Valuation matters - Appraisers apply four tests to determine highest and best use (2024)

An important factor for an appraiser to consider when valuing real property is its “highest and best use.” This may not necessarily be its current use, though.

The Appraisal Institute defines highest and best use as “the reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible and that results in the highest value.” Appraisers typically apply four tests to determine that use.

Physically possible

Early in the valuation process, an appraiser determines which uses are physically possible on the property. This step considers such attributes as the site’s size, shape, topography, soil type, water conditions and accessibility.

For example, is the property large enough to build an improvement? Is it flat or sloping, and which is typical in the area? This test doesn’t consider any zoning or economic restraints, only physical potential

Legally permissible

This test is also performed early in the valuation process. The scope of the inquiry goes beyond whether zoning restrictions allow the proposed use. It contemplates restrictive covenants, building codes and regulations, easem*nts, height limits and the like, as well as whether the current use is a legal nonconforming use that was “grandfathered” in but is now impermissible.

Notably, the existence of a legal restriction doesn’t necessarily mean a proposed use (for example, a development) can’t be the highest and best use. The appraiser might find the restriction is likely to be changed to allow the use.

Financially feasible

For uses that are “reasonably probable,” because they’re both physically possible and legally permissible, the appraiser performs various financial analyses and calculations to determine their financial feasibility. The work might include market analysis, cash flow estimates and net operating income projections.

A potential use generally is considered financially feasible if its net present value (NPV) is greater than zero. Only uses that satisfy the first three tests are then subjected to the final test.

Maximally productive

Finally, the appraiser ranks the remaining uses according to value or rate of return, adjusting for associated risks. This means that the use with the highest internal rate of return (IRR) might not come out on top if the use is excessively risky. The use with the highest risk-adjusted IRR and NPV is the maximally productive use and, ultimately, the highest and best use of the property.

More complicated than it looks

These highest-and-best-use tests aren’t always straightforward to apply, particularly when the property already has improvements on it. Invest in a qualified appraiser to obtain the most reliable results. Contact an Elliott Davis advisor for more information.

The information provided in this communication is of a general nature and should not be considered professional advice.You should not act upon the information provided without obtaining specific professional advice. The information above is subject to change.

Valuation matters - Appraisers apply four tests to determine highest and best use (2024)


Valuation matters - Appraisers apply four tests to determine highest and best use? ›

The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity.

What are the 4 tests for highest and best use? ›

The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity.

How do appraisers determine highest and best use? ›

The appraiser determines highest and best use of a site as the reasonable and probable use that supports the highest present value on the effective date of the appraisal.

When addressing highest and best use in your appraisal report what are the four tests that you need to explain? ›

The appraiser applies four accepted tests in arriving at the highest and best use for a property. The use must be (1) Legally permissible; (2) Physically possible; (3) Economically feasible; and (4) The most productive use.

Which of the following are necessary to qualify a use as highest and best use? ›

Explanation: In order to qualify, as a property's highest and best use, the use must meet four criteria. The use must be: (1) legally permissible, (2) physically possible, (3) financially feasible, and (4) maximally productive.

Which of the four tests of highest and best use should be applied last? ›

The four tests of highest and best use are: (1) legally permissible (2) physically possible (3) financially feasible and (4) most profitable. The first two tests are interchangeable in order and, in many circ*mstances, the last two are combined.

What is highest and best use appraisal quizlet? ›

The highest and best use is a recognized theory used in conjunction with the appraisal process. This theory is founded in the correlation between the highest probable value of the property and its highest and best use to attain the highest return on the owner's original investment.

What is highest best use valuation? ›

The highest and best use is a valuation concept meaning the possible use of a property that would produce the highest market value. The use must be legal, physically possible and financially viable.

How do you win the highest and best offer? ›

5 Tips For Home Buyers Submitting Their Highest And Best Offer
  1. Enlist The Help Of A Skilled Real Estate Agent. ...
  2. Make Your Offer Irresistible. ...
  3. Get Your Initial Mortgage Approval. ...
  4. Consider Including An Escalation Clause. ...
  5. Respond As Quickly As Possible.
4 days ago

What are the 4 types of appraisals and explain their use? ›

The four types are the full appraisal, exterior-only appraisal, the rental analysis, and the broker price opinion. A full appraisal is the most common type of appraisal. How the appraised value is determined is the same for all home appraisal types. The appraisal costs for each is different.

What are the four 4 forms of the appraisal? ›

The most common types of appraisal are:
  • straight ranking appraisals.
  • grading.
  • management by objective appraisals.
  • trait-based appraisals.
  • behaviour-based appraisals.
  • 360 reviews.
6 days ago

What are the four appraisal methods? ›

Beatty and Schneier have categorised various methods of appraisal into four groups: comparative methods, absolute methods, goal setting, and direct indices.

