How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets For Success - Oxford Learning (2024)

How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets For Success - Oxford Learning (1)

Apr 19, 2017 Homework, Studying

How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets For Success - Oxford Learning (2)

Being properly organized and prepared for tests and exams can make all the difference to school performance. Effective studying starts with the right attitude—a positive outlook can shift studying from a punishment to an opportunity to learn.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when learning how to effectively study. Studying methods should be tailored to each student. Everyone has different abilities, so it is important to determine what works for you and what doesn’t. (Find out what type of learner you are and which study techniques will work best for you!)

For some students, studying and staying motivated comes easily — others may have to work a little bit harder.

What Is The Most Effective Way To Study?

Finding the best way to study is an ongoing process. It isn’t something that can be left to the night before the test. You should be constantly improving your study skills to better understand what works (and what doesn’t).

Learning how to study better helps avoid panic and frustration the next time a big test is coming up. After all, you are more likely to do well and be less stressed before a test when you have had time to properly review and practice the material!

Mastering effective study habits not only makes it easier to learn but will also help you get better grades in high school and post-secondary.

Discover the 12 secrets to studying effectively that will help you ace your next test.

How To Study Effectively

  1. Get organized

    Carry a homework planner at all times. Entering homework, projects, tests and assignments as soon as they are assigned will make sure they aren’t forgotten about.

  2. Pay attention in class

    It’s important to concentrate and avoid distractions when the teacher is speaking. Practice active listening by concentrating on what’s being said and taking notes in your own words. This will help make sure you hear (and understand) what is being taught in class.

  3. Steer clear of distractions

    Distractions are everywhere—from cell phones to social media to friends. Be aware of what distracts you in class and know how to steer clear of these distractions. Avoid sitting next to friends if you know they will distract you. Turning off your cell phone will also help make sure you are paying attention to your teacher.

  4. Make sure notes are complete

    Writing clear and complete notes in class will help you process the information you are learning. These notes will also become study notes that can be reviewed before a test. Talk to friends or the teacher if you have missed a class to ensure your notes are complete.

  5. Ask questions if you don’t understand

    Raise your hand and ask questions if you don’t understand something. If you don’t feel comfortable asking in front of everyone, write yourself a reminder to talk to the teacher after class.

  6. Make a study schedule/plan

    When making a study schedule, look at your planner and think about what needs to be accomplished. Think about the types of questions that will be on the test and the topics that will be covered so you know what you should focus on. Set specific goals for each study session, like how many topics you will cover by the end of the session.

  7. Start Studying More Effectively

    Get more out of your study sessions with the complete study toolkit
    including note taking templates, tips, and more.

    Get The Toolkit

  8. Review notes from class every evening

    After school, review and expand on the notes from class. Reviewing notes helps move material learned from short-term memory into long-term memory, which will help next time you have a big test.

  9. Talk to teachers

    Teachers are there to help you do your best. Talk to your teacher and ask for clarification or extra help if you need it before your test. Taking the initiative to ask for help goes a long way with teachers!

  10. Designate a study area

    The best study spot is one that is quiet, well-lit, and in a low-traffic area. Make sure there is a clear workspace to study and write on. Everyone’s needs are different, so it is important you find a spot that works for you.

  11. Study in short bursts

    For every 30 minutes you study, take a short 10-15 minute break to recharge. Short study sessions are more effective and help you make the most of your study time. Find out more about taking a study break that works.

  12. Simplify study notes

    Make studying less overwhelming by condensing notes from class. Underline or highlight key words. Create visual aids like charts, story webs, mind maps, or outlines to organize and simplify information and help you remember better.

  13. Study with a group

    Working with classmates encourages an interactive environment to keep you engaged. This gives you a chance to test your knowledge with others, quiz each other on the content, and help boost each other’s confidence.

  14. Study Smart, Not Hard

    Knowing how to study effectively is a skill that will benefit you for life. Developing effective study skills requires lots of time and patience. If you follow these tips you’ll be on your way to discovering which type of studying works best for you—so you can knock your next test out of the park!

