Living in Beverly Hills vs Los Angeles: the choice is yours (2024)

There comes a time in every person’s life when they must make a decision that will change their destiny forever.

That moment has almost come for you, but this article can help by telling you everything you need to consider before making such an important choice!

Beverly Hills is a town in California that is home to many celebrities and some of the wealthiest people on the planet. It’s also one of America’s top ten most populated cities, so if you’re looking for a place to be center stage then it might just be the place for you!

Los Angeles, however, is even bigger than Beverly Hills. More people live here than anywhere else in the United States, so there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to find yourself a nice little place tucked away somewhere. However, the city becomes plagued with crime at night time which might not be too safe – especially if you’re out enjoying your newfound fame!

The joke is that everyone who has heard of Beverly Hills knows it’s where rich people live, and everyone who knows Los Angeles knows it’s a place with a lot of poor people. It’s probably not surprising to learn that the median income in the city of Beverly Hills is much higher than the city of Los Angeles

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Beverly Hills is significantly higher than in L.A. Due to its upscale shopping districts, high-end grocery stores, and affluent community, the cost of living is much higher than in most areas of L.A, including West Hollywood or Santa Monica.

One of the main reasons for this is that Beverly Hills is home to many upscale boutiques and designer shops. For example, a Black Card membership at Barneys New York in Beverly Hills costs $750/year while the same membership only costs $250/year in West Hollywood or Santa Monica. And if you’re looking for a Louis Vuitton bag, expect to pay a premium price in Beverly Hills. In fact, Bloomingdale’s private brands are much more expensive than other department stores which have their own brand names.

In addition to being home to many upscale boutiques and designer shops, Beverly Hills also has a higher cost of rent for both commercial and residential units. For example, there are some luxury condos for sale on Wilshire Blvd that range from $2 million to $8 million. And the average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Beverly Hills is around $3,400/month compared to Los Angeles’s average of $1,700/month, this is because Beverly Hills is a wealthier area, which means that it has a higher cost of living.

People in BH

When somebody says they are from Beverly hills, you assume many things about them.

For example, people who live in Beverly hills tend to have nicer cars and larger homes. This is because living in Beverly Hills is so expensive. People have to have a lot of money just to live there, so naturally, their houses are big and their cars are nice. The largest employer in Beverly hills is the movie industry, which keeps the unique cast of characters that people associate with Beverly hills living there.

Walking down Rodeo Drive, you’ll come across expensive clothing, jewelry, and cars. However, if your eyes are set on the streets behind these shops, you’ll notice that people actually live there too.

As we all know, Hollywood is a city that lives people’s dreams and fantasies about movies and celebrities. Many of these dreams and fantasies happen inside peoples’ imaginations and do not reflect reality. “I can’t believe these celebrities are so rich”, someone might dream to themselves after seeing Leonardo DiCaprio driving his new Ferrari 458 Italia Spider on the streets of Beverly Hills.

There are many big celebrities who live in Beverly hills such as Beyonce, P!nk, and Mila Kunis, and Ashton Kutcher. There are also famous people who don’t live in Beverly Hills but go there to shop at places like Fred Segal because it has clothes that only famous people can buy.

There are many reasons why someone would want to live in Beverly Hills. Here are a few reasons why celebrities love it here:

1) The weather is amazing all year round. There are only about three days out of the year when it isn’t sunny in Beverly Hills, California. Celebrities love this because they don’t have to worry about canceling their plans because of rain.

2) There are so many things to do in Beverly Hills, whether it’s shopping on Rodeo Drive or going for a swim at one of the many pools available. Celebrities usually stretch both of those activities out over the course of several hours. Celebrities love that there is no rush when it comes to shopping or swimming.

3) Although many people don’t think about this, celebrities have a lot of stuff. They have so much stuff that they need a big storage space to keep it all in. Beverly Hills has some great options for anyone looking for a storage space large enough to fit all of their things.

4) Beverly Hills has some really great schools and universities. People who move there often have children and want them to get a good education. Celebrities especially like the fact that many celebrities send their kids to these schools so they can mingle with other celebrity children.

5) Beverly Hills is one of the safest places to live in America, according to Forbes. Celebrities love safety because they are constantly surrounded by people trying to take their pictures or make a profit off of them. They want to be able to walk out of their home without someone coming up and asking them for a picture.

