The objectives in using textbooks (2024)

The main categories of textbooks

Textbooks which are organized in a systematically progressivefashion: these are educational texts which propose a structure, an order anda progression in the teaching-learning process:

- instruction is structured, organized in chaptersand in units;

- the content of learning (information, explanations, comments,practical exercises, summaries, evaluation) is presented in an order;

- there is systematic progression of learning towards theacquisition of new knowledge and learning new concepts, based on known items ofknowledge.

These textbooks are real working tools for the teacher and thepupil. Whilst teacher's guides do enter into this category, they are intendedonly for the teacher and their structure, organization and content differs fromtextbooks for pupils.

Books for Reference or Consultation. These are textscontaining a body of information in a certain field for the purposes ofreference or consultation as and when needed. Neither their organisation, norstructure is specifically applicable to the learningprocess.

The roles of textbooks

From the instructional standpoint, the textbook has three mainroles:

An information role, implying:

- presentation of a selection of items of knowledgeabout a specific subject and on a specific theme, taking into account that theacquisition of knowledge should be progressive and sequenced according tosucceeding years of scholarity and bearing in mind that curricula must not beoverloaded;

- filtering of items of information in order to synthesize them,sometimes simplify them and render them accessible and clear for pupils at thelevel concerned.

The textbook offers information and knowledge, but often withina certain ideological perspective: the relative importance of science andtechnology; a conception of history; established linguistic norms. The way it isconceived can determine what information is contained in a textbook and make itseem unsuitable in certain historical situations or for certain socio-economicor cultural objectives defined by development policy.

A role of structuring and organizing learning

The textbook suggests a progression in the learning processorganized in successive blocks of teaching units. It offers severalpossibilities for the organization of learning:

- from practical experience to theory;
- fromtheory to practical exercises with assessment of what has been learned;
-from practical exercises to theoretical elaboration;
- from statements toexamples and illustration;
- from examples and illustrations to observationand analysis.

A role of guiding learning

To guide the pupil in his perception and comprehension of theoutside world, in putting together knowledge acquired from sources other thanthe curriculum, in mastering what he has learned. There are two alternatives,either of which can be used to guide the learning process:

- repetition, memorisation, copying models;

- more open and creative activities where the pupil can make useof his own experiences and observations.

According to the subject, progress can be:

- more constraining for subjects like mathematics,science, reading, foreign languages:
- less constraining for literary texts,geography, history (chronological order).

According to its pedagogical conception, and depending upon thelearning objectives, the textbook can comply with:

- a more "interventionist" instruction for thetransmission of knowledge; this highlights the constraining influence of thetextbook on teaching and learning;

- a more open instruction, facilitating the pupil's developmentof aptitudes for observation, reflection and a certain autonomy in his learningactivities. For this type of instruction the teacher will need good professionaltraining.

The textbook often expresses a specific perception ofcommunication and child-adult and pupil-teacherrelationships.

The objectives in using textbooks

A textbook can be conceived as a working tool either for theteacher or for the pupil. Decisions as to choice in this respect will determinethe nature of the textbook as a tool for communication: language used, quantityand level of information, text, illustrations and links between the latter twoelements. Generally speaking, the least developed countries give priority totextbooks for pupils. For teachers, the choice is that of a teacher's guidewhich differs from school textbooks in its nature.

Moreover, the possibility of collective use, for example in aclass, of certain elements in the textbook, such as illustrations, maps,diagrams, can also be considered; this reduces productioncosts.

Teacher Training

The elaboration of textbooks and teacher training shouldpreferably be coordinated in a way that will ensure that teachers can, inpractice, use the books available to the pupils in the most effective waypossible. The type of education for which teachers are trained and theirqualifications must, therefore, be taken into consideration. Textbooks inspiredby a pedagogy which leaves little freedom for initiative could require theteacher to complement the textbook by means of surveys, information seeking,practical work and the like.

