What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (2024)


I think fossil fuels are great.

In their place.

And that place is underground and undisturbed by human activity.

The reasons why are kind of obvious:

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (1)

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (2)

And here is an effect that is less immediately obvious, but which might end up killing a lot more people:

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (3)

That picture is what most of the arctic icecap now looks like in the summer. In case you didn’t know, it’s not supposed to be blue and wobbly. It’s supposed to be white and hard and make your tongue stick to it if you lick it.


This is a major problem. The more greenhouse gases heat the earth, the less white ice we have to reflect sunlight back into space where it belongs and the hotter the world gets. Because I live in a place where I can die if my air conditioner breaks down during a heatwave I don’t appreciate anything that makes global warming worse.

Also, I feel some mild concern for the millions of other lives that are at risk.

After all, some of those people make my shoes.

Fortunately, we have everything we need right now to get our greenhouse gas emissions under control and slam them down to almost zero in short order. And the one item that will almost certainly be of greatest benefit in stopping global warming is the humble solar panel.

As a result, whenever I see someone on the internet attempt to equate the environmental harm caused by solar power to that of burning fossil fuels, I roll my eyes so far back in their sockets I can describe in detail the contours of my own brain.

While some environmental harm willresult from the manufacture of solar panels, it is far less than from burning coal, oil, or natural gas. The amount of harm that results per Watt of solar panel produced is decreasing. Within a decade it shouldbe reduced to a trivial amount.

Solar panels are no more dangerous or toxic than dozens of other electronic items you have in your house. One of which you keep in your pants and rub against your face multiple times each day.

The very idea that solar panels could be anywhere as bad as burning fossil fuels is loopier than a box of cereal with a cartoon toucan on the front.

Their Argument

While they’re not as common as they used to be, people who claim solar power is as bad or comparable to fossil fuel use still crop up on the internet surprisingly often. Maybe some of them are just trying to insist the world is as miserable as they feel, but I suspect most are just bored and looking for a fight.

These people claima panel that whichprovides clean electricity for 25 or more years, is somehow as bad as burning coal to produce theequivalent amount of electricity.

That idea is nuttier than a lumpy chocolate bar.

Energy Payback Time

Solar panels do not release greenhouse gases when they generate electricity. There are no secret deliveries of coal to your panels overnight, nor do they have a little connection to the gas mains, and they definitely don’t drive down to the servo to tank up on unleaded.

As a result, their only source of emissions is from their manufacture and a very small amount from transport.1

The energy payback time of solar panels is how long it takes them to produce as much energy as was required to make them. Because solar panels produce electrical energy, which at the moment displaces carbon intensive fossil fuel generated electricity, we can be confident that if they produce more energy over their lifetime than is needed to make them, then they will reduce emissions overall.

Fraunhofer Labs Says PV Energy Payback Is Under One Year

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (5)

Interestingly, Sicily’s coat of arms is actually a coat of legs.

The Fraunhofer Institute For Solar Energy Systems in Germany produced a report in November 2016 that says solar panels in Sicily, which is a very sunny location for Europe, have an energy payback period of one year or less.

According to PVwatts most of Sicily is worse for solar power than Hobart. That is just embarrassing. A place in Europe that is famous for sunshine is slightly worse for solar power than Australia’s worst location? No wonder my father emigrated to Queensland to raise a crop of skin cancers.

Solar panels in Sydney, which is a fairly typical location for solar power in Australia, will produce around 14% more electricity than in Sicily. So even including inverters, roof racking, cables, and other hardware2, we are still looking at one year in Australia.

This means that if solar panels are produced with energy as dirty as they displace and have a lifespan of 25 years they will cut 25 times more emissions than are produced making them.

But the results should be even better than that. In Australia solar electricity mostly displaces coal use and a smaller amount of natural gas while the electricity used to manufacture a Chinese solar panel may now only be around 60% generated from coal. This means, on average, a kilowatt-hour of Chinese electricity is cleaner than a kilowatt-hour generated in Australia. So making panels in China to generate inAustralia accelerates the energy payback3.

An Argument From Economics

Of course, it’s not necessary to rely on smart German people to know that solar panels greatly reduce emissions. A 5th grade education will do.

