What Is My Vested Balance? (The Money You Own in Your Plan) (2024)

When you participate in a retirement plan at your job, you might have a vested balance (and several other balances) in your retirement account. Those different “buckets” of money are typically a result of contributions that your employer makes for you. For example, you might receive matching funds on your contributions to a 403(b) plan, profit-sharing money in a 401(k), or other funds from your employer.

What Is Your Vested Balance?

Your vested balance is the amount of money you currently have ownership of. If you leave your job or want to withdraw funds from your retirement plan, your vested balance tells you how much money might be available to you.

Once you are fully vested in your retirement plan, your employer cannot take money back from your account. Plus, vesting is important because it allows you to potentially access your funds through loans and withdrawals from 401(k), 403(b), and other workplace plans.

How Vesting Works

Employee contributions: The money you voluntarily contribute from your earnings is always 100% immediately vested. You earned that money by working, so there is no vesting schedule attached to the contributions you put toward your retirement.

Employer contributions: Any money that your employer contributes on your behalf might have a vesting schedule. That’s not always the case (for example, Safe Harbor contributions should vest immediately). Employers often delay vesting to create an incentive to stay with your employer and contribute to the organization’s success.

We’ll discuss vesting for employer contributions in more detail below.

Stock options: When it comes to employer stock options, vesting refers to the shares that are currently available for you to exercise.

Keep reading below, or watch the companion video for an explanation:

Can I Withdraw That Money?

Access to funds in your retirement account depends on your situation.

What Is My Vested Balance? (The Money You Own in Your Plan) (1)

After You Leave Your Job

Once you quit, retire, or get fired, you should have access to your vested balance. You can withdraw those funds and reinvest in a retirement account—or cash out, although there may be tax consequences and other reasons to avoid doing so.

While Still Employed

While you’re still employed, you typically have limited access to money in a retirement plan—even your fully vested balance. Rules may require that you meet specific criteria and that your plan allows you to access your money. There are several potential ways to withdraw money before you leave your employer:

  • Loans: You may be able to borrow the lesser of 50% or $50,000 of your vested balance, and you’ll need to repay that loan (typically through salary deferral).
  • Normal Retirement Age: Reaching the plan’s “normal retirement age” might allow you to withdraw part or all of your vested balance. That’s an age that specifies when certain benefits kick in, but you can retire before or after that.
  • Hardship withdrawals: If you meet certain criteria, you may be able to take a distribution to prevent financial hardship. Examples include buying a primary residence, paying for medical care, avoiding foreclosure or eviction, and others defined by the IRS.
  • In-service distributions: If your plan allows in-service distributions, you might be able to take funds out sometime after age 59.5. That might be worth considering if your employer’s retirement plan has high fees or lacks features that are important to you. When the option is available, you can potentially move funds to an IRA that you control.

Other Situations

You might become fully vested in all of your balances if your employer “terminates” or shuts down the retirement plan, enabling you to transfer the funds elsewhere. Likewise, death or disability can trigger 100% vesting. Check with your employer’s plan administrator to learn about all of the plan’s rules.

Account Balance vs. Vested Balance

Why Is the Vested Balance Lower?

If your vested balance is lower than your account balance, you are not yet 100% vested in all balances. You may have matching funds or profit-sharing dollars in your account, but you have not met the service requirements to be fully vested. To get those numbers to match, you need to be 100% vested, which may require that you keep working at the same employer.

How Much Do I Get?

When you are not fully vested, you receive less than your full account balance. For example, if you quit your job and you’re 40% vested, you would only get your vested balance as a rollover or cash-out payment. However, it’s crucial to verify your exact vesting percentage with your plan’s administrator—as you read through statements and find information online, you might get inaccurate information (hopefully, you’re more vested than you think).

Types of Vesting Schedules

Employers can use a variety of approaches to vesting.

100% Immediate Vesting

When money is 100% immediately vested, you own that money without needing to wait or work additional hours. Two of the most common types of immediately vested balances include:

  • Safe Harbor: If your employer uses a Safe Harbor contribution (often to avoid problems with discrimination tests), those contributions are fully vested immediately.
  • Employee salary deferral: Again, the money you voluntarily contribute to the plan is 100% immediately vested. You cannot forfeit that money to your employer, although the value may rise and fall if your investments gain or lose value.

6-Year Graded

What Is My Vested Balance? (The Money You Own in Your Plan) (2)

A 6-year graded vesting schedule is another popular option. With that approach, your vested portion increases by 20% each year. You start with 0% vesting after your first year, and vesting begins after that.

  • Year 2: 20%
  • Year 3: 40%
  • Year 4: 60%
  • Year 5: 80%
  • Year 6: 100%

Cliff Vesting

Cliff vesting is more generous, although it does not work well for employees who only work for a brief period. After your first and second year, you’re 0% vested. But after your third year, you are 100% vested.

Other Schedules

As long as a vesting schedule is at least as generous than the IRS specifies, employers may be able to get creative. For example, some employers set vesting at 25% per year. If their guideline is to be less restrictive than the 6-year graded schedule, this might be allowed. Ultimately, it’s up to employers (and the consultants they work with) to decide if they want to be more generous.