Moreover, it would be unreasonable to elaborate textbooks whoselevel and complexity would preclude the teacher's taking advantage of all theirpossibilities. They should, therefore, be adapted to the average skills ofteachers, bearing in mind that the textbook can be one way for less qualifiedteachers to improve their training, and thus, theirteaching.

Those elaborating the textbook

Textbooks are a very important element in instruction but theirproduction is often expensive, particularly for primary and secondary levels.Their elaboration must, therefore, respond optimally to the needs ofinstruction. Authors of textbooks play a decisive role in the success ofoperations following submission of the manuscript, especially in the publishingphase, and for the quality of the final work. Authors should possess a number ofskills and abilities:

- skill in drafting, with a clear and precise style;

- knowledge of the subject for which the textbook will be used;

- knowledge of pedagogy and teaching experience;

- ability to evaluate the level and complexity of the textbookin accordance with the needs of teachers, their qualifications and thesocio-cultural characteristics of the pupils;

- stamina and perseverance, insofar as writing a school textbooktakes a long time;

- willingness to accept criticism and discuss it objectively;

- understand the obligations and requirements of his otherpartners in book production, in particular, those responsible for curricula,illustrators, book designers, and publishers. He should also know how to takeinto account financial constraints which might result from budgetary allocationsfor the book.

These skills, capacities and abilities are essential to prevent,or at least reduce the possibility of disappointing results which couldcompromise the quality of the book. One way of assessing an author, especiallywhen he is writing his first book, is to ask him for a detailed outline of thefuture textbook, and then to draft a few short chapters or paragraphs in orderto appreciate the quality of his writing.

School textbook writers are more often than not experiencedteachers with a good basic training and having specialised in a subject, schoolinspectors, secondary or technical teachers, teachers working in educationalresearch institutes, or university professors. Some textbooks can be designedwith the cooperation of specialists working, for example, in health oragricultural sectors.

Is it possible to train someone to write textbooks? Such workdemands strong personal commitment, motivation and applied creative penmanship.If these exist, and professional qualifications are sufficient, then seminarsand training courses could be used to discuss problems of elaboration and teachpotentially capable men and women how to seek and utilise the basic material andelements which make up a good textbook. Specialist consultants within theframework of school book production projects can provide help, advice andmethodology for the elaboration oftextbooks.

The author's contract

The content of an author's contract and its wording are draftedin accordance with customs and legislation in the country concerned. However,some specific items should preferably be mentioned:

- type and level of instruction, individual orcollective, level of pupils, qualifications of teachers;

- the outline of the textbook;

- approximate number of pages in a defined format;

- submission dates for various chapters and the final typedmanuscript.

The objectives in using textbooks (2024)


What are objectives in a textbook? ›

What is an objective? An objective is a goal that helps to drive your teaching instruction. These objectives help you and your students to stay focused on the goal. Objectives are written in most textbooks and they are created for teachers to use to guide their instructional planning.

What is the purpose of using a learning process with a textbook? ›

Using textbooks makes teaching various subjects systematic as it is arranged according to themes. For this reason, it is easier for students to follow the lessons and understand them better. They play major roles for weak students to achieve good grades as they are able to read on their own in more details..

What are the advantages of using textbooks? ›

Among the principal advantages are:
  • They provide structure and a syllabus for a program. ...
  • They help standardize instruction. ...
  • They maintain quality. ...
  • They provide a variety of learning resources. ...
  • They are efficient. ...
  • They can provide effective language models and input. ...
  • They can train teachers. ...
  • They are visually appealing.

How do you study effectively from a textbook? ›

Here's how to get started:
  1. Pay Attention to Headings and Subheadings. Textbooks are organized by headings and subheadings. ...
  2. Read the End of the Chapter First. ...
  3. Break Your Assignments Up Into Chunks. ...
  4. Interact With The Material. ...
  5. Don't Forget About Graphs and Diagrams. ...
  6. Bring Your Notes to Class. ...
  7. Read Outloud. ...
  8. Change Locations.
Jul 7, 2021

What are the 3 learning objectives? ›

There are three main types of learning objectives: cognitive, psychom*otor, and affective. Cognitive objectives focus on mental skills or knowledge and are common in school settings. Learning objectives written with the ABCD approach have four components: the audience, behavior, condition, and degree.

