Top Qualities To Look For In A New Apartment To Rent - Realty Times (2024)

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Top Qualities To Look For In A New Apartment To Rent

Written byCarolyn Walker

Posted On Thursday, 01 June 2017 15:53

Top Qualities To Look For In A New Apartment To Rent - Realty Times (1)

Renting a new apartment is undoubtedly a big decision to make.

Once you consider that you’ll be living in this apartment for the next several months if not years, it’s important that you select one that meets each of your needs and expectations so you’ll be genuinely happy to live there.

Here are the top qualities to look for in a new apartment to rent:

1. A Convenient Layout

The first quality you want to look for in a new apartment is the general layout of it. When touring potential apartments to rent, many people will focus on the square footage. But rather than focus on the actual footage, focus instead on how space is used. It’s perfectly possible for a smaller apartment to make wiser use of space than a larger one.

The layout of your apartment is important because it affects several things: if the apartment in general is convenient for you, where you place your furniture, what type or size of furniture you can even have, how much storage space you have available, and so on. Speaking of storage…

2. Plenty Of Storage Space

The next quality to look for is the amount of space dedicated to where you can store your possessions. Perhaps the one storage room that receives the most amount of attention from apartment shoppers is the closet. A growing trend is for newer apartments to have a walk-in closet, as they are large enough for storing more items beyond clothes and shoes.

However, the closet isn’t the only storage area to inspect. You also want to be sure to check out how much space there is for storing things in rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen (your towels, personal hygiene items, cooking utensils, and pots and pans all need places to go).

3. High Quality Appliances

Most apartments these days come with basic appliances such as a refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, and so on. But don’t make the mistake of not inspecting these appliances to confirm they are in good working condition.

Actually open the doors to each of your appliances and look for any signs of wear or damage. Take note of the brands of the appliances as well, and conduct research into their energy saving qualities (which can help lower your utility bill each month).

4. Low Noise

Noise from your neighbors and the surrounding environment is something you should expect from living with neighbors, but it’s still highly desirable for the noise to be kept as low as possible. Easily one of the most important reasons to tour an apartment in person is so you can listen in on any noise that’s going on, whether it’s from the neighbors or traffic.

Renting Your Next Apartment

Choosing a new apartment to rent may be a big decision, but fortunately, it does not need to be a stressful decision. All it comes down to is knowing what you need to look for so you can make the best decision possible.

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Certainly! From the details provided in the article about qualities to look for in a new apartment to rent, I can confidently discuss several key concepts related to real estate, home renting, and property evaluation. As an expert in real estate and property matters, I'll break down the core ideas highlighted in the article:

  1. Convenient Layout: Emphasizing the importance of an apartment's layout over square footage. A well-designed layout can maximize space utility, affecting furniture placement and storage.

  2. Plenty of Storage Space: Beyond closets, evaluating storage space in various areas like bathrooms and kitchens for accommodating personal items, utensils, and belongings.

  3. High-Quality Appliances: Assessing the condition and efficiency of appliances provided in the apartment, understanding their brands, and researching their energy-saving features for cost-effectiveness.

  4. Low Noise: Considering the noise level from neighbors and the surrounding environment, inspecting for noise during a physical apartment tour to ensure a peaceful living environment.

These concepts are vital when considering a new apartment, impacting comfort, convenience, and satisfaction during the rental period. To further enrich this discussion:

  • Consumer Advice: Highlights guidance for potential tenants on making informed decisions when renting a property.

  • Sellers' Advice: Not explicitly mentioned in the article but could relate to advice for property owners looking to sell their real estate assets.

  • Mortgage Advice: Likely encompassing tips and guidance on securing a mortgage for purchasing or investing in real estate.

  • Homeowners' Advice: Targeted advice for individuals who already own properties, possibly covering maintenance, renovation, or investment-related guidance.

  • HOA Advice: Addresses considerations for properties governed by a homeowners' association, including their rules, fees, and benefits.

  • Agent Advice: Insights and guidance aimed at real estate agents, focusing on marketing strategies, client interaction, and industry insights.

  • Women in Business/Women in Real Estate: Likely discussing challenges, successes, and specific advice for women professionals in the real estate industry.

These categories encompass a broad range of topics within the real estate domain, catering to various stakeholders, from consumers and homeowners to agents and specialized groups within the industry.

Top Qualities To Look For In A New Apartment To Rent - Realty Times (2024)
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