Kiyosi Ito - Biography (2024)

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7 September 1915
Hokusei-cho (now Inabe, Mie Prefecture), Japan
10 November 2008
Kyoto, Japan
Kiyosi Ito was a Japanese mathematician who pioneered the theory of stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations. He won the Gauss prize in 2006.

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Kiyosi Ito studied mathematics in the Faculty of Science of the Imperial University of Tokyo. It was during his student years that he became attracted to probability theory. In [3] he explains how this came about:-

Ever since I was a student, I have been attracted to the fact that statistical laws reside in seemingly random phenomena. Although I knew that probability theory was a means of describing such phenomena, I was not satisfied with contemporary papers or works on probability theory, since they did not clearly define the random variable, the basic element of probability theory. At that time, few mathematicians regarded probability theory as an authentic mathematical field, in the same strict sense that they regarded differential and integral calculus. With clear definition of real numbers formulated at the end of the19th century, differential and integral calculus had developed into an authentic mathematical system. When I was a student, there were few researchers in probability; among the few were Kolmogorov of Russia, and Paul Levy of France.
In 1938 Ito graduated from the University of Tokyo and in the following year he was appointed to the Cabinet Statistics Bureau. He worked there until 1943 and it was during this period that he made his most outstanding contributions:-
During those five years I had much free time, thanks to the special consideration given me by the then Director Kawashima ... Accordingly, I was able to continue studying probability theory, by reading Kolmogorov's Basic Concept of Probability Theory and Levy's Theory of Sum of Independent Random Variables. At that time, it was commonly believed that Levy's works were extremely difficult, since Levy, a pioneer in the new mathematical field, explained probability theory based on his intuition. I attempted to describe Levy's ideas, using precise logic that Kolmogorov might use. Introducing the concept of regularisation, developed by Doob of the United States, I finally devised stochastic differential equations, after painstaking solitary endeavours. My first paper was thus developed; today, it is common practice for mathematicians to use my method to describe Levy's theory.
In 1940 he published On the probability distribution on a compact group on which he collaborated with Yukiyosi Kawada. The background to Ito's famous 1942 paper On stochastic processes (Infinitely divisible laws of probability) which he published in the Japanese Journal of Mathematics is given in [2]:-
Brown, a botanist, discovered the motion of pollen particles in water. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Brownian motion was studied by Einstein, Perrin and other physicists. In 1923, against this scientific background, Wiener defined probability measures in path spaces, and used the concept of Lebesgue integrals to lay the mathematical foundations of stochastic analysis. In 1942, Dr. Ito began to reconstruct from scratch the concept of stochastic integrals, and its associated theory of analysis. He created the theory of stochastic differential equations, which describe motion due to random events.
Although today we see this paper as a fundamental one, it was not seen as such by mathematicians at the time it was published. Ito, who still did not have a doctorate at this time, would have to wait several years before the importance of his ideas would be fully appreciated and mathematicians would begin to contribute to developing the theory. In 1943 Ito was appointed as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Science of Nagoya Imperial University. This was a period of high activity for Ito, and when one considers that this occurred during the years of extreme difficulty in Japan caused by World War II, one has to find this all the more remarkable. Volume 20 of the Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Tokyo contains six papers by Ito: (1) On the ergodicity of a certain stationary process; (2) A kinematic theory of turbulence; (3) On the normal stationary process with no hysteresis; (4) A screw line in Hilbert space and its application to the probability theory; (5) Stochastic integral; and (6) On Student's test.

In 1945 Ito was awarded his doctorate. He continued to develop his ideas on stochastic analysis with many important papers on the topic. Among them were On a stochastic integral equation (1946), On the stochastic integral (1948), Stochastic differential equations in a differentiable manifold (1950), Brownian motions in a Lie group (1950), and On stochastic differential equations (1951).

In 1952 Ito was appointed to a Professorship at Kyoto University. In the following year he published his famous text Probability theory. In this book, Ito develops the theory on a probability space using terms and tools from measure theory. The years 1954-56 Ito spent at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University. An important publication by Ito in 1957 was Stochastic processes. This book contained five chapters, the first providing an introduction, then the remaining ones studying processes with independent increments, stationary processes, Markov processes, and the theory of diffusion processes. In 1960 Ito visited the Tata Institute in Bombay, India, where he gave a series of lectures surveying his own work and that of other on Markov processes, Levy processes, Brownian motion and linear diffusion.

