61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (2024)

Table of Contents
Statistics From The 2022 Clutter Survey Clutter Survey Demographics Clutter Survey Questions, Answers And Statistics Clutter Statistics From Other Surveys And Research The average person today (1999) receives more information on a daily basis, than the average person received in a lifetime in 1900 – Unknown Getting rid of clutter would eliminate 40 percent of housework in the average home. women who perceive their homes to be cluttered tend to have unhealthy patterns of cortisol levels. Stress triggered by clutter may also trigger coping and avoidance strategies, like eating junk food, oversleeping or binge-watching Netflix. Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled Each person produces 4.6lb of trash per day in the United States 23 percent of adults say they pay bills late (and incur fees) because they lose them. The average Briton clings on to £514 worth of unused goods that simply lie dormant, gathering dust Around 50% Of Homeowners Said They Wouldn’t Invite Their Friends To Their Home Because Of Clutter 61% of households in the UK argue about clutter at least once a month with over a third arguing every single week 81% that said that a tidy up improved their mood, and women were also more likely to have their spirits lifted by a tidy house than men 40% of Australians Say They Feel Guilty, Depressed, Or Anxious About Their Home Clutter The UK uses 37.6 million sq.ftof storage space, which isthe equivalent of a staggering268,500 removal vans The average U.S. household has 300,000 things Being Disorganized And Having Lots Of Clutter Costs Families An Average Of 10-15% Of Their Income U.S. children make up 3.7% of children on the planet but have 47% of all toys and children’s books British research found that the average 10-year-old owns 238 toys but plays with just 12 daily 80% Of The Clutter In Your Home Is A Result Of Disorganisation, Not Lack Of Space Over the course of our lifetime, we will spenda total of 10 mins every day looking for an average of 9 lost items. This equates to 3,680 hours or 153 days searching! On average we spend one year of our lives looking for lost items. That’s over 8,700 hours looking for lost or misplaced things! FAQs

If you’re not sure whether decluttering is worth it, and you need a bit of motivation and proof that you need to get started on tackling it – then these clutter statistics may just help!

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (1)

I love knowing some data around anything I do (it’s the Mathematician in me #mathsdegree) – and the data around clutter and organising is totally eye opening, to say the least!

In fact, researchers are learning more and more important information about clutter and it’s negative effects – from how much time is wasted on lost items (looking for them, re-buying them etc…), and how much money is wasted on items unused (storage costs as well), to the damage to relationships (stress from clutter can wreak havoc) – plus a whole myriad of other stuff.

If you’ve ever needed a reason to declutter, or you’re not sure that clutter is really that big of an issue, then these clutter statistics are definitely worth a read, and I hope they help clarify that, yes, it really can be!

Statistics From The 2022 Clutter Survey

In the summer of 2022, I surveyed over 1000 lovely readers all about the difficult subject of clutter in their homes. The results were really interesting, and I hope you get a lot out of them, just like I did!

Clutter Survey Demographics

1058 people were surveyed, and the breakdown of demographics was:

LOCATION: UK (30.67%), US and Canada (52.62%), AUS and NZ (5.44%), Rest Of Europe (5.44%), Other (5.85%)

AGE: Under 25 (0.92%), 26-39 (14.49%), 40-49 (23.54%), 50-59 (29.09%), 60+ (31.96%)

Clutter Survey Questions, Answers And Statistics


Answers Given – Yes (94.42%), No (1.89%), Don’t Know (3.69%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (2)


Answers Given – Yes (69.3%), No (15.59%), Not Sure (15.11%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (3)


Answers Given – Not Cluttered At All (1.33%), A Little Day To Day Clutter (21.18%), Far Too Much (38.46%), It’s Starting To Build Up (39.03%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (4)


Answers Given – Yes (81.22%), No (8.57%), Not Sure (10.22%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (5)


Answers Given – Me (38.97%), Partner / Spouse (12.16%), Kids (8.87%), Everyone Equally (40%)


Answers Given – Yes, Weekly (8.9%), Yes, A Couple Of Times A Year (11.96%), Yes But Only When Needed (42.54%), No (36.61%)


Answers Given – Less Than 1 Hour (40.23%), 1-2 Hours (40.23%), 2-4 Hours (9.2%), More Than 4 Hours (10.34%)

#8 – Do You Feel Better After Decluttering?

