Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (2024)

Why do people choose to live in notoriously expensive states? They’re all beautiful places, for one reason. Anyone who’s been to Hawaii, for example, may say it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth. But – and there’s no getting around it – it’s really expensive to live there.

In fact, how much further a dollar goes when you live in Montana than it does in Massachusetts is pretty staggering. Of course, the average income per person is higher in Massachusetts, too, and that has something to do with why it’s so expensive to live there. There are many reasons a state may be more expensive to live in. Here’s why the top 10 most expensive states are so costly for residents.

Defining The Most Expensive States And Cost Of Living

Determining how expensive it is to live in a state is a matter of examining lots of data, and it is not an exact science. Many factors contribute to the cost of living in a particular place and they are constantly changing. Still, as long as we look at data applied to each state equally, a pretty solid picture emerges.

To determine the most expensive U.S. states, Rocket HomesSM looked at its own data as well as data from The Council for Community and Economic Research in key consumer spending metrics (see Methodology below for details). What people pay for housing, food, energy, transportation, health care and miscellaneous goods and services in any given place provides a good estimation of how much of their annual income goes to toward these essentials.

What Is The Most Expensive State To Live In?

According to several studies on cost of living, Hawaii is the most expensive U.S. state to live in. Prices are typically double in Hawaii compared to those on the mainland, and the continued rise in inflation is making costs ranging from housing to health care much more expensive.

Of the remaining nine states in our ranking, five of them are in the northeast, three have hundreds of miles of Pacific Ocean shoreline and one is Alaska. Not coincidentally, six of these states are also among the top 10 in personal per capita .

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Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In

1. Hawaii

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (1)

  • Median Sold Price: $713,199
  • Grocery Items Index:9
  • Transportation Index:5
  • Health Care Index:6

Apparently, everything’s more expensive when you live in an island paradise in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Hawaii’s astronomical median home sale price (second only to California) is due to high demand for relatively limited land available for development. Virtually all the consumer goods and much of the food has to be shipped thousands of miles – and the end-buyer ultimately pays for that.

Electricity rates in Hawaii are two to three times more expensive than any other state. Alas, the people who live there have figured all of that into their equation – and decided to stay. Some things are more important than money. Hawaii is one of the most beautiful places on earth and one of the “best states to retire.”

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (2)

  • Median Sold Price: $737,123
  • Grocery Items Index:1
  • Transportation Index:9
  • Health Care Index:0

The Golden State sits near the top of our list with the highest median home sale price in the United States. The largest and arguably one of the most beautiful of the contiguous states, California has always been an attraction for dreamers with big ideas seeking to better their lives, and this has brought a constant supply of new energy to the state’s vibrant economy. For such a massive state to have a top 10 median household income is impressive. But with all this success, Californians pay more for things. Electricity rates in California, for example, are among the highest in the nation.

3. Alaska

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (3)

  • Median Sold Price: $365,000
  • Grocery Items Index:0
  • Transportation Index:8
  • Health Care Index:7

In terms of wide open spaces and natural beauty, Alaska has it all – hundreds of miles of Pacific shoreline, mountain ranges, glaciers, massive forests and abundant wildlife. One consequence of it being America’s largest state is that it’s one of the most expensive to live in. Because it is so vast and the population so widespread, the cost of shipping consumer goods and groceries across Alaska is very high—in fact, only Hawaii pays more for groceries than Alaska.

In 2023 the cost of living in Alaska was 24.4% higher than the national average. The cost of health care in Alaska is the highest in the U.S. This is due in large part to Alaskans’ lower access to less-expensive preventative health care, such as regular checkups, which can prevent higher-cost health emergencies down the road.

4. Massachusetts

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (4)

  • Median Sold Price: $522,870
  • Grocery Items Index:9
  • Transportation Index:3
  • Health Care Index:4

Massachusetts ranks fourth on our list for highest median home sold price. This is driven in part by a low supply of single-family homes in the state. The median home sale price of nearly $523,000 dwarfs the U.S. average, which stood at $375,700 in the first quarter of 2023, according to the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).

