Applied Learning & High Impact Practices (2024)

The American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) describes high impact practices or HIPs as teaching and learning experiences that are “based on evidence of significant educational benefits for students who participate in them—including and especially those from demographic groups historically underserved by higher education. These practices take many different forms, depending on learner characteristics and on institutional priorities and contexts.” HIPs are “high impact” because of the positive outcomes for students who participate in them and are especially impactful for students from marginalized populations (AAC&U HIPs).

UNCW has a history of integrating high quality applied learning experiences across campus in curricular and co-curricular spaces. The expansion of applied learning across campus in the past 10+ years has helped to expand our work to align more closely with evolving conversations in higher education about HIPs. In addition to the positive outcome associated with HIPs, our work at UNCW is directly connected to our legacy of applied learning—and, indeed, applied learning remains a central element of our HIPs model.

The current framework for HIPs at UNCW includes 8 categories that were developed from existing campus and national models and reflect the scope of HIPs supported across campus and within our local, regional, and international communities. The categories have been endorsed by UNCW’s HIPs Council, which includes faculty, staff, administrators, and students. The HIPs Council was first charged in Fall 2020 by the Provost and Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs with reviewing the status of HIPs on campus and identifying recommendations for supporting and scaling HIPs at UNCW.

Applied Learning & High Impact Practices (2024)


What are examples of high impact educational practices? ›

Examples of high impact practices include first-year seminars, common intellectual experiences or core curriculum, learning communities, writing intensive courses, collaborative assignments and projects, study away/global learning, service learning, internships, capstone courses, and ePortfolios.

What is a high impact practice and how does it affect student learning? ›

High-impact practices, or HIPs, are active learning practices that promote deep learning by promoting student engagement as measured by the National Survey on Student Engagement (NSSE).

What is a high impact learning experience? ›

High-Impact Practices (HIPs) are educational practices that research has shown to increase rates of student retention, student engagement, and persistence to graduation for all students across diverse backgrounds.

What are 3 key elements of applied learning? ›

Applied learning – is an active and collaborative process in which learners apply knowledge and skills gained from theory, hands-on experience, and authentic learning opportunities.

What are the five high impact practices? ›

Five High-Impact Practices: Research on Learning Outcomes, Completion, and Quality. This publication examines what educational research reveals about five educational practices: first-year seminars, learning communities, service learning, undergraduate research, and capstone experiences.

What are the eight key characteristics that are found in high impact learning practices? ›

HIPs: Eight Key Elements
  • HIPs Eight Key Elements.
  • Challenge and Time.
  • Interaction and Diversity.
  • Feedback and Reflection.
  • Real World and Public.
May 3, 2023

What are the 10 high impact teaching strategies? ›

The 10 strategies are:
  • Setting goals.
  • Structuring lessons.
  • Explicit teaching.
  • Worked examples.
  • Collaborative learning.
  • Multiple exposures.
  • Questioning.
  • Feedback.

How does providing examples impact student learning? ›

Providing examples along with an explanation of concepts helps strengthen learning by identifying the key attributes associated with the concept. This also helps with connecting new learning with background knowledge that students may already have. Nonexamples are the opposite of examples.

What is the meaning of high impact teaching strategies? ›

​The high impact teaching strategies (HITS) are 10 instructional practices that reliably increase student learning when they're applied. HITS have emerged from the findings of tens of thousands of studies on what has worked in classrooms across Australia and the world.

How do you assess high-impact practices? ›

A good assessment plan for high- impact practices starts with acknowledging three things. One, the name alone does not make them high-impact. Two, evidence of effect requires assessing more than outcomes, alone. And three, assessment must be, at every stage, attentive to equity.

What are the benefits of high-impact practices? ›

High-impact practices (HIPs) are an evidence-based way to increase student engagement and close equity gaps. Research demonstrates that experience with HIPs benefits all students, deepening learning and personal development, increasing odds of retention, and promoting academic success.

How do you answer the biggest learning experience? ›

How to answer: What's the most valuable thing you've learned during the last year?
  • Step one: Reflect on your recent challenges. ...
  • Step two: Explain what you learned. ...
  • Step three: Reflect on the impact of what you learned.

What does applied learning look like? ›

Definition of Applied Learning:

Students apply knowledge and skills gained from traditional classroom learning to hands-on and/or real-world settings, creative projects or independent or directed research, and in turn apply what is gained from the applied experience to academic learning.

What is the meaning of applied learning? ›

Applied learning refers to an educational approach whereby students learn by engaging in direct application of skills, theories and models.

Why is applied learning important? ›

This is one of the greatest benefits of applied learning: fostering creativity. Without being told how to do something step by step, the child must use its own imagination and creativity to come up with the right solution.

What are the 5 practices activities? ›

Take a deeper dive into understanding the five practices—anticipating, monitoring, selecting, sequencing, and connecting—for facilitating productive mathematical conversations in your high school classrooms... read more.

What are active learning strategies? ›

An active learning strategy is any type of activity during class (face-to-face, online, or outside of class) that engages learners in deep thought about the subject matter in your course.

