eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (2024)

If you’re in real estate, and searching for a new brokerage, many times you’ll find yourself down to two brokerages to hang your license with. And many times, the final two brokerages come down to eXp Realty vs Keller Williams.

Both are hugely successful brokerages that were built upon a strong business model and have thrived over the years. But there are many differences between the two that it’s worth taking a look at.

Some of the key differences between eXp Realty and Keller Williams include:

  • Business model.
  • Agent attraction revenue opportunities.
  • Training options.
  • Team structure.
  • Culture and community.
  • Technology.

So, let’s dive into each of these differences so you can decide which brokerage is best for you and your real estate career.

A History of eXp Realty and Keller Williams

First, let’s take a look at the history of these two brokerages.

Keller Williams

Keller Williams was started by Gary Keller and Joe Williams in 1983. The brokerage started small, with only a few agents, but within two years had grown to become the largest single office brokerage in Austin and the 10th in the market overall.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (1)

After struggling through the market crash of 1986, Gary Keller and his team reinvented the model of Keller Williams. They started by focusing on the agents, giving them opportunities to become business partners through the profit share program and share in the development of the company.

Within a few years, they had created the Agent Leadership Counsel to start making decisions for the company. In 1991, they began to franchise in different areas. In the early and mid 2000s, the publication of two real estate books by Gary Keller expanded Keller Williams’ reach.

By 2012, the brokerage expanded internationally; today Keller Williams is home to over 188,000 agents and is still growing fast.

eXp Realty

Glenn Sanford was a top producer at Keller Williams before the market crash of 2008. At that time, his business began to suffer so much that he decided he needed to make a change. A year later, in 2009, he began eXp Realty.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (2)

eXp Realty started out differently than other brokerages. Sanford took the profit share idea of Keller Williams and created a revenue share program to incentivize new agents. He also kept the company entirely online with a cloud-based office model.

As a result of these innovative decisions early on, eXp grew quickly, launching in Canada by 2012 and around the world shortly after. In 2019, at its tenth anniversary, eXp was home to over 25,000 agents, and two years later it reached 70,000 agents.

Today, eXp is one of the fastest-growing brokerages in the world and is quickly closing the gap of agent count and production volume with Keller Williams.

The Business Model of eXp Realty vs Keller Williams

The most important aspect of a real estate brokerage is the business model: how do agents make money? So, let’s explore how Keller Williams and eXp Realty run their brokerages.

Keller Williams Business Model

Keller Williams is a franchise brokerage. This means that there are many franchises around the country (and the world) and each one may operate slightly differently based on the local market, leadership, and resources available. Thus, I have to provide some generalizations as not everything is standardized. Here is the basic model.

Typically, agents at Keller Williams work under a 70/30 commission split. KW operates on a “cap model” where once a certain amount of money is paid to the brokerage, the agent goes to a 100% commission plan. A common cap is $18,000, though this too varies by franchise.

Keller Williams agents also pay a 6% royalty fee that goes directly to the brokerage and that too has a cap of $3,000 per year. The E&O (errors and omissions insurance) fee for each transaction varies by franchise, but usually ranges between $40 and $75 per transaction.

Desk fees are optional at Keller Williams and vary significantly by franchise. The brokerage does charge a monthly fee to make up for the lack of desk fees, but the monthly fee also varies, often landing somewhere between $37 and $125 per month. The reason for this variety is because franchise owners must have the flexibility to in order to incentivize new agents to join.

eXp Realty Business Model

At eXp Realty, there are no franchises. As a result, all fees are the same for every agent, no matter where they live. The commission split at eXp Realty is 80/20. So, 80% goes to the agent and 20% goes to the brokerage.

At eXp, agents cap at $16,000. After that, an agent gets to take home 100% of the commission split. In addition to the split, agents also pay $40 for E&0 insurance and $25 for a broker review on each transaction. Keep in mind that the E&O fee caps at $500 per year.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (3)

Let’s back up for a second and talk about what happens when an agent caps at eXp Realty. The agent does go to a 100% commission split; however, there is a $250 transaction fee the agent needs to pay on each transaction after they’ve capped. This transaction fee caps at $5,000 and reduces to $75 per transaction the rest of the year. Only the $25 broker review fee remains the same.