Solar panels are now available in Shanghai for around 50 cents a watt. Over 25 years one watt of typical solar panel in Australia will produce around 34 kilowatt-hours of electricity. As every 5th grader knows, the cost of industrial electricity in China is around 16 cents a kilowatt-hour4. So even if every single cent in the cost of a solar panel went into paying for electricity, it would still produce around 11 times more electricity than it took to make5.

Energy Payback Times Will Continue To Improve

While solar panels in northern Europe won’t perform as well as those in Australia, they will still cut far more emissions than their production releases. Most of the world’s population lives in areas sunnier than Europe, so the average solar panel will do well.

Energy payback times will also continue to decrease thanks to improved panel efficiency and manufacturing techniques. This may not occur as rapidly as in the past, but it will continue.

And thankfullythe energy used to create solar panels is becoming cleaner over time. China is rapidly expanding renewable generation and now has more solar and wind capacity than any other country6.

Are Solar Panels Chock Full Of Dangerous Chemicals?

Dangerous chemicals are used in the manufacture of solar panels! Not only are these toxic chemicals destroying the environment around manufacturing plants, but after the panels are thrown out the toxins will leak and contaminate groundwater and maybe kill us all!

This approach is much more popular among concern trolls these days than arguing about energy payback times. In an online discussion about the environmental harm caused by coal or other fossil fuels it’s not unusual for someone to chime in and say how environmentally dangerous solar panels are. This implication is that we’ll be sorry we were mean to coal when our children are toxic mutants living in a wasteland strewn with broken solar panels.

Of course, this idea is nuttier than a lumpy chocolate bar smothered in satay sauce.

Sodium Hydroxide And Hydrofluoric Acid, Oh My!

Two dangerous chemicals used in the manufacture of solar panels that are frequently mentioned are sodium hydroxide and hydrofluoric acid.

Another name for Sodium hydroxide is caustic soda and it is basically what Drano is.

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (6)

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you shouldn’t be drinking Drano or splashing it on your face. Along with kero and metho, drano forms one of the trinity of deadly Australian “O”s that you definitely don’t want going down your gullet.

Hydrofluoric acid is really nasty stuff. It goes straight through skin, kills tissue, can cause heart attacks, and you won’t even feel it at first. It’s a killer!7

But don’t worry. There are steps you can take to prevent your solar panels contaminating you with these substances.

When your installer unpacks the panels that are going on your roof, visually inspect them to see if they are coated in a white crystalline substance that is probably hard from absorbing moisture from the air. If you can’t see any, then you are safe from sodium hydroxide.

“But what about trace amounts that can’t be seen?” you may ask. Well, it will wash off when it rains. It’s not going to contaminate the water supply. After all, we use it to unclog drains.

To protect yourself against killer hydrofluoric acid, visually inspect your solar panels to see if they arrive in a large sealed plastic bottle. If they didn’t, then because not much else can contain hydrofluoric acid, any would be long gone by the time the panels get to you, so you’ll be fine.

Hazards To Workers And Locals

The fact is, no solar panel will ever contain, or otherwise be contaminated with, sodium hydroxide or hydrofluoric acid. These are cleaning products used to prepare silicon wafers to become solar cells. After their treatment, none is left behind. The whole point is to clean the wafers, not leave stuff smeared on them.

But these chemicals are definitely a hazard to workers and potentially the environment if not safely handled. Hydrofluoric acid apparently spilled from a Jinko Solar manufacturing plant in Zhejiang China in 2011 and killed fish in a local river. Fortunately, there were no reports of human deaths or injuries.

Environmental Hazard From Silicon Manufacture

What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (7)

Even the tiniest mask leak can be disastrous when exposed to dog gas.

The production of high quality silicon used for solar cells involves creating silicon tetrachloride. Normally this substance is not an environmental hazard because it is valuable and so never leaves the processing plant. But apparently some solar silicon manufacturing companies in China lacked the equipment required to reuse it, so they just dumped it in nearby fields where it gave off chlorine gas.

A little chlorine gas is okay. We use it to disinfect water and sometimes a tiny bit comes out of the tap. But too much and you have a World War One gas attack.

Solar Manufacturers Are Cleaning Up Their Acts

When solar manufacturing first got underway in China the country was an environmental disaster.

