Kukitto (2024)

Kukitto (1)

Kukitto (2)14Kukitto (3)29Kukitto (4)1

Kukitto is the het ship between Kuki Shinobu and Arataki Itto from the Genshin Impact fandom.


  • 1 Canon
    • 1.1 Backstory
    • 1.2 Character Stories
      • 1.2.1 Arataki Itto
        • Character Story 2
        • The Great Singalong
      • 1.2.2 Kuki Shinobu
        • Character Story 5
        • Oni Mask
    • 1.3 Perilous Trail
    • 1.5 The Gang's Daily Deeds
    • 1.6 The Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl
    • 1.7 Duel! The Summoners' Summit: Cards Out, Greivances Begone
    • 1.8 Miscellaneous
      • 1.8.1 Birthdays
  • 3 Fanon
  • 4 Fandom
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Gallery
  • 7 References
  • 8 Navigation



Prior to the Archon Quest, Perilous Trail, she states herself that she's been a part of the Arataki Gang for "a few years". Before, Kuki had been pressured by her demanding mother to become a shrine maiden that was traditional in her clan as she didn't approve of Kuki's interests outside, especially in her desire to study law. While it isn't explicitly known how she came across the Arataki Gang, it's hinted in one of her character stories that, during a periodic drinking session with Sara, the Tengu groused about her troubles with the Arataki Gang. Kuki listens with interest, but didn't seem to give it much more thought until, shortly after, she's noted as becoming the Gang's deputy with mild fanfare in Hanamizaka. It seems to have been a surprise as Kujou Sara states that "it's a shame she's joined the Arataki Gang" despite her qualifications and talents and connections with organizations like the Tenryou Commission.

Kuki has also stated that she sees the Arataki Gang as family and wouldn't want to live any other way because of the freedom it affords her. She's gone on to say that being in the Arataki Gang allows her the freedom to live life exactly the way she wants, without the constraints her parents tried to enforce on her. In exchange, she utilizes her myriad talents (especially as a shrine maiden and lawyer) to the benefit of the Gang and was described as turning their entire operations around. As Itto's deputy, she has a place as his second-in-command and is invaluable to both him and the Arataki Gang. Comically, with the dozens of certifications she has and continues to earn, Kuki expanded the Gang's operations to an enormous swath of professions, mainly undertaken by Kuki herself with the Gang as her launchpad.

Character Stories[]

Both Shinobu and Itto have mention of each[1] other[2] in a few of their character stories.

Arataki Itto[]

Character Story 2[]

For the longest time, the Tenryou Commission has regarded the Arataki Gang as a group of only occasional troublemakers who do not require that much attention.

This group only has less than 10 regular members and there are many internal disagreements concerning the date of its founding.

Akira believes that it all began when Itto saved him from a few two-bit ruffians. That day, Itto persisted even after having been knocked to the ground 7 times, ultimately causing the punks to back off in annoyance. Helping Akira up from the ground, Itto declared: "Well, guess you're with the Arataki Gang now!"

Genta and Mamoru believe that the Gang was truly founded at the end of a certain year when they all squatted on the outskirts of Inazuma City and roasted Lavender Melons.

That day, not one of them had a single Mora to their name, and they were all very hungry indeed. While gorging himself on a melon, Itto said with a sigh, "We should roast Lavender Melons like this every year!"

That said, neither Genta nor Mamoru thinks that these experiences need much memorializing.

For Kuki Shinobu, the Gang was officially formed the first time she had to drag Itto's sorry behind out of Shogunate gaol, for this was the first time any official records had ever made mention of the Arataki Gang.

As for Itto, he believes that the Arataki Gang existed from the first moment those words entered his mind.

Unfortunately, he no longer remembers when that was.

And as for Granny Oni, who has taken care of Itto since he was young, she believes that the Gang was never formed.

To her, these children are just "Itto and his friends."

The Great Singalong[]

As the year was drawing to a close, the Arataki Gang met to discuss how they might celebrate the turnover of the year.

As opposed to more reputable organizations, the Arataki Gang did not have any fixed venues to hold their activities, which posed some... logistical issues.

