Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (2024)


  • 1. First impressions
  • 2. Feng Shui
  • 3. The landscape
  • 4. Location, location, location
  • 5. Shape and form
  • 6. The magic number
  • 7. Earth, wind and fire
  • 8. Contemporary living
  • 9. From fortune cookie to smart cookie
  • 10. Word of mouth

This year, the 16th February ushers in the Chinese Year of the Dog, symbolising good luck for the year ahead. There are still a few things you should avoid doing on New Year’s Day however such as cleaning clothes, using scissors, being near crying children and leaving the house (if you are a woman); if you manage these, which is especially impressive if you are a parent, then you will have good luck in the year ahead. Good news if you are planning any property investment opportunities this year. If you are planning to attract Chinese tenants or sell your property to Chinese buyers, you might want a little extra help than relying on the Year of the Dog’s luck alone so here’s our handy guide.

1. First impressions

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (1)The entrance of a home is very important to the Chinese as that is what attracts positive energy and good fortune to those living there. The front door for example, should not be aligned with the back door as the positive energy will simply flow out of the property leaving the inhabitants with money and health worries. The front door should also not face staircases or lifts for the same reason.

Does your property have kerb appeal?

2. Feng Shui

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (2)

The Chinese believe a home should be a balanced environment where the position of doors, windows and furnishings help the good energy to flow through unencumbered. Light and airy homes with little clutter appeal to most people so Feng Shui practices are often just good common sense. There are few touches however, that can make all the difference to a Chinese client; such as working out the property’s position in relation to the points of a compass and how each area corresponds with the Bagua (Feng Shui energy map) then placing something symbolic in that area. Good example is placing a money plant in the south-east area of the property because that symbolises money and wealth and brings good energy to that area.

Read our guide to what makes the perfect rental home

3. The landscape

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (3)Equally important to Chinese buyers or tenants is the property’s location, or rather the landscape around the property. A mountain behind the house brings good fortune and provides supporting energy to the house for example. While there aren’t any mountains in London, the land being higher at the back is still a good sign, as are any tall trees. The front of the property should be as clear and bright as possible, not blocked by other buildings, and if there is water at the front too, that is an excellent sign.

Top 10 locations where homes earn more than the average worker

4. Location, location, location

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (4)All buyers and tenants look for a pleasant, central location with transport links. If the Chinese buyer or tenant has plans to study in London then choosing a location that is within reach of the good universities and educational establishments is a must. Though take care, the Chinese are particularly against living near to hospitals, temples or graveyards.

Read more about the continuing appeal of the UK as an education destination

5. Shape and form

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (5)The Chinese appreciate symmetry particularly when it comes to property. Square or rectangular rooms within a square or rectangular property create a harmony of the home’s energy. Irregular shaped rooms with acute corners and nooks and crannies however, promote mental tension and disharmony in relationships with others. It’s worth keeping in mind that an attractive style feature from a developer can take on a different meaning for a Chinese customer.

What’s best for property investment – period conversions or new builds?

6. The magic number

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (6)In Chinese culture, numerology has great significance. The luckiest numbers are: three (because it is associated with life), six (because it represents flow and things running smoothly), eight (which represents wealth) and nine (as it represents longevity). Chinese will often go to great lengths to have these numbers in their lives, from license plates and phone numbers to house and flat numbers.

Conversely the unluckiest number is four as it represents death. Chinese apartment buildings often skip the fourth floor jumping straight to five; it’s a little like the Western jitters about the number 13. Superstition is a powerful thing so if you have a door number four or an apartment on the fourth floor, you are unlikely to attract any Chinese interest in your property.

See the top reasons why London continues to attract property investment

7. Earth, wind and fire

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (7)Colour carries heavy symbolism in Chinese culture too. Red symbolises fire and brings luck and happiness; yellow symbolises earth and brings power and prosperity; black represents water however it brings destruction and disaster; white symbolises death and also solace and fulfilment so it has positive and negative connotations; blue represents wood and brings advancement and immortality; gold means wealth, purple signifies divinity and green means nature and purity.

