Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (2024)

Table of Contents
Check if you qualify for Italian Citizenship by Descent. What is Italian Citizenship by Descent? What does it mean “Jure Sanguinis”? How to become an Italian Citizen through Descent? Apply at the Italian Consulate. Apply at the Italian Court. #2. The second common path avoiding the Italian Consulate.Become an Italian Citizen through Descent, applying directly to the Italian Court. Let’s Connect! How Does Italian Citizenship by Descent Work? STEP #1. THE RESEARCH PHASE STEP #2. THE COLLECTION PHASE STEP #3. Applying for Italian Citizenship by Descent Let’s Connect! IN WHICH CATEGORY DO YOU FALL? When Are You Not Eligible for Applying to Italian Citizenship by Descent? THE 1912 RULE. Frequently Asked Questions about the process of Italian Citizenship through Descent. How many generations can you go back for Italian citizenship? How much does it cost to get Italian citizenship by descent? How do I inherit Italian citizenship? What is Italian Citizenship by descent? Am I Eligible for Italian Citizenship through Descent? What are the requirements for Italian Citizenship through descent? What Type of Assistance on Italian Citizenship do you provide? It’s impossible to book an appointment at the Italian Consulate. Can you assist me in applying? What is a 1948 Case of Italian Citizenship? How can I apply if I have a 1948 Case? Where do I have to apply if I go through the Court? Can I get Italian citizenship if my great-grandparents were Italian? How hard is it to get Italian citizenship by descent? Why we are your best choice Let’s Connect!

Italian Jure Sanguinis

Start your application and get your Italian Dual Citizenship through Descent.

Check if you qualify for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

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What is Italian Citizenship by Descent?

One day, you were talking with your parents.
They told You about theirItalian grandparentsor theirItalian great-grandparents.

They told you about their stories and how they left Italy around the 1800s or 1900s.
They came to the United States, Canada, Australia, or other countries.
And they never renounced theirItalian Citizenship.
You find out your great-grandparents were listed as “aliens”in the Census Records.
So, they never became American Citizens.

And so you may ask yourself a question.
Do I qualify for Italian Dual Citizenshipbecause of my Italian Ancestors who remained Italians?

What is Italian citizenship by descent, then?
Italian citizenship by descent isa possible path for individuals born to Italian parents, grandparents, great grandparents(there is no upper limit in terms of the number of generations) for getting an Italian Passport by right of blood.
Italian Citizenship by descent is how to get an Italian Passport because you have an Italian heritage, which was never interrupted.

What does it mean “Jure Sanguinis”?

Jure Sanguinis is a Latin word that means “right of blood.”
We refer to applying for Italian Citizenship through Descent.
It’s common to use the “Jure Sanguinis” word as a synonym of the process.
It’s the most common way to get Italian Citizenship for foreigners.

The application for Italian Citizenship by Descent requests an Italian heritage.
It is the most robust way to reconnect with your Italian grandparents.

When discussingItalian Citizenship by Descent, we refer precisely to these situations.
Also well-known by the name “Italian Citizenship by descent great-grandparent.”

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (1)

And how to proceed with recognizing Italian Citizenship by Descent.
Did your Italian great-grandparents or grandparents never naturalize?
You may be eligible to obtain Italian Citizenship by Descent.

So, you can apply for an Italian Passport by applying for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

We also refer to “Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis” with Italian Citizenship by Descent.
Jure Sanguinis is a Latin word.
It refers to gettingItalian Citizenship through Ancestry.
But let’s go deeper into the application process.

How to become an Italian Citizen through Descent?

There are several ways to obtain anItalian passportthrough your Italian ancestors.
And there arethree options to become an Italian Citizen through Descents.

First,here is one crucial thing you have to consider before starting the process.
Do deep research(as best as possible, obliviously).
You must find as much information as possible about your Italian ancestors.

The fact you have Italian grandparents, or Italian great-grandparents, is not enough.
It doesn’t automatically entitle you to claimDual Italian Citizenshipthrough Descents.

You must be sure theItalian bloodline remained unbrokenfrom the Ancestor to You.
As long as You check your eligibility, you can choose the best path for Your case.
So, let’s see.
How to apply for Italian Citizenship if I have Italian ancestors?


Apply at the Italian Consulate.

That’s the historical standard way to file an Italian Citizenship by descent application.



Apply at the Italian Court.

Under certain circ*mstances, this is a new and faster way to apply for getting Italian Dual Citizenship by descent.


Applying at the Italian Consulate is the first pathto becoming anItalian Citizen through Descent.
This path is the standard way to file your application.
Still, only in case, You have only men in Your bloodline.
For example, the bloodline is “Italian Great-grandfather – Grandfather – Father.”