Who developed high impact teaching strategies? ›

The HITS come from the work of educational researchers, such as Robert Marzano and John Hattie, bringing together meta-studies across a large number of students. Ongoing research on strategies and effect is available at

What are the 4 conditions for effective learning? ›

Research continually finds that certain conditions and behaviors are essential to learning, such as safety, sleep, peace, planning ahead, and a growth mindset. Make sure these conditions and behaviors are in place so that all of your studying and hard work pays off.

What are the four high impact teaching strategies? ›

The 10 high impact teaching strategies that have been identified to provide the most benefits are:
  • Setting goals.
  • Structuring lessons.
  • Explicit teaching.
  • Worked examples.
  • Collaborative learning.
  • Multiple exposures.
  • Questioning.
  • Feedback.
Jun 10, 2022

What are the five 5 strategies in motivating lessons? ›

Additional Strategies for Motivating Students
  • Become a role model for student interest. ...
  • Get to know your students. ...
  • Use examples freely. ...
  • Use a variety of student-active teaching activities. ...
  • Set realistic performance goals and help students achieve them by encouraging them to set their own reasonable goals.

What are the 6 C's that teachers should do to inspire students? ›

Turner and Paris (1995) identified 6 factors to consider in your own course design to improve student motivation: Choice, Constructing Meaning, Control, Challenge, Consequence, and Collaboration.

What are the six strategies impact your learning? ›

These six strategies include spaced practice, interleaving, elaboration, concrete examples, dual coding, and retrieval practice.

Who has the biggest impact on student learning? ›

Research has shown that the top four factors that impact student achievement are: classroom management, teaching for learning, home and parent involvement, and believing that all students can learn.

What are the best learning outcomes? ›

Well-written learning outcomes are concise and clearly stated, specific enough to be observable and measurable and thus capable of being assessed. They are broad enough so as not to limit flexibility in achieving them and they are realistic given available time and resources.

What has the most impact on a child's learning? ›

The state of one's health and physical well-being is the basis for all learning and development. A child's early environment has a significant impact on the child's later behaviour, particularly in regards to their eating habits and their perspective on physical activity.

What are the three types of learning strategies explain? ›

The three basic types of learning styles are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to process the information around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses more than the others. The following will be a discussion of the three most common learning styles.

What are the 3 teaching strategies? ›

In essence, the three teaching styles boil down to this:
  • Direct — Tell students what to do.
  • Discuss — Ask questions and listen.
  • Delegate — Empower students.
Sep 30, 2013

How do teachers have strong impact on students? ›

Teacher impact and self-esteem

This impact involves not only the teaching of particular academic skills, but as importantly, the fostering of student self-esteem. Reinforcing self-esteem in the classroom is associated with increased motivation and learning.

How do you measure impact of learning and development? ›

Use online evaluations, do interviews, or carry out observations to measure the learning impact. You can also look into engagement surveys.

What is high impact evaluation? ›

High Impact Evaluation (HIE) is a predictive, proactive learning evaluation methodology developed to help organizations, not simply measure results, but also drive job performance and business impact.

How do you measure student impact? ›

Information about student learning can be assessed through both direct and indirect measures. Direct measures may include homework, quizzes, exams, reports, essays, research projects, case study analysis, and rubrics for oral and other performances.

What is an example of high impact activity? ›

High impact workouts are defined as those that move both feet off the ground at the same time. Examples include cross training—such as jumping off plyo boxes or doing burpees—running, jumping jacks, or knee-highs. Why is high-impact exercise so helpful for your health?

What activities are high impact? ›

High-impact activities are activities or sports that put stress on weight bearing joints such as the knee, hip, or ankle. High impact exercise examples are running or types of sports that involve running, like soccer or basketball. They all put stress on your joints and cause issues over time.

What defines high impact? ›

having a large or powerful effect: For mass-market, high-impact advertising, television used to be the obvious choice. This is a high-impact, low-cost way to dramatically improve your results.

How do I write my learning experience? ›

1. Describe your best learning experience. Think about your most valuable, effective, and/or engaging learning experience and in 250-400 words share your learning story. Don't editorialize or try to explain why you think it was your best learning experience, just tell the story.

How would you describe a good learning experience? ›

A great learning experience adds value to the learner

This means we are helping them understand something they couldn't before, it's easy to use, and well-crafted. The entire experience should feel purposeful, and put the needs of the learner first.

How do you say it was a great learning experience? ›

16 Other Ways to Say “Valuable Learning Experience”
  • Enlightening.
  • Great learning opportunity.
  • Eye-opening.
  • Illuminating.
  • Rewarding.
  • Teachable moment.
  • Humbling.
  • Important life lesson.

What are examples of applied learning activities? ›

Types of Applied Learning
  • Internships. Applied learning experiences for which a student may earn academic credit in an agreed-upon, short-term, supervised workplace activity. ...
  • Clinical Placement. ...
  • Practicum. ...
  • Clinically Rich Practice. ...
  • Service-Learning. ...
  • Community Service. ...
  • Civic Engagement. ...
  • Creative Works.