What are the two objectives of reviewing a textbook? ›

It provides a summary of the content, assesses the value of the book, and recommends it (or not) to other potential readers.

What is the importance of reading textbook? ›

It can reduce stress, improve your mental health, and help you live longer. Reading also allows you to learn new things to help you succeed in your work and relationships. The best part? You can get all these benefits of reading books while enjoying some fantastic entertainment.

Do textbooks help students learn? ›

A 2016 study found that after controlling for student and teacher differences, fourth- and fifth-grade teachers using high-quality textbooks made a substantial difference in student achievement.

What is the purpose of learning text types? ›

Knowledge of text type helps children organize their thoughts when receiving, retelling or reporting on a particular reading. Children unaware of text types may become confused or include unnecessary details in reports or retellings of a read aloud.

Are textbooks better for learning? ›

Benefits of Regular Textbooks

In the classroom, these books feature fewer distractions and help learners stay engaged in class discussions and follow along. Studying may also prove more effective, as some students can recall and visualize the page and material better with hard copies.

Why are textbooks better for school? ›

Considering that more time is spent reading online texts, it is no surprise that readers learn more and at a faster rate while reading printed textbooks. Students are better off reading hard copy textbooks than e-books because they absorb information more effectively.

What are 3 advantages of books? ›

Advantages of Books
  • A Book Could be Your Very Best Friend. ...
  • Reading Opens Up Your Imagination. ...
  • Books Help You See the World Differently. ...
  • Books Foster Self-Assurance. ...
  • Books Promote Emotional and Mental Development. ...
  • Increases Creativity. ...
  • Strengthens Your Brain. ...
  • Improves Your Chances of Living a Longer Life.

How do you absorb information from a textbook? ›

  1. Recite: Read section by section and stop after each. Recite regularly at the end of each section. Close the book and try to remember the main points just read. ...
  2. Record: Recording actively engages you in the reading process. Active methods result in better reading comprehension.

What is the most effective way to study? ›

10 tips on how to study effectively
  1. Get organised.
  2. Don't skip class!
  3. Take notes.
  4. Talk to your teacher & ask questions.
  5. Space out your studying.
  6. Create a study plan – & stick to it.
  7. Don't just re-read but study.
  8. Set up a quiet study space.

How do you stay focused while reading a textbook? ›

  1. Practice Meditation.
  2. Exercise Before You Read.
  3. Improve Your Nutrition For Better Concentration.
  4. Set Up Your Environment For Fewer Distractions. ...
  5. Focus on the Motivation For Reading.
  6. Understand What You Need to Get Out Of The Reading.
  7. Set Small Targets to Get Started.
  8. Use Interval Reading Timers.

What are good learning objectives? ›

A good learning objective will describe the result; the knowledge, skills, or attitudes that students should have acquired within the context of the instructor's observation. Time-bound: Clearly state the timeline if applicable. This can help you decide how well the learners should perform to be considered competent.

What are key learning objectives? ›

Learning objectives are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program. In other words, learning objectives identify what the learner will know and be able to do by the end of a course or program.

What are objectives examples? ›

Examples of objectives include: I will speak at five conferences in the next year. I will read one book about sales strategy every month. I will work with a coach to practise my networking skills by the end of this month.

What are the objectives of critical review of textbook? ›

The purpose of a review

Critical: to pass judgement on the quality, meaning and significance of the book or article, including how well it has achieved its aims, and what it adds to our understanding of the topic.

What is the objective of reviewing? ›

The objective is the rationale behind why the review should be conducted. It should be clear, succinct, and convey to the reader what the study will add to the research field.

