Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why. (2024)

Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why. (1)

By Khristopher J. Brooks

/ MoneyWatch

Kyla Wright's original plan was to complete her master's degree, move out of her parents' home and rent an apartment somewhere in Detroit. But once she started looking for rental units, her mother — a landlord — suggested buying instead.

Wright took the advice and, in December 2021, she bought a $99,000 home in the Detroit suburb of Southfield. Wright, now 25, is the only person in her social circle who owns a home. But on a national scale, her decision is becoming increasingly common.

Women who live alone, like Wright, own millions more homes than their male counterparts, despite typically earning less than men do.

Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why. (2)

Single women own roughly 10.7 million homes, compared to 8.1 million for single men, according to a recent analysis from LendingTree that looked at 2021 Census data.

That's a surprising statistic considering the financial hurdles women have historically faced, said Jacob Channel, LendingTree's senior economist and the author of the analysis. On average, for example, women earn 83 cents for every dollar a man makes.

The trend may have long-term financial implications for single Americans given that homeownership is often one of the most effective methods of building personal wealth. A typical homeowner who bought their home in 2011 accumulated $225,000 in housing wealth by 2021 on average, according to an analysis from the National Association of Realtors in 2022.

This gap exists in nearly every state in the U.S., LendingTree found.

Building wealth

The reasons for women's unequal homeownership vary by age group. Among older women, longer life expectancies are a factor, said Rutgers professor James Hughes, who studies demographics and housing.

"If women become a widow and the couple previously owned a house, most likely the homeownership shifted from male to female," Hughes said, noting that women are expected to live until age 81 on average, compared to 76 for men.

Earlier in life, women have a different motivation for pursuing homeownership, said University of Southern California professor Dowell Myers, who studies how demographics affect housing.

Younger women who are approaching the peak of their careers earn salaries nearly equal to men their age. They're well aware of the wage and wealth gap that persists between genders, and buying a home is one way they try to counter it, Myers said.

"They make an effort to try and keep up," he said. "Homebuying is a good investment and it means more to them personally than men."

That was true for Wright, who said having a long-term investment under her belt provided additional motivation to buy. Wright quoted her mother, who watches renters pay month after month without building home equity.

"The way she broke it down for me was this: 'They will rent from me for years and years and years, and the only thing they have to show for it is receipts,'" Wright said.

Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why. (3)

The same motivation pushed New York resident Jessica Lewis to buy a home in 2009. Lewis said she was looking for an affordable apartment in the wake of the 2008 housing crash — but quickly realized a mortgage on a home would be cheaper. With the help of a first-time homebuyers' program, she paid $64,000 for a three-bedroom home in Rochester, a move she now calls "the best decision I ever made."

"To me, it was a way of investing in myself rather than making someone else rich, like a landlord," Lewis, 37, told CBS MoneyWatch.

The role of a degree

Hughes noted that more women today are college-educated than men, which gives more of them the opportunity to buy a home on their own, since college degrees translate to earning more money later in life. "Women have more wherewithal now than, say, 20 years ago, even though that (wage) gap exists," he said.

Channel, of LendingTree, first noticed that women out-owned men in 2018. In the years that followed, the gender gap has persisted. However, the full effect of the pandemic homebuying frenzy still isn't clear, he noted, since the most recent Census data available is from 2021.

To be clear, a vast majority of owner-occupied homes in the U.S. belong to couples, Channel said. Women dominate ownership in what's left over, particularly in states like Alabama, Louisiana and South Carolina. Those Southern states typically have cheaper home prices, making it easier for a single income to handle mortgage payments, Channel said.

Delaware, Florida and Maryland have the widest gender gap among single homeowners, LendingTree found. In Florida, that translates into 262,000 more single women owning homes than men. Single men out-own homes in only North and South Dakota — states where the job market skews toward male-dominated professions, such as oil rigging and construction.

Khristopher J. Brooks

Khristopher J. Brooks is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch covering business, consumer and financial stories that range from economic inequality and housing issues to bankruptcies and the business of sports.

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Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why. (2024)


Single women are racing ahead of men in homeownership. Here's why.? ›

Younger women who are approaching the peak of their careers earn salaries nearly equal to men their age. They're well aware of the wage and wealth gap that persists between genders, and buying a home is one way they try to counter it, Myers said. "They make an effort to try and keep up," he said.

What percentage of homes in the US are owned by single women? ›

Single women own about 10.76 million homes, while single men own about 8.12 million. Put another way, single women own an average of 12.9% of the owner-occupied homes in the 50 states, versus 10.06% among single men.

