Dark Side To Solar? More Reports Tie Panel Production To Toxic Pollution (2024)

Three years agoI published a columnatForbesarguing that solar panels weren’t clean but in fact produced 300 times more toxic waste than high-level nuclear waste. But in contrast to nuclear waste, which is safely stored and never hurts anyone, solar panel waste risks exposing poor trash-pickers in sub-Saharan Africa. The reason was because it was so much cheaper to make new solar panels from raw materials than to recycle them, and would remain that way, given labor and energy costs.

My reporting was near-universally denounced. The most influential financial analyst of the solar industrycalledmy article, “a fine example of 'prove RE [renewable energy] is terrible by linking lots of reports which don't actually support your point but do show that the RE industry in the West considers and documents its limited impacts extremely thoroughly.’” An energy analyst who is both pro-nuclear and pro-solar analystagreedwith her, saying “I looked into this waste issue in the past and concur with [her].”

The Guardian UG saidsolar panel waste was a “somewhat ironic concern from [me], a proponent of nuclear power, which has a rather biggertoxic waste problem” adding that “broken panels… are relatively rare except perhaps in the wake of a natural disaster like a hurricane or earthquake.”

But when reporters eventually looked into the issue they came to the same conclusions I had. In 2019,The New York Times NYT published a longarticleabout toxic old solar panels and batteries causing “harm to people who scavenge recyclable materials by hand” in poor African communities. In 2020,Discover DISCA magazineconfirmedthat “it is often cheaper to discard them inlandfills or send them to developing countries.As solar panels sit in dumps, the toxic metals they contain can leach out into the environment and possibly pose a public health hazard if they get into the groundwater supply.”

Still, each of those articles stressed that some solar panels were already being recycled, and that more of them one day would be, which was what many of my original critics had pointed out. “The European Union requires solar companies to collect and recycle their panels,”notedDiscover, “with the cost of recycling built into the selling price.” The solar analyst who accused me of making unsubstantiated claimssaidthe reason “there are few solar panels being recycled to date [is] because most of them are still working fine.”

But a major new study of the economics of solar, published inHarvard Business Review(HBR), finds that the waste produced by solar panels will make electricity from solar panels four times more expensive than the world’s leading energy analysts thought. “The economics of solar,” writeAtalay AtasuandLuk N. Van Wassenhoveof Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires, one of Europe’s leading business schools, andSerasu Duranof the University of Calgary, will “darken quickly as the industry sinks under the weight of its own trash."

Solar’s Dark Side

Conventional wisdom today holds that the world will quadruple the number of solar panels in the world over the next decade. “And that’s not even taking into consideration the further impact of possible new regulations and incentives launched by the green-friendly Biden administration,” Atasu, Wassenhove, and Duran writeinHBR.

But the volume of solar panel waste will destroy the economics of solar even with the subsidies, they say. "By 2035,”writethe three economists, “discarded panels would outweigh new units sold by 2.56 times. In turn, this would catapult the LCOE (levelized cost of energy, a measure of the overall cost of an energy-producing asset over its lifetime) to four times the current projection.”

The solar industry, and even supposedly neutral energy agencies, grossly underestimated how much waste solar panels would produce. TheHBRauthors, all of whom are business school professors, looked at the economics from the point of view of the customer, and past trends, and calculated that customers would replace panels far sooner than every 30 years, as the industry assumes.

“If early replacements occur as predicted by ourstatistical model,” they write, solar panels “can produce 50 times more waste in just four years than [International Renewable Energy Agency] IRENA anticipates.”

TheHBRauthors found that the price of panels, the amount solar panel owners are paid by the local electric company, and sunlight-to-electricity efficiency determined how quickly people replaced their panels.

“Alarming as they are,” they write, “these stats may not do full justice to the crisis, as our analysis is restricted to residential installations. With commercial and industrial panels added to the picture, the scale of replacements could be much, much larger.”

What about recycling? It’s not worth the expense, note theHBRauthors. “While panels contain small amounts of valuable materials such as silver, they are mostly made of glass, an extremely low-value material,” they note. As a result, it costs 10 to 30 times more to recycle than to send panels to the landfill.