Although Ito remained as a professor at Kyoto University until he retired in 1979, he also held positions as professor at Aarhus University from 1966 to 1969 and professor at Cornell University from 1969 to 1975. During his last three years at Kyoto before he retired, Ito was Director of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences there. After retiring from Kyoto University in 1979 he did not retire from mathematics but continued to write research papers. He was also appointed at Professor at Gakushuin University.

Ito gives a wonderful description mathematical beauty in [3] which he then relates to the way in which he and other mathematicians have developed his fundamental ideas:-

In precisely built mathematical structures, mathematicians find the same sort of beauty others find in enchanting pieces of music, or in magnificent architecture. There is, however, one great difference between the beauty of mathematical structures and that of great art. Music by Mozart, for instance, impresses greatly even those who do not know musical theory; the cathedral in Cologne overwhelms spectators even if they know nothing about Christianity. The beauty in mathematical structures, however, cannot be appreciated without understanding of a group of numerical formulae that express laws of logic. Only mathematicians can read "musical scores" containing many numerical formulae, and play that "music" in their hearts. Accordingly, I once believed that without numerical formulae, I could never communicate the sweet melody played in my heart. Stochastic differential equations, called "Ito Formula," are currently in wide use for describing phenomena of random fluctuations over time. When I first set forth stochastic differential equations, however, my paper did not attract attention. It was over ten years after my paper that other mathematicians began reading my "musical scores" and playing my "music" with their "instruments." By developing my "original musical scores" into more elaborate "music," these researchers have contributed greatly to developing "Ito Formula."
Ito received many honours for his outstanding mathematical contributions. He was awarded the Asahi Prize in 1978, and in the same year he received the Imperial Prize and also the Japan Academy Prize. In 1985 he received the Fujiwara Prize and in 1998 the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences from the Inamori Foundation. These prizes were all from Japan, and a further Japanese honour was his election to the Japan Academy. However, he also received many honours from other countries. He was elected to the National Academy of Science of the United States and to the Académie des Sciences of France. He received the Wolf Prize from Israel and honorary doctorates from the universities of Warwick, England and ETH, Zürich, Switzerland. He won the IMU Gauss prize in 2006.

In [2] this tribute is paid to Ito:-

Nowadays, Dr. Ito's theory is used in various fields, in addition to mathematics, for analysing phenomena due to random events. Calculation using the "Ito calculus" is common not only to scientists in physics, population genetics, stochastic control theory, and other natural sciences, but also to mathematical finance in economics. In fact, experts in financial affairs refer to Ito calculus as "Ito's formula." Dr. Ito is the father of the modern stochastic analysis that has been systematically developing during the twentieth century. This ceaseless development has been led by many, including Dr. Ito, whose work in this regard is remarkable for its mathematical depth and strong interaction with a wide range of areas. His work deserves special mention as involving one of the basic theories prominent in mathematical sciences during this century.
A recent monograph entitled Ito's Stochastic Calculus and Probability Theory (1996), dedicated to Ito on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, contains papers which deal with recent developments of Ito's ideas:-
Professor Kiyosi Ito is well known as the creator of the modern theory of stochastic analysis. Although Ito first proposed his theory, now known as Ito's stochastic analysis or Ito's stochastic calculus, about fifty years ago, its value in both pure and applied mathematics is becoming greater and greater. For almost all modern theories at the forefront of probability and related fields, Ito's analysis is indispensable as an essential instrument, and it will remain so in the future. For example, a basic formula, called the Ito formula, is well known and widely used in fields as diverse as physics and economics.

References (show)

  1. N Ikeda, S Watanabe, M f*ckushima and H Kunita (eds.), Ito's stochastic calculus and probability theory (Tokyo, 1996).
  2. Citation for the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences awarded to Kiyosi Ito by the Inamori Foundation (1998).
  3. K Ito, My Sixty Years in Studies of Probability Theory : acceptance speech of the Kyoto Prize in Basic Sciences (1998).
  4. Kiyosi Ito, in N Ikeda, S Watanabe, M f*ckushima and H Kunita (eds.), Itô's stochastic calculus and probability theory (Tokyo, 1996), ix-xiv.
  5. Kiyosi Ito (French), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. Gén. Vie Sci. 6 (6) (1989), 496.

Additional Resources (show)

Other pages about Kiyosi Ito:

  1. New York Times obituary
  2. Times obituary

Honours (show)

Honours awarded to Kiyosi Ito

  1. Wolf Prize 1987
  2. DMV/IMU Gauss Prize 2006

Cross-references (show)

  1. Societies: Mathematical Society of Japan
  2. Other: 1986 ICM - Berkeley
  3. Other: 1990 ICM - Kyoto

Written by J J O'Connor and E F Robertson
Last Update September 2001

Kiyosi Ito - Biography (2024)


Who invented Ito calculus? ›

Professor Kiyosi Ito is well known as the creator of the modern theory of stochastic analysis. Although Ito first proposed his theory, now known as Ito's stochastic analysis or Ito's stochastic calculus, about fifty years ago, its value in both pure and applied mathematics is becoming greater and greater.

