Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Ultimate Guide - 2023 Update! (2024)

Table of Contents
What is a TSP? Who qualifies for a federal government TSP? What are some benefits of the TSP? What are the disadvantages of investing in a TSP? What are the new TSP withdrawal rules? What are the contribution limits for TSP in 2023? How do I maximize my federal retirement savings plan in 2023? Tip #1: Don’t ignore the Roth TSP option So what is the Roth TSP? Why can switching to a Roth TSP contribution be a more lucrative way to save in your TSP? Tip #2: You’re allowed to contribute more than 5% to your TSP Tip #3: Be cautious of the S Fund Is TSP a 401(k)? Differences between TSP and 401(k) Similarities between TSP and 401(k) Is a Thrift Savings Plan an IRA? Differences between TSP and IRA Similarities between TSP and IRA What is the TSP mutual fund window? What TSP fund is best? What TSP fund should I invest in? What is the safest TSP fund? How much should I have in my TSP fund to retire? At what age is TSP mandatory withdrawal? Can I take a lump sum from TSP? Where can I find the federal TSP login website? What happens to your TSP account if you leave federal service? How do I maximize my federal retirement savings plan growth? Is the TSP a good option for saving for retirement? Take the time to learn how you can take full advantage of your TSP, starting with applying the 3 tips above. What Should I Do With My TSP When I Retire? Roth IRA vs Roth TSP: Which Should I Invest In? Roth IRA Calculator 2023: Estimate Your Retirement Savings! 4 Ways To Invest Your Tax Refund 2023 What Is The Best Credit Card For Cash Back In 2023? Other Great Posts You Might Like Self-employed? Solo 401(k) vs SEP IRA 2023 IRS Limits: The Numbers You Have Been Waiting For How To Combine Finances After Marriage (4 KEY STEPS) Schedule a free discovery call today​​​ FAQs

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Ultimate Guide - 2023 Update! (1)

  • Alvin Carlos
  • May 14, 2023


Do you work for the government or the military and want to maximize your thrift savings plan? In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about a TSP, the top three TSP best practices that you can use to get the most out of your TSP, and more.

Table of Contents

What is a TSP?

The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a retirement savings program created by the U.S. It is administered by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (FRTIB). It is essentially a 401(k) plan for federal government employees. It allows eligible individuals to save for retirement by setting aside a portion of their income, up to a maximum amount, into a tax-advantaged savings account. Contributions to a TSP can either be pre-tax or post-tax.

Who qualifies for a federal government TSP?

A TSP is only open to federal employees and uniformed service members. Some of these groups include:

  • Members of the uniformed services
  • Federal civilian employees
  • Civilian employees of the uniformed services
  • Members of foreign service
  • Members of Congress
  • Congressional employees
  • Judges

What are some benefits of the TSP?

  • Diversification: The TSP offers a range of investment options. These can include bonds, stock funds, and a government securities fund. These can help you diversify your portfolio.
  • Low fees: TSP investment funds have some of the lowest fees in the retirement savings industry.
  • Tax advantages: TSP contributions can be made pre-tax. This means that you can lower your taxable income and reduce your tax bill. The earnings also grow tax-deferred which means that you don’t have to pay taxes on them until you make a withdrawal. TSP contributions can also be made after tax, which means it will grow tax-free.
  • Employer contributions: Some military branches and federal agencies offer employer-matching contributions. This can help you reach your retirement savings goals faster.
  • Automatic enrollment: Many federal employees are automatically enrolled in the TSP. This makes it easy to get started and to stay consistent.
  • Portability: If you leave federal service then you can transfer your TSP to another eligible retirement plan such as a 401(k) or an IRA.

What are the disadvantages of investing in a TSP?

  • Limited investment options: There are limited investment options. There are only 6 types of TSP funds. However, they have recently addressed this by offering a mutual fund window, which gives federal employees access to a wider range of investment options.

  • Early withdrawal penalty: If you withdraw money from your TSP before you are 59 1/2 years old (unless you meet the other TSP withdrawal rules), then you typically have to pay taxes and a 10% penalty (some exceptions apply).

  • Defined contribution plan: TSP is a defined contribution plan which means that withdrawals are not guaranteed for life once the retiree starts withdrawing. Therefore, a TSP account could be depleted before the participant dies. It’s important to consider how much you will need for retirement to ensure you are saving enough.