With the fourth-highest cost of living in the U.S., at 41% above the national average, seemingly everything is more expensive in Massachusetts. This includes energy. At 31.71 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, Massachusetts has the third-highest electricity rates in the U.S. It’s also an economic reality that things cost more in places where there is more wealth, and Massachusetts is consistently ranked among the top five wealthiest states in America. The Bay State ranks fourth in per capita income at $45,555 and third in mean household income at $115,964.

5. Oregon

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (5)

  • Median Sold Price: $457,735
  • Grocery Items Index:1
  • Transportation Index:1
  • Health Care Index:8

With good reason, Oregon has seen its population and economy boom in the last few decades, with many seeking jobs in Oregon’s tech industries. The state’s natural beauty is second to none, from the Pacific coastline to Mt. Hood, and attracts outdoor adventurers. Unfortunately, the state’s housing supply has struggled to keep up with all this growth, which means rents are high and the average cost of a single-family home is well above the national average. The Beaver State also has some of the highest property tax rates in the country, furthering the cost of home ownership. Oregon ranks ninth among U.S. states for highest cost of living at 21.1% above the national average.

6. New Hampshire

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (6)

  • Median Sold Price: $363,106
  • Grocery Items Index:2
  • Transportation Index:7
  • Health Care Index:1

Much like Massachusetts, its neighbor to the south, New Hampshire, is a wealthy New England state with the 11th-highest household income in the U.S. Because goods and services tend to cost more in wealthier areas, New Hampshire ranks 13th for highest cost of living at 12.49% above the national average. Further, at 31.72 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, New Hampshire has the second-highest electric bill in the nation.

Housing supply tends to be low, which drives up rents and home values. While residents do not pay income or sales tax, property taxes in The Granite State are fourth-highest in the U.S. Still, New Hampshire remains a popular place to live for its four-season climate, slower paced lifestyle and charming New England hamlets. There is great natural beauty, too, with the White Mountains in the north and even a small slice of the Atlantic coastline to the south.

7. Vermont

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (7)

  • Median Sold Price: $306,433
  • Grocery Items Index:1
  • Transportation Index:0
  • Health Care Index:6

Vermont is a quirky state and its native inhabitants are by and large humble folk, certainly not considered wealthy or pretentious. Much of the wealth in Vermont comes from residents of far richer nearby states, such as New York, Connecticut and Massachusetts, who vacation in Vermont or have a second home there. This not only drives up the cost of goods and services, but it also widens the wealth gap, causing a scarcity of housing for lower-income workers. Because Vermont’s economy is highly agrarian and residents are so spread out (it is the second least populated state in the U.S.), the state struggles to develop the infrastructure necessary to compete with the high-tech economies of its neighbors. Consequently, many young people leave the state in search of higher paying jobs.

8. Washington

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (8)

  • Median Sold Price: $532,276
  • Grocery Items Index:5
  • Transportation Index:3
  • Health Care Index:7

The state of Washington has enjoyed staggering economic growth over the last few decades, due in part to the large technology industry that sprouted up around Seattle. The state’s largest city continues to experience tremendous population growth as workers from around the world come seeking high paying jobs. The need for housing brought on by this boom has created one of the most expensive real estate markets in the country, with the median home sold price third-highest after Hawaii and California. The housing costs in Seattle are also driven up by the city’s zoning restrictions, which limit the amount of land available for dense housing developments in favor of single-family homes.

9. New York

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (9)

  • Median Sold Price: $358,042
  • Grocery Items Index:2
  • Transportation Index:7
  • Health Care Index:7

The top reason the state of New York is among the most expensive in the U.S. is that its largest city is among the most expensive places to live in the world. With a population of 8.5 million in New York City’s five boroughs and many more in the surrounding suburbs and Long Island, the Big Apple’s metropolitan area holds about half of the entire state’s population.

Because so many people need accommodations near the city, housing prices are sky high. While the state’s median home sold price is close to the national average, it does not reflect the high cost of housing in NYC, where only 16% of the city’s housing is single family. The vast majority of city residents rent, and rents are extremely high. The average rent for a 700 square foot apartment in the borough of Manhattan, which is about $4,600 a month, would easily cover the mortgage payment on a 3,500 square foot house in many areas of the United States.

