Sixteen - the average number of homes you'll have in a lifetime (2024)

BRITONS in the 21st century will end up living in 16 different homes over their lifetime compared to their parents' generation who will have stayed in just five, according to new figures.

Sixteen - the average number of homes you'll have in a lifetime (1)Sixteen - the average number of homes you'll have in a lifetime (2)

Modern homeowners get itchy feet every five years on average as they try and move up the property ladder.

Their total property haul of 16 homes includes the houses of their childhood, university lodgings, rented flat shares, first time buys, family homes and finally downsizing for retirement.


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This is almost twice as many homes as outlined in a similar social trends survey in 1990, showing just how often modern householders are willing to move if they can.

In contrast, today's average 65-year-old has only lived in five homes during his or her lifetime said the study, based on a survey of 2,000 adults of all ages, released yesterday by the Ideal Home Show.

Experts said the trend was mostly down to changing social trends including moving away from home earlier, increased cohabiting before marriage, rising divorce rates and fragmentation of the family unit.

Neil Barber, of Edinburgh-based removal firm Intransit, said: "Social mores have changed. Our customers are moving because they are sharing with a boyfriend, moving up a year in university or are choosing different flatmates. They are moving because they have more options than in previous generations."

Even owner-occupiers are more mobile today. Brett Jefferies, 31, has bought and sold homes in Edinburgh three times in as many years. "My long-term girlfriend and I just decided we needed more room so we're looking to move even though we only just bought the flat we're in now. We just bought it to redecorate and sell it on, really.

"I don't feel particularly attached to places, even though you take pride in any improvements you have made."

The study found older generations were more likely to move straight from their parents' house into the marital home, moving once or twice to bigger properties as the family grew, then a retirement property.

But they also bought property at a time when it was harder to get a mortgage and more emphasis was placed on paying off a loan than constantly extending the amount borrowed.

There was also less profit to be made out of property.


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Many of today's 65-year-olds have lived through periods when house prices have actually fallen, unlike many homeowners in their thirties and younger who have never experienced a boom and bust economy.

The study found 12 million people a year move home in the UK - an average of over 33,000 a day. Every move involves ten days of packing and unpacking so 16 moves will add up to the equivalent of more than five months of tedious organising.

Bernard Clarke, of the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) said: "The number of mortgages is pretty steady - there is no long-term increasing trend. A lot of homeowners will choose to remortgage when they move."

The Ideal Home Show's director, Caroline Carr, said: "It's amazing to think how many people are boxing up all their possessions every day of the year."

In the future many will be moving into much greener properties built from more sustainable materials and geared towards the environment, the study predicted.


Anna Close, 31, a lecturer in English at Glasgow Metropolitan College, has moved home in Glasgow 12 times in the past 13 years.

1. Autumn 1994 to summer 1995: Left home to move into student halls of residence.

2. Autumn 1995 to summer 1996: shared a flat in Derby Street.

3. Summer 1996: lived with a friend in Hillhead.


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4. Autumn 1996 to summer 1997: shared Grant Street flat with five others.

5. Autumn 1997 to early 1998: shared a flat in Southpark Avenue.

6. Early 1998 to summer 1998: shared a flat in Woodlands Road.

7. Autumn 1998 to end of 1999: shared a flat in Queen's Drive.

8. Autumn 2001 to spring 2002: shared flat in Nithsdale Road.

9.Spring 2002 to spring 2003: shared a flat with one friend in Albert Avenue.

10. Spring 2003 to spring 2005: shared a flat with one friend in Allison Street.

11. Spring 2005 to Nov 2006: shared a flat with partner.

12. Currently sharing a flat in Shawlands.

Sixteen - the average number of homes you'll have in a lifetime (2024)


How many homes does the average person have in a lifetime? ›

In fact, the average person will own at least three houses in their lifetime. Living in one place for most of your life may or may not be your goal, but if it is, there are things you must do as a homeowner to ensure your home lasts as long as you'd like it to.

How many houses can you have in life? ›

According to our real-life studies, turns out most people can expect to own three homes during their lifetimes.

How many years do homes last? ›

The average lifespan of a newly constructed house is 70–100 years. Factors such as weak housing materials and damaging weather exposure can shorten a home's lifespan. Routine repair and maintenance can improve the longevity of a home.

