Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (2024)

When you are a dual citizen of your home country and Italy, you can take advantage of all the benefits a natural-born Italian citizen is afforded in both countries and can use every benefit offered to them. The cost of obtaining dual citizenship can vary slightly as it is dependent on each persons specific needs and family history. You will quickly realize the benefits of obtaining Italian dual citizenship can far outweigh the costs. Furthermore, once you successfully obtain Italian citizenship you can hold it forever and pass it down from generation to generation automatically so all of your future generations have the opportunity to take advantage of the following benefits.

What are the benefits of Italian citizenship?

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (1)

1. Travel Benefits

One of the most significant benefits of Italian dual citizenship is the ability to travel, work and live in ANY of the 27 EU countries (Including: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden).

No more visas when traveling to or through the EU! You can live in Italy or any other EU countries for however long you’d like. You can freely work when and where you want without the need to apply for a Work Visa that normally comes with time limitations. In addition, EU citizens are often prioritized above many professional and educational opportunities before non-citizens which means you can increase your chance for a job anywhere in the EU.

Since 2008, the majority of EU became members of the Schengen Agreement, which permits free travel in the nation as well as other benefits. People with dual citizenship feel safer when traveling overseas and do not face strict restrictions and can take advantage of the protections of the Consular and diplomats of member states as if they were a national of the state.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (2)

2. Employment Benefits

Employers know how advantageous it is for them to hire people who hold dual citizenship. For example, international companies with offices throughout the world can send dual citizens to and from the country without the need of applying and paying for a Work Visa. The benefits of Italian citizenship combined with USA citizenship opens a lot of doors for you in your career as there are more jobs in Italy for dual citizens.

Entrepreneurs with dual citizenship can more easily start a business, as they have a shared currency and one economic zone within the EEC without the restrictions imposed on non-EU citizens.

Investors with an Italian passport can buy foreign securities such as unit trusts, real estate, Eurobonds and investment funds without any restrictions.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (3)

3. Educational Benefits

Italy’s education system is very affordable, and being a citizen of the country means you and your children can study in Italy, paying the EU tuition rates which are far more affordable than universities in the United States.

The USA is well known for very high tuition costs which often result in long-term student loan debt after graduating. Alternatively, college tuition in many European countries is completely free or nationals and students of the EU.

When you’re an Italian citizen, you can enroll in any EU university as any other Italian national would. There are more than 1,300 higher-education learning programs with affordable tuition rates or no fees.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (4)

4. Hereditary Benefits

One of the biggest reasons people choose to become an Italian citizen is the benefits for their children.

You are able to pass Italian citizenship on to your children in an unbroken line. Many people see it as the gift that continues to give.

5. Protection Benefits

Those with dual citizenship feel much more secure when traveling abroad. When you travel overseas, you can ask for help and guidance from two consulates since you’ll be the citizen of both countries. If you are traveling in a region that does not have Italian government representation, those that hold an EU passport are allowed access to any embassy of European Union member states which can provide assistance for you. You also have the ability to travel to areas where Americans are not generally welcomed as you have an Italian passport.

While holding EU citizenship, and traveling within any country in the EU, you are guaranteed protection by The European Convention on Human Rights. The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a set of laws and guidelines which protects the human rights of people in countries that belong to the Council of Europe. All member states of the European Union strictly enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights designed to protect EU citizens within the boarders. Furthermore, you are protected by privacy rights as drafted by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on May 25, 2018 and is designed to protect the personal information of individuals.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (5)

6. Healthcare Benefits

USA healthcare is extremely expensive, which is why many Americans have little to no insurance coverage. However, as a dual citizen, if you choose to reside in Italy, you can apply for your Tessera Sanitaria (Italian National Healthcare Card) to receive healthcare in Italy and the EU (European Union). Italy’s healthcare system is one of the best and most affordable in the world. Affordable quality healthcare is one of the most significant Italian citizenship benefits that will be available to you.

