What is a Quiet Title Action? (CCP § 764.010) (2024)

What is a Quiet Title Action? (CCP § 764.010) (1)A “quiet title” action is a lawsuit where a property owner seeks to eliminate, establish, resolve, and “quiet” any other claims on the same property by anyone else. Once complete, the lawsuit will result in a perfect title enforceable in the courts. A quiet title action is thus an effective tool to establish and settle ownership over real estate.

Quiet title judgments are particularly powerful, however, and therefore involve more stringent requirements than other lawsuits in the real estate field. At Underwood Law, our attorneys are familiar with handling the complexities of quiet title actions and are here to help navigate you through this unique lawsuit.

What does a Quiet Title Action do?

There are several types of lawsuits that involve title to property that should be distinguished from quiet title actions.

First, there are cancellation of instrument claims. These lawsuits seek to cancel an instrument, such as a deed or other writing involving property, because it was procured through fraud or because it is void for some other reason.

Second, there are claims to remove cloud on title. These, too, are different from quiet title lawsuits because actions to remove cloud are, like instrument cancellations, aimed at particular instruments or pieces of evidence. (Reiner v. Daniel (1989) 211 Cal.App.3d 682, 689.)

Quiet title lawsuits, however, target any and all other adverse interests in a particular piece of property. “A quiet title claim is appropriate to establish an interest in real property as against all existing adverse claims or clouds on title.” (Paterra v. Hansen (2021) 64 Cal.App.5th 507, 532.) This is why every quiet title action seeks to also sue unnamed defendants who are designated as any and all persons claiming an interest in the property at issue.

If the party suing is successful in their action, then their title, established by the court, is binding, even on nonparties to the suit, and “good against the world.” (Nickell v. Matlock (2012) 206 Cal.App.4th 934, 944.)

What are the special requirements for bringing a quiet title suit?

Quiet Title actions are often characterized as stringent because of their many unique requirements.

The differences between quiet title claims and other lawsuits begin at the outset of the case because quiet title complaints must be verified. When a regular complaint contains an allegation that turns out not to be true, the consequences are, relatively speaking, minimal. But a verified complaint constitutes an oath under the law that each allegation within is true except in matters pleading on information and belief. (City of Santa Cruz v. Mun. Ct. (1989) 49 Cal.3d 74, 88.) With verified complaints, plaintiffs run the risk of perjury if the allegations are false.

Once the complaint is filed, plaintiffs must then serve those “unknown” persons claiming an interest in the property through publication. This is not easy to achieve, as the courts necessarily require litigants to show reasonable diligence to locate potential defendants. (Donel, Inc. v. Badalian (1978) 87 Cal.App.3d 327, 332.)

Should the plaintiff overcome this hurdle, they are then required to file a lis pendens, which is a special lien on the property for any judgment once the lawsuit is complete. Additionally, they must comply with extra requirements for service by publication, which involves including a proper legal description of the property. (Humphrey v. Bewley (2021) 69 Cal.App.5th 571, 578.)

Lastly, and most importantly, the plaintiff must establish evidence of their own title to entitle them to judgment rather than by default. (CCP § 764.010.) A quiet title judgment will not be binding and conclusive if any of these requirements are absent.

Can a party obtain a quiet title judgment by default?

No! There is an absolute ban on a judgment by default in a quiet title action. (Paterra, 64 Cal.App.5th at 533.)

Normally, when a plaintiff sues a defendant, they can go to court and request a default judgment if the defendant fails to respond or appear in any way. If there aren’t problems with the service of process, then this judgment is binding.

This is not the case with quiet title actions. By the unambiguous language of the Code of Civil Procedure, section 764.010, “the court shall not enter judgment by default, but shall in all cases require evidence of plaintiff’s title.”

The reason for this unusual restriction is again rooted in the power of the quiet title judgment. “Quiet title actions are exempt from a judgment by default because once a quiet title judgment on any grounds becomes final, it is good against the world as of the time of judgment.” (Nickell, 206 Cal.App.4th at 947.)

Is an “open-court” evidentiary hearing required for quiet title actions?

In all likelihood, yes. This question is still a hotly debated topic in the appellate courts. As stated above, even if no defendant makes an appearance in a quiet title suit, the plaintiff is still required to make an affirmative evidentiary showing establishing their title to the property in question.

Yet, the forum for such an evidentiary showing was once uncertain. In an early 2000’s case, Yeung v. Soos (2004) 119 Cal.App.4th 576 held that the quiet title statute did not actually prohibit default judgments but instead merely required a higher evidentiary showing at a prove-up hearing.

