Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief (2024)

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief (4)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief

Using a treadmill is one of the most popular exercises for people trying to get or stay in shape. But before you hop on the treadmill and turn it up to full speed, consider these advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Treadmill Use

  • Treadmills are relatively easy to use if you are capable of walking.
  • Treadmills can offer a variety of intensities from lower stress walking, endurance building jogging, or high intensity sprinting.
  • The risk of tripping on an uneven sidewalk or road is reduced due to the track on the treadmill.
  • Most treadmills are fairly intuitive to control, including the speed, duration, incline, warm up, and cool down.
  • There's no putting weights back on the rack once you're done with the treadmill and it's simple for another person to start right after.
  • Most treadmills offer custom programs or functions to fit their time available and workout desired.
  • Some treadmills even offer additional monitoring abilities such as heart rate, step counter, and estimated calories burned.
  • To pass the time faster, most people can watch television or listen to music while on the treadmill.
  • Some treadmills offer extra cushioning to help reduce wear and tear on your joints from running.
  • Jogging or running on a treadmill will burn more calories and get your heart rate up faster than most other types of exercises.
  • If you are only interested in using the treadmill, almost every gym will have them available, even the less expensive gyms.
  • If you want to purchase a treadmill for your home, they don't take up an inordinate amount of space, only about the footprint of a 2-seater couch.

Disadvantages of Using a Treadmill

  • Treadmills can be expensive if you decide to purchase one. New treadmills can range in prices from approximately $200, for one with few extra functions, all the way up to $3000, for top of the line models.
  • Even if your treadmill has extra cushioning, the high impact from jogging or running can still cause joint pain in your ankles, knees, or hips. If your joints start to hurt, slow your pace or stop altogether. You should also consider icing the particular joint and giving yourself a couple days off from the treadmill to recover.
  • Treadmills require regular maintenance and can be difficult or near impossible to repair on your own, often requiring you to hire a trained professional if yours breaks down.
  • The noise from treadmills can be loud, potentially disturbing others if it's not in a gym. The motors, rotating belt, and the noise from you running can all contribute to the noise from a treadmill.
  • Some people find treadmills boring since they provide a limited type of exercise.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief (5)

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Treadmill Use for Exercise and Pain Relief (2024)


What are the pros and cons of using a treadmill? ›

Treadmill Running: The Pros and Cons
  • Pro: Same Level of Difficulty.
  • Pro: Joint Health.
  • Pro: Simulate Race Environments.
  • Con: Less Agility Benefits.
  • Con: Not All Muscles Get Worked.
  • Con: Treadmills Can Be Boring.

What is one of the great advantages a treadmill over other forms? ›

Weight loss

Perhaps the most widely known health benefit of treadmills is their ability to help individuals lose weight quickly and efficiently. Treadmills can help you burn calories more quickly than some other forms of aerobic exercise.

Is the treadmill good for lower back pain? ›

Cardio exercise alleviates back pain and prevents future injury when you use the equipment correctly. Aerobic activity — either on a treadmill or elliptical — improves your overall health.

Is treadmill exercise good or bad? ›

Here we bring to you all that you need to know before getting on the treadmill and burning all that fat. Experts say that walking, jogging or running on a treadmill is extremely safe and does not entail any risk unless a person is suffering from certain conditions.

Is it good to do treadmill everyday? ›

Frequency: Once you are used to treadmill walking, you can do it every day of the week. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week, or a total of 150 to 300 minutes per week, is recommended to reduce health risks.

Is treadmill hard on knees? ›

Treadmills: pros and cons

If you're jogging or running, a treadmill can put more stress on your knees compared to an elliptical trainer. But walking on a treadmill exerts about the same amount of force on the knees as using an elliptical machine. Treadmills tend to be more user-friendly and easier to use for beginners.

How long should you walk on a treadmill? ›

If you want to have an effective cardio session to help improve your overall cardiovascular endurance, you should walk on a treadmill for a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week.

Who should not use treadmill? ›

02/6Obesity. For people who are overweight or obese, running on a treadmill can lead to complications of the joints. Joint pain and other consequences are often observed in people who fall under the obese category. Try to avoid it until you reach a safe weight and try alternate forms of cardio.

