Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship - Italian Citizenship Assistance (2024)

Social Welfare Benefits

As a citizen of Italy, you will be able to enjoy all of the rights, benefits and privileges offered by your EU country of residence. This may include healthcare, education, unemployment programs, and pensions.

Affordable High-Quality Healthcare:
Italy has a completely different approach to health care than other countries. In Article 32 of the Italian constitution, healthcare is defined as “a fundamental right of the individual”. If you are an Italian citizen you can obtain high quality affordable medical treatments. This could save your life and save you from bankruptcy. According to the United Nations’ World Health Organization, Italy’s healthcare system is one of the top 3 in the world. Not only is Italy’s healthcare system one of the top in the world but Italians are also considered to be some of the healthiest people in the world, according to the Bloomberg Healthiest Country index of 2019.

Many services offered by the National and Local Healthcare Service are free or low cost. For example, ambulance rides in Italy are free, whereas in the USA an ambulance ride can cost hundreds and in extreme cases even thousands of dollars. Emergency room visits can be free under certain circ*mstances and in some regions the maximum charge (including x-rays and/or medication) can be as little as €15. Visits to your local general practitioner and their services (consultations, prescriptions etc.) are also included at no extra costs on the public system. Citizens of European nations that carry their European Health Insurance Card with them during a temporary stay abroad in another EU nation are entitled to any immediate medical treatment that can’t wait until you get home.

High-Quality Low-Cost Higher Education:
In Article 33 of the Italian constitution it states that “The Republic guarantees the freedom of the arts and sciences, which may be freely taught…” and in Article 34 it states, “Schools are open to everyone” and that primary education is free of tuition and that “Capable and deserving pupils, including those lacking financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education.” Education in Italy is one of the best in Europe and all around the globe. Italy has some of the oldest universities in the world– among which are the University of Bologna, established in 1088 and the University of Padua established in 1222.
In comparison with American higher education which can cost tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, in Italy and across Europe many universities offer citizens of Europe free schooling or some offer discounts. It can cost as little as a few hundred to a few thousand euros per year and yes, even top universities like Bocconi University in Milan offer comparable educations to Ivy League institutions in the US but at a fraction of the Cost. Many schools also offer extra incentives to prospective students born abroad as well.

Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship - Italian Citizenship Assistance (2024)


Benefits of Italian Dual Citizenship - Italian Citizenship Assistance? ›

I would highly recommend ICA's services for anyone who is interested in fulfilling their dream of Italian citizenship! James L. Great program! Solid team, always responsive and helped my family and I achieve our dream!

Is ICA Italian citizenship assistance legit? ›

I would highly recommend ICA's services for anyone who is interested in fulfilling their dream of Italian citizenship! James L. Great program! Solid team, always responsive and helped my family and I achieve our dream!

Is it worth getting Italian dual citizenship? ›

One of the most significant benefits of Italian dual citizenship is the ability to travel, work and live in ANY of the 27 EU countries (Including: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, ...

What is the checklist for dual citizenship in Italy? ›

If applying through naturalisation, you will need to have been living in Italy for ten years and working under a visa. Again, you will need to provide your passport, birth certificate, criminal record (which must be clean), and proof that you have been living and working in Italy.

Do you have to speak Italian to get dual citizenship in Italy? ›

When applying for Italian citizenship through marriage, you must prove you have adequate knowledge of the Italian language. Learn how to prepare for taking the test. Applicants are required to have competency in Italian to the level of B1 level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Is IDC Italian dual citizenship legit? ›

Yes. Italy passed a law in 1992 allowing those of Italian descent to lawfully obtain dual citizenship. Italy requires you to prove your Italian ancestry and apply for citizenship through your local Italian consulate. Italy does not require you to renounce your current citizenship(s) when claiming dual citizenship.

How long does Italian citizenship application take? ›

When an application is accepted by the consulate, it can take as much as six months for a decision to be made regarding your right to Italian citizenship. Once approved, you can apply for an Italian passport but the overall process can take up to two or three years in total.

Is there a downside to dual citizenship? ›

The major drawbacks of dual nationality are the potential of double taxation and getting bound by the laws of the two countries. Furthermore, becoming a dual US citizen can be a long and expensive process, especially if you don't have an immigration lawyer to guide you.