Can colleges see what schools you applied to? ›

For the most part, the answer to this question is: no. College admissions officers don't have secret meetings to gossip about which of the incoming freshmen applied to their schools.

What are applied academic skills? ›

Applied academic skills enable employees to put skills based on academic disciplines and learning— such as reading, writing, mathematical strategies and procedures, and scientific principles and procedures— to practical use in the workplace.

What is an applied example? ›

Applied Sentence Examples

Lifting the hair off the back of her neck, he applied the cool towel. She applied the brakes and the dust cloud caught up, cloaking the road so thickly that visibility was down to the front of the car. The division of labor applied to science will yield substantial results.

What is applied in simple words? ›

having a practical purpose or use; derived from or involved with actual phenomena (distinguished from theoretical, opposed to pure): applied mathematics; applied science.

How do you answer why you applied to a school? ›

Be Specific

If a school supplement asks “why do you want to attend this university?” don't just say “because it's a great school,” or “because my parents went there.” Be as detailed as possible to demonstrate your knowledge of the institution and the aspects of the college and campus life that draw you to it.

What are the benefits of applied research in education? ›

The applied study is used in the education field to test different ways of teaching and to find better ways of teaching and learning. Before implementing new education policies, they are tested to see how well they work, affect teaching, and how the classroom works.

What are the benefits of placed based learning? ›

Environmental Stewardship: Place-based education fosters awareness and engagement in the ecosystems and communities that students are surrounded by. In turn, students cultivate agency, critical thinking, and a sense of responsibility to the earth, and are empowered to champion environmental and social sustainability.

What are the 10 high-impact teaching strategies? ›

The 10 strategies are:
  • Setting goals.
  • Structuring lessons.
  • Explicit teaching.
  • Worked examples.
  • Collaborative learning.
  • Multiple exposures.
  • Questioning.
  • Feedback.

What are high level practices in education? ›

There are many high-leverage practices—covering the areas of collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/ behavioral, and instruction—designed to serve as a road map for guiding teacher preparation, professional development, and/or current self-assessment.

What are examples of best practices in education? ›

Best Practices in Learning and Teaching
  • Active learning.
  • Concept Mapping.
  • Flipping the Classroom.
  • Just-in-Time Teaching.
  • Learning styles.
  • Low-stakes testing.
  • Mastery Learning.
  • Peer Instruction.

What are the 5 practices in education? ›

The five practices are the follow- ing: (1) Anticipating, (2) Monitoring, (3) Selecting, (4) Sequencing, and (5) Connecting.

What is a high impact teaching strategy? ›

​The high impact teaching strategies (HITS) are 10 instructional practices that reliably increase student learning when they're applied. HITS have emerged from the findings of tens of thousands of studies on what has worked in classrooms across Australia and the world.

What are the four practices of learning? ›

  • Be curious.
  • Choose growth over comfort.
  • Resist defensiveness.
  • Experiment.
May 23, 2023

What are high five teaching strategies? ›

The High Five strategy is a reading comprehension learning strategy that consists of five steps, namely activating background knowledge, questioning, analyzing text structure, creating mental images, and summarizing. This strategy is believed to be able to improve students' reading comprehension skills.

What is a best practice example? ›

An everyday example of this type of best practice is to look both ways before crossing the street. It isn't a law to look, and people may find some success if they don't do it. But this often-repeated piece of advice produces the best results in the long run if followed.

What best practices should the teacher apply to make teaching learning more meaningful? ›

Best Practices for Teaching and Learning
  • Create a Student Centered Learning Environment.
  • Examine how physical set-up and teacher role affects student expectations.
  • Build relationships that promote a safe and positive environment in which students are responsible, self-motivated, and self-evaluating.

How do you ensure effective teaching and learning? ›

List of teaching strategies for primary school
  1. Know Your Pupils and Develop Their Respect. ...
  2. Appropriate use of Summative and Formative Assessments. ...
  3. Teach the Vocabulary. ...
  4. Explicit Instruction. ...
  5. Effective Questioning Techniques. ...
  6. Deliberate Practice. ...
  7. Differentiation. ...
  8. Reinforcing Effort/Providing Recognition.

What are teaching learning practices? ›

Effective teaching/learning practices are evidence-based teaching strategies implemented with fidelity and informed through data to produce positive, sustained results in every student.

What is the definition of practices in education? ›

Educational practices are policies, activities, and curricula that are intended to increase the quality of education and student outcomes. Evidence-based practices implement recent educational research to enhance educational practices. However, not all educational practices are as good as they could be.

What are the six principles teachers must practice? ›

Six Principles for Teacher Education
  • Knowledge. Effective teachers possess a well-grounded knowledge of the content areas that are central to their teaching. ...
  • Learning Environment. ...
  • Personalized Learning. ...
  • Community. ...
  • Critical Reflection. ...
  • Growth.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.