The Italian national healthcare card also allows you the right to seek emergency healthcare services while in Europe if you are temporarily staying in another EU member state. The Italian insurance will allow you easier access in other countries and the costs are the same (sometimes free) as if you were insured in that particular country.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (6)

7. Property Purchasing Benefits

Italian citizens can take advantage of many benefits, bonuses or participate in a number of special tax schemes when purchasing a home in Italy. Whether it’s partial funding of the purchase of the home to having eco friendly improvements covered or tax breaks, there are seemingly limitless programs that you can find in Italy.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (7)

8. Voting Benefits

The Italian Constitution gives all Italian citizens the opportunity to vote even if they don’t live in the country. You’ll be allowed to cast your vote for representatives in the Senate of the Republic and Chamber of Deputies for candidates on the Circoscrizione Estero ballot. If you live in the country, you can vote for candidates in your Italian city.

9. Automatic Italian Citizenship To Children Under 18 Years of Age & Future Generations

If your application for Italian citizenship is approved, any child under the age of 18 you have is automatically granted citizenship. You do not have to fill out another application for them to obtain that citizenship. You will only need to register their birth with Italy. This citizenship gives them all the benefits you are now permitted to enjoy – education, career, travel, healthcare, etc. Perhaps most importantly, obtaining Italian citizenship restores your families heritage for all future generations. Meaning, if we help you obtain Italian citizenship and then in the future you have a child or grandchild, they will automatically be born with Italian citizenship. You will not have to go through the process again.

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (8)

10. Reconnect With Your Italian Heritage

A reason many Italian people left the country was to provide their children with a better life. While your parents, grandparents or great-grandparents left, it doesn’t mean they don’t love Italy and have strong ties to their Italian heritage. They still took with them their traditions and cultural beliefs. These were passed down from generation to generation.

When you become an Italian citizen, you close the circle and restore your ties to your heritage & ancestors. You can experience the great things they had – relish in their history and see for your own eyes what life may have been like for them. Your own children’s origins will be available for them to experience.

If you have any questions regarding applying for Italian dual citizenship, contact our IDC Team to discuss the details of your case at (213) 277-8705.

This page was last updated with the help of Marco Permunian

Top 10 Italian Citizenship Benefits | Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship | IDC (2024)


What are the benefits of having Italian dual citizenship? ›

Italian dual citizenship gives you the freedom to relocate to Italy or anywhere across the European Union. Another advantage of having EU citizenship is the ability to study and work legally across the whole European Union in countries such as Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands and so on.

Is it worth getting Italian dual citizenship? ›

One of the most significant benefits of Italian dual citizenship is the ability to travel, work and live in ANY of the 27 EU countries (Including: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, ...

What is the checklist for dual citizenship in Italy? ›

If applying through naturalisation, you will need to have been living in Italy for ten years and working under a visa. Again, you will need to provide your passport, birth certificate, criminal record (which must be clean), and proof that you have been living and working in Italy.

What are the benefits of dual citizenship? ›

Dual citizens can travel freely in both countries, as well as work, do business, own land, and do other activities that may be restricted to foreigners; however, there are also disadvantages, as dual citizens may face extra taxes or even military service.

How many generations back can you claim Italian citizenship? ›

Having an Italy-born Ancestor is one of the requirements but sadly not the only one; the good news is that there is no limit in the number of generations you can go back, as long as your Italian Ancestor migrated away AFTER Italy became a nation, on March 17, 1861.

Can a US citizen have dual citizenship with Italy? ›

If you can prove that you have legitimate Italian ancestry, you can lawfully pursue dual citizenship in Italy. Italy has permitted dual citizenship with the United States since 1992 and you will not need to renounce your original citizenship during this application process.

Is there a downside to dual citizenship? ›

The major drawbacks of dual nationality are the potential of double taxation and getting bound by the laws of the two countries. Furthermore, becoming a dual US citizen can be a long and expensive process, especially if you don't have an immigration lawyer to guide you.