Being mindful of these colours when choosing the colour schemes will help to appeal to Chinese clients, though it is fair to say black walls would be an disaster for any potential buyer or tenant.

Top 10 furnishing tips to maximise your property investment

8. Contemporary living

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (8)Much of the focus has been on Chinese culture and tradition. While this is important, it is equally important to show contemporary China too. Cutting-edge Chinese interior design companies are emerging on the world stage. Visit some homes and decor design events or view new Chinese decor and furnishing style so you can present a genuinely on-Chinese-trend property rather than a Westernised view of Chinese style.

How Design Shanghai 2017 inspired global interior trends

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (9)9. From fortune cookie to smart cookie

Integrated high tech and a home that can boast internet of things connectivity will be especially appealing to most buyers and tenants but especially so for those from China. China is proud to be challenging the supremacy of Japan and Germany in the tech race and announced the creation of voice-activated smart speakers and an A.I. home bot. For a Chinese tenant or buyer, anything less than a smart home simply won’t do.

What smart tech should your rental property include?

10. Word of mouth

Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (10)Naturally, following all of these tips is pointless unless you are advertising to the right market. You need an agent with good links to the Chinese community in both London and China and understands the culture. They will be able to market your property in the right way and ensure that your commitment to appeal to Chinese clients doesn’t go unnoticed.

With this in mind, in 2017, we expanded our China presence by opening a new Shanghai office to keep pace with the demand for London property from Chinese investors. These clients appreciate our specialist advice on property valuations, property management and furnishing, all within their local timezone and on their doorstep. Our directors also visit China on a bi-monthly basis to personally meet with our clients.

This is coupled with our China Desk in London, a dedicated department employing Chinese-speaking people to provide a complete service to Chinese HR departments and their employees with their accommodation needs in London.You can make contact with our local team in China or get a free rental valuation here.

Sending our very best wishes and trust that the Year of the Dog brings great luck and fortune your way.

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Top 10 tips to let or sell your property to Chinese buyers (2024)


How to reach Chinese buyers? ›

How to Find and Attract Chinese Investors
  1. Leverage The Potential Of Microsites.
  2. Set Up A Quality Chinese Website.
  3. Boost Your Visibility On Their Search Engine.
  4. Extend Your Visibility to Property Forums.
May 18, 2023

What do Chinese people look for in a house? ›

The Chinese believe a home should be a balanced environment where the position of doors, windows and furnishings help the good energy to flow through unencumbered. Light and airy homes with little clutter appeal to most people so Feng Shui practices are often just good common sense.

How do I sell my property in China? ›

How to Sell your Properties in China?
  1. Step 1: Signing Engagement Letter. ...
  2. Step 2: Signing Sales Contract. ...
  3. Step 3: Examination and Verification. ...
  4. Step 4: Online Registration. ...
  5. Step 5: Payment. ...
  6. Step 6: Paying tax & Changing the name of property. ...
  7. Step7: Obtaining Real Estate Certificate. ...
  8. Step 8: Property Delivery.
Oct 14, 2021

How do I attract buyers to my property? ›

Attract Traffic to Your Property—How To Make Buyers and Agents...
  1. Make Your Home Easy To Show.
  2. Offer a Competitive Buyer's Agent Commission.
  3. Increase Traffic Through Market Exposure.
  4. Host an Open House Extravaganza.
  5. Make a Limited-Time Offer.
  6. Drop Your Price as the Last Resort.
Apr 12, 2022

What is the best way to enter the Chinese market? ›

Entering the Chinese Market is attractive for Western companies since it's large and growing. Exporting, using distributors, licensing/franchising and investing directly are the most common ways. The different ways of Market Access to China have advantages and disadvantages, depending on the product & circ*mstances.