The country still is an environmental disaster, but the difference is they are taking effective action to reduce both local environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. As one example, silicon manufacturers are now required to recycle 98.5% of the silicon tetrachloride they produce.8

It may seem hard to believe things are turning around if you are aware of the recent smog alerts in Beijing, but China is following the usual pattern of industrial development. Countries start off poor with horrible pollution controls and as they grow richer they improve them. And China is growing rich faster than any other country in history. Its growth is still impressive despite their recent economic problems and massive levels of corruption.

So the good news is, local environmental problems resulting from panel manufacture are likely to be dealt with locally. But this doesn’t mean it is not a good idea to reward companies that are ahead of the curve with your custom. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to know which companies are cleaner than others.

Oh My God! Dangerous Chemicals Are Everywhere!

Maybe you believe me when I say local environmental pollution from solar panel manufacture is a problem that is being solved. But what about the dangerous chemicals in solar panels that are just waiting to leak out and contaminate our water supply and kill us all?

Well, as I’ve mentioned, dangerous chemicals are definitely used in solar panel manufacture. But they are also used in the production of almost everything you own, including the food in your fridge and the fridge itself.

But you might find that despite this, you are not currently dead.

This is because while your stuff was often made with dangerous chemicals, those chemicals are either not present now or are sealed away so it’s difficult for you to lick or eat them.

While I certainly don’t recommend eating them, there is nothing especially dangerous or toxic in silicon solar panels. At least not compared to things such as TVs, laptops, and mobile phones. And your contact with those items is usually a lot more up close and personal than with solar panels mounted on your roof.

Solar panels also last a hell of a lot longer than the average mobile phone, laptop, or TV. Their expected lifetime is at least 25 years9 and there are panels still working after more than 40 years.

To be consistent, someone who is seriously worried about toxins in solar panels would also have to be worried about toxins in every other electronic device and most non-electronic ones. So if you ever see someone complaining about toxic solar panels online, unless they are on Gilligan’s Island typing on a laptop made out of coconuts, you can be pretty confident they are either a hypocrite or stupid.

Solar Panels Are Mostly Harmless And Non-Toxic

Silicon solar panels are by far the most common type and there is very little in them that is dangerous. The silicon itself isn’t toxic and the chemicals they are doped with are present in miniscule amounts and are not particularly harmful to begin with. The glass and aluminium are not dangerous provided your refrain from using them as weapons and the plastic back sheet and epoxy resin gluing them together is similar to plastics and epoxies used for numerous other applications. I’m not saying there are no dangerous substances and it’s okay to make solar panel smoothies, but as far as electronic waste goes it is fairly benign stuff.

Thin film cadmium telluride solar panels10 are sometimes used in Australia and sound far scarier because cadmium is toxic. But cadmium telluride is a very stable compound and isn’t considered toxic if ingested.

Solar Panel Disposal

Because solar panels have low toxicity and are almost, but not quite, completely harmless doesn’t mean they should not be disposed of responsibly once they reach the end of their very long lives. But we currently have more pressing electronic waste problems from things that don’t save lives by limiting climate change.

I’m not asking for special treatment for solar panels… No, wait, screw it, I am! I don’t think recycling solar panels will turn out to be any kind of major problem, but if it does, I am quite happy to kick that can 30 or 40 years down the road for future people to deal with. After all, what do you think the next generation would rather be left with? Flooding, heatwaves, and famine, or a stack of old solar panels in the garage?


  1. It is technically possible some emissions could result from their eventual disposal decades in the future, but as solar recycling programsroll out, those emissions become tiny.
  2. which may increase energy payback time by roughly 20%
  3. In addition, a portion of the energy used to make solar panels is thermal rather than electrical which is less carbon intensive. Using coal to generate about one kilowatt-hour of heat energy releases around one-third as much CO2 as using coal to generate one kilowatt-hour of electricity
  4. While the exact amount is secret, in Australia BHP pays about one-third as much.
  5. Thermal energy is also used to make solar panels and is much cheaper than electrical energy, but not enough is used to change thefact thatno manufacturer is going to sell them for less than they cost to make
  6. Because wind turbines in the United States operate at a higher average capacity, they may still produce more electricity from wind overall.
  7. In chemistry fluorine, which is found in hydrofluoric acid, is represented by a big F. Some compounds containing fluorine are safe, but others are so incredibly dangerous that in order to be safe you really need to get the F out.
  8. So their dumping fields should only give off one 66th as much chlorine gas as they used to.
  9. Unless you didn’t follow our advice and bought crap panels.
  10. Note that the wikipedia article reads as though it was written by a thin film solar panel manufacturer. This is a pity because it is the first solar article many people will read on the topic.



