What is the U.S. Debt Ceiling? (2024)

Economy|What is the U.S. Debt Ceiling?


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The United States has a cap on the amount of money it can borrow. That means it can run out of cash if the limit isn’t lifted.

What is the U.S. Debt Ceiling? (1)

By Alan Rappeport

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Washington is heading for another big fight over whether to raise or suspend the nation’s debt limit, which caps the amount of money the federal government can borrow.

That fight will begin in earnest on Wednesday, when President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the California Republican, meet at the White House to discuss the debt limit and other issues.

The United States borrows huge sums of money by selling Treasury bonds to investors across the globe and uses those funds to pay existing financial obligations, including military salaries, safety net benefits and interest on the national debt. Once the United States hits the cap, Treasury begins using “extraordinary measures” — suspending some investments and exchanging different types of debt — to try to stay beneath the cap for as long as possible. But eventually, the United States will need to either borrow more money to pay its bills or stop making good on its financial obligations, including possibly defaulting on its debt.

Responsibility for lifting or suspending the borrowing cap falls to Congress, which must get a simple majority in both the House and Senate to vote for any change to the debt limit. Raising the debt limit has become a perennial fight, with Republican lawmakers using it as leverage to try to force spending cuts.

This year is shaping up to be the messiest fight in at least a decade. Republicans now control the House and they have adopted new rules governing legislation that make it more difficult to raise the debt limit and strengthen Republicans’ ability to demand that any increase be accompanied by spending cuts. Senate Republicans have also insisted that increases to the debt limit should be tied to “structural spending reform.”

Mr. Biden has said he will oppose any attempt to tie spending cuts to raising the debt ceiling, raising the likelihood of a protracted standoff.

All of this drama raises the question of what the debt limit really is, how it got here and why the United States does not do away with debt limit entirely and spare the nation from its periodic face-off with an economic time bomb.

What is the debt limit?

The debt limit is a cap on the total amount of money that the federal government is authorized to borrow to fulfill its financial obligations. Because the United States runs budget deficits — meaning it spends more than it brings in through taxes and other revenue — it must borrow huge sums of money to pay its bills. That includes funding for social safety net programs, interest on the national debt and salaries for troops. The debt ceiling debate often elicits calls by lawmakers to cut back on government spending, but lifting the debt limit does not authorize any new spending and in fact simply allows the United States to finance existing obligations.

When was the debt limit reached?

The United States hit its technical debt limit on Jan. 19, prompting the Treasury Department to begin using “extraordinary measures” to continue paying the government’s obligations. Those are essentially fiscal accounting tools that curb certain government investments so that the bills continue to be paid.

Those options could be exhausted by June. The Bipartisan Policy Center, which closely tracks the debt limit deadline, estimates that the Treasury will really run out of cash — what’s known as the X-date — sometime around the middle of the year.

How much debt does the United States have?

The national debt crossed $31 trillion for the first time last year. The borrowing cap is set at $31.381 trillion.

What happens if the debt limit is not lifted or suspended?

Once the government exhausts its extraordinary measures and runs out of cash, it would be unable to issue new debt. That means it would not have enough money to pay its bills, including interest and other payments it owes to bondholders, military salaries and benefits to retirees.

No one knows exactly what would happen if the United States gets to this point but the government could wind up defaulting on its debt if it is unable to make required payments to its bondholders. Economists and Wall Street analysts warn that such a scenario would be economically devastating and could plunge the globe into a financial crisis.

Can the government do anything to forestall disaster?

There is no official playbook for what Washington could — or would — do if the United States really was unable to pay its bills. But options do exist. The Treasury could try to prioritize payments, such as paying bond holders first. Still, such an idea has yet to be tested and would require political decisions about who gets paid and who doesn’t.

If the United States does default on its debt, which would rattle the markets, the Federal Reserve could theoretically step in to buy some of those Treasury bonds. That could help calm what would undoubtedly be panic in the Treasury markets and elsewhere.

Why does the United States limit its borrowing?

According to the Constitution, Congress must authorize borrowing. The debt limit was instituted in the early 20th century so the Treasury did not need to ask for permission each time it needed to issue bonds to pay bills. The first debt limit came as part of the Second Liberty Bond Act of 1917, according to the Congressional Research Service. A general limit on the federal debt was imposed in 1939.

Do other countries do it this way?

Denmark also has a debt limit, but it is set so high that raising it is generally not an issue. Most other countries do not. In Poland, public debt cannot exceed 60 percent of gross domestic product.

Why is raising the debt limit so difficult?