How to negotiate with Chinese home buyers? ›

Yet before you can reap the benefits of doing business with the Chinese, here are 5 tips you will need to close the deal.
  1. There will be no compromise. ...
  2. Don't reveal too much information during the dealings. ...
  3. Be extraordinary. ...
  4. Get to know the important members in your dealings. ...
  5. Never presume anything before the deal is set.
Jun 11, 2021

What brings good luck and wealth in China? ›

One of the most important tools to receive good fortune and abundance is the Chinese Feng Shui coins. Easily spotted, these coins often come strung together with a red cord and can be hung or kept at different spots around the house.

What are 5 things considered lucky in China? ›

The Residue of Design: 8 Symbols of Luck and Good Fortune in China
  • 1) Numbers. Symbolizing wealth, prosperity, success, and longevity. ...
  • 2) Cabbage. Symbolizing wealth and prosperity. ...
  • 3) Lucky Cat. Symbolizing good luck and good fortune. ...
  • 4) Money Tree. ...
  • 5) Chinese Knot. ...
  • 6) Laughing Buddha. ...
  • 7) Bamboo. ...
  • 8) Fish.
Apr 4, 2017

What brings good luck in Chinese culture? ›

In China, fish, particularly the koi fish (carp), is considered a symbol of luck in several ways. Since the Chinese pronunciation of fish is the same as that of another word meaning surplus, fish are often used as a sign of wealth or abundance.

Does China store 70% of its wealth in real estate? ›

In play now in China, where around 70% of household wealth is in property, this phenomenon is weighing on the post-pandemic recovery of household consumption, which Chinese policymakers have vowed to make a more prominent driver of economic growth.

Do you pay property tax in China? ›

Central government bailouts are a possibility to rescue cities from their deep budget problems, but China hasn't turned to a source of revenue that would be an obvious option in other countries: property taxes.

How do I sell my property internationally? ›

Six steps to selling property abroad
  1. Choose the right time to sell. As with any investment, you'll want to sell at a time when you can maximize profits. ...
  2. Work with a real estate agent. ...
  3. Prepare your documents. ...
  4. Wait for someone to make an offer. ...
  5. Sign the sales contract and pay any fees. ...
  6. Report your sale to the IRS.

What is the secret to a fast sale of a property? ›

One of the most effective ways to sell your home fast is to price it competitively. If you price it too high, you detract prospective buyers out price out potential bidders. In addition, it make take longer to settle the negotiation process if prospective buyers want your price to come down.

What month is the best to sell a house? ›

Spring is typically when most home selling activity begins, but home sales really heat up in the summer months. Real estate is all about location, though, and where you live may have an impact on the peak selling season for your home.

What do you say to attract buyers? ›

What do you say to attract customers?
  • Beautiful in Its Simplicity. ...
  • Artistically Inspired. ...
  • Enhance Your Life. ...
  • Enhance Your Beauty. ...
  • Looks so Good on the Outside, It'll Make You Feel Good Inside. ...
  • Never Looked so Good. ...
  • Simply Awesome. ...
  • Perfect From Beginning to End.
Nov 8, 2020

Is it easy to enter China market? ›

Assessing local markets, identifying the right distribution channels, and tracking the applicable regulations can be difficult for a foreign company. Accessing the local markets with the right products is one of the most difficult China market entry challenges.

What is the mode of entry most often used to access the Chinese market? ›

WFOE. A WFOE is the most common and generally most preferred entry mode to available to foreign investors in the Chinese market.

What is the most popular online marketplace in China? ›

Top Chinese E-commerce Platforms You Should Know In 2022
  1. Alibaba: Tmall & Tmall Global. Tmall was launched in 2008, originally named Taobao Mall, is an e-commerce platform owned by Alibaba. ...
  2. JD: JD Worldwide. ...
  3. Kaola. ...
  4. Pinduoduo. ...
  5. Wechat: Mini-program. ...
  6. Little Red Book. ...
  7. Douyin.

What is the Chinese style of negotiation? ›

The Chinese focus on building relationships rather than on contracts tends to prolong the negotiation process. Westerners befriend their counterparts only after making a deal, while the Chinese make a deal only when some level of friendship has been reached.