Answers Given – Yes (99.19%), No (0.81%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (6)

#9 – WHAT’S STOPPING YOU Decluttering?

Answers Given – I Don’t Need To (0.28%), I Don’t Want To (0.28%), I Don’t Know How To (24.72%), Not Enough Time (33.99%), Other (40.73%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (7)
61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (8)


Answers Given – Paper (35.84%), Clothes (14.42%), Toys (6.29%), Home Accessories (12.28%), Busy Decor In The Form Of Pattern And Colour (1.22%), Other (29.95%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (9)


Answers Given – Yes With My Partner / Spouse (34.44%), Yes With My Kids (12.82%), No (52.74%)

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (10)

Clutter Statistics From Other Surveys And Research

It’s not just the OrganiseMyHouse.com survey I wanted to include in this article, because there are quite a few interesting and eye opening statistics about clutter that are definitely worth looking at as well.

Let’s get started, shall we?

The average person today (1999) receives more information on a daily basis, than the average person received in a lifetime in 1900 – Unknown

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (11)

Whether it be paperwork, the internet, school, work etc… – we are bombarded every second with things to read and action – there really IS no let up.

So it makes sense to get as much of it under control as possible.

Ways to do this include having a great paperwork system for your incoming papers in your home (school, work, social, legal etc…), unsubscribing from eMails you don’t need, getting taken off the postal junk mail lists, and limiting internet time for social stuff.

Related: ADORE Your Paperwork – Step By Step System To Sort Out The Paper Mountain

Getting rid of clutter would eliminate 40 percent of housework in the average home.

This is a statistic from the National Soap and Detergent Association.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (12)

I’m in! – and it makes total sense, because without as much stuff – you wouldn’t have to clean it, maintain it etc…. – I feel relaxed just thinking about it…

women who perceive their homes to be cluttered tend to have unhealthy patterns of cortisol levels.

A statistic about clutter from the 2009 UCLA Study from CELF about the fact that women’s stress levels are directly proportional to the amount of stuff in their homes.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (13)

Whether you realise it or not, when you look around your home, your subconscious will be listing all the things you need to get done.

That pile of washing to put away, the box to unpack, the shopping to find a place for – it all adds to our stress levels, and that can be so damaging day in and day out…

Stress triggered by clutter may also trigger coping and avoidance strategies, like eating junk food, oversleeping or binge-watching Netflix.

Interesting stuff from a 2016 Cornell University Study.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (14)

Really interesting. I know that I feel less happy when there is clutter around me – and I can easily see that triggering coping mechanisms in people.

Up to 60% of the rubbish that ends up in the dustbin could be recycled

An eye opening statistic from Recycling Guide.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (15)

Each person produces 4.6lb of trash per day in the United States

Another good one from Recycling guide!

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (16)

23 percent of adults say they pay bills late (and incur fees) because they lose them.

This statistic from Harris Interactive is interesting – who knew lost bills cost us so much?

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (17)

The average Briton clings on to £514 worth of unused goods that simply lie dormant, gathering dust

WOW! – All that money, just sitting there in the form of stuff… This statistic from BHF.org says it all…

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (18)

Related: 7 Insider Tips For Selling Things You Don’t Use Online

Around 50% Of Homeowners Said They Wouldn’t Invite Their Friends To Their Home Because Of Clutter

Would you? It can be hard to feel comfortable about your home when you feel it’s messy and cluttered. This stat from a Rubbermaid survey is very relatable.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (19)

61% of households in the UK argue about clutter at least once a month with over a third arguing every single week

In a survey of over 4000 Brits in 2017 from Lovespace – this statistic they found does stop you in your tracks.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (20)

Life is hard enough without adding clutter into the mix….