Can a house last 300 years? ›

Without special care and maintenance, the maximum lifespan of a house is about 200 years. Yes, there are historical buildings that are far older, but those have received special maintenance and preventive care that few other buildings receive.

How many times does an average American move houses in their lifetime? ›

A person in the United States is expected to move 11.4 times in his lifetime. So Ron, at 15 homes, you haven't only moved more often than the average American your age — you've relocated more often than the average American will. You are, however, in an age group that packs up more frequently.

How much does the average person need to live their life? ›

Overall, Americans need an average post-tax income of $68,499 to live comfortably in the U.S., according to recent data from SmartAsset.

How many houses do you need to make a living? ›

Therefore, you're going to need 15 to 20 properties to pretty much replace your income for the average person. That's a lot of properties to buy.

How many people have multiple homes? ›

Second home ownership statistics show that 6.02% of individuals aged 30–49 own a second home. This age group has a higher second home ownership percentage than those aged 18–29 and 50–64, whose rates are 4.68% and 4.13%, respectively.

How long will a 100 year old house last? ›

Without special care and regular maintenance, their lifespan can reach about 200 years. But even though the materials used in many old houses are designed to last this long, there is still a chance that you will find problems in the structure or foundation.

Why do old houses last longer? ›

Older homes were usually built with a higher caliber of solid building materials such as stone, brick, and solid wood. For example, wood in old houses was cut from “old growth”, which has proven to be more stable, durable, and more rot-resistant than today's wood.

What age are most homeowners? ›

But is there a right age when these factors should be in place? And are these the factors Americans should consider when deciding to become a homeowner for the first time? In 2022, the average age of first-time homebuyers was 36, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is up from 33 in 2021.

What type of house lasts the longest? ›

Stone and brick houses last the longest. If you are using wood, choose a hardwood for durability. A one-storey house will last longer because it is easier to maintain. Steel-frame techniques are also more durable for building houses than traditional stick-framing techniques and can last for 100+ years.

Is it OK to buy a 100 year old house? ›

It can be perfectly safe to buy a 100 year old house. On the surface, there's absolutely nothing wrong with buying a 100-year-old home. Still, you should be wary of structural issues and other problems associated with aged houses, such as lead paint and pest problems.

Is a 30 year old house too old? ›

As with anything regular maintenance, gentle use, and select repairs can prolong life expectancy but with neglect (or bad luck) the life expectancy will be shortened. When a house is 25 years or older many components of the home are beyond their life expectancy and should have been replaced.

What is the strongest house made of? ›

Research-wise, concrete foundations, insulated concrete form framing (ICF), and a corrugated galvanised steel roof are the strongest house materials. Foundations are usually constructed from concrete because it is our strongest building material and it's important to have a sturdy house foundation.

Which age group moves the most? ›

According to Harvard's Joint Center for Housing Studies and World Economic Forum: People move less often as they age, and young adults between the ages of 20-29 move the most.

What percentage of Americans own a home in their lifetime? ›

Homeownership Rates By State In 2022
New York54%
47 more rows
Feb 4, 2023

How often do most Americans move? ›

So how many times does the average person move in a lifetime? Whether they're changing jobs, upsizing their homes or just looking to try on a new neighborhood or dream city, Americans move an average of 11.7 times in their lifetime.

What is the happiest income level? ›

The 2010 study found that money could only boost happiness up to a point — about $75,000 in annual earnings. Beyond that figure, the researchers concluded, money had little impact.

What is the happiest salary? ›

Kahneman's original study that put the plateau around $75,000 more specifically saw happiness flatten in the $60,000 to $90,000 salary range, making the $75,000 number the midpoint, which is why it gets cited as the official plateau.

What is a good salary in USA? ›

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage across all occupations in 2021 was $58,260 [1]. For a person living in Phoenix, Arizona, where the median wage is $56,610, earning above the national average may be considered very good.

How many homes do wealthy people own? ›

As of 2019, a plurality of millionaires in the United States, 43 percent, owned only one house. This compares to 8.5 percent of millionaires who owned five or more properties.

Do most millionaires own their homes? ›

The overwhelming majority of millionaires own real estate, making it by far the most popular alternative asset class. That includes their own home, second homes, investment properties, and fractional ownership of investment properties through partners or programs like Arrived Homes and Roofstock One.