Why is reviewing objectives important? ›

To wrap it up, the purpose of daily review is to keep you going on your track. This is probably the most important part of goal accomplishment - actually creating progress, since you need to focus on driving first, before trying to know how far you have gone.

What are the 5 benefits of reading? ›

Five benefits of reading
  • Increase your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Reading strengthens your brain, helps you widen your vocabulary and aids in your ability to comprehend information. ...
  • Reduce stress. ...
  • Help you prepare to sleep. ...
  • Prevents cognitive decline. ...
  • Might even help you live longer. ...
  • So, what should you be reading?

Do students learn better with textbooks or technology? ›

Studies show that kids tend to score worse on comprehension tests after reading digital text than they do after reading something on a printed page. Even so, researchers say the evidence is too nuanced to say conclusively that reading physical books is superior.

How important are textbooks in college? ›

While they are as important as other essential college books and resources that help students navigate their higher education journey, textbooks are specific to the course and subject matter in a college program. College educators use textbooks as a reference and aid in discussions.

Is teaching textbooks rigorous enough? ›

How Rigorous is Teaching Textbooks. Teaching Textbooks is a full grades 3-12 math curriculum and does cover all the subjects that a student would need in these levels, progressing all the way through precalculus. In terms of difficulty, it is not the most rigorous program out there.

What are the benefits of text based learning? ›

What are the main advantages of the text-based language teaching approach? Lessons can integrate debates, roles plays, drama, or any sort of competition if preparation is given. This method implies that “teaching should focus on all the four language skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening).

What are the 4 purposes of text? ›

These four purposes of writing - to entertain, inform, persuade, and express feelings - are often referred to as the four core purposes. Most texts can fit into one of these four categories. However, these aims are quite broad and generalised.

How is understanding a text important in understanding life as a whole? ›

By understanding what we read, we pick up important information, understand scientific theories, past opinions and new frontiers. (In layman's terms, it is through reading that we no longer have to 'discover' gravity, or the independence of 182 nations with every new generation).

Should students use textbooks or tablets? ›

Tablets Are More Affordable than Textbooks

Using tablets instead of printed textbooks can be way more affordable than we imagine. Moreover, tablets can hold several textbooks on one device. This allows students to easily access various reference materials rather than using just a single book for a certain subject.

Do kids learn better with books? ›

Reading to young children is an important way to help them build language skills. It exposes them to new words and ways of using language. It also helps them learn general information about the world, which makes it easier for them to learn about new subjects once they get to school.

Why are textbooks not enough? ›

There are many issues with the way classes are run and one of them is the use of textbooks in the classroom. While there are many pros and cons to the use of textbooks in the classroom, the cons overweigh the pros. They are overwhelming, expensive, hard to read, and often times inaccurate.

What is the difference between a book and a textbook? ›

In simplest terms, the difference between a text book and any other book is that a textbook is written and organized in such a manner to be used with a specific set of instruction. The textbook will be written in a style and with vocabulary that is suited to a specific age group.

Is a physical or online textbook better? ›

One of the major benefits of using physical textbooks is that the engagement level is generally higher than when using electronic books. That's because there are fewer distractions, which means you can focus more. Digital textbooks reside in electronic devices.

What are pros and cons of books? ›

The advantages of reading books is to get knowledge , education from the book. Reading books always consumes much of times so it had been an great disadvantages for most of the people's. The disadvantage of not reading a book is you can't take the knowledge or education from the book.

What is the importance of books for? ›

Importance of Books: Overview

They feed us with all the knowledge we seek, sculpt our personalities, and sharpen our comprehension as well as our communication skills. Reading books helps us to learn from others' experiences and covers every aspect of life.

How do books benefit children? ›

Reading and sharing stories can: help your child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills. learn to value books and stories. spark your child's imagination and stimulate curiosity.