  • Unable to contribute after government service ends: Once you retire or leave the government sector, then you can no longer contribute to your TSP. However, you do have the option to leave your funds within the TSP, roll them into a different 401(k) plan, or roll them into a traditional IRA.

What are the new TSP withdrawal rules?

The TSP rules changed under the Secure Act 2.0. From January 1, 2023, retirees who fall under special provision employees (Law Enforcement, Firefighters, Air Traffic Controllers) can access their TSP either the year they turn 50 or older, or if they are separating with at least 25 years of service at any age. You must be at least 59 ½ to access funds while still working.

What are the contribution limits for TSP in 2023?

The TSP contribution limit for Federal workers and military personnel in 2023 is $22,500. This is an increase of $2,000 from 2022. If you’re 50 or older, your plan may allow you to contribute an additional $7,500 as a “catch-up” contribution. This means that you can contribute $30,000 in total. Active military members who are deployed in combat zones and receive tax-free income can contribute up to $66,000 in 2023. This has increased by $5,000 from 2022.

How do I maximize my federal retirement savings plan in 2023?

You will need to set up an elective deferral of around $865.38 per pay period if you want to make the maximum contribution of $22,500. If you are older than 50 then you are allowed to make catch-up contributions.

Tip #1: Don’t ignore the Roth TSP option

First off, make sure that you don’t ignore the Roth TSP option.

National parks are what I consider a ‘hidden gem’. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many people discovered the awesomeness of going to national parks for the first time. In fact, the data shows that pretty much across the nation, there’s been a significant uptick in people going to national parks.

Similarly, there’s a hidden gem that not many people know about right now in your TSP. What is it? The Roth TSP. Only about 18% of government employees are actually putting their contributions in a Roth TSP.

  • So what is the Roth TSP?

When you were first enrolled in your TSP, you most likely chose (or were defaulted into) the option to make Traditional TSP contributions, also known as Pre-Tax TSP contributions. Now, you’ll notice that — if you try to log in to your TSP portal or fill out a form to change your contributions — there’s actually a Roth TSP contribution option. This allows you to make some or all of your TSP contributions after-tax and not just Pre-Tax. This is something to which you want to pay attention.

  • Why can switching to a Roth TSP contribution be a more lucrative way to save in your TSP?

Because any money that you contribute to your Roth TSP is going to grow tax-free.

For example, let’s assume that you put $10,000 this year into a Roth TSP, and through investing in market securities, you manage to grow it to $30,000 after 20 years. You essentially made $20,000 in investment gains during that time span. If those gains are in a Roth TSP and you take it out during retirement, you are not going to pay any taxes on it.

Why is this? Because you already paid taxes on it before you contributed that money to your Roth TSP — hence why it’s called “After-Tax” dollars. The beauty of the Roth TSP is that any money you make off of that initial After-Tax contribution will also be tax-free.

In contrast, if this same $30,000 is in a Traditional or Pre-Tax TSP, many government employees will pay about 24% to 25% in federal income taxes, plus applicable state taxes, on that money when they take it out during retirement.

Thus, by contributing to a Roth TSP, you’re paying taxes on the contributions now to have those contributions and the associated gains Tax-Free when you take that money out.

In summary, assuming that (1) you don’t need the tax break that comes with making Pre-Tax TSP contributions today and (2) you don’t expect to be in a lower tax bracket during retirement, making Roth TSP contributions is a great option to consider.

Tip #2: You’re allowed to contribute more than 5% to your TSP

Second, keep in mind that you can actually contribute more than 5% of your income.

The reason why this is important is that when you were first hired by the government or military and you started working, you were probably auto-enrolled in contributing either 3% or 5% of your salary to your TSP. And if like most people, you left it at that and didn’t make any changes manually, then that’s what you’re currently contributing today.

Thus, it’s important for you to know that if you want to, you can contribute up to $22,500 a year to your TSP, which is the annual limit for TSP contributions in 2023.

The reason why 5% is one of the most popular contribution rates is that 5% is the contribution rate at which you get the maximum employer match that’s provided by the government. In addition, if you’re a member of the military and you opted into the blended retirement system, you also get that same 5% match from the government.

Indeed, you may already know this but it’s important to take a moment to make sure you’re crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s because often when you’re working hard and not a financial expert, you just don’t know what you don’t know. For example, I was shocked to discover that one of my close friends didn’t realize she could contribute as much as $22,500, and if I had said something earlier then she could have been saving substantially more to her TSP for the last decade. That’s when this lesson hit home for me.