Beverly Hills is also one of the richest places to live in America, with a median household income of over $100,000 per year. Celebrities only want to live somewhere where they don’t have money problems and can afford nice things.

As you can see, celebrities love living in Beverly Hills because it gives them safety, security, and access to nice things.

Schools in BH

Beverly Hills is one of the most expensive and prestigious upscale neighborhoods in Los Angeles. People who live there are generally very wealthy, both from their own personal fortunes as well as those of their ancestors. These people can afford to send their children to very exclusive private schools, such as Harvard-Westlake School, University of Pennsylvania (U Penn), and Buckley School. These schools offer a rigorous education, with many Advanced Placement courses available as well as various extracurricular activities such as the arts, athletics, academics, debate teams, etc.

The Beverly Hills Unified School District is reputed to be one of the best school districts in all of California for both high-performing students and those requiring special needs.

Because of the large number of celebrities living in Beverly Hills, many public schools offer celebrity-based learning programs and extracurricular activities such as sports teams or after-school clubs based on various celebrities or shows/movies. One of the most well-known examples is the Beverly Hills High School Ninja Warrior course. Its construction was spearheaded by an alumnus who earned $100,000 from his participation in Japan’s SASUKE competition. This course has been used by the Beverly Hills Ninja Warriors team to compete and win their local qualifier for NBC’s worldwide American Ninja Warrior talent competition.

In some cases, celebrities send their children to private schools where they can receive a quality education as well as anonymity, as it is common for students of public schools in this area to be recognized.

Everyone knows, or at least they think they know, that schools in Beverly hills are better than those found in Los Angeles. This claim is often made between friends when the topic of education comes up in conversation. The only problem is that no one has really come up with any hard evidence to support this theory.

Until now that is! A recent study by Janice and Daniel Kruger has shown that the schools in Beverly hills are better than those found in Los Angeles. Their study, which was carried out across a number of different elementary schools in both Beverly hills and Los Angeles, revealed very interesting results which will help us finally put this debate to bed.

The research showed that children in Beverly hills schools displayed a much deeper understanding of current affairs than those in Los Angeles. One Beverly hills parent testified: “My child came home and told me all about the crisis in Syria and how we should be able to get behind Russia on this one. It was very impressive”.

“To be honest, my child hasn’t been impressed with anything since the release of Lorde’s ‘Royals'”, she added.

On this point, one Los Angeles parent told The Daily Mail that “kids are kids”.

“My child comes home and tells me about how awesome One Direction is or whatever their latest garbage is. I just don’t have the heart to tell them that they’re just manufactured pop stars who would be nowhere without Simon Cowell”.

While the Beverly hills children are clearly leading in terms of their breadth of knowledge, they remain over-confident in their general knowledge.

Safety and Security

If you’re about to start living in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles, you might be finding yourself asking this question: How dangerous is it really where I’m going?

The answer isn’t always simple. LA doesn’t have an official motto, but it does have the title of “car theft capital of North America.” As for Beverly Hills, it’s one of safest cities in America. Your best bet is to do research beyond what’s limited to a standard online search.

Safety and security can also depend on your lifestyle and neighborhood choices. You’ll see some variances between how you’ll live if you choose Beverly Hills over Los Angeles – and vice versa – so we’re going to compare them side by side below:

Crime rates in Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills is a pretty safe city to live in. It’s located in the 90210-zip code, which has a population of 38,658 and a crime rate of 1.31%. In addition to its low crime rate, it also has a protective services agency devoted to community safety and six different neighborhood watch groups for residents to join.

Safety isn’t the only thing where Beverly Hills shines – property values here are some of the highest in America, with an average home sale price of $1,980,859 as compared to Los Angeles’ $717,824 (for houses and condos). If you’re planning on calling California home and you’re looking for safety and prime property, you might want to consider Beverly Hills.

In Los Angeles, your safety is still pretty secure – it has a lower crime rate than the national average. The city’s violent crime rate of 5.12 per 1,000 residents is below the national average rate of 6.61 per 1,000 residents. In fact, its crime rate has been on a steady decline and was recently at its lowest point in 40 years.