How many houses do I need to retire? ›

Simply divide the amount of monthly income you need by the cash flow each property generates. For example, if you need $2,000 per month to get by in retirement, then you'd need four properties that generate $500 each.

How many Americans own 2 homes? ›

How Many Homes in the U.S. are Second Homes? Through our analysis we found that there are at least 2.64 million second homes in the U.S. that are for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use. How many homes are there in the United States?

Is it smart to buy multiple houses? ›

Owning multiple rental properties can help investors reduce risk through portfolio diversification. The snowball effect describes how real estate investors use cash flow from one rental property to purchase multiple properties over time.

What percentage of Americans have more than one home? ›

According to NAHB estimates, the total count of second homes was 7.5 million, accounting for 5.5% of the total housing stock in 2018, the most recent data available.

Do houses lose value as they age? ›

Many first-time home buyers believe the physical characteristics of a house will lead to increased property value. But in reality, a property's physical structure tends to depreciate over time, while the land it sits on typically appreciates in value.

Is it smart to buy a house at 50 years old? ›

The Bottom Line

If you're in your 50s, it's not too late to buy a new home, but it's key to ask the right questions and make the wisest decisions possible. Above all, make sure you won't be stuck making mortgage payments years after retirement. Gallup. "Most U.S. Employed Adults Plan to Work Past Retirement Age."

Do old houses keep their value? ›

When a house starts to show its age through lax maintenance, its value lessens. Wood rot, warping floor boards, cracks in the walls, falling gutters and windows that no longer close tightly all decrease a home's value.

Is it healthy to live in an old house? ›

Some of the most concerning dangers of old houses are asbestos and lead paint. Asbestos was commonly used for insulation, wall patching, and other home construction until the 1970s, and lead paint was common in-home decorating until the federal government banned it in 1978.

Is a house built in 1950 old? ›

If you are looking at a house built in 1950, the house is 60 years old. Assuming that the house originally had a 20-year asphalt roof, it was most likely replaced in the early 1970's, and again in the 1990's. If it does not have a new roof, the current roof might be nearing the end of its 20 year expected life.

Are old houses sturdier? ›

Old homes have better-quality construction

Even the walls are likely different. In an older home they're probably built with plaster and lathe, making them structurally stronger than the drywall construction of modern homes.

What age do most people pay off their mortgage? ›

While the average age borrowers expect to pay off their mortgage is 59, the number of survey participants who have no idea when they will pay it off at all stood at 16%. In 2019, 9% of those asked didn't know and in 2020, 11% gave this answer.

How many people don't have a mortgage? ›

Q: How many homeowners have paid off their mortgage? A: 37% of U.S. households no longer have a home mortgage to pay, according to a Zillow data analysis.

What percentage of homes are paid off? ›

According to Census Bureau data, over 38 percent of owner-occupied housing units are owned free and clear. For homeowners under age 65, the share of paid-off homes is 26.4 percent.

What is the most efficient house? ›

When it comes to the most efficient building shape, uncomplicated dome and cube structures retain the most heat. This is because the air can circulate more efficiently around a dome whilst a cube has the smallest surface area to floor area ratio, so it loses minimal amounts of heat.

What is the life expectancy of a slab foundation? ›

Foundations. Poured concrete block bases and slab foundations will last for a lifetime, 80 to 100 years or more, given they have been constructed with precision.

How to build a house that will last the next 100 years? ›

Here are four principles to guide every homebuilder in constructing 100-year homes.
  1. Design for Occupant Comfort. Occupant comfort is paramount in longevity homebuilding. ...
  2. Improve the Indoor Air Quality of Homes. ...
  3. Climate Resilient Construction to Improve Resiliency. ...
  4. Reduce Our Carbon Footprint, Including Embodied Carbon.
Oct 11, 2021

At what age is it good to buy a house? ›

When you're in your middle years or older, chances are you'll have a higher, steadier income and a better idea of where you'd like to settle down than when you were first starting out. You'll also leave yourself time to build excellent credit, which may qualify you for the best available mortgage rates and terms.

Is buying a house at 40 too old? ›

Age doesn't matter. Counterintuitive as it may sound, your loan application for a mortgage to be repaid over 30 years looks the same to lenders whether you are 90 years old or 40.

