What’s the average salary in China in 2023? (2024)

Do you want to outsource to China but aren’t sure what the average salary in China is?

China has lower average salary figures compared to other developed economies like the United States and Japan. The annual average wage of a typical Chinese employee is around 352,000 Yuan (USD 50,629).

In this article, we’ll delve into the numerous details of China’s average salary. We’ll also talk about the legal provisions for wages and the advantages of outsourcing to China.

Table of Contents

  • What is the average salary in China?
  • Salary comparison by experience, education, and city
  • Legal provisions for employment and wages
  • Top 3 industries to outsource to China
  • 3 key advantages of outsourcing to China

Let’s get started.

What is the average salary in China?

The average salary in China differs across cities and provinces. Chinese cities like Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenzhen, and Hangzhou offer higher wages than other cities.

The average salary also depends on several factors like education, industry domain, experience level, and sector (the public and private sectors).

In China, the average monthly salary is 29,300 Yuan (Chinese Yuan), equating to USD 4,214 (US dollars) per month according to the exchange rate in May 2023 (according to Salary Explorer).

Note: Renminbi (abbreviated RMB) is the official currency of China. However, we will stick to the Chinese Yuan (CNY), which is the popular, international name for the money, in this article.

Now, let’s look at the numerous aspects of the average salary in China.

1. Median salary

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month.

That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary. In contrast, the other half earns more than the median salary. And generally speaking, the economic development of the country is directly proportional to the number of people making more than the median salary.

2. Maximum and minimum salary range

The average salary in China ranges from 7,410 Yuan per month (USD 1,066) to 131,000 Yuan (USD 18,842) per month — with 7,410 Yuan being the minimum salary and 131,100 Yuan being the maximum salary.

3. Average annual salary increase

Chinese employees are likely to observe a salary raise of approximately 9% every 15 months, depending on the job title.

Although the term “annual salary” implies a salary increment every 12 months, it’s not always the case. The frequency of the salary increment differs from company to company.

A. Average annual increase by industry

Here is the average annual growth rate in salaries across different industries:

IndustryAverage Annual Increment
Information Technology6%

Source: salaryexplorer.com

B. Average annual increase by experience

The salary level of an employee increases gradually by gaining more experience.

Let’s look into the average annual increase in salaries by experience level:

Experience LevelAverage Annual Increment
Junior Level3% – 5%
Mid Career6% – 9%
Senior Level10% – 15%
Top Management15% – 20%

Source: salaryexplorer.com

Note: The figures provided here are averages of numbers and should only be taken as general guidelines. Salaries and increments will vary from person to person and depend on the factors mentioned above.

4. Minimum wage

In China, the local government decides the minimum salary rates. It depends on the cost of living, local wages, and the supply and demand of labor in that area.

Due to these reasons, there’s a considerable variation in minimum wages across all major and minor cities.

Employees in Shanghai earn the highest average monthly wage, approximately 2,590 Yuan. Shanghai has roughly double the minimum wages compared to smaller cities in provinces like Hunan, Hubei, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang.

According to China’s National Bureau of Statistics, its total labor force stood at 805.7 million in 2019. Despite the high population, China manages to create around 13 million jobs each year in urban China.

China’s middle-class population is huge, making it difficult for the government to regulate the minimum wage law in each state.

For that reason, China’s Minimum Wage Regulations (CMWR) stated that regional governments should increase the minimum wage promptly and at least once every two years. The minimum wage rule is to ensure that the disposable income is enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle.

Salary comparison by experience, education, and city

The average salary of an employee in China varies greatly. Here’s the breakout of the salary comparison by experience, education, and city.

1. Experience level

Understandably, a person’s salary increases with experience. In China, an employee with 2-5 years of experience earns a 32% higher wage than juniors across all industries.

Working professionals with more than five years of experience earn 36% more salary than those with less than five years of experience. On average, a person’s average wage doubles once they hit the ten-year experience mark.

Here’s a salary comparison table by experience level

Years of ExperienceSalary Increase (annually)
< 2 yearsBase salary
2 to 5+ 32%
5 to 10+ 36%
10 to 15+ 21%
15 to 20+ 14%
20++ 9%

Source: salaryexplorer.com

2. Education

The salary change based on education also varies significantly from one location to another. However, the data displayed here is the combined average of multiple jobs.