Who made Ito's Lemma? ›

Kiyosi Itô

What is Ito in maths? ›

Itô calculus, named after Kiyosi Itô, extends the methods of calculus to stochastic processes such as Brownian motion (see Wiener process). It has important applications in mathematical finance and stochastic differential equations.

When was stochastic calculus invented? ›

This field was created and started by the Japanese mathematician Kiyosi Itô during World War II.

Who is the mother of calculus? ›

If a modern math textbook says anything about the Agnesi for whom it is named, it will probably note that Maria Gaetana Agnesi was an 18th-century mathematician who became the first woman to write a major calculus textbook.

Who is the owner of calculus? ›

Infinitesimal calculus was developed in the late 17th century by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz independently of each other. An argument over priority led to the Leibniz–Newton calculus controversy which continued until the death of Leibniz in 1716.

What is the Itto formula? ›

Itô's formula in multiple dimensions can also be written with the standard vector calculus operators. It is in the similar notation typically used for the related parabolic partial differential equation describing an Itô diffusion: dYt=(∂f∂t+μt⋅∇f+12(∇⋅(σtσ∗t)∇)f)dt+(σtdWt)⋅∇f.

Why is Ito's Lemma important? ›

The Ito's lemma provides a framework to differentiate the functions of stochastic process and this is of particular significance to derivative pricing (before Ito's work, people did not know how to do it). Ito's lemma allows us to derive the stochastic differential equation (SDE) for the price of derivatives.

What is the intuition behind Ito's Lemma? ›

The Itô integral has due to the unbounded total variation but bounded quadratic variation an extra term (sometimes called Itô correction term). The standard intuition for this is a Taylor expansion, sometimes Jensen's inequality.

What is the formula of Ito calculus? ›

This equation known as the Ito's lemma is the main equation of Ito's cal- culus. df(t, Bt) = ∂f ∂t dt + ∂f ∂x dBt + 1 2 ∂2f ∂x2 (dBt)2 = (∂f ∂t + 1 2 ∂2f ∂x2 ) dt + ∂f ∂x dBt.

What is the full meaning of Ito? ›

Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO)

Can you use calculus in finance? ›

Calculus plays a significant role in the financial market. From stochastic calculus to algorithmic trading and the Greeks, calculus is used to make predictions and optimize trading decisions. The Golden Ratio is embedded in the stock market and is used to identify trends and make informed decisions.

Did Nikola Tesla know calculus? ›

Tesla attributed all of his inventive instincts to his mother. Tesla began his education at home and later attended gymnasium in Carlstadt, Croatia excelling in his studies along the way. An early sign of his genius, he was able to perform integral calculus in his mind, prompting his teachers to think he was cheating.

Is stochastic calculus still used? ›

Stochastic calculus is widely used in quantitative finance as a means of modelling random asset prices. In this article a brief overview is given on how it is applied, particularly as related to the Black-Scholes model.

How hard is it to learn stochastic calculus? ›

As powerful as it can be for making predictions and building models of things which are in essence “unpredictable”, stochastic calculus is a very difficult subject to study at university, and here are some reasons: Stochastic calculus is not a standard subject in most university departments.

What is the hardest math? ›

5 of the world's toughest unsolved maths problems
  1. Separatrix Separation. A pendulum in motion can either swing from side to side or turn in a continuous circle. ...
  2. Navier–Stokes. ...
  3. Exponents and dimensions. ...
  4. Impossibility theorems. ...
  5. Spin glass.
Feb 7, 2019

What are the 4 types of calculus? ›

The main concepts of calculus are :
  • Limits.
  • Differential calculus (Differentiation).
  • Integral calculus (Integration).
  • Multivariable calculus (Function theory).

Who are the two fathers of calculus? ›

Calculus is commonly accepted to have been created twice, independently, by two of the seventeenth century's brightest minds: Sir Isaac Newton of gravitational fame, and the philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz.

Why is calculus called calculus? ›

In Latin, calculus means “pebble.” Because the Romans used pebbles to do addition and subtraction on a counting board, the word became associated with computation. Calculus has also been borrowed into English as a medical term that refers to masses of hard matter in the body, such as kidney stones.