The Lavender Melon suggestion was quickly eliminated. While roasting melons itself was certainly not an issue, eating only that to celebrate the new year certainly was.

An Onikabuto festival was considered, but the year's end was not mating season, and so the contestants would not be half as motivated as they usually were.

Ultimately, lots were drawn, and the "Great Singalong" was selected.

This activity was suggested by Itto himself, and it entailed everyone standing on a cliff and singing against the ocean wind to express their innermost feelings and well-wishes for the future.

The various gang members actually rejected this in their hearts when they found out about it. After all, screaming into the wind was nowhere near as fun as eating melons. Kuki Shinobu even indicated that she would like to take leave to return home on that day.

However, the event went through nonetheless. The yelling and hollering were indeed quite soothing for the soul — and as things unexpectedly turned out, Itto was quite the good singer as well.

Kuki Shinobu[]

Character Story 5[]

The news that the Arataki Gang now had a second-in-command raised a decent (though ultimately small) stir in Hanamizaka.

It was rumored that this deputy was well-versed in etiquette, law, and was quite the dapper hand physically as well, bringing the other members to heel within a few days of arriving.

Those who had witnessed this deputy's actions first hand were full of praise for them, saying that at long last, the Arataki Gang had someone polite and reasonable added to their ranks.

Some did worry about this development, however: the Arataki Gang was, after all, not a proper organization by any measure.

The little hullabaloos they had caused in the past were nothing, really, but with the arrival of someone who could be the "brains" of the organization, who might put some discipline into them... Could this not also be the harbinger of worse incidents to come?

Not to mention the Gang's daily operations... Other than logistics and transportation, home repair, and performance, they now added tax agency, legal consultation, event management and various other operations that both involved sizable capital investments and a not-insignificant air of danger to them.

Surely they weren't intending to do all these things without the right licenses... right?

And never mind the licenses, first — if they were to commit fraud in any of these newly-added businesses, they would surely be arrested by the Tenryou Commission!

However, these wild guesses and ill-omened rumors would quickly be dispelled. The Arataki Gang's actions afterward were more than enough to show that they were still a gang of their word.

Those who have attempted to enlist their new financial services have indeed seen their situations turned right around, and the transparency and uprightness of their processes have been stunning.

Of course, it is also a pity that the Gang remains the Gang. The children of Hanamizaka still live in fear of Arataki Itto coming to win their snacks off them come dinner time, and often still return to their homes fuming.

In any case, it seems that even this legendary second-in-command will take a long time to reform the Arataki Gang's more... unbound ways.

Oni Mask[]

Kuki Shinobu had yet to wear her mask when she first joined the Arataki Gang.

While pursuing a certain business prospect, Shinobu was busy engaging in some serious talks. The other members of the gang were arrayed behind her in a single row, hands behind their backs and unsmiling.

"Just stay like that and don't say anything," Shinobu had instructed them to do so on short notice. "This is the most effective way of negotiating... For you guys, anyway."

The talks were going exactly as Shinobu expected, until a passing child suddenly pointed at her, exclaiming:

"Mama, mama, look! That's the shrine maiden who never smiled back at the Grand Shrine! Wow, she looks so cool!"

The child was whisked away by her panicked mother, but the quick departure did not change the mottled embarrassment and resignation on her face, as if she could not wait to flee for the hills and forests right that instant.

As for Itto's face, it was as if two onikabuto were wrestling for dominance upon it. Genta and the others, try as they might, ultimately lost their poker faces amidst gales of guffaws.

The next martial demonstration would, of course, see their faces beaten so hard that they were redder than Shinobu's was at that moment. If only they had known their fate, perhaps they might not have laughed quite so hard.

From that day on, Shinobu would sport that mask. Pitch-black and claws bared, it lent her a positively demonic aspect.

By the way, it was also that martial demonstration that served as the origin of her moniker "the demonic deputy".

Perilous Trail[]

During the Perilous Trail Archon Quest, once the Traveler mentions Kuki is behind him, Itto says he almost forgot about Kuki and introduces her right away, calling her one of the brightest and best of the Arataki Gang. Quickly later on when they're on the topic of Yanfei, the Traveler asks why they're in Liyue. Itto says Kuki was going to pick up her graduation certificate, and so he decided to come with her for the sake of her 'safety'. After Kiku hints to the Traveler, Itto says it’s time for them to get rolling as he runs off with her following. Not many minutes later, Itto comes back with Kuki and later on starts arguing with Yelan, causing her to step in the discussion, telling Itto to not be impulsive. However, he continues the argument with Yelan, despite Kuki warning him to not fight.