For many years, raising the debt ceiling was routine. But as the political environment has become more polarized, brinkmanship over the debt ceiling has increased. The House used to employ the “Gephardt Rule,” which required the debt limit to be raised when a budget resolution was passed, but that was for the most part phased out during the 1990s.

During the 2011 debt ceiling battle, some argued that President Barack Obama had the power to unilaterally lift the debt ceiling. Former President Bill Clinton said at the time that if he were still in office, he would invoke the 14th Amendment, which says the validity of U.S. debt shall not be questioned, raise the debt ceiling on his own and force the courts to stop him.

Mr. Obama and his lawyers disagreed and opted against that approach. After leaving office, Mr. Obama acknowledged that he and Treasury officials considered several creative contingency plans, such as minting a $1 trillion coin to pay off some of the national debt. In a 2017 interview, he described the idea as “wacky.”

Ms. Yellen dismissed the idea of minting such a coin to deal with the debt limit at a House Financial Services hearing, arguing that the only way to address the borrowing cap is to for Congress to lift or suspend it.

If the debt ceiling disappeared, what would replace it?

The lack of a replacement is one of the main reasons the debt ceiling has persisted. The United States could follow the Denmark model and raise the debt limit stratospherically high. Some have also suggested that it could also force the limit to increase in lock step with new funding.

Would it be a good idea to do away with the debt limit?

Few lawmakers from either party enjoy a vote on the debt ceiling, and the default that would be caused by a failure to raise it would lead to an economic catastrophe. With political polarization in the United States showing no signs of abating, it often seems that the risk of an accidental default outweighs any fiscal responsibility that the debt limit encourages.

Ms. Yellen has said she would support legislation to abolish the debt limit, but Mr. Biden has ruled that out.

Alan Rappeport is an economic policy reporter, based in Washington. He covers the Treasury Department and writes about taxes, trade and fiscal matters. He previously worked for The Financial Times and The Economist. More about Alan Rappeport


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I'm Alan Rappeport, an economic policy reporter based in Washington with extensive experience covering the Treasury Department, taxes, trade, and fiscal matters. I've previously worked for reputable publications like The Financial Times and The Economist. Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article "What is the U.S. Debt Ceiling?" published by The New York Times on February 1, 2023.

  1. Debt Ceiling Overview:

    • The debt ceiling is a cap on the total amount of money the U.S. government is authorized to borrow to fulfill its financial obligations.
    • The government borrows money by selling Treasury bonds to investors globally and utilizes these funds for various financial obligations, including military salaries, safety net benefits, and interest on the national debt.
    • Lifting the debt limit doesn't authorize new spending but allows the U.S. to finance existing obligations.
  2. Current Situation:

    • The article mentions that the U.S. hit its technical debt limit on January 19, prompting the Treasury Department to use "extraordinary measures" to continue meeting financial obligations.
    • These measures include suspending some investments and exchanging different types of debt, but these options may be exhausted by June.
  3. Amount of Debt:

    • The national debt crossed $31 trillion for the first time last year, and the borrowing cap is set at $31.381 trillion.
  4. Consequences of Not Lifting the Debt Limit:

    • If the debt limit is not lifted or suspended, the government would be unable to issue new debt, leading to a potential default on its obligations.
    • This could result in an inability to pay bondholders, military salaries, and benefits to retirees, potentially causing a global financial crisis.
  5. Government Actions:

    • In case of a default, the Federal Reserve could theoretically step in to buy Treasury bonds to help stabilize the markets.
  6. Historical Context:

    • The debt limit was instituted in the early 20th century, with the first limit imposed in 1939. It was designed to avoid the need for Congress to approve borrowing every time the Treasury issued bonds.
  7. Comparison with Other Countries:

    • Denmark also has a debt limit, but it is set high, making raising it less of an issue. Most other countries, however, do not have a debt limit.
  8. Difficulty in Raising the Debt Ceiling:

    • The article highlights that raising the debt ceiling has become more difficult over the years, with increased political polarization leading to brinkmanship over the issue.
    • The absence of a replacement for the debt limit is one reason it persists.
  9. Alternative Approaches:

    • Some suggest raising the debt limit to an extremely high level, similar to the Denmark model, while others propose linking the limit to new funding.
  10. Debate on Abolishing the Debt Limit:

    • The article raises the question of whether it would be a good idea to do away with the debt limit, as it often leads to political tension and the risk of an accidental default.
    • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has expressed support for legislation to abolish the debt limit, but President Biden has ruled it out.