What’s a “Year”?

In many cases, a year of service is a calendar year in which you work at least 1,000 hours. However, your workplace plan might specify something else, such as a 12-month period. It’s critical to know how your retirement plan defines years of service. Getting hired late in the year can potentially count against you, especially when you have a limited number of years to retire.

Types of Money That Might Vest (Or Not)

Examples of money types that are most likely to have a vesting schedule include:

  • Employer matching: Any funds you receive as a result of your own contributions to the plan.
  • Employer profit-sharing: Money you might get regardless of whether or not you contribute.
  • Others, potentially

Examples of contributions that would generally not require any wait for vesting:

  • Qualified non-elective contribution (QNEC): An employer contribution that’s typically used to fix mistakes or solve failed discrimination tests. For the contribution to work, it must be 100% immediately vested.
  • Qualified matching contribution (QMAC): Similar to a QNEC, above, but handled differently.
  • Rollover: Funds that you roll into your plan from a previous employer’s 401(k), 403(b), your IRA, etc.

IRA-based accounts, including SEPs and SIMPLEs, do not have vesting schedules. Once the money goes into your account, it’s yours to do with as you please. However, it’s critical to learn about potential tax consequences of moving or withdrawing funds from any retirement account.

Important: Speak with your tax advisor and your plan administrator before making any decisions. The information here might not apply to your plan, it may be outdated, or there may be errors or omissions that you need to address with a professional.

What Is My Vested Balance? (The Money You Own in Your Plan) (2024)


What Is My Vested Balance? (The Money You Own in Your Plan)? ›

What Is Vested Balance? The vested balance is the amount of money that belongs to you and cannot be taken back by an employer when you leave your job — even if you are fired. The contributions you personally make to your 401(k) are automatically 100% vested.

What does my vested balance mean? ›

The vested balance of your 401(k) is what you own outright, and the funds cannot be taken back by the employer if you lose your job or leave the company. That's because 100% of your employee contributions and any returns (i.e., investment earnings) associated with those contributions are vested and protected.

What is a vested balance vs plan balance? ›

A vested account balance is the portion of a retirement plan account owned by the participant. A vested account balance equals the vesting percentage multiplied by the account balance. A vested account balance can equal the account balance only if the vesting percentage is 100%.

What is my vested amount? ›

Your vested balance is the amount of money you currently have ownership of. If you leave your job or want to withdraw funds from your retirement plan, your vested balance tells you how much money might be available to you.

How do I know if I'm vested in my 401k? ›

Employees begin to become vested in at least 20 percent of their accrued benefits after an initial period of employment, with 20 percent increases each year. Once an employee hits 100 percent, they are fully vested and possess irrevocable rights to the employer's contributions.

Can I withdraw money from vested account? ›

You can withdraw cash from your account any time. All you have to do is initiate the withdrawal process from the 'Withdrawal' tab on the platform. The money will be wired directly to your bank account in India. It may take 3 to 5 business days for the wire to come through.

Can I withdraw all vested balance? ›

After you have a distribution event, you can take all of your vested account balance out of the plan (called a lump sum distribution). Some plans allow partial payouts or installment payments, such as a specific dollar amount each year or each quarter.

What happens to vested balance when you quit? ›

If it is unvested, the funds in your account will remain the property of your former employer, and you won't have access to them. However, if it is vested, then you can cash out the money or roll over the account into an IRA or another eligible retirement account.

Can you cash out your 401k? ›

Yes, you can withdraw money from your 401(k) before age 59½. However, early withdrawals often come with hefty penalties and tax consequences. If you find yourself needing to tap into your retirement funds early, here are rules to be aware of and options to consider.

What happens if you leave before vested? ›

When you leave a job before being fully vested, the unvested portion of your account is forfeited and placed in the employer's forfeiture account, where it can then be used to help pay plan administration expenses, reduce employer contributions, or be allocated as additional contributions to plan participants.

What happens to my 401k if I'm not vested? ›

What Happens to My 401(k) If I'm Not Vested? Your employer's contributions will eventually automatically become vested unless you quit your job or are laid off beforehand. In these situations, any unvested money is forfeited and returned to the employer.

What happens to my 401k when I quit? ›

If you leave your job, your 401(k) will stay where it is until you decide what you want to do with it. You have several choices including leaving it where it is, rolling it over to another retirement account, or cashing it out.

How many years do you need to be vested? ›

For most people, that amounts to at least five years of CalPERS-credited service. But there are a few other factors involved. To be vested, you must actually meet two requirements: age and service credit.

Can an employer take back their 401k match? ›

Under federal law, an employer can take back all or part of the matching money they put into an employee's account if the worker fails to stay on the job for the vesting period. Employer matching programs would not exist without 401(k) plans.

How do you use vested? ›

How does Vested Direct work?
  1. Open a Vested Direct account. This is a one-time process. ...
  2. Next, load funds into your Vested Direct account via your existing bank's netbanking solution.
  3. To load USD into your Vested brokerage account, initiate a USD deposit request from the app.

