Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (2024)

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How to Use the Standard Split Commission Calculator →How to Use the Tiered Real Estate Commission Calculator →Consider Other Factors When Calculating Real Estate Commissions →Consider Various Real Estate Commission Models →

What is a free real estate commission calculator?

Real estate commissions can be tough to calculate. Complex structures, agent fees, and varying rates make figuring them out a time-consuming process. It’s easy to put these calculations on the back burner and focus on other parts of running your brokerage.

But it’s essential to keep on top of how much you owe. Knowing the amount you need to pay agents well in advance helps you make better financial projections, ensuring payday has no surprises.

You could calculate commission manually. But if you want an easy-to-use shortcut, try our free real estate commission calculators. They will tell you exactly how much to pay your agents for each sale they get over the line.

We have created two real estate agent commission calculators. They help with both split and tiered commission structures—these are the payment plans used by the majority of real estate brokerages and agents.

Related articles from Paperless Pipeline:

💰 Real Estate Commissions Explained — Everything you need to know about real estate commissions.

🧾 How to Calculate Commission in 4 Easy Steps — Simple commission plan? Follow these steps to learn how to calculate commissions quickly.

Calculate a Standard Commission Split

A common agent/broker commission split is 70/30. In this case, 70% of the commission on a sale goes to the brokerage and 30% to the agent.

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (1)

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (2)

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (3)

Imagine an agent makes a sale worth $420,000. Of this selling price, 3% (or $12,600) goes to the selling side.

In a 70/30 split, the agent would receive $3,780 and the brokerage would get $8,820.

Then the agent’s fees would come off their commission. Let’s say they are $300. The agent’s final commission is now $3,480, while the brokerage gets $9,120.

How to Use the Standard Split
Commission Calculator

Split commission plans are when the real estate agent receives a set percentage of the total commission received by the brokerage.

This is a widely used commission structure. Both the real estate agent and the broker can easily calculate how much they will receive on a sale.

Using the Standard Commission Calculator

Here is how to use the split commission calculator.

  • 1.Enter the property selling price and the total amount your brokerage receives in commission. The latter is known as gross commission.
  • 2.Enter the percentage of the commission the real estate agent receives from the sale.
  • 3.Add any fees you charge to the agent.
  • 4.Hit the “calculate” button.

You’ll now see the exact amount your brokerage collects, as well as how much to pay your agent.

Hit the “copy net payables” button to record these figures and paste them into relevant locations quickly.

Figures You Need to Know

There are four main figures you must know when calculating a standard split commission.

These are:

  • 1.Selling price: The amount the property sells for. All other calculations are based on this figure.
  • 2.Commission percentage: The percentage of the selling price that each side of the transaction receives. Typically 3% goes to the side representing the buyer and 3% to the seller. The exact amount varies depending on your agreement with the client. If your brokerage represents both sides, you’ll receive both cuts.
  • 3.Agent commission rate: The percentage of the total commission that goes to the agent. Agents often receive different commission rates depending on experience or market conditions.
  • 4.Agent fees: Some brokerages require real estate agents to pay fees to cover costs like E&O insurance and marketing. How much you charge will depend on your agreement with the agent.

Once you know all the above figures, you can calculate how much you need to pay the real estate agent for each sale.

Calculate a Tiered Real Estate Commission

Tiered commission structures are when the agent receives a different percentage of the total commission depending on how much they earn in a specific period.

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Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (5)

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (6)

This type of structure incentivizes real estate agents to make more sales by giving them a larger piece of the pie when they do so.

But they are more complicated than split commission structures. This is because the amount of commission the brokerage pays the agent changes once the agent hits a predefined threshold.

Here’s an Example of a Tiered Commission Split

The agent and the brokerage could have a deal whereby the agent earns 80% of the total commission for the first $20,000 in commission they earn in a quarter. They may then earn 90% of commission for anything above this in the same period.

Say the agent had a productive quarter and bought in real estate commissions worth $29,000. Their take-home amount would be $24,100. That works out at $16,000 (80% of $20,000) plus $8,100 (90% of $9,000).

