6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (2024)

It might seem like retirement is far away, but the reality is that when it comes to retirement planning, it’s never too early to start.

There are many benefits to investing in retirement as soon as possible, preferably when you begin working. Building up the funds you’ll need for the lifestyle you want when you retire becomes more difficult the longer you wait. There are many reasons why time is your best friend when you’re building up your retirement savings.

Here are our top 6 reasons to start saving for retirement:

1. Compound interest
Compound interest is likely the most significant benefit of investing early in retirement. Though there’s no guaranteed set rate of return, when you start saving for retirement earlier, you’ll end up with more money with a smaller capital investment than if you wait until later in your career. Compound interest is the process of a sum of cash growing significantly due to interest building upon itself over time.

For example, if you invest $1000 in an account that grows five percent yearly, you’ll have $1050 at the end of the year. The following year, you’ll see a five percent return on $1050, which would amount to $1102.50 after two years.
Here is a visual representation of how consistently investing in a retirement portfolio early on makes a big difference over time.

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (1)

The above example is for illustrative purposes only and not indicative of any investment.

Source: J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Long-Term Capital Market Assumptions. Compounding is the increasing value of assets due to investment return earned on both principal and prior investment gains.

2. Financial flexibility

Putting off saving for retirement later in your career means that you’ll have to set aside a lot more money from your paycheck to have enough money to retire. Setting aside $100 per month versus $1000 can make a big difference in managing your day-to-day expenses. And we can’t reiterate the value of compound interest enough!

Have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan? Take advantage of it as soon as you can. Most employers will match contributions up to a certain percentage, so if you’re not putting money into the plan, you’re throwing away free money for your retirement.

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (2)

Source: Vanguard “When should you start saving for retirement?

3. Access to higher risk, higher reward investments
Early investment grants you access to a more diversified portfolio. You have the time to tap into higher risk, higher reward investments. Enrolling in investment opportunities with the potential of a great return can give you a more significant financial cushion when you retire. Investing in your retirement early also increases the probability of your investments weathering market fluctuations successfully.

4. Don't count on Social Security benefits
In the United States, the increased longevity of a fast-growing, aging population paired with decreased population growth means that more and more people will continue to turn to Social Security benefits. Social Security will be paying out more than what is coming into the program, which negatively impacts the long-term viability of Social Security.

Many people account for Social Security benefits in their retirement financial planning. Considering the uncertain future of Social Security, it is vital to account for the possibility that Social Security will not be an available option.

5. Account for inflation
Inflation is a word that we have heard a lot recently and it’s important to realize it also impacts your ability to retire comfortably. It’s a reality we all must live with throughout our lives and take into consideration when planning for retirement. People who start saving for retirement earlier in their careers increase their chances of their retirement savings being able to keep pace with inflation.

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (3)

Source: J.P.Morgan Guide to Retirement
Source (top chart): Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 2017-2019 annual average Consumer Expenditure Survey, college educated. 2017–2019 data is used to reflect spending behaviors over the long term; excludes pandemic impact. Additional spending categories for age 35-44 and 75+, respectively: entertainment, 6% and 5%; travel 4% and 4%; other 3% and 4%; apparel 4% and 2%; education 2% and 1%. Source (bottom chart): BLS, Consumer Price Index (all urban consumers, seasonally adjusted), J.P. Morgan Asset Management

6. Longer life expectancies
On average, people are living longer than before. Increasing life expectancy means that you’ll likely need more money to retire to care for yourself when you can no longer work.

Additionally, as you grow older, healthcare costs will likely increase. Although you have the option of tapping into Medicare benefits, you’ll still need to account for out-of-pocket expenses. With the cost of healthcare increasing year over year, you need to be prepared by getting a head start on your retirement savings.

Life Expectancy Probabilities
If you’re age 65 today, the probability of living to a specific age or beyond:

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (4)

Source: J.P.Morgan Guide to Retirement
Source (chart): Social Security Administration, Period Life Table, 2018 (published in the 2021 OASDI Trustees Report); American Academy of Actuaries and Society of Actuaries, Actuaries Longevity Illustrator, http://www.longevityillustrator.org/ (accessed January 14, 2022), J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Source (table): Social Security Administration 2021 OASDI Trustees Report. Probability at least one member of a same-sex female couple lives to age 95 is 26% and a same-sex male couple is 14%.

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (5)

Source: J.P.Morgan Guide to Retirement
The estimated future value total average monthly cost at age 95 is $2,917. Today’s dollar calculation used a 2.3% discount rate to account for overall inflation. Medigap premiums typically increase with age, in addition to inflation, except for the following states: AR, CT, MA, ME, MN, NY, VT, WA. For local information, contact the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) https://www.shiptacenter.org/. Plan G premium is nationwide average for non-smokers. If Plan G is not available, analysis includes the most comprehensive plan available. Source: HealthView Services proprietary data file received January 2022 used by permission.

