age, their income may decrease due to retirement or other factors. This may make it difficult to afford the maintenance and upkeep of a larger home, leading some retirees to downsize to a smaller, more affordable property.

Do most retirees have a mortgage? ›

Thirty years ago, just one of every four homeowners in their late 60s to late 70s still had a mortgage – today, nearly half do. Once people hit 80, mortgages used to be extremely rare – only 3 percent had them. Today, it's one in four, Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies recently reported.

Is it smart to use 401k to pay off mortgage? ›

Paying down a mortgage with funds from your 401(k) can reduce your monthly expenses as retirement approaches. A paydown can also allow you to stop paying interest on the mortgage, especially if it's fairly early in the term of your mortgage.

What is the average mortgage balance in the US? ›

New mortgages—nearly all of which sport higher APRs and higher monthly payments than older mortgages—increased the average mortgage balance to $236,443 in September 2022, a 7.3% rise from September 2021. For the second consecutive year, the average mortgage balance increased by more than $10,000.

What are the psychological benefits of paying off mortgage? ›

There are Psychological Benefits

Paying off your mortgage can reduce your financial stress, and less stress leads to better overall health. In fact, it has been shown that paying off debt has a direct effect on self-esteem and general well-being.

Can a 70 year old get a 30 year mortgage? ›

Can a 70-year-old choose between a 15- and a 30-year mortgage? Absolutely. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act's protections extend to your mortgage term. Mortgage lenders can't deny you a specific loan term on the basis of age.

Should you cash in retirement to pay off house? ›

Depending on how big your nest egg is, paying off your mortgage with your 401(k) could make sense. However, look at your other savings or assets first. If you need to stretch your 401(k) into retirement, it may make more sense to keep it invested and use other assets to pay down your mortgage.

How many Americans are mortgage free? ›

A third of California homeowners own their properties free and clear. Nearly 2.4 million homeowners across the state in 2021 had no property mortgage, the third highest among the states and Washington, D.C., the Orange County Register reported.

How many Americans are debt free? ›

Fewer than one quarter of American households live debt-free.

How many Americans own their home outright? ›

Statewide, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of Californians who have paid off their mortgages, from 1.6 million households in 2000 to 2.4 million in 2020. The share of all owner-occupied homes that have no mortgage increased from 25% to 33% over that same time frame.

What percentage of retirees have a mortgage? ›

Across those 50 metros, an average of about 19% of homeowners who are 65 and older still have a mortgage. We also found that homes owned by people in this age group tend to be less valuable than those owned by the general population — and that their monthly housing costs tend to be lower.

How much debt-to-income is bad? ›

Key Takeaways

Debt-to-income ratio is your monthly debt obligations compared to your gross monthly income (before taxes), expressed as a percentage. A good debt-to-income ratio is less than or equal to 36%. Any debt-to-income ratio above 43% is considered to be too much debt.

What is the best debt-to-income? ›

What do lenders consider a good debt-to-income ratio? A general rule of thumb is to keep your overall debt-to-income ratio at or below 43%.

What is the average debt without a mortgage? ›

The average new account balance for unsecured personal loans, or loans taken without collateral such as for a car or home, is $7,978, according to November 2022 data from TransUnion. Americans with a personal loan have an average balance of $11,131, up from $10,987 in 2021.

What generation is currently in the most debt? ›

Credit Karma members closest to midlife carry the most average total debt. Generation X averages $61,036 in debt, followed by baby boomer members, who have an average total debt of $52,401.

Why are so many Americans in debt? ›

Americans are sinking into debt after hunkering down and building their financial savings during the pandemic. The sharp rise in credit card debt has been a long time coming, with Americans increasingly relying on plastic to make purchases.

How much credit card debt is normal? ›

How much credit card debt does the average person owe? On average, each U.S. household has $7,951 in credit card debt, as of this analysis. With an average of 2.6 people per household, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, that's about $3,058 in credit card debt per person.

What group of people has the most debt? ›

Black and other families are the most likely to have high debt payment burdens: 9 percent of these families have debt-payment-to-income ratios above 40 percent. Hispanic families follow closely at 8 percent. Black families are the most likely to be late on payments.

What is the average credit card debt by age? ›

Average Credit Card Debt by Age
Age GroupMedian Credit Card DebtAverage Credit Card Debt
Younger than 35$1,900$3,700
2 more rows
Mar 15, 2023

What debt is unforgivable? ›

1. WHICH DEBTS ARE NEVER FORGIVEN? Bankruptcy never forgives child and spousal support or alimony, criminal fines and restitution, and claims from drunk driving accidents.

