Textbooks: Advantages and Disadvantages (2024)

Should you teach from a textbook? Or rely on other resources? Find the answer here

One of the most common resources in the classroom is the textbook; learn the advantages and disadvantages of this tool plus ways to integrate other resources into your teaching. New teachers will find this resource particularly valuable. Includes suggestions such as using the textbook as a guide for students, supplementing the textbook with outside readings, and more.



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As you visit classrooms, you probably notice that most, if not all, of those classrooms use a standard textbook series. The reasons for this are many, depending on the design and focus of the curriculum, the mandates of the administration, and/or the level of expertise on the part of classroom teachers.


A textbook is a collection of the knowledge, concepts, and principles of a selected topic or course. It's usually written by one or more teachers, college professors, or education experts who are authorities in a specific field. Most textbooks are accompanied by teacher guides, which provide you with supplemental teaching materials, ideas, and activities to use throughout the academic year.

Textbooks provide you with several advantages in the classroom:

  • Textbooks are especially helpful for beginning teachers. The material to be covered and the design of each lesson are carefully spelled out in detail.

  • Textbooks provide organized units of work. A textbook gives you all the plans and lessons you need to cover a topic in some detail.

  • A textbook series provides you with a balanced, chronological presentation of information.

  • Textbooks are a detailed sequence of teaching procedures that tell you what to do and when to do it. There are no surprises—everything is carefully spelled out.

  • Textbooks provide administrators and teachers with a complete program. The series is typically based on the latest research and teaching strategies.

  • Good textbooks are excellent teaching aids. They're a resource for both teachers and students.

Fire Alarm

Some textbooks may fail to arouse student interest. It is not unusual for students to reject textbooks simply because of what they are—compendiums of large masses of data for large masses of students. Students may find it difficult to understand the relevance of so much data to their personal lives.

Use Textbooks Wisely

A textbook is only as good as the teacher who uses it. And it's important to remember that a textbook is just one tool, perhaps a very important tool, in your teaching arsenal. Sometimes, teachers over-rely on textbooks and don't consider other aids or other materials for the classroom. Some teachers reject a textbook approach to learning because the textbook is outdated or insufficiently covers a topic or subject area.

As a teacher, you'll need to make many decisions, and one of those is how you want to use the textbook. As good as they may appear on the surface, textbooks do have some limitations. The following table lists some of the most common weaknesses of textbooks, along with ways of overcoming those difficulties.

Weakness Student Difficulty Ways of Overcoming Problem
The textbook is designed as a the sole source of information. Students only see one perspective on a concept or issue. Provide students with lots of information sources such as trade books, CD-ROMS, websites, encyclopedias, etc.
Textbook is old or outdated. Information shared with students is not current or relevant. Use textbook sparingly or supplement with other materials.
Textbook questions tend to be low level or fact-based. Students assume that learning is simply a collection of facts and figures. Ask higher-level questions and provide creative thinking and problem-solving activities.
Textbook doesn't take students' background knowledge into account. Teacher does not tailor lessons to the specific attributes and interests of students. Discover what students know about a topic prior to teaching. Design the lesson based on that knowledge.
Reading level of the textbook is too difficult. Students cannot read or understand important concepts. Use lots of supplemental materials such as library books, Internet, CD-ROMs, etc.
The textbook has all the answer to all the questions. Students tend to see learning as an accumulation of correct answers. Involve students in problem-solving activities, higher-level thinking questions, and extending activities.

Think of a Textbook as a Tool

I like to think of textbooks as tools—they are only as good as the person using them. A hammer in the hands of a competent carpenter can be used to create a great cathedral or an exquisite piece of furniture. In the hands of someone else, the result may be a rundown shack or a rickety bench. How you decide to use textbooks will depend on many factors.

Expert Opinion

Remember, no textbook is perfect, and no textbook is complete. It is but one resource at your disposal. Use it as a blueprint, a guidebook, or an outline.

I would like to add a personal note of caution here: do not make the mistake of basing your entire classroom curriculum on a single textbook. The textbook needs to be used judiciously. A carpenter, for example, doesn't use only a hammer to build a magnificent oak chest. She may use a plane, chisel, saw, sander, or any number of tools to create the masterpiece she wishes to build. A great classroom program, just like a great piece of furniture, needs many tools in its construction.