Tip #3: Be cautious of the S Fund

Finally, our third best practice is to be careful of the S Fund.

For some context, there are effectively five different funds in your TSP.

There’s the G Fund which is the most conservative one; it’s invested in government securities. It doesn’t really go up and down a ton in value, but it’ll give you stable returns. The F Fund is the next step up the ladder. It’s invested primarily in government securities and high-quality corporate bonds.

The remaining three funds are stock funds. There’s the C Fund, which is invested in U.S. stocks, mostly those of large companies. There’s the I Fund, which is invested in international stocks that are listed abroad, mostly in Europe, Japan, and the Asia Pacific. Lastly, there’s the S Fund which is invested in small-to-mid-sized U.S. companies. And finally, there’s the L Fund which is a combination of the G, F, C, S and I Funds.

If you look at Reddit posts or Google to see how other folks are allocating their TSP, you’ll find a lot of interest in the C Fund and the S Fund. The primary reason that people tend to like these two funds is that they’ve performed spectacularly over the last 10 years as our economy has been in a bull, or expansion, cycle. For example, in 2020 the C Fund was up by approximately 18% and the S Fund was up by approximately 19%.

However, focusing too much on past performance is like driving using a rearview mirror. When it comes to the market, history doesn’t inform future performance, and in fact, many people have gotten burned in investing that way.

What is important is to look ahead and, if you dig deeper, you’ll find that more than ⅓ of small US companies actually have negative earnings, which means they’re losing money. As a result, we take a cautious approach to the S fund.

Is TSP a 401(k)?

A Thrift Savings Plan is similar to a 401(k) but the federal government does not directly regulate it. It is a retirement plan that mainly serves people working in the U.S. federal government, or at other agencies such as the Peace Corps. TSP is administered by the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA). EBSA is an independent agency within the Internal Revenue Service, responsible for overseeing employee benefit plans such as 401(k)s and 403(b)s.

Differences between TSP and 401(k)

EligibilityAvailable to federal employeesAvailable to employees of private companies
Investment optionsLimited range of investment options (unless you avail of new mutual fund window)A wider range of investment options
FeesGenerally have lower feesMix of low and high fees

Similarities between TSP and 401(k)

  1. Traditional and Roth options: A TSP and a 401(k) plan both offer traditional and Roth options.
  2. Contribution limits: A TSP and a 401(k) both have the same contribution limits. The standard contribution limit for a TSP and a 401(k) is $22,500 for 2023.
  3. Matching contributions: Many employers offer matching contributions for a TSP or a 401(k).
  4. Rollover: Both TSP and 401(k) plans allow individuals to roll over their account balances to another retirement plan.
  5. Early withdrawal penalties: Both TSP and 401(k) plans impose a penalty for withdrawals made before age 59 ½. There are some exceptions to this.

Is a Thrift Savings Plan an IRA?

A Thrift Savings Plan is not an IRA. Although they are both tax-advantaged retirement savings plans, the rules can differ significantly, and those who don’t know the differences can end up paying the price at tax time.

Differences between TSP and IRA

EligibilityA retirement plan for federal employees.IRAs are individual retirement plans available to anyone with an earned income.
Contribution Limits$22,500 for 2023.
If you are 50 and older then you can make an additional catch-up contribution of $7,500. Active military members who are deployed in combat zones and receive tax-free income can contribute up to $66,000 in 2023.
$6,500 for those under 50, and $7,500 for those age 50 or older.
Employer contributionsSome employers offer employer-matching contributions for TSP.No employer contributions.
Investment optionsLimited.Wide variety of investment options.
FeesGenerally have lower fees.A mix of high and low fees.

Similarities between TSP and IRA

  • Early withdrawal penalty: There are early withdrawal penalties for both a TSP and an IRA if you withdraw funds before age 59 ½. There are some exceptions to this.
  1. Rollover: You can roll over from a TSP and an IRA to another eligible retirement plan.
  2. Contribution deadline: For an IRA, you have up until April 15 of the following year to make contributions for the previous year. The deadline for TSP contributions for the year is the end of the calendar year.

What is the TSP mutual fund window?

In June 2022, the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board released a mutual fund window (MFW) for TSP participants. As a result, investors now have more investment options within the TSP. Through the TSP mutual fund window, TSP participants can invest some of their TSP savings in mutual funds outside the TSP.