The problem is the sheer quantity of the hazardous waste, which far exceeds the waste produced by iPhones, laptops, and other electronics. The volume of waste expected from the solar industry,founda team of Indian researchers in 2020, was far higher than from other electronics.

“The totality of these unforeseen costs could crush industry competitiveness,” conclude theHBRauthors. “If we plot future installations according to a logistic growth curve capped at 700 GW by 2050 (NREL’s estimated ceiling for the U.S. residential market) alongside the early replacement curve, we see the volume of waste surpassing that of new installations by the year 2031.”

It’s not just solar. “The same problem is looming for other renewable-energy technologies,” they write. For example, barring a major increase in processing capability, experts expect thatmore than 720,000 tons worthof gargantuan wind turbine blades will end up in U.S. landfills over the next 20 years. According to prevailing estimates, only five percent ofelectric-vehicle batteriesare currently recycled – a lag thatautomakers are racing to rectifyas sales figures for electric cars continue to rise as much as 40% year-on-year.”

But the toxic nature of solar panels makes their environmental impacts worse than just the quantity of waste. Solar panels are delicate and break easily. When they do, they instantly become hazardous, and classified as such, due to their heavy metal contents. Hence, they are classified as hazardous waste. The authors note that this classification carries with it a string of expensive restrictions — hazardous waste can only be transported at designated times and via select routes, etc.”

Beyond the shocking nature of the finding itself is what it says about the integrity and credibility of IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency. It is an intergovernmental organization like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, funded by taxpayers from the developed nations of Europe, North America, and Asia, and expected to provide objective information. Instead, it employed unrealistic assumptions to produce results more supportive of solar panels.

IRENA acted like an industry association rather than as a public interest one. IRENA, noted the HBR reporters, “describes a billion-dollar opportunity for recapture of valuable materials rather than a dire threat.” IRENA almost certainly knew better. For decades, consumers in Germany, California, Japan and other major member nations of IRENA, have been replacing solar panels just 10 or 15 years old. But IRENA hadn’t even modeled solar panel replacements in those time frames.

IRENA wasn’t the only organization that put out rose-tinted forecasts to greenwash solar. For years, the solar industry and its spokespersons have claimed that panels only “degrade” — reduce how much electricity they produce — at a rate of 0.5% per year.

But new researchfindsthat solar panels in use degrade twice as fast as the industry claimed. And that report came on the heels of a separate report which found that solar panels have been suffering a rising failure rate even before entering service. “One in three manufacturers experienced safety failures relating to junction box defects, an increase from one in five last year,”notedan industry reporter. The “majority of failures were prior to testing, straight from the box.”

Blinded by the Light

Dealing with the problem requires that government regulators clamp down on solar. “A first step to forestalling disaster,” write theHBRauthors, “may be for solar panel producers to start lobbying for similar legislation in the United States immediately, instead of waiting for solar panels to start clogging landfills.”

But that’s unlikely since such legislation would significantly increase the cost of solar, and thin profit margins mean that many solar companies would likely go bankrupt. The result is a self-reinforcing feedback loop. “If legislation comes too late, the remaining players may be forced to deal with the expensive mess that erstwhile Chinese producers left behind.”

As such, taxpayers will likely have to subsidize the clean up of solar panel waste. “Government subsidies are probably the only way to quickly develop capacity commensurate with the magnitude of the looming waste problem,” they write.

None of this means there’s no role whatsoever for solar panels, nor that they are not ingenious machines. Like many others I have long been filled by a sense of wonder in how they convert sunlight, photons, into electrons, and I have solar panels in my backyard. Solar panels power satellites. And they can be an important way to generate electricity in off-grid areas.

But solar panels cannot be a primary energy source like nuclear, natural gas, or coal, for inherently physical reasons relating to the unreliable and dilute nature of their “fuel,” sunlight. Low power densitiesmust, for inherently physical reasons, induce higher material intensity and spatial requirements, and thus higher physical costs.

Even as the cost of solar panels has come down, the cost of producing reliable grid electricity with solar panels has risen, due to their weather-dependent nature, something thatbecame evidentin 2018, was recognizedby University of Chicago economistsin 2019, and was further supported by spiraling costs in renewables-heavyGermanyandCaliforniain 2020.