In addition to saving for retirement as early as possible, it’s also important to determine how much you’ll need to save based on the life you want to live when you reach that milestone. To ensure that you’re taking the proper steps toward achieving your goals, it’s best to meet with an experienced financial advisor who can help you map out a plan that aligns with your current monetary picture and long-term financial goals.

Connect with our retirement team today to learn more about your options.

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. BRP Group, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult with your own tax, legal or accounting professionals before engaging in any transaction.

6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early (2024)


6 Reasons to Start Saving and Investing for Retirement Early? ›

It's an easier way to save

Compared to saving aggressively for 10 years, sustained saving over a 30-year period allows you to save less each month and still achieve the same goal as intensively saving for 10 years. Starting the saving journey earlier also means you'll have more disposable funds.

What are the reasons it is important to start saving or investing for retirement as early as possible? ›

It's an easier way to save

Compared to saving aggressively for 10 years, sustained saving over a 30-year period allows you to save less each month and still achieve the same goal as intensively saving for 10 years. Starting the saving journey earlier also means you'll have more disposable funds.

Why should you save and invest for retirement? ›

Retirement planning is important because it can help you avoid running out of money in retirement. Your plan can help you calculate the rate of return you need on your investments, how much risk you should take, and how much income you can safely withdraw from your portfolio.

What is the main reason you should save for your retirement? ›

Saving for retirement is extremely important. People are living longer and leading more active lives in retirement. As a result, it is more important than ever for you to think about where your income will come from when you retire. Pension saving is one of the few areas where you can still get tax relief.

What are 2 benefits of investing money into a retirement account early? ›

The Benefits of Investing Early to Retire Well
  • How Much Is Enough For Your Retirement Fund? ...
  • Saving More Early to Spend More Later. ...
  • Gaining Financial Flexibility to Pursue Every Interest. ...
  • Starting Early to Multiply Your Money. ...
  • Getting Access to Higher Risk, Higher Reward Investments.

What are the advantages of early retirement? ›

Pros of retiring early include health benefits, opportunities to travel, or starting a new career or business venture. Cons of retiring early include the strain on savings, due to increased expenses and smaller Social Security benefits, and a depressing effect on mental health.

What are 4 things about investing for retirement? ›

Here are our top 6 reasons to start saving for retirement:
  • Compound interest. ...
  • Financial flexibility. ...
  • Access to higher risk, higher reward investments. ...
  • Don't count on Social Security benefits. ...
  • Account for inflation. ...
  • Longer life expectancies.
Aug 15, 2022

Why is it important to save and invest? ›

The Bottom Line. Saving and investing are both important components of a healthy financial plan. Saving provides a safety net and a way to achieve short-term goals, while investing has the potential for higher long-term returns and can help achieve long-term financial goals.

Why is it important to invest your savings? ›

Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

What are 5 key tips for retirement savings? ›

Saving Matters!
  • Start saving, keep saving, and stick to.
  • Know your retirement needs. ...
  • Contribute to your employer's retirement.
  • Learn about your employer's pension plan. ...
  • Consider basic investment principles. ...
  • Don't touch your retirement savings. ...
  • Ask your employer to start a plan. ...
  • Put money into an Individual Retirement.

What are three reasons for retirement? ›

Here are our top seven reasons why you should retire this year.
  • You're All Set. ...
  • Improve Your Health. ...
  • Enjoy the Good Life and Start Living Your Dreams. ...
  • Avoid Unforeseen Changes. ...
  • Spend More Time with Family and Friends. ...
  • Time to Give Back or Pursue Your Passion. ...
  • Value Your Time.

What are the three basic reasons to save? ›

If you need help understanding the importance of saving money, consider these key reasons why you should save money now:
  • Saving can give you freedom. ...
  • Saving provides financial security. ...
  • Saving means you can take calculated risks.
Feb 22, 2023

What is the 4 rule for early retirement? ›

The 4% rule is easy to follow. In the first year of retirement, you can withdraw up to 4% of your portfolio's value. If you have $1 million saved for retirement, for example, you could spend $40,000 in the first year of retirement following the 4% rule.

What is the common reason for early retirement? ›

The primary reason to consider retiring early is that you do not know how long you will live or how long you will remain relatively healthy and active. Many people end up retiring early not because they want to but because they have to -- due to a job loss or a health problem or because they had to care for others.

What is the key to early retirement? ›

Retiring early is possible through a balance of living off less now, investing more, and living on less later. Through the magic of compound interest, the earlier you start the less you have to invest now and the more you'll have available later.

How do you explain early retirement? ›

The common definition of early retirement is any age before 65 — that's when you may qualify for Medicare benefits. Currently, men retire at an average age of 64, while for women the average retirement age is 62. Retiring before the traditional age of 65 can feel exciting and give you something to look forward to.

What are 6 of the most common types of retirement plans? ›

To help you navigate your options, here's a comparison of six of the most common types of retirement plans:
  • 401(k)
  • Traditional IRA.
  • Roth IRA.
  • SEP IRA.
  • Simple IRA and Simple 401(k)
  • Solo 401(k)
Mar 18, 2020

How to invest wisely for retirement? ›

  1. Understand Your Retirement Account Options. You can save for retirement in various tax-advantaged and taxable accounts. ...
  2. Start Saving and Investing Early. ...
  3. Calculate Your Net Worth. ...
  4. Keep Your Emotions in Check. ...
  5. Pay Attention to Investment Fees. ...
  6. Get Help When You Need It.

