LA vs. NYC Living Comparison | PropertyClub (2024)

What's the difference between LA and NYC and which city is a better place to live? When comparing LA vs NYC living it is important to consider the pros and cons of living in each city, from the nightlife and entertainment scenes to real estate prices and weather.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Real Estate Prices

The biggest elephant in the room these days is the price of real estate, and we’ll be honest. It should be. Though both cities are notoriously expensive, living in LA vs NYC means that you will save a pretty penny on your home.

The average price of a house in NYC is around $1 million. In Los Angeles, the price of a house goes for around $660,000. While most parts of the country would balk at either, it’s clear that buying a home in the Big Apple is a far more difficult task.

Verdict: Los Angeles is cheaper than NYC.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Weather

New York City has four seasons that can range from the bitter cold to the swelteringly hot. That makes it a great place for people who want to experience snow, sun, and a little bit of spring and fall too. Though it has inclement weather, wildfires and earthquakes don’t really happen here.

Los Angeles, for the most part, is famous for its perfect Mediterranean weather. It’s almost always sunny, the temperatures don’t fluctuate too much, and it’s always a good time for the beach. The problems here, though, are earthquakes and wildfires. So, it’s a tradeoff.

Verdict: Los Angeles takes this hands down. It's hard to beat the incredible LA climate.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Transportation

In New York City, public transit and walking is a way of life. You can get to almost any point in the city without a need to drive. That’s why many people in town don’t have (or want) a car. If you’re athletic and love a good stroll, it’s a great thing to have.

Los Angeles is a driver’s city. Everyone will have a car here, even if they only need to drive a couple of blocks over. The city is known for heavy traffic, but if you are willing to deal with it, it’s a cruisin’ dream.

Verdict: NYC wins when it comes to public transport, but if you love cars, go to LA. If you prefer walking, go to NYC.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Job Market

When it comes to the vast majority of glitzy, high-paying jobs, you’ll find that they’re centered around each coast. East Coast jobs are mainly in finance, West Coast jobs tend to be in entertainment. But, things are changing and now we’re seeing a lot more people traveling from coast to coast.

In terms of salaries, NYC has more high-paying jobs, but the cost of living is much higher compared to LA.

Verdict: It depends on your situation, but NYC jobs tend to pay better. However, industry matters a lot as well. If you're in tech LA might be better, while if you're an investment banker, NYC would be the logical choice.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Lifestyle

Both LA and NYC are known for world-class entertainment scenes with hip nightclubs, great concerts, luxury living, and top-rated restaurants. There are definitely some noteworthy lifestyle and personality differences you’ll see between New York and Los Angeles.

New Yorkers are known for their work ethic and for being a little high-strung. They love their pizza, but they also are open to dinner and drinks after work. It’s a very Wall Street-style world with suits and ties being the status quo in most circles.

Los Angeles, on the other hand, has a strong entertainment industry vibe. This city is known for being more amenable to plastic surgery, focused on fitness, and having a strong “hippie” vibe. If you love spirituality and fitness, or simply prefer a more casual vibe, you might prefer LA.

Verdict: Think about which lifestyle you want to have before you choose between LA and NYC.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Crime Rates

Though New York City used to be known for having a decent amount of crime, the actual statistics paint a different story. Crime in the city has been on a downward trend since the 90s, and NYC is now considered one of the safest cities of its size. It should be noted that in recent years crime has slightly risen, mostly due to the overall incompetence of mayor de Blasio and his administration.

Los Angeles, on the other hand, has a crime problem. The city has a higher murder rate than New York, and also reports higher rates of robberies, vandalism, and assaults. With that said, LAPD has been working hard at clamping down on crime.

Verdict: New York is safer and will only get safer now that Bill de Blasio is out of office.

hash-markLA vs. NYC Living Comparison

Los Angeles

New York

Real Estate






Job Market




Crime Rates


hash-markLiving in LA vs. Living in NYC Bottom Line

We wish we could say that there is an objectively better lifestyle from one city to the other, but the truth is, we can’t. Trying to compare life in Los Angeles to life in New York City is a lot like comparing apples to oranges.

