Billionaires+highlight+solid+investment+in+farmland (2024)

No, Bill Gates does not own 80% of all U.S. farmland. The billionaire philanthropist and Microsoft founder recently cleared the air on his 11th Ask Me Anything session on Reddit.

In response to a question, “Why are you buying up so much farmland, do you think this is a problem with billionaire wealth and how much you can disproportionately acquire?” Bill Gates responded, “My investment team bought the farmland. (But,) It is less than .1% of all U.S. farmland because the ownership is so diverse. We invest in the farms to raise productivity. Some are near cities and might end up having other uses.”

The purchase of over 2,000 acres of prime North Dakota farmland by a group connected to Bill Gates has evoked strong feelings regarding laws from the Great Depression era created to safeguard family farms and has raised questions about the billionaire’s motives.

Farmland as an investment

Farmland investing has a long history of producing stable returns. The returns are due to increasing farmland values and the profit from the cash crops.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City published its report titled “Growth in Farmland Values Slows Amid Higher Interest Rates.” The report highlights that farm real estate values increased considerably in 2022 but showed signs of softening during the final months of 2022 as interest rates rose sharply.

Elevated commodity prices continued to support profit opportunities for many producers across the farm sector, but concerns about operating expenses, higher interest rates, and intense drought persisted.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, inflation-adjusted net farm income is forecast to be $167.3 billion in 2022. It represents an 8.3-percent increase from 2021 and the highest level since 1973.

The global population has been increasing, and the demand for food has been steadily growing. A meta-analysis of projected global food demand by Nature indicates the total global food demand is expected to increase by 35% to 56% between 2010 and 2050. It will have a significant impact on agricultural markets. Farmers worldwide need to boost crop production somehow by expanding the amount of farmland devoted to agriculture or by increasing productivity on existing agricultural properties.

Currently, investors are attracted to farmland due to its low correlation with the stock market’s volatility. This makes it an exceptional tool for diversifying portfolios.

Farmers have pricing power for their crops. Food is not a discretionary item on any budget. Farmland increases in value when agricultural products increase since the underlying land becomes more valuable. It makes farmland well-suited to retain value over time, even during recessions or inflationary environments.

The lure of alternative assets

Billionaires and high-net-worth endowment funds always have diversified their investments from stocks and bonds into alternative assets.

Although Bill Gates is the largest private farmland owner in the U.S., other billionaires are also landowners. The billionaire media mogul Ted Turner owns 2 million acres, while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has amassed 420,000 acres.

In a 2014 letter to investors, Warren Buffet described farmland as an investment with “no downside and potentially substantial upside.”

Large institutional investors have favored farmland for a long time. The top U.S. university endowment funds have invested billions in cropland and other real estate investments.

The tax exemptions granted to pension funds and endowments in the United States undoubtedly bolster the financialization of farmland.

Federal tax regulations stipulate that most private foundations must spend a minimum of 5% of their net assets annually to maintain their tax-exempt status. Universities are excluded from this mandate, and their investments’ income does not face the 15% federal capital gains tax.

Impacts of financialization on agriculture

The way farmland is utilized as a part of the multibillion-dollar portfolios for wealthy institutions and billionaires should not be overlooked. Not only does it signify an ever-growing concentration of wealth at the top, but this especially holds tremendous relevance due to controlling a vital food source.

As early as 1980, concerns over the implications for American agriculture due to the investment of pension funds in farmland led to U.S. Senate hearings. Sen. Gaylord Nelson worried about the escalating price of farmland, making it almost impossible to start farming.

He said, “We will then replace the system of dispersed ownership of farmland by those who till the soil and plan to hand it on to their children with ownership by investors, speculators, and institutions interested in maximizing their economic gain.”

The USDA granted funds to Madeleine Fairbairn for studying “farmland financialization.”

Her research concluded that land allows institutional investors to diversify their risk while earning a respectable profit. However, to the small farmers, it’s their very livelihood. The land is essential to farmers, indigenous peoples, and rural communities – it provides them with food security, pride, and cultural identity.

Although Gates does not own 80% of the American farmland, the high ownership level raises concern. With time, as more and more investors regard farmland as a regular financial asset class, the price of farmland might fluctuate dramatically. We cannot allow these precious resources to become tools in an investment arsenal; used by wealthy institutions without a thought for those whose lives depend upon it.