In addition to transaction fees, you have one monthly fee of $85 at eXp to pay for access to the technology, network, and training provided. This fee does not cap and remains the same as long as you work with eXp Realty.

Note: eXp does not have offices like Keller Williams or most other brokerages since it runs entirely online. However, it does offer free access to any Regus office worldwide for all of its agents.

EXPI World Holdings Stock

As a bonus for agents not found in brokerages like Keller Williams, eXp Realty offers agents the chance to earn or purchase stock in the company. Agents can earn stock by meeting specific goals, or purchase it at a discount with 5% of their commission.

This opportunity is not found in Keller Williams, which is a privately held company. I just thought it was important to mention this big distinction.

Agent Attraction Opportunities at eXp Realty vs Keller Williams

After that makeover in the 1980s, Keller Williams started a profit share program to incentivize agents to join. When Glenn Sanford started eXp Realty, he used the same principle to create a similarly structured program.

Keller Williams Profit Share

When agents at Keller Williams sponsor a new agent into the brokerage, they receive a portion of that agent’s profit. Profit share is taken from the percentage of profit that goes to Keller Williams after all expenses are paid.

There are seven tiers of sharing at Keller Williams. When a sponsored agent in turn sponsors another agent, the first agent also receives a percentage of the newest agent’s profit as well. You can see how this model caught fire and helped KW reach heights never seen before!

eXp Realty Revenue Share

The model at eXp Realty is very similar to the model at Keller Williams. However, there is one key difference: revenue share is taken off the top, before expenses are paid. This means that an agent receives a percentage of the gross company share taken from their sponsored agent.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (4)

There are also seven tiers at eXp Realty, each with different earning options. You can read a full breakdown of the model and how it works here.

Training Options at eXp Realty vs Keller Williams

Though they operate differently at the foundational level, both Keller Williams and eXp Realty maintain a strong focus on training their agents.

Keller Williams Coaching

At its founding, Keller Williams was all about helping agents succeed. Today, one of the biggest ways the brokerage does this is by providing extensive training opportunities. KW is known for their training and rightly so.

Keller Williams has several MAPS coaching programs to choose from: Mastery, BOLD, Breakthrough, Group, and LIFE Coaching. It also hosts webinars by coaches to help agents engage in specific topics of interest to them.

Mastery and Breakthrough courses are one-on-one, designed to help agents break barriers and increase their earnings.

BOLD and Group are group training sessions designed to help agents face specific challenges and improve their business strategies.

LIFE Coaching is a one-on-one mentorship designed to help agents through specific, tailored struggles in business and life.

Each course does cost a small fee, but do provide the much needed clarity and support agents need to thrive.

eXp Realty Training

Education at eXp Realty is slightly different. With the monthly fee, agents get to access 60+ weekly hours of live training and hundreds of recorded training sessions. These sessions cover all kinds of struggles agents face and strategies for success.

eXp also offers a mentor/mentee program, mandatory for agents joining the brokerage with fewer than three transactions in the last year. This program gives agents access to eXp University and allows them to engage with a mentor for one on one mentorship to help them grow.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (5)

This program has no upfront price, but the first three transactions a new agent makes will be split at a 60/40 commission split instead of 80/20.

Team Structure at eXp Realty vs Keller Williams

Both brokerages offer a team structure for agents who are interested in joining with other agents to share strategies, leads, and resources. However, there are some key differences in how these teams work within the brokerages.

Keller Williams Teams

Keller Williams agents create teams at the franchise level by bringing new agents into their profit share relationship. Oftentimes, the agents on the team work together to fulfill different functions within the business, such as sales, administration, finances, etc. The main reason for this is to provide higher levels of efficiency.

Team leaders are responsible for attracting new agents and providing them with training and support as they embark on their real estate career within Keller Williams. In return, these team leaders take an additional commission split on top of what is already going to the broker owner of the KW franchise.