For starters, an ESL teacher (English as a Second language teacher) in Shanghai earns an average salary of 15,952 Yuan.

Professionals with a diploma certificate earn 17% more than those who only finished high school. Additionally, employees with a Bachelor’s degree make 24% more than diploma holders.

Moreover, Master’s degree holders make 29% more than Bachelor degree holders. And if a Chinese employee is a Ph.D. holder, they’ll earn 23% more than a person with a Master’s degree.

3. City

Yantai offers the highest average salary of around 539,175 Yuan per year, followed by Suzhou, Keelung, and Shanghai.

Here’s a list of cities with the highest salaries in China.

CityAverage Salary/Year
Yantai539,175 Yuan
Suzhou420,389 Yuan
Keelung414,894 Yuan
Shanghai369,304 Yuan
Chengdu367,128 Yuan
Tianjin364,951 Yuan
Changzhou348,388 Yuan
Shenzhen317,347 Yuan
Luoyang313,020 Yuan
Dalian307,344 Yuan

Source: https://www.averagesalarysurvey.com/china

Legal provisions for employment and wages

The Chinese government has put together a comprehensive legal framework to protect the rights of employees and increase their income.

The 1995 Labor Law and the 2008 Labor Contract Law (amended in 2013) contain provisions for wages, working hours, employee contracts, benefits, and contract termination.

Here are some of the legal provisions for employment and wages in China:

  1. Employers need to reach a written agreement with their employees, which both parties need to sign (Labor Contract Law Article 10).
  2. The employer should specify the agreement terms, place of work, average hourly wage, leaves, labor remuneration, work safety protection, etc. (Article 17 in Labor Contract Law).
  3. China has 40 hours of standard working hours and two weekly days off. Under the State Council 1995 Provisions, flexible working hours are granted.
  4. Employers shall pay overtime to the employees if they exceed standard working hours. Additionally, employers cannot force employees to work overtime for more than three hours a day or 36 hours/month (Article 41 in Labor Law).
  5. The overtime stipend should be more than 150% of an employee’s wages during workdays, 200% on day-offs, and 300% on national holidays, such as the Chinese New Year (Article 44 in Labor Law).
  6. Employers shall pay the wages to the employee (both blue-collar and white-collar workers) every month. Employers should not delay salary payments without any rightful reason (Article 50 in Labor Law ).
  7. The employer cannot refuse paid leaves to the employee during statutory holidays, marriage, or funerals (Article 51 in Labor Law ).
  8. During an employee’s contract termination, they are entitled to a compensation payment based on the number of years employed at a monthly salary rate (Article 47 in Labor Contract Law).

Top 3 industries to outsource to China

Thousands of companies outsource parts of their business operations to China.

Here’s a brief overview of all the industries outsourced to China:

1. Manufacturing/production

For the past few decades, foreign companies have enjoyed the benefits of low-cost manufacturing delivered by the Chinese industries.

According to a salary survey in 2018, a factory worker’s salary in China is USD 5.51 per hour. Compared with other economic superpowers like the US and Germany, China is one of the most inexpensive countries in terms of labor costs.

Companies like Apple and Nike benefit from China’s low hourly wage, lower real estate costs, and the unbeatable supply chain by setting up factories in the country.

2. Software development/IT

China has one of the most vibrant startup ecosystems globally and is home to many high-growth IT companies. The Chinese education system produces 4.7 million tech graduates each year.

The average salary of a software developer in China is 1,89,000 Yuan to 3,57,000 Yuan. The low wage makes it easier for outsourcing companies to hire quality software developers at a low rate.

3. Customer service

If you have Mandarin or Cantonese-speaking customers, outsourcing your customer service operations to China may prove beneficial for your business.

The average salary of a call center agent in China is USD 31,283 annually. That makes it easier for companies with Mandarin customers to outsource their customer support needs.