What is one of the most important factors in retirement investing? ›

Taxes. Your present income level, tax bracket, and the types of tax-deferred retirement savings plans that are available can all play an integral part in how much money you can save for your retirement.

What are 5 benefits of saving money? ›

5 Benefits of Saving Money
  • It helps in emergencies. Emergencies are always unexpected. ...
  • Cushions against sudden job loss. You may have a good job now, but what if you were to lose that job? ...
  • Helps finance those big-ticket items and major life events. ...
  • Limits debt. ...
  • Helps prepare for retirement.

What are the 7 most important reasons to save money? ›

Reasons to Save Money
  1. Financial independence. Financial independence gives you the ability to live without depending on others for financial support. ...
  2. Emergency funds. ...
  3. Debt Free Living. ...
  4. Better Retirement. ...
  5. Leave a legacy for loved ones. ...
  6. Achieve long-term financial goals. ...
  7. Investing. ...
  8. Irregular or recurring expenses.
Dec 15, 2022

What are 4 types of investments? ›

There are four main investment types, or asset classes, that you can choose from, each with distinct characteristics, risks and benefits.
  • Growth investments. ...
  • Shares. ...
  • Property. ...
  • Defensive investments. ...
  • Cash. ...
  • Fixed interest.

Why is it important to spend money wisely? ›

Spending your money wisely is a way of life! Spending less than your income while continuing to pay your bills on time and in full allows you to save for future needs. ​Aligning your spending habits with what matters most to you will help you reach your biggest money goals.

What is the most important factor in retirement? ›

While not running out of money is a primary concern for most future retirees, covering healthcare expenses is a close second, according to Wells Fargo's research. In fact, 49% of Americans describe this as one of the most important aspects of retirement planning.

What is the 5 retirement rule? ›

50 - Consider allocating no more than 50 percent of take-home pay to essential expenses. 15 - Try to save 15 percent of pretax income (including employer contributions) for retirement. 5 - Save for the unexpected by keeping 5 percent of take-home pay in short-term savings for unplanned expenses.

What is the golden rule of retirement saving? ›

The 4 per cent rule

Regarding this rule, experts further explain that a retiree who invests 50% in bonds and 50% in equity will not outlive the funds if he/she withdraws 4% from the account in the first year. After that, the withdrawal amount is then adjusted as per inflation rate in each year.

What are the 3 types of retirement? ›

There are actually 3 different types of retirement:
  • Traditional retirement.
  • Semi-retirement.
  • Temporary retirement.

What are 6 ways to save? ›

Use these money-saving tips to generate ideas about the best ways to save money in your day-to-day life.
  • Eliminate Your Debt. ...
  • Set Savings Goals. ...
  • Pay Yourself First. ...
  • Stop Smoking. ...
  • Take a "Staycation" ...
  • Spend to Save. ...
  • Utility Savings. ...
  • Pack Your Lunch.

What are 4 benefits of saving? ›

First and foremost, saving money is important because it helps protect you in the event of a financial emergency. Additionally, saving money can help you pay for large purchases, avoid debt, reduce your financial stress, leave a financial legacy, and provide you with a greater sense of financial freedom.

What are three reasons why it is important to save for retirement? ›

Here are three real benefits to saving for retirement now:
  • Profit from compound interest. When it comes to your retirement savings, you'll find no better ally than compound interest. ...
  • Protect Yourself Against Market Risk. ...
  • Practice Financial Discipline.

Why is it important to start investing for retirement at an early age quizlet? ›

Why is it important to start investing for retirement early? It is important to begin to invest in retirement early, because the earlier you invest the more the interest will compound, the more you will make.

What are 4 reasons to save? ›

Reasons to Save Money
  • Financial independence. Financial independence gives you the ability to live without depending on others for financial support. ...
  • Emergency funds. ...
  • Debt Free Living. ...
  • Better Retirement. ...
  • Leave a legacy for loved ones. ...
  • Achieve long-term financial goals. ...
  • Investing. ...
  • Irregular or recurring expenses.
Dec 15, 2022

Why investing is important at every age? ›

Setting aside money every month for investing will keep you from spending that money on unnecessary expenditures. Investing your money demonstrates a concern for the future and a discipline that could make a difference during your retirement years. Many people think investing is complicated, but it doesn't have to be.

What are benefits of saving? ›

Saving provides a financial “backstop” for life's uncertainties and increases feelings of security and peace of mind. Once an adequate emergency fund is established, savings can also provide the “seed money” for higher-yielding investments such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

What are the reasons for investing? ›

Why is investing important? Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build wealth. Smart investing may allow your money to outpace inflation and increase in value. The greater growth potential of investing is primarily due to the power of compounding and the risk-return tradeoff.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.