Do single women outpace male counterparts in home buying? ›

More On: homeowners

Single women own roughly 10.7 million homes in America, compared to 8.1 million owned by single men, according to a recent analysis from LendingTree that looked at 2021 census data.

Do women own more property than men? ›

Nearly 11 million homes (10.76 million) are owned by single women (12.9%) while single men own approximately 8.12 million (10.06%) homes in the country, the study says. This comes despite American women making less than men in median earnings for 2021.

Do single women own 2.64 million? ›

A recent analysis by LendingTree found that single women own about 2.64 million more homes than single men in the US. These numbers highlight the recent housing gains experienced by women, especially as the path to homeownership hasn't always been straightforward.

How many single women in the US own their own home? ›

The report, by the online lending marketplace LendingTree, analyzed data from the U.S. Census Bureau 2021 American Community Survey with one-year estimates. It found that 10.76 million U.S. homes were owned and occupied by single women, while 8.12 million were owned and occupied by single men.

When did single women get the right to own property in America? ›

US, 1862: The US Homestead Act makes it easier for single, widowed and divorced women to claim land in their own names.

Why is real estate female dominated? ›

So why do modern-day women remain so drawn to residential real estate? Largely the same reasons they did in the 1920s: According to those in the industry, life as a residential real estate agent provides one of the most flexible schedules for families, good earning potential, and a relatively low barrier to entry.

Which gender dominates real estate? ›

Real Estate Agent jobs are female dominated.

56.0% of real estate agents are female and 44.0% of real estate agents are male in the United States.

When would a woman get a mortgage without a man? ›

1970s. Although women had varying degrees of property rights and financial freedoms throughout history, it was technically legal for banks to refuse loans and credit to unmarried women (or require a husband's permission for married applicants) until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act was passed in 1974.

Could women always own property in America? ›

Single women could own property under certain circ*mstances, but married women in the U.S. couldn't buy or own property in their own name until the mid-1800s; everything belonged to their husbands, even inheritances.

Should a single person buy a house? ›

A home is essentially a forced savings account - you pay off the mortgage every month, but it's essentially like paying yourself. Homes also appreciate in value over time. So yes, it's definitely worth it to buy a house if you're single - you just need to find the right house, and the right financing plan.

How to afford a house on a single income? ›

6 Tips For Buying A House With Low Income
  1. Work On Your Credit Score. Having a good or excellent credit score can help boost your mortgage approval odds. ...
  2. Outline A Budget. ...
  3. Save For A Down Payment And Closing Costs. ...
  4. Use A Co-Signer. ...
  5. Consider First-Time Home Buyer Programs. ...
  6. Pay Off Debt.

What is the average net worth of a single woman? ›

Married couples had a median net worth of just over $200,000 in 2019, according to the Federal Reserve's latest survey of consumer finances. In contrast, single men had a median net worth of $57,000, while single women only accrued $47,000.

Where do the richest single women live? ›

San Francisco, CA. Right on the coast of central California, San Francisco tops our list of best cities to find single rich women. The ladies there boast over $70,000 a year with 12% of them earning $100,000 or more.

What percent of wealth do women own? ›

Women control a third of total U.S. household financial assets—more than $10 trillion.

Are majority of women single? ›

The majority of women in the United States — a record 52 percent — were unmarried in 2021, according to a report released Wednesday by Wells Fargo. The Census Bureau has been tracking Americans' marital status since at least 1900, when just 7 percent of surveyed women were single.

Where in the US has the most single women? ›

If you feel like you're looking for love in all the wrong places, one survey has uncovered where the most single people live in the United States, and Buffalo, New York comes in at the top of the charts.

What percentage of U.S. citizens are single? ›

From, “Did you know that nearly 50% of U.S. adults are single?

Why couldn't women own property? ›

Coverture was based on the assumption that a family functioned best if the male head of a household controlled all of its assets. As a result, a married woman could not own property independently of her husband unless they had signed a special contract called a marriage settlement.

When did wives stop being property? ›

The Married Women's Property Act of 1882 gave women independence under the law regarding property and other finances. A husband and wife were now considered separate legal entities.

When would a woman get a credit card in her own name? ›

In 1974, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) prohibited discrimination against credit applicants based on gender, among other factors. For the first time, women could own a credit card in their own name.

Do attractive people do better in real estate? ›

3: Good news for those trying to sell your home: "the effect on house prices of having an attractive listing agent is about twice as large as that of an attractive selling agent." 4: Just because your selling agent is attractive doesn't mean that your property will sell faster; in fact, it's quite the opposite.

Why are most millionaires in real estate? ›

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

Why moms make great realtors? ›

Moms know how to multitask

Multitasking is a must-have skill for parents and real estate agents, and having the ability to focus on several things at once is a critical asset for both roles. With kids, getting them out the door and on the bus to school can be a daily juggling battle.