What happens when you walk on treadmill everyday? ›

Walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes daily offers numerous benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, weight loss, better mental health, better sleep, and increased energy.

Is 20 minutes on treadmill enough? ›

Generally, a 20-minute treadmill workout can help you burn the same amount of calories you would in a 50-minute session of continuous training. This is due to the greater afterburn effect of HIIT. Be sure to customize HIIT to meet your fitness goals and incorporate strength training throughout the week.

What is a better option than a treadmill? ›

The biggest benefit of the elliptical and stationary bike is that they're lower impact than the treadmill, says Sumner. Since you don't have to lift your foot up and down with each step or rotation, you're not going to put as much pressure on your lower body as you would while running.

What equipment is better than a treadmill? ›

Ellipticals also have handles that you hold in either hand, moving your arms toward and away from your body as you move your feet, so you work more muscle groups than on a treadmill. Using an elliptical can reduce pressure on your joints compared to using a treadmill. The lack of impact is beneficial for some people.

What is most effective on treadmill? ›

A sprint interval workout is a perfect choice. It serves as a calorie burner, and it raises your anaerobic capacity. Start with 10 minutes of warming up and gradually increase speed from 3-5 MPH. Continue with 20-30 minutes of alternating between sprint running (5-9 MPH) and slow walking (3.5-4 MPH).

What is the number one exercise for lower back pain? ›

Walking. Walking is good for low back pain because it's a low-impact exercise that offers the benefits of regular physical activity without aggravating the muscles and tendons of the lower back. It uses and stretches muscles in your back, is easy on your joints and can reduce bone and muscle loss.

How long should you walk on a treadmill for beginners? ›

Start by Walking

"It's best to warm up for at least five minutes at an easy to moderate walking pace, maybe a 2.5 mph or 3 mph pace," says McKay. "Then increase the pace until you are slightly out of breath for the duration of your workout, anywhere from five minutes to 15 minutes for beginners."

How long should I treadmill? ›

150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intensive aerobic activity per week is suggested to maintain your current weight. Going for a brisk walk or jog on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes will be enough to stay healthy and fit.

Is 30 minutes of treadmill a day enough? ›

Thirty minutes on the treadmill is excellent exercise. Depending on the speed, you can easily burn calories, improve cardio fitness, or meet other goals. But just like other exercise programs, it's essential to pay attention to your health condition and not overdo it.

Is walking on a treadmill as good as walking outside? ›

If you're walking, the calorie-burning and fitness benefits are about the same whether you walk on a treadmill or in the great outdoors. And the way the joints in your hips and knees move is very similar as well, suggesting risk for injury is no greater on the treadmill versus a sidewalk or a walking trail.

Is walking on a treadmill enough exercise? ›

The truth is, walking on a treadmill has great health benefits, is more widely available, and is a wonderful low-impact exercise that you can do every day. According to the CDC, Americans need at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week. This can be a brisk-paced walk for at least 10 minutes at a time.

How many times a week should you use a treadmill? ›

Run your routine by your doctor

Try to work out on your treadmill at least three days each week and gradually increase the duration and frequency of exercise until reaching a target of at least 150 minutes per week. Make sure you have a hydration and energy plan to fuel your body during your workouts.

What is the best time of day to use the treadmill? ›

Between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m., your body temperature is at its highest. This may mean you'll be exercising during the window of time your body is most ready, potentially making it the most effective time of day to work out.

Is treadmill 3 times a week enough? ›

Set up a weekly routine, and stick to it. Running 3-4 times a week is a good rhythm. Make sure you take a day or two off, and limit yourself to 5 sessions a week2. But remember also that setting a goal for yourself is pretty simple.

Is treadmill walking good for arthritis? ›

“Just like walking outside, using the treadmill provides an excellent workout because it increases cardiovascular endurance and improves blood flow, which, in turn, boosts circulation and decreases pain,” explains Theresa Lawrence Ford, MD, rheumatologist with the North Georgia Rheumatology Group in Atlanta.