When the two and a few others fall into the mysterious place, Kuki suggests Itto stops provoking Yelan, as she believes he most likely won’t win the argument. However, he becomes annoyed and asks who's side she's on. She says she's pointing out facts, understanding how he feels. However, he also makes her life difficult by starting random fights. Soon after finding an unknown domain, once Yelan speaks, Itto tells her to stop acting like the boss and Kuki once again suggests he stops, causing him to finally do so. Later, when the Traveler is talking to everyone, Kuki suggests Itto and the others eat Roasted Lavender Melon out of their concern for their well-being and especially Itto's. However, Itto quickly declines the offer saying they're trapped in a life-or-death situation. Kuki once again recommends he eats some, and this time Itto accepts telling them to leave some for him after discovering she and Ushi are eating it all.

After they fall out of one of the domains, Itto mentions hurting himself and Kuki says she promises to try not to laugh, which he gets angry at and says she should be feeling sympathy for him. She however, says feeling sympathy would be a violation of his dignity. Kuki says they're allowed to laugh, causing most to laugh at him. Itto asks if Kuki has a heart, which she ignores. A few minutes later after they find a random door, Itto tells her to watch and learn why he's the boss and she's the deputy.

When Itto destroys one of the walls, he passes out almost falling on the floor, however Kuki catches him just in time. As he's asleep, she wonders to herself why he always does that. Talking to the others, she says there’s a distinction with him as he always sacrifices himself despite telling others not to. The Traveler asks why she didn’t try to stop him, and she says he wouldn’t listen either way. Kuki decides to stay with Itto despite the new passage being opened up plus being told not to. Yanfei casts a spell to protect them and Kuki keeps watch until the others return.

During the time when they escape to the surface, Kuki continues to act as Itto's support while the others protect them. Once back on the surface and they begin going their separate ways, Yanfei invites the pair out to lunch and to take them sight-seeing through Liyue Harbor before their return to Inazuma subsequently afterword.

The Almighty Arataki Great & Glorious Drumalong[]

During the festival, it was confirmed by Mamoru that one of the reasons for it happening at all was to celebrate Kuki's graduation. Yet, when the Traveler asked why she wasn't present, Itto explained that they'd both been working hard to pass out flyers to generate interest. Mamoru went on to explain that he and Kuki had both been passing out flyers, but that Itto had left upon hearing that the Traveler was due to arrive and wanted to wait for them. After being interrogated about the drum the Traveler received, Itto weaseled his way out of it by saying he had to rendezvous with Kuki. However, when Itto got arrested for trespassing on the Shogun's grounds in an attempt to send her an invitation. When it failed, it ultimately fell on Shinobu to bail him out, as she usually did.

The Gang's Daily Deeds[]

During the last legs of Shinobu's Hangout quest, it was during the Eavesdroppers, Key Decision, and Not Quite Your Daily Deeds portions that the Gang and Traveler intercepted a conversation happening at Uyuu Restaurant transpiring between a woman named Norika, Shinobu herself, and Sara regarding a new job opportunity. Alarmed at the apparent theft of their deputy, the Gang and Traveler raced to find Itto and tell him the news. In reaction to it, Itto expressed anger at the notion of Sara poaching one of the most valued members of his team and tried to justify it as a misunderstanding as Itto claimed that the Arataki Gang had a laid-back work environment compared to whatever the Shogunate could offer her. In an act of desperation, Itto resolved to tear down the flyers he'd made himself to prove he was contrite about improving so Shinobu wouldn't leave. In a last ditch effort, he also petitioned the Traveler to put on a show of wanting to join to help convince her to stay.