Do I lose my American citizenship if I become Italian? ›

Because of Italian law at the time, you aren't seen as a citizen if you naturalized before the given date. In order to reacquire your citizenship, you will have to establish residency in Italy, and going about it is a bit of a process.

Does Italian dual citizenship expire? ›

A: Once the vital record documents for your citizenship application are legalized by means of Apostille they do not have any expiration date and can be filed with the consulate at any time.

Do I have to pay taxes in Italy if I have dual citizenship? ›

Do Dual Citizens Have to Pay Taxes in Italy? The short answer is that you have to pay taxes in Italy only if you are actually living there over 183 days of the year. There is a distinction between being an Italian citizen and an Italian resident, and it makes all the difference when it comes to tax liability.

Do you have to speak Italian to get dual citizenship in Italy? ›

When applying for Italian citizenship through marriage, you must prove you have adequate knowledge of the Italian language. Learn how to prepare for taking the test. Applicants are required to have competency in Italian to the level of B1 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

What are the rules for dual citizenship? ›

Dual citizenship if you are a citizen of another country

If you qualify for dual citizenship, you must first immigrate to the U.S. Then you must become a permanent U.S. resident before being eligible for U.S. citizenship. Learn more about immigrating to the U.S. And find out how to become a permanent resident.

Can you collect Social Security with dual citizenship? ›

The United States generally considers a person with dual U.S. and foreign citizenship a U.S. citizen for Social Security purposes. This does not apply if you are a U.S. citizen and a citizen of a country the United States has an international social security agreement with. This excludes Canada and Italy.

What is the strongest passport in the world? ›

Japan (193 countries) If you're looking for a country with great travel options, then you can't go wrong with Japan. The Japanese passport is ranked as the most powerful in the world, allow visa-free access to 193 countries.

Do dual citizens have to pay taxes in both countries? ›

Being a dual citizen means that a person is considered a citizen/national of two countries at the same time, and is subject to both country's tax laws. Something to remember is that each country has its own laws dictating who qualifies as a citizen.

Can I get dual citizenship if my great grandparents were born in Italy? ›

You can apply for Italian citizenship through great grandparents if this relation was born in Italy and had Italian citizenship or the right to claim Italian citizenship when your respective grandparent was born.

How do I prove my Italian ancestry for citizenship? ›

Here is a generic list of the documents You need:
  1. Italian Ancestors Vital Records.
  2. Italian Ancestors – Proof of Naturalization (or No Naturalization)
  3. Next in line's Vital Records.
  4. Your Vital Records.
  5. (if You have children) Your next in line's Vital Records.

Can I get Italian citizenship if I have Italian ancestry? ›

You can get dual citizenship in USA and Italy if you can prove you have Italian ancestry with a demonstrable unbroken line of citizenship. Since 1992, Italy has allowed dual citizenship with the United States, and you will not need to renounce your American citizenship during the process of applying.

How hard is it to get Italian dual citizenship? ›

The process is pretty straightforward for obtaining dual citizenship in Italy. In fact, while certain limitations exist, this is widely known as the easiest country in Europe to obtain citizenship.

How long can a U.S. citizen live in Italy? ›

Americans who intend to stay in Italy for less than 90 days don't need to worry about visas. However, if you plan to go for an extended period, you'll have to apply for a long-stay visa. This is a crucial step because you can't apply for an Italian residence permit without this long-stay visa.

What is the strength of the Italian passport? ›

Out of a possible score of 100, the Italian passport has scored 88.28 points in the VisaGuide passport index, just after Singapore and Japan, that have a score of 90.28 and 90.01, respectively.

Is the US getting rid of dual citizenship? ›

Yes, the United States allows dual citizenship. If you are a naturalized citizen, you don't have to give up citizenship from your country of origin. U.S. immigration law does not prohibit dual nationality.