Do I always have to apply through the Italian Consulate?

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (2)

Let’s see when you cannot apply through the Italian Consulate.
Suppose it’s impossible to book your Italian Citizenship appointment.
Or suppose you have a long wait time for Your consular appointment.
In these cases, they apply forItalian Citizenship by Descent through the Italian Court Rome.

Applying forItalian Citizenship by Descentthrough the Italian Court process is widespread.
Italian Consulates suspended their activities because of Covid19.
Or they have a long wait time because of the huge number of applications.

Why are people moving to apply to the Italian Court when possible?

According to statistics limited to the United States, this is starting to be a trending option.
TheItalian Consulates are stuckand unable to handle all applications.
The statistics are in line with huge numbers provided byItalian Government statistics.

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (3)
Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (4)

There’s clear information you can notice from the Graphs.
There are too many requests for Italian Citizenship by Descent(purple line).
The requests are over the capacity of the Italian Consulates (Blue line).

Notice the second Graph.
Italian Citizenship by Descent wait time through the Italian Consulates has increased exponentially.
Especially in 2020 because of Covid-19 (with most Italian Consulates closed).
And this trend will continue in 2021 and 2022 for sure.

In other cases, you have no choice.

You must request the recognition of Italian Citizenship by Descent at the Italian Court in Rome.
You have to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent through the Italian Court in Rome.
Yes, you have.
That’s the only way to be recognized as an Italian Citizen.


Remember this statement.
The Italian Consulate cannot let you wait more than two years.
From the day you apply to the day of approving your application.
That’s the law.
If you have more than two years wait time for just an appointment, you can sue them.

Let’s give an example.
It happens if your eligibility falls under the so-called “1948 Rule“.
So you have a so-called “1948 Case of Italian Citizenship“.

You won’t qualify for Italian Citizenship by Descent through the Italian Consulate.
It doesn’t mean you don’t qualify at all!
Always check if you have a 1948 Case.

#2. The second common path avoiding the Italian Consulate.
Become an Italian Citizen through Descent, applying directly to the Italian Court.

How can I apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent in Italy?
When can I avoid the Italian Consulate?

The common way (and the unique one for applying for Italian Citizenship) is when:

  • You find awoman in Your Italian bloodline.
  • She had her child before the 1948s.
    Here is an example. Italian Great-grandfather – Grandmother – Father – You.
    It’s the so-called “1948 Italian Citizenship Case“.

So, to clarify more in this example above.

Suppose Your grandmother had Your fatherbefore January 1, 1948.
In that case,You could not apply at the local Italian Consulate.
Still, you must apply for Your Italian Citizenship directly at the Italian Court.
You can give us Power of Attorney asItalian Citizenship Lawyers.
Then, we can apply for you.


A New Rule in force from June 2022.
It’ll be valid for 1948 cases of Italian Citizenship.

And forall Italian Citizenship applications through the Italian Tribunal.

You can apply for the 1948 Case through the local Immigration Court.

Based on where your Italian ancestor was born.

The Italian Government introduced this new rule in November 2021.

Law 26 November 2021, n. 206, has provided (with art. 1, paragraph

37) the following new rule.

When the plaintiff resides abroad, disputes regarding the ascertainment of the status of Italian Citizenship are assigned having regard to themunicipality of birth of the father, mother, or ancestor of Italian citizens.

The provisions apply to proceedings initiated from one hundred and the eightieth day following the date of entry into force of this law“.

It means that all Italian Citizenship by descent applications won’t pass through the Court of Rome.

As it happened until today.

It may also be beneficial for new applicants.

Indeed, the processing time may be lower than before.

Do You know what are the so-called “1948 Cases”?
Read everything about this particular application for Italian Dual Citizenship through Descents.

  • How to Get Italian Dual Citizenship by Descent: An Ultimate Guide

    How to Get Italian Dual Citizenship by Descent? What do you know about getting Italian dual citizenship by descent? Read about it here in this ultimate guide.

We can assist You with every Italian Citizenship application on each pathdescribed above.
Ourspecialized attorney’s team will take care of you.
So do not worry about anything.

We will deeply analyze Your case, Your Family Tree.
We will create a tailored and personalized solution.
And you will become anItalian Citizen through Descents as soon as possible.

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (7)

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Check with us if you qualify for Italian Dual Citizenship through Descent!
It’s easy, and it’s free.


How Does Italian Citizenship by Descent Work?