Going through other parts of the town, they discover that Itto, in his earnest desire to keep himself on Shinobu's good graces, personally went around to several establishments they'd obtrusively posted flyers and worked diligently until each premises was as it was before. To Shouta, a boy Itto had won candy off, they returned the snacks and promised never to take any more again. In the last leg before the community service ending, Kuki vouches for Itto and the rest of the Gang, proving their innocence. When they thought she was going to leave, Itto led a farewell and declared that they'd bought her a Naku Weed bracelet, but were proven wrong when it turned out Kuki was simply hired as a legal consultant due to knowing the laws of both Liyue and Inazuma.

Therefore, Kuki remained as a member despite the troubles the others caused, especially on Itto's behalf.

The Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl[]

During the Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl, Shinobu's absence is attributed to the fact that she's away on business or a long-term commission, and she's brought up several times. Although the Gang doesn't have the requisite experience to start a solvent event, they host it anyways with Itto facing many locals in various beetle brawls. Like Akitsu Kimodameshi, Itto quoted a tale Shinobu told him from her time in Liyue. Later, during the next act of the event, she sends the group a letter about a boy she met who she thinks would be interested in facing Itto. The contents of the letter otherwise emphasize not to do anything too extreme or strenuous, and to take care of themselves. Paimon laments that Itto has been doing exactly that and says they should treat her with the ramen voucher Itto gave them. Regardless, how much Shinobu cares for Itto despite the latter's zealousness in his pursuits.

Duel! The Summoners' Summit: Cards Out, Greivances Begone[]

When the traveler arrives at the venue during the third day of Duel! The Summoners' Summit, the Outlander Affairs Agency, they find Arataki Itto and Kuki Shinobu there, the former claiming to have been going for the grand prize, though Shinobu corrects him by stating that he was the only one in the gang not to pass the qualifiers and lost three rounds. While Shinobu had lost to Kokomi, she does not mind before Itto claims that he did not have a proper card back to win as both Paimon and Shinobu then correct him again.


Shinobu and Itto were shown several times together during Genshin's Second Anniversary celebration stream that consisted of dozens of fanmade animations put on display[3]. The first was a live action, cosplay soccer game where she and Heizou watched Itto play; the second was an isekai, parody animation, and the last when she watched Itto in a spoofy drag race against Yoimiya, Ayaka, and Lumine. However, it's entirely possible there were more, unfeatured entries that showed them together, too.

They were also shown during the 2023 Hoyofair New Year stream wherein she and Itto were in the opening crawl lurking in Sumeru's jungles, and again in an animatic where Itto watched as Shinobu dueled Cyno in the desert that became increasingly ridiculous. It was revealed at the end to be a TCG light novel that Cyno tried to get published, expressing frustration that he wasn't cut out to be a novelist[4].

In the Fontaine Art Expo, Kuki and Itto were shown in several pieces and in artworks unique to the event. They featured in at least two[5] of them[6] with several displays featuring past official art like chibis and patch art.

While she didn't make a cameo in the Akitsu Kimodameshi event, Itto did mention a quote she'd told him one time; especially given Itto's forgetful tendencies, it emphasizes the closeness between the pair for him to remember such a close detail.

On the Hanamizaka Bulletin Board, they have their own exchange titled "Arataki Itto & Kuki Shinobu"[7]:

Message: "Children and parents of the city and beyond: if you should be bullied by a red oni with long horns such that you lose toys, cards, Onikabuto, snacks, picture books, and things of this kind..."
Message: "Please come down to Hanamizaka and look for Kuki Shinobu. I will do my best to return the lost items to you. Regrettably, I will not be able to help you with toys that have been broken or food that has already been consumed."
Arataki "To the Victor Go the Spoils" Itto: "Hey, hey, Shinobu, you aren't taking pity on the vanquished again, are you?"
Arataki "To the Victor Go the Spoils" Itto: "Those are trophies, you know? Trophies! I won them fair and square — and it was a lot of effort, too! You can't just give them all back just like that!"
Message: "Oh, is that so? In that case, I won't drag you back the next time that tengu woman beats the snot out of you."
Arataki "The Undefeated" Itto: "Oh, come on, don't be like that!"
Message: "You know, it's your fault that I'm more acquainted with every Doushin in the Police Station than I ever needed to be..."
Arataki "No Prison Food For Me" Itto: "I never asked for you to get me out of there! Also, what's with that psychiatric evaluation you used to bail me out last time? Were you making fun of me!?"
Tenryou Notice: Due to citizen reports, the two people who vandalized this noticeboard have been detained.
Tenryou Notice: We are familiar with one another, yes, but please control yourselves