Teams are so prevalent because team leaders are usually ‘rainmakers’ who have more business than they can handle. So they need other agents to help them service that business. At the same time, other agents that don’t have that much business find it very valuable to align themselves with a team so the team can help them get the business.

eXp Realty Teams

At eXp Realty, there are four different team structures available:

  1. Self-Organized Team. This team structure is similar to what you might find at Keller Williams or another brokerage. A team leader gathers members and they work together to close transactions. They can also set a different referral fee for members.
  2. Standard Team. This structure gives team members a lower cap of $8,000 instead of the traditional $16,000 and requires team members to pay a split of at least 25% to the team leader. The team leader must meet specific requirements to start a standard team.
  3. Mega Icon Team. In this model, the team must have at least ten members who have capped in the last year and all team members must meet specific transactional requirements to join the team. In this larger team structure, agents cap at $4,000, but the whole team must pay at least $56,000 in commission splits.
  4. Domestic Partnership. This model is specifically for married couples who want to work real estate together. Each spouse shares in the $16,000 cap, and one partner gets a discounted monthly fee of $50.

Culture and Community at eXp Realty vs Keller Williams

Both brokerages pride themselves on being agent-centric brokerages. Let’s look at how that breaks down when it comes to the community and culture.

Keller Williams Community and Culture

At Keller Williams, agents are encouraged to prioritize their families and community relationships above their business. Keller Williams has often been voted as a top company in the United States for work-life balance.

On the second Thursday of each May, Keller Williams agents participate in RED Day, a global day of community involvement and service where agents dedicate their time to Renew, Energize, and Donate.

Keller Williams has been named as one of the top workplaces for culture, diversity, and women for many years running. Their Agent Leadership Counsel is dedicated to encouraging agent involvement in the appointment of leaders and the making of decisions for the brokerage.

Finally, the brokerage hosts two huge events to connect agents each year: Mega Camp, which brings agents in for training and connection, and Family Reunion, which offers sessions from top agents around the world in a conference format.

eXp Realty Community and Culture

eXp Realty was founded to make real estate a more rewarding experience for agents. When agents join, they get to become a part of a worldwide brokerage and meet agents from all over the world through the online eXp World and eXp Workplace platforms.

The brokerage provides teams dedicated to agent success and agent experience while encouraging sponsors of new agents to build teams of their own to keep agents well-connected throughout their real estate journey.

ONE eXp is a diversity and inclusion initiative providing education and support to agents on the topics surrounding diversity. And the Agent Advisory Council offers agent insight to eXp’s leadership to ensure every agent’s voice is heard.

eXp also hosts community events throughout the year to encourage involvement, including the EXPCON, a three-day conference-like event, and Shareholder Summit, a training and company growth event.

As a bonus, eXp agents are also encouraged to pursue the ICON award by meeting specific cultural and transactional goals within the company. The ICON award allows agents to become more invested in the company both financially and culturally.

Technology at eXp Realty vs. Keller Williams

Though it started out as a very traditional brokerage, Keller Williams has been working to catch up with the latest technological trends. As a cloud-based brokerage, however, eXp Realty has been deep in technology from the beginning.

Keller Williams Technology

Agents work within the Keller Cloud, a suite of tools designed to help them keep their business organized. It includes Command, an advanced CRM, and Consumer, a customer-facing app that connects agents and clients more efficiently through search, virtual tours, and further collaboration.

eXp Realty Technology

As a brokerage founded and run entirely online, eXp Realty is one of the most technologically advanced real estate brokerages around. Agents who join eXp must access and work within:

  • eXp Enterprise–the hub where agents can track transactions, earnings, stock shares, and more.
  • eXp World–the online office space where agents virtually engage with other agents and explore training opportunities.
  • Skyslope–the online transaction management software that makes paperwork and digital signing easy and simple.
  • eXp Workplace–the Facebook-created app where agents can engage socially with one another all around the world and find training on any topic.
  • kvCORE–the advanced CRM where agents can create websites, landing pages, squeeze pages, and more while keeping track of their leads.
  • Introlend–an app that helps you connect clients with great loan options.
  • Utility Connect–a partnership that allows you to create a brand-personalized website to connect your clients with utility services nearby.
  • eXp 360 Tours–an easy way to create stunning virtual tours.
eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (6)

There’s no question that eXp has a lot of technology, and while it can be overwhelming at first, it’s right up there with the latest trends in the real estate business.


As you can see, both Keller Williams and eXp Realty are successful, popular, and well-loved brokerages. Both have incredible opportunities for agents to connect with one another, build revenue, engage in quality training, learn new technologies, and eventually retire in peace.