This option allows for more investment flexibility previously unavailable to TSP participants. TSP participants must meet specific eligibility requirements before investing in the mutual fund window, but if they do meet those requirements, they can choose to move some of their money into this window.

What TSP fund is best?

The answer to this question depends on your risk tolerance and how close you are to retirement. The G and F Funds are bond funds, which means they are relatively safe investments, but the expected return will be low.

The C, S, and I Funds are stock funds, which means they will go up and down significantly in any given year (up to +/- 40%). Over the past 10 years, the C and S Fund’s average annual return was above 16%, while the I Fund returned around 8%. But remember, past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

What TSP fund should I invest in?

The TSP has 6 different investment options.

  1. The Government Securities Investment (G) Fund: invests in government bonds.
  2. The Fixed Income Index Investment (F) Fund: invests in government and high-quality corporate bonds.
  3. The Common Stock Index Investment (C) Fund: holds large-company U.S. stocks.
  4. The Small Capitalization Stock Index (S) Fund: invests in small to mid-sized company U.S. stocks.
  5. International Stock Index Investment (I) Fund: invests internationally (Europe/Japan)
  6. Lifestyle (L) Fund: invests in the other five funds and becomes more conservative as employees approach retirement.

Each fund offers different advantages and disadvantages. The most important consideration in choosing funds is how much risk you will take with your money. This will depend on how close you are to retirement and whether you tend to panic during stock market crashes. The closer you are to retirement or if you are tempted to sell during market downturns, then the less risk you will want to take.

The TSP offers several funds that are low risk, such as the G fund, as well as some funds that carry higher risks, such as the C fund. You should consider how much risk you are willing to take with your money, as well as what kind of return you want from your investments.

What is the safest TSP fund?

The G fund is generally the safest option as it invests in government securities. Although you won’t lose money investing in this fund, your rate of return will be low. This may be a good option if you are close to retirement.

How much should I have in my TSP fund to retire?

It depends on your monthly living expenses, how long you expect to live, and how your TSP funds are invested. It also depends on if and how much your monthly government pension will be. It is best to consult a fiduciary financial planner to know how much you need to have in your TSP so you can retire comfortably.

At what age is TSP mandatory withdrawal?

Mandatory withdrawals, also known as required minimum distribution (RMDs), must begin at age 73 for TSP accounts. The RMD age will increase to 75 in 2033. Failure to take RMDs will result in a 50% penalty on the amount you were supposed to withdraw.

Can I take a lump sum from TSP?

You can take a lump sum distribution from your TSP. However, there may be tax consequences and penalties. In general, lump sum distributions are discouraged, especially for those under 59 ½. Leaving funds in a TSP will enable you to reap the benefits of compound interest.

Where can I find the federal TSP login website?

1. Go to
2. Press the ‘Login’ button on the top right of the website. You can then put in your username and password. If you have not used the TSP website before, you can set up a new login for ‘My Account’.

What happens to your TSP account if you leave federal service?

You will no longer be able to make employee contributions once you leave federal service. You have several options for what to do with your TSP when you leave:

  1. Leave it: As long as you have a balance of at least $200, you can leave the funds in your TSP.
  2. Roll it over to an IRA: You can roll your TSP over to a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA. Note that if you roll it to a Roth IRA, you may be subject to taxes.
  3. Roll it over to a new employer’s retirement plan: If your new employer lets you roll over your retirement plan, you can roll your TSP account into that plan.
  4. Cash out: You could withdraw your TSP as a lump sum. However, you will be subject to income taxes and an early withdrawal penalty.

It’s important to talk to your financial advisor before deciding which approach will be best for you when you leave federal service.

How do I maximize my federal retirement savings plan growth?

  • Contribute as much as possible (you are allowed to contribute more than 5% of your income)
  • Don’t ignore the Roth TSP option
  • Don’t take out any loans with your TSP
  • Don’t withdraw early
  • Invest in the fund/s that are best for your situation

Is the TSP a good option for saving for retirement?

The TSP can be a good option for federal employees and members of the uniformed services who want to save for retirement. If your employer offers contribution matching, a TSP is even more attractive.

Take the time to learn how you can take full advantage of your TSP, starting with applying the 3 tips above.

If done right, it can help you potentially save tens of thousands more towards retirement. To make sure you’re applying best practices and optimizing your TSP savings, you’re welcome to reach out to our credentialed financial advisors to get tailored advice and hands-on strategizing around how you can better grow your savings. If you are interested in a comprehensive financial plan, schedule a free discovery call with one of our financial planners today!