Itto mentions Shinobu in the Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival invitation[8]:

Hoo-hahahaha! What's up, compadre? Have ya missed me since we last met at The Chasm? I mean, you've been on my mind, if that's what you're wondering! In fact, you're the first person I thought of when I came up with this idea! To celebrate Shinobu's successful graduation and, y'know, show off the almighty awesomeness of the Arataki Gang, I've decided to book a grand venue in Ritou to organize a festival! We're calling it "The Almighty Arataki Great and Glorious Drumalong Festival!" How's that? Quaking with excitement already, I'll bet! I can guarantee that this festival will be as massive as the Irodori Festival and more meaningful than Lantern Rite! Once it's over, the gang's name will spread far and wide, all across Inazuma!

And that's why I thought of you, buddy. I'd love for you to join in on the fun! We can go nuts! Sing songs! Do some beetle fights! Grill some Lavender Melons! How about it? Excited? Oh, I bet you are, so hurry down to Ritou, I'll wait for you there!


Uh... Wait, Shinobu, I don't think we need that line about Lavender Melons. It just doesn't sound cool enough.

Hey, I said we didn't need it!

And we don't need this line either... Oh, come on...!


A constant that has been regular for the two is the fact that he and Shinobu have featured in each other's art and birthday letters/events since the time of Shinobu's release mid-2022.

Shinobu mentions Itto and the others in her 2022 birthday mail, "Got Time?"[9]:

Thanks to those idiots from the Arataki Gang, I spent yet another "unexpected" birthday, and just finished taking care of the trouble they caused. It's been so long, but they still haven't learned anything... Never mind, let's just say this is why I can't just abandon them.Oh right, do you have time now? Want to go for a walk together? Just the two of us. I still remember all the help you gave me, and I'd like to thank you in person to show my sincere gratitude. Also, I've discovered a few special uses of Naku Weed in my spare time, and I'd like to show them to you too...

Itto mentions Shinobu again in his 2023 birthday letter, "Cheer Up, Compadre!"[10]:

So, some bearded merchant from Shumeru or Sumeru or whatever asked Shinobu for a bit of a legal help, and whaddya know, in the end they ended up sending a ton of their local specialties! Check it out! there are even some golden Onikabuto! Awesome, huh? I've raised them to be huge and poweful, and now, during this annual celebration of the birth of the one and only King Arataki, I'm giving 'em all to you! How stoked are you?Oh, but that's not all! There's Seagrass from Shimura's, and Naku Weed from Tsukumomono Groceries too. I brought the gang down and worked for them for three whole days to score this haul. But hey, no biggie, what I earned, I'm giving to you! No reason, really, I just want my compadre on this crazy ride called life to be just like me on this special day — the world's happiest Oni! Er, no, human!

Itto is mentioned again in Shinobu's 2023 birthday letter, Come Quickly.[11]

We've got a tricky situation on our hands, today's my birthday... Oh, sorry, I'm not trying to say birthdays are tricky! I had originally planned just to have a simple birthday... but Genta and Akira came up with the idea of the entire Arataki Gang going to Watatsumi Island for a day trip to celebrate. Of course, when the boss heard, he was even more ecstatic... But I know that the Arataki Gang has no camping equipment whatsoever and is completely unfamiliar with Watatsumi Island. If we just head on over, who knows what kind of trouble we'll get ourselves into... So, I'd like to ask the trustworthy and dependable you to go with us. Though the boys can certainly get a bit rowdy, they're first-class when it comes to cheering someone up and providing entertainment. So come with us, if you're there, This'll be a trip to remember.

In addition to their letters, Itto and Shinobu mention one another in the chibi Character Shorts and captions of their birthday portraits.