As a real estate agent, I ended up going with eXp Realty. I found their technology, revenue options, and benefits to be just what I was looking for. If you’d like to know more about eXp Realty, get in touch with me and I can help you decide whether it’s the right brokerage for you.

eXp Realty vs Keller Williams: The Brokerages Compared - Jaime Resendiz (2024)


What is the difference between Keller Williams and eXp Realty? ›

Keller Williams is a franchise model. It breaks up countries into regions, which sell franchises or “Market-centers” to individuals looking to open an office. eXp Realty, on the other hand, is one independent brokerage with no territories, regions, or franchise locations.

Why is eXp better than Keller Williams? ›

The model at eXp Realty is very similar to the model at Keller Williams. However, there is one key difference: revenue share is taken off the top, before expenses are paid. This means that an agent receives a percentage of the gross company share taken from their sponsored agent.

Why did I leave eXp Realty? ›

One of the most common reasons agents leave eXp Realty is because they simply don't plug in. Being a virtual real estate brokerage, it's easy to become disconnected.

Who are Keller Williams biggest competitors? ›

Keller Williams competitors include Zillow, RE/MAX, Realty ONE Group, Coldwell Banker and KKR. Keller Williams ranks 1st in CEO Score on Comparably vs its competitors.

What makes eXp Realty different? ›

eXp Realty is a cloud-based real estate brokerage, meaning there are no physical brick-and-mortar offices. Agents, team leaders, and brokers collaborate, support one another, teach and train, and build their businesses through eXp Realty's extensive digital tools and resources.

What is Keller Williams Commission split? ›

Every agent is on a 70/30 commission split with Keller Williams Realty. That's 70% to the agent and 30% to the local office/brokerage. KW is a franchise, and a franchise fee (6% on each transaction up to $3,000) is included in this calculation.

Why do people love eXp Realty? ›

No costly overhead — Traditional brokerages have hefty setup charges for agents. But since eXp is a virtual environment, agents are not hit with costly overhead fees passed onto them for brokerage operations such as rent, desk fees, insurance, utilities, furnishings, staff and more.

What is the real truth about eXp Realty? ›

eXp Realty is part of the publicly traded company eXp World Holdings (EXPI) on the Nasdaq stock exchange. eXp is audited by the SEC and is 100% completely legal.

Is eXp the fastest growing brokerage? ›

eXp Realty is the fastest-growing real estate company in the world with more than 85,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New ...

Why are so many teams suddenly joining eXp Realty? ›

The growth at eXp Realty is nothing short of amazing, but it's no surprise why so many agents are joining eXp Realty! REALTORS and Brokers are attracted to the commission splits, lead generation tools, the revenue share program, and the opportunity to be an owner in the company with our stock program.

What is the eXp Realty controversy? ›

A new lawsuit filed Wednesday accuses two eXp Realty agents of luring women to industry and company events with the promise of career advancement, only to then drug and sexually assault them. The suit was filed in California on behalf of four women.

Who is the best eXp agent? ›

Top Individual eXp Realty Agents By Volume

Leading in individual sales volume is John Scalia, an eXp Realty agent based in South Florida who is a 3-time ICON agent, winner of “eXplosive Growth Award” at 2022 EXPCON and the individual leader in number of units and gross commission income (GCI) in 2022.

Is Keller Williams the biggest brokerage? ›

Keller Williams Realty comfortably retains its title as the largest residential real estate franchise brand in the nation with 11.3% market share by sales volume and the highest number of transaction sides of any franchise in 2022.

Is Keller Williams the largest real estate company in the world? ›

About Keller Williams

Austin, Texas-based Keller Williams, the world's largest real estate franchise by agent count, has more than 1,100 offices and 191,000 agents.

Who is Keller competitor? ›

Keller's competitors and similar companies include Balfour Beatty, BAM Nuttall, Kajima and Trevi Group.

Do eXp agents get leads? ›

At eXp Realty, you can pay $250 per month to receive leads. That's a minimal cost, especially since the program generates between 10-25 leads per month.

Does eXp give agents leads? ›

eXp Realty will provide some leads. But probably not enough to drive your annual revenue. For the most part, eXp Realty's leads come from a suite of tools you can use to drive leads to you. So, it's not so much a lead generation program as it is a lead generation system.