    Find more study tips by watching our video below

    Need some extra help? Oxford Learning is here for you. Get more study tips and learning resources to help you succeed in school:

    How To Study Without Getting Distracted: Tips From the Experts
    Tips & Tools To Improve Your Time Management Skills
    Get Organized With Your Agenda!

How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets For Success - Oxford Learning (2024)


How to Study Effectively: 12 Secrets For Success - Oxford Learning? ›

Shorter, intensive study times are more effective than drawn out studying. In fact, one of the most impactful study strategies is distributing studying over multiple sessions (Newport, 2007). Intensive study sessions can last 30 or 45-minute sessions and include active studying strategies.

What are the top 5 tips secrets for studying? ›

Learn how to study effectively with these ten tips.
  • Get organised. ...
  • Don't skip class! ...
  • Take notes. ...
  • Talk to your teacher & ask questions. ...
  • Space out your studying. ...
  • Create a study plan – & stick to it. ...
  • Don't just re-read but study. ...
  • Set up a quiet study space.

How can I focus 100% on studying? ›

7 tips for staying organised and focused while studying
  1. 1. Make a plan. ...
  2. Create a relaxed study environment. ...
  3. Take regular breaks. ...
  4. Don't get distracted by social media. ...
  5. Drink plenty of water and eat well. ...
  6. Reward yourself. ...
  7. Don't do all-nighters, you will regret it!

How to study like an Oxford student? ›

10 tips for studying in Oxford
  1. Join the discussion. You'll attend classes every day, so make the most out of them. ...
  2. No time for procrastination. ...
  3. Study with your peers. ...
  4. The teachers are there for you. ...
  5. Find your spot. ...
  6. Look all around. ...
  7. Take time for your hobbies. ...
  8. Take time for yourself.

What is the best method of studying? ›

Shorter, intensive study times are more effective than drawn out studying. In fact, one of the most impactful study strategies is distributing studying over multiple sessions (Newport, 2007). Intensive study sessions can last 30 or 45-minute sessions and include active studying strategies.

What is the 20 rule for studying? ›

Simply put, 20% or less of the studying you are doing is leading to the majority of your results. Furthermore, 20% or less of your course content comprises the majority of the content on your exams. Remember, professors (whether they know it or not) are applying the 80-20 rule to their exams.

What are the 11 secrets to memorize things quicker? ›

11 memorization techniques to boost your memory
  • Acronyms and acrostics.
  • Music mnemonics.
  • Rhyming mnemonics.
  • Chunking.
  • Build a memory palace.
  • Write it down.
  • Use spaced repetition.
  • Make visual connections.
Apr 6, 2023

How do I stop overthinking while studying? ›

These tips can help you move in the right direction.
  1. Step back and look at how you're responding. ...
  2. Find a distraction. ...
  3. Take a deep breath. ...
  4. Meditate. ...
  5. Look at the bigger picture. ...
  6. Do something nice for someone else. ...
  7. Recognize automatic negative thoughts (ANTs) ...
  8. Acknowledge your successes.

What is the best time to study? ›

Best time to study according to science

According to science, there are two windows of time the brain is most receptive to new material: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

What is the hardest subject to study at Oxford? ›

What are the hardest degree subjects?
  • Psychology. ...
  • Statistics. ...
  • Nursing. ...
  • Physics. ...
  • Astrophysics. ...
  • Biomedical Engineering. ...
  • Astronomy. ...
  • Dentistry. Dentistry, like medicine, is an important profession, and if you wish to study it at university you must be prepared to undertake high volumes of both theoretical and practical work.

How many hours a day do Oxford students study? ›

All our undergraduate courses are full-time, and on average our students spend around 40 hours a week studying. Every student will manage their time differently, making sure they can fit in all their studies, hobbies and interests.

What type of students does Oxford look for? ›

The only things that Oxford students have in common are academic ability and intellectual curiosity. Our students come from all over the world and bring with them an amazing range of backgrounds and interests. This helps make our University one of the most exciting learning environments anywhere.

What is the 123 method of studying? ›

The most common use of 3-2-1 I've seen is in response to a reading or lesson–usually 3 things you learned, 2 things that made you curious or confused, and 1 most important thing you learned or should do with what you've learned.