Billionaires+highlight+solid+investment+in+farmland (2024)


Why do rich people invest in farmland? ›

But farmland still provides real diversification benefits, and best of all, investors don't have to sacrifice long-term returns to lower the risk of their portfolio. Historically, farmland has actually outperformed stocks, bonds, gold, and real estate, generating 10.5% average annual returns since 1992.

What are some advantages of having wealthy investors buy farmland? ›

A farmland conversion has the potential to produce the highest return since an investor would likely be able to purchase land for a lower price and, therefore, could earn a higher cash yield and potentially benefit from higher land value appreciation.

Is farmland a good investment 2023? ›

Is farmland a good investment? Farmland investments are often compared to other types of real estate investments, such as residential or commercial properties, and the answer is a resounding yes.

How many acres of farmland does Jeff Bezos own? ›

Some of the world's biggest billionaires are landowners, such as media mogul Ted Turner who owns 2 million acres,'s AMZN, -0.66% CEO Jeff Bezos who has amassed 420,000 acres and Microsoft MSFT, +0.47% co-founder Bill Gates's 270,000 acres, he notes.

What is the benefit of owning farmland? ›

In addition to offering diversification and sustainability benefits, owning agricultural land also provides investors with a tangible asset. According to the American Farm Bureau Federation, the average value of farmland in 2020 was estimated at $3,160 per acre — an increase of 4% since 2019.

Why money managers are moving into farmland? ›

This is because investors can make money two ways: from the annual cash rent that farmers pay to use the land and also from steady increases in land values. For example, consider a standard piece of farmland in the Midwest or the South.

What are 3 benefits of preserving farmland? ›

Farmland provides food and cover for wildlife, helps control flooding, protects wetlands and watersheds and maintains air quality. In addition, new energy crops grown on farmland have the potential to replace fossil fuels.

Why is land the best investment? ›

The land is always a profitable investment as you can make money off it quickly. You can either sell your land, use it to grow crops, use the land as boat storage, or lease it out. The highest and best use of land is an imperative factor that determines the value of your land.

What makes the most money on farmland? ›

Livestock is probably the most common way farmers make money from their land. And while animals have a few more expenses and a higher overhead, they usually bring in top dollar in terms of net income.

Is it smart to invest in farmland? ›

Now, one can consider farmland simply as an alternative investment. Farmland produces returns both with rent yields and appreciation in the farmland's value. So these investments can work somewhat like dividend stocks, with gains from income and capital gains.

Why are investors buying farmland? ›

Buying farmland, waiting for the value to appreciate, and then selling it is the most basic form of farmland investing. It's simple: land values rise, and the land produces crops, which provides you with income. The higher the income, the more valuable the farmland.

Is farmland a good investment during inflation? ›

Investing in farmland as an inflation hedge. There's one more big reason that farmland is an especially compelling investment right now: inflation. Unlike mainstream financial assets, which tend to lose value when consumer prices go up, the value of farmland actually tends to rise when prices rise.

Who owns most land in USA? ›

The 2022 Land Report 100, compiled each year by The Land Report magazine, released its annual list of landowners who own the most acres in the United States. The nation's largest private landowners are the Emmerson family in California who own over 2.4 million acres.

Does Warren Buffett own any farmland? ›

Warren Buffett owns more than 242,000 acres of farmland in the United States, including a 1,500-acre family farm in Illinois. He also has three research farms in South Africa and Arizona. Buffett has shown interest in farmland for most of his life.

Who owns the biggest farm in the world? ›

The largest agricultural landowner is the Chinese dairy farm 'Mudanjiang City Mega Farm', which is owned by Russian and Chinese owners. More than 9 million hectares belong to the company.

Is farmland a good passive income? ›

Investing in farmland can also be a great passive income source. With farmland, investors can benefit from rental payments from operating partners, income generated by crop sales, and land price appreciation at the end of the hold period.

Why do people sell farmland? ›

Financial Reasons Owners Sell Farmland

Sometimes a seller just wants to realize their gains in asset appreciation or trade land for cash to invest in another opportunity. For example, a landowner may find a desirable property and want to sell out of one piece of land to invest in the new one.

Why do we need so much farmland? ›

That's because we also need farmland to restore our planet. When properly managed, farmland and ranchland support wildlife and biodiversity, recharge aquifers, clean water, and—of paramount importance in our fight against climate change—sequester carbon.

