Who To Notify When Moving To Another Country (2024)

So, you’ve decided to leave Australia behind and move overseas! While you may be excited to pack your bags and book the next flight to your new home, there is a significant amount of preparation required for your overseas move. Aside from packing your belongings, applying for a new job or university, and looking for somewhere to live, you’ll also need to prepare to leave your home country and inform some people about your departure. Here’s who you should notify when you are moving to another country.

Friends and family

The first people you should notify that you are moving overseas are your friends and family! It’s best to let them know as soon as you’ve decided to move and inform them yourself instead of allowing them to hear through the grapevine. Telling friends and family about your move can be emotional, and you may receive a mix of responses with some happy for your adventure and others being upset you are leaving. You may need to give a few weeks notice if you are wanting to host a goodbye party or to allow time to schedule catch-ups.


Depending on your type of work and existing contract, you may be required to give a specific amount of time notice before resigning. It’s usually considered good manners to give at least four weeks' notice of your leaving date to your employer, enabling them enough time to find a suitable replacement. Even if you are moving overseas and staying within the same company, you’ll still need to let your team or co-workers know that you are relocating to a different country.


Even if you are only moving overseas for a few months, you should let your bank know that you are abroad. Otherwise, they may suspend your debit or credit cards while you are overseas as it may be flagged for suspicious activity. You’ll also need to start thinking about how you will access your funds once overseas. Depending on where you are relocating to, you may need to acquire residency or proof of address before you can open a local bank account. Do your research before you leave and ensure to have some funds in a credit card you can use overseas.

If you are moving for an extended period of time, you may be thinking of closing all your Australian bank accounts. Keep in mind that it is handy to have an open bank account in case you need to pay any outstanding bills, for tax purposes and general convenience.

The Australian Taxation Office

As mentioned above, it can be beneficial to keep an Australian bank account open for tax reasons. As an Australian citizen, you are required to lodge a tax return with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) even if you are living overseas. If you have any study loans (such as a HELP/HECS loan, VET student loan and Trade support loan), you have the same obligations to repay it, even if you are out of the country. You’ll need to inform the ATO seven days before departure by updating your contact details and submitting an overseas travel notification.

Utility Companies

You’ll need to notify your utility companies (including electricity, gas, water and internet) that you would like to cancel your service before you leave. It’s best to inform them a month or so before your preferred end date. You may also be required to pay any cancellation fees if you are ending your service before the contracted period. If you are transferring the utility from one name to another, it’s best to do so a few weeks before you leave.


From streaming services to meal kit subscriptions, it’s best to cancel all your subscriptions before you relocate overseas. Otherwise, you may find you’ll be paying for a service you are not using or run into trouble for unpaid bills. It’s best to cancel before your next billing date if you are paying monthly and if paid yearly, give someone else the password or change the receiving address so they can reap the benefits.


It’s important to inform your insurance companies, including medical and home and contents providers, that you’ll be moving overseas. If your health insurance provides international insurance, you’ll likely need to switch plans or cancel your existing one. Having medical insurance overseas is critical so research companies who can insure you while working or studying overseas and budget accordingly. Don’t forget that insurance also includes your car insurance and other registration details, you’ll need to cancel or transfer ownership.

Real estate agent

If you are currently renting, you’ll need to notify your real estate agent and other tenants to remove your name from the lease. If you don’t do this, you will still be liable for the property and paying for rent. If you own your property, then you should arrange for it to either be rented or sold. Trying to arrange for your home to be sold while you are overseas can be difficult, so approach a real estate agent about selling as soon as you know that you are moving.


It’s time for a check-up! Before you move overseas, it’s a good idea to arrange some medical check-ups such as a visit to your local GP and dentist. If you are regularly taking any medication, discuss your move with your doctor and do some research to see if your medical will be accessible in your new country. You may also want to discuss your move with any other medical practitioners in your life such as a therapist and physiotherapist, and decide how you will progress with your treatment plan.


While it can be difficult to explain to your pet that you are moving, you will still need to notify people in your pet’s life about your relocation overseas. You’ll also need to decide whether you are taking them overseas with you or not. Depending on where you are moving to there may be some restrictions on bringing pets into the country. It is a difficult and emotional decision so ensure to take the time to consider all options.

Regardless of whether you are taking your pet with you overseas, you should take them in for a regular check-up to the vet and let them know that you are leaving the country. If you are deciding to rehome your pet, reach out to friends, family, colleagues and anyone else who may be interested in adopting them. You should allow a few weeks for the pet to get used to their new home and settle them into a new routine. It’s important to remember to change the details on their microchip and any other relevant documentation.

In the case of taking your furry or feathered with you overseas, you’ll need to find out the quarantine and vaccination requirements specific to the country you are moving to. A pet relocation service can advise on how best to relocate your pet and what is required to make the move.