Who invented calculus in China? ›

Liu Hui, (flourished c. 263 ce, China), Chinese mathematician. All that is known about the life of Liu Hui is that he lived in the northern Wei kingdom (see Three Kingdoms) during the 3rd century ce.

What is calculus used for in real life? ›

Although it may not always be obvious, we actually use calculus quite often in our daily lives. Various fields such as engineering, medicine, biological research, economics, architecture, space science, electronics, statistics, and pharmacology all benefit from the use of calculus.

What happened to Itto's parents? ›

As members of the oni species, Itto and his parents were treated with mistrust by humans who forced them out of their village after a series of robberies cast suspicions on them. Itto's parents later died of illness, leaving the young oni to fend for himself as a street urchin.

What does Itto mean in Japanese? ›

route, way, road.

What is Kuki to Itto? ›

As Itto's deputy, she has a place as his second-in-command and is invaluable to both him and the Arataki Gang.

Why is it called lemma? ›

The term 'lemma' comes from the practice in Greco-Roman antiquity of using the word to refer to the headwords of marginal glosses in scholia; for this reason, the Ancient Greek plural form is sometimes used, namely lemmata (Greek λῆμμα, pl. λήμματα).

What is the multidimensional Ito's formula? ›

= σ (Bi (s, ·) : 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 0 ≤ s ≤ t) .

What is the Ito lemma in simple terms? ›

Ito's Lemma | QuantStart. Ito's Lemma is a key component in the Ito Calculus, used to determine the derivative of a time-dependent function of a stochastic process. It performs the role of the chain rule in a stochastic setting, analogous to the chain rule in ordinary differential calculus.

How do you prove Itô's Lemma? ›

We prove Ito's lemma by proving the integral version (2)(3). x dx = 1 2 a2 . k = 1 2 n2 − 1 2 n . 1 2 t ) = WtdWt + 1 2 dt − 1 2 dt = WtdWt .

What is Lemma proof theory? ›

Lemma: A true statement used in proving other true statements (that is, a less important theorem that is helpful in the proof of other results). Corollary: A true statment that is a simple deduction from a theorem or proposition. Proof: The explanation of why a statement is true.

What is a topology intuition? ›

The set of all open sets on a space is called the topology on ). An intuitive way of thinking about a topology: take two points . We can think of and as near each other if there are a lot of open sets that contain both points.

What is the Taylor expansion of Ito's Lemma? ›

The much-dreaded Ito's Lemma used in Chapters 10 and 11 is basically Taylor Series expansion in a stochastic setting, and can be easily used in practice via a multiplication table. For a function of one variable, f(x), the Taylor Series formula is: f(x + x) = f(x) + f (x) x + 1/2 f (x)( x)2 + ... + 1/n!

What is the linearity of Itô integral? ›

Properties of the Itô Integral:

(A) Linearity: It (aV +bU) = aIt (V )+bIt (U). (B) Measurability: It (V ) is progressively measurable.

What is the Itô integral process? ›

An Ito process is a type of stochastic process described by Japanese mathematician Kiyoshi Itô, which can be written as the sum of the integral of a process over time and of another process over a Brownian motion.

What family name is ITO? ›

Itō, Ito, Itou, Itoh or Itoo (written: 伊藤 or いとう in hiragana) is the sixth most common Japanese surname. Less common variants are 伊東 and 伊都.

What is ITO in physics? ›

ITO is a mixed oxide of indium and tin with a melting point in the range 1526–1926 °C (1800–2200 K, 2800–3500 °F), depending on composition. The most commonly used material is an oxide of a composition of ca. In4Sn. The material is a n-type semiconductor with a large bandgap of around 4 eV.

What does ITO mean in energy? ›

Transparent conducting oxides (TCOs) such as Indium Tin Oxide (ITO), Indium Zinc Oxide (IZO) and Aluminum Zinc Oxide (AZO) have widespread applications in modern technologies thanks to their high optical transparency and electrical conductivity properties, as well as their stability in air [1], [2].

What math is used most in finance? ›

Algebra. Many banking and investment financial models require a financial management professional to solve for variables. Today, programs like Excel take most of the work out of this process, but a sound understanding of the basic principles of algebra is still widely considered to be extremely helpful.

What math is most useful for finance? ›

Some of the main math-related skills that the financial industry requires are: mental arithmetic (“fast math”), algebra, trigonometry, and statistics and probability. A basic understanding of these skills should be good enough and can qualify you for most finance jobs.

Do accountants do calculus? ›

Most accounting programs do not require students to take calculus, but some do want to see that students in their program have previous experience with calculus 1.

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