10. Connecticut

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (10)

  • Median Sold Price: $314,903
  • Grocery Items Index:9
  • Transportation Index:5
  • Health Care Index:3

With several of its western counties considered suburbs of New York City, Connecticut is one of the wealthiest states and ranks fifth for median household income. Many Connecticut residents commute by car or train to high paying jobs in New York and return to their quiet, comfortable neighborhoods at night, many of them in them in the beautiful New England countryside or along Long Island Sound.

Higher income typically means higher prices for things, and the cost of living in Connecticut is 21.6% higher than the U.S. average, according to World Population Review. Housing, in particular, is pricey in the Nutmeg State, at 34.6% above the national average. Connecticut residents pay more in utility costs than any state except Hawaii and Alaska.

Ways To Save When Buying A House In An Expensive State

All of these very expensive states must have something going for them because millions of people choose to live in them. Factors that most of these states have in common are a strong economy, excellent services, good schools, great natural beauty and quality health care. Unfortunately, all are exceptional in another key metric – high cost of housing.

If you’ve determined that it’s worth your while to pay more to live in one of these states, then it’s good to have a plan to save up for buying a house. You should also know that buying an expensive home does not end at the down payment. The monthly payment on your mortgage includes principal, interest, property taxes and insurance and is a decades-long commitment. You’ll want to ensure that you don’t become house poor, a condition in which so much of your income goes to housing that there is little left for living. Here are a few strategies:

  1. Cut expenses. You may have to cut back on some luxuries, such as an expensive car or travel. Look for housing in an area that is walkable or has good public transportation. This way you can reduce reliance on your car. By becoming a one-car family as opposed to two, you can save hundreds of dollars a month on car payments and insurance.
  2. Work a side hustle. If the mortgage on a house you want to buy is a few hundred dollars a month more than you feel comfortable paying, you can make up the difference by working a side hustle. Many of these jobs can be done at any hour of the day and at your convenience, so you can keep your day job. Driving for a ridesharing service or food delivery has never been easier – log on and off whenever you like. But there are lots of other new side hustles in today’s economy, many of them skilled.
  3. Buy during the offseason. The housing market has up and down seasons throughout the year. When demand is low, prices drop. Ask your REALTOR® when these swings occur where you’re house hunting. Typically, the housing market picks up in spring and drops in late fall and winter.
  4. Buy a fixer-upper. If you’re willing to live in a house that’s a little rundown for a while, you might be able to find an inexpensive project house in an otherwise very desirable neighborhood. You can fix the place up as you live in it, on your own schedule. Even better if you’re handy and can do a lot of the work yourself. When you eventually bring the place up to neighborhood standards, you may have built up tremendous equity in the property.

The Bottom Line: High Costs Make Some States Challenging To Live In

The downside to a state being a very desirable place to live is that the high demand drives up prices on everything, especially the biggest expense – housing. If you’ve determined that the advantages and intangible qualities of an expensive state outweigh the extra cost of living there, then it’s time to start zeroing in on the perfect neighborhood for you and your family. By starting the mortgage approval process today, you’ll have a clear idea of how much house you can afford before you begin your search.

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Methodology: Finding The Most Expensive States

Rocket Homes collected and analyzed the most recent data on seven key statewide metrics to give us insight into the most expensive states to live in. The metrics used in this study include 2022 median sold price of homes, grocery items index, housing index, utilities index, transportation index, health care index and the miscellaneous goods and services index. These metrics were chosen based on public data availability and topical relevancy.

Weights were then applied to each metric depending on their individual importance in the study. The weighted scores for each metric were summed to create the overall score for each state. The final scores are sorted to produce the final rankings.





2022 median sold price



Rocket Homes

Average grocery items index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Average housing index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Average utilities index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Average transportation index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Average health care index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Average miscellaneous goods and services index



The Council for Community and Economic Research

Top 10 Most Expensive States To Live In (2024)


What are the 10 most expensive states to live in? ›

10 Most Expensive States To Live In
  • New Hampshire. State Cost of Living Index: 114.7. ...
  • Connecticut. State Cost of Living Index: 115.4. ...
  • Vermont. State Cost of Living Index: 116.4. ...
  • Oregon. State Cost of Living Index: 122.2. ...
  • Maryland. State Cost of Living Index: 124.1. ...
  • Alaska. State Cost of Living Index: 125.5. ...
  • New York. ...
  • 3. California.
May 27, 2023

What is the most expensive state to live in right now? ›

According to several studies on cost of living, Hawaii is the most expensive U.S. state to live in. Prices are typically double in Hawaii compared to those on the mainland, and the continued rise in inflation is making costs ranging from housing to health care much more expensive.