  • Oh? I didn't expect to see you here. It's fine, my sister asked me to come over to tell me some things on behalf of my family. You're here to look for me? Thank you for your concern, how about we... Wait, why is it so noisy outside? Don't tell me Boss and the others followed me here... Quick, let's leave now! We can't let them come in here—[12]
  • "Shinobu, you should take the day off and rest! We've got this, don't you worry about it!" ...Though that's what everyone in the gang says, things aren't ever so perfect. But I know they mean well. I suppose I'll take my mask off and relax for today. Come on. Let's be quick. Wanna take a walk with me before they find some new trouble to get themselves into?[13]
  • "Tada! Happy birthday, Shinobu! Come on, take it!" "These guys... I guess they can be thoughtful sometimes too, huh?"[14]
  • "I finished my tasks early today. Shall we go for a walk? Come to think of it, I haven't seen any of the other guys today... strange."[15]
  • "What should I write? Oh, how 'bout this: 'Today is the birthday of the great Arataki Itto!'" "Quick, stop him!"[16]
  • Arataki Itto: Since you asked so sincerely, I will answer you sincerely as well! Listen carefully... Arataki Itto: There's a total of eight people. Other than us three, there was Granny Oni, Akira, Mamoru, Genta, Shinobu... Arataki Itto: Oh right, there's also Ushi![17]


“Hello, I'm Kuki Shinobu, deputy of the Arataki Gang. I handle the affairs of the gang. If you come across any inappropriate behavior on the part of our boss, Arataki Itto, please contact me immediately. Here is my business card.”
— Arataki Itto's Official Introduction by Kuki Shinobu
“Nobody questions my leadership in the gang, what I say goes — except when it comes to Shinobu. She's always challenging everything I say. And not only that — all the hard-earned loot I bring back and share with everyone? She goes and returns it! But also, she gets me out of jail, and out of every mess we get ourselves into, so I'll let it slide. Besides, I don't wanna get on her bad side... An angry Shinobu would make my life a nightmare.”
— Arataki Itto, About: Kuki Shinobu
“The boss has a lot of unpleasant memories from his past, but he still manages to stay positive. I'd say that kind of resilience is pretty rare. He treats us well and his character has a good effect on everyone in the gang. Of course, it's never an excuse for him to run amok with no consideration for others. Just let me know if he ever causes you any trouble and I'll be sure to make him regret ever being rude to you.”
— Kuki Shinobu, About: Arataki Itto
“ It's my own decision to stay in the Arataki Gang. It can be pretty annoying having to clean up their mess all the time, but in return, they treat me with a sincerity that is irreplaceable... They always save the best things for me and never leave me feeling down. When I announced my decision to stay in the gang, they all cheered for me. I know outsiders don't think very highly of the Arataki Gang, and the members themselves don't really care what others think. But, I still want to strive to change the impression we leave. I might complain about them from time to time as my family, but I'll never let anyone badmouth them.”
— More About Kuki Shinobu: V
“Doesn't ring a bell, umm... What? Arataki Itto's little sidekick? Ugh, well she's definitely gotta be a sleep disturbance then. Birds of a feather flock together...”
— Sayu, About: Kuki Shinobu
“The Arataki Gang is a free and diverse organization that accepts anyone, regardless of their background. Pretty amazing if you ask me. They're lucky to have Shinobu to help keep them all in line. Hmm? How do I know all this? Haha, I mean... as deductions go, this one was pretty elementary.”
— Shikanoin Heizou, About: Kuki Shinobu
“I have yet to complete my business, so I won't be back for a while. Should you have any new ideas and want to drag the boys into new shenanigans, hold your horses first. I'll help you organize matters once I get back. [...] Just remember to eat your meals on time. I'll repeat myself again: just relax and stick to beetle battles for now! Don't drag the gang around on some wild adventure or anything!”
— Excerpt from Letter from Kuki Shinobu, Almighty Arataki Extraordinary and Exhilarating Extreme Beetle Brawl


Kukitto has a modest amount of fanart, not many fanfics but is slowly getting more attention. Kukitto's rival ships are currently IttoSara and IttoGorou, two of Itto's most popular ships, plus ShinoFei and HeiShino. The ship started growing more after the Archon Quest, Perilous Trails.