Today, most appellate courts look at the decision unfavorably. After all, in a quiet title action, the plaintiff must prove her title and that this title is superior to the claims of each party asserting an adverse interest. A court’s failure to hear evidence on these points constitutes a void judgment, meaning it cannot be enforced. Litigants should thus be wary of the proper procedure when seeking to quiet title.

How can the Attorneys at Underwood Law Firm Assist You?

Quiet title actions are one of the more unique types of lawsuits related to property. And their unusual procedures speak volumes about the power of their judgments. Lawsuits are already difficult enough to navigate for the regular individual. Quiet title proceedings make clear that hiring the right attorney is often the best thing any potential litigant can do.

As each case is unique, property owners would be well-served to seek experienced counsel familiar with quiet title actions and the complexities of their procedure. At Underwood Law, our knowledgeable attorneys are here to help. If you are concerned about whether you can quiet title to your property, wondering how to achieve service by publication, or if you just have questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Go here to get more details.

What is a Quiet Title Action? (CCP § 764.010) (2024)


What is a Quiet Title Action? (CCP § 764.010)? ›

A “quiet title” action is a lawsuit where a property owner seeks to eliminate, establish, resolve, and “quiet” any other claims on the same property by anyone else. Once complete, the lawsuit will result in a perfect title enforceable in the courts.

What is an example of a quiet title action? ›

Quiet title actions are common, for example, after the death of a title owner, especially when the property is left unoccupied for a long time. Squatters may try to claim adverse possession, or competing mortgage lenders may claim ownership interests.

What does quiet title action mean in legal terms? ›

A quiet title action is a special legal proceeding to determine ownership of real property. A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land.

What are the elements of a quiet title action? ›

Understand the Quiet Title Action
  • A description of the property that is the subject of the action;
  • The title of the Plaintiff as to which a determination of quiet title is sought;
  • The adverse claims to Plaintiff's title;
  • The date as of which the determination is sought; and.
Apr 27, 2023

When would a suit to quiet title typically be filed? ›

It is used when there is a dispute over the title for a piece of property; it is designed to “quiet” claims to the property in question and decide who has ownership. You can also file for a quiet title action when there are breaks in the chain of ownership, such as when you purchase property in an estate sale.

How do you become successful in quiet title action? ›

§761.020], a quiet title action must be well-supported. To file a successful quiet title action claim, you will need to provide a detailed description of the property at issue in the title dispute. Beyond that, you also should gather and organize all relevant property records.

How much does a quiet title action cost in California? ›

The average cost of a quiet title action is often in excess of $4,500 and takes a minimum of 6-12 months to complete.

What happens after quiet title? ›

Following the quiet title action, the plaintiff will be in full possession of the property in perpetuity, as will be the plaintiff's heirs, and they will also be protected from any further claims of ownership made against the property by other outside entities.

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit quizlet? ›

Why would a property owner file a quiet title suit? A buyer has signed a contract to purchase a property but is uncertain of the condition of the title.

What can buyers do to protect themselves from title issues when purchasing property? ›

An owner's title insurance policy is what protects you after you buy the property. It protects you in case any liens or claims are filed or discovered after the property becomes yours. Title insurance is a one-time fee often included with closing costs when you buy your home.

What document shows legal alienation of a property? ›

Voluntary alienation, either as a sale or a gift, must be executed by the use of a deed to transfer title. The deed is a written document that conveys transfer of title in real estate.

Which of these actions would cause a property to become an reo? ›

Properties become REO when owners default and the bank repossesses them and tries to sell them. The lender, which is often a bank, takes ownership of a foreclosed property when it fails to sell at the amount sought to cover the loan. These properties generally come at a steep discount but may require extensive repairs.

What is the meaning of claim of title? ›

A claim of title is when someone believes they own a piece of property, even if they don't have the legal right to it. This can happen when someone takes possession of land without permission from the true owner, or when someone intends to take over land regardless of who actually owns it.

What is the difference between a suit to quiet title and a trespass to try title in Texas? ›

Put simply, a trespass to try title claim is a legal procedure for challenging the ownership of property, while an action to quiet title is an equitable remedy for establishing one's right to ownership of real property against other adverse claimants. (3) the claim, although facially valid, is invalid or unenforceable.

What general jurisdiction is a quiet title? ›

A quiet title action must be brought in the superior court of the county in which the real property is located. This is usually in the general, unlimited civil jurisdiction department of the local superior court.

Which party at closing requires the property to be free and clear of encumbrances and requires title insurance and hazard insurance? ›

The lender requires the property to be free and clear of encumbrances, and will require title insurance and hazard insurance to protect the lender's investment (the loan).