What to do when you are fully vested? ›

Once you're fully vested, you can take the entire company match with you when you part ways with your job. If you're not fully vested, you'll get to keep only a portion of the match or maybe none at all. To find out your vesting schedule, check with your company's benefits administrator.

How do I close my vested account? ›

Under Settings / Vested benefits, you can initiate the closing process yourself. All securities will then be sold on the next weekly trading day on the following Tuesday. At the same time, you will receive a closing order by e-mail.

How do I avoid 20% tax on my 401k withdrawal? ›

One of the easiest ways to lower the amount of taxes you have to pay on 401(k) withdrawals is to convert to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). Withdrawals from Roth accounts are not taxed.

Can I close my 401k and take the money? ›

Technically, yes: After you've left your employer, you can ask your plan administrator for a cash withdrawal from your old 401(k). They'll close your account and mail you a check. But you should rarely—if ever—do this until you're at least 59 ½ years old!

Can I use my vested balance to buy a house? ›

Borrowing 401(k) funds to buy a home

You can take $10,000 or half your vested amount in the plan (whichever is more), up to a maximum of $50,000. This type of loan is provided by your 401(k) plan provider — double check that they do allow it — and they will set the interest rates for it and the loan term.

Why can't I withdraw my vested balance? ›

Vesting May Limit Access to Some 401(k) Funds

1 However, in practice, the balance in the account may not all be yours, because some money may have been contributed by your employer via employer matching and you may not have worked long enough in the job for those company contributions to have vested to you.

How much of my vested balance can I withdraw? ›

You can borrow up to 50% of the vested value of your account, up to a maximum of $50,000 for individuals with $100,000 or more vested. If your account balance is less than $10,000, you will only be allowed to borrow up to $10,000.

Can I transfer my 401k to my checking account? ›

Can you transfer your 401k to your bank? Once you have attained 59 ½, you can transfer funds from a 401(k) to your bank account without paying the 10% penalty. However, you must still pay the withdrawn amount's ordinary income (Federal and State).

How much taxes will I pay if I withdraw my 401k? ›

Generally speaking, the only penalty assessed on early withdrawals from a traditional 401(k) retirement plan is the 10% additional tax levied by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), though there are exceptions.1 This tax is in place to encourage long-term participation in employer-sponsored retirement savings schemes.

How long can a company hold your 401k after you leave? ›

A company can hold your 401k up to 60 days after you leave.

Smaller amounts of accrued savings often result in a company cashing out your 401k, sending it in a lump sum, or rolling over your 401k into an Individual Retirement Account (IRA).

Can I cash out 100% of my 401k? ›

Yes. In retirement, you can withdraw only as much as you need to live, and allow the rest to remain invested. You can also choose to use your 401(k) funds to purchase an annuity that will pay out guaranteed lifetime income.

How many years does it take to be fully vested in a 401k? ›

This is known as "graded vesting." You will be fully vested (the employer-matching funds will belong to you) after five years at your job. You'll be 60% vested if you leave your job after three years. You'll be entitled to 60% of the amount of money that your employer has contributed to your 401(k).

Do I lose vested options if I quit? ›

If a good leaver, the recipient will keep the number of options already vested, and any remaining options will be cancelled. They'll then need to exercise these options into shares within 90 days. Any options not exercised within this timeframe will be cancelled.

Can a company take away vested equity? ›

If you quit, you could take the stock with you. *Note: If your contract includes a clawback, your company can take back your vested stock options when you leave the company. The agreement might require you to sell it back at the price you paid for it or at the FMV as of your termination.

Can a company refuse to give you your 401k? ›

No, a company can not refuse to give you your 401k.

Companies may choose whether or not to provide 401k plans to their employees. They may also choose how they run these plans. Companies can also remove some money from your 401k account after you leave the company, though this only applies in specific scenarios.

How can I cash out my 401k early? ›

If your employer's plan allows it, a hardship withdrawal from a traditional or Roth 401(k) to address “an immediate and heavy financial need” is another way to gain access to your money. This type of withdrawal permanently reduces your portfolio's balance and you're taxed as noted above.

What happens to my vested balance? ›

“Vesting” in a retirement plan means ownership. This means that each employee will vest, or own, a certain percentage of their account in the plan each year. An employee who is 100% vested in his or her account balance owns 100% of it and the employer cannot forfeit, or take it back, for any reason.

How long does it take to get vested in 401k? ›

This is known as "graded vesting." You will be fully vested (the employer-matching funds will belong to you) after five years at your job. You'll be 60% vested if you leave your job after three years. You'll be entitled to 60% of the amount of money that your employer has contributed to your 401(k).

How long does a vested pension last? ›

Pension vesting for defined-benefit plans can occur in different ways. Your benefits can vest immediately, or vesting may be spread out over as many as seven years. Your plan's vesting schedule might be a factor if you're thinking about changing jobs—you might not want to leave until you're fully vested.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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