When thinking about how you want to use textbooks, consider the following:

  • Use the textbook as a resource for students, but not the only resource.

  • Use a textbook as a guide, not a mandate, for instruction.

  • Be free to modify, change, eliminate, or add to the material in the textbook.

  • Supplement the textbook with lots of outside readings.

  • Supplement teacher information in the textbook with teacher resource books; attendance at local, regional, or national conferences; articles in professional periodicals; and conversations with experienced teachers.

Textbooks: Advantages and Disadvantages (2024)


What are the disadvantages of textbooks? ›

Textbook questions tend to be low level or fact-based. Students assume that learning is simply a collection of facts and figures. Ask higher-level questions and provide creative thinking and problem-solving activities. Textbook doesn't take students' background knowledge into account.

Why are textbooks better for school? ›

Considering that more time is spent reading online texts, it is no surprise that readers learn more and at a faster rate while reading printed textbooks. Students are better off reading hard copy textbooks than e-books because they absorb information more effectively.

Do textbooks help students learn? ›

A 2016 study found that after controlling for student and teacher differences, fourth- and fifth-grade teachers using high-quality textbooks made a substantial difference in student achievement.

Are textbooks better for learning? ›

Benefits of Regular Textbooks

In the classroom, these books feature fewer distractions and help learners stay engaged in class discussions and follow along. Studying may also prove more effective, as some students can recall and visualize the page and material better with hard copies.

Why are textbooks not enough? ›

There are many issues with the way classes are run and one of them is the use of textbooks in the classroom. While there are many pros and cons to the use of textbooks in the classroom, the cons overweigh the pros. They are overwhelming, expensive, hard to read, and often times inaccurate.

Why are textbooks better? ›

Printed Textbooks Improve Comprehension

There are many reasons printed textbooks lead to better comprehension. One is that students read at a slower pace when reading from a printed textbook rather than an online version. Reading slowly gives the material more time to sink in.

Do students learn better with textbooks or technology? ›

Studies show that kids tend to score worse on comprehension tests after reading digital text than they do after reading something on a printed page. Even so, researchers say the evidence is too nuanced to say conclusively that reading physical books is superior.

Why are college textbooks important? ›

College educators use textbooks as a reference and aid in discussions. Students refer to textbooks as a tool to understand the subject better, highlight important points, and refresh their memory for examinations.

How do you actually learn from a textbook? ›

Read the material.
  1. Read only the material covered under one heading or subheading at a time, and look for the answers to your questions.
  2. Read ideas, not just words.
  3. Take only minimal notes while reading.
  4. Read aggressively, with the intent of getting answers, of noting supporting details, and of remembering.

How do books benefit students? ›

Books help us to teach ourselves about history, the arts, science, religion, nature, mathematics, and technology –– anything and everything in our universe and beyond. Books also help us to understand the effect that all those things have on us and our world.

Do kids learn better with books? ›

Reading to young children is an important way to help them build language skills. It exposes them to new words and ways of using language. It also helps them learn general information about the world, which makes it easier for them to learn about new subjects once they get to school.

Is it worth keeping textbooks? ›

In short, you don't need to keep every single textbook you ever use, but you should not get rid of all of them, either. Keep the books you think will be useful to you in the future, but donate or sell back the books you will no longer need.

Should students use textbooks or tablets? ›

Tablets Are More Affordable than Textbooks

Using tablets instead of printed textbooks can be way more affordable than we imagine. Moreover, tablets can hold several textbooks on one device. This allows students to easily access various reference materials rather than using just a single book for a certain subject.

Is teaching textbooks rigorous enough? ›

How Rigorous is Teaching Textbooks. Teaching Textbooks is a full grades 3-12 math curriculum and does cover all the subjects that a student would need in these levels, progressing all the way through precalculus. In terms of difficulty, it is not the most rigorous program out there.

Why are textbooks better than tablets? ›

Tablets have too many distractions for classroom use. People who read print text comprehend more, remember more, and learn more than those who read digital text.

Why is learning from a textbook so hard? ›

Textbooks are carefully written to be precise in their language, and they are often densely packed with information. In most textbooks, every word counts and every word is conveying a specific meaning. Because of this, reading a textbook should be approached very differently than reading a novel.

