Can You Live Solely Off of Rental Property Income? (2024)

To live off rental property income, you’ll need to identify the ideal property, price the rent appropriately, find A+ residents, and maintain and manage the property. You’ll also need to do all these things while maintaining a positive cash flow. If you can do this, you have the opportunity to create a passive income stream that will also offer you long-term security and tax advantages.

With more understanding of each of these challenges, you can decide if you can live solely off rental property income. If living off rental income feels daunting, we’ve got a solution to making renting a home enjoyable and hassle-free.

How to determine how much money you need to live off your rental property incomes

Before you decide if you can live off your rental property income, you’ll need a firm grasp on your finances. Knowing how much money you will need each month to sustain your current or desired lifestyle is essential.

Understanding your monthly expenses is critical to creating the most accurate financial picture. These expenses typically fall into a few categories:

You can also use your monthly take-home income as a starting point to determine your monthly income needs. Be sure to account for any other sources of income that you will continue to have.

Consider emergencies and retirement planning

In deciding if you can live off your rental property income, you should also consider planning for emergencies and retirement. It’s a good idea to ensure that you have an emergency fund covering your expenses for 3-12 months. The amount you set aside for an emergency fund will depend on your desired level of risk. Ensuring you have a funded emergency account will provide you with a safety net and limit the likelihood of needing to rely on a credit card in an emergency. If you already have a cash flow-positive rental property, consider continuing to work or maintaining other income sources until you’ve built up an emergency fund. You may also consider building a reserve for maintenance, repairs, and capital improvements.

It’s also important to consider retirement planning with your investment properties. Will your rental property income need to help you save for retirement, or are you already on track? Do you plan on selling your rental properties to fund your retirement? If you need to continue saving for retirement, include this in your monthly expense calculations. It may also be prudent to consult a financial adviser who can aid you in making these important financial decisions.

How to find properties that will allow you to live off rental income

If you do not already own an investment property, you will need to identify potential rental properties aligned with your financial goals. You’ll want to look for a market where demand for rentals is increasing, but there are properties in your price range. You can also look for areas with stable job markets and economic growth.

In some cases, the market where you currently live might not be your best choice for buying an investment property. As a result, you may end up managing an out-of-state rental property. If you are beginning your search for a rental property, finding a real estate agent who understands your financial goals and is knowledgeable about the markets you choose to search within is essential.

How to maximize rental property cash flow

Effectively managing and maximizing cash flow for your investment properties will allow you to live off the rental property income. Several factors can impact your ability to maintain a positive cash flow. You’ll need to show your rental property in the best light possible to attract high-quality residents. Marketing your property will allow you to avoid vacancies that are detrimental to your cash flow and retain residents who will appreciate your rental home. You may also want to consider upgrades that will allow you to increase rental pricing.

Finding the right rental price for your investment property is often the most critical challenge in ensuring you maintain a positive cash flow.

How to find the right rental price

While there are numerous rental pricing factors, the best way to determine the ideal price requires you to understand your property and the current rental market. Do you know what makes your rental property uniquely attractive to potential residents? If you can emphasize these factors, you’re more likely to find a resident who appreciates the unique characteristics of your rental home. For example, is your rental property located in a good school district? If so, you may be able to find a family who plans to rent the property for the duration of their children’s education. Knowing this upfront can help you attract potential residents who might be best suited to your property. With all this information, you can better decide how much rent to charge to ensure you attract residents and have a positive cash flow.

How to prepare for and manage rental property expenses

Expenses associated with your investment property can significantly impact your ability to live off your rental income. To mitigate the impact of these expenses, you’ll need to calculate and plan for these costs carefully.

Most importantly, the monthly income generated by your rental property needs to cover all basic expenses, including the mortgage, property taxes, property management costs, insurance, licenses & permits, and any planned capital expenses.

Rental property maintenance and repair reserves

Rental property expenses will also include maintenance and repairs. If you have owned your rental property for more than a year, you may estimate your monthly maintenance and repair costs more quickly. If not, you’ll need to calculate the annual cost of maintenance. If you don’t currently have a reserve fund for maintenance and repairs, it may be necessary to set aside some money for more expensive or unplanned repairs and replacements.