Both cities offer a glitzy and glamorous take on city living. They’re both entertainment hotspots on a global scale. They’re both notoriously pricey and have been featured in countless movies. They’ve both also been famous for being places where anything can happen.

Similar as they are, the two cities have stark differences that often lead to a quasi-rivalry between the East and West Coast. Most people have one town they prefer over the other. Which one is for you, is up to you to decide.

hash-markLos Angeles vs. New York FAQ

1. Do more celebrities live in LA or New York?

Since LA is home to Hollywood it's no surprise that most celebrities live in LA, although New York City has plenty of celebrities as well. Also, many celebs own homes in both cities.

2. Is LA or NYC traffic worse?

While NYC traffic is bad, LA traffic is even worse. Los Angeles is known for having some of the worst traffic jams in the US, so be prepared to sit in traffic during rush hour.

3. Is NYC cleaner than LA?

Both NYC and LA are massive cities, and neither is particularly clean, but NYC isn't as clean as LA when it comes to street trash. While LA has cleaner streets than NYC, the air quality is worse as there's more pollution in the area.

4. Is LA more expensive than NYC?

Overall, LA is about 24% less expensive than NYC. The cost of living in LA is lower than in NYC thanks to far lower housing prices. On average, housing in LA is 34% cheaper than in New York City. Additionally, prices for groceries, as well as restaurant prices, are lower in Los Angeles than in NYC.

5. Is New York or LA more diverse?

New York City is more diverse than Los Angeles. There are over 600 different languages spoken in the NYC metropolitan area, making it an incredible melting pot of cultures.

LA vs. NYC Living Comparison | PropertyClub (2024)


Is living in LA better than NYC? ›

LA has a stable and more comfortable climate, an affordable transport system, and a lower cost of living. Meanwhile, there are better job opportunities and a higher safety index in NYC, although with a higher cost of living. With these factors in mind, we can say that LA is better than New York City.

How does cost of living compare from NYC to LA? ›

The cost of living in New York, NY is 22.7% higher than in Los Angeles, CA. You would have to earn a salary of $73,597 to maintain your current standard of living. Employers in New York, NY typically pay 4.7% more than employeers in Los Angeles, CA.

Is LA or NYC more stressful? ›

LA is much more laid back than NYC in terms of the overall atmosphere. Someone who thrives on challenges, stress, and tension may not find the feel of LA to be overly satisfying. In contrast, NYC has a driven feel that may not feel good to someone who wants to live a laid-back lifestyle.

Is cost of living higher in NYC or LA? ›

Which City Is More Affordable: Los Angeles or New York City? Both NYC and LA are among the most expensive cities in both the U.S. and the world. However, the average cost of living in LA is also 24-27% lower than that of NYC.

Is homelessness worse in LA or NYC? ›

Which cities had the largest homeless populations in 2022?
City nameHomeless population 2022
Los Angeles City & County65,111
New York City61,840
Seattle/King County13,368
San Jose/Santa Clara City & County10,028
6 more rows
Mar 28, 2023

Is it better to move to New York or Los Angeles for acting? ›

Los Angeles has a larger film and television industry compared to New York, which means that there are more job opportunities for actors in these industries. However, competition can still be tough, especially for actors who are just starting out.

Is it better to live in California or New York? ›

Overall, LA is about 24% less expensive than NYC. The cost of living in LA is lower than in NYC thanks to far lower housing prices. On average, housing in LA is 34% cheaper than in New York City. Additionally, prices for groceries, as well as restaurant prices, are lower in Los Angeles than in NYC.

How much do you need to make in LA to live comfortably? ›

According to the study, a Los Angeles resident without children would need to make $76,710 after taxes to live comfortably. The study is based on the MIT Living Wage Calculator, which uses the cost of housing, food, transportation, medical care and more.

How much to save moving to LA? ›

How much should I save to move to LA? Generally speaking, you should save about $20,000 to move to LA. There's a lot of variance in this number, so we'll break this down into cost subcategories so you can more accurately calculate how much you want to save: Moving costs.