What are two disadvantages of dual citizenship? ›

Drawbacks of being a dual citizen include the potential for double taxation, the long and expensive process for obtaining dual citizenship, and the fact that you become bound by the laws of two nations.

Do I lose my American citizenship if I become Italian? ›

Because of Italian law at the time, you aren't seen as a citizen if you naturalized before the given date. In order to reacquire your citizenship, you will have to establish residency in Italy, and going about it is a bit of a process.

Do I have to pay taxes in Italy if I have dual citizenship? ›

Do Dual Citizens Have to Pay Taxes in Italy? The short answer is that you have to pay taxes in Italy only if you are actually living there over 183 days of the year. There is a distinction between being an Italian citizen and an Italian resident, and it makes all the difference when it comes to tax liability.

Does Italian dual citizenship expire? ›

A: Once the vital record documents for your citizenship application are legalized by means of Apostille they do not have any expiration date and can be filed with the consulate at any time.

How many generations back can you claim Italian citizenship? ›

Having an Italy-born Ancestor is one of the requirements but sadly not the only one; the good news is that there is no limit in the number of generations you can go back, as long as your Italian Ancestor migrated away AFTER Italy became a nation, on March 17, 1861.

What is B1 level Italian? ›

The Italian B1 level language certification is an 'intermediate' level and means you are proficient enough in the Italian language for everyday interaction to live, study, and work in the community.

What is the difference between Celi and cils? ›

CILS: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Siena and is recognised both in Italy and abroad. CELI: is an Italian certification issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia and is recognised both in Italy and abroad.

How do I prove my Italian ancestry for citizenship? ›

The applicant must be in direct blood lineage and at least one of the applicants most recent Italian born ancestors did not naturalize as a citizen of another country prior the birth of the Italian born ancestors child next in the applicants bloodline. Applicant's mother was Italian and the child was born after Jan.

How long can a US citizen live in Italy? ›

Americans who intend to stay in Italy for less than 90 days don't need to worry about visas. However, if you plan to go for an extended period, you'll have to apply for a long-stay visa. This is a crucial step because you can't apply for an Italian residence permit without this long-stay visa.

Can you have dual citizenship with US and Italy? ›

Based on current laws, Italy recognises dual nationality and does not put any limit on the number of citizenships you may hold. This means an Italian citizen is allowed to have three or more passports as long as the other nations where they are citizens have similar laws that allow this.

Can I get Italian citizenship if my great grandparents were Italian? ›

Applying for Italian Citizenship through Great Grandparents

You can apply for Italian citizenship through great grandparents if this relation was born in Italy and had Italian citizenship or the right to claim Italian citizenship when your respective grandparent was born.

What is the fastest way to get Italian citizenship? ›

Making your application for Italian citizenship by descent in Italy can be one of the fastest ways to apply for Italian Citizenship by Descent. In many consulates around the world, the waiting time for the initial appointment can be several months.

Do you need to take a test to become an Italian citizen? ›

Take my B1 Citizenship Test and find out! Due to the amendments to the Italian law in December 2018, it is now compulsory to obtain an Italian B1 language certification for all applicants for Italian citizenship through marriage or residence.

What is the best way to get Italian citizenship? ›

There are three main routes to obtaining Italian citizenship which are:
  1. Descent - jure sanguinis (blood right) Italian citizenship is most frequently acquired through family birth right jure sanguinis (blood right) i.e. being born into a family with Italian heritage. ...
  2. Marriage to an Italian Citizen. ...
  3. Naturalisation.
May 25, 2023

Can you collect Social Security with dual citizenship? ›

The United States generally considers a person with dual U.S. and foreign citizenship a U.S. citizen for Social Security purposes. This does not apply if you are a U.S. citizen and a citizen of a country the United States has an international social security agreement with. This excludes Canada and Italy.

Do I have to pay US taxes if I have dual citizenship? ›

Yes, if you are a citizen or resident alien of the United States, you have a U.S. tax obligation, even if you're a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada. The U.S. is one of two countries in the world that taxes based on citizenship, not place of residency.