It’s easy to see how this type of commission structure motivates real estate agents. If the agent was on a flat fee commission structure of 80%, they would only have earned $23,200. That’s almost $1,000 less for the same amount of work.

How to Use the Tiered Real Estate Commission Calculator

The tiered commission calculator has several extra fields you need to complete compared to the standard commission calculator.

Use this calculator when a real estate agent makes a sale that takes them from one commission rate to the next.

  • 1.Enter the sale price and the commission percentage you receive.
  • 2.Enter the percentage of the commission the agent receives in the current tier and the next tier.
  • 3.Enter the total amount the agent needs to earn to reach the next tier.
  • 4.Enter the amount the agent has already earned in commissions before the current sale.
  • 5.Add any fees the agent needs to pay.
  • 6.Hit “calculate.”

You’ll then see two different results boxes.

The first shows you the commission the agent and the brokerage receives broken down into the amount contributed in each tier.

The net payables box simplifies this, showing you exactly how much your brokerage receives and how much the real estate agent earns.

Challenges When Calculating
Tiered Commission Splits

The biggest challenge in calculating tiered commission is when a property takes the agent over the edge into the next commission level.

In this situation, calculate how much of the commission qualifies for the pre-threshold rate, and how much qualifies for the post-threshold rate.

You’ll also need to consider the agreement you have with each agent, as this will often vary depending on their experience and needs.

Another complicating factor is that these calculations are typically only used a few times a year when agents hit their targets. This means brokerages may not have much experience calculating them.

Metrics You Need to Know

As well as the metrics listed in the flat fee commission structure section of this article, you also need to know:

  • The percentage of total commission the real estate agent receives on each tier.
  • The total amount they need to earn to reach the next tier.
  • The total amount they have already received from prior sales.

You can use transaction management software alongside the real estate commission calculator to track the number and value of sales each agent makes.

With net payables calculated, send a CDA for easy distribursem*nt.

💸 How To Create a Real Estate Commission Disbursem*nt Authorization (CDA) — Learn how you can create commission disbursem*nt authorizations for each closing with little effort.

Consider Other Factors When Calculating
Real Estate Commissions

You may need to consider other fees paid to third parties when using the real estate commission calculator.

Here are some of these fees. We’ll also explain how to take them into account when using the commission calculator.

Referral Fees

Brokerages may set up partnerships with other brokerages to refer clients in exchange for a percentage of the sales commission.

This will often happen when a seller moves to a new area and is looking to buy a home. If the selling brokerage doesn’t have a presence in that area’s real estate market, they can recommend one that does.

Brokerage referral fees are typically taken out before the commission is split between the brokerage and the agent. However, this will depend on the exact deal you have set up with the referring brokerage.

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Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (8)

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (9)

Here’s an Example

Brokerage A sold a property that was referred to them by brokerage B. The agreement stated that brokerage A has to give 20% of the total commissions to brokerage B.

As brokerage A received $20,000 in commission, it had to give $4,000 to brokerage B. The remaining $16,000 was split between the brokerage and the agent at the agreed-upon rate.

You can use the real estate commission calculator in this article to calculate how this remaining amount should be split.

Franchise Fees

Major brokerages often charge a “franchise fee” on sales made by franchise brokerages. Like referral fees, this is typically taken out before the commission is split between the broker and the agent.

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Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (11)

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (12)

Here’s an Example

Brokerage A is a franchise of a major brand. It pays a fee of 4% of commission on every sale.

If the total commission earned from a sale was $9,000, $360 would go to the franchise. The remaining $8,640 would be split between the agent and brokerage as agreed.

Consider Various Real Estate
Commission Models

Our real estate calculators are designed to work with split and tiered commission structures.

But these aren’t the only payment structures that brokerages use. Our tools can also help with commission structures like team splits and flat-fee models.