Is 40 to old to buy a house? ›

When you hit your 40s, you may be on more solid financial footing than you were in your 20s. But that doesn't mean you should buy the priciest home on the block—even if you can afford it. Instead, consider the expenses and financial obligations that will come up through your 40s and into your 50s.

What age is too late to buy a house? ›

Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, there is no age limit to taking out a mortgage. As long as you can meet the financial requirements, you're allowed to take out a loan at any time. To take out a mortgage over 60 you will need to be able to prove your ability to repay the loan.

How long will house last? ›

How Long do Houses Last on Average? The average life span of a house in the United States is about 50-70 years. Houses can last for decades if they are well-maintained and have been constructed with quality materials. A poorly built home may not last more than 20 years.

What age do Millennials buy house? ›

The average millennial bought their first home at 34, slightly older than the average age of past generations, when boomers took the keys at 33 and Gen X at 32.

What are the longest lasting houses made of? ›

Steel. Steel is a tried and true building material that can help any structure to stay safe and standing throughout many different weather issues and even earthquakes. If your house is fortified with steel it is sure to last well beyond the years that you live there.

What is the strongest part of a house? ›

Strong Walls Holds the House Together

Walls are one of the most important aspects to consider when building a new home because they connect everything and make up much of the structure's strength.

Are brick houses stronger? ›

Clay bricks are stronger than concrete and many other building materials. When combined in an interlocking pattern with other bricks and held together by a cement called mortar, bricks make sturdy structures that can survive for hundreds, if not thousands, of years with very little maintenance.

What percent of people have 2 homes? ›

How many homes are there in the United States? There are more than 110 million residences in the United States, including both households and vacant homes, which means that 2.39% of all residences in the United States are used solely as second homes.

How many items does the average person have in their home? ›

There are 300,000 items in the average American home (LA Times). 2.

What percentage of population owns a home? ›

64% of Americans own real estate. 35% of the American population does not own their own homes. Homeownership rates have increased to nearly 65% in the US since the 1940s.

How many Americans own 2 or more homes? ›

Second home ownership statistics show that 6.02% of individuals aged 30–49 own a second home. This age group has a higher second home ownership percentage than those aged 18–29 and 50–64, whose rates are 4.68% and 4.13%, respectively.

How many Americans own more than 1 house? ›

According to NAHB estimates, the total count of second homes was 7.5 million, accounting for 5.5% of the total housing stock in 2018, the most recent data available. As of 2018, the state with the largest stock of second homes was Florida (1.1 million), accounting for 14.5% of all second homes.

How many people in the US own more than one house? ›

No. of people with multiple houses reaches 2.32 million. November. 17, 2021 07:21.

At what age does the average American become a homeowner? ›

But is there a right age when these factors should be in place? And are these the factors Americans should consider when deciding to become a homeowner for the first time? In 2022, the average age of first-time homebuyers was 36, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). This is up from 33 in 2021.

Who owns the most homes in the world? ›

Conclusion: The Catholic Church owns the most land, far more than McDonald's and billionaire Bill Gates.

How much property does the average American own? ›

Often, a bank owns the home they live in — most of it, anyway. Still, Americans have a lot of real money tied up in their homes — on average, $150,506, according to a new report by the Urban Institute called “How Much House Do Americans Really own? Measuring America's Accessible Housing Wealth by Geography and Age.”

Do most people have cluttered homes? ›

The average U.S. household has 300,000 things

No wonder a lot of homes have a clutter problem.

Do most people have clutter? ›

Just about every home has some clutter. It might be out in the open or tucked behind closet doors or in a garage, basem*nt, or attic. You know where your clutter lurks. And even if it's not visible, too much clutter might be causing you stress.

How many possessions does the average American have? ›

All that stuff eating up space could actually be translated into more money in your pockets. One-quarter of Americans cop to having a “clutter problem.” Hardly surprising then, that the average home contains 300,000 items.

How many Americans own homes without mortgage? ›

A third of California homeowners own their properties free and clear. Nearly 2.4 million homeowners across the state in 2021 had no property mortgage, the third highest among the states and Washington, D.C., the Orange County Register reported.

How many Americans have a mortgage? ›

Accounting for 70% of all American debt, mortgage debt carries the highest total at $10.44 trillion. Forty-two percent of households have mortgages. (That's over 51.5 million total American households). And the average mortgage debt in our country is $202,454.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.