Why is the government paying farmers not to farm? ›

Question: Why does the government pay farmers not to grow crops? Robert Frank: Paying farmers not to grow crops was a substitute for agricultural price support programs designed to ensure that farmers could always sell their crops for enough to support themselves.

Why is farmland disappearing? ›

Our Farmland is Disappearing

The Earth has lost one-third of our arable farmland over the last 40 years alone due to erosion, pollution, overworking and global warming.

Why are farmers struggling financially? ›

Farmers are struggling to keep pace with inflation. Production costs for seed, fertilizer, equipment and other farming essentials are the highest we've seen in decades, subjecting farmers to higher cost of capital required to operate their business.

Where is most farmland being lost in the US? ›

Low-density residential (LDR) land use includes scattered subdivisions and large-lot housing, which fragments the agricultural land base and limits production. The Plains states are losing some of the most prime farmland in America, according to AFT. Kristopher Reynolds is the Midwest regional director with AFT.

What are 4 advantages of farming? ›

', keep reading!
  • Farming is Good for Your Health. ...
  • Being a Farmer is Challenging and Stimulating Work. ...
  • It Provides a Source of Income in Rural Areas. ...
  • Farm Work Helps Develop Younger Generations. ...
  • Farming Can Help the Environment Thrive.
May 5, 2022

What are 3 reasons why agriculture is good? ›

Agriculture impacts society in many ways, including: supporting livelihoods through food, habitat, and jobs; providing raw materials for food and other products; and building strong economies through trade.

Is it smarter to buy land or a house? ›

In general, you'll likely find it cheaper overall to buy an existing home, but that also depends on the market. A home loan is less risky than a land loan, and typically comes with a lower down payment and better interest rate.

What is the best land to invest in? ›

For small investors to truly enjoy the more traditional sense of land ownership, perhaps the best options are timber farms, mineral development lands, vegetable gardens, orchards, vineyards, and recreational land.

What makes land more valuable? ›

Land values increase when demand for land exceeds the supply of available land or if a particular piece of land has intrinsic value greater than neighboring areas (e.g., oil can be found on the land).

What state has the richest farmland? ›

1. California

It is recognized as the agricultural powerhouse of the United States. California's crops account for around 73% of the state's agricultural revenue, with livestock commodities accounting for the remaining 27%, allowing it to surpass all other states in terms of farm income.

What is the best thing to farm for money? ›

Top 13 Most Profitable Crops To Grow
  • Considerations for Small Farms.
  • 1) Mushrooms.
  • 2) Microgreens.
  • 3) Ginseng.
  • 4) Lavender.
  • 5) Saffron.
  • 6) Goji Berries.
  • 7) Wasabi.

What do farmers value the most? ›

Typical values include honesty, humanity, success, progress, freedom, democracy.

Where is the best farmland in the US? ›

The best states for farmland include Montana, Kansas, Oklahoma, South Dakota, North Dakota, Texas, Iowa, Kentucky, Wyoming, and California. Consider factors like profitability, cost of operation, infrastructure, and availability when selecting a location.

Will farmland values keep booming? ›

A land values map released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Agricultural Statistics Service in August 2022 shows national average farm real estate values per acre steadily rising since 2009, to $3,800 per acre in mid-2022.

What is the average rate of return on farmland? ›

Over the last 20 years, United States farmland has offered average returns of 12.24%. At this rate, $10,000 invested in farmland in 2000 would now be worth over $96,149. Farmland returns are made up of two values, land appreciation, and capitalization rates of the property.

Is farming recession proof? ›

#1: Farmlands are Very Recession Resistant

While it seems like farmlands are a prime source of instability due to their sensitivity to climate change, the opposite is true. Farmlands are actually quite resistant to recession.

Can farmland pay for itself? ›

While owning farmland can be a very profitable venture over the long-term, farmland will typically never cash flow when purchased with substantial borrowed capital.

How to make money from farmland? ›

How to Make Money With a Farm or Land
  1. Rent or Crop Share Your Land with Other Farmers. ...
  2. Host Billboards on Your Land. ...
  3. Host Cell Towers, Solar Panel Fields, and Wind Towers. ...
  4. Harvest Timber for Lumber Companies. ...
  5. Provide Storage for Heavy Machinery and Vehicles. ...
  6. Open a Campground. ...
  7. Rent Your Land as Pasture.
Sep 2, 2021

Will land prices go down in a recession? ›

Land prices also tend to drop during a recession period, but they almost always rise immediately after the downturn is over, which is why it might be a good time to consider buying land to build a home for the future or for investment purposes.