Property management costs and fees

To accurately decide if you can live off your rental property income, you’ll also need to plan for your property management needs and costs. If you plan to self-manage the property, you must account for all management expenses, including your own time. You may also consider the ROI of hiring a property management company. Most property management services will charge a percentage of the monthly rental value anywhere between 6-12%. While you may require property management to create a passive income stream, you should be aware of any additional fees associated with traditional property management. These fees can add up quickly and affect your profitability.

How to find a partner to support your real estate investment strategy

The path to living off rental income can be daunting. Belong helps homeowners maintain a positive cash flow and limit the hassles of owning an investment property.

Belong isn’t your old-school property management company. We offer homeowners 24/7 access to our in-house maintenance team of knowledgeable professionals committed to getting the job done right. Belong helps you set the ideal rental price by using actual market data and a measure of real-time interest from potential residents to maximize the value of your home.

We work with you to attract, screen, and retain residents who will appreciate your property. Once we’ve found the right residents for your property, our concierge team will collect rent, schedule any visits, and support you and your residents.

Our management fee is transparent (8%), capped at $599, and all-inclusive. We never charge markups or hidden fees, so you can accurately plan for the expense of owning a rental property. To help you maintain a positive cash flow, we also offer guaranteed rental payments while you work with us. With guaranteed rent, you’ll get paid, even if your residents don’t pay.

At Belong, we are committed to helping you maximize your income, make strategic decisions about your real estate investments, and have a positive experience.

Learn more and schedule a consultation with Belong.

Jordan Newsom is a highly-caffeinated writer who loves delighting readers, using content to teach, and broadening perspectives. When she's not behind a computer screen, she's hunting down the best coffee shops, breweries, and restaurant patios in Denver, Colorado.

Can You Live Solely Off of Rental Property Income? (2024)


Can You Live Solely Off of Rental Property Income? ›

This is an immature and incomplete question. But the simple answer is every source of income is taxable. If your monthly rental income net off taxes is more than your monthly expenses, then yes, you can live off the rental income. But do know that rental income is not a guaranteed source.

Can you live off of rental income? ›

Effectively managing and maximizing cash flow for your investment properties will allow you to live off the rental property income. Several factors can impact your ability to maintain a positive cash flow. You'll need to show your rental property in the best light possible to attract high-quality residents.

What is the rental income 1% rule? ›

What Is The 1% Rule In Real Estate? The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of the investment property against the gross income it will generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must be equal to or no less than 1% of the purchase price.

Can rental income be ordinary income? ›

The IRS treats rental income as regular income for tax purposes. This means you'll need to add your rental income to any other income sources you may have when you file your taxes. Keep in mind that you may be able to deduct certain qualified expenses to decrease what you owe at the end of the year.

How do you make a living off of rental property? ›

Here are six tips on how to make money renting out houses.
  1. Purchase an Investment Property. ...
  2. Determine Your Operating Expenses. ...
  3. Set a Competitive Rent Price and Rental Fees. ...
  4. Invest in Landlord Software. ...
  5. Find Reliable Tenants. ...
  6. Reduce Tenant Turnover.
Dec 6, 2022

How much passive income is enough to retire? ›

Percentage Of Your Salary

Some experts recommend that you save at least 70 – 80% of your preretirement income. This means if you earned $100,000 year before retiring, you should plan on spending $70,000 – $80,000 a year in retirement. A benefit of this strategy is that it's easy to calculate.

How do you make passive income with rental property? ›

  1. Rents. The first source of passive income on rental properties is the rent you charge tenants. ...
  2. Capital gains. You have capital gains when you sell the property for more than you paid. ...
  3. Tax write-offs. The problem with having a profitable rental property is the taxes. ...
  4. Debt paydown. ...
  5. Long-term investing is the way to go.
Mar 21, 2022

Is rental income at risk? ›

At-risk refers to what you've invested in a particular activity. For rental activities, you're usually at risk for the: Adjusted basis of real properties. Certain amounts you've borrowed.