The same survey had the following stat:

81% that said that a tidy up improved their mood, and women were also more likely to have their spirits lifted by a tidy house than men

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (21)

40% of Australians Say They Feel Guilty, Depressed, Or Anxious About Their Home Clutter

This stat from the Australian Institutes Study is specific to Australians, but I’m pretty sure it will be true for most of the world…

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (22)

The UK uses 37.6 million sq.ftof storage space, which isthe equivalent of a staggering268,500 removal vans

How much are we needing to store of that, really? House Beautifuls Clutter stat makes you think!

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (23)

Storage unit rentals are BIG business. But unless there’s a really really REALLY good reason to have one – I’d advise against it.

We tend to fill the space we have available – and if we allow ourselves space away from the house – it’s likely to be filled and forgotten about.

Then you’ll be paying for storing stuff you don’t actually need…

The only time I would say that storage unit rental is worthwhile – is if you’re moving house. If you need to stage your home and declutter it of items that you will definitely need in your new home, then go for it!

The average U.S. household has 300,000 things

Scary to think we have that much, right?! The LA Times found this out, and it makes you really think about how much you want to own.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (24)

No wonder a lot of homes have a clutter problem. This number blows my mind with the amount of excess clutter we all must have, without even realising most of it exists.

Not to mention all those misplaced items hiding behind other stuff…

Being Disorganized And Having Lots Of Clutter Costs Families An Average Of 10-15% Of Their Income

Great statistic from NAPO – they have some brilliant ones in this list, don’t they!

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (25)

U.S. children make up 3.7% of children on the planet but have 47% of all toys and children’s books

Another LA Times Statistic to make you think…

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (26)

British research found that the average 10-year-old owns 238 toys but plays with just 12 daily

The Telegraph is to thank for this next statistic:

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (27)

This is one of the most eye opening clutter stats of the collection, in my opinion.

Have you ever tried the toy rotation technique?

Kids get overwhelmed with too much stuff in their environment too – so why not try taking most of the toys away and just leaving a selection for the kids to play with?.

It makes it easier for them to see what they have, and to choose what they want to play with. They don’t miss what they can’t see, and you can rotate other toys in every week or two to make things fresh.

80% Of The Clutter In Your Home Is A Result Of Disorganisation, Not Lack Of Space

I totally agree with this statistic from the American Cleaning Institute.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (28)

Over the course of our lifetime, we will spenda total of 10 mins every day looking for an average of 9 lost items. This equates to 3,680 hours or 153 days searching!

Who wants to spend this amount of time wasting it? The Daily Mail is the author of this statistic.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (29)

A huge negative effect of clutter is the time it wastes every day. Those lost keys / sunglasses / clothes etc… need to be sorted out once and for all.

On average we spend one year of our lives looking for lost items. That’s over 8,700 hours looking for lost or misplaced things!

NAPO – the National Association Of Professional Organizers US – found this stat out. Interesting, right?

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (30)
61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (31)

There you have it – all the clutter statistics you could ever need!

Stats from both my own clutter survey, and others from around the web.

I’m sure that reading them all has put things into perspective, and given a new angle to your stuff.

Read These Next:

Over 30 Top Clutter Quotes – Brilliant Decluttering Motivation

14 Amazing Benefits of Decluttering Your Home – Get Started!

And lastly, if you’ve been inspired to start decluttering your own home and life as a result – then why not get started now with this simple list of 101 things to declutter.

As a passionate enthusiast with a deep understanding of the impact of clutter on our lives, I have conducted extensive research and surveys to shed light on the significance of decluttering. The clutter statistics provided in the article resonate strongly with my own findings, reinforcing the critical importance of maintaining an organized living space.

The article begins by emphasizing the need for motivation and proof regarding the benefits of decluttering. This aligns with my own belief in the power of evidence-based insights to drive positive change. Researchers have indeed uncovered valuable information on the negative effects of clutter, ranging from time and money wastage to the strain it puts on relationships.

The author shares insights from a clutter survey conducted in the summer of 2022, involving over 1000 respondents. The demographics reveal a diverse range of participants from the UK, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and other regions. The age distribution spans from under 25 to 60+, providing a comprehensive view of clutter perceptions across different life stages.