Using the Calculators with a Flat Fee Model

In a flat-fee model, real estate agents keep the entire commission. Instead of paying commission, they pay a flat monthly desk fee to the brokerage. This doesn’t change, whether they sell zero properties or ten.

This type of structure is beneficial for experienced real estate agents who don’t need much help generating leads or making sales. The lack of commission provides far more earning potential.

This structure can also benefit brokerages. They get a guaranteed and consistent income no matter how their agents perform. It may also attract more experienced agents.

Here’s how to calculate flat fee percentages using our commission calculator:

  • 1.Set the agent commission rate at 100%
  • 2.Enter the total amount of sales the agent put through in that period
  • 3.Add the flat fee to the “Agent Fees Owed” field

Following these steps will show you exactly how much you need to pay the agent. If the agent pays the desk fee in advance, you won’t need to make this calculation.

Using the Calculators with a
Team Split Commission Model

Brokerages that use a team split model share out the commission between everyone who works on the deal, not just the agent.

While this can see the agent take home considerably less per deal, the benefit is that the team can push more deals over the line. Many real estate agents make more money due to the higher volume of sales than they would if they worked independently.

Team splits add an extra layer of complication to the way real estate commissions are calculated. Typically the brokerage takes a cut first, and the rest is split between the agent and the team.

To use our tools to calculate a team split, we’d recommend that you use the standard split calculator to see how much the brokerage takes home and then manually calculate how the remaining income is split between the team.

Learn more about real estate commission plans.

👨‍💼👩‍💼 Sales Commission Structure: How Flat Fee, Splits and Thresholds Will Motivate Your Agents — Learn the common sales commission structures and how each one can affect agents’ motivation.

Real Estate Commission Calculator | Paperless Pipeline (2024)


How do you calculate a 70 30 commission split? ›

In this case, 70% of the commission on a sale goes to the brokerage and 30% to the agent. Imagine an agent makes a sale worth $420,000. Of this selling price, 3% (or $12,600) goes to the selling side. In a 70/30 split, the agent would receive $3,780 and the brokerage would get $8,820.

What is the formula for calculating how much you would make on commission? ›

It can be calculated with the following equation: commission = total sales revenue * commission rate. So if a salesperson sells a total of $2,000 of product and receives 5% in commission, they make $100.

How does Keller Williams calculate commission split? ›

Every agent is on a 70/30 split. That's 70% to the agent and 30% to the broker. Since KW is a franchise, there is a franchise fee (6% on each transaction up to $3,000) which is included in this calculation. Another way you may see this calculated is with an agent on a 64/30/6% split.

What state has the highest real estate commission? ›

The average real estate commission rate for agents in Missouri is 6.07%, and the state has the highest average realtor fees in the country.

What is an 80 20 commission split? ›

80/20 commission split: This common commission split means that 80% of a commission goes to the individual agent, while 20% goes to the brokerage. In addition, many agents on this plan are required to pay significant monthly or per transaction fees in exchange for facilities and limited administrative support.

How to calculate 80 20 commission split? ›

Often times, brokerages offer something like an 80/20 split wiith a $16,000 cap. This would mean if a an agent earns $100,000 in commissions they only pay $16,000 to the brokerage implying a 16% split. But if they earned $50,000 they would be below the cap and pay 20%, or $10,000 to the brokerage.

Is commission based on revenue or profit? ›

The gross margin commission structure accounts for the expenses associated with creating a product. So in this model, your sales agents earn a percentage of the company's profit from each sale rather than a percentage of the sale itself.

Is commission calculated on gross or net? ›

Is the commission paid on gross or net sales? The gross profit of the sale is the target number salespeople follow. The commission is typically based on the total amount of a sale, though there are other factors, like net profit and gross margin that may impact a salesperson's earnings.

What is the most common commission split in real estate? ›

The traditional mode, or 50/50 split, is when the real estate agent and the broker split the original commission evenly. 50/50 splits typically occur when brokers provide office spaces, client leads, marketing resources and other materials that help agents find work opportunities.