What are the two values considered during a highest and best use? ›

The first determination (highest and best use of land as though vacant) reflects the fact that land value is derived from potential land use. The second determination (highest and best use of property as improved) refers to the optimum use that could be made of the property considering the existing improvements.

Which of the following is the best definition of highest and best use in property valuation provided here? ›

The BEST definition of "highest and best use" in property valuation provided here is which of the following? A reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or improved property, which is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value.

What is land that is not needed for the highest and best use of a site called? ›

Excess land is defined as “land that is not needed to serve or support the existing use. The highest and best use of the excess land may or may not be the same as the highest and best use of the improved parcel. Excess land has the potential to be sold separately and is valued separately”.

Which is the first step in determining highest and best use? ›

The first test of highest and best use simply evaluates whether it is possible to use the land in a certain way. Ignoring the zoning and economics of the proposal, consider whether or not the potential use is physically possible.

Which is the final step in determining highest and best use? ›

Maximally Productive

This final step of determining the highest and best use of a property will take all of the potential uses and rank them in order of highest value or return on investment.

What is the fourth step in the appraisal process after determining highest and best use? ›

The fourth step is to estimate the land value of the subject. An appraiser does this by comparing the subject site, but not its buildings, with similar sites in the area, and making adjustments for significant differences.

What step in the appraisal process must be performed before a highest and best use analysis is done? ›

Market analysis is a critical step in the appraisal process. Adequate market analysis must be completed before highest and best use analysis, and the determination of highest and best use is critical to an appraisal assignment when market value is the objective.

How would you define the highest and best use of a property quizlet? ›

the highest and best use of a property must be one that is: (1) Legally permissible: the use must comply with laws, regulations, and ordinances. (2) Physically possible: the use must be consistent with the site characteristics and physical features of the property.

How do I choose the best valuation method? ›

Choosing a Valuation Model
  1. Characteristics of the Company: The first and most important factor is the characteristics of the company that is being valued. ...
  2. Characteristics of the Investor: ...
  3. Purpose of Investment: ...
  4. Multiple Models: ...
  5. Related Articles.

What is the most commonly used method of valuation? ›

1. Market Capitalization. Market capitalization is the simplest method of business valuation. It is calculated by multiplying the company's share price by its total number of shares outstanding.

Does the highest offer always win? ›

The answer is often “no.” Conventional wisdom might suggest that during negotiations, especially in a multiple-offer situation, the buyer who throws the most money at the seller will snag the house. In reality, however, it doesn't always end up that way.

Can you ask what the highest offer is on a house? ›

Asking for a highest and best offer might push the buyer closer to your target sales price, because it shows there's real interest in the property. In negotiations, buyers won't typically start with their highest offer with the goal of leaving a little wiggle room.

Can you negotiate after best and final offer? ›

Can You Negotiate After a Best and Final Offer? The seller can reopen negotiations after best and final offers have been selected. Most often, the seller will select the most interesting offer and negotiate directly with only the top bidder.

What is the highest and best use in real estate? ›

According to The Appraisal Institute the highest and best use of a property is defined as: "The reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, and financially feasible and that results in the highest value."

What are three 3 basic functions of an effective performance appraisal? ›

Performance appraisal has three basic functions: (1) to provide adequate feedback to each person on his or her performance; (2) to serve as a basis for modifying or changing behavior toward more effective working habits; and (3) to provide data to managers with which they may judge future job assignments and ...

What are the three methods to appraise? ›

Appraisers rely on the following three methods of establishing real estate property values:
  • Sales comparison. This is the most common method, where appraisers value a property based on the recent selling prices of similar properties in the same neighborhood. ...
  • Cost approach. ...
  • Income approach.

What is the four phase model of performance appraisal? ›

What are the four stages of a performance management cycle? A typical performance management cycle is divided into four stages: planning, monitoring, developing, rating & rewarding. After this, the cycle starts again.

What is the 4 3 2 1 appraisal method? ›

4-3-2-1 rule

The front quarter of the standard site receives 40% of the total value. The second quarter receives 30% of the total value. The third quarter receives 20% of the total value; and the rear quarter receives just 10% of the total value.

What are the 5 elements of appraisal process? ›

All five component processes (i.e., planning, monitoring, developing, rating, rewarding) work together and support each other, resulting in natural, effective performance management.

What are appraisal methods? ›

There are several performance appraisal methods. They include ranking, paired comparison, forced distribution, critical incident, checklist, essay evaluation management by objectives, and 360 performance.

What is an example of the principle of highest and best use in real estate? ›

Suppose, for example, that a lot is physically, legally, and geographically suitable for an office building. If there already a ton of office space on the local market, this use is not currently economically feasible. Finally, the use must generate the highest net return (profit) to the developer.