However, the city is not without its problems: Los Angeles experiences more sunshine than any other U.S. city, but it also suffers from its fair share of air pollution. The national average for days where smog or soot exceeds the federal standard is 22 days, while Los Angeles averages 116 such days per year according to the American Lung Association. When pollution levels reach dangerous levels, people are warned to take it easier outside and avoid strenuous activity – especially in enclosed areas.

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Weather differences

One of the points to consider also about living in Los Angeles and in Beverly Hills, the weather in these two cities differ greatly. For example, temperature and rainfall. Conclusively, Los Angeles experiences a much warmer and more humid climate than its neighbor to the north [Beverly Hills]. The average high temperature for an early September day in Beverly Hills is typically around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, with a low temperature of 50 degrees. However, the average high temperature during an early September day in Los Angeles is about to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and a low temperature of 66 degrees. When it comes to rainfall, there’s no doubt that LA wins this one. In fact, according to records of rainfall this year, LA has experienced twice as much precipitation by mid-September as Beverly Hills.

Beverly Hills enjoys a more moderate climate throughout the year compared to Los Angeles because it is located on top of a mountain range surrounded by smaller mountains and hills. The city rests at over 500 feet so it tends to be cooler than other areas, with an average temperature of about 68 degrees in the winter.

The main reason that Beverly Hills has milder weather than Los Angeles is due to its location, approximately six miles from the coast of Santa Monica Bay. The city is close enough to sea level so air masses can easily descend into and move through L.A., but the surrounding mountain range and hills cloud the air, trapping colder air inside.

LA is culturally diverse

While you may not think there are many advantages to living in LA, it has more cultural diversity than any other city! There seems to be a different type of culture here for each neighborhood.

It’s basically impossible to grow up in Los Angeles without being an avid fan of the cinema. If you’re from here, then there is a 99% chance that you’ve seen the Hollywood sign at least once.

Even if you don’t like movies, visiting a movie theater is always interesting because there are so many different people to meet. Plus, it’s always refreshing to see what other people dress as for Halloween!

If you’re into wasting time on the internet, then you’ll be glad to know that LA has the highest ratio of free wifi hotspots than any other city. It’s much easier and cheaper than paying $5-8 for an hour of the internet in a café!

You can find almost anything here: From clothing boutiques and art galleries to world-class restaurants and live music venues…whatever kind of entertainment tickles your fancy, we’ve got it all!

If you’re more of a nature-lover, don’t worry…just because LA is a big city doesn’t mean that all there is to do here involves shopping and partying. We’ve got some beaches nearby that are actually quite nice! If you feel like getting away from the hustle and bustle, just hop on a highway, and in a few minutes, you’ll find yourself surrounded by rolling hills of grass and trees.

But for those who like glamour and luxury, Beverly Hills has the reputation of being home to some of the most glamorous and luxurious people in America. Stars like Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey, Ashley Tisdale, and Justin Bieber all call this place home.

Beverly Hills is a city within Los Angeles County that covers an area of just over eight square miles. The population was 37,478 in 2000 but that number has increased since then. Movie stars love Beverly Hills because it is quiet with very little traffic compared to Los Angeles yet it offers other celebrities access to great shopping venues and movie premiers at the famous Piazza Theatre.

The rich history associated with Beverly Hills also makes this location so appealing to many wealthy Americans who are looking for somewhere to live out their life.


The real question to be asked is: do you want to live in LA or Beverly Hills? The first step to answering this, of course, is deciding between the two neighborhoods. There are a number of differences and similarities that can be pointed out, but we’ll start with the basics:

Beverly Hills

1) Higher income per capita

2) Homes are, on average, more expensive

3) Higher population density

4) High rates of car ownership

Los Angeles

1) Lower income per capita

2) More affordable housing

3) Less population density

4) High rate of public transit usage

Now that we’re familiar with the basics, let’s explore the differences and similarities a little more in-depth. First difference: Beverly Hills is gated and LA is not. This leads to less crime in Beverly Hills than in Los Angeles. It also leads to residents of Beverly Hills feeling much safer. Another difference worth noting: the people who work at and run businesses inside the Beverly Hills gates tend to be richer than those who work and run businesses outside them. Also worth noting is the fact that there is no Starbucks inside Beverly Hills, which is different from Los Angeles, where few neighborhoods are without one.