How to negotiate price with Chinese? ›

6 Negotiation Strategies to Use With Your Chinese Suppliers
  1. Prepare data for negotiations.
  2. Ask for pricing based on quantity tiers.
  3. Make it seem like you are bigger than you are.
  4. Ask to purchase an initial test order.
  5. Present yourself as their dream buyer.
  6. Change suppliers.
Nov 7, 2022

What to expect when negotiating with Chinese? ›

Be fair, reasonable and diplomatic. If your Chinese counterpart believes that you are being unreasonable, they may not openly say so, but your negotiations are likely to stall and go nowhere. If you disagree with your counterpart, don't simply reject their position out of hand, but carefully explain your reasoning. 10.

What can I put in the foundation of my house for good luck? ›

Coins as Good Luck

Another way to begin a good tradition that's going to be hidden but meaningful is to drop one or two coins into the forms of the foundation before it is poured, or directly on top of the slab during the pour. They won't be able to see the coin, but they'll know it's there.

What is the Chinese lucky number for wealth? ›

The number 8 is considered the luckiest of numbers in China and they believe the more 8's the better. The Cantonese word for eight, which is pronounced “ba”, sounds similar to the word which means “prosper” or “wealth”. In regional dialects the words for “eight” and “fortune” are also similar.

What is a good luck charm in China? ›

Three-Legged Toad

The three-legged toad is a symbol used for a lucky charm. This toad is always depicted with a coin in its mouth with a Chinese character coin side facing up. Place in the southeast corner facing into home or room. Are you InTheKnow?

What is the luckiest Chinese symbol? ›

The character Fú ( 福, Unicode U+798F) meaning "fortune" or "good luck" is represented both as a Chinese ideograph and, at times, pictorially, in one of its hom*ophonous forms. It is often found on a figurine of the male god of the same name, one of the trio of "star gods" Fú, Lù, Shòu.

What does 48 mean in Chinese? ›

What does the number 48 mean in Chinese? 48: Any 3 digit numbers that ends with 48 sounds like "wealthy for X lifetimes", for example, 748 (pinyin: qī sì bā) sounds like "七世發" (pinyin: qī shì fā) meaning "wealthy for 7 lifetimes". 448 (pinyin: sì sì bā) sounds like "死先發" (pinyin: sǐ xiān fā) meaning "wealthy on death".

What is the Chinese lucky number for lottery? ›

Using Your Feng Shui Lucky Numbers

Some people believe using feng shui lottery numbers is the way to win. The numbers most often used are 6, 8 and 9. Any combination of these numbers along with 16, 18 and 19 are believed to be lucky for any lottery.

What is good luck when buying a house Chinese? ›

A home with water views is considered highly lucky as water is one of the only bodies that can hold chi. A mountainous backdrop is also desirable as it will protect a home from strong winds, which can carry good luck and energy away.

What to bring to a new home for good luck Chinese? ›

Bring along auspicious items

oranges (which symbolise prosperity) pomegranates (which symbolise opportunities) peaches (which symbolise good health) apples (which symbolise safety)

What is the Chinese symbol for abundance? ›

The Chinese character 富 fù means rich, wealthy, abundant.

Who is richer China or America? ›

1- United States: Located in North America, the United States ranks third in the world in terms of size and population. It has again beaten China, to become the richest country in the world.

How long can you own a house in China? ›

70 years

Are Chinese investors buying American real estate? ›

Chinese investors are among the top foreign purchasers of residential real estate, along with Canadians, according to the National Association of Realtors. Other states have had concerns over foreign ownership of land and have made efforts to regulate it.

Do you own your own house in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

Do you own your property in China? ›

There is no private “freehold” land ownership in China. All urban land in China is owned by the Chinese government and is commonly referred to as “state-owned land.” All rural and suburban land is owned by rural collectives (ie, local groups of farmers) and is commonly referred to as “collective land.”

What is China's deed tax? ›

Deed tax is payable by the transferee upon the transfer of landed property. Transfer of landed property takes the following ways: - Acquisition of land use right from the State; Transfer of land use right including transfer by sale, by exchange, or gift, Purchase and sale of real property situated on lands.

