How much US debt does China own and why is it important? (2024)

  • As of the end of November, China owned US$1.063trillion of thetotal outstanding US government debt issued by the US Department of the Treasury.
  • Since the start of the trade war in 2018, there has been concern over China possibly weaponising its US debt holding as a way to retaliate against trade tariffs

How much US debt does China own and why is it important? (1)

Amanda Lee in Beijing


Updated: 10:37am, 20 Jan, 2021

How much US debt does China own and why is it important? (2024)


How much of the US debt is owned by China? ›

China and Japan are the largest foreign investors in American government debt. Together they own $2 trillion — more than a quarter — of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries.

Why does China own so much U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways

China invests heavily in U.S. Treasury bonds to keep its export prices lower. China focuses on export-led growth to help generate jobs. To keep its export prices low, China must keep its currency—the renminbi (RMB)—low compared to the U.S. dollar.

Why is the US national debt important? ›

A nation saddled with debt will have less to invest in its own future. Rising debt means fewer economic opportunities for Americans. Rising debt reduces business investment and slows economic growth. It also increases expectations of higher rates of inflation and erosion of confidence in the U.S. dollar.

Why can the US have so much debt? ›

Nearly every year, the government spends more than it collects in taxes and other revenue, resulting in a deficit. (The debt ceiling, set by Congress, caps how much the U.S. can borrow to pay for its remaining bills.) The national debt, now at a historic high, is the buildup of its deficits over time.

Who owns most of the US debt? ›

Domestic Holders of Federal Debt

The Federal Reserve, which purchases and sells Treasury securities as a means to influence federal interest rates and the nation's money supply, is the largest holder of such debt.

What country owns most of the US debt? ›

Which countries hold the most US debt? Over the past 20 years, Japan and China have owned more US Treasuries than any other foreign nation. Between 2000 and 2022, Japan grew from owning $534 billion to just over $1 trillion, while China's ownership grew from $101 billion to $855 billion.

Who owes the US money? ›

Many people believe that much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreign countries like China and Japan, but the truth is that most of it is owed to Social Security and pension funds right here in the U.S. This means that U.S. citizens own most of the national debt.

What happens if US defaults on debt? ›

So if the U.S. cannot pay its creditors, interest rates on U.S. debt would go up, creating a cascade of higher interest rates. So mortgage rates, credit card rates, car loan rates. All would become more expensive. Finally, there is a real concern about the economy — that a default could spark a recession.

What if China called in the US debt? ›

Consequences of Owing Debt to the Chinese

If China called in all of its U.S. holdings, the U.S. dollar would depreciate, whereas the yuan would appreciate, making Chinese goods more expensive.

What are 3 causes of the US national debt? ›

Tax cuts, stimulus programs, increased government spending, and decreased tax revenue caused by widespread unemployment account for sharp rises in the national debt.

How can the US pay off its debt? ›

Of course, just as with an individual or family, cutting spending and increasing revenue are smart first steps. Beyond that, the government considers things like new taxes, a higher retirement age, removing loopholes from the tax code, and more to reduce annual deficits and the national debt.

Does the US debt matter? ›

High levels of debt can diminish economic growth. Rising debt service costs will consume the discretionary budget, crowding out all other priorities; cause higher interest rates and borrowing costs for public and private sectors; weaken investment; and erode the standard of living.

Why can't the US make money to pay off debt? ›

The Fed tries to influence the supply of money in the economy to promote noninflationary growth. Unless there is an increase in economic activity commensurate with the amount of money that is created, printing money to pay off the debt would make inflation worse.

Has the US ever been debt free? ›

On January 8, 1835, president Andrew Jackson paid off the entire national debt, the only time in U.S. history that has been accomplished.

How is the US the richest country with so much debt? ›

It's high because the U.S. continues to spend more than it receives in revenue. Therefore, it must issue more debt to cover the difference. The national debt is an accumulation of federal budget deficits. Every spending program and tax cut adds to the debt unless paid for by new appropriations.

Does China have more debt than the US? ›

Therefore, China's national debt has surged almost three times that of the United States in the past 12 months. In the third spot, Japan has a national debt of $13.36 trillion, indicating a drop of $1.49 trillion YoY.