Does the US recognize dual citizenship? ›

Does the United States allow dual citizenship? Yes, the U.S. allows dual citizenship by default. The government does not require naturalized U.S. citizens to give up their citizenship in their country of origin.

Does dual citizenship mean more than 2? ›

A dual citizen is a person who is a citizen of 2 or more countries.

What are the reasons for losing Italian citizenship? ›

Italian citizenship could be lost: By a man or woman, being of competent legal age (21 years if before 10 March 1975 or 18 years if after 9 March 1975), who of his or her own volition naturalised in another country and resided outside of Italy.

What is the Italian 1948 rule? ›

The 1948 Rule, also known as the female line rule, enables children born to an Italian mother prior to 1948 to claim Italian dual citizenship before the Courts in Italy. Before the rule came into effect those claiming Italian citizenship jure sanguinis could only do so through the male line of ancestry.

Can I leave the US with my Italian passport? ›

NOTE: When leaving and returning to the US, you should always use your US passport. Use your Italian passport when you land in Italy and or in any other EU countries and when traveling throughout Europe.

What do I do after I get my Italian citizenship? ›

Once citizenship has been formally granted you can apply for a passport directly in Italy. Alternatively, you can register with the AIRE registry (registry of Italian citizens residing abroad) and apply for citizenship at your local Italian consulate in your home country.

What to do after getting Italian citizenship? ›

These services include applying for or renewing your Italian ID-card or passport, registering with the national health service and being able to benefit from it, and voting in local and national elections.

Can you have dual residency in US and Italy? ›

So, you're an American wondering about the path on how to apply for Italian citizenship. Both Italy and the United States allow for dual citizenship. There are a couple paths you can take—all of them long, not necessarily difficult, but very specific.

Does Italy tax US Social Security benefits? ›

In conclusion, Italy does tax retirement income, including US social security benefits, but there are tax treaties and agreements in place to avoid double taxation. As a retiree in Italy, you may also be subject to Italian social security contributions if you work or have income in Italy.

Do I have to pay U.S. taxes if I live in Italy? ›

Do US expats living in Italy also have to file US taxes? Yes. All US citizens and permanent residents who meet the minimum income reporting requirements must file a tax return, even if they don't live in the country.

Which country is best for dual citizenship for taxes? ›

#1 St Kitts and Nevis

Established since 1984, the St Kitts citizenship program is the oldest such program in the world. As a result, it is well known worldwide and highly sought after. St Kitts citizenship and the absence of income tax could make St Kitts and Nevis the world's best offshore tax haven.

What is the difference between CELI and cils? ›

CILS: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena and is recognised both in Italy and abroad. CELI: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia and is recognised both in Italy and abroad.

Can Americans become Italian citizens? ›

Yes. You can become an Italian citizen if you can prove that you have legitimate ties to Italian ancestry. On the other hand, you may be entitled to apply for dual citizenship through marriage and this process does not require that you renounce your right to citizenship in the United States.

What is the B1 language requirement for Italian citizenship? ›

B1 Italian Language Exam for Italian Citizenship. The CELI level 2 and the CILS B1 citizenship are the necessary levels to obtain Italian citizenship. To obtain level B1 it is necessary to be able to carry out simple conversations on not very complex topics, understanding the main elements of everyday discussions.

Which passport should I use if I have dual citizenship? ›

Most U.S. citizens, including dual nationals, must use a U.S. passport to enter and leave the United States. Dual nationals may also be required by the foreign country to use its passport to enter and leave that country. Use of the foreign passport does not endanger U.S. citizenship.

Does dual citizenship expire? ›

Therefore, if there are any modifications in the laws, the citizens get enough time to take the required action to remain the citizens of the country. Hence, dual citizenship never expires.

What is the easiest dual citizenship? ›

Different countries have different rules, but the easiest countries to get dual citizenship are states like Turkey, Vanuatu, Grenada, and Dominica.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

To acquire the full amount, you need to maximize your working life and begin collecting your check until age 70. Another way to maximize your check is by asking for a raise every two or three years. Moving companies throughout your career is another way to prove your worth, and generate more money.