How can I avoid capital gains tax on foreign property sale? ›

That means any gain from selling your primary residence overseas is usually tax-free, as long as you meet the occupancy requirements and your gain is below these thresholds: $500,000 – if you're married filing jointly. $250,000 – if you use any other filing status.

Do I have to pay US tax on property sold overseas? ›

Reporting the Sale of a Foreign Home

The U.S. taxes you on any income you earn, whether it's earned in the U.S. or another country. So if you owned a home or property in another country, and then sold that home for a profit, you'll need to report the sale just as you would if it were located in the U.S.

Do I have to declare foreign property to IRS? ›

Yes, you must report foreign properties on your U.S. tax return just like you would report any owned U.S. property. To do that, you first need to know what type of ownership you have because it affects what tax forms you must file.

What is the most common reason for a property not to be sold? ›

The most common reason why a house fails to sell is because the asking price is too high for the current market or for what the home offers. If your asking price is unreasonable and doesn't compare favorably to similar properties, it's unlikely your house will sell.

What is the number one reason why a property does not sell? ›

Your price is too high

No doubt about it, the most common reason for a home not selling is that the asking price has been set too high. The reasons for setting your price too high, to begin with, are many. Ranging from over-enthusiastic listing agents to unrealistic seller expectations.

What are the most common methods of selling property? ›

The most common methods of sale are listed below:
  • Selling at Auction. Auctions are a very popular method of sale, as the owner is in control of the process and sets the terms and conditions of the sale. ...
  • Private Treaty Sale. ...
  • Expression of Interest Real Estate. ...
  • Sale by Tender.

What month is the hardest to sell a house? ›

October is the worst month to sell

Homebuying activity typically comes to a near-standstill in December, when people tend to travel and are busy with holiday celebrations.

What is the slowest month for real estate sales? ›

Typically, winter time is the slowest of the year to sell a property, specifically November, December, and January. However, there are some exceptions because there are several conditions that affect the housing market.

What day of the week do most houses sell? ›

Thursday is generally thought to be the best day of the week to list a house for sale. Studies show that homes listed on Thursdays are more likely to sell faster, and for a higher price.

How do you attract serious buyers? ›

8 Ways to Attract the Best Buyers for Your Business
  1. Don't wait for a buyer to come to you; run a process to find the best buyers. ...
  2. Talk to multiple buyers. ...
  3. Work with an investment banker that manages thousands of buyer relationships. ...
  4. Use detailed marketing materials that tell the business's story.

How do you attract high end buyers? ›

How Do You Attract High End Customers?
  1. 6 Tips for Attracting High End Consumers.
  2. Know Your Customer. Build a profile of your target client. ...
  3. Know Your luxury website Design trends. ...
  4. Develop Your Marketing Strategy. ...
  5. Establish Your Authority and Credibility. ...
  6. Get Strategic with Your Pricing. ...
  7. Use the Personal Touch.
Jan 28, 2021

How do I find a Chinese vendor? ›

How to find suppliers in China
  1. Check Online directories.
  2. Alibaba. Alibaba is the largest and most commonly used marketplace to find suppliers in China. ...
  3. Network with people who've done it before. ...
  4. Visit Trade shows & webinars. ...
  5. Local trade shows. ...
  6. Request for samples. ...
  7. Enquire about production times. ...
  8. Minimum order quantities.
Oct 29, 2020

How to find a buying agent in China? ›

Things to consider when choosing a China sourcing agent
  1. Location of the sourcing agent. ...
  2. Experience of the China sourcing agent. ...
  3. Check for references. ...
  4. Get the required documentation. ...
  5. Check how they deal with quality issues. ...
  6. Have the necessary license. ...
  7. Check the language proficiency. ...
  8. Expertise on the product that you want to buy.

Can you sell online to China? ›

You do not need to establish a legal entity to set up and run an online store on an international e-commerce platform to sell products and services to Chinese consumers. Prominent international e-commerce platforms are TMall Global, Amazon Global, and JD Worldwide.