Should I use the treadmill if my knees hurt? ›

When you have osteoarthritis, exercise can make you stronger, improve your balance, and lessen knee pain. Walking is an easy, low-impact way to start working out. A treadmill allows you to stay active and walk no matter the weather and doesn't make your joints move much differently than if you were outside.

Why do my knees hurt after treadmill? ›

Running at sharp inclines, like up hills, can result in the painful condition known as “runner's knee,” or known medically as patellofemoral stress syndrome. At these high-incline settings, ankle joints move less, making the knees compensate to carry the body up the hill.

What is the best speed to walk on a treadmill? ›

The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes of moderately intense exercise, such as a brisk walk at about 3 mph on a treadmill, five times per week. If the exercise is vigorously intense — comparable to jogging — three times per week for 20 minutes is the recommendation.

Is it better to walk fast or run on a treadmill? ›

Running burns more than twice as many calories per minute as walking. For a person who weighs 160 pounds, walking at a pace of 3.5 miles per hour for 30 minutes burns about 156 calories. Running at 6 mph for the same time burns about 356 calories.

What to do while walking on treadmill? ›

Find a treadmill and let's go!
  1. Read.
  2. Audiobooks/podcast.
  3. Play games.
  4. Create a particular playlist.
  5. Get competitive.
  6. Fartlek.
  7. Plan your workouts around your favourite TV shows.
  8. Explore mode.
Oct 11, 2021

Why do my legs hurt after walking on a treadmill? ›

During exercise such as running, marching or fast walking, the calf muscle enlarges which can cause compression of the popliteal artery causing pain in the calf and/or foot. Once exercise stops, the pain subsides – this type of pain is referred to as claudication.

Is it better to use treadmill with or without hands? ›

Holding onto the handrails while walking or running on the treadmill is a bad habit that reduces the good effects of your workout. 1 Most people can train themselves to use the treadmill without gripping the rail. Once you do so, you will get more benefits out of your treadmill workouts.

Can you not wear shoes on a treadmill? ›

Whilst going barefoot on the treadmill may seem like a harmless idea, it will end up doing more harm than good. It is recommended to always wear running shoes whilst using the treadmill whether you are walking, running or sprinting.

How much treadmill is enough for a day? ›

Ideally one should walk 300 minutes a week on the treadmill for extensive health benefits, including weight loss. One can reach this goal by walking 43 to 44 minutes each day. This will help your burn 1 kilo in a week. But if you have just embarked on the weight loss journey then start with 20 minutes a day.

Are treadmills worth it? ›

Treadmills are definitely worth the money when it comes to convenience. As well as removing any travel travel time associated making them the perfect option if you only have a small amount of space available in your home.

How many minutes is 1 mile walking? ›

Because a mile is 1609 meters, we can convert these walking speeds into mile walking time values. The average “usual” walking speed works out to walking one mile in 20.6 minutes, while walking a mile at the average maximum walking speed would take 13.48 minutes.

Is it okay to hold handles on treadmill? ›

Fitness experts even say holding onto the handrails of a treadmill is a bad habit as doing so takes away all the benefits of walking and running. When you do so, you burn fewer number of calories, fail to learn the art of balance, ruin your posture and body alignment.

What is the treadmill 3 30 rule? ›

It requires a treadmill that can be set to an incline of 12 and speeds of at least 3 miles per hour. To perform the workout, start with a five to 10 minute warm-up of walking at a leisurely pace on a small incline of less than three. Next, participants walk at a pace of 3 miles per hour for 30 minutes.

Which is better for seniors treadmill or elliptical? ›

Elliptical machines are ideal for seniors because they minimize stress on the hips, knees, and back, which are areas of the body where seniors frequently experience chronic pain.

Which is better cycling or treadmill? ›

A study concluded that treadmills are optimal indoor exercise machines for enhancing energy expenditure. Since a treadmill workout is a weight-bearing exercise, you will burn more calories and belly fat per minute on a treadmill than on a regular stationary bike.

Are ellipticals or treadmills better? ›

Treadmills are better for aerobic workouts, too, said Hodges. A small 2021 study found that people using a treadmill burned more fat than those using an elliptical. The study suggested that exercising on a treadmill is a good way to improve cardio-metabolic health.