Do millionaires keep cash? ›

Many millionaires keep a lot of their money in cash or highly liquid cash equivalents. And they tend to establish an emergency account even before making investments. Millionaires also bank differently than the rest of us.

Does Warren Buffett believe in debt? ›

Billionaire Warren Buffett was on record decades ago offering similar advice. In a 2004 Berkshire Hathaway meeting, he told a teen, “[J]ust to don't get in debt,” adding, “It's very tempting to spend more than you earn, it's very understandable. But it's not a good idea.”

What age should your house be paid off? ›

In fact, O'Leary insists that it's a good idea to be debt-free by age 45 -- and that includes having your mortgage paid off. Of course, it's one thing to shed a credit card balance by age 45. But many people don't first buy a home until they reach their 30s.

How much should you save for retirement if your house is paid off? ›

One rule of thumb is that you'll need 70% of your pre-retirement yearly salary to live comfortably. That might be enough if you've paid off your mortgage and are in excellent health when you kiss the office good-bye.

Why pay off your house? ›

Paying off a Mortage Reduces the Cost of Interest

The longer you carry a mortgage, the more you pay in interest. By paying off your mortgage early, you may save significantly due to the additional cost of interest, especially if your home loan had a high-interest rate when you took out your mortgage.

Is it better to pay off house in 15 or 30 years? ›

People with a 15-year term pay more per month than those with a 30-year term. In exchange, they are given a lower interest rate. This means that borrowers with a 15-year term pay their debt in half the time and possibly save thousands of dollars over the life of their mortgage.

Should a 70 year old pay off mortgage? ›

Paying off a mortgage can be smart for retirees or those just about to retire if they're in a lower-income bracket, have a high-interest mortgage, or don't benefit from the mortgage interest tax deduction. It's generally not a good idea to withdraw from a retirement account to pay off a mortgage.

Do most people take 30 years to pay off mortgage? ›

Homebuyers often choose a 30 year loan because it creates a more feasible monthly payment. The longer life of the loan, the smaller the monthly payments are. This protects borrowers from being obligated to pay large mortgage payments in situations where budgets may be tight.

What does Dave Ramsey say about mortgages? ›

How Much House Does Dave Ramsey Say I Can Afford? For decades, Dave Ramsey has told radio listeners to follow the 25% rule when buying a house—remember, that means never buying a house with a monthly payment that's more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay on a 15-year fixed-rate conventional mortgage.

What happens if I pay an extra $1000 a month on my mortgage? ›

Consider another example. You have a remaining balance of $350,000 on your current home on a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. You decide to increase your monthly payment by $1,000. With that additional principal payment every month, you could pay off your home nearly 16 years faster and save almost $156,000 in interest.

What happens if I pay an extra $300 a month on my mortgage? ›

This amortization schedule shows that paying an additional $300 each month will shorten the life of the mortgage from 30 years to about 21 years and 10 months (262 months vs. 360). It will also reduce the total amount of interest paid over the life of the mortgage by $209,948.

How many people actually pay off their mortgage? ›

According to Census Bureau data, over 38 percent of owner-occupied housing units are owned free and clear. For homeowners under age 65, the share of paid-off homes is 26.4 percent.

How long will $600,000 last in retirement? ›

You expect to withdraw 4% each year, starting with a $24,000 withdrawal in Year One. Your money earns a 5% annual rate of return while inflation stays at 2.9%. Based on those numbers, $600,000 would be enough to last you 30 years in retirement.

What percentage of people never pay off their mortgage? ›

Survey finds that 44 percent of Americans are still paying for their home when they retire.

What are 2 cons for paying off your mortgage early? ›

Cons of Paying a Mortgage Off Early
  • You Lose Liquidity Paying Off a Mortgage. ...
  • You Lose Access to Tax Deductions on Interest Payments. ...
  • You Could Get a Small Knock on Your Credit Score. ...
  • You Cannot Put The Money Towards Other Investments. ...
  • You Might Not Be Able to Put as Much Away into a Retirement Account.
Nov 21, 2022

How many retirees have no mortgage? ›

Nearly Three-Quarters of Retired Americans Have Non-Mortgage Debt. Because so many retirees have little to no savings, it's not too surprising that the majority are carrying debt. The most common types of debt held by retirees are credit card debt (49%), mortgages (24%), car payments (20%) and medical bills (18%).

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.