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Ultimate Guide - 2023 Update! (3)

Alvin Carlos, CFP®, CFA is an investment advisor and fee-only financial planner, in Washington, D.C that works with clients across the country. He has a Master’s degree in International Relations from SAIS-Johns Hopkins. Alvin is a partner of District Capital, a financial planning firm designed to help professionals in their 30s and 40s achieve their financial goals through smart investing, reducing taxes, retirement planning, and maximizing their money. Schedule a free discovery call to learn how we can help elevate your finances.


District Capital is an independent, fee-only financial planning firm. We help professionals and entrepreneurs in their 30s and 40s elevate their finances and maximize their money. We are based in Washington, D.C and we work with people virtually nationwide.

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Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Ultimate Guide - 2023 Update! (6)

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Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Ultimate Guide - 2023 Update! (2024)


What fund should I put my TSP in 2023? ›

To make equal contributions over the course of the 2023 calendar year (for 26 pay periods), you should contribute $866 each pay period. You should enter your election of $866 into myPay during December 4 – 10, 2022, and your election should be effective on December 18, 2022, the first pay period for 2023.

When should I change my TSP allocation for 2023? ›

You may enroll in the TSP program or make contribution changes at any time; however, if you wish your contribution deductions to begin the first pay date in 2023, you must make your TSP election effective for pay period 26 (December 18, 2022, through December 31, 2022), which has a pay date of January 12, 2023.

What TSP funds does Dave Ramsey recommend? ›

In a nutshell, Ramsey advises federal employees to invest at least 5% in a Roth TSP, then invest the rest in a Roth IRA. He also recommends investing in a handful of TSP funds -- funds C,S, and I -- with a higher percent in the C Fund (at least 60 to 80%).

What is the most aggressive TSP account? ›

The C, S, and I funds are the more aggressive of the funds in the TSP. The reason they are called “aggressive” is because they have a much higher chance of sustaining major growth over time. But because of this, they can also be much more volatile than the G and F funds.

Which TSP funds are performing best? ›

The G fund and the Lifecycle Income Fund are the only ones with positive returns across the last 12 months, at 3.19% and 0.78%, respectively.

What months are best for TSP? ›

July is Best Month for TSP Performance Since Trump Administration: One Fund Up 10.32% TSP performance in July was a bright spot in a dismal year for TSP fund returns.

Should I max out my TSP? ›

It depends, but most people should contribute to their TSP at least up to the matching funds limit (3% of your salary). Beyond this, the TSP is better if your taxes are high today and you expect them to be much lower in retirement. It is better to use your deduction against the higher tax rate.

How much should I have in my TSP at 40? ›

In order to attain this, Fidelity suggests you focus on achieving certain benchmarks. At 30, you should have half of your annual salary saved. By 40, you should have twice your salary, and by 50, you should aim for about four times your salary in retirement savings.

How do I maximize my TSP? ›

Maximizing Agency or Service Contributions

To receive the maximum Agency or Service Matching Contributions, you must contribute 5% of your basic pay each pay period.

What is the safest TSP fund now? ›

What is the safest TSP fund? The G fund is generally the safest option as it invests in government securities. Although you won't lose money investing in this fund, your rate of return will be low. This may be a good option if you are close to retirement.

What are the most risky TSP funds? ›

By this measure, the I Fund is the riskiest, with a maximum drawdown of -60.89%, which occurred during the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.

How many millionaires are there in the TSP? ›

As of November 2022, there are 65,000 TSP millionaires. But why do they only makeup 1% of all federal employees and federal retirees? The reasons break down to two main habits: “Procrastination” and “Fear”.

What is the average TSP account? ›

Average TSP account balances for Uniformed Service Members crested over $40,000 by the end of 2021, while balances for new 'Blended Retirement System' (BRS) participants reached close to $10,000 in just four years since the BRS became operational.

What is the average TSP balance? ›

Average TSP balances

The average TSP balance has grown steadily in the last decade, reaching the six-figure mark in 2013. As of 2021, the average TSP balance for FERS participants was $181,279, while the average TSP balance for CSRS participants was $194,424.

