Top 10 Features of a Profitable Rental Property (2024)

Are you looking to purchase a residential rental property to boost your investment portfolio? Investment properties can be exciting and very rewarding if you make the right choice. But income and rewards aside, investing in real estate can be daunting for a first-time investor.

Real estate is a tough business and the field is peppered with land mines that can obliterate your returns. That's why it's important to do detailed research before you dive in so you're on top of all the pros and cons of real estate investing. Here are the most important things to consider when shopping for an income property.

Key Takeaways

  • Vet the neighborhood thoroughly—its livability and amenities are key.
  • A neighborhood with a high vacancy rate is not a good sign.
  • Know the area's selling prices to get a sense of local market value.
  • Research the average rent in the neighborhood and work from there to determine if buying a rental property is financially feasible for you.

Starting Your Search

Begin your search for a property on your own before bringing a professional into the picture. An agent can pressure you to buy before you have found an investment that suits you best. And finding that investment is going to take some sleuthing skills and some shoe leather.

Doing this research will help you narrow down several key characteristics you want for your property—such as type, location, size, and amenities. Once you've done that, then you may want a real estate agent to help you complete the purchase.

Your location options will be limited by whether you intend to actively manage the property or hire someone else to do that for you. If you intend to actively manage it yourself, you don't want a property that's too far from where you live. If you are going to get a property management company to look after it, proximity is less of an issue.

Top 10 Features to Consider

Let's take a look at the top 10 things you should consider when searching for the right rental property.

1. Neighborhood

The neighborhood in which you buy will determine the types of tenants you attract and your vacancy rate. If you buy near a university, chances are that students will dominate your pool of potential tenants and you could struggle to fill vacancies every summer. Be aware that some towns try to discourage rental conversions by imposing exorbitant permit fees and piling on red tape.

2. Property Taxes

Property taxes likely will vary widely across your target area, and you want to be aware of how much you'll be losing. High property taxes are not always a bad thing—in a great neighborhood that attracts long-term tenants, for example, but there are unappealing locations that also have high taxes.

The municipality's assessment office will have all the tax information on file, or you can talk to homeowners in the community. Be sure to find out if property tax increases are probable in the near future. A town in financial distress may hike taxes far beyond what a landlord can realistically charge in rent.

3. Schools

Consider the quality of the local schools if you're dealing with family-sized homes. Although you will be mostly concerned about monthly cash flow, the overall value of your rental property comes into play when you eventually sell it. If there are no good schools nearby, it can affect the value of your investment.

4. Crime

No one wants to live next door to a hot spot of criminal activity. The local police or public library should have accurate crime statistics for neighborhoods. Check the rates for vandalism, and for serious and petty crimes, and don't forget to note if criminal activity is on the rise or declining. You might also want to ask about the frequency of a police presence in your neighborhood.

5. Job Market

Locations with growing employment opportunities attract more tenants. To find out how a specific area rates for job availability, check with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) or visit a local library. If you see an announcement about a major company moving to the area, you can be sure that workers in search of a place to live will flock there. This may cause housing prices to go up or down, depending on the type of business involved. You can assume that if you would like that company in your backyard, your renters will as well.

6. Amenities

Tour the neighborhood and check out the parks, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, public transportation links, and all the other perks that attract renters. City Hall may have promotional literature that can give you an idea of where the best blend of public amenities and private property can be found.

7. Future Development

The municipal planning department will have information on developments or plans that have already been zoned into the area. If there is a lot of construction going on, it is probably a good growth area. Watch out for new developments that could hurt the price of surrounding properties. Additional new housing could also compete with your property.

8. Number of Listings and Vacancies

If a neighborhood has an unusually high number of listings, it may signal a seasonal cycle or a neighborhood in decline—you need to find out which it is. In either case, high vacancy rates force landlords to lower rents to attract tenants. Low vacancy rates allow landlords to raise rents.

9. Average Rents

Rental income will be your bread-and-butter, so you need to know the area's average rent. Make sure any property you consider can bear enough rent to cover your mortgage payment, taxes, and other expenses. Research the area well enough to gauge where it might be headed in the next five years. If you can afford the area now but taxes are expected to increase, an affordable property today could mean bankruptcy later.

10. Natural Disasters

Insurance is another expense you will have to subtract from your returns, so you need to know just how much it's going to cost you. If an area is prone to earthquakes or flooding, insurance coverage costs can eat away at your rental income.