In conclusion, the U.S. debt ceiling is a critical aspect of the country's financial management, and the ongoing debates and challenges surrounding it have significant implications for the national and global economy.

What is the U.S. Debt Ceiling? (2024)


How is the U.S. able to have so much debt? ›

One of the main culprits is consistently overspending. When the federal government spends more than its budget, it creates a deficit. In the fiscal year of 2023, it spent about $381 billion more than it collected in revenues. To pay that deficit, the government borrows money.

What will happen when U.S. hit debt ceiling? ›

Even short of default, hitting the debt ceiling would hamstring the government's ability to finance its operations, including providing for the national defense or funding entitlements such as Medicare or Social Security.

Who owes the U.S. money? ›

In total, other territories hold about $7.4 trillion in U.S. debt. Japan owns the most at $1.1 trillion, followed by China, with $859 billion, and the United Kingdom at $668 billion. In isolation, this $7.4 trillion amount is a lot, said Scott Morris, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.

What would happen if the U.S. defaulted on its debt? ›

Economic recession or slowdown: A default could undermine investor and consumer confidence, leading to reduced spending and investment. This could also result in an economic slowdown or even a recession, affecting businesses, job creation and overall economic growth.

Can the US ever get out of debt? ›

Under current policy, the United States has about 20 years for corrective action after which no amount of future tax increases or spending cuts could avoid the government defaulting on its debt whether explicitly or implicitly (i.e., debt monetization producing significant inflation).

How much does the US owe China? ›

China is one of the United States's largest creditors, owning about $859.4 billion in U.S. debt. 1 However, it does not own the most U.S. debt of any foreign country. Nations borrowing from each other may be as old as the concept of money.

What happens to Social Security if the debt ceiling isn t raised? ›

Under normal conditions, the Treasury sends Social Security payments one month in arrears. That means the check you receive in June covers your benefits for the month of May. If the debt ceiling isn't raised, the Social Security payments due to be sent to beneficiaries in June would most likely still go out.

What happens to Social Security if government defaults? ›

If the U.S. defaults, what happens to Social Security? It's possible your check could be delayed, although the length of the interruption would depend on how long it takes lawmakers to fix the fiscal situation. Seniors and other recipients should monitor the negotiations over the debt limit, Johnson said.

Which country has the most debt? ›

Profiles of Select Countries by National Debt
  • Japan. Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP. ...
  • United States. ...
  • China. ...
  • Russia.

Which country has no debt? ›

1) Switzerland

Switzerland is a country that, in practically all economic and social metrics, is an example to follow. With a population of almost 9 million people, Switzerland has no natural resources of its own, no access to the sea, and virtually no public debt.

Does the US owe its citizens money? ›

The $34 trillion gross federal debt includes debt held by the public as well as debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts. In very basic terms, this can be thought of as debt that the government owes to others plus debt that it owes to itself.

Does China owe US money? ›

Among other countries, Japan and China have continued to be the top owners of US debt during the last two decades. Since the dollar is a strong currency that is accepted globally, holding a substantial amount of US debt can be beneficial.

What is the safest place for money if the US defaults on debt? ›

US Treasuries are considered to be the world's safest assets because they are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States, but the uncertainty over a debt ceiling deal adds risk. With Treasuries, the key question is when investors will be repaid, not if.

What 3 countries own the most U.S. debt? ›

Top Foreign Owners of US National Debt
  • Japan. $1,098.2. 14.52%
  • China. $769.6. 10.17%
  • United Kingdom. $693. 9.16%
  • Luxembourg. $345.4. 4.57%
  • Cayman Islands. $323.8. 4.28%

How do I prepare for debt ceiling default? ›

That means tamping down on excess spending, making a budget, and shoring up emergency savings to cover at least three months of living expenses. Since a debt default would likely send interest rates soaring, any credit card debt you're saddled with may soon cost you more.

Why can't the US make more money to get out of debt? ›

“The answer, in one word, is inflation,” says Alan Cole, senior economic policy analyst at The Conference Board, a business-focused think tank. “[That's] the binding constraint on governments, in the end, that keeps them from issuing gobs of currency and buying whatever they want with it.”

Is there a limit to how much debt the US can have? ›

What Is the Current Situation? The Treasury has already reached the current debt limit of $31.4 trillion, so it has no room to borrow under its standard operating procedures, other than to replace maturing debt.

How much money does the US owe in debt and why? ›

The $34 trillion gross federal debt includes debt held by the public as well as debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts. In very basic terms, this can be thought of as debt that the government owes to others plus debt that it owes to itself.

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