3 key advantages of outsourcing to China

From competitive wages to a stream of graduates with advanced technical skills, outsourcing to China has many advantages. Here are a few of them:

1. Government support

Since 2005, the government of China has moved the emphasis from hardware production to IT development since their 11th Five-year plan (2006-2010).

The Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM) devised a “1,000-100-10” plan.

The project aims to increase China’s share in services exports by:

  • Establishing 10 Chinese cities as outsourcing bases.
  • Attracting 100 international corporate customers offshore in these cities.
  • Developing 1,000 large and medium-sized outsourcing vendors.

They have also added a framework to protect intellectual property rights (IPR) and improve the infrastructure of the outsourcing industry. Additionally, there are various income tax rebates to encourage development outside key outsourcing centers.

2. Abundant human resources

One of China’s strengths is its vast talent pool of skilled technicians and engineers.

According to the World Economic Forum, China produced 4.7 million STEM graduates in the year 2017.

Additionally, Chinese students returning home with degrees from top schools in the United States, Europe, and the UK contribute to the country’s high-quality talent pool.

3. Access to vast consumer base

If you plan to expand your products overseas, especially in Asian countries, outsourcing to China can be really helpful.

China has a massive consumer base of more than 1.3 billion people, and that will guarantee a healthy return on your investment.

Since China shares borders with other big countries like India and Vietnam, you can easily export your products to these countries.

Check out our detailed guide on outsourcing to China for more information.

Wrapping up

The low average salary in China makes it the perfect option to fulfill all your outsourcing needs.

With a manufacturing infrastructure second to none, and the availability of skilled individuals, it’s hard to go wrong when outsourcing to China.

Use the data we’ve provided here to estimate the average salary of a Chinese employee and decide if outsourcing is the right choice for your business.

What’s the average salary in China in 2023? (2024)


What is the salary guide for China 2023? ›

The average salary for those working in professional services in Mainland China in 2023 is above ¥350,000. Full-time workers in Mainland China on average make ¥29,300 a month, equating to ¥351,600 a year (pre-tax).

What is the real average salary in China? ›

Median salary

The median salary in China is 26,800 Yuan (USD 3,855) per month. That means half of the population draws an average income less than the median salary. In contrast, the other half earns more than the median salary.

What is a good salary in 2023? ›

If a worker works 52 weeks a year, this equates to a national annual salary of $51,168, up 5.1 per cent from the previous year. Any sum beyond that should be regarded as a good salary; however, this is not always the case.

What is the top 1% salary in China? ›

5. China
  • Annual pre-tax income needed to be in the 1%: $121,168.
  • Annual pre-tax income needed to be in the top 10%: $44,182.
Jun 22, 2021

What is the minimum wage in China in US dollars? ›

What is minimum wage in China? Minimum Wages in China remained unchanged at 2590 CNY/Month (363.681 USD/Month) in 2023. The maximum rate of minimum wage for employees was 2480 CNY/Month and minimum was 690 CNY/Month. Data published Yearly by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

What is the average salary in the US 2023? ›

As of Jun 4, 2023, the average annual pay for an American in the United States is $58,563 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $28.16 an hour.

How much is a gallon of milk in China? ›

The exception to cheap groceries in China is dairy products. One gallon of milk costs $7.20 to $8.80 and a pound of local cheese costs $5.55 to $6.75.

How much is a house in China? ›

An average 80 square meter apartment within Shanghai's Inner Ring Road goes for upwards $886,000; while in the city's hinterlands it sells for around US$200,000. In Beijing, the average cost of a home of this size is roughly US$310,000.

How much is rent in China? ›

Cost of Renting in China: $300 – $500 per month

Well, over in China, you can pay as little as $300 and as much as $700 per month depending on where you live. The major cities will have the higher rents, while the outskirts of the city are much cheaper.

Which country pays highest salary? ›

The top three countries on this list are Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Singapore, where citizens earn more than Rs. 4 lakh per month on average. Specifically, the average monthly salary in Switzerland is Rs. 4,98,567, in Luxembourg it is Rs.

What is US average salary? ›

The national average salary in 2021 was $58,260, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

What is a good salary in USA? ›

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual wage across all occupations in 2021 was $58,260 [1]. For a person living in Phoenix, Arizona, where the median wage is $56,610, earning above the national average may be considered very good.