What is the smartest way to study? ›

How to Study Smart and Study Less
  1. #1. Set a study time. Make sure to include studying in your regular schedule. ...
  2. #2. Set a dedicated studying space. ...
  3. #3. Break study time into sessions. ...
  4. #4. Study actively. ...
  5. #5. Take notes while in class. ...
  6. #6. Summarize or teach what you learn. ...
  7. #7. Use the SQ3R method. ...
  8. #8. Use mnemonics.
Jan 22, 2023

What are the 4 study strategies? ›

Four Study Strategies to Enhance Your Learning
  • Create your study area(s) This one encompasses more than it seems at first glance. ...
  • Organise your study schedule. ...
  • In the groove. ...
  • Reading R.O.I.
Apr 6, 2016

What is the 52 17 rule for studying? ›

Scientists have even figured out the perfect formula for this break, down to the minute. It's the 52/17 rule: 52 minutes on, 17 minutes off. Downtime replenishes attention and motivation, creativity and productivity.

What is the 45 15 rule of studying? ›

We are all in this together. This, my friends and panicked peers, is the 45/15 rule. When you are studying, it can be easy to burn out, so get up and get active for your 15 minute break. For every 45 minutes you are studying, try one of these for 15.

What is the 64 4 rule? ›

Thus, 64% of revenue comes from 4% of customers, 64% of accidents are caused by 4% of hazards, 64% of software errors can be traced to 4% of bugs, and so on. In guiding innovation investments, the 64/4 rule is highly useful because of how much leverage it produces.

What are the 3 R's of memory? ›

3 'R's: Remember It, Recall It, Retain It. Your bible of exercises to increase your brain power, improve your memory, and train your fluid intelligence.

What is the 2 3 5 7 revision rule? ›

Revise a topic, then revisit it the next day, after three days, and after seven days. This is thought to be the perfect amount of time to help your brain remember information.

How can I train my brain to learn faster? ›

How to learn faster: 5 ways to tune your brain for new things
  1. Learning quickly gives you a great competitive edge for personal and professional development. ...
  2. Teach others (or just pretend)
  3. Make breaks. ...
  4. Take notes by hand.
  5. Don't be afraid to take a nap!
  6. Use different study methods.

How can I study faster and smarter? ›

Study smarter, not harder: Top 10 study tips
  1. Don't miss a class. 'A' students never miss a class. ...
  2. Review your notes quickly and often. ...
  3. Organise your notes visually. ...
  4. Plan ahead. ...
  5. Explain things to others. ...
  6. Get together with a study group. ...
  7. Stay positive. ...
  8. Trust your instincts.

How can I learn anything faster and smarter? ›

25 Tricks to Study Faster and More Effectively
  1. Never Cram. There is no such thing as an effective cramming. ...
  2. Manage your time. Why do you cram? ...
  3. Practice Interlinking Ideas. Impossible you say? ...
  4. Make Diagrams. ...
  5. Set up your own Mnemonics. ...
  6. Learn to Visualize. ...
  7. Retell the Story. ...
  8. Take notes.

How many times do you have to repeat something to memorize it? ›

It's well established that repetition is key to memory. But one innovation, called mega-drilling, has proven especially powerful. According to this technique, “you've got to actively recall the memory 30 times,” Cooke says. So when you meet someone new, you might want to repeat her name 30 times.

Why do I get overwhelmed so easily when studying? ›

One of the main causes of feeling overwhelmed is the sense that a task is too big to tackle. You can end up staring at your screen for hours, without being productive. Instead, try to dedicate blocks of time to your tasks and stick to them.

How can I reduce my anxiety and focus on studying? ›

  1. Learn how to study efficiently. ...
  2. Study early and in similar places. ...
  3. Establish a consistent pretest routine. ...
  4. Talk to your teacher. ...
  5. Learn relaxation techniques. ...
  6. Don't forget to eat and drink. ...
  7. Get some exercise. ...
  8. Get plenty of sleep.