What is the #1 expensive state? ›

Most Expensive States in the US
#StateCost of Living Index
2District of Columbia152.2
47 more rows

What are the top five most expensive states in the United States? ›

Let's look at what the data is saying about the highest cost of living states, according to World Population Review.
  • Hawaii. Tops on the list lands Hawaii, with a COL index of 193.3. ...
  • New York. ...
  • California. ...
  • Massachusetts. ...
  • Oregon.
Jan 24, 2023

What is the top 10 cheapest state to live in? ›

Take a look at the 10 cheapest states to live in for 2022.
  1. Mississippi. Coming in as the cheapest state to live in in the United States is Mississippi with a cost of living index score of 83.3. ...
  2. Kansas. ...
  3. Alabama. ...
  4. Oklahoma. ...
  5. Georgia. ...
  6. Tennessee. ...
  7. Missouri. ...
  8. Iowa.
Mar 31, 2023

Which state is cheapest to live? ›

Cheapest States to Live In
  • Michigan. ...
  • Arkansas. ...
  • Ohio. ...
  • West Virginia. Average Weighted Cost of Living Index: 90.18. ...
  • Indiana. Average Weighted Cost of Living Index: 90.15. ...
  • Tennessee. Average Weighted Cost of Living Index: 89.56. ...
  • Missouri. Average Weighted Cost of Living Index: 89.54. ...
  • Iowa. Average Weighted Cost of Living Index: 89.52.
Mar 26, 2023

What state has the most expensive housing? ›

1. Hawaii. Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, warm climate, and breathtaking scenery. However, it is also the most expensive state to buy a house, with a Zillow Home Value Index of $834,582.

Is New York or California more expensive? ›

Which City Is More Affordable: Los Angeles or New York City? Both NYC and LA are among the most expensive cities in both the U.S. and the world. However, the average cost of living in LA is also 24-27% lower than that of NYC.

Is Florida the most expensive place to live? ›

Is it expensive to live in Florida? Though the state has long had a reputation for being an inexpensive place to live, housing costs are high. Rents and sale prices are both well above national averages. However, the overall cost of living in the state is about on par with the national average.

What states are more expensive? ›

Here's the full list of the top 10 most expensive states to move to in 2023:
  • Hawaii (average house price: $636,400)
  • District of Columbia (average house price: $618,100)
  • California (average house price: $538,500)
  • Massachusetts (average house price: $398,800)
  • Colorado (average house price: $369,900)
Mar 20, 2023

Is Texas a cheap state to live in? ›

Texas is actually one of the more affordable states in the country. Compared to national averages, living expenses here tend to be cheaper — though how much cheaper varies based on where you choose to live in the state.

Why is USA so expensive? ›

Inflation is so high because many consumers are spending more money than they usually do, and because supply chain issues and global fuel shortages have lingered since the pandemic. That high demand and low supply have led to an increase in prices.

What are the 10 most expensive cities to live in US? ›

A job in New York City might pay considerably more than a similar job in the Midwest.
  • Manhattan, New York. Overall cost of living: 127.7% above U.S. average. ...
  • Honolulu, Hawaii. ...
  • San Francisco, California. ...
  • Brooklyn, New York. ...
  • Washington, D.C. ...
  • Orange County, California. ...
  • Los Angeles, California. ...
  • Seattle, Washington.
Feb 3, 2023

What is the top expensive place in USA? ›

Most Expensive Places to Live in the U.S. in 2023-2024
  • San Diego, CA.
  • Los Angeles, CA.
  • Honolulu, HI.
  • Miami, FL.
  • Santa Barbara, CA.
  • San Francisco, CA.
  • Salinas, CA.

What are the cheapest blue states? ›

Regarding affordability, the report indicates that Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey are the most affordable states with Arizona, Nevada, and Florida being the least affordable.