What is the statute of limitations on a quiet title in California? ›

4 years for claims based on the cancellation of an instrument; and. 5 years for claims based on adverse possession.

What's the term for a notice given directly to and received by a person? ›

Actual notice is a notice that is given directly to a party or is personally received by a party informing them of a case that could affect their interests.

How long does a quiet title action take in SC? ›

However, typically a quiet title action can be concluded within 6 months.

Are attorney fees recoverable for quiet title action in California? ›

Conclusion: Yes, a defendant in a quiet title action in California can move to strike a claim for attorney's fees in a complaint before discovery if the claim is irrelevant, false, or an improper matter in any of the pleadings.

What is a quiet title cause of action in California? ›

Cal. Civ. Code § 760.020. Accordingly, a quiet title action is a legal proceeding where a person or entity (Plaintiff) claims title to all or a portion of specific real property and asks the Court for a ruling that Plaintiff's title is superior to any interest that is claimed by the Defendant(s).

What is a quit claim deed in California? ›

A California quitclaim deed form is a special type of deed that transfers real estate without guarantees about the property's title. A person who transfers property by quitclaim deed (the transferor or grantor) does not promise that he or she has clear title or actually owns the property.

Does a complaint for quiet title need to be verified in California? ›

A complaint to quiet title must be verified and must contain all of the following information [Code Civ. Proc. §761.020]: 1. a description of the property that is the subject of the action.

Who can claim property based on adverse possession in California? ›

In California, for a person to claim adverse possession, they must demonstrate that they have been in continuous and exclusive possession of the property for at least five years, openly and notoriously, and under a claim of right or with the belief that they have the legal right to possess the property.

What is Lis pendens in California? ›

Lis pendens is a formal notice that there is a pending action, or lawsuit, that could affect the title of the property. However, it serves an even bigger purpose. When a lis pendens is filed, any future transfers of the property are affected by the pending action if it were to be awarded.

Which of the following persons would file a quiet title action in order to obtain official record title to a property? ›

Typically, an attorney will file an action to quiet the title. You are the plaintiff in this case, since you are the person filing the lawsuit to claim property ownership. The defendants are other persons or parties asserting an ownership claim.

What happens if an owner of real property dies without leaving a will and without legal heirs? ›

If an owner of real property dies without leaving a will and with no legal heirs, what will generally happen to the property? It will revert to the state or county by escheat.

What is an example of a quiet title action quizlet? ›

What is an example of Quiet Title Action? To clear tax titles , as well as titles based on adverse possession.

How do I stop someone from stealing my house title? ›

How To Prevent Home Title Theft
  1. Keep Track Of All Bills And Homeowner Mail. ...
  2. Check Your Credit Report Routinely. ...
  3. Get Title Insurance. ...
  4. Stay Educated On Common Scams.
6 days ago

What deed best protects the seller? ›

A special warranty deed is a deed in which the seller of a piece of property only warrants against problems or encumbrances in the property title that occurred during his ownership.

Can hackers steal your home title? ›

Criminals can steal the deed to your house (without you knowing) in a devastating scam known as home title theft, or deed fraud. House theft is a growing problem, with multiple reports of deed fraud occurring across the United States last year.

What is a suit to quiet title? ›

A quiet title action is a special legal proceeding to determine ownership of real property. A party with a claim of ownership to land can file an action to quiet title, which serves as a sort of lawsuit against anyone and everyone else who has a claim to the land.

What is the safest kind of deed that can be received by a grantee? ›

As one of the most secure types of deeds, general warranty deeds are used in most real estate title transfers. General warranty deeds provide guarantees that the grantor has the right to sell the property and that the grantee will be receiving a title that is free of debt, claims, or other legal encumbrances.

What is an example of alienation of title? ›

For example, your lender provides you a loan in exchange for the title, which the lender then uses as collateral while you repay the loan. Similarly, your lender uses the alienation clause to ensure that they make back the money you borrowed even when you sell or transfer ownership of your home.

Is it a good idea to buy a REO? ›

The Bottom Line. REO properties can be a great option for home buyers with a lower budget and a willingness to make a few repairs. It's important for any interested buyer to do their research about bank-owned properties and consult with experts before purchasing one.

Is REO a good investment? ›

Taking a gamble on an REO property can pay off big, but it can also backfire if you're not able to find a buyer or a reliable renter. Taking the time to carefully research properties and the larger real estate market in your area is a must for ensuring the success of your investment.