Many fans of the pairing like to depict them in much the same way Paimon describes them: as the "useless boss" and "super-capable subordinate" that results in many comedic moments between the pair. Their interactions could also be based on the Japanese comedic trope of the straight man (Kuki) and funny man (Itto), known as Manzai. Other tropes include Kuki being the one to discipline Itto whenever she has to bail him out of jail, or when he gets into messes with his antics.

The ship currently has over 50 works in AO3.



Arataki Itto/Kuki Shinobu tag on AO3
Arataki Itto & Kuki Shinobu tag on AO3


Itto/Kuki hashtag on Twitter
Kuki/Itto hashtag on Twitter
@ittokukidaily on Twitter


  • Shinobu was featured on Itto's second banner in 2.7.
  • Shinobu refers to Itto by the following titles[18]:
    • Boss
    • Mr. Arataki
  • During the 2.7 Special Program, Max Mittelman referred to Shinobu as being "the pride and joy of the Arataki Gang" and "a dream, bro."[19]
  • Their theme songs, Time to Shine[20] & Adroit Deputy[21], both contain Japanese musical elements paired with rock music motifs.
  • They're both seen wielding weapons from the Amethyst Series[22]. Shinobu does in Version 2.7 promotional art[23] and Itto does in his Genius Invokation card[24].


Main article: Kukitto/Gallery


  1. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kuki_Shinobu/Lore
  2. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arataki_Itto/Lore
  3. [1]
  4. [2]
  5. https://twitter.com/kukittocentral/status/1692870745477595365?s=20
  6. https://twitter.com/Qi2341/status/1693232224999817626?s=20
  7. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hanamizaka_Bulletin_Board?so=search#Arataki_Itto_and_Kuki_Shinobu
  8. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/The_Almighty_Arataki_Great_and_Glorious_Drumalong_Festival!
  9. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mail/Got_Time%3F_(2022-07-27)
  10. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mail/Cheer_Up,_Compadre!_(2023-06-01)#Cheer_Up,_Compadre!
  11. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Mail/Come_Quickly._(2023-07-27)
  12. https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1552142987374735362
  13. https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1684414190457589760
  14. https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1552142987462852612
  15. https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1684413813104300032
  16. https://twitter.com/GenshinImpact/status/1664119852200591361
  17. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Birthday/Arataki_Itto
  18. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arataki_Itto/Lore#Etymology
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_jC0SBtS-Q
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Arf8nmW4tmc
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS_ZYGdcWAo
  22. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Amethyst_Series
  23. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Kuki_Shinobu/Media?file=Version_2.7_Wallpaper_1.png#Event_Artwork
  24. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Arataki_Itto_(Character_Card)


Kukitto (5)

Genshin Impact ShipsHet Genshin Impact ShipsSlash Genshin Impact ShipsFemslash Genshin Impact ShipsMale Genshin Impact CharactersFemale Genshin Impact Characters
poly4NEMO5WIRL6REEZEArchon TrioChaebedoChiLitherDCKZEiMikoSaraFatui HarbingersKaeberoseKavethaynonariKazuXiaoVenL/YUELuNoeBarbRannschlTVT DREAMXingyunlingXinyunling
family ChicerExorcist FamilyJeanbaraRagbrosKleeBedoLiZorLodishLumitherScaraEi
friendshipChibi SquadCollberDventiGanlleiGuoLingHanako TaoKleeJeanKleeonaKleeQiqiKleeZorLumimonPaiVentiQiTaoTighleiYaoQiqiYoiKlee
cargoAlbepaintingChongyun x PopsicleKlee x BombsVenti x WineXingqiu x BooksYoimiya x Fireworks
CHARACTERSmaleAetherAlbedoAlhaithamArataki IttoBennettChongyunCynoDiluc RagnvindrGorouKaedehara KazuhaKaeya AlberichKavehRazorScaramoucheShikanoin HeizouTartagliaThomaTighnariVentiXiaoXingqiuZhongli
femaleAmberBarbara PeggEula LawrenceFischlGanyuHu TaoJean GunnhildrKamisato AyakaKeqingKleeKujou SaraKuki ShinobuLumineMona MegistusNaganohara YoimiyaNingguangRaiden EiSangonomiya KokomiSucroseXianglingXinyanYae MikoYanfeiYelanYun Jin
Kukitto (2024)
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