How risky is the C fund in TSP? ›

The C Fund is a heavily diversified investment but it does come with the risks. The C Fund is moderately volatile and is subject to market risk as the price of stocks in the S&P 500 Index rise and fall. Further, you are exposed to inflation risk if your C Fund investment does not grow enough to offset inflation.

What is a good investment mix for TSP? ›

As a general rule, short-term money should be in more conservative investments like the G and F funds. Long-term money should be in more aggressive funds like the C, S, and I. These aggressive funds are going to be the key to doubling your TSP overtime.

Is it better to leave money in TSP after retirement? ›

Consider leaving your funds in the TSP unless you don't want to deal with extra paper work or you want more investment options. Otherwise, consider rolling your TSP account assets into your new 401(k) plan if you have one, or one of the other following options.

What not to do with your TSP? ›

Taking a loan from your TSP is a bad idea. The money you're putting into your TSP is for retirement, not for buying a new car. If you leave federal employment with an outstanding TSP loan you have to pay back the full loan balance within 90 days.

Why is TSP tanking? ›

The TSP stock funds (C, S and I) peaked in February and then began declining. While it is often difficult to determine the cause of stock market declines, the coronavirus is clearly the culprit this time. Bond prices continued to increase this year, a common occurrence when nervous investors sell stocks.

Is TSP better than 401k? ›

While they may not have as many funds to choose from, TSP participants do have one big advantage over most 401(k) investors: lower fees. The total expense ratio, which covers both investment and administrative fees, is 0.066% for individual TSP funds.

How many times can you take money out of TSP? ›

You can request a distribution using one of these methods or any combination of them that you choose. There is no limit to the number of distributions you can take after you retire, though processing times limit you to no more than one distribution request every 30 calendar days.

Should I open an IRA if I have TSP? ›

Yes. Your participation in the TSP does not affect your eligibility to contribute to an IRA. However, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) establishes limits on the dollar amount that you can contribute to eligible employer plans like the TSP and to individual retirement accounts such as traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs.

Can I retire at 60 with $400 000? ›

Data from the Federal Reserve shows that the average savings in the United States at retirement age is just $255,200. So if you find yourself with $400,000 in assets at retirement age, congratulations! You're doing much better than average.

How long will $400 000 last in retirement? ›

The rule essentially states that you can withdraw 4% annually from a well-diversified retirement portfolio, adjust your 4% every year for inflation, and expect your money to last for at least 30 years.

Can I contribute 100% of my salary to TSP? ›

You can elect to contribute from 1 to 100 percent of any incentive pay, special pay, or bonus pay (even if you're not currently receiving them)—as long as you elect to contribute at least 1% from your basic pay. You cannot contribute from sources such as housing or subsistence allowances.

What happens if I contribute too much to TSP? ›

If you over contribute, you may request a refund of the excess amount from the TSP. For a limited in January each year, we make the Refund Request Form available. You can get the form by calling the ThriftLine or logging in to My Account. We must receive your excess deferral refund request no later than March 15.

What is the future outlook for TSP? ›

TuSimple Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:TSP)

The 3 analysts offering 12-month price forecasts for TuSimple Holdings Inc have a median target of 2.00, with a high estimate of 5.00 and a low estimate of 1.00. The median estimate represents a -9.71% decrease from the last price of 2.22.

Should I invest more than 5 in TSP? ›

Employees should invest at least 5% in the TSP; that is the percentage needed to obtain the maximum available matching funds. Beyond that, Employees need to balance long-term investment needs against other needs.

How many people are considered super rich? ›

"Very-HNWI" (VHNWI) can refer to someone with a net worth of at least US$5 million. As of December 2022, there were estimated to be just over 15 million HNWIs in the world according to the World's Wealthiest Cities Report 2023 by Henley & Partners.

How much cash does a millionaire have? ›

A net-worth millionaire is someone who has a net worth of at least $1,000,000.

How much wealth does the richest 1% have? ›

According to Credit Suisse, individuals with more than $1 million in wealth sit in the top 1 percent bracket. The billionaire class is $2.6 trillion richer than before the pandemic, even if billionaire fortunes slightly fell in 2022 after their record-smashing peak in 2021.

How much should I have in my TSP at 55? ›

Experts say to have at least seven times your salary saved at age 55. That means if you make $55,000 a year, you should have at least $385,000 saved for retirement.

How much should I have in my TSP at 45? ›

These rules of thumb say you should have saved ... 2 to 3 times your income by age 40. 3 to 4 times your income by age 45.