Does any country owe the US money? ›

For a long time, the biggest holder of U.S. debt was China. But did you know that in late 2016, Japan overtook China as the biggest foreign holder of U.S. debt? Japan and China are, by far, the two biggest holders of U.S. debt – but the top five is filled with countries that you might not expect.

Is China in a debt crisis? ›

China's $23 Trillion Local Debt Crisis Threatens Xi's Economy - Bloomberg.

Where does the US rank in debt? ›

The United States boasts both the world's biggest national debt in terms of dollar amount and its largest economy, which resolves to a debt-to GDP ratio of approximately 128.13%. The United States' government's spending exceeds its income most years, and the US has not had a budget surplus since 2001.

Is the US debt bigger than the economy? ›

For several years, the nation's debt has been bigger than its gross domestic product, which was $26.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022. Debt-to-GDP is a useful metric for analyzing the debt over long time spans, as it puts the debt into relative terms by comparing it against the size of the national economy.

Who holds most of China's debt? ›

But other experts argue the risk of a hard landing is low. China has little overseas debt, and a high national savings rate. In addition, most of the debt is state owned – state-controlled banks loaned funds to state-controlled firms – giving the government the ability to manage the situation.

How long will it take to pay off the US national debt? ›

To pay back one million dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 11.5 days. To pay back one billion dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 32 years. To pay back one trillion dollars, at a rate of one dollar per second, would take you 31,688 years.

Which country has no debt? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

How much does Mexico owe United States? ›

Mexico External Debt 1970-2023
Mexico External Debt - Historical Data
YearCurrent US $Annual % Change
49 more rows

What happens if debt ceiling is reached? ›

Potential repercussions of reaching the ceiling include a downgrade by credit rating agencies, increased borrowing costs for businesses and homeowners alike, and a dropoff in consumer confidence that could shock the United States' financial market and tip its economy—and the world's—into immediate recession.

Which country has defaulted the most? ›

10 Countries That Are Most Likely to Default
  • 10 Countries That Are Most Likely to Default. Mar 17, 2023. ...
  • Argentina. The country is facing economic turmoil with a weakened currency, critically low reserves, and bonds trading at a low price. ...
  • Ukraine. ...
  • Tunisia. ...
  • Ghana. ...
  • Egypt. ...
  • Kenya. ...
  • Ethiopia.
Mar 17, 2023

How much money does United States have? ›

The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269.6 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP){{refn|name=position|group=lower-alpha|See section Estimated financial position, Q1 2014 for calculations.

What does China own in the US? ›

China owns and controls almost 192,000 acres of farmland right here in the United States. To be clear, it's not a huge percentage of our total farm acreage by any stretch. According to the FDA, there are more than 35 million acres of farmland in the U.S. which are owned by foreign investors.

How much money does America owe? ›

The $31 trillion gross federal debt equals debt held by the public plus debt held by federal trust funds and other government accounts. In very basic terms, this can be thought of as debt that the government owes to others plus debt that it owes to itself. Learn more about different ways to measure our national debt.

What would happen if the US stopped paying its debt? ›

Stocks, corporate debt and the value of the dollar would probably plummet. Volatility could be extreme, not just in the United States but across the world. In 2011, around when lawmakers struck a last-minute deal to avoid breaching the debt limit, the S&P 500 fell 17 percent in just over two weeks.

What country is most in debt? ›

Norway is the country with the highest level of household debt based on OECD data followed by Denmark and the Netherlands.

When was the last time the US had no debt? ›

As a result, the U.S. actually did become debt free, for the first and only time, at the beginning of 1835 and stayed that way until 1837. It remains the only time that a major country was without debt. Jackson and his followers believed that freedom from debt was the linchpin in establishing a free republic.

Can the US borrow money forever? ›

Previous research showed that, at least theoretically, government debt could be rolled over forever without the need for a budget surplus, as long as the economy has a rate of growth that is greater than the interest rate.

Can the US have too much debt? ›

The Negative Effect of Too Much Debt

As the federal debt continues to rise, it will become increasingly difficult to stimulate economic growth. This could lead to some risky policy decisions from the federal government, complete with unintended consequences.

Can you live in America without debt? ›

It might appear impossible, but many consumers succeed in living their entire lives without any debt. People of a variety of ages and income levels have made this choice. It's not an easy feat, but if it's something you truly want, don't let naysayers talk you out of it.

Who has the power to print money? ›

The job of actually printing currency bills belongs to the Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing, but the Fed determines exactly how many new bills are printed each year.