How much money is considered rich in China? ›

How much is rich in China? Millionaires are defined as individuals with personal wealth of over 10 million yuan, and super-rich are defined as individuals with personal wealth of 100 million yuan or above. One yuan equals approximately 0.16 U.S. dollars and 0.14 euros (as of April 2022).

What is a good salary in China per month? ›

CNY. A person working in Shenzhen typically earns around 29,000 CNY per month. Salaries range from 7,330 CNY (lowest average) to 129,000 CNY (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

What are salaries in China? ›

In 2021, the last full year for which Beijing's National Bureau of Statistics offers data, the average Chinese worker earned 105,000 yuan a year, the equivalent of $16,153. The average American worker earned some $58,120 a year, 3.5 times his or her Chinese counterpart — still wide but not what it was.

What is hourly wage in China? ›

Minimum wage per hour in China as of January 2023, by region (in yuan per hour)
CharacteristicMinimum levelMaximum level
9 more rows
Jan 25, 2023

What is China's hourly wage? ›

As of 21 Feb, 2023, Shanghai has the highest monthly minimum wage in China's mainland, at 2,590 RMB per month, while Beijing has the highest hourly wage in China's mainland, at 25.3 RMB per hour.

How much do Iphone workers in China get paid? ›

New workers will be offered a salary of 30 yuan ($4) per hour, according to the post. Last Wednesday, Chinese authorities imposed a seven-day lockdown on the manufacturing zone that houses the Foxconn plant.

What salary is middle class? ›

Pew draws on the same formula used in the SmartAsset report, defining the middle class as those with incomes between two-thirds and twice the national median income. That works out to a national salary range of roughly $52,000 to $156,000 in 2020 dollars for a three-person household.

What is the average salary in Japan? ›

What is the average salary in Japan? The short answer is very simple. According to Doda, the yearly average salary in Japan in 2021 is 4,530,000 Yen/ 41,000 USD.

What is the lowest salary in the US? ›

The federal minimum wage for covered nonexempt employees is $7.25 per hour.

How much is a gallon of gas in China in US dollars? ›

China Gasoline prices, 29-May-2023
China Gasoline pricesLitreGallon

How much is a gallon of gas in China? ›

Gas Prices Around the World
CountryPrice as of Nov. 21 in USD per gallonHeader Cell - Column 3
China$4.74Row 5 - Cell 3
Denmark$7.59Row 6 - Cell 3
France$6.83Row 7 - Cell 3
Finland$7.72Row 8 - Cell 3
36 more rows
Nov 28, 2022

How much is a car in China? ›

This statistic shows the average prices of used cars sold in China from 2010 to 2019. In 2019, the average price of a second-hand vehicle sold in China was around 62,700 yuan, up from about 62,200 yuan in the previous year.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in China? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 2,021.2$ (14,401.0¥) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 558.9$ (3,982.3¥) without rent. Cost of living in China is, on average, 49.7% lower than in United States. Rent in China is, on average, 65.5% lower than in United States.

Do citizens own property in China? ›

Because China is a socialist country, all land is either subject to government ownership or collective ownership. In principle, municipal land is subject to government ownership and land outside cities is subject to collective ownership. However, one can obtain the right to use the land.

Can a US citizen buy a house in China? ›

The answer is yes, foreigners are allowed to purchase property in China! The essential requirement is that you have studied or worked in China for at least one year on a residence permit. Foreigners are allowed to only own one residential property for dwelling purposes.

Is it cheap for Americans to live in China? ›

Estimated Monthly Living Costs in China

A single expat is likely to spend around $1300 a month on average (in first-tier cities). This amount includes a decent home and dining out a couple of times a week.

How much does a meal cost in China? ›

Lunch/Dinner/Supper - 20–80 yuan (3–12.5 USD) Rice and noodles are the main food staples in China and they often appear on the table for mid-day and evening meals. You can also order dishes and rice, which cost about 20–40 yuan per dish.