What is required in order to determine the market value of a property? ›

Fair market value is usually determined by taking the average of three or more comparable homes. The comps strategy is a popular way to determine a home's fair market value, the price a buyer is willing to pay in a given market.

Which highest and best use criterion would require an appraiser to consider the current zoning compliance? ›

Single-family use is an interim use. Commercial use is the highest and best use.

What is one of the criteria for determining highest and best land use? ›

The four criteria the highest and best use must meet are legal permissibility, physical possibility, financial feasibility, and maximum productivity.

What is the correct order in which the criteria for estimating highest and best use should be considered? ›

The optimum use must be legally permissible, physically possible, financially feasible, and maximally productive. These criteria are considered in sequence.

What makes land less valuable? ›

Land that is in a region that faces environmental risks could lose some of its value. For example, if a property is located in an area prone to flooding, mudslides, or earthquakes, those hazards might deter potential buyers from taking an interest in it.

What are the 5 most common uses of land? ›

There are five main different types of land use: residential, agricultural, recreation, transportation, and commercial. Managing the various uses of land occurs through partnerships between state, federal, and municipal entities, but many decisions affecting local projects occur at the municipal level.

What are the three basic types of land usage? ›

industrial: land used for manufacturing, refining, mining, etcetera, of products. transportation: land used for transportation such as roads, railways, and airports. residential: land used for housing and homes from single-family units to multiplex structures.

When appraisers look past how a property is being used to determine a more optimal function what are they determining? ›

When appraisers look past how a property is being used to determine a more optimal function, what are they determining? Highest and best use looks past the current use (if there is one) to determine if there is another use that provides a higher value.

What parameters do appraisers typically use to determine the value of a property? ›

The factors used in the comparison include square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, property age, lot size, view, and the condition of the property. This is the most common approach used in appraising residential or home properties.

What component of real property is always valued in a highest and best use analysis? ›

The proposed use that answers all of these questions positively is the subject property's highest and best use. Land value is always based on the land's highest and best use as though vacant, even if the site is improved.

What are the three methods used by appraisers to value a property? ›

Three Approaches to Value
  • Cost Approach to Value. In the cost approach to value, the cost to acquire the land plus the cost of the improvements minus any accrued depreciation equals value. ...
  • Sales Comparison Approach to Value. ...
  • Income Approach to Value.

What is the most important factor in the high appraisal of a property? ›

Livable space is what is most important to buyers and appraisers. Bedrooms and bathrooms are most highly valued, so the more beds and baths your home offers, the more your home is generally worth. However these trends are very locally specific.

What are the 4 steps of the appraisal process? ›

In stating the problem, the assessor must: 1) Identify the properties to be appraised. 2) Identify the property rights to be appraised. 3) Provide a definition of the value to be estimated. 4) Define the purpose and intended use of the appraisal.

What is Stage 4 of the performance appraisal process? ›

' In it, he described the four stages of a performance appraisal cycle. They are: plan, act, track, and review.

What are the four major physical aspects of a lot? ›

The physical aspects of a lot include: size and shape; slope, drainage and soil; view, exposure to sun and weather; and.

What are the 4 modern methods of performance appraisal? ›

Modern Methods of Performance Appraisal are Assessment center method, human resource accounting method, behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) method, management by objectives (MBO), psychological appraisal method, 360 degree, 720 degree appraisal method.

What are four elements of evaluation appraisal? ›

We believe that there are four elements that need to be used as the foundation of a performance culture: Purpose, Outcomes, Accountability and Teamwork. In earlier posts we pointed out that Douglas Macgregor identified issues with the practice of performance appraisal in a HBR article nearly sixty years ago.

What are the 5 performance appraisal methods? ›

There are various types of modern performance appraisal methods that an organization can put to use. They are Management by Objectives (MBO), Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS), Assessment Centre, 360-degree feedback, psychological appraisal, and Human Resources Accounting Method.

What do appraisers use to determine value? ›

How do home appraisers in California determine the value of a house? The short answer is, they compare each property to similar homes that have sold recently in the same area (subtracting or adding value as needed). Based on this evaluation, the appraiser will determine an estimate value for the home.

What factors determine appraisal value? ›

What Does a Home Appraiser Look At? A property's appraisal value is influenced by recent sales of similar properties and by current market trends. The home's amenities, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the floor plan's functionality, and the square footage are also key factors.

What parameters do appraisers typically use to determine the value of a property using the sales comparison approach? ›

Sales approach compares a subject property to similar comparable properties that have recently sold. Also known as the SCA, the sales comparison approach takes into account property characteristics such as location, square footage, age, condition, lot size, and sale date.

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