Let’s seewhat the process of Italian Citizenship by Descent procedure is.
We list you therequirements of Italian Citizenship by Descent.
And some exciting tips for You.

We may divide the entire process of Italian Citizenship by blood into three main phases.
There are no “phases,” technically.
But it’s more straightforward explaining the process by using a scheme.

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (8)


You need to research all the relevant information to determine your eligibility.



You need to collect all relevant documents before applying.



You are ready to file it: let’s do it together!


First, it’s essential to have a clear Family tree,starting from Your Italian ancestorsto you.

This phase is the most crucial one.

Suppose you cannot locate your Italian Grandparents’ or Great-grandparent’s information.
In that case, starting the Italian Citizenship by Descent procedure is almost impossible.

How to carry on the researches?

With all the world now connected to the internet, things may be a little easier.

Most people start looking atGenealogy-dedicated onlineportals to find out some starting information.
It may be a perfect option if you’re not familiar with the Italian language.
Of you can come to Italy to start local research.
As part of our services, we also provide genealogical research in Italy.

Most peopledecide to hire a Genealogist Company.
It’s certainly the best solution.
They are more familiar with the Italian Language and familiar with local research in Italy.


Ok, so now You have a clear prospect of your Italian bloodline.
We are ready to start collecting all Italian Citizenship by descent documents and all certificates.

Do you want a complete and successful application?
Then It is crucial to satisfy all theItalian Citizenship by Descent requirements.

The List below is not complete, and it has not to be considered legal advice but just as general information.

We will provide a complete Check-List and specific Legal advice to Clients only.

Let’s see the Italian Citizenship by descent documents.
Here is a generic list of the documents You need:

  • Italian Ancestors Vital Records
  • Italian Ancestors – Proof of Naturalization (or No Naturalization)
  • Next in line’s Vital Records
  • Your Vital Records
  • (if You have children) Your next in line’s Vital Records

We will guide you in obtaining therelevant Vital Recordscertificates from your home country (or from the Country where Your parents were born/lived).

On the other side, we will get all relevant Certificates from Italy.

Generally, Birth Certificates of Italian ancestors, Marriage Certificates[the certificate depends on Your family composition].

One of the essential documents for applying forItalian Citizenship by Descentis theProof of Naturalization (or No-Naturalization).

What does it mean?

You have to demonstrate that the Italian bloodline is still unbroken.
It’s the most important step of the applications for Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis.
That’s the way to be eligible for Italian Citizenship through your Italian heritage.

And here comes the proof of Naturalization.

It’s mandatory to check [always] if your Italian ancestors naturalized, and when.

You have tosubmit an Index Searchto the Government Immigration Department.
Use Form 1041A, asking if Your Italian Ancestor(s) naturalized (and when).

For example.
In the United States, You will have to submit an Index Search throughUSCIS and NARA.
Or through the National Archives in the UK.
Or through NAA and Home Affairs in Australia, and so on.

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (9)

If YourItalian ancestor(s) naturalized as American Citizens, You will receive a few documents.
The Certificate of Naturalization, Petition, or Declaration of Intention.

If Your Italian Ancestor(s) never naturalized, they will send You a letter of “No-Existence”or “No-Records.”

Declaration of Intentions,Petition for Naturalization, and theCertificate of Naturalization are required documents for a successful application.

All Vital Records must be completed by the Apostille.

The Apostille is the way to legalize the documents for being used abroad (and in Italy).

According to theofficial statement, the Apostille is described below:

The effect of an Apostille is to certify the authenticity of the signature, the capacity in which the person signing the document has acted, and where appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp which the record bears. “

Official definition of the World Organisation for Cross-border Co-operation in Civil and Commercial Matters

So, the Vital records alone are not enough.
You will also have to legalize and translate all relevant documents.

In 99% ofItalian Citizenship by Descentcases, you can do the first step through the Apostille.

The authority in charge of the Apostille is different for each Country.

In the United States.
The US Department of State Authentication Office affixes apostilles to documents issued by Federal agencies of the United States.

The US Department of State affixes apostilles to Consular Reports of Birth, Death, and Marriage or US Citizens and Government.

In the United Kingdom.
Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office – The Legalisation Office.

In Australia.
The Secretary to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Australian Embassies, High Commissions, and Consulate (except Consulates headed by an Honorary Consul) are empowered to issue Apostilles on Australian public documents.

In the end, you must translate all documents into Italian.
Before filing your application for Italian Citizenship through your great-grandparents or grandparents.

Acommon mistakeis to think that a simple translation will be enough.

The problem is that You will find it when it is late.
And Your Italian Citizenship application won’t be successful for sure.