What You Need to Know About Solar Panels And The Environment (2024)


How do solar panels affect the environment? ›

As a renewable source of power, solar energy has an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change, which is critical to protecting humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Solar energy can also improve air quality and reduce water use from energy production.

What are 2 disadvantages to the environment of using solar energy? ›

The potential environmental impacts associated with solar power—land use and habitat loss, water use, and the use of hazardous materials in manufacturing—can vary greatly depending on the technology, which includes two broad categories: photovoltaic (PV) solar cells or concentrating solar thermal plants (CSP).

What are 3 important facts about solar energy? ›

10 facts about solar energy
  • It's the cheapest energy.
  • The efficiency of solar energy.
  • Panels produce energy without direct sunlight.
  • Panels can last up to 30 years.
  • It is the most abundant energy on earth.
  • Countries investing the most in solar energy.
  • Solar energy was discovered almost 200 years ago.
Dec 7, 2022

What is the biggest problem with solar energy? ›

Intermittency. One of the biggest problems that solar energy technology poses is that energy is only generated while the sun is shining. That means nighttime and overcast days can interrupt the supply.

What environment is best for solar panels? ›

In addition to plenty of sun and moderate temperatures, solar works best in regions with light winds and low humidity.

What is the downside of getting solar panels? ›

Disadvantages of solar energy include a high initial cost, an inability to work on every roof type, and sometimes difficulty in finding a reputable and local installer (depending on where you live).

Are solar panels safe for humans? ›

In summary, solar panels are a healthy, safe, and effective alternative to other energy sources. Whether solar panels are installed on your roof or across the street from your home, you do not need to worry about any adverse effects that could negatively impact your health.

What are 10 disadvantages of solar energy? ›

10 Disadvatanges Of Solar Panels
  • High upfront cost. ...
  • The size of system is dependent on your available space. ...
  • Requires sunny weather to work best. ...
  • Manufacturing of solar panels can harm the environment. ...
  • Low energy conversion rate. ...
  • Cannot be used at night. ...
  • Solar panels are fixed at their installed location.

What are 5 cons of solar energy? ›

Cons of Solar Energy
  • High Cost of Solar Panels. ...
  • Sunlight Dependent. ...
  • Installation Can Be Difficult. ...
  • Space Constraints. ...
  • Solar Energy Storage Is Expensive. ...
  • Environmental Impact of Manufacturing. ...
  • Difficulty With Relocation. ...
  • Scarcity of Materials.
Jan 5, 2023

What are the negative benefits of solar energy? ›

Land Use. Large utility-scale solar panels take up a lot of space, which can result in environmental degradation and habitat loss. Solar farms that cover a large amount of land are likely to have an impact on the local fauna and flora, particularly on birds.

Does solar energy have any negative effects? ›

Some types of PV cell technologies use heavy metals, and these types of cells and PV panels may require special handling when they reach the end of their useful life. Some solar thermal systems use potentially hazardous fluids to transfer heat, and leaks of these materials could be harmful to the environment.

How long do solar panels last? ›

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic or PV panels, are made to last more than 25 years. In fact, many solar panels installed as early as the 1980s are still working at expected capacity. Not only are solar panels remarkably reliable, solar panel longevity has increased dramatically over the last 20 years.

How much battery does it take to go off the grid? ›

Generally, we would recommend a minimum of two days of storage capacity. Looking at my example, that would be about 17.25kWh. Considering how close we are, I would probably push that up to 20kWh of storage, however, you're probably going to be bound by what increments your preferred battery comes in.

Is switching to solar worth it? ›

In most cases, installing residential solar panels is worth it. Solar panels typically last 25 years or more and can dramatically reduce or even eliminate your electricity bills — you can save an average of $1,346 annually on energy bills by going solar. Solar is a large upfront investment.