Is the US getting rid of dual citizenship? ›

Yes, the United States allows dual citizenship. If you are a naturalized citizen, you don't have to give up citizenship from your country of origin. U.S. immigration law does not prohibit dual nationality.

What is the strongest passport in the world? ›

Japan (193 countries) If you're looking for a country with great travel options, then you can't go wrong with Japan. The Japanese passport is ranked as the most powerful in the world, allow visa-free access to 193 countries.

Can you avoid taxes with dual citizenship? ›

As it turns out, as long as you are a citizen or resident alien of the United States, you must file U.S. taxes if you meet the filing thresholds. This applies even if you have dual citizenship and pay taxes to another country or don't currently live in the States.

Does dual citizenship expire? ›

Therefore, if there are any modifications in the laws, the citizens get enough time to take the required action to remain the citizens of the country. Hence, dual citizenship never expires.

What are the reasons for losing Italian citizenship? ›

Italian citizenship could be lost: By a man or woman, being of competent legal age (21 years if before 10 March 1975 or 18 years if after 9 March 1975), who of his or her own volition naturalised in another country and resided outside of Italy.

What is the Italian 1948 rule? ›

The 1948 Rule, also known as the female line rule, enables children born to an Italian mother prior to 1948 to claim Italian dual citizenship before the Courts in Italy. Before the rule came into effect those claiming Italian citizenship jure sanguinis could only do so through the male line of ancestry.

How many Americans have Italian citizenship? ›

More than 4 million Italians immigrated to the United States before 1920, and there are now more than 17 million Americans who identify as having Italian origins.

Does Italy tax US Social Security benefits? ›

In conclusion, Italy does tax retirement income, including US social security benefits, but there are tax treaties and agreements in place to avoid double taxation. As a retiree in Italy, you may also be subject to Italian social security contributions if you work or have income in Italy.

Do I have to pay U.S. taxes if I live in Italy? ›

Do US expats living in Italy also have to file US taxes? Yes. All US citizens and permanent residents who meet the minimum income reporting requirements must file a tax return, even if they don't live in the country.

Where do you pay taxes if you have dual citizenship? ›

U.S. citizens that have dual citizenship in another country must file taxes in the United States. The United States imposes taxes on citizens regardless of where they live and where they earn their income.

What are the benefits of having Italian citizenship? ›

As an Italian citizen, you obtain an unlimited access to Italy, including residence, study, work and establishing a business, health-care, social security provisions, subsidies, educational programs and owning estates on a par with all Italian citizens residing in Italy.

What to do after getting Italian citizenship? ›

These services include applying for or renewing your Italian ID-card or passport, registering with the national health service and being able to benefit from it, and voting in local and national elections.

How do you travel with 2 passports? ›

The carrier requires you to present a second passport so that you can safely go through border control in the future. The airline employee will check the information and validity of the passport. If you refuse to show your second passport, you may not be allowed to board the plane.

Is Italian citizenship by blood right? ›

Italian citizenship by descent is based on the principle of jure sanguinis (right of blood). Children under the age of 18 are automatically Italian if one of the parents is an Italian citizen, and their birth certificate is registered with the Italian authorities.

Can you revoke Italian citizenship? ›

Dual citizens registererd in the Registry of Italian Nationals Residing Abroad (AIRE) with this Consulate can renounce Italian citizenship by making a declaration at this Consulate and submitting the appropriate documentation on the day of the appointment.

What documents are needed for Italian citizenship? ›

The documents you'll need to apply for Italian citizenship
  • Your ID (an Italian Identity Card or passport)
  • A birth certificate issued by your country of origin.
  • A criminal record certificate issued by the authorities of your country of origin.
Nov 23, 2022

Is B1 considered fluent? ›

Level B1 corresponds to independent users of the language, i.e. those who have the necessary fluency to communicate without effort with native speakers.

What level is fluent in Italian? ›


Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

What is the difference between C1 and C2 in Italian? ›

C1: Effective operational proficiency or advanced. C2: Mastery or proficiency.

Does CELI expire? ›

EXPIRATION: The Celi Certificate does not expire.

How good is B1 Italian? ›

The Italian B1 level language certification is at an intermediate level. This means that you are proficient enough in the Italian language for everyday interaction, making integration much more straightforward if you choose to live, study or work in Italy.