What is the 50% rule in real estate? ›

Like many rules of real estate investing, the 50 percent rule isn't always accurate, but it can be a helpful way to estimate expenses for rental property. To use it, an investor takes the property's gross rent and multiplies it by 50 percent, providing the estimated monthly operating expenses. That sounds easy, right?

What is the best rental to income ratio? ›

As a general rule of thumb, landlords should aim for a rent-to-income ratio of no more than 30%. Meaning the tenant should earn at least three times the rent amount.

How does the IRS know if I have rental income? ›

Ways the IRS can find out about rental income include routing tax audits, real estate paperwork and public records, and information from a whistleblower. Investors who don't report rental income may be subject to accuracy-related penalties, civil fraud penalties, and possible criminal charges.

Can rental income be passive income? ›

Some of the simplest, most accessible ways to make money from passive income include: Rental income: Rent out a garage, room, or a house or apartment if you have it. This can be a short-term or longer-term arrangement.

What percentage of rental income goes to expenses? ›

Most landlords try to keep their gross operating income — the total operating expense in relation to total revenue or income — around 35% to 45% for each rental.

How many rental properties do I need to become a millionaire? ›

To become a real estate millionaire, you may have to own at least ten properties. If this is your goal, you need to accumulate rental properties with a total value of at least a million.

Can you become a millionaire from rental property? ›

Becoming a millionaire from real estate investing isn't as far-fetched as it may seem, but it's not an easy goal to reach. You shouldn't expect it to happen overnight, but it is achievable. If you have the right knowledge, develop a plan, and be persistent enough, you can become a millionaire real estate investor.

Is rental property a good source of income? ›

Rental properties can be financially rewarding and have numerous tax benefits, including the ability to deduct insurance, the interest on your mortgage, and maintenance costs.

Can I retire at 70 with $500,000? ›

It also depends on when you are retiring. If you are retiring at 70 — when you get the most from Social Security — and have $500,000, you will be in a much better place than retiring at 60 with no Social Security or Medicare.” It's also possible to retire on $500,000 — or less — if you have access to a pension.

Can I retire at 60 with 500k? ›

The quick answer is “yes”! With some planning, you can retire at 60 with $500k. Remember, however, that your lifestyle will significantly affect how long your savings will last.

Can I retire at 60 with 200k? ›

Can I retire at 60 with $200k? At 60, you can more easily retire on $200,000, especially if you plan to start taking Social Security at 62. But keep in mind that when you take the earliest Social Security option, you dramatically reduce your monthly payout for the remainder of your life.

How to make $1,000 a day in passive income? ›

How To Make $1,000 A Day
  1. Make Money Blogging. Out of all the ways to make $1,000 a day, making money with a blog has to be my favorite. ...
  2. Start An Ecommerce Business. ...
  3. Start A Service-Based Business. ...
  4. Day-Trading Stocks. ...
  5. Retail Arbitrage. ...
  6. Passive Income Rentals. ...
  7. Use Geo-Arbitrage. ...
  8. Crypto Trading.
Mar 19, 2023

Is Airbnb income considered passive income? ›

Airbnb lets you generate passive income from your home or spare room. Being an Airbnb host involves listing your property on its platform, which handles bookings and communications with guests. Hosts are paid out based on guest stays.

What makes a rental property profitable? ›

Most real estate investors make a profit from the cash flow a rental property generates. Cash flow is determined by a variety of factors, including: Property purchase price. Mortgage payment (principal and interest)

What is the biggest risk of owning a rental property? ›

#1: Vacancy Rates

The biggest and most common risk that real estate investors need to consider is high vacancy rates! Tenants will be the primary income source for all your rental properties. So, if you want them to make money, you need to keep your property occupied!

How does the IRS know where you live? ›

IRS computers are connected into all other government (Federal and State) systems, which means they have access to DMV, Unemployment, voter registration, and Social Security records. If you give your current address to any government agency, the IRS can access it.

Why is rental income negative? ›

A negative cash flow rental property is one that costs you more money than it earns each month. Having negative cash flow means that you will be paying for some of the monthly expenses with your personal income.