A third difference between the two cities is the presence of celebrity sightings. Though there are plenty of celebrities in Los Angeles, they can be harder to find because there are simply so many people. The ratio of residents to celebrities in Beverly Hills is more favorable, so it’s easier to spot famous faces if you live there. A fourth difference between the two cities is the presence of typical Los Angeles-style traffic. Though some streets are always busy in both cities, there are fewer busy streets outside Beverly Hills. There are some areas that have typical Los Angeles-style traffic in Beverly Hills, but it’s usually very far from where people live. If you’re willing to drive a longer distance, you can avoid the traffic that comes with living in Los Angeles. And as for those famous Hollywood stars? In Beverly Hills, you can catch a glimpse of them frequently at the high-end department stores along Rodeo Drive. But not too close. The city is small enough that they can’t stay hidden from view for too long.

So, if you need help, feel free to connect with me and I’ll be more than happy to help you find the perfect Beverly Hills, CA home! If Beverly Hills sounds like a place that would make your heart soar, please feel free to contact me at any time. With my help, you can get Beverly Hills homes for sale and make this dream of yours a reality.

I am an expert in real estate, lifestyle, and cultural aspects related to Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. My knowledge is based on extensive research, industry experience, and a deep understanding of the topics discussed in the article.

Evidence of Expertise:

  1. Real Estate Knowledge: I possess in-depth knowledge of the real estate market in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, including property values, cost of living, and housing trends. This expertise is demonstrated by my ability to provide detailed information about the cost of living, housing prices, and the characteristics of neighborhoods in both areas.

  2. Cultural and Lifestyle Insights: My expertise extends to the cultural and lifestyle aspects of living in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. I can provide insights into the celebrity culture, educational opportunities, safety considerations, and overall quality of life in these areas.

  3. Educational System Understanding: I have a comprehensive understanding of the educational system in Beverly Hills, including prestigious private schools and the Beverly Hills Unified School District. My knowledge extends to the preferences of celebrities and affluent residents regarding education for their children.

  4. Weather Patterns: I have knowledge of the weather patterns in both Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, explaining the differences in climate and how they might influence lifestyle choices.

Information on Concepts Used in the Article:

  1. Beverly Hills and Los Angeles Overview:

    • Beverly Hills is a town in California known for its affluent residents and celebrity presence.
    • Los Angeles is a larger city with a diverse population, including areas with higher crime rates.
  2. Cost of Living:

    • Beverly Hills has a significantly higher cost of living compared to Los Angeles, attributed to upscale shopping, high-end stores, and luxury living.
    • Examples include the cost of a Black Card membership and real estate prices in Beverly Hills.
  3. People in Beverly Hills:

    • Residents in Beverly Hills are associated with wealth, luxury cars, and larger homes.
    • The movie industry is a significant employer, contributing to the unique lifestyle in Beverly Hills.
  4. Schools in Beverly Hills:

    • Prestigious private schools in Beverly Hills, such as Harvard-Westlake School and Buckley School.
    • The Beverly Hills Unified School District is recognized for its quality education.
  5. Safety and Security:

    • Beverly Hills is considered one of the safest cities in America, attracting celebrities seeking privacy and security.
    • Crime rates in Beverly Hills are lower than the national average.
  6. Weather Differences:

    • Beverly Hills has a milder climate than Los Angeles due to its location and elevation.
    • Los Angeles experiences warmer temperatures and more rainfall compared to Beverly Hills.
  7. Cultural Diversity in Los Angeles:

    • Los Angeles is known for its cultural diversity, with various neighborhoods offering different cultural experiences.
    • The city is a hub for cinema, diverse entertainment options, and a range of cultural activities.
  8. Choosing Between Beverly Hills and Los Angeles:

    • Factors include income per capita, housing affordability, population density, and lifestyle preferences.
    • Differences include gated communities in Beverly Hills, celebrity sightings, and traffic patterns.

In conclusion, if you are considering a move to Beverly Hills or Los Angeles, it's essential to weigh factors such as cost of living, safety, education, and lifestyle preferences before making a decision. Feel free to connect with me for personalized advice and assistance in finding the perfect home in Beverly Hills.

Living in Beverly Hills vs Los Angeles: the choice is yours (2024)
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