What is the number 1 most stressful job in America? ›

Most stressful jobs in the U.S.: Here are the top 25
  • Chief Executives.
  • Clinical and Counseling Psychologists. ...
  • Correctional Officers and Jailers. ...
  • First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives. ...
  • Healthcare Social Workers. ...
  • Midwives. ...
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. ...
  • Special Education Teachers, Middle School. Stress level: 94. ...
Jan 5, 2023

Is living in NYC exhausting? ›

To the surprise of just about nobody. It's an unofficial law of the New York land: if you're going to live here, you're going to have to deal with a modicum of stress—and a new study by research firm William Russell has now confirmed that.

Is traffic worse in LA or NYC? ›

The New York City area officially has the worst traffic in the country, according to the latest survey for Texas A&M's Transportation Institute. The survey says a New York-Newark driver spent an average 56 hours stuck in traffic last year. Compare that to the 46 hours on average per driver for the year in Los Angeles.

Can I live in NYC on 40K a year? ›

Living in NYC will require an annual salary of anywhere between 40K-100K after taxes. Of course, these figures vary depending on your living expenses, children (if any), and other monthly bills related to entertainment, health insurance, or transportation.

Why is NYC cost of living so high? ›

Some of the key factors include the high demand for housing, high taxes, high transportation costs, and the city's status as a global economic and cultural hub. Additionally, the cost of doing business in the city can be high, which can lead to higher prices for goods and services.

Is New York now the most expensive place to live? ›

New York City has been marked as the most expensive place to live as a single person, according to a new study by the real estate firm Zillow.

Is it safer to live in LA or NYC? ›

New York City has a higher safety index and better career opportunities. However, it has a higher cost of living and a smaller land size too. Los Angeles, on the other hand, has a lower cost of living with a more comfortable and stable climate. The city also has an affordable transport system.

What are the top 3 states for homelessness? ›

California, Vermont, and Oregon have the highest rates of homelessness across the 50 states. About 582,000 Americans are experiencing homelessness, according to 2022 Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) data.

What city in LA has the most homeless? ›

Skid Row is a neighborhood in Downtown Los Angeles. The area is officially known as Central City East. Skid Row contains one of the largest stable populations (about 9,200–15,000) of homeless people in the United States and has been known for its condensed homeless population since at least the 1930s.

What city do most actors live in? ›

While an increasingly connected world has led many celebrities to find homes in New York, Atlanta, or abroad, most people who actively work in the entertainment industry prefer to stay in LA, in the beating heart of showbiz.

In which city most Hollywood actors live? ›

1. California

The most common city for people in entertainment to live in is (Duh!) Los Angeles—specifically Hollywood. (Shocker, right?) However, there are other places that have also gained a strong celebrity following.

Where in LA do most actors live? ›

A rule of thumb is to live in the most southern part of The Valley, directly above West Hollywood and Hollywood. This is a great place for actors, and that's where I live. Westside Los Angeles. This is the most well-known and the most expensive area in the whole city.

Will I be happier if I move to California? ›

Practicality aside, it turns out moving to California probably won't make someone happier. The problem lies in the word itself. According to Nobel prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, there are two different ways of looking at well-being: current mood and overall satisfaction.

Why do New Yorkers move to California? ›

Stunning Scenery. One of the things that makes California unique is its gorgeous scenery. Californians get to look at miles of beautiful beaches, majestic mountains, towering cliffs, and the rolling hills of wine country. This incredible landscape is more than enough to impress new residents moving from New York City.

Are Californians moving to New York? ›

Since the onset of the pandemic, California has lost a significant number of residents who have relocated to New York's similarly high-cost boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. But is now the right time for the move? There are some who say the market is slowing and that could mean better prices are coming soon.

Is $100,000 a good salary in Los Angeles? ›

According to a new study from SmartAsset, a $100,000 salary in Los Angeles leaves workers with what "feels like" just $44,623, ranking it among the lowest of nearly 80 cities analyzed by the financial advisory company.

What is middle class in LA? ›

Los Angeles ranks 37th among large cities for middle-class income, with a range from $47,149 to $140,744. The median income was $70,372. Three out of the top five cities with the highest income thresholds for the middle class are located in the Bay Area.

Is $80000 a good salary in Los Angeles? ›

An annual salary of $80,000 can be considered a decent salary for a single person living in Los Angeles, but it will depend on individual circ*mstances and lifestyle. Los Angeles is known for having a high cost of living, with housing costs being a major factor in this higher cost of living.