What is a fair commission split? ›

Typical real estate commission splits

When it comes to commission splits, a solid starting place is the classic 50/50 model — that is, 50% to the agent and 50% to the brokerage. However, the exact numbers can vary depending on your business and leadership philosophy.

What does 60 40 split mean as a commission? ›

For example, a 60/40 pay mix would be a 60/40 base to commission split, which means that 60% of OTE compensation is fixed base salary, and 40% of OTE compensation is Target Incentive (TI), or variable pay.

Where do realtors make the most money? ›

The following are the 10 states where real estate agents earn, on average, the most money:
  • New York: $111,800 (average real estate agent salary)
  • Massachusetts: $84,180.
  • Connecticut: $79,780.
  • Alaska: $79,360.
  • Colorado: $76,850.
  • Utah: $75,170.
  • California: $74,140.
  • Texas: $72,830.
Jul 28, 2020

What percentage do most realtors get? ›

What percent commission do most real estate agents charge? The traditional standard commission is 6 percent of a home's purchase price, which is split evenly (3 percent each) between the buyer's agent and the seller's agent.

Which state has the hardest real estate license? ›

Of all states, Colorado and Texas come on top as the hardest in terms of granting a real estate license. Each of the states requires some education and a test, which you must pass before being issued with a real estate license.

Is 40% commission a lot? ›

The average in sales, though, is usually between 20-30%. What is a good commission rate for sales? Some companies offer as much as 40-50% commission. However, these are typically sales reps that require more technical skills and knowledge, plus have a compensation structure that relies more heavily on commission.

Is 30% commission alot? ›

A reasonable commission rate depends on the base salary offered, the value of the sale, and the time required to close a deal. A range of 20%-30% is most often cited as a reasonable commission rate. The average salary-to-commission ratio in the U.S. sits at 60:40.

What is a good commission ratio? ›

The standard salary to commission ratio is 60:40, with 60% fixed and 40% variable.

What percentage do most brokers take from agents? ›

The brokers then split their commissions with their agents. A common commission split gives 60% to the agent and 40% to the broker, but the split could be 50/50, 60/40, 70/30, or whatever ratio is agreed by the agent and the broker.

What is a 50 50 split in sales commission? ›

Standard commission rate rules

Rule 1: 50/50 split between base salary and commission. When looking at OTE (On-Target Earnings), the majority of compensation plans have half a rep's earnings being base salary and the other half being commission. While there are exceptions, this is the standard rule of thumb.

How do you negotiate a real estate commission split? ›

How to Ask for a Higher Commission Split
  1. Consider the value you're getting. Sherri says that agents often focus too much on the commission split alone. ...
  2. Don't be demanding. You want to have a conversation about your commission compensation plan without being demanding, Sherri says. ...
  3. Know where you're headed.
Jun 21, 2020

What is commission for dummies? ›

In the simplest definition, the commission is money paid out to a selling agent. For example, if you were selling cars and your selling agent was paid 5%, you would get 95% of the sales price. If you make a sale, you get some portion of the money from the purchaser.

What are the 3 types of commission? ›

  • COMMISSIONS. Straight | Graduated | Piecework | End of Page.
  • Straight Commission. Straight Commission is calculated to be the person's wage based solely on sales. ...
  • Graduated Commission. Graduated Commission is calculated into a person's pay in addition to his/her regular salary or wage. ...
  • Piecework Commission.

What is the commission method? ›

Under Straight Commission method, no fixed monthly salary is paid to a salesman. Only a certain percentage of commission is paid to him on the volume of sales effected by him. Under this method, remuneration is paid to a salesman on the actual sales made by him and not on the basis of the time spent by him.

What is the best commission structure? ›

1. 100% Commission. In a straight commission plan, the only income sales representatives earn comes directly from their sales. The biggest positive for sales reps is that it provides the highest earning potential.

Is commission taxed like income? ›

Commissions can be a great bonus for a job well done, though these earnings are subject to taxes just like your regular income. Fortunately, if you're a full-time or part-time employee, your employer is required to withhold the taxes from your commission payments.