Where is the best state to live in America? ›

▲ Overall RankStateQuality of Life
3South Dakota39
4New Hampshire37
40 more rows
Jan 12, 2023

What is the most forgotten state? ›

That state is Missouri. The results from Sporcle's “US States Quiz” make it clear that Missouri is the most forgotten state. The quiz has been attempted by players more than 19 million times, and Missouri is the state the lowest percent of people guess correctly.

Which US city has the lowest cost of living? ›

In its report, Niche also ranked the cheapest places to live in the U.S. At the top of the list this year is Brownsville, Texas. Brownsville has been steadily rising in Niche's Lowest Cost of Living ranking over the past few years, placing number six in 2021, number three in 2022 and finally, number one in 2023.

What is the cheapest state to live in by yourself? ›

Albuquerque, New Mexico, ranks as the most affordable city in the country for single renters. Studio apartments in Albuquerque go for a median price of $700, and the average single person would only need to spend 15.33% of their income to afford one.

How expensive is Texas to live in? ›

Average Cost of Living in Texas: $45,114 per year

According to 2021 data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis the average total personal consumption cost in Texas is $45,114 per year. Here's how that breaks down. That's $3,760 a month, per person, on average.

Which state has the best luxury homes? ›

Read on to see some of the best luxury real estate locations we've identified as solid investments and great places to call home, too:
  1. Manhattan, New York. ...
  2. Beverly Hills, California. ...
  3. East Hampton, New York. ...
  4. Palm Beach, Florida. ...
  5. Washington, D.C. ...
  6. Miami, Florida.
Jun 11, 2021

Where is the most expensive place to live? ›

Tied with New York, Singapore often tops the list.

Who has the highest property taxes? ›

At the metropolitan level, those in Texas and New York headline the list of locations with the highest property taxes. Texas places four major metros in the top 15, while three New York metros are represented—including Rochester, which has the nation's highest property taxes at a 2.4% effective rate.

Is Florida or California more expensive? ›

The bottom line is Florida is a far less expensive state to live in than California because it has less expensive homes, lower sales tax on things you buy, and lower income taxes on money you earn.

Is it cheaper to live in California or Texas? ›

Cost of Living in California vs. Texas. In Texas, you can get a lot more bang for your buck. A MyMove study evaluating the cost of living in the United States in 2022 shows that California has a cost index of 151.7, while Texas has a cost index of only 91.5.

Is Florida or California more affordable? ›

Finding a Financial Advisor in Florida

For example, Florida doesn't have a state income tax while California does. Florida residents only owe federal taxes on their income. On top of that, Florida housing prices are also cheaper than in California.

Why are people moving out of Florida? ›

The other reasons that people leave the state after moving here are varied: “A nearly 14,000-member Facebook group for people moving out of Florida has cited severe weather, low wages, crowded beaches, changing politics, and steep housing prices as reasons people left.”

Is it cheaper to live in Florida or Georgia? ›

Cost of living

Georgia has an overall score of 93.4, about 10% less than Florida's 102.8. This means that, on average, living in Georgia is slightly more affordable than living in Florida.

Which part of Florida is best to live in? ›

Naples. This smaller metro area on the Gulf Coast is the No. 1 spot out of the 150 most populous metro areas in the U.S. for its low rates of property crime, violent crime and murder. Naples also ranks sixth for desirability, making it the most desirable Florida metro area for 2022-2023.

What state has the best economy? ›

California, the largest economy in the United States, has a GDP of $3.5 trillion and a GDP per capita of $89,540. The state's economy is diverse, with significant contributions from industries such as entertainment, technology, agriculture, and manufacturing.

What state has the most expensive food? ›

The state with the most expensive groceries in the US is Hawaii. This might not be surprising, given that Hawaii needs to import most of the foods you'd find in an American supermarket from a pretty long distance.

Is it expensive to live in New Jersey? ›

The cost of living in New Jersey is 12% higher than the national average. Housing is 32% higher than the national average, while utilities are 8% higher. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 4% higher than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs 4% higher.

Is it smart to move to Texas? ›

Warm and tax-friendly, living in Texas is a great idea. With many diverse cities and endless job opportunities, Texas is a popular destination for young professionals, families, and retirees. Compared to living in Florida, Texas is slightly cheaper and just as warm as the sunshine state.