Getting Information

Official sources are great, but you'll want to talk to the neighbors to get the real scoop. Talk to renters as well as homeowners. Renters will be far more honest about the negative aspects of a neighborhood because they have no investment in it. Visit the area at different times on different days of the week to see your future neighbors in action.

Choosing a Property

The best investment property for beginners is generally a single-family dwelling or a condominium. Condos are low maintenance because the condo association takes care of external repairs, leaving you to worry about the interior. Condos, however, tend to garner lower rents and appreciate more slowly than single-family homes.

Single-family homes tend to attract longer-term renters. Families or couples are sometimes thought of as better tenants than single people because there is a perception that families could be financially stable and pay the rent regularly.

Mortgage lending discrimination is illegal.If you think you've been discriminated againstbased on race, religion, sex, marital status, use of public assistance, national origin, disability, or age, there are steps you can take. One such step is to file a report to theConsumer Financial Protection Bureauor with theU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD).

When you have the neighborhood narrowed down, look for a property with appreciation potential and good projected cash flow. Check out properties that are more expensive than you can afford as well as those within your reach. Real estate often sells below its listing price.

Watch the listing prices of other properties and check town records for the final selling prices to get an idea of what the market value really is in a neighborhood.

For appreciation potential, look for a property that—with a few cosmetic changes and minor renovations—would attract tenants who can pay higher rents. This will also raise the value of the property if you choose to sell it after a few years.

Of course, to ensure a profitable venture it's important to buy a reasonably priced property. The recommendation for rental property is to pay no more than 12 times the annual rent you expect to get.

Determining the Rent

How is the potential rent determined? You are going to need to make an informed guess. Don't get carried away with overly optimistic assumptions. Setting the rent too high and ending up with an empty unit for months quickly chips away at the overall profit. Start with the average rent for the neighborhood and work from there. Consider whether your place is worth a bit more or a bit less, and why.

To figure out if the rent number works for you as an investor, calculate what the property will actually cost you. Subtract your expected monthly mortgage payment, property taxes divided by 12 months, insurance costs divided by 12, and a generous allowance for maintenance and repairs.

Don't underestimate the costs to maintain the property. These expenses depend on the property's age and how much upkeep you plan to do yourself. A newer building probably will require less work than an older one. An apartment in a retirement community likely would not be subject to the same amount of damage as off-campus college housing.

Doing your own repairs cuts costs considerably, but it also means being on call 24-7 for emergencies. Another option is to hire a property management firm, which would handle everything from broken toilets to collecting rent each month. Expect to pay around 10% of the gross rental income for this service.

If all these figures come out even or, better yet, with a little money left, you can now get your real estate agent to submit an offer.

Making the Purchase

Banks have tougher lending requirements for investment properties than for primary residences. They assume that if times get tough, people are less inclined to jeopardize their homes than a business property.Be prepared to pay at least 20% to 30% for a down payment, plus closing costs. Have the property thoroughly inspected by a professional and have a real estate lawyer review everything before signing.

Don't forget to pay for sufficient insurance. Renter's insurance covers a tenant's belongings, but the building itself is the landlord's responsibility, and the insurance may be more expensive than for a similar owner-occupied home. The property's mortgage interest, insurance, and depreciation are all tax-deductible up to a certain amount.

The Bottom Line

Every state has good cities, every city has good neighborhoods, and every neighborhood has good properties. It takes a lot of footwork and research to line up all three. When you end up finding your ideal rental property, keep your expectations realistic, and make sure your own finances are healthy enough that you can wait for the property to start generating cash.

Top 10 Features of a Profitable Rental Property (2024)


Top 10 Features of a Profitable Rental Property? ›

Most real estate investors make a profit from the cash flow a rental property generates. Cash flow is determined by a variety of factors, including: Property purchase price. Mortgage payment (principal and interest)

What makes a rental property profitable? ›

Most real estate investors make a profit from the cash flow a rental property generates. Cash flow is determined by a variety of factors, including: Property purchase price. Mortgage payment (principal and interest)

What rental properties are most profitable? ›

What Types of Commercial Properties Are the Most Profitable? High-Tenant Properties – Typically, properties with a high number of tenants will give the best return on investment. These properties include RVs, self-storage, apartment complexes, and office spaces.

What adds the most value to a rental? ›

6 Tips To Add Value To Your Rental Property
  • Replace Flooring. The first thing you should do is replace the flooring regularly. ...
  • Paint. Studies indicate that fresh exterior paint can increase the property value by an average of 5%. ...
  • Hardware. ...
  • Social spaces. ...
  • Garage doors. ...
  • Landscape. ...
  • How to Add Value To Your Rental Property.