What happens if one solar panel fails? ›

It's also possible that one solar panel in your pv array failed. As the pv modules are connected in series, one failing pv module will shut down the entire system.

Do solar panels work in winter? ›

Even in below-freezing weather, solar panels turn sunlight into electricity. That's because solar panels absorb energy from our sun's abundant light, not the sun's heat. In fact, cold climates are actually optimal for solar panel efficiency.

Is solar better than Electric? ›

Although solar equipment can be more expensive initially, the main reason that people choose solar power instead of electricity is the cost savings. Solar energy is very efficient and able to pay back the cost of installation over a number of years.

Does rain affect solar panels? ›

Solar panels can still operate in the rain, but their power output depends on cloud coverage. Heavy rain clouds will most likely hinder energy production, but rainfall provides a safe and easy way to clean solar panels.

Is it safe to walk near solar panels? ›

While solar panels can withstand a lot of weight and you can walk on top of them, this is never recommended. Many variables could cause damage to the modules at your PV system, and the risk is never worth it.

Is it safe to live near solar panels? ›

Electromagnetic fields produced by solar panels and transmitted to the electricity grid are incredibly weak. The World Health Organization states that despite significant research, there is no proof that low-level electromagnetic field exposure is harmful to human health (WHO).

Do solar panels work at night? ›

Do Solar Panels Work at Night? Solar panels can still provide electricity to your house at night, but they cannot draw power in the nighttime. The more sciency explanation is the photovoltaic effect—when solar cells get activated from the sun—which is what causes the generation of electrical current.

What is the country that uses the most solar energy? ›

China- 392 GW

China's solar prowess is staggering. With a whopping 392 GW, the country is the largest producer of solar energy in the world. In the first six months of 2022, the nation has deployed more than 30.88 GW of Solar PV systems.

What are the 4 main uses of solar energy? ›

The five main uses of solar energy are solar electricity, solar water heating, solar heating, solar ventilation and solar lighting. There are more uses for solar energy, but home solar installation and businesses typically use solar energy for these purposes.

How much efficiency do solar panels lose per year? ›

Let's do a little math: solar panels suffer a 0.5% to 1% efficiency loss every year. At the end of a 25-year warranty, your panels should still produce energy at 75-87.5% of their rated output. According to an NREL study [PDF], nearly 80% of solar panels last longer than their warranty.

What is the future of solar energy? ›

Some of the most promising developments in solar technology include the use of nanomaterials to increase the efficiency of solar cells, the development of transparent solar panels that can be integrated into windows and other building materials, and the use of artificial intelligence to optimize the performance of ...

Do solar farms damage the soil? ›

A solar system releases very little aluminum into the soil, and studies have proven that it has no harmful effects on the planet and it is safe to place solar panels near crops.

Is using solar energy expensive? ›

Price Per Watt

The average cost to install solar panels per watt is between $0.90 and $1.50 per watt for the materials and an additional 25% for the labor. This means you'll spend anywhere between $1.10 and $1.90 per watt in total.

How does solar energy reduce electricity bills? ›

Essentially, the idea is that the power you get from your solar panels replaces the power that you'd need to buy from your utility, and when you break down the monthly cost of your solar panels and compare that to how much power they produce, the cost per kWh for electricity from your solar panels is lower than ...

What are 3 important uses of solar panels? ›

The most commonly used solar technologies for homes and businesses are solar photovoltaics for electricity, passive solar design for space heating and cooling, and solar water heating.

What is the main purpose of solar panels? ›

Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

Why are solar panels a good choice? ›

Provides clean, renewable energy

Home solar is a clean, emissions-free, and renewable energy source. Unlike fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas, home solar doesn't release harmful pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions—like carbon dioxide—into the air and water supply.

What is the basic knowledge of the solar system? ›

Our solar system consists of our star, the Sun, and everything bound to it by gravity – the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune; dwarf planets such as Pluto; dozens of moons; and millions of asteroids, comets, and meteoroids.