What is C2 level Italian? ›

C2 Proficiency

Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in the most complex situations.

What are the benefits of dual citizenship in Italy? ›

Italian dual citizenship gives you the freedom to relocate to Italy or anywhere across the European Union. Another advantage of having EU citizenship is the ability to study and work legally across the whole European Union in countries such as Germany, France, Spain, The Netherlands and so on.

Can a DNA test tell if you are Italian? ›

A DNA test result shows us the “mix” by percentages of the various “nationalities” or geographic history of our family. But often, the results may not show any or only a small percentage of “Italian” background

What do you need for Italian dual citizenship? ›

What Documents Do I Need to Get Dual Citizenship in Italy? You will need your parents' birth certificates as well as a permanent resident card and Italian passport or a certificate of naturalization for your grandparent. You may also need death certificates or marriage certificates for members of your family.

What is the best way to apply for Italian citizenship? ›

There are three main routes to obtaining Italian citizenship which are:
  1. Descent - jure sanguinis (blood right) Italian citizenship is most frequently acquired through family birth right jure sanguinis (blood right) i.e. being born into a family with Italian heritage. ...
  2. Marriage to an Italian Citizen. ...
  3. Naturalisation.
May 25, 2023

Who can help me get Italian citizenship? ›

Italian Citizenship Assistance (ICA), with offices in Rovigo, Italy, Los Angeles, CA and New York City is the perfect choice for people of Italian descent seeking information and assistance with Italian citizenship Jure Sanguinis (by descent).

What is ICA visa? ›

It is a pre-entry permission for the holder of a valid visa to travel to, and seek entry, into Singapore. The grant of an immigration pass will be determined by the ICA officers at the point of entry. The period of stay granted is not tied to the validity of your visa.

How do I get Italian citizenship through my grandparents? ›

If your grandfather was born in Italy and was an Italian citizen when your parent was born, it's possible to apply for Italian citizenship through grandparents. However, you can only qualify in this way if your parent has not since renounced their right to Italian citizenship.

How long does it take to get citizenship after applying 2023? ›

The processing time for naturalization (citizenship) averages 8-14 months according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). During this time, as the government works to process the Application for Naturalization, applicants must complete several steps before becoming citizens.

Do I need to speak Italian to get citizenship? ›

Due to the amendments to the Italian law in December 2018, it is now compulsory to obtain an Italian B1 language certification for all applicants for Italian citizenship through marriage or residence. Anyone applying for dual citizenship under these terms must prove an adequate competence in the Italian language.

How many Americans are eligible for Italian citizenship? ›

A 'right of blood': 17 million Americans can claim Italian citizenship by their ancestry.

Do Italian dual citizens pay taxes in both countries? ›

Does Dual Citizenship Mean Double Taxes? It is important to mention that you will not pay double the tax for the same income. The no double taxation principle is at the core of the US–Italy tax treaties outlined above. You can only be responsible for the difference in between your home country and Italy's tax bracket.

What is a de card? ›

A1: The SG Arrival Card is the electronic version of the paper disembarkation/embarkation (DE) card (or commonly known as the white card) that foreign visitors are required to submit upon arrival in Singapore for immigration clearance.

How to do ICA approval? ›

How to get an approval from the ICA
  1. Step 1: Visit the ICA website.
  2. Step 2: Fill in application form.
  3. Step 3: Check the Capcha box.
  4. Step 1: Visit the GDRFA website.
  5. Step 2: Enter your Residence Number.
  6. Step 3: Provide travel details.
  7. Step 4: Upload documents.
Jan 11, 2022

Is ICA still needed? ›

Is ICA approval still required? ICA approval is no longer required.

Can I get citizenship if my grandma was born in Italy? ›

There are no generational limits on claiming Italian citizenship. Thanks to this rule, Italian citizenship by descent is easier to obtain than many other European countries. In fact, many successful applications are made based on an Italian parent, grandparent or even a great-grandparent.

What records do I need for Italian citizenship by descent? ›

You will need the birth certificate for your Italian born ancestors in the Italian commune in which they were born. In the event that you are claiming Italian heritage based on a paternal grandparent, you will need a certificate for both grandparents from their respective communes and for your parents.

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