It will be required to have aCertified Translation, not a simple one. So pay attention to this.

You can proceed with a Certified Translation in 2 different ways:

  • Translation in your home country.
    Translate your documents into Italian.
    Then legalize Your translation and the Italian Consulate.
  • Translation in Italy (we will do it for You).
    Translate everything in Italy, with the legalization process called “Asseverazione Della Traduzione.”

What is better?

Both ways are legally valid.
We recommend choosing the 2nd option as it’s certainly fasterthan the 1st one.
And we can handle it for You, as part of our Services.

STEP #3. Applying for Italian Citizenship by Descent

You are now ready to finalize andsubmit Your Italian Citizenship by Descent application.

So, what to do now?

It depends on which Italian Citizenship path we are taking.
There are different ways to apply forItalian Citizenship by Descent.
We discussed it in a dedicated article onhow to get Dual Citizenship in Italy.

So, contact Us and let us handle Your case asItalian Citizenship Lawyers.
Let us do everything for You with ourItalian Citizenship Assistance.

Italian Citizenship by Descent [2023 UPDATED] (10)

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Check with us if you qualify for Italian Dual Citizenship through Descent! It’s easy, and it’s free.



Suppose you want to apply for Italian Citizenship through your great-grandparents.
Or through your Italian great-grandparents.

Let’s check whichcategoryyou fall in to understand if You may beeligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

When referring to “Categories,” we refer to the most common cases we found during our 8+ years of experience.
So, have a look into each Category as You may fall under 1 (or more) on these.

How to read the categories: F means Father | GF means Grandfather, and so on.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

You need to check your Grandfather never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of his son).
If he naturalized, check when he naturalized.
If he naturalized before 1912. F was already born but minor, and You may not be eligible.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

What it’s essential to check is that Your Italian great-grandfather GGF never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of Grandfather F).
If he naturalized, check when he naturalized.
If he naturalized before 1912, and F was already born but minor, You may not be eligible.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

What it’s essential to check is that Your Italian Great-great-grandfather GGGF never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of Great-Grandfather GGF).

If he naturalized, check when he naturalized: if he naturalized before 1912, and F was already born but minor, You may not be eligible.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

What it’s essential to check is that Your Italian Great-great-grandfather GGGF never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of Great-Grandmother GGM).
If he naturalized, check when he naturalized: if he naturalized before 1912, and F was already born but minor, You may not be eligible.

Note:In case GF was born before 1948s, this is a1948 Italian Citizenship Case.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

What it’s important to check is that Your Italian Great-great-grandmother GGGM never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of Great-Grandmother GGM).
If he naturalized, also check when he naturalized: if he naturalized before 1912. F was already born but minor, and You may not be eligible.

Note: this is a1948 Italian Citizenship Caseas You have an Italian female ancestor who had a child before 1948.

If You fall under this category, you may be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

What it’s essential to check is that Your Italian Great-great-grandfather GGGF never naturalized (or he naturalized after the birth of Great-Grandfather GGF).
If he naturalized, check when he naturalized: if he naturalized before 1912, and F was already born but minor, You may not be eligible.

Note: this may be a1948 Italian Citizenship Caseif grandmother GM had Father F before 1948s.

When Are You Not Eligible for Applying to Italian Citizenship by Descent?

We briefly schematized some common “categories” of suitable options forItalian Citizenship through Descent.

Now,let’s try to figure outwhen You are NOT eligible for Italian Citizenship by blood

THE 1912 RULE.

Meet a few conditions under this rule. You may not be able to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent.

The “1912 Rule” refers to all Italian Ancestorsnaturalized in another country before the 1912s.

Why 1912s?

Because on that year, the Italian Government approved a new Italian Citizenship Law (called Law No. 555/12), which was pretty different than the actual Italian Citizenship legislation.

The so-called 1912 rule states the following:

“When the Italian Ancestors naturalized in another country, their minor children automatically lost their Italian Citizenship.”

For example, your Great-Grandfather John was born in Italy in 1860 and moved abroad in 1880.
He had your Grandfather Sam in 1900. Then Great-Grandfather naturalized in 1901.

What happened? John naturalized (so he renounced Italian Citizenship) when the next-in-line Sam was only one year old.
Sam is not able to pass Italian Citizenship.


BUT maybe you may be lucky! There are a few exceptions to the 1912 Rule.

Indeed, in some cases – also if the Italian Ancestors naturalized before 1912 with a minor child – You may be able to get Italian Citizenship by Descent.

If the next in line was born in an “Ius Soli” Country (like the United States), the exact next in line may pass Italian Citizenship.