What months are best to move to LA? ›

Move to LA During Your Favorite Season

For great weather, a little rain, and the fewest crowds (except around Spring Break), choose the spring months of March and April. For the warmest ocean water (68 degrees Fahrenheit on average), plan to move to LA during late summer — August and early September.

Why do people move to LA? ›

There are many reasons why people from around the world decide to move to Los Angeles. They range from chasing a dream job in entertainment or tech or have a fresh start in a different city with a temperate climate.

Is it worth it to live in LA? ›

In conclusion, Los Angeles is a city that offers a warm and sunny climate, a diverse job market, a rich cultural scene, beautiful beaches, a thriving food scene, and unparalleled shopping and entertainment opportunities. However, it also faces challenges such as heavy traffic and a high cost of living.

What is the 1 happiest job in America? ›

Agriculture, logging and forestry have the highest levels of self-reported happiness — and lowest levels of self-reported stress — of any major industry category, according to our analysis of thousands of time journals from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' American Time Use Survey.

What is a less stressful job that pays well? ›

Low stress jobs that pay well include web developer, dental hygienist, and optometrist. These jobs typically require a bachelor's degree, specialty certifications, a master's degree, or even a Ph. D.

What is the #1 hardest job in the world? ›

Top 30 Hardest Jobs In The World
  1. Military. Coming first on our list of the hardest jobs in the world is the military.
  2. Healthcare Worker. There is just no rest for a health worker once the shift begins. ...
  3. Alaskan Crab Fisherman. ...
  4. Iron and Steel Worker. ...
  5. Roofer. ...
  6. Cell Tower Climber. ...
  7. Firefighter. ...
  8. Oil Rig Worker. ...
Mar 30, 2023

What are the disadvantages of living in NYC? ›

Cons of living in New York
  • The cost of housing is steep. New York City has one of the highest living costs in the country. ...
  • New York is home to the most densely populated city in the U.S. ...
  • Terrible traffic getting in and out of downtown. ...
  • You'll want to bundle up for the freezing winters. ...
  • New York has high taxes all around.
Dec 2, 2022

Do New Yorkers work harder? ›

The evidence suggests that New York City residents do work relatively more hours compared to residents of other major cities. Long workweeks are especially common among certain professions in New York City. Moreover, New Yorkers have longer average commutes than residents of any other major city.

Why do people love New York? ›

People love living in New York City for a variety of reasons. The city is filled with culture and entertainment, from its incredible food scene to its bustling nightlife. You can find fantastic shopping opportunities and lots of diverse activities to enjoy.

Is LA pollution worse than NYC? ›

According to IQAir, in 2021, Los Angeles was the city with the most pollution. Researchers measured aerosol particles that can harm human health, also known as PM 2.5 levels. L.A. reached 13.7 micrograms, more than twice the acceptable level.

How is New York different from LA? ›

New York has a more diverse population compared to LA. It is bigger than most east coast cities with a land size of 304 square miles and a population of about 70,000 people per square mile. Los Angeles has a land size of 472 square miles.

Is New York more crowded than LA? ›

NYC is nearly 4 times denser than City of L.A. The maps to the left highlight the spatial distribution of each city's population, reinforcing what most people already know – New York, particularly Manhattan, is crowded.

What is a good salary in NYC? ›

Average Salary in New York
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$78,426$6,535
75th Percentile$63,326$5,277
25th Percentile$37,505$3,125

Can you live in NY on 100K salary? ›

Making $100,000 a year in New York City is poor. One New Yorker told FOX 5, "Honestly, unless you're making about $150,000, I'd say you can't live comfortably." Another noted how "80% of my salary goes to rent alone."

Is 200k a good salary in NYC? ›

Yes, $200k is a good salary in NYC, whether you are a single person or a family. It is much more than the median household income and will afford you a good apartment, go out to eat, and enjoy the city's many cultural offerings. The average salary in New York, NY is $86k.

Why is NYC called the Big Apple? ›

New York City

It began in the 1920s when sports journalist John J. Fitz Gerald wrote a column for the New York Morning Telegraph about the many horse races and racecourses in and around New York. He referred to the substantial prizes to be won as “the big apple,” symbolizing the biggest and best one can achieve.