How do you find the most important information in a textbook? ›

Look through the text features in the chapter (headings, titles, graphs, bold words, etc.) to gain clues about the main concepts and important elements of the chapter. Pay special attention to these features when previewing your textbook: Titles, headings, and subtitles.

What are the 7 study skills? ›

Active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for students.

How do you absorb more knowledge? ›

  1. Learn in Multiple Ways. Focus on learning in more than one way. ...
  2. Teach What You've Learned to Another Person. ...
  3. Utilize Previous Learning to Promote New Learning. ...
  4. Gain Practical Experience. ...
  5. Look Up Answers Rather Than Struggle to Remember. ...
  6. Understand How You Learn Best. ...
  7. Use Testing to Boost Learning. ...
  8. Stop Multitasking.

What are the three most effective study strategies? ›

3 Successful Study Techniques
  • Taking notes by hand. Since we live in such a technological age, some people might be surprised to know that it helps me to handwrite my notes. ...
  • Having a quiet place to study. ...
  • Read, write, recite.

What are the 4 study strategies? ›

Four Study Strategies to Enhance Your Learning
  • Create your study area(s) This one encompasses more than it seems at first glance. ...
  • Organise your study schedule. ...
  • In the groove. ...
  • Reading R.O.I.
Apr 6, 2016

What are study strategies? ›

__________________________________________________ Study Skills are the strategies and techniques that help you make the most of your time, academic potential and resources. Improving your study skills can help you get more work done in the time available to you, and make it easier to retain the information you learn.

How do books improve focus and concentration? ›

Reading helps in improving memory by increasing mental stimulation and allowing new neurons to be produced in the brain. The more one reads, the easier it becomes to recall certain things. This is because reading exercises the brain. Reading is also essential in decreasing stress and improving concentration levels.

How do books improve concentration and focus explanation? ›

Focus books are self-help guides about concentration and attention. These books often identify the triggers and causes of distraction and lay out strategies to block out interruptions and work more mindfully. The purpose of these books is to boost concentration and productivity.

What is an example of objective text? ›

Here are some examples of objective text: '47% of citizens underpay their tax bills. ' 'The company's profits have doubled in the last year, thanks to the introduction of their new product.

What is an example of objective of a study? ›

Example: Research objectives To assess the relationship between sedentary habits and muscle atrophy among the participants. To determine the impact of dietary factors, particularly protein consumption, on the muscular health of the participants.

What are learning objectives examples? ›

Here is an example of how learning goals and learning outcomes relate to each other: Learning goal: “I want students to understand/learn/know the scientific method.” Learning objective: “Students will be able to describe the scientific methods and provide examples of its application.”

What are the five main objectives? ›

The key to having good all-round performance is five performance objectives: quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and cost.

What are the 4 types of objectives? ›

Types of Objectives
  • Cognitive.
  • Psychom*otor.
  • Attitudes.
Sep 11, 2018

What are the 5 types of objectives? ›

Learn how to develop SMART+C objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, and Challenging) for your efforts.

How do you write an objective example? ›

Objectives should be inspirational and easy to remember

Instead, start with improve, create, increase, maximize, grow, build, leverage, etc. Frame an Objective in positive language. For example, do “more” of something beneficial rather than cutting back on something negative.

What is an example of objective type of questions? ›

Objective questions are those based in fact, where a respondent's answer can be determined as right, wrong, true or false. An example of an objective question would be to ask where someone lives or what they bought from your store.

What is the main objective? ›

Your objective is what you are trying to achieve.

What is an example of objectives and outcomes? ›

For example, if you want to lose weight, your objective should be clear – like dropping 10 pounds in a week or maintaining your current weight for six months – while your outcome could be dropping 10 pounds in a week or maintaining your current weight for six months.

How do I write a learning objective? ›

What: Write the specifics of what the learner will be doing when demonstrating achievement or mastery of the objectives. Your objectives should describe what students will or should be able to know or do as a result of a learning experience.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.