What is a typical reason that a seller might opt for a short sale? ›

Short sales usually occur when a homeowner is in financial distress and has missed one or more mortgage payments. Foreclosure proceedings may be looming ahead.

What does it mean to claim ownership? ›

A quick definition of claim of ownership:

A claim of ownership is when someone believes they own something, even if they don't have the legal right to it. This can happen with land or other property. It means they intend to keep it and act like it's theirs, even if the true owner disagrees.

What does it mean to have a claim on a property? ›

A property damage claim is a report or evidence that you submit to an insurance company in the event your insured property has been damaged.

What is the difference between property claim and liability claim? ›

Property insurance: protects against loss or damage to tangible property, such as a building or its contents. It typically covers damage caused by fire, theft, and natural disasters. Liability insurance: protects against financial loss from legal claims made against the policyholder.

Who is most likely to use a quiet title suit? ›

Quiet title actions are common following mortgage lender disputes, the death of title owners, cases of adverse possession, and long periods of time where the property is unoccupied. A quiet title action may not give the new owner the same level of protection against the previous owner.

How does a quiet title work in Texas? ›

In order to seek quiet title, the plaintiff must plead and prove three elements: the plaintiff's rightful ownership of the property, a claim or encumbrance which disputes that rightful ownership, thereby questioning the validity of the title, and a statement that the claim or encumbrance is invalid or unenforceable.

What does free and clear of all encumbrances mean? ›

This is often called owning a home “free and clear” or having a clear title. To own a home free and clear, meaning there are absolutely no legal encumbrances, a homeowner must completely pay off their mortgage and make sure there are no outstanding liens against the home that must be resolved.

What is it called when financial encumbrances affect the title to the property? ›

A lien is a type of security interest, an encumbrance that affects the title to a property.

What are the elements of a quiet title action in Florida? ›

To state a cause of action to quiet title, the homeowners needed to allege that (1) they had title to the subject property; (2) a cloud on the title existed; and (3) that the cloud was invalid.

What is the statute of limitations on a quiet title action in NY? ›

A New York Foreclosure Attorney can Discharge a Mortgage – Quiet Title Action. A New York foreclosure attorney can discharge a mortgage when it is barred by the applicable statute of limitations. In New York, an action to foreclose a mortgage is subject to a six-year statute of limitations.

What is the statute of limitations on a quiet title in Missouri? ›

Therefore, for a quiet title action to be timely, it must be filed within ten (10) years of the date the plaintiff, or someone under whom he or she claims, had possession of, or record title to, the disputed property.

How long does a quiet title action take in Florida? ›

If the parties are easily found the action can be complete within sixty days. However, if service through newspaper is required, this can add an additional month.

What is a motion to quiet title in Florida? ›

The standard quiet title action definition in Florida courts states that it is a legal procedure used to determine the genuine owner of a piece of real estate. It is most often used when multiple people have claims to the same property, such as a tenancy in common arrangement.

What is a quiet title tax deed in Florida? ›

A successful quiet claim action means the holder of the tax deed can sell the property after a short appeal time period – typically 30 days. Florida Statute Section 65.081. provides the authority for quieting title to tax deeds.

How do I file a quiet title in New York? ›

As a property owner, you can file a quiet title action in a civil court in New York. The action will be served on the other party that has an ownership claim to the property. Now, the defending parties must appear in court to assert a defense. Often, for old title defects, no one will respond to the court filing.

What is an action to quiet title in NY? ›

WHAT IS A QUIET TITLE ACTION? An action to quiet title is a legal proceeding in which a party seeks to establish their legal ownership of a property and remove any competing claims or disputes over the property's ownership.

What is the Article 15 of the RPAPL? ›

The statute of limitations for actual fraud is six years from the commission of the fraud or two years from the time the plaintiff discovered, or could with reasonable diligence have discovered, the fraud, whichever is later.

What are the elements of quiet title in Missouri? ›

The elements of a claim to Quiet Title are that 1) the party bringing the action possesses true title to the property, and 2) the title must be superior to other claimants. Dudley v. Neteler, 392 Ill. App.

How does quiet title work in Missouri? ›

An action to quiet title may be used where there are competing or adverse claims of ownership, gaps in the chain of title, or where a party seeks the determination of priority of competing liens or encumbrances. The court must then determine the better title as between the named parties to the proceeding.

How much does a quiet title cost in Missouri? ›

Get a FREE Consultation for your Tax Deed Property

Quiet title actions typically cost more than $4,500 and take a minimum of 6-12 months to complete. Tax Title Services can qualify your tax deed property for title insurance in 30-40 days and at a fraction of the cost of a quiet title action.

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