What is the Social Security 5 year rule? ›

You must have worked and paid Social Security taxes in five of the last 10 years. • If you also get a pension from a job where you didn't pay Social Security taxes (e.g., a civil service or teacher's pension), your Social Security benefit might be reduced.

Do you lose Social Security benefits if you move to another country? ›

If you leave the U.S., we will stop your benefits the month after the sixth calendar month in a row that you are outside the country. You can make visits to the United States for specific periods of time, depending on how long you've been outside, to continue receiving your benefits.

Is US passport powerful? ›

7 on the list, last year's Global Citizen Solutions Global Passport Index named the U.S. passport the world's most powerful based on its ranking of investment, quality of life and enhanced mobility indices in 2022.

What are the 2 strongest passports? ›

The most powerful passports in the world in 2023
2South Korea192
135 more rows
Mar 22, 2023

Which is the weakest passport in the world ranking? ›

Afghanistan's passport is the world's worst passport ranked at 109 with a visa- free score of 27.

What are disadvantages of dual citizenship? ›

Drawbacks of being a dual citizen include the potential for double taxation, the long and expensive process for obtaining dual citizenship, and the fact that you become bound by the laws of two nations.

Do dual citizens have to report foreign bank accounts? ›

Dual citizens, along with all other "United States persons", must file a Report of Foreign Bank Accounts, also known as an FBAR, if the aggregate value of their foreign financial accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the year.

Do dual Italian citizens pay taxes? ›

Do Dual Citizens Have to Pay Taxes in Italy? The short answer is that you have to pay taxes in Italy only if you are actually living there over 183 days of the year. There is a distinction between being an Italian citizen and an Italian resident, and it makes all the difference when it comes to tax liability.

How powerful is the Italian passport? ›

According to the index, Italians need a traditional visa to travel to only 28 world countries, which is more or less the number of countries for which the majority of EU citizens need a visa to travel to. These 28 include countries like Yemen, Nigeria, North Korea, Cuba, Ghana, etc.

Do dual citizens pay taxes twice? ›

Being a dual citizen means that a person is considered a citizen/national of two countries at the same time, and is subject to both country's tax laws. Something to remember is that each country has its own laws dictating who qualifies as a citizen.

Do I have to pay US taxes if I live in Italy? ›

Do US expats living in Italy also have to file US taxes? Yes. All US citizens and permanent residents who meet the minimum income reporting requirements must file a tax return, even if they don't live in the country.

How long can a U.S. citizen stay in Italy? ›

U.S. citizens may enter Italy for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. All non-residents are required to complete a declaration of presence (dichiarazione di presenza).

Is Italian passport stronger than us? ›

Italian passport holders can travel visa-free to 100 destinations around the world, such as the UK, Indonesia and Hong Kong. They have no banned entry to any country. US passport holders, on the other hand, cannot travel passport-free to any country and are barred from entering Cuba, North Korea and Syria.

How strong is US passport? ›

The United States of America passport ranking is due to the degree of global entry it guarantees to American passport holders, who may travel visa-free to 186 countries, but who otherwise need a visa to access 23 countries globally.

Which European passport is the strongest? ›

World, which is the first ever to rank world passports in a more comprehensive and accurate way than any other existing index, based on a carefully-built formula that takes more factors into consideration, has revealed that the Italian passport is in fact, the most powerful, giving its holders the freedom of roaming ...

What is the difference between Celi and cils? ›

CILS: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena and is recognised both in Italy and abroad. CELI: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia and is recognised both in Italy and abroad.

Do you have to take a test to become an Italian citizen? ›

Due to the amendments to the Italian law in December 2018, it is now compulsory to obtain an Italian B1 language certification for all applicants for Italian citizenship through marriage or residence. Anyone applying for dual citizenship under these terms must prove an adequate competence in the Italian language.

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