How do I stop zoning out while studying? ›

If you tend to zone out during inopportune times, these strategies can help you keep your focus when you need it.
  1. Ground yourself. ...
  2. Keep track of when you zone out the most. ...
  3. Practice mindfulness. ...
  4. Use active listening techniques. ...
  5. Practice self-care.
Feb 3, 2020

What time of day is your brain sharpest? ›

That said, science has indicated that learning is most effective between 10 am to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 10 pm, when the brain is in an acquisition mode. On the other hand, the least effective learning time is between 4 am and 7 am.

Is it better to study before bed or in the morning? ›

Dozing off during study may be beneficial

Let's say you had a busy day but although you're tired, you still manage to study a bit before bed. Is that a waste of time? In fact, it's the opposite. During sleep, your brain processes the information you studied, so your retention is much more intense.

Is it better to study at night or morning? ›

It all depends on your lifestyle. Younger people with a routine that sees them more active at night will find that studying at night comes more naturally to them. If you're an adult and re-entering study after a long time away, you might find that daytime is better suited to your established routine.

What is harder Oxford or Harvard? ›

The GMAT/GRE or other test score requirement for Oxford is comparatively higher than Harvard. Similarly, Oxford has a minimum GPA requirement of 4.5 out of 5 while Harvard may accept your application with a GPA of 4.0 out of 5.

What is the toughest degree in the world? ›

What are the hardest degrees in the world? Ranked by Experts
  • Chartered Accountancy.
  • Astrophysics.
  • Quantum Mechanics.
  • Law.
  • Aerospace/ Aeronautical Studies, Engineering.
  • Biomedical Studies, Neurosciences, Biochemistry.
  • Nursing.
  • Dentistry, Medicine.
Dec 16, 2022

What is the best thing to study at Oxford? ›

Best Courses to Study at Oxford
  • Philosophy. Oxford offers several philosophy short term courses online along with their long-term degree programs as well. ...
  • Modern Languages. ...
  • English Language & Literature. ...
  • Mathematics. ...
  • Linguistics. ...
  • History. ...
  • Medicine. ...
  • Biomedical Sciences.
Dec 29, 2020

How old is the average Oxford student? ›

Historically, it was common for boys to become members of the university between the ages of 14 and 19. Today, as at other UK universities, the majority of students commence undergraduate courses aged 18, though 17 or 19 is common.

How many years do you have to study in Oxford? ›

The majority of our undergraduate Bachelor of Arts (known as BA) degrees last three years. This is not always the case, for example if you are doing a language degree which involves a year abroad, your course may be four years.

How many tutorials do Oxford students take per term? ›

Oxford students generally have between eight and sixteen tutorial meetings (or “tutes”) per term – equivalent to what Williams terms one and two tutorial courses (each tutorial course normally consisting of eight tutes).

How hard is it for an American to get into Oxford? ›

It is, therefore, expected that the University of Oxford is a highly selective institution with an astonishing average acceptance rate of 17.5%. The acceptance rate for international students is even lower, estimated at 9%.

What GPA gets you into Oxford? ›

Undergraduate qualifications

a four-year bachelor's degree with an overall grade of First Division, 75% or 'A' , or a GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0.

What is the most popular degree at Oxford? ›

The most popular subjects at Oxford are medicine, chemistry, philosophy, politics, and economics – students pursuing a degree in these subjects make up 20% of the Oxford undergraduate population. Medicine is far and away the most popular subject at Oxford.

What is the 80 20 rule in studying? ›

How Does The 80/20 Rule Apply To Our Studies? When we are looking at this principle in relation to our education, the primary factor we should consider is that 20% of the time you spend studying will be leading to 80% of the results you see.

What is the 50 50 method for studying? ›

A better way to learn, process, retain and remember information is to learn half the time and share half the time. Learn for 50% of the time and explain what you learn for 50% of the time.

What is 1 2 4 7 study technique? ›

What is 1247 Technique? Its a memory technique wherein you should revise whatever you have studied thrice after the 1st study. So effectively, you will study 4 times in 1-2-4-7 order.

What is the most powerful study technique? ›

One of the most impactful learning strategies is “distributed practice”—spacing out your studying over several short periods of time over several days and weeks (Newport, 2007). The most effective practice is to work a short time on each class every day.