Who is the most dominant gender? ›

Although males are typically the dominant sex in mammals, the authors note that females obtain power differently than their male counterparts, and that this power depends on the type of mating system the species employs.

Which gender has more wealth? ›

Did you know, however, that women also own much less than men? In fact, the gender wealth gap is considerably larger than the gender wage gap. Families headed by women have just 55 cents in median wealth for every dollar of wealth owned by families headed by men, as discussed in a Jan. 12, 2021, In the Balance article.

Which gender has more leadership? ›

In studies that found a gender difference, women adopted participative styles of leadership and were more transformational leaders than men. Other studies find that no significant gender differences in leadership exist.

Can a 75 year old man get a mortgage? ›

There's no age limit when it comes to getting or refinancing a mortgage. Thanks to the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, seniors have the right to fair and equal treatment from mortgage lenders.

Can a married man buy a house without his wife? ›

We often get asked: “Can I apply for a mortgage without my spouse?” The short answer is yes. Sometimes a married home buyer may want only to have their name on the mortgage. Applying for a mortgage without a spouse is perfectly acceptable and could be a better option for some buyers.

Can my wife be on the mortgage with no job? ›

Absolutely, yes. Retirees, divorced parties, and people with significant bank investments get loans every day. In fact, it's possible to get a mortgage without employment as long as lenders are able to determine that you can repay the loan.

When did women get the right to own their own property? ›

The Married Women's Property Act of 1848 is one of the most important property law enactments in American history. It became the template for the laws passed in other states that allowed women to own and control property.

When would a woman have her own bank account? ›

It wasn't until 1974, when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed, that women in the U.S. were granted the right to open a bank account on their own. Technically, women won the right to open a bank account in the 1960s, but many banks still refused to let women do so without a signature from their husbands.

What year could women have a bank account? ›

In the 1960s women gained the right to open a bank account. Shortly after, in 1974, the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed which was supposed to prohibit credit discrimination on the basis of gender.

Is it harder to buy a house as a single person? ›

Here are some of the challenges that may come with buying a house on a single income: It's harder to qualify for a mortgage: Your mortgage lender will look at your annual salary to determine how much you can afford to borrow. The higher the income, the more you'll qualify for.

Is it better to rent or buy as a single person? ›

Buying a house gives you ownership, privacy and home equity, but the expensive repairs, taxes, interest and insurance can really get you. Renting a home or apartment is lower maintenance and gives you more flexibility to move. But you may have to deal with rent increases, loud neighbors or a grumpy landlord.

How big of a house does a single person need? ›

On average, many realtors and interior designers estimate that in 2022, given the possessions and lifestyle expectations of modern Americans, you should aim for about 400 to 600 square feet per person. To find out how big of a house you need, multiply 600 square feet by the number of people in your household.

What is considered high income for single? ›

This depends on your household size and location. For a single individual, $100,000 would actually put you in the upper-income level in most places. For household sizes between two and four, $100,000 a year would put you squarely in the middle class.

How much house can I afford if I make $70,000 a year? ›

If you're an aspiring homeowner, you may be asking yourself, “I make $70,000 a year: how much house can I afford?” If you make $70K a year, you can likely afford a home between $290,000 and $360,000*. That's a monthly house payment between $2,000 and $2,500 a month, depending on your personal finances.

What income do you need for a 400k mortgage? ›

The primary factor is your income — a $400,000 purchase typically requires a salary of at least $106,000. Other important considerations include your credit score, the size of your down payment and the details of your mortgage loan, including the interest rate.

What is a comfortable salary for a single woman? ›

A living wage for a single person in California with no children is $21.82 per hour or $45,385 per year, assuming a 40-hour workweek. Whether that salary is livable for someone can depend on where they live in California and how they typically spend their money.

Are most millionaires married or single? ›

  • Most millionaires work at Fortune 500 companies. ...
  • Many poor people become millionaires by winning the lottery. ...
  • Millionaires usually drive new cars. ...
  • Many millionaires drop out of college to start work. ...
  • Single people are more often millionaires than married people. ...
  • It is impossible to save enough to be a millionaire.

What percentage of Americans have a net worth of over $1000000? ›

There are 5.3 million millionaires and 770 billionaires living in the United States. Millionaires make up about 2% of the U.S. adult population. While an ultra-high net worth will be out of reach for most, you can amass $1 million by managing money well and investing regularly.

Which state in USA has rich women? ›

The wealthiest woman, in fact, lives in Wyoming. Say what?! Yup, Wyoming. Meet Christy Walton, who has a net worth of $37.6 billion.