What makes a successful landlord? ›

Perhaps one of the most important qualities of being a good landlord is great organization skills. This is especially the case if you have more than one rental property. You'll be responsible for leases, tenant screening, deposits, inspection reports, and maintenance work orders.

What makes a good investment? ›

A good investment is one that is well-suited to an investor's financial goal, has an acceptable risk level and increases an investor's net worth. However, an investment that is suitable for one investor might not be ideal for another, so each individual must define their risk tolerance and investment goals.

What type of property makes the most money? ›

Commercial properties are considered one of the best types of real estate investments because of their potential for higher cash flow. If you decide to invest in a commercial property, you could enjoy these attractive benefits: Higher-income potential.

How to become a millionaire with rental property? ›

Here are some tips on how you can become a millionaire real estate investor.
  1. #1: Learn About Real Estate Investing. ...
  2. #2: Set Clear Goals and Have a Plan. ...
  3. #3: Stop Waiting to Get Started. ...
  4. #4: Make Offers with Terms You Can Afford. ...
  5. #5: Generate Cash Flow. ...
  6. #6: Grow Your Portfolio. ...
  7. #7: Work Up to Larger Properties. ...
  8. #8: Keep Growing.
Jan 24, 2022

What kind of properties are best to invest in? ›

The best commercial properties to invest in include industrial, office, retail, hospitality, and multifamily projects. For investors with a strong focus on improving their local communities, commercial real estate investing can support that focus.

What is the 4 3 2 1 rule in real estate? ›


One simple rule of thumb I tend to adopt is going by the 4-3-2-1 ratios to budgeting. This ratio allocates 40% of your income towards expenses, 30% towards housing, 20% towards savings and investments and 10% towards insurance.

How much should a rental property cash flow? ›

A good rule of thumb is the 1 percent rule. This is a formula that rental property investors use to size up a property's cash flow quickly. The rule stipulates that the property's total rental income should be 1 percent of the purchase price at a minimum.

What is the 2 rule in real estate? ›

2% Rule. The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000.

How can I improve my rental property profitability? ›

9 Ways To Maximize Profit On Your Rental Property
  1. #1 Keep the Property in Good Condition. ...
  2. #2 Research Rent Price and Update As Needed. ...
  3. #3 Use a Written Rental Agreement. ...
  4. #4 Enforce Rules (Especially Late Fees) ...
  5. #5 Screen Your Tenants. ...
  6. #6 Make Paying Rent Easy for Your Tenants. ...
  7. #7 Treat Your Rental Property Like a Business.
Dec 9, 2016

How can I make my rental property more attractive? ›

8 Easy Ways to Make Your Rental Property More Appealing to Prospective Tenants
  1. Give it a fresh coat of paint. A can of paint can do wonders. ...
  2. Fix whatever needs fixing. ...
  3. Declutter. ...
  4. Clean it to a commercial standard. ...
  5. Upgrade. ...
  6. Hang some mirrors. ...
  7. Get some bright lights. ...
  8. Check out your competition.
Aug 5, 2021

What qualities do you value most in a landlord? ›

Six Qualities of a Great Landlord
  • Trustworthy. Establish trust between you and your tenants by making sure you are readily available in case of emergencies and act quickly to resolve any issues raised. ...
  • Transparent. ...
  • Compliant. ...
  • Respectful. ...
  • Knowledgeable. ...
  • Organised.

How much profit do most landlords make? ›

The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

What makes you stand out to a landlord? ›

Furnish solid references.

Aside from your financial assets, your references will heavily affect the decision making for landlords. They want to know if you're an easy or difficult tenant to manage. If a reference reveals behavior problems, they'd rather choose to be stress-free and find another tenant.

How do I win more landlords? ›

Build your agency's reputation
  1. Get more from your existing landlords. Sometimes, you needn't have to look any further than what is already directly in front of you. ...
  2. Encourage referrals. ...
  3. Keep tenants happy. ...
  4. Go old school, build relationships.
Feb 15, 2018

What are the three keys to successful investing? ›

Diversification, cost control and simplicity. Focus on those three things and you can't go too far wrong.

What are 4 types of investments? ›

Bonds, stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, or ETFs, are four basic types of investment options.

What is a lousy investment? ›

an investment in which you do not make a profit, or make less profit than you hoped: Property has proved to be a bad investment over the last few years.