The new research on the coming solar waste crisis, along withrising blackoutsfrom renewables, reinforces the inherent flaws in solar and other forms of renewable energy. Over-relying on solar panels, and underestimating the need for nuclear and natural gas, resulted in California’sblackoutslast summer. It’s now clear thatChina made solar appear cheapwith coal, subsidies, and forced labor. And in the U.S., we pay one-quarter of solar’s costs through taxes and often much more in subsidies at the state and local level.

And none of this even addresses the biggest threat facing solar power today, which are revelations that perhaps bothkey raw materials and the panels themselves are being made by forced laborin Xinjiang province in China.

The subsidies that China gave solar panel makers had a purpose beyond bankrupting solar companies in the U.S. and Europe. The subsidies alsoenticed solar panel makersto participate in the repression of the Uyghur Muslim population, including using tactics that the US and German governments have called “genocide.”

Today, many companies, including Facebook, Google GOOG , and Microsoft MSFT , buy immense quantities of solar panels with no awareness of their impact. “I tried to bring up this issue [of solar waste] when I worked at Microsoft,” said a former employee. “I was told ‘That's not the problem we're trying to solve.’"

TheGuardianreporter claimed, “it’s valid to note that end-of-life solar panel recycling and disposal is an issue that we’ll have to address smartly, but unlike climate change, it’s not a big or urgent concern,” but theHarvard Business Reviewstudy shows that this was never the case.

The idea that humankind should turn our gaze away from urgent problems like genocide, toxic waste, and land use impacts because they complicate longer-term concerns is precisely the kind of unsustainable thinking that allowed the world to become dependent on toxic solar genocide panels in the first place.

As a renewable energy expert with a deep understanding of the dynamics within the industry, it's crucial to examine the claims and insights presented in the article regarding the environmental impact of solar panels. The article argues that the waste produced by solar panels is far greater than anticipated, which could make solar energy more economically and environmentally challenging than initially thought.

  1. Toxic Waste Comparison with Nuclear Waste: The article starts by revisiting a claim made three years ago that solar panels produce 300 times more toxic waste than high-level nuclear waste. The author asserts that solar panel waste poses a risk to poor trash-pickers in sub-Saharan Africa due to the cost-effectiveness of making new solar panels compared to recycling them.

  2. Denouncement and Initial Criticism: The author highlights that their earlier reporting was widely denounced by influential figures in the solar industry. Financial and energy analysts criticized the article, arguing that it lacked supporting evidence and that the renewable energy industry was diligent in documenting its limited impacts.

  3. Confirmation by Reporters and Publications: Subsequent investigations by reporters, including articles from The New York Times and Discover magazine, confirm the concerns raised by the author. These reports emphasize that as solar panels end up in landfills or are sent to developing countries, toxic metals can leach into the environment, posing potential health hazards.

  4. New Study on Solar Economics: A significant part of the article refers to a new study published in the Harvard Business Review, conducted by business school professors Atalay Atasu, Luk N. Van Wassenhove, and Serasu Duran. The study argues that the waste produced by solar panels will make electricity from solar panels four times more expensive than previously estimated by leading energy analysts.

  5. Projections and Economic Impact: The HBR study predicts that by 2035, discarded solar panels would outweigh new units sold by 2.56 times, resulting in a fourfold increase in the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The study challenges the industry's assumptions about the lifespan of solar panels, suggesting that customers may replace panels far sooner than the assumed 30-year lifespan.

  6. Recycling Challenges and Hazardous Waste: The article emphasizes that recycling solar panels is not economically viable due to the high costs involved. The hazardous nature of solar panels, especially when broken, is highlighted. The heavy metal content classifies them as hazardous waste, subject to expensive restrictions on transport and disposal.

  7. Comparisons with Other Renewable Technologies: The article suggests that the same waste problem is looming for other renewable energy technologies, such as wind turbine blades and electric vehicle batteries. It emphasizes the potential environmental impacts of solar panels beyond just the quantity of waste.

  8. Critique of International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA): The article criticizes the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) for allegedly using unrealistic assumptions to produce optimistic results about solar panels. The authors of the HBR study argue that IRENA acted more like an industry association than a public interest organization.

  9. Solar Panel Failures and Blackouts: The article briefly touches on recent research indicating that solar panels degrade faster than industry claims and mentions rising blackouts attributed to renewables, particularly in California.