Phone Provider

Mobile phones are an important part of everyday life and you will likely need access to a mobile after you move overseas. Depending on your existing mobile plan and set-up, you may need to inform your phone provider about your move. If you are using a mobile which is included in your plan, you may need to contact your provider to ‘unlock’ the phone and pay a small fee so you can use it with an overseas sim card and network. Majority of phones become ‘unlocked’ after 5 years and if you’ve brought your phone outright, you won’t need to worry about ‘unlocking’ your phone from the network. Don’t forget to cancel your contract otherwise you may risk some expensive charges if you use your phone overseas.


Not sure if you are able to take everything with you overseas? It’s time to contact a storage provider to arrange your belongings and furniture to be securely stored. A high quality storage provider should offer a range of long and short-term storage options in a climate controlled and monitored environment. It’s also recommended to use a storage company with a global network as they’ll be able to transport your things to your new home overseas if you require it.


You can’t forget to notify your international removalist company about your move! They’ll be the ones who will make your international relocation possible, transporting your belongings and furniture directly to your new home. An experienced and trusted international moving company like Allied will offer more than just transportation. With a range of different relocation services including professional packing, pet and vehicle relocation, and many other additional services which will make your move a breeze!

Book your international move today!

Ready to make the move to your new home overseas? At Allied, we are here to take care of all the required logistics involved in an international move so you can focus on getting excited about your relocation. You won’t need to agonise over the finer details when you choose Allied as your international movers. We’ll take the time to understand your specific requirements and provide a moving solution which suits your budget.

Contact us today to discuss your international relocation and receive a free quote!

As an expert in international relocations, I've been deeply involved in the logistics and intricacies of moving overseas for many years. My extensive experience includes advising individuals and families on the comprehensive preparations needed for a smooth transition to a new country. I have worked closely with various industries, understanding the unique challenges that come with relocating, whether it's for work, study, or personal reasons.

In the provided article about moving overseas from Australia, the following concepts are crucial for a successful international relocation:

  1. Friends and Family Notification:

    • Importance: It is essential to inform friends and family about your move promptly.
    • Emotional Impact: Acknowledge the emotional aspect, as reactions may vary.
  2. Work Notification:

    • Advance Notice: Depending on your job and contract, giving at least four weeks' notice is considered courteous.
    • Internal Communication: If staying within the same company, inform your team or co-workers about the relocation.
  3. Bank Notification:

    • Suspicion Avoidance: Inform the bank about your move to prevent card suspension due to suspicious overseas activity.
    • Financial Planning: Research banking options in the new country and plan for access to funds.
  4. Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Notification:

    • Tax Obligations: Australians living abroad are required to lodge tax returns with the ATO.
    • Loan Repayment: Inform the ATO about study loans and obligations even when residing overseas.
  5. Utility Companies Notification:

    • Service Cancellation: Notify utility companies in advance to cancel services like electricity, gas, water, and internet.
  6. Subscriptions Cancellation:

    • Financial Planning: Cancel subscriptions to avoid paying for unused services in the new country.
    • Billing Dates: Cancel before the next billing date to prevent unnecessary charges.
  7. Insurance Notification:

    • International Coverage: Inform insurance companies about the move, especially for health, home, and contents insurance.
    • Research: Research and switch health insurance plans if needed for international coverage.
  8. Real Estate Agent Notification:

    • Rental Termination: Notify the real estate agent if renting; remove name from lease or arrange for property sale/rental.
  9. Medical Check-ups:

    • Pre-move Health Check: Arrange medical check-ups before moving, including visits to the GP, dentist, and specialists.
    • Medication Accessibility: Ensure accessibility of medications in the new country.
  10. Pet Notification:

    • Decision-making: Decide whether to take pets overseas, considering restrictions and emotional impact.
    • Microchip and Documentation: Update pet details and documentation; consider rehoming if necessary.
  11. Phone Provider Notification:

    • Mobile Access: Inform the phone provider about the move for continued mobile service overseas.
    • Unlocking Phones: If necessary, unlock phones for overseas use; cancel contracts if needed.
  12. Storage Arrangements:

    • Secure Storage: Contact a storage provider for secure storage of belongings, especially if not taking everything overseas.
    • Global Network: Choose a storage company with a global network for potential international transport.
  13. International Removalist Notification:

    • Coordination: Notify the international removalist company about the move for transportation of belongings.
    • Additional Services: Consider additional services like professional packing, pet relocation, and vehicle relocation.

This comprehensive overview of the key concepts ensures a thorough understanding of the steps involved in moving overseas from Australia, covering personal, financial, and logistical aspects. If you're planning an international move, consider reaching out to professionals like Allied, who offer a range of relocation services to make the process smoother and stress-free.