Is inflation caused by printing money? ›

Does Printing Money Cause Inflation? Yes, "printing" money by increasing the money supply causes inflationary pressure. As more money is circulating within the economy, economic growth is more likely to occur at the risk of price destabilization.

How many Americans are 100% debt free? ›

Fewer than one quarter of American households live debt-free. Learning ways to tackle debt can help you get a handle on your finances.

When did the USA start going into debt? ›

The U.S. has had debt since its inception. Our records show that debts incurred during the American Revolutionary War amounted to $75,463,476.52 by January 1, 1791. Over the following 45 years, the debt grew.

How does the US have so much money? ›

The American economy is fueled by high productivity, transportation infrastructure, and extensive natural resources. Americans have the highest average household and employee income among OECD member states.

Who is the richest government in the world? ›

Wealthiest Countries in the World
1Luxembourg86 billion
2Bermuda7 billion
3Ireland504 billion
4Switzerland801 billion
86 more rows

Who owns the US federal debt? ›

1 Foreign governments hold a large portion of the public debt, while the rest is owned by U.S. banks and investors, the Federal Reserve, state and local governments, mutual funds, pensions funds, insurance companies, and holders of savings bonds.

Who owes China the most debt? ›

At the end of 2021, of the 98 countries for whom data was available, Pakistan ($27.4 billion of external debt to China), Angola (22.0 billion), Ethiopia (7.4 billion), Kenya (7.4 billion) and Sri Lanka (7.2 billion) held the biggest debts to China.

What is the breakdown of the US debt? ›

At the end of 2022 (the most recent data available), domestic creditors held 70 percent of the outstanding debt held by the public. The remaining 30 percent was held by foreign creditors. The Federal Reserve typically accounts for a significant proportion of debt held by the public owned by domestic investors.

Who started the US debt? ›

1783: Raising Taxes to Meet Operating Expenses

Alexander Hamilton rallied for the government to assume some debt and help meet its expenses. He pushed the framers of the new Constitution to establish measures to provide the assurance that the debt would be paid, and thus increase confidence in the growing government.

How much is the United States worth? ›

For the fourth quarter of 2019, total wealth in the U.S. was $111.04 trillion.

Is China in more debt than the US? ›

Therefore, China's national debt has surged almost three times that of the United States in the past 12 months. In the third spot, Japan has a national debt of $13.36 trillion, indicating a drop of $1.49 trillion YoY.

Is China's debt a problem? ›

In 2021, a remote coal town in northeastern China was forced to undergo an unprecedented financial restructuring. Its struggles since are an ominous sign for Chinese President Xi Jinping as other heavily indebted municipalities look set to follow suit.

What country is debt free? ›

The 20 countries with the lowest national debt in 2022 in relation to gross domestic product (GDP)
CharacteristicNational debt in relation to GDP
Macao SAR0%
Brunei Darussalam2.06%
Hong Kong SAR4.26%
9 more rows
May 11, 2023

Is the US national debt a problem? ›

For several years, the nation's debt has been bigger than its gross domestic product, which was $26.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2022. Debt-to-GDP is a useful metric for analyzing the debt over long time spans, as it puts the debt into relative terms by comparing it against the size of the national economy.

What has the most debt in America? ›

Mortgage balances, the largest source of debt for most Americans, rose 5.9 percent between 2020 and 2021. The average mortgage balance is $220,380, according to Experian. Auto loan balances reportedly rose 6.5 percent year-over-year in 2021, and the average auto loan balance is $20,987.

How much does China owe the world? ›

When adding portfolio debts (including the $1 trillion of U.S. Treasury debt purchased by China's central bank) and trade credits (to buy goods and services), the Chinese government's aggregate claims to the rest of the world exceed $5 trillion in total.

Can China call in U.S. debt? ›

Key Takeaways. Whether you're an American retiree or a Chinese bank, American debt is considered a sound investment. The Chinese yuan, like the currencies of many nations, is tied to the U.S. dollar. Because of varying maturities dates, China would be unable to call in all its Treasury holdings at once.

What is Chinese money trap? ›

A neologism, the term was first coined by Indian academic Brahma Chellaney in 2017, to allege that the Chinese government leverages the debt burden of smaller countries for geopolitical ends. However, other analysts have described the idea of a Chinese debt trap as a "myth" or "distraction".

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