What are 10 amazing facts? ›

Interesting Unknown facts that you need to know
  • Hot water will turn into ice faster than cold water. ...
  • The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. ...
  • The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. ...
  • Ants take rest for around 8 Minutes in 12-hour period. ...
  • "I Am" is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

What are 2 interesting facts about solar energy? ›

Top 6 Things You Didn't Know About Solar Energy
  • Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on earth -- 173,000 terawatts of solar energy strikes the Earth continuously. ...
  • The first silicon solar cell, the precursor of all solar-powered devices, was built by Bell Laboratories in 1954.
Jun 6, 2016

How often do solar panels need to be cleaned? ›

It is generally recommended to clean solar panels every 6 months to a year in order to maintain the productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of the panels. However, based on where you live and the level of dirt and pollution, the need for cleaning may be more frequent.

Do solar panels need maintenance? ›

Solar panels typically don't require much maintenance other than periodic cleaning and keeping them free from obstacles that can cast shadows over the panels. Solar panels need an unobstructed path to the sun to operate optimally.

How long do solar panels take to pay for themselves? ›

The most common estimate of the average payback period for solar panels is six to ten years. This is a pretty wide range because there are many factors that will influence the number of years it can take to pay off your panels and the monthly savings you can expect.

Are solar panels more environmentally friendly? ›

To achieve this, solar panels use solar radiation from the sun to generate heat, which is then converted into electricity. This makes solar energy one of the most eco-friendly energy sources available, as it has virtually no effect on the environment and is capable of providing clean energy for homes and businesses.

Are solar panels worse for the environment than fossil fuels? ›

Solar panels are a great source of clean energy because, unlike fossil fuels, solar energy doesn't produce harmful carbon emissions while creating electricity.

Do solar panels add heat to the environment? ›

A systematic review of 116 papers looking at how solar panels affect the surrounding environment has found that they can significantly warm cities during the day. This heating can also affect the performance of the photovoltaic (PV) systems, the study found.

Do solar farms contaminate the soil? ›

A solar system releases very little aluminum into the soil, and studies have proven that it has no harmful effects on the planet and it is safe to place solar panels near crops.

Is solar energy 100% environmentally friendly? ›

While many aspects of electricity generation from solar power are 100% sustainable, there are currently no renewable or non-renewable energy sources with zero environmental impact. With solar power, most of the negative environmental impact comes from production and manufacturing.

What happens to solar panel waste? ›

Solar panels are now classified as universal waste and can be collected at more than 400 universal waste handlers in California, where they are then assessed and transported to disposal, reuse or recycle facilities.

Do solar panels make climate change worse? ›

Naturally solar panels don't generate any greenhouse gas emissions, but coal-fired power plants emit about 2 pounds of carbon dioxide for every kWh. This CO2 builds up in the atmosphere and continues to have a warming effect for a long time.

Is solar worse than coal? ›

Solar energy does not need to burn fossil fuels to produce energy. Therefore, it is less likely to release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The phrase “reducing carbon dioxide emissions” is a phrase you may have seen on the news, or just simply spoken. Reduced CO2 emissions is a key benefit of solar power.

What are the negative effects of solar farms? ›

Solar panels can be damaged by heat or flames, which can then lead to fires. In addition, solar farms can generate electrical fires – something that is not only dangerous but also difficult to contain.

What are the pros and cons of solar panels? ›

Pros and Cons of Solar Energy
Advantages of Solar EnergyDisadvantages of Solar Energy
Decreases use of non-renewable resourcesHigh upfront costs
Reduces power billSunlight dependent
Energy independenceSpace constraints
Long-term savingsEnvironmental impact of manufacturing
5 more rows
Jan 5, 2023

Do solar panels need ventilation? ›

The performance (output power) of solar panels reduces when they get hot. A vented air gap allows heat to escape and helps the panel, and the surface they are installed on, maintain a lower temperature. When panels run less hot their longevity is also improved.

Is it unhealthy to live near a solar farm? ›

Electricity from solar panels and transmission to the power grid emits extremely weak electromagnetic fields. Exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields has been studied extensively, and there is no evidence that it is harmful to human health, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Do solar panels contaminate drinking water? ›

Firstly, solar panels produce no direct pollution and do not contain toxic materials that can end up in our drinking water supply. Solar photovoltaic (PV) cells use semiconductor materials such as silicon and gallium arsenide that have been proven safe for human consumption.

Are there any harmful wastes produced by solar energy? ›

Hazardous Waste or Not? Solar panel waste can include heavy metals such as silver, lead, arsenic and cadmium that – at certain levels – may be classified as hazardous waste.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.