Are farmers hurt by inflation? ›

The rising cost of goods and services can make it difficult for farmers to make a profit and can lead to food inflation, which can be detrimental to both farmers and consumers. It is an important topic to understand as it can have a significant impact on the food prices and food security for a country.

Do farmers want inflation? ›

The value of money affects the farmers ability to pay off the loans. If the inflation lowers the value of money it makes it easier for the farmer to pay off the loans.

Who is the richest rancher in America? ›

Largest private land owners in the United States in 2021
1Emmerson family2,330,000 2,330,000
2John Malone2,200,000 2,200,000
3Reed family2,100,000 2,100,000
4Ted Turner2,000,000 2,000,000
10 more rows
Aug 16, 2022

Who is the biggest farmer in the US? ›

Bill Gates

What billionaire owns the most land? ›

One of the largest landowners in the US is real estate tycoon Stan Kroenke, who owns nearly 1.7 million acres of land scattered over seven states. Ranches, forestry, hunting preserves, and several significant developments are among Kroenke's holdings.

Why do billionaires buy farmland? ›

Currently, investors are attracted to farmland due to its low correlation with the stock market's volatility. This makes it an exceptional tool for diversifying portfolios. Farmers have pricing power for their crops. Food is not a discretionary item on any budget.

Is investing in farmland risky? ›

What Are the Risks of Farmland Investing? Like all investments, farmland investments come with risk. Some that are most relevant to farmland include operational risk, commodity price and land value risk, and limited liquidity.

Does Jeff Bezos own a farm? ›

Some of the world's biggest billionaires are landowners, such as media mogul Ted Turner who owns 2 million acres,'s AMZN, -0.66% CEO Jeff Bezos who has amassed 420,000 acres and Microsoft MSFT, +0.47% co-founder Bill Gates's 270,000 acres, he notes.

Who is the most successful farmer in the world? ›

Most Richest Farmers in the World

Qin Yinglin is a Chinese businessman who founded the Muyuan Foodstuff Company, which is one of China's largest pig breeding and pork processing firms. As of 2021, Qin's net worth is estimated at over $20 billion, making him one of the wealthiest farmers in the world.

Who owns most property in the world? ›

The Biggest Landowners in the World
1King Charles III and the British Royal FamilyUnited Kingdom, Canada
2Catholic ChurchWorldwide
3Inuit People of NunavutCanada
4Gina RinehartAustralia, United States
21 more rows

Can farm land make you rich? ›

Farmland offers both short-term and long-term opportunities for creating wealth. The land parcel itself is a hard asset typically maintains its value in your investment portfolio. Its low-risk nature can help diversity your holdings and balance out some of your riskier stock market investments.

Does Warren Buffett invest in farmland? ›

One thing both Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have in common is that they both love farmland as an investment. Buffett purchased his first farm before high school in his home state of Nebraska for approximately $10,000. Gates owns over 242,000 tillable acres.

Why is it smart to invest in land? ›

The land is always a profitable investment as you can make money off it quickly. You can either sell your land, use it to grow crops, use the land as boat storage, or lease it out. The highest and best use of land is an imperative factor that determines the value of your land.

Does Bill Gates receive farm subsidies? ›

While many agricultural support programs are meant to “save the family farm,” the largest beneficiaries of agricultural subsidies are the richest landowners with the largest farms who, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, are scarcely in any need of taxpayer handouts.

Is farmland a stable investment? ›

Farmland can serve as a cornerstone of a balanced investment portfolio. Commodity prices, including the cost of food, tend to rise with inflation. This strong correlation allows agricultural investing to protect against inflation, especially compared to high-volatility assets.

What companies are buying farmland? ›

Among the big players are TIAA-Cref, BlackDirt, Hanco*ck Agricultural Investment Group, American Farmland Company, AgIS Capital, and Gladstone Land Corporation.

Is land the best long term investment? ›

Is buying land a good investment? In most cases, the answer is yes – as long as you're properly prepared. Investing in undeveloped land, however, isn't quite as simple as putting money down on a duplex. To ensure you're making an informed decision, we've outlined our top seven tips to know before purchasing land.

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