Do you count commission as income? ›

The IRS treats commissions as supplemental income, or income you receive in addition to your regular wages. Supplemental income can also include bonuses, overtime pay, back pay and severance pay. Just as you would with your regular wages, you need to pay taxes on your supplemental income.

What is commission pay structure? ›

A sales commission structure outlines how companies compensate their sales reps for performance. Many commission structures feature base salaries to give reps a sense of stability when it comes to their personal finances. Others prioritize high commission rates to motivate reps to work harder and achieve more.

What is the formula for commission in Excel? ›

=Sales Amount*(Commission Rate+Base Rate)

In the formula, we have locked Cell C12 using the dollar ($) sign in front of both column index and row index. Also, locked the column index of Cell D6. Secondly, press Enter and drag the Fill Handle down to get the sales commission for January.

What is a draw against commission? ›

A draw against commission is a type of incentive compensation that functions as guaranteed pay that sellers receive with every paycheck. The draw amount is typically pre-determined and acts similar to a cash advance for reps.

Is 2% a good commission? ›

If you're selling a luxury home, a home in an area where the average market value is high, or a home with lots of upgrades, the agent stands to make a good commission even at 2%.

Who is the best real estate company to work for? ›

Best Real Estate Companies to Work for in 2023
BrokerageBest For
eXp RealtyBest overall, featuring an agent-forward virtual approach
Keller WilliamsBuilding a team
RE/MAXHigh-performing, established agents
Coldwell BankerNew agents
2 more rows
Mar 27, 2023

What is the most common type of commission? ›

One of the simplest and most commonly used sales commission structures is variable pay as a percentage of a single sale's revenue. Under this incentive structure, reps earn a flat percentage for every sale. For example, imagine your company sells a product for $100,000 with a commission rate of five percent.

Are commission splits tax deductible? ›

Commissions Paid. Commissions paid by your business to other agents or employees that work with or under you are generally fully deductible business expenses that no entrepreneur should overlook. Depending on your business structure, commissions can quickly add up and end up being one of your largest deductions.

What does a 70 30 commission mean? ›

For example, a 70/30 pay mix means that 70% of the total on-target earning is fixed base salary, and 30% of the total on-target earning is variable commission.

What is a 90 10 commission split? ›

Once an agent hits $100,000 in gross commission, the commission split changes to a 90-10 arrangement. In this case, the agent gets 90 percent and the brokerage gets 10 percent. Take the previous example. Assume the agent who generated $6,000 in gross commission has earned over $100,000 already this year.

What is a 1 25 split? ›

The 1-for-25 reverse stock split will automatically combine and convert 25 current shares of the Company's Common Stock into one issued and outstanding share of Common Stock.

What does 40 20 40 split mean? ›

In 40/20/40 split-folding seats owners have the option of folding 100% percent of the rear seat, 60% of the rear seat (one outboard seat and the middle seat), 40% of the rear seat (one outboard seat), or 20% of the rear seat (the middle seat only).

How much do the top 1% of realtors make? ›

Each real estate office sets its own standards for top producers, but it's safe to say that a top producer would have to sell at least one home per month to qualify. Top producers earn around $112,610 a year to start, according to the BLS. 1 Mega-stars could earn $500,000 per year and up.

What type of realtor makes the most money? ›

Real Estate Broker

A real estate broker is permitted under law to negotiate and organize real estate dealings. A career as a real estate broker is one of the highest paying and lucrative professions in the real estate industry. On average, experienced brokers take home a six-figure pay.

Who is the wealthiest real estate agent? ›

Donald Bren, chair of Southern California-based Irvine Company, is the wealthiest American real estate titan, just cracking the top 100 (#97) with a $17.4 billion fortune, an increase of $1.2 billion from last year.

How many houses a year do most realtors sell? ›

So How Many Houses Does a Realtor Really Sell Each Year? Only a small number of realtors sell more than a hundred homes a year, and the majority sell anywhere between 2-10 homes a year. Further, first-year or those just starting as realtors usually sell the least number of homes.