What is the cheapest city to live in China? ›

In 2019, a cold, sleepy mining town called Hegang went viral for having the lowest house prices of any big city in China. Blog posts boasted of sizeable apartments costing as little as 46,000 yuan ($6,700).

What country do nurses make the most money? ›

Switzerland: Nurses in Switzerland have some of the highest salaries in the world, with an average annual salary of around $85000. Canada: Nurses in Canada earn an average annual salary of around $75000. Germany: Nurses in Germany have an average salary of around $65000.

What country has the best work life balance? ›

When it comes to happiness, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland make up the top three, suggesting that great work perks and a work-life balance makes people happier in their lives.

What is the most successful job in the world? ›

So, given below is an updated list of the most paid jobs in the world.
  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ...
  2. Medical Professionals. ...
  3. Corporate Lawyer. ...
  4. Investment Banker. ...
  5. Data Scientist. ...
  6. Project Manager. ...
  7. Senior Software Engineer. ...
  8. Web Developers.
May 9, 2023

Why are American salaries so high? ›

In general, wages in the United States tend to be higher than those in Europe, particularly for skilled and high-paying jobs. Part of the reason for this is that the cost of living in the U.S. is usually higher than in Europe. This means that workers need to make more money to keep their standard of living the same.

What is a decent salary to live in us? ›

An analysis of the living wage (as calculated in December 2022 and reflecting a compensation being offered to an individual in 2023), compiling geographically specific expenditure data for food, childcare, health care, housing, transportation, and other necessities, finds that: The living wage in the United States is ...

What is the top 5 salary in the US? ›

In 2021, the top 1% earned more than twice the income of the top 5% nationwide. While the top 1% earned almost $600,000, you only needed to pull in $240,712 to crack the top 5% of U.S. earners, according to SmartAsset.

How much dollar is required to live in USA? ›

Average Cost of Living in USA. The estimated annual living expense in the United States is between $100,000 and $180,000, with a monthly average of $1000 to $1500.

What is highest paying job in USA? ›

Highest-Paying Occupations
Physicians, All Other$223,410382.40%
Ophthalmologists, Except Pediatric$219,810374.60%
General Internal Medicine Physicians$214,460363.10%
17 more rows

How much is $30 an hour annually? ›

How much does a 30$ An Hour make? As of Jun 4, 2023, the average annual pay for a 30$ An Hour in the United States is $240,666 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $115.70 an hour. This is the equivalent of $4,628/week or $20,055/month.

Who is more rich China or USA? ›

As per projections by IMF for 2021, United States is leading by $6,033 bn or 1.36 times on an exchange rate basis. The economy of China is Int. $3,982 billion or 1.18x of the US on purchasing power parity basis.

Is the average Chinese citizen rich? ›

Credit Suisse found China's median wealth outpaced Europe's in its 2021 Global Wealth Report. The average Chinese citizen has a wealth of $26,752, around $60 more than the average European. Chinese wealth has surged in the past two decades, with median wealth per adult growing more than eight-fold.

Is China more wealthy than the US? ›

While China and the US are comparable in nominal GDP, there are far more wealthy individuals in America than in China. China — with a population of 1.4 billion — has 780,000 people holding assets worth $1 million or more, while the US — with a population of 332 million — has 5.27 million people in the same category.

Does China have free healthcare? ›

How Does the Healthcare System Work in China? China does have free public healthcare which is under the country's social insurance plan. The healthcare system provides basic coverage for the majority of the native population and, in most cases, expats as well. However, it will depend on the region you reside in.

What is the most paid job in China? ›

The 10 Highest Paying Jobs in China in 2021
  • Sales Executive For Luxury Goods. ...
  • Application Engineer for Computer Software. ...
  • Senior Financial Controller. ...
  • General Manager and Oversight. ...
  • Hotel Senior Management. ...
  • Loan Officer. ...
  • Foreign Bank Manager. ...
  • Mortgage Consultant.

What is the average income of the middle class in China? ›

Breakdown of annual middle class household income in China 2021-2022. As of January 2022, the largest share of Chinese middle-class families had an annual income of between 100 thousand and 300 thousand yuan per year. According to the same survey, almost 90 percent of respondents have at least one child.