Who To Notify When Moving To Another Country (2024)


Who do you notify when you move overseas? ›

Social Security Administration. Tax Agencies (IRS/Tax agencies abroad). Insurance providers. Your employer.

Who do I need to tell when I move country? ›

You will need to contact utility providers, such as for your gas and electricity, water and broadband, as well as your banks and private pension providers, to tell them your new address. Do so at least one month before you are due to leave your current address.

Who do you notify when you leave the country? ›

You must notify the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) if you plan to move overseas for six months (183 days) or more in a twelve-month period. You must do this within 7 days from the date of leaving Australia. Update your contact details via myGov. If you already live overseas, you must notify the ATO.

Who do I talk to about moving to another country? ›

To move (or visit) many other countries, specific documentation may be required. An immigration professional is an expert who can help make sure that you have everything you need to move to another country lawfully.

How to move overseas from America? ›

Here are some steps to guide you through the process of moving to another country:
  1. Research Your Destination Country. ...
  2. Obtain or Update Your Passport. ...
  3. Apply for the Necessary Visas and Residency Permits. ...
  4. Prepare Financially. ...
  5. Arrange Your Move Overseas. ...
  6. Become Familiar with the Culture and Customs.

Do I need a US address if I move to another country? ›

Keeping a US Address While Living Abroad

Having a US address can help ensure that you receive mail from the IRS or other important senders in a timely fashion. Many US financial institutions require you to provide a US address (not just a PO Box) to open an account.

Can you just up and move to another country? ›

Each country has its own specific visa rules and entry requirements that can be pretty strict when it comes to working. Despite this, you absolutely can move to another country without a job. People do it every day.

How long can a retired US citizen stay out of the country? ›

There is no time limit on how long a person can live outside the country and receive benefits. Foreign citizens with a U.S. work history may also qualify for Social Security benefits under certain agreements. Social Security payments can be deposited directly into a foreign bank account.

What age should you move to another country? ›

You are NEVER too old to move abroad.

Because whatever stage of life you're in, single or with a family, we strongly believe, that you should never let your age put your off fulfilling that dream of moving to another country. However, there are also some things to consider.

Does the government know when I leave the country? ›

If you leave by land, Mexico and Canada and the US tell each other when you enter. Does the government know when you are out of the country? Yes- that's why you show your passport when you cross a border or get on a plane.

What to do before leaving a country? ›

Organise your documents and insurance
  1. Confirm your passport is valid for at least 6 months from when you think your trip will end.
  2. Get the right visa for countries you're visiting or transiting through. ...
  3. Get comprehensive travel insurance to cover you and your belongings.
Mar 22, 2024

Can the government see when you leave the country? ›

They know when you enter and leave the US and to where. Other than by stamps in your passport, they don't know when you cross from one foreign country to another (unless that country is a close ally and they report it to the US).

What's the best country for Americans to move to? ›

Learn about what makes these countries the best for American expats, including their job markets, cost of living, and overall quality of life.
  1. Mexico. Mexico has found itself on the "best countries" list for relocation many years in a row. ...
  2. Canada. ...
  3. Portugal. ...
  4. The Netherlands.

What country is the easiest to move to? ›

The 10 Easiest Countries To Immigrate As an Expat
1. Canada2. Australia3. Germany
4. New Zealand5. Singapore6. Sweden
7. Ireland8. Netherlands9. Costa Rica
10. Malta
Mar 22, 2024

Which country to move to from USA? ›

There are multiple ways to obtain citizenship, permanent residency or residence permits in another country, with rules varying depending on the state laws. Portugal, Spain, Andorra, Greece, Malta, Switzerland, Austria, Cyprus, Canada and Thailand are some of the most attractive places for US citizens to move to.

What do I need to do before moving overseas? ›

There are:
  1. Visas and costs (including potential travel) for their renewal.
  2. Passport renewal (some countries require up to 12 months validity)
  3. Flight tickets (possibly return)
  4. Overseas travel insurance.
  5. Vaccinations and health checks.
  6. Prescription medications (it's great to have them on hand)

What to do with mail when moving internationally? ›

Use a virtual mailbox and mail forwarding service.

Of course, the easiest solution to expat mail services is a virtual mailbox or mail forwarding service like Traveling Mailbox. With Traveling Mailbox, your mail always moves with you—whether across the street or across the world!

What do you do with US mail when moving overseas? ›

International Moves: If you're going to move outside the United States, before you leave the U.S., you must go to a Post Office location to verify your identity and submit your change of address request in person.

Should I bring my Social Security card when moving abroad? ›

Your social security card should be secure at home or in a bank safe deposit box. There should be no need to bring it with you. If you are bringing your passport to travel, keep a photocopy of it separate from your passport. Also leave a photocopy at home or with a friend or relative.

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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.