How much of rental income is profit? ›

The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

What is the 70 rule in real estate? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

What is the 36 rule in real estate? ›

A household should spend a maximum of 28% of its gross monthly income on total housing expenses according to this rule, and no more than 36% on total debt service. This includes housing and other debt such as car loans and credit cards. Lenders often use this rule to assess whether to extend credit to borrowers.

Should rent be no more than 30%? ›

Try the 30% rule. One popular rule of thumb is the 30% rule, which says to spend around 30% of your gross income on rent. So if you earn $3,200 per month before taxes, you should spend about $960 per month on rent. This is a solid guideline, but it's not one-size-fits-all advice.

How much should your rent be? ›

Spending around 30% of your income on rent is the golden rule when you're trying to figure out how much you can afford to pay. Spending 30% of your income on rent can help you reach a healthy balance between comfort and affordability. On a median income, 30% should get you an apartment you can truly call home.

Is 30% of income on rent too much? ›

The 30% rule of thumb for rent recommends spending no more than about one-third of your monthly income on a rent payment each month. National housing guidelines have contributed to the 30% rule's use as a standard of rental housing affordability.

Who gets audited by IRS the most? ›

Who gets audited by the IRS the most? In terms of income levels, the IRS in recent years has audited taxpayers with incomes below $25,000 and above $500,000 at higher-than-average rates, according to government data.

What expenses can be deducted from rental income? ›

These expenses may include mortgage interest, property tax, operating expenses, depreciation, and repairs. You can deduct the ordinary and necessary expenses for managing, conserving and maintaining your rental property. Ordinary expenses are those that are common and generally accepted in the business.

Does Airbnb report to IRS? ›

The rule is simple: you don't have to report rental income if you stay within the 14-day rule. However, because of reporting laws, companies like Airbnb, HomeAway and VRBO may report to the IRS all income you receive from short-term rentals, even if you rent for less than two weeks.

What kind of income is not taxable? ›

Nontaxable income won't be taxed, whether or not you enter it on your tax return. The following items are deemed nontaxable by the IRS: Inheritances, gifts and bequests. Cash rebates on items you purchase from a retailer, manufacturer or dealer.

What are the three types of income? ›

Three of the main types of income are earned, passive and portfolio. Earned income includes wages, salary, tips and commissions. Passive or unearned income could come from rental properties, royalties and limited partnerships. Portfolio or investment income includes interest, dividends and capital gains on investments.

Is rental income earned income or investment income? ›

Is Rental Income Earned Income? Rental income is typically considered unearned income by tax authorities like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

What if expenses are more than rental income? ›

If your expenses for rental use are more than your rental income, you may not be able to deduct all of the rental expenses. See How To Figure Rental Income and Deductions in Publication 527.

Can I write off furniture for rental property? ›

Yes, furniture—and any costs to repair existing furniture—can be a deductible expense come tax time. The same applies to amenities and appliances you purchase for your guests, such as a toaster, a TV, bed sheets, and towels. Larger items are usually entered as assets that depreciate.

What is a good cap rate for rental property? ›

Market analysts say an ideal cap rate is between five and 10 percent; the exact number will depend on the property type and location. In comparison, a cap rate lower than five percent denotes lesser risk but a more extended period to recover an investment.

Are landlords usually wealthy? ›

The value of those properties isn't necessarily through the roof: 40% of landlords own less than $200,000 worth of property, and an additional 30% fall in the $200,000-$400,000 range. Only 30% of landlords own properties worth $400,000 or more, with 7% at the top owning properties worth $1 million or more.

How many properties do most landlords own? ›

99.0% of landlords own 1- to 4-unit properties. The average landlord rents to 2.5 households or 5.9 individuals.

Why 90% of millionaires invest in real estate? ›

Federal tax benefits

Because of the many tax benefits, real estate investors often end up paying less taxes overall even as they are bringing in more income. This is why many millionaires invest in real estate. Not only does it make you money, but it allows you to keep a lot more of the money you make.

What investment makes the most millionaires? ›

No matter how much their annual salary may be, most millionaires put their money where it will grow, usually in stocks, bonds, and other types of stable investments. Millionaires put their money into places where it will grow such as mutual funds, stocks and retirement accounts.