What is the eXp split? ›

At eXp Realty, agents can complete three personal transactions per year without paying the 20 percent split to eXp Realty. Agents are only responsible for paying a $250 transaction fee, a $40 risk management fee, and a $25 broker review fee for the personal deal.

Who is the best real estate company to work for? ›

Best Real Estate Companies to Work for in 2023
BrokerageBest For
eXp RealtyBest overall, featuring an agent-forward virtual approach
Keller WilliamsBuilding a team
RE/MAXHigh-performing, established agents
Coldwell BankerNew agents
2 more rows
Mar 27, 2023

What is Keller Williams profit sharing? ›

The Keller Williams profit share plan is a seven-level deep sponsorship plan that pays agents a percentage of a market center's profit based on a sponsored agent's production relative to the market center's company dollars.

What does 70 30 commission split mean? ›

A common agent/broker commission split is 70/30. In this case, 70% of the commission on a sale goes to the brokerage and 30% to the agent.

Does eXp have a royalty fee? ›

Royalty/Franchise/Desk Fees: $0, always.

The agent doesn't need to be paying for the broker's office or franchise. eXp is built to benefit the AGENTS FIRST! That's right, there are NO additional fees or brokerage fees at eXp! No broker fees, no franchise fees, no office fees, nada.

Does eXp use breakthrough broker? ›

Breakthrough Broker Tools

eXp Realty partnered with Breakthrough Broker so our agents will now have access to free marketing content, property flyers and eNewsletter templates and more.

How much debt does eXp have? ›

What Is eXp World Holdings's Net Debt? You can click the graphic below for the historical numbers, but it shows that as of December 2022 eXp World Holdings had US$4.70m of debt, an increase on US$2.71m, over one year. But it also has US$121.6m in cash to offset that, meaning it has US$116.9m net cash.

Who is the owner of eXp Realty? ›

Is eXp a profitable company? ›

With a net income of $1.5 million, the company managed to stay profitable during the challenges of early 2023—from shaky consumer confidence to an uncertain mortgage rate environment. But revenue at $850.6 million was down 16% year-over-year even after the company shed almost $150 million in expenses.

Is eXp a Fortune 500 company? ›

eXp World Holdings | 2023 Fortune 500 | Fortune.

What is the most successful brokerage firm? ›

TD Ameritrade is considered one of the top brokerage firms in the U.S. because of its value and quality of service. The firm provides clients with a 24/7 customer support system,34 a user-friendly website with mobile access, research and advanced trading tools.

Who is the fastest-growing real estate brokerage? ›

Big Block Realty North

The company in 2021 was ranked the fastest-growing real estate company in America by Inc. 500.

How do you increase eXp fast? ›

Minecraft: The Best Ways To Get XP Fast
  1. 19 Farm The Deep Dark.
  2. 18 Defeat The Ender Dragon.
  3. 17 Kill A Wither.
  4. 16 Smash A Bottle O' Enchanting.
  5. 15 Use A Grindstone.
  6. 14 Find Bastions With Piglin Brutes.
  7. 13 Complete Advancements.
  8. 12 Build A Makeshift Farm In The End.
Apr 1, 2023

What is the share split for eXp Realty? ›

The stock split occured on February 16th, 2021. One EXPI share bought prior to February 16th, 2021 would equal to 2 EXPI shares today.

Can you switch sponsors at eXp Realty? ›

When joining eXp Realty, you have to sign a specific sponsor. Again, when talking about a sponsor, it's not one specific person, but a chain of people and support above that as well. Because of that, once you come on, you cannot change your sponsor.

How do I get a mentor in eXp Realty? ›

How the eXp Mentor Program Works: Any agent joining eXp who has less than three transactions in the last 12 months in their respective state (mentees), will be matched with a certified eXp Realty estate agent (mentor) who is geographically located close to the new agent and within the same MLS.

Is Grant Cardone part of eXp Realty? ›

The move by Grant Cardone to align with EXP Realty is a significant one for the real estate industry.

Is exit realty a pyramid scheme? ›

Is EXIT Realty A Pyramid Scheme? When people are first introduced to the EXIT formula, they ask if EXIT is a pyramid scheme. That's a valid question. The answer is no.