What is the most common job in China? ›

This is because teaching is one of the most common occupations in China, with some estimates putting the number of teachers at around 60 million. Teaching has become a popular career choice for young Chinese because of the many career opportunities available to those who have a teaching qualification.

Do foreigners get paid more in China? ›

Income disparity between foreigners and locals in China

While not all expat salaries are equal, they're a lot more equal than when compared with those of their Chinese counterparts. Expat teachers, for example, typically get paid three times more than locals.

Is China a good place to live in? ›

Is living in China safe? Yes, many expats, especially women, find living in China is much safer than in cities like London or New York. Street harassment and catcalling is virtually unheard of for foreigners, and streets tend to be well lit at night.

What is China economic growth forecast for 2023? ›

Economic Outlook Note - China

Economic growth will rebound to 5.4% in 2023 and 5.1% in 2024. Lifting zero-COVID restrictions has released pent-up demand for in-person services, increasing revenues in services industries hard hit by lockdowns such as tourism or entertainment.

What is the cost of living salary increase for 2023? ›

Each year, the Social Security Administration applies a COLA to payments made to those receiving Social Security and Supplemental Security income (SSI). For 2023, the COLA increase is 8.7%, which is significantly larger than the COLAs in recent years.

How much salaries are expected to rise around the world in 2023? ›

Despite a 3.5% average nominal pay increase, salaries in real terms fell 5.6%, due to 9.1% average inflation. They are set to tumble another 4% in 2023. In the US a real-terms drop of 4.5% this year is expected to be reversed by falling inflation next year, translating into a 1% real-terms salary hike.

Are salaries in China increasing? ›

For China, the report expects a 3.8 percent jump in real wages in 2023 and even more impressive increases in India and elsewhere in Asia.

Which country is the fastest growing economy in 2023? ›

Fastest growing Economy in the World 2023
  • Top 10 Fastest growing Economy List with Growth Rate 2023. ...
  • Macao SAR [Value: 58.9] [Population: 6,75,766] ...
  • Guyana [Value: 37.2] [Population: 7,97,613] ...
  • Libya [Value: 17.5] [Population: 7,150,270] ...
  • Palau [Value: 8.7] [Population: 18,345] ...
  • Senegal [Value: 8.3] [Population: 18,109,786]
May 26, 2023

What is Chinese inflation 2023? ›

China's annual inflation rate fell to 0.1% in April 2023 from 0.7% in the previous month, missing market estimates of 0.4%. This was the lowest print since a deflation in February 2021 amid an uneven economic recovery after the removal of a zero-COVID policy, with prices of both food and non-food easing further.

What will the US economic growth be in 2023? ›

Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.3 percent in the first quarter of 2023, according to the “second” estimate. In the fourth quarter of 2022, real GDP increased 2.6 percent.

What is the salary increase in Hong Kong 2023? ›

Offers of 2023-24 civil service pay adjustment. (b) a pay increase of 4.65 per cent for civil servants in the middle and lower salary bands.

What is a good salary increase? ›

How much of a raise should I ask for? The average pay raise is 3%. A good pay raise ranges from 4.5% to 5%, and anything more than that is considered exceptional.

How much does the average American make by age? ›

In full-year 2021 in the United States, these were the median salaries earned by age: Age 25: $40,000.00. Age 35: $57,500.00. Age 45: $60,000.00.

What country has highest real wage? ›

The worldwide highest income is earned in Monaco. The smallest budget per capita exists in Afghanistan. In our comparison over 69 countries, the USA comes 7th with an average income of 70,930 USD. The average income is calculated by gross national income and population.

What is the highest paying job in 2023? ›

The annual salary of a data scientist can go as high as $150,000. For this reason, it is the most paid job in the world and will continue to pay high in the near future as well. According to the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median salary for a data scientist is 100,560.

What will the average salary be in 2050? ›

The worker's income would fall to about $45,900 in 2030, $45,000 in 2040 and to less than $44,000 in 2050. In a society built upon consumer power and the idea that succeeding generations leap ahead of preceding ones—rather than fall behind them—four decades of falling incomes could be catastrophic.

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