What's the average retirement savings by age? ›

Average Retirement Savings Balance by Age
AgeAverage Retirement Account Balance
Apr 27, 2023

How much should I have in my TSP by age 50? ›

By age 50, you would be considered on track if you have three to six times your preretirement gross income saved. And by age 60, you should have 5.5 to 11 times your salary saved in order to be considered on track for retirement.

Should I keep my money in the C fund? ›

The C Fund can be useful in a portfolio that also contains stock funds that track other indexes such as the S Fund and the I Fund. By investing in all segments of the stock market (as opposed to just one), you reduce your exposure to market risk. The C Fund can also be useful in a portfolio that contains bonds.

How are the TSP funds doing? ›

The fund lost 5.78% last month and 18.13% last year. The international stocks in the I Fund were 1.85% in the red for December and were down 13.94% for the year 2022, while the fixed income bonds in the F Fund lost 0.65% for the month and 12.83% for the year.

Is TSP F fund safe? ›

The overall risk is relatively low in comparison to certain other fixed income investments in the market because the F Fund includes only investment-grade securities. Am I ok with market and inflation risk? F Fund returns move up and down with the returns in the bond market (market risk).

When should I rebalance my TSP? ›

To maintain each L Fund's target allocation, we rebalance it at the end of every trading day. We do this by buying and selling the individual funds that make up the L Fund so that the percentages go back to what they were at the beginning of the day.

When should I move my TSP funds? ›

Each calendar month, you can use your first two reallocations or fund transfers to redistribute money in your account among any of the TSP funds. After the first two of either transaction type, you can only move money into the G Fund. Reallocations and fund transfers are limited.

Can I change my TSP contributions at any time? ›

You can start, change, or stop any of your regular employee contributions at any time by submitting the TSP-1, Election Form, to your agency, or using your agency's electronic version of the form.

What will the 401k limit be for 2023? ›

The amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2023 will increase to $22,500 -- up from $20,500 for 2022. The income ranges for determining eligibility to make deductible contributions to traditional IRAs, contribute to Roth IRAs, and claim the Saver's Credit will also all increase for 2023.

What is the average TSP balance by age? ›

How Much Should I Have Saved in My TSP?
Age$ Saved
1 more row
May 11, 2021

Should I rebalance monthly or quarterly? ›

Monthly and quarterly assessments are typically preferred, because weekly rebalancing would be overly expensive and a yearly approach would allow for too much intermediate portfolio drift. The ideal frequency of rebalancing must be determined based on time constraints, transaction costs, and allowable drift.

How often should you rebalance your 3 fund portfolio? ›

Even if you're a passive, buy-and-hold investor, you should rebalance your portfolio at least once a year.

What will the stock market do in 2023? ›

For calendar-year 2023, the consensus earnings estimate is for a 2% contraction. But that estimate is still coming down, and based on historical patterns, could continue to do so. I could imagine it turning out to be a 10%-contraction year. Sign up for Fidelity Viewpoints weekly email for our latest insights.

What is the safest fund in TSP? ›

The G Fund is invested in short-term U.S. Treasury securities specially issued to the TSP. Payment of principal and interest is guaranteed by the U.S. government. Thus, there is no “credit risk.”

Does TSP update daily? ›

The TSP Ticker tracks the individual share prices for each of the Thrift Savings Plan's funds (the C, S, I G, F and L Funds), which are updated by the TSP Board each evening.

What happens if you contribute more to TSP? ›

If you over contribute, you may request a refund of the excess amount from the TSP. For a limited in January each year, we make the Refund Request Form available. You can get the form by calling the ThriftLine or logging in to My Account. We must receive your excess deferral refund request no later than March 15.

What are the retirement changes for 2023? ›

In 2023, you can contribute an additional $7,500 per year if you are age 50 or older. Under new rules, if you're ages 60, 61, 62 or 63, you can make an additional catch-up contribution of $10,000 or 50% more than your regular catch-up contribution (whichever is greater).

What are the new retirement rules for 2023? ›

Effective January 1, 2023, the age at which minimum distributions must begin is now 73. In ten years, it will go up again to age 75. The penalties for failing to take the required minimum distributions are cut in half in 2023 – and reduced further if the mistake is corrected promptly.

Can I contribute 100% of my salary to my 401k? ›

For 2022, total 401(k) contributions from both an employee and their employer cannot exceed $61,000 or 100% of the employee's compensation, whichever is less.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.