How do I buy directly from China suppliers? ›

The best way to buy directly from China is to use a sourcing agent like Kanary. There are other alternatives to speak directly with suppliers such as Alibaba, DHgate, Made-In-China etc. However, using a company like Kanary, who has relationships with suppliers developed over many years, is going to be your best option.

How to negotiate with Chinese vendors? ›

6 Negotiation Strategies to Use With Your Chinese Suppliers
  1. Prepare data for negotiations.
  2. Ask for pricing based on quantity tiers.
  3. Make it seem like you are bigger than you are.
  4. Ask to purchase an initial test order.
  5. Present yourself as their dream buyer.
  6. Change suppliers.
Nov 7, 2022

How to get in touch with Chinese manufacturers? ›

Buyers can always contact Chinese manufacturers on the Business-to-Business platforms (B2B) or other online platforms without necessarily understanding the Chinese language or visiting China. Some of these include Alibaba. Amazon, DHgate, ECVV, Global Sources, and trade wheel, among others.

What are the best websites to find Chinese suppliers? ›

In order, starting with the most useful, here are our top 20 China sourcing websites:
  1. Alibaba. website: ...
  2. DHgate. website: ...
  3. Global Sources. website: ...
  4. Made-in-China. website: ...
  5. China Suppliers. website: ...
  6. OFweek. website: ...
  7. AliExpress. ...
  8. HKTDC.
Sep 13, 2017

How much does a Chinese sourcing agent charge? ›

A better Chinese sourcing agent usually charges a reasonable commission rate, usually 5%~10% of the product purchase amount. The commission rate is slightly different according to the professional level of the purchasing agent, the product type, the total order amount and the project duration.

What is the best agent in China? ›

50 Best Sourcing Agent in China
Company NameServicesLocation
EjetChina export agentGuangzhou & Hangzhou, China
Qaizen GroupAsia sourcing firmShanghai, China
Golden shinyYiwu sourcing agentYiwu, China
Source in ChinaChina Product sourcing agentDongguan, China
52 more rows
May 10, 2023

What is a buying agent in China? ›

A China purchasing agent is an agent based in China who coordinates purchasing and shipping of equipment and supplies for a company. Whereas wholesale buyers buy goods for resale purposes - purchasing agents buy goods, raw materials, services, and anything else necessary for business operations.

Is direct selling allowed in China? ›

10 When Direct sales is considered illegal in China? Though Direct Sales is formally considered a legal activity in China, multi-level marketing in the form contemplated in the Regulation on PROHIBITION OF PYRAMID SELLING is prohibited because it is considered as an illegal activity.

Can you sell property in China? ›

When selling your property in China, foreign owners must additionally pay the applicable taxes. In this transaction, you must pay the appropriate taxes, including the sale tax (about 5% of the entire selling price), the stamp tax (around 0.05% of the whole selling price), etc.

How do I connect with suppliers in China? ›

Manufacturer in China – How to Establish a Reliable Connection
  1. Finding Chinese manufacturers. ...
  2. Your business contacts. ...
  3. The internet. ...
  4. Contacting the supplier. ...
  5. Meet and greet at trade fairs. ...
  6. Sourcing agents. ...
  7. The all-important factory audit. ...
  8. The golden sample before mass production.

How do I find Chinese suppliers online? ›

China Supplier - 7 Ways to Find a Reliable Supplier
  1. The Canton Fair. China's largest import/export convention is held twice a year and covers virtually every industry that makes physical products. ...
  2. Yiwu Market. ...
  3. B2B marketplaces. ...
  4. Sourcing agents. ...
  5. Google. ...
  6. Baidu. ...
  7. Your industry network.

What is the difference between Alibaba and Aliexpress? ›

Alibaba is primarily designed for businesses looking to source products in large quantities. Aliexpress is geared toward individuals looking to buy products in smaller quantities. On Alibaba, buyers and sellers negotiate prices, place orders, and handle logistics.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

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Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.