What is the best equipment to lose belly fat? ›

The treadmill has been shown to burn calories at the highest rate of any cardio exercise machine and running on a treadmill is one of the most effective ways to lose belly fat.

Is treadmill good for everyone? ›

For many, treadmills are a good choice to begin a new exercise routine because walking is well tolerated by most individuals regardless of fitness level and for most back conditions. As strength and endurance are developed, the treadmill can be used for jogging and/or for interval training.

What muscles does the treadmill work? ›

The treadmill mainly works the lower body and cardiovascular system. The principal muscles involved are the thighs – both quadriceps and hamstrings – the calves and the glutes, more so as you increase the incline on your treadmill. The abdominals are also worked, especially if you run.

What to look for when buying a treadmill? ›

Key Treadmill Features to Consider:
  • Frame size and weight: Basically, bigger heavier treadmills can handle more work and are more comfortable. ...
  • Quality: Some treadmills are designed first to be inexpensive. ...
  • Shock reduction: ...
  • Technology: ...
  • Maintenance: ...
  • Service life:
Apr 23, 2014

Is the treadmill good for losing belly fat? ›

Not only does using a treadmill burn belly fat, but one of the long-term effects of regular treadmill sessions is that visceral fat will go away for good. Plus, even if you end up gaining some weight down the road, treadmill running not allow the deep belly fat to return.

Is it OK to treadmill everyday? ›

Frequency: Once you are used to treadmill walking, you can do it every day of the week. Walking at a brisk pace for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week, or a total of 150 to 300 minutes per week, is recommended to reduce health risks.

Is walking outside or treadmill better? ›

Research has found that you actually burn more calories walking outside than on a treadmill, as you must walk over uneven surfaces, up and down hills, as well as deal with factors like the wind. 10 All of this makes your muscles work harder, which means you burn more calories.

Is walking on the treadmill 30 minutes a day enough? ›

If you want to have an effective cardio session to help improve your overall cardiovascular endurance, you should walk on a treadmill for a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day, five days a week.

How many minutes should I walk on treadmill to lose weight? ›

Ideally one should walk 300 minutes a week on the treadmill for extensive health benefits, including weight loss. One can reach this goal by walking 43 to 44 minutes each day. This will help your burn 1 kilo in a week. But if you have just embarked on the weight loss journey then start with 20 minutes a day.

How many minutes on treadmill is enough? ›

150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of intensive aerobic activity per week is suggested to maintain your current weight. Going for a brisk walk or jog on the treadmill 3-4 times a week for 30-45 minutes will be enough to stay healthy and fit.

What speed should I walk on a treadmill? ›

However, in general 2-4 mph on the treadmill is a walking speed and 4-5 mph is a fast walk or jog. Runners will set the treadmill at 5 mph or faster. To add some variety and difficulty to the workout, set the treadmill incline at 1-2. That closely simulates walking or running outside.

Is A treadmill good for your knees? ›

So, treadmill running isn't bad for your knees and doesn't cause arthritis or accelerate existing knee osteoarthritis. If you are a runner diagnosed with knee arthritis, you should feel safe continuing to run.

Why do I feel weird after walking on a treadmill? ›

Feeling dizzy after using the treadmill is caused by a disconnect between your body and brain — your brain thinks that you're moving forward in space, but your body is actually staying in the same place (with its legs moving).

Does walking on treadmill damage knees? ›

Treadmill cons

Running or jogging on a treadmill can put more stress on your bones and joints compared to working out on an elliptical trainer. Ultimately, this can lead to injuries . Common running injuries include shin splints, knee injuries, and stress fractures.

Is knee pain normal after treadmill? ›

Running at sharp inclines, like up hills, can result in the painful condition known as “runner's knee,” or known medically as patellofemoral stress syndrome. At these high-incline settings, ankle joints move less, making the knees compensate to carry the body up the hill.

How long on the treadmill is 10000 steps? ›

The average person takes 2250 steps per mile, which takes approximately 20 minutes to accomplish. At this pace, it will take about 1 ½ hours to reach 10,000. If you did nothing else all day, you could still achieve your 10k goal in about an hour and a half. That's doing nothing and then stepping on a treadmill.

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