Who are eXp world holdings competitors? ›

eXp World Holdings, Inc. Competitors
  • Opendoor Technologies. NasdaqGS:OPEN. US$1.6b.
  • Redfin. NasdaqGS:RDFN. US$1.2b.
  • Cushman & Wakefield. NYSE:CWK. US$2.1b.
  • Marcus & Millichap. NYSE:MMI. US$1.3b.

What is an eXp sponsor? ›

Rather than an interview with a real estate broker, agents joining eXp Realty name a current agent with the company as their “sponsor”. This decision of who you name as your sponsor may likely be one of the most important decisions you'll make at eXp Realty as it will impact your entire experience.

What is the most valuable brokerage? ›

The largest brokerage firm: Vanguard is the largest brokerage firm by assets under management and active investment accounts accounts, with $8.1 trillion in AUM as of March 2022 and over 30 million investors.

Is Keller Williams in debt? ›

“As we watch companies throughout the country take on billions of dollars of debt, we are proud to say that our company has not one dollar of financing debt and we remain strong and financially sound.

What is the number one real estate company in the world? ›

Largest Real Estate Companies Research Summary

The largest real estate company in the world is Keller Williams Realty, with a revenue of $381.4 billion. As of 2023, the global real estate industry has a market size of $4.4 trillion. Over 5.8 million housing transactions were completed in the U.S. in 2022.

Who is the largest real estate brokerage in the US? ›

The largest real estate company in the USA is Coldwell Banker. Founded in 1906, Coldwell Banker has over 100 years of experience buying and selling homes that they share with the people they work for.

What is the 7th largest real estate company in the world? ›

Rankings by Total Assets
7.Greystar Real Estate PartnersNorth America
8.Wheelock and CompanyAsia
9.Guangzhou R&F Properties CompanyAsia
10.The Related CompaniesNorth America
84 more rows

Is Sotheby's better than Keller Williams? ›

Sotheby's International Realty scored higher in 7 areas: Overall Rating, Senior Management, Compensation & Benefits, Career Opportunities, CEO Approval, Recommend to a friend and Positive Business Outlook. Keller Williams scored higher in 1 area: Diversity & Inclusion.

Who did Keller buy? ›

Effective January 1, 2020, North America Keller companies Bencor, Case Atlantic, Case Foundation, Hayward Baker, HJ Foundation, Keller Canada, McKinney Drilling, and Moretrench will join together and rebrand to Keller.

What is JJ Keller's annual revenue? ›

J. J. Keller & Associates has 1,311 employees, and the revenue per employee ratio is $465,293. J. J. Keller & Associates peak revenue was $610.0M in 2022.

Who owns JJ Keller Associates? ›

Rustin is the third generation of the Keller family to lead J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. Like his father, Bob Keller, he began working for the family business at age 12.

Is eXp Realty a pyramid? ›

In conclusion, eXp Realty is most certainly not a pyramid scheme. If you are researching eXp Realty and are turned off by something you may have heard or read, I encourage you to investigate further. Revenue share is a great opportunity, but it's only one part of the opportunity at eXp Realty.

What is the eXp Realty model? ›

The company uses a cloud-based business model that's far more lucrative for real estate agents and the company's bottom line. Any licensed real estate agent can join eXp Realty, and the company has unsurprisingly attracted a considerable number of agents—thereby generating incredibly high revenues.

How much debt does eXp Realty have? ›

What Is eXp World Holdings's Net Debt? You can click the graphic below for the historical numbers, but it shows that as of December 2022 eXp World Holdings had US$4.70m of debt, an increase on US$2.71m, over one year. But it also has US$121.6m in cash to offset that, meaning it has US$116.9m net cash.

Who is the fastest growing real estate brokerage? ›

Big Block Realty North

The company in 2021 was ranked the fastest-growing real estate company in America by Inc. 500.

Who is the top real estate brokerage in the US? ›

Here are the top real estate companies in the U.S.:
  • Redfin.
  • Re/Max.
  • Coldwell Banker Realty.
  • Keller Williams Realty.
  • HomeServices of America and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices.
  • Sotheby's International Realty.
  • Compass.
  • eXp Realty.
Feb 14, 2023

Does eXp have leads? ›

You must be a Certified ExpressOffers Agent, to be eligible to receive Seller leads. Make sure that you log into the platform at least once because that is where we get our list of agents to send leads to.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.