Is real estate a safer investment than stocks? ›

While stocks are a well-known investment option, not everyone knows that buying real estate is also considered an investment. Under the right circ*mstances, real estate can be an alternative to stocks, offering lower risk, yielding better returns, and providing greater diversification.

How long does it take to be a millionaire in real estate? ›

It is possible to build a net worth of one million dollars in a couple of years with real estate. It also may take five years, ten years, or even fifteen years. Only five percent of households are millionaires so even if it takes a while you will be ahead of the pack.

Is owning rental property stressful? ›

Make no mistake; there are a TON of positives to owning rental property. However, don't jump into the rental property game without seeing that there are negatives and it can get very stressful. People often overlook things like times of vacancy, tenants who don't pay rent, and maintenance issues.

Is renting ever better than owning? ›

If you're only going to live in a place for only a year or two, renting makes more sense. However, if you're going to stay there for three years or more, then buying would be a good idea and it becomes a better idea the longer you stay.

What are two disadvantages of renting? ›

Cons of Renting:
  • Your landlord can increase the rent at any time.
  • You cannot build equity if you're renting a property. ...
  • There are no tax benefits to renting a property.
  • You cannot make any changes to your house or your apartment without your landlord's approval.
  • Many houses available for rent have a “No Pets” policy.
Oct 31, 2019

How much profit can you make on rental income? ›

The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

Is rent 70% of income? ›

For example, if your gross monthly income is $5,000, the maximum you should be paying for rent is $1,500 (30% of 5,000 is 1,500). That would leave 70% of your gross monthly income to cover other necessities, such as utilities and food, discretionary spending, debt repayment, and savings.

What is the 4 3 2 1 real estate strategy? ›

The 4-3-2-1 Approach

This ratio allocates 40% of your income towards expenses, 30% towards housing, 20% towards savings and investments and 10% towards insurance.

What is a good monthly return on rental property? ›

Generally, a good ROI for rental property is considered to be around 8 to 12% or higher. However, many investors aim for even higher returns. It's important to remember that ROI isn't the only factor to consider while evaluating the profitability of a rental property investment.

What happens if my expenses are more than my rental income? ›

When your expenses from a rental property exceed your rental income, your property produces a net operating loss. This situation often occurs when you have a new mortgage, as mortgage interest is a deductible expense.

Is it normal to spend 50% of income on rent? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule is a popular rule of thumb for understanding your budget that suggests spending 50% of your net income on living essentials (including rent), 30% of your net income on nonessentials, and 20% of your net income on saving for your financial goals.

What is a healthy percentage of income to spend on rent? ›

It is recommended that you spend 30% of your monthly income on rent at maximum, and to consider all the factors involved in your budget, including additional rental costs like renters insurance or your initial security deposit.

What does 2 1 2 times rent mean? ›

Rent To Income Ratio: Income Multiplier

If you want a tenant to make at least 2.5 times the monthly rent, you will use the 2.5 multiplier, and so on. Many landlords use the 3x multiplier, but you will need to determine what multiplier fits your rental business.

What rental properties are most profitable? ›

What Types of Commercial Properties Are the Most Profitable? High-Tenant Properties – Typically, properties with a high number of tenants will give the best return on investment. These properties include RVs, self-storage, apartment complexes, and office spaces.

What percentage of Americans rent? ›

(According to the Pew Research Center, about 36 percent of American households rented, rather than owned, their homes in 2019, the last year that reliable data was available from the Census Bureau.) Moody's first started tracking the metric in 1999, when the typical rent-to-income ratio was 22.5 percent.

What are the 4 C's in real estate? ›

Standards may differ from lender to lender, but there are four core components — the four C's — that lender will evaluate in determining whether they will make a loan: capacity, capital, collateral and credit.

What are the three C's of real estate? ›

They evaluate credit and payment history, income and assets available for a down payment and categorize their findings as the Three C's: Capacity, Credit and Collateral.

Which is generally the riskiest real estate strategy? ›

Opportunistic is the riskiest of all real estate investment strategies. It is also synonymous with 'growth' in the stock market, like 'value-add,' but it is even riskier. Opportunistic investors take on the most complicated projects and may not see a return on their investment for three or more years.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.