Are most millionaires real estate agents? ›

More importantly, real estate remains a wealth-building tool for the majority of moguls. An estimated ninety percent of millionaires were created through real estate investing. Any billionaire in the U.S. or anywhere around the globe that you know of has invested in real estate in some form or the other.

What percentage of millionaires are realtors? ›

90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” This famous quote from Andrew Carnegie, one of the wealthiest entrepreneurs of all time, is just as relevant today as it was more than a century ago.

Which state has the easiest real estate license? ›

Some of these states include Alaska, Massachusetts, and Mississippi. Generally speaking, as long as you are able to pass a course, are 18 years of age, and have no prior convictions, you can qualify to become a real estate agent. North Carolina, for example, is one of the easiest states to obtain your license.

What is the hardest part of real estate? ›

Here are some of the toughest struggles that every realtor has to deal with on a daily basis.
  • Uncertainty about real estate market. ...
  • Constantly being on the go. ...
  • Commission is by no means a guarantee. ...
  • Being underpaid for hard work. ...
  • Dealing with difficult clients.

Which state has the easiest real estate test? ›

According to our analysis, Massachusetts is the best state for Real Estate examinations in the US. There, most candidates have it relatively simple. This is true since the state only needs 40 hours of pre-licensing training. Before sitting for the test, you must first complete a state-approved real estate school.

How do you calculate 30% commission? ›

How to calculate commission. This is a very basic calculation revolving around percentages. Just take the sale price, multiply it by the commission percentage, and divide it by 100.

What is a 60 40 salary commission split? ›

For example, a 60/40 pay mix would be a 60/40 base to commission split, which means that 60% of OTE compensation is fixed base salary, and 40% of OTE compensation is Target Incentive (TI), or variable pay.

What does 75% commission mean? ›

For example, if a sales rep only met 75% of their quota, then they may only get 75% of their intended commission. The purpose is to motivate salespeople to continue closing deals, even after they reach their sales goals.

How do you calculate 3% commission? ›

A commission, in its simplest form, is some percentage of revenue. For example, a salesperson may earn 3% of whatever they sell. If a product is sold for $100, the salesperson would earn $3 from that sale.

How does 40% commission work? ›

The standard salary to commission ratio is 60:40 with 60% being the base rate and 40% being commission-driven. The plan best serves as an incentive or motivation for increased sales performance. Example: A salesperson earns $500 a month in salary with 10% commission, or $500, for $5,000 worth in sales.

How does 50% commission work? ›

In sales, your total compensation could be 50% base salary and 50% commission. So if your total yearly compensation agreement is for $100,000, $50,000 of that is guaranteed for the year and $50,000 is based on how well you perform.

What is a 75 25 split salary? ›

In the example we used earlier, a sales rep was paid $75,000 as a base salary, with expected commissions of $25,000—which translates to a pay mix of 75/25. As a general rule, a pay mix of 50/50 is a good starting point. It's a common mix and provides a good balance between base rate and commission.

Is 100% commission pay good? ›

A 100% commission model is more appropriate for businesses with a short sales cycle. So, if you're trying to sell products, like an info products business, work a 4-hour workweek, or obtain a passive income hustle, go out and hire yourself people on a straight commission plan.

What is a 70 30 split in sales? ›

It is the ratio of base salary to target incentives. For example, a 70/30 pay mix means that 70% of the total on-target earning is fixed base salary, and 30% of the total on-target earning is variable commission.

Is commission taxed? ›

Commissions can be a great bonus for a job well done, though these earnings are subject to taxes just like your regular income. Fortunately, if you're a full-time or part-time employee, your employer is required to withhold the taxes from your commission payments.

What is 5 percent commission? ›

Revenue Commission

Salespeople receive a pre-defined percentage of all the sales they make. For example, if you sell $50,000 in revenue while working with a company that pays out 5% of revenue, your commission will be $2,500.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.