What makes a property worth more? ›

A home's value is affected by local real estate trends, the housing market, the home's condition, age, location and property size.

What determines the highest value for a property? ›

The Appraisal Institute defines highest and best use as “the reasonably probable and legal use of vacant land or an improved property that is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible and that results in the highest value.” Appraisers typically apply four tests to determine that use.

What makes more money in real estate? ›

Key Takeaways. The most common way to make money in real estate is through appreciation—an increase in the property's value that is realized when you sell. Location, development, and improvements are the primary ways that residential and commercial real estate can appreciate in value.

How many rental properties do I need to become a millionaire? ›

To become a real estate millionaire, you may have to own at least ten properties. If this is your goal, you need to accumulate rental properties with a total value of at least a million.

Are landlords usually wealthy? ›

The value of those properties isn't necessarily through the roof: 40% of landlords own less than $200,000 worth of property, and an additional 30% fall in the $200,000-$400,000 range. Only 30% of landlords own properties worth $400,000 or more, with 7% at the top owning properties worth $1 million or more.

How to make billions in real estate? ›

8 Tips On How To Become A Real Estate Mogul or Millionaire
  1. Have a Good Business Plan. ...
  2. Find Sustainable Real Estate Markets. ...
  3. Narrow Down Your Scope. ...
  4. Build Your Real Estate Team. ...
  5. Acquire Your First Investment Real Estate. ...
  6. Step Back and Evaluate Your Investments. ...
  7. Step Back and Wait.
May 18, 2023

What type of investment property is best for beginners? ›

The best investment property for beginners is generally a single-family dwelling or a condominium. Condos are low maintenance because the condo association takes care of external repairs, leaving you to worry about the interior.

Which type of property is the riskiest investment? ›

Equities are generally considered the riskiest class of assets.

Is rental property a good investment in 2023? ›

Despite what some may think, 2023 is still a good year to invest in real estate, thanks to advantages like long-term appreciation, steady rental income, and the opportunity to hedge against inflation. Mortgage rates are expected to decline, but the housing market is likely to remain competitive due to low supply.

What is 50 rule in real estate? ›

Like many rules of real estate investing, the 50 percent rule isn't always accurate, but it can be a helpful way to estimate expenses for rental property. To use it, an investor takes the property's gross rent and multiplies it by 50 percent, providing the estimated monthly operating expenses. That sounds easy, right?

What is the 25 rule in real estate? ›

To calculate how much house you can afford, use the 25% rule—never spend more than 25% of your monthly take-home pay (after tax) on monthly mortgage payments.

What is the 80% rule in real estate? ›

The 80% rule means that an insurer will only fully cover the cost of damage to a house if the owner has purchased insurance coverage equal to at least 80% of the house's total replacement value.

What is average return on rental property? ›

The return on investment on a rental property depends on the factors we've discussed above. According to S&P 500, the average return on investment in the US property market is 8.6%. Residential properties earn an average return of 10.6%, while commercial properties have a slightly lower 9.5% return on investment.

What rent should I charge? ›

Work out your rental yield

You take the monthly rental income amount or expected rental income and multiply it by 12. Divide it by the property's purchase price or current market value and multiply this figure by 100 to get the percentage. A good rental yield is usually considered to be 7% or more.

Do you pay taxes on rental cashflow? ›

Any rental income you received as a property owner is taxable and should be reported. As a general rule, rental income can include rent payments, security deposits, leasing fees, and any other cash flow generated from a given property.

What is Rule 70 in real estate? ›

The 70% rule can help flippers when they're scouring real estate listings for potential investment opportunities. Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home.

What is the 36 rule in real estate? ›

A household should spend a maximum of 28% of its gross monthly income on total housing expenses according to this rule, and no more than 36% on total debt service. This includes housing and other debt such as car loans and credit cards. Lenders often use this rule to assess whether to extend credit to borrowers.

What is the 10 rule in real estate? ›

A good rule is that a 1% increase in interest rates will equal 10% less you are able to borrow but still keep your same monthly payment. It's said that when interest rates climb, every 1% increase in rate will decrease your buying power by 10%. The higher the interest rate, the higher your monthly payment.