Why don t high schools use textbooks anymore? ›

Cost: By having classroom sets of textbooks, schools can purchase less of them. If students take a text home, the school buys a text for each student as well as a classroom set. Considering the average high school text cost over $100US, the cost savings is significant.

Why are physical textbooks better? ›

One of the major benefits of using physical textbooks is that the engagement level is generally higher than when using electronic books. That's because there are fewer distractions, which means you can focus more. Digital textbooks reside in electronic devices.

Why books are better than computers for learning? ›

Unlike computers, books do not take much time to load, and they can carry with us anywhere we go. The first important thing about every school is teaching of reading books to the students. Simultaneously improve speaking and writing, especially writing by hand, not typing on a computer.

Why books are better than devices? ›

Books often provide more in-depth information and analysis than surface-level information on the internet. They allow the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and to explore it at their own pace.

What is the main purpose of a textbook? ›

The function of a textbook is essentially to guide the teaching and learning of the curriculum in a particular subject.

What are the benefits of free textbooks? ›

Higher completion rates and better grades for students are results of free college textbooks. Use that money for living costs. In situations like the global pandemic, textbook costs put stress on student budgets and they might skip meals or forgo other expenses. Free textbooks would free up the budget for other bills.

What are the cons of free textbooks? ›

Cons of Free Books
  • Supplementary materials like workbooks and videos.
  • Charts and graphs in the book.
  • Images that have rights attached to them.
  • Study guides.
May 21, 2020

Do college students still use textbooks? ›

California college students spend on average $938 per year on textbooks and materials, according to the California Student Aid Commission's 2021-2022 Student Expenses and Resources Survey, roughly half of that is on textbooks alone.

What are the pros and cons of text based learning? ›

This approach offers several advantages, including greater flexibility, convenience, and accessibility. However, it also has some disadvantages, such as the potential for misinterpretation and the lack of opportunity for real-time interaction and feedback.

How do you absorb information from a textbook? ›

  1. Recite: Read section by section and stop after each. Recite regularly at the end of each section. Close the book and try to remember the main points just read. ...
  2. Record: Recording actively engages you in the reading process. Active methods result in better reading comprehension.

What's the best study method? ›

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

What is the best way to learning? ›

Top 10 best study tips
  1. Be consistent. If you try to cram, you'll set yourself up for failure. ...
  2. Sleep properly. ...
  3. Try the Pomodoro method. ...
  4. Create the right environment. ...
  5. Create flashcards. ...
  6. Break everything down. ...
  7. Teach other people. ...
  8. Get some exercise.
Apr 7, 2022

What are 3 advantages of books? ›

Advantages of Books
  • A Book Could be Your Very Best Friend. ...
  • Reading Opens Up Your Imagination. ...
  • Books Help You See the World Differently. ...
  • Books Foster Self-Assurance. ...
  • Books Promote Emotional and Mental Development. ...
  • Increases Creativity. ...
  • Strengthens Your Brain. ...
  • Improves Your Chances of Living a Longer Life.

What are the 5 benefits of books? ›

Whether you're a novice reader or a bibliophile, there are some interesting benefits of reading books and how they can improve your day to day.
  • Increase your vocabulary and comprehension skills. ...
  • Reduce stress. ...
  • Help you prepare to sleep. ...
  • Prevents cognitive decline. ...
  • Might even help you live longer.

Why books can change your life? ›

Reading allows you to learn new things and opens up the possibility of letting these new things impact your life and change the way you see your surroundings. People sometimes get confused and argue that you cannot pretend to be a different person after reading one book.

Do books help with brain development? ›

Reading regularly with young children stimulates optimal patterns of brain development, which helps build strong pathways in the brain and in turn builds language, literacy, and social-emotional skills that can have life-long health benefits.

Why books are important in our life? ›

We can learn about history, philosophy, values, and science by reading books. A habit of reading builds our knowledge and contributes to intelligence. For many people, reading books is a stress relief exercise and an escape to a different world they can enjoy. For kids, books build language skills and imagination.

Why students don t buy textbooks? ›

Oftentimes, low-income students will skip buying textbooks altogether when they can't afford them. In 2020, 65% of college students reported skipping out on buying course materials because they were too expensive, according to a national survey.

How long do textbooks last? ›

The Average Print Textbook Goes Out of Date Every 3 Years.