Which city is more expensive than New York? ›

The world's most expensive cities are jointly New York and Singapore, according to the annual Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) survey.

Is New York unaffordable? ›

The actual median household income in the city was hovering around $70,000, according to the most recent Census data. New York City has long been unaffordable for its most vulnerable residents, including those without college degrees or people who are unable to work.

What is the wealthiest county in New York? ›

Manhattan took the top spot as the wealthiest county in New York, where the average per capita investment income is $69,555; the median home value is listed as $1,306,208, and the average per capita income is $191,220, according to the study.

Where is the most prestigious place to live in New York? ›

Central Park West is one of the priciest and most exclusive districts in New York City, known for its spectacular pre-war architecture, opulent luxury houses, and great location close to one of the most famous parks in the world.

Is NYC more expensive to live than LA? ›

Is LA more expensive than NYC? Overall, LA is about 24% less expensive than NYC. The cost of living in LA is lower than in NYC thanks to far lower housing prices. On average, housing in LA is 34% cheaper than in New York City.

Why move from NYC to LA? ›

The short answer is that NYC has the most amazing people, and LA has the best quality of life – sunny skies 300 days a year, beautiful parks and the beach and great hiking spots. Stress levels are lower. Everything is just easier. Summers in Santa Monica are amazing: there are beach gatherings and outdoor concerts.

Is living in LA really that expensive? ›

everything seems more expensive than where you're from. It's not your imagination: The cost of living in L.A. is 51% higher than the national average. Yikes! That said, L.A. living on a budget IS possible, if you're diligent and willing to take the time to learn how.

Why is California the best city to live in? ›

What are some good reasons to live in California? California has some of the best sunny weather year-round. This west coast state also has great beaches and surfing opportunities. Another advantage of living in California is its large job market.

Why do people like LA so much? ›

One of the things everyone knows about Los Angeles is that it's an expensive place to live, but few cities in the U.S. offer as much as LA does for residents—diverse art and culture, incredible year-round weather and outdoor recreation, amazing views of the ocean, and some of the best dining and entertainment in the ...

What salary is needed to live comfortably in LA? ›

According to the study, a Los Angeles resident without children would need to make $76,710 after taxes to live comfortably. The study is based on the MIT Living Wage Calculator, which uses the cost of housing, food, transportation, medical care and more.

What is a livable salary in Los Angeles? ›

The data used in the study analyzed the cost of living in each city as of 2022. For California cities like Los Angeles, Berkeley and San Diego, a single person must make more than $76,000 to “live comfortably,” the data shows.

Why are so many people moving out of LA? ›

More and more people are leaving California's urban areas like Los Angeles and moving into less-expensive communities like the Inland Empire - or exiting the state altogether. "The main reason is people are looking for where their money goes a little further than here," Coelho said.

Why do people move away from LA? ›

The biggest factor: money. "The cost of housing and rent in the three coastal counties, LA, Orange and San Diego, has gotten ridiculously high," said economist John Husing. Anecdotally, Riverside-based Burgess Moving and Storage general manager Ed Coelho has heard similar reasons for people moving.

Why do people want to live in LA? ›

There are many reasons why people from around the world decide to move to Los Angeles. They range from chasing a dream job in entertainment or tech or have a fresh start in a different city with a temperate climate.

Is it more expensive to live in LA or Beverly Hills? ›

The cost of living in Beverly Hills is significantly higher than in L.A. Due to its upscale shopping districts, high-end grocery stores, and affluent community, the cost of living is much higher than in most areas of L.A, including West Hollywood or Santa Monica.

Why is LA so unaffordable? ›

Los Angeles is so expensive due to the high demand and limited supply of housing, causing prices to surge. The long commutes of people living outside the city and tourism's popularity add to the high prices of accommodations. These make Los Angeles a highly sought-after but expensive place to live and visit.

Can you live in LA on 80000 a year? ›

An annual salary of $80,000 can be considered a decent salary for a single person living in Los Angeles, but it will depend on individual circ*mstances and lifestyle. Los Angeles is known for having a high cost of living, with housing costs being a major factor in this higher cost of living.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.