How do you make a rental property cashflow? ›

Ways to increase rental property cash flow
  1. Reducing vacancy rate.
  2. Increasing rent annually, in line with market values.
  3. Charging additional pet fees/rent.
  4. Renovating your property to add more value.
  5. Renting by the room.
  6. Thorough tenant screening (to reduce the likelihood of problem tenants)
Feb 3, 2023

How do you attract people to rent? ›

12 Apartment Showing Tips to Attract Quality Tenants
  1. Write a Thorough Listing. ...
  2. Schedule Individual Property Showings. ...
  3. Consider Timing. ...
  4. Have All Relevant Paperwork Handy. ...
  5. Create Handouts. ...
  6. Know All Area Amenities. ...
  7. Decide on Tenant Criteria Beforehand. ...
  8. Keep a Flexible Schedule.
Feb 7, 2022

What color should you paint a rental property? ›

Many experts consider neutral tones the best option for rental homes, but it's easy to interpret neutrals as boring for a living space. The key to selecting the best paint colors for your rental property is to look at the space itself.

What is the best paint for a rental? ›

The best choices for rental properties are typically satin and semi-gloss paint. These durable paint finishes roll onto walls beautifully and also make wiping off crayon, scuff marks, dirt, and even grease easy.

What are 5 basic responsibilities of being a landlord? ›

5 Landlord Responsibilities
  • Provide “Safe and Habitable” Living Conditions. ...
  • Address Maintenance Issues Promptly. ...
  • Give Advance Notice Before a Raise of Rent. ...
  • Provide Proper Contact Information. ...
  • Return Security Deposits in a Timely Manner.
Apr 19, 2022

What factor is most important in valuing an apartment building? ›

The market value of an apartment is determined by a number of factors, the most important of which is comparable sales. Also known as the “market data” approach, this method involves reviewing the recent sales of similar properties in order to arrive at a valuation for the subject property or apartment.

What qualities do you personally value in a future apartment? ›

Here are the top qualities to look for in a new apartment to rent:
  • A Convenient Layout. The first quality you want to look for in a new apartment is the general layout of it. ...
  • Plenty Of Storage Space. ...
  • High Quality Appliances. ...
  • Low Noise.
Jun 1, 2017

How much monthly profit should you make on a rental property? ›

The amount will depend on your specific situation, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 10% profit after all expenses and taxes. While 10% is a good target, you may be able to make more depending on the property and the rental market.

Can you become a millionaire from rental property? ›

Becoming a millionaire from real estate investing isn't as far-fetched as it may seem, but it's not an easy goal to reach. You shouldn't expect it to happen overnight, but it is achievable. If you have the right knowledge, develop a plan, and be persistent enough, you can become a millionaire real estate investor.

What are 4 advantages of owning a small rental property? ›

The biggest potential benefits of owning a rental property include a hedge against inflation, rental income, equity, and having control of the investment. Drawbacks to consider before buying a rental property include a large down payment, dealing with tenants, and lack of liquidity.

What is the best rental to income ratio? ›

As a general rule of thumb, landlords should aim for a rent-to-income ratio of no more than 30%. Meaning the tenant should earn at least three times the rent amount.

What is the 50% cash flow rule? ›

The 50% rule in real estate says that investors should expect a property's operating expenses to be roughly 50% of its gross income. This is useful for estimating potential cash flow from a rental property, but it's not always foolproof.

Can you live off of rental income? ›

Effectively managing and maximizing cash flow for your investment properties will allow you to live off the rental property income. Several factors can impact your ability to maintain a positive cash flow. You'll need to show your rental property in the best light possible to attract high-quality residents.

Who is the richest realtor? ›

At the top, Orange County, California-based Donald Bren remains the wealthiest real estate billionaire in the country with an estimated $16.2 billion net worth, nearly $1 billion higher than last year.

What are 3 drawbacks to owning rental real estate? ›

The drawbacks of having rental properties include a lack of liquidity, the cost of upkeep, and the potential for difficult tenants and for the neighborhood's appeal to decline.

Why owning is always better than renting? ›

As a renter, you don't build equity over the long term and if you leave, you don't get to take any profits with you. Owning a home can be empowering and emotionally rewarding. The money you spend on your mortgage every month and improving your home yields a long-term investment benefit for you instead of a landlord.

What are the downsides of being a landlord? ›

The Cons of Being a Landlord
  • Annual Upkeep and Long-Term Maintenance. Rental properties require thorough budgeting. ...
  • Time-Consuming Investment. ...
  • Running Your Properties Like a Business. ...
  • Liability and Staying Compliant with the Law. ...
  • Tenant Screening and Bad Tenant Risks. ...
  • Evicting the Occasional Bad Apple.
Sep 17, 2021

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.