Do textbooks get outdated? ›

In many sciences, the textbooks are often outdated by the time they are printed, but as science teachers, it is important for us to stay on top of the changes and new information and teach it outside of the text.”

What percentage of students use textbooks? ›

A total of 80-82% of 12th grade students reported reading from their textbooks in class at least once or twice a week, while 6% (in both years) reported usage only a few times per year, and 5-6% reported never using textbooks in class.

Do students prefer online textbooks? ›

97% of Students Found Digital Reading Helpful in Retention

Digital reading resources make personalized learning possible. Students can learn at their own pace and revisit topics if they want. This helps information retention.

Why shouldn't computers replace textbooks? ›

Therefore, by replacing textbooks with computers, you are also increasing the risk of injury. Increasing computer use by replacing textbooks with them would only result in a disaster. Using computers rather than textbooks will reduce concentration, rise school spending, and increase the risk of injury.

What grade is hardest teaching? ›

The Verdict: Fifth grade~ what a special grade. But do you see many of these factors as deal breakers? Do you have more cons than pros? If so, teaching fifth grade may be the hardest elementary grade for you to teach.

Is Teaching Textbooks spiral or mastery? ›

Teaching Textbooks is a spiral curriculum.

The program breaks math concepts down into bite sized chunks, teaches one topic a little at a time, moves onto another and comes back to revisit the first topic in greater depth later on.

Do strict teachers teach better? ›

A demanding teacher forces students to responsibly prepare for lessons and be more attentive during the classes. Strict teachers have common traits of character and demeanor, which help them educate strong and purposeful individuals.

What are the disadvantages of academic text? ›

Academic writing is great in academic settings, but doesn't work as well in non-academic settings because it is not always easily readable and not always interesting. It's dry and often dusty, dense to the point of being impenetrable.

What are the problems with e textbooks? ›

Problems that students experience with e-books include eye strain, distractions, a lack of overview, inadequate navigation features and insufficient annotation and highlighting functionality.

What are the negative features of academic writing? ›

In this article, we discuss 6 bad habits to avoid in academic writing.
  • Using lengthy and complex sentences unnecessarily. Academics papers require clarity in sentence construction. ...
  • Overuse of passive construction. ...
  • Plagiarism. ...
  • Avoiding revision. ...
  • Not consulting an expert for proofreading and editing for help.
Jun 9, 2021

What is the disadvantage of academic research? ›

Difficult to Obtain.

Relevant data may become hard to find or be outdated. Some research may even be costly to purchase or be currently non-existent.

What are the disadvantages of bad academic writing? ›

It has many harmful consequences, such as the loss of productivity, academic integrity, cancellation, and penalties. These consequences are difficult for students and those who earn through writing. To avoid such consequences, many ways are discussed above.

What are some problems with books? ›

Top Bookish Problems and How to Overcome Them
  1. Books Are Expensive. ...
  2. The “Book Hangover” ...
  3. Buying Too Many Books. ...
  4. Not Knowing What to Read Next. ...
  5. Watching Movies Based on Books You Love and Realizing They're Ruined. ...
  6. Being Interrupted While Reading. ...
  7. Not Being Able to Remember All the Books You Own.

What is the advantage and disadvantages? ›

A disadvantage is the opposite of an advantage, a lucky or favorable circ*mstance. At the root of both words is the Old French avant, "at the front." Definitions of disadvantage. the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position. Antonyms: advantage, vantage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading books? ›

The advantages of reading books is to get knowledge , education from the book. Reading books always consumes much of times so it had been an great disadvantages for most of the people's. The disadvantage of not reading a book is you can't take the knowledge or education from the book.

What are the negative effects of reading e-books? ›

Health Problems: Most eReaders come with an LCD screen, and studies show that reading for hours from such a screen could lead to certain eye problems. It can affect vision or may cause eye irritation, making it more difficult to focus while reading.

Is textbooks a reliable source? ›

Textbooks can be good sources of general information, but would not be considered peer reviewed sources. If you are specifically looking for peer reviewed journal articles, you can search the library databases for your topic and limit the search to "peer reviewed" to return only peer reviewed results.

How does the cost of textbooks affect students? ›

Impact on Student Success

In a survey of more than 22,000 Florida college students, students reported that the cost of required textbooks had caused negative impacts on academic performance and time to graduation, including earning a poor grade, failing a course, and not registering for a course.

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