Is Texas cheap to buy house? ›

Texas has a cost of living index of 92.1 and a median household income of $75,100, the study said, making it one of the most affordable states to buy a home in. The median home value in Texas reached $325,000 in the first quarter of 2022, an 18.6% increase from the first quarter of 2021, according to Texas Realtors.

How much money do you need to live comfortably in Texas? ›

With that in mind, a good salary in Texas is between $55K and $73K. To live comfortably anywhere, it helps to track your spending and saving with SoFi Insights. The free budget app also provides credit score monitoring.

Is USA good for life? ›

Amazing natural beauty, a strong economy, and friendly people are some of the biggest advantages of living in the USA. I believe these factors make up for the downsides, such as the corporate culture and expensive healthcare system. Overall, the USA deserves the reputation as one of the greatest countries in the world.

Is it more expensive to be poor? ›

Not being able to afford smaller fixes or expenses (which will prevent larger expenses down the road) is one of the prime reasons that being poor is so expensive. A person with more financial means would just get the $500 car fix or the $200 filling.

Is USA expensive than China? ›

The cost of living in China can vary by location and type of purchase. On average, China's cost of living is 45% lower than the U.S according to Numbeo. Rent in China is 60% lower than the U.S. on average.

Where is the most expensive house? ›

World's most expensive houses
  • Buckingham Palace, London. Buckingham Palace is the most expensive house in the world. ...
  • Antilia, Mumbai. ...
  • Holme, London. ...
  • Villa Leopolda, France. ...
  • Witanhurst, London. ...
  • Villa Les Cèdres, French Riviera. ...
  • Fairfield Mansion, New York. ...
  • Kensington Palace (9a), London.

Is Hawaii very expensive? ›

To live comfortably in Hawaii, an annual income of around $70,000 to $100,000 for a single person, or $120,000 to $200,000 for a family is recommended. Is it expensive to live in Hawaii? Yes, Hawaii is known for its high cost of living due to factors such as housing, groceries, utilities, and transportation.

What are the 10 cheapest cities to live in in the United States? ›

Where Is The Cheapest Place To Live?
  • Fort Wayne, Indiana. Fort Wayne, Indiana, is one of the cheapest places to live in America. ...
  • South Bend, Indiana. ...
  • Dayton, Ohio. ...
  • Toledo, Ohio. ...
  • Akron, Ohio. ...
  • Erie City, Pennsylvania. ...
  • Knoxville, Tennessee. ...
  • Memphis, Tennessee.
Feb 16, 2023

What is the #1 most expensive city in the US? ›

1. Manhattan, New York
Cost of living:127.7% above U.S. average
Borough population:1,576,876
Median household income:$84,435
Median home value:$940,900
Unemployment rate:4.8%
Apr 15, 2023

What US city has the most expensive housing? ›

The most expensive city in the U.S. in terms of housing costs is San Jose, California. It combined the highest monthly housing costs in our study with the second-highest home values, but San Francisco wasn't far behind.

What city in the US has the most expensive house prices? ›

1. Manhattan, New York. No place beats the center of the Big Apple when it comes to being the most expensive housing market in the U.S. With space at a premium and location paramount, the average price of a home in Manhattan is $2.4 million, or 5.4 times higher than the national average.

What are the 10 most expensive cities to live in us? ›

A job in New York City might pay considerably more than a similar job in the Midwest.
  • Manhattan, New York. Overall cost of living: 127.7% above U.S. average. ...
  • Honolulu, Hawaii. ...
  • San Francisco, California. ...
  • Brooklyn, New York. ...
  • Washington, D.C. ...
  • Orange County, California. ...
  • Los Angeles, California. ...
  • Seattle, Washington.
Feb 3, 2023

Which state has the highest and lowest cost of living? ›

Cheapest vs most expensive state

The cost of living in America varies dramatically between each state. From Mississippi being the cheapest state to live in with a median household income of $46,511 to Hawaii being the most expensive state with a median household income of $83,173.

Is California or New York more expensive? ›

Which City Is More Affordable: Los Angeles or New York City? Both NYC and LA are among the most expensive cities in both the U.S. and the world. However, the average cost of living in LA is also 24-27% lower than that of NYC.

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