How can I study fast without forgetting? ›

Simple memory tips and tricks
  1. Try to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ...
  2. Link it. ...
  3. Sleep on it. ...
  4. Self-test. ...
  5. Use distributed practice. ...
  6. Write it out. ...
  7. Create meaningful groups. ...
  8. Use mnemonics.

What are the 4 C's strategy education? ›

The 21st century learning skills are often called the 4 C's: critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating. These skills help students learn, and so they are vital to success in school and beyond.

What are the 7 study strategies? ›

Active listening, reading comprehension, note taking, stress management, time management, testing taking, and memorization are only a few of the topics addressed in our study skills guides for students.

What are the 5 successful study habits? ›

Try out some of our five favourite study habits and learn some life-long skills.
  • Make a schedule. Number one on any list of study habits has to be making a schedule. ...
  • Create your environment. This one is so important while we're on lockdown. ...
  • Study in bursts. Treat your brain like a muscle. ...
  • Find a study group.
Apr 6, 2020

What is the secret of better study habits? ›

Listening and note-taking are important study habits for school and careers. Students identify the most relevant information they need to retain and write it down in order to review it later.

What are the 8 habits of highly successful students? ›

8 Habits Synopsis
  • Habit 1: Be Proactive. I am a responsible person. ...
  • Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind. I plan ahead and set goals. ...
  • Habit 3: Put First Things First. ...
  • Habit 4: Think Win-Win. ...
  • Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood. ...
  • Habit 6: Synergize. ...
  • Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw. ...
  • Habit 8: Find Your Voice.

What are 7 effective study habits? ›

Minimize distractions. Take breaks. Space out your studying. Set study goals for each session. Reward yourself.

What are the 10 effective study habits? ›

Help your child succeed with these top study habits:
  • Get Organized. ...
  • Know the Expectations. ...
  • Designate a Study Area. ...
  • Develop a Study Plan. ...
  • Think Positively. ...
  • Create a Study Group. ...
  • Practice Active Listening. ...
  • Review Test-Taking Strategies.

What are 123 study techniques? ›

The most common use of 3-2-1 I've seen is in response to a reading or lesson–usually 3 things you learned, 2 things that made you curious or confused, and 1 most important thing you learned or should do with what you've learned.

What is the 1 2 3 study method? ›

To try this technique, review your material in spaced intervals similar to the schedule below: Day 1: Learn the material in class. Day 2: Revisit and review. Day 3: Revisit and review.

What is 321 study method? ›

A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to a text, film, or lesson by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students' interest in a topic.

What is all the best time to study? ›

Best time to study according to science

According to science, there are two windows of time the brain is most receptive to new material: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, and 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

How can I learn 10X faster? ›

Just so you don't waste your time on memory tips that are NOT going to 10X your memory...
  1. Eat right.
  2. Drink water.
  3. Get a good night's sleep.
  4. Take Omega-3.
  5. Meditate.
  6. Exercise.
  7. Learn a new skill.
  8. Socialize.

What are two bad study habits? ›

Being disorganized. With so many things to do and think about, being disorganized will only make studying much harder. Don't just take notes and keep reminders in odd places. Keep a notebook where you jot down all exam dates, assignments, deadlines, and study schedules.

How can I trick my brain to study more? ›

7 Ways to Boost Brain Power While Studying
  1. Fit in some exercise a few times a week. ...
  2. Get creative. ...
  3. Stock up on your vitamins and micronutrients. ...
  4. Socialize. ...
  5. Allow yourself to power nap. ...
  6. Break out of your daily routine. ...
  7. Try something new.

What are the seven types of ineffective study habits? ›

7 Dreadful Study Habits to Drop & 3 Good Ones to Keep when Studying a University Degree Course
  • Being the Last Minute Student. ...
  • Not Getting Enough Sleep. ...
  • Drinking Excessive Caffeine. ...
  • Studying While On Social Media. ...
  • Stressed Up When You Fail. ...
  • Skipping Classes. ...
  • Studying With the Wrong Group of People.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.