So let’s return to our example.

John had his son Sam in 1900 in NYC. Then, John became American Citizen (=naturalized) in the United States in 1901. Sam was born in the United States (so he was American Citizen by birth). At the same time, he was born to an Italian father (so he had Italian Citizenship by birth).

So, if John is naturalized, it doesn’t matter. Sam can pass Italian Citizenship!

A “1948 Italian Citizenship Case” may solve the 1912 block.

Suppose you cannot pass through the 1912 rule. In that case, you can see if another line is eligible or with a1948 Case, so the possibility ofItalian Citizenship through Female line pre-1948.

It means you can apply through the Italian Court for claiming your Italian Citizenship through Descent. But beware:there is no guarantee of success, and thesecases are rarely fought at the Italian Court.

Legal statement: if you want to fight the 1912 rule, you can do that, but be aware there are no precedents yet.

  • ItalianCitizenship 1948 case: A Great Guide for 2022

Frequently Asked Questions about the process of Italian Citizenship through Descent.

How many generations can you go back for Italian citizenship?

To be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent, you can go back in time with many generations. The only limit is the year 1861 when Italy formally began to exist as a unified Nation.

How much does it cost to get Italian citizenship by descent?

When we talk about Italian Citizenship by Descent Cost, there are many factors to consider.Please have a look at our article here.

How do I inherit Italian citizenship?

You can apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent when you have an Italian heritage.
Examples: your great-grandfather was an Italian Citizen who emigrated to the United States and was never naturalized as an American Citizen.
It’s essential to be eligible for Italian Citizenship by Descent because your Italian ancestor never renounced his Italian Citizenship.

What is Italian Citizenship by descent?

Italian Citizenship by Descentis a program designed by the Italian Government to let You apply for Italian Citizenship if You have Italian ancestors in your family heritage.

Am I Eligible for Italian Citizenship through Descent?

Italian Citizenship by Descentis not granted to all: You must have Italian ancestors and be eligible under certain conditions. We can evaluate together for a 1st free evaluation. Book a Consultancy or Contact Us!

What are the requirements for Italian Citizenship through descent?

Italian Citizenship by Descentrequirements is different. They depend on what type of Italian Citizenship by Descent application you are submitting.

As a general rule [for all paths], You need to prove the Italian bloodline remained uninterrupted.
An example of an interruption is the Italian Ancestor’s naturalization before their next-in-line birth.

For example: if Your Italian Grandfather naturalized in 1920, and Your Father was born in 1921, the line is broken (because Your father was born from a naturalized Citizen = he renounced his Italian Citizenship).

What Type of Assistance on Italian Citizenship do you provide?

Our Italian Dual Citizenship by Descent Program assists clients to become Italian Citizens through Ancestry. From the beginning to the end of the process.

It’s impossible to book an appointment at the Italian Consulate. Can you assist me in applying?

OurItalian Citizenship AssistanceProgram focuses on solving these issues, and You can appeal to the Court in some circ*mstances.
On that particular issue, read here we can let you apply.

What is a 1948 Case of Italian Citizenship?

TheItalian Citizenship 1948 Casecan be described in this way: If your Italian ancestral line includes a woman who had a child before 1948, You have a 1948 case.

How can I apply if I have a 1948 Case?

You can apply only through the Italian Court, with a Power of Attorney granted to Us.
We will represent You in Your application.

Where do I have to apply if I go through the Court?

There will be a new rule from June 2022.
You can apply for the 1948 Case through the local Italian Immigration Court.
Based on where your Italian ancestor was born.
The Italian Government introduced this new rule in November 2021.
Law 26 November 2021, n. 206, has provided (with art. 1, paragraph
37) the following new rule.
When the plaintiff resides abroad, disputes regarding the ascertainment of the status of Italian Citizenship are assigned to themunicipality of birth of the father, mother, or ancestor of Italian citizens.
Until June 2022, the competent Court will remain the Italian Tribunal of Rome.

Can I get Italian citizenship if my great-grandparents were Italian?

You can apply for Italian citizenship through great-grandparents if they were born in Italy and had Italian citizenship.

How hard is it to get Italian citizenship by descent?

Italian Citizenship Jure Sanguinis, also known as Italian citizenship by descent (by blood), isone of the fastest and easiest ways to obtain Italian citizenship.
It doesn’t mean it’s also easy – the application process is long and complex, especially for the amount of Italian citizenship by descent documents you need to collect.
There is no limit to the number of descendants who can claim Italian heritage under their paternal or maternal line.
Furthermore, Italy does not have a generational limit when applying.

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