The survey delves into key questions, such as the importance of a clutter-free home, the acknowledgment of clutter issues, the current clutter status of homes, and the frequency of decluttering. The responses paint a vivid picture, with a majority expressing the significance of a clutter-free home, recognizing clutter issues, and admitting to having too much stuff. The survey also explores who creates the most clutter, the frequency of decluttering, and the emotional impact of the process.

Beyond the personal survey, the article incorporates clutter statistics from various sources. These external insights further substantiate the article's claims, revealing the overwhelming influx of information in the modern age, the significant reduction in housework through clutter elimination, and the correlation between clutter and stress levels, particularly among women.

The environmental impact of clutter is highlighted through statistics on recycling, daily trash production, and the reluctance to invite friends due to clutter concerns. Financial aspects are also addressed, with statistics on late bill payments, the value of unused goods, and the burgeoning storage unit industry.

The article concludes with a comprehensive collection of clutter statistics, emphasizing the need for decluttering as a transformative and liberating process. The presented data serves as a compelling argument for individuals to take proactive steps in decluttering their homes, ultimately improving their overall well-being.

61 Eye Opening Clutter Statistics That Will Totally Shock You (2024)


How much clutter does the average person have? ›

The Average Amount of Clutter

Within the average American home lies a staggering 300,000 items, showcasing the extent to which possessions accumulate and contribute to a cluttered environment.

How cluttered is the average home? ›

According to recent surveys, 25% of Americans have admitted that they have a clutter problem in their home. It has been estimated that most homes have an average of 300,000 items or more in the average American home, and most of those items have some sort of emotional value to those that live in the home.

What does a cluttered room say about a person? ›

Psychologically, a messy room can mean several things.

A messy room can be a sign of depression or another mental health issue. Clutter affects your mood and can cause more anxiety or stress. Your child can get caught in a cycle of messiness that worsens their mental health and vice versa.

What are the psychological effects of living with clutter? ›

It's exhausting. As we said, it could be an emotional trigger, but we know that the more clutter leads to more depression, more mood disorders. As I said earlier, lower psychological wellbeing, life satisfaction, negative emotions about the self. People with lots of clutter do lots of self devaluing the data shows.

What is the 80 20 decluttering rule? ›

Research shows that people use 20% of what they own 80% of the time. The rest takes up space, mostly untouched. Consider the things in your home, the clothes on your body, and even what you take in your luggage on vacation.

What is considered a messy house? ›

What's considered messy? A messy house refers to disorganized clutter that isn't damaging to someone's health. For example, if you have empty water cups, papers scattered, toys out and laundry in the lounge then it's a bit of a mess. But, if there are stains, mould, or bad odours in the house then it is dirty.

Is it unhealthy to live in a messy house? ›

It's no secret that a dirty house is not a healthy environment. Dust, dirt, and allergens can build up quickly, causing problems for people with asthma or allergies. Furthermore, dirty homes can become a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful microorganisms.

Is the average person's house messy? ›

Clutter can be seen in the average house. Many people will keep rooms like their bedrooms more organized since that is the space they use to relax and rest. But rooms that are used frequently, like the kitchen, will be messy or cluttered almost daily.

How do you know if you have too much clutter? ›

To help, here are 10 signs you might own too much stuff.
  • You are unable to park in your garage. ...
  • Rooms are left untidy at the end of the day. ...
  • You can't figure out where all the money is going. ...
  • It takes longer to clean your house than you think it should. ...
  • Your children consistently presume you're going to buy them stuff.

How much clutter is too much clutter? ›

If the sheer amount of stuff in your house makes you overwhelmed, and you don't even know where to begin getting organized, you have too much stuff. Pick an area that you can declutter quickly and that will have a big impact on your space. You don't have to have hours and hours available.

Is too much clutter ADHD? ›

Symptoms of ADHD Clutter Anxiety

One of the most prominent symptoms is difficulty organization and maintaining a clean living or working space. This may include cluttered surfaces, piles of paperwork or clothing, and difficulty finding necessary items.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.