Where do the most rich people love? ›

Three of the four biggest clusters of billionaires in the world are classic US destinations for the uberwealthy: New York City, Los Angeles, and the Bay Area, which includes the neighboring tech hubs of San Francisco and Silicon Valley. Nearly 163 billionaires reside in those three hot spots alone.

What percentage of women are broke? ›

Women continue to have higher rates of poverty than men. The 2018 poverty rate for women was 12.9%, down from 13.6% in 2017. The poverty rate for men was 10.6% in 2018, not statistically different from 2017.

What is the buying power of women in the US? ›

Women make 91 percent of new home purchases. Female borrowers have an average debt 9.6 percent higher than male students, one year following graduation. 66 percent of consumer wealth will belong to women in the next decade. 59.4 percent of men took out personal loans in 2021, over 44.3 percent of women.

What percentage of women make over 100k? ›

17% of all men earn over $100k per year, compared to only 8.4% of women. Men are around 2x more likely to earn an income of $100k or more per year in the US in 2022. With 22,619 out of 131,389 men who were surveyed saying so, and only 11,639 out of 137,334 women saying so.

What is the percentage of homes run by women in? ›

Nearly 11 million homes (10.76 million) are owned by single women (12.9%) while single men own approximately 8.12 million (10.06%) homes in the country, the study says. This comes despite American women making less than men in median earnings for 2021.

What percentage of US homes are single-family? ›

According to the American Community Survey, there were 138 million homes nationwide as of 2018. Sixty-seven percent were single-family units, 27 percent were multifamily units, and 6 percent were manufactured housing units.

Who owns most single-family homes in the US? ›

Invitation Homes is the largest single owner of single-family rental homes in the United States, managing more than 80,000 homes as of 2021.

What percentage of Americans own a single-family home? ›

While the U.S. homeownership rate increased to 65.5% in 2021, the rate among Black Americans lags significantly (44%), has only increased 0.4% in the last 10 years and is nearly 29 percentage points less than White Americans (72.7%), representing the largest Black-White homeownership rate gap in a decade.

Have more women become homeowners and heads of household? ›

More women are homeowners

Along with the increase in headship, women are now more likely to own a home than they were three decades ago. The homeownership rate among women increased from 50.9 percent to 61.2 percent between 1990 and 2019, while the homeownership rate among men dropped from 70.6 percent to 67.1 percent.

Do women still do the majority of housework? ›

Even as their contributions to family incomes have grown in recent years, women in opposite-sex marriages are still doing more housework and caregiving than men, a report from the Pew Research Center has found.

What gender buys more houses? ›

Single women own roughly 10.7 million homes, compared to 8.1 million for single men, according to a recent analysis from LendingTree that looked at 2021 Census data.

What state has the most single-family homes? ›

Only one state—New York—has a majority of its housing in the form of multi-family units, with only 46.6% single-family units. In contrast, more than half of all states have 70% or more single-family units, led by Indiana and Kansas at 78.5% apiece.

Do most Americans live in single-family homes? ›

In the United States, the majority of housing units are single-family houses – about 82 million out of the total 129 million occupied units in 2021. These homes are mostly owner-occupied, but a small share is rented.

What is the average size of a single-family home in the US? ›

The median size of homes across the United States is 2,014 square feet.

Why are investors buying up all the houses? ›

Investors piled into the housing market in 2021 due to rock-bottom mortgage rates and surging housing demand, and are now retreating amid projections that home prices have room to fall.

What is the most expensive single-family home in USA? ›

1. The One, Los Angeles, California | Most Expensive Houses. The One, which took eight years to create, has surpassed all other pricey mansions in the US to claim the top rank. Nile Niami's modern masterpiece, this private mansion is situated on a five-acre site in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California.

What is the most expensive single-family home in America? ›

“The One” is the most expensive house in the US

Located in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, “The One” is on the market with a $295 million asking price. This 105,000-square-foot megamansion is the most expensive home ever.

How many Americans own their homes free and clear? ›

A third of California homeowners own their properties free and clear. Nearly 2.4 million homeowners across the state in 2021 had no property mortgage, the third highest among the states and Washington, D.C., the Orange County Register reported.

How many Americans own their home with no mortgage? ›

2021 count of owner households, with or without a mortgage

Buzz: California has 2.4 million households living what many consider a dream – being a free-and-clear homeowner, the third-highest count among the states.

Which group has the highest percentage of homeownership? ›

The homeownership rate for White Americans in 2021 was 72.7%, but the rate for Black Americans was 44%, according to NAR's analysis of the most recent data. The homeownership rate for Asian Americans was 62.8% and for Hispanic Americans it was 50.6%.

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