  10. Forced Labor and Environmental Impact: The article concludes by highlighting concerns about forced labor in the production of solar panels, especially in Xinjiang province, China. It raises ethical questions about companies unknowingly supporting such practices by purchasing solar panels without awareness of their impact.

In summary, the article argues that the waste issue associated with solar panels, combined with economic and environmental challenges, questions the long-term viability of solar energy as a primary energy source. The insights are drawn from the recent HBR study, critiques of industry practices, and comparisons with other renewable technologies.

Dark Side To Solar? More Reports Tie Panel Production To Toxic Pollution (2024)


Is the production of solar panels bad for the environment? ›

The production of solar panels requires the extraction of materials like silicon, silver, and aluminum. The mining and processing of these materials pose significant environmental consequences, including habitat destruction, soil erosion, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Do solar panels produce toxic waste? ›

Are Solar Panels Hazardous Waste? Hazardous waste testing on solar panels in the marketplace has indicated that different varieties of solar panels have different metals present in the semiconductor and solder. Some of these metals, like lead and cadmium, are harmful to human health and the environment at high levels.

What is the negative side of solar panels? ›

Some of the cons of solar energy are: the cost of adding solar, depends on sunlight, space constraints, solar energy storage is expensive, installation can be difficult and environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing panels.

What are the health risks associated with solar panels? ›

Solar energy systems may contain small amounts of toxic materials, but studies show that these materials do not endanger public health. Research has shown that solar panels emit little radiation and do not pose a health risk to humans or animals.

What are the negative effects of solar panel farms? ›

Ecological Impacts

The clearing and use of large areas of land for solar power facilities can adversely affect native vegetation and wildlife in many ways, including loss of habitat; interference with rainfall and drainage; or direct contact causing injury or death.

How much pollution is made when making solar panels? ›

Here are the most common energy sources and the amount of CO2 that's emitted in order to produce them: Solar panels produce 50g of CO2 during manufacturing. Natural gas produces 117 lbs of CO2 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) during extraction and production. Oil (petroleum) produces 160 lbs of CO2 per MMBtu.

What is the dark side of solar farms? ›

The High Cost of Solar Trash

The financial incentive to invest in recycling has never been very strong in solar. While panels contain small amounts of valuable materials such as silver, they are mostly made of glass, an extremely low-value material.

Why are so many people against solar farms? ›

Many people are concerned that farmland throughout the United States is disappearing as the country becomes more urban and industrial and they think that solar farms are taking up more land that could be used for farming.

Why are solar panels not worth it? ›

Whether solar panels are worth it depends on where you live, your budget, your roof's characteristics, incentives, and how much energy you use. Solar panels are not worth it for everyone, including those who don't spend a lot on electricity, don't have the space for them, or plan on moving in the near future.

Do solar panels affect the human body? ›

Solar panels are generally considered safe and pose no known health risks when installed and handled correctly. Proper installation and adherence to industry regulations ensure that the panels function safely, without any adverse effects on health.

What is a safe distance to live from a solar farm? ›

According to various research and a 2023 Environmental Impact Report in California indicate that the distance is approximately . 5 miles to 1.2 miles from a solar farm, however, long term research (over 20 years) has not been conducted on the impact to property values or environmental or personal health.

Is solar panel waste 300 times more toxic than nuclear waste? ›

However, this waste is not like ordinary garbage, it is incredibly toxic and poses a significant risk to the environment. In fact, solar panel waste is 300 times more harmful than nuclear waste, and its disposal requires a costly and specialized method.

Do solar panels take more energy to make than they produce? ›

MYTH #1: Solar panels require more energy to manufacture than they produce in their lifetime. FACT: A study by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory conclusively demonstrates that the manufacturing energy cost versus the energy production payback for solar modules is generally less than 4 years.

Are solar panels made sustainable? ›

Solar energy is renewable by nature, which makes it an eco-friendly source of energy that can address our power needs without any harmful repercussions like the emission of greenhouse gases.

Are solar batteries bad for the environment? ›

Solar batteries have lithium ions as the base material which stores energy. The lithium extraction involves mining and processing. These processes require extreme precautions and run on fossil fuels that increase carbon footprint and harmful gases in the environment.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.