The Top 25 Feeder Schools For Investment Banking (2024)

The Top 25 Feeder Schools For Investment Banking (1)

Not surprisingly, Harvard University and New York University are the top feeder schools for a career on Wall Street, according to Wall Street Oasis’ 2022 Investment Banking Industry Report.

There are myriad factors that go into selecting the best MBA program for any particular student. Debt-conscious students might look to schools with the best ROI. Prestige-minded students might look for high rankings or schools with a stellar brand.

There’s location, price, and schools with the highest average salaries after graduation.

For those lured by the sky-high salaries in investment banking, the 25 top schools on Wall Street Oasis’ 2022 Investment Banking Industry Report should be on your radar.

WSO is an online community, news site, and career center for people working and aspiring to work in finance related fields. Its Investment Banking report collects data from employees working in the field to determine which schools the 10 large Bulge Bracket Banks target in their hiring and recruiting. Not surprisingly, Harvard University and New York University are the top feeder schools for a career on Wall Street.

The Top 25 Feeder Schools For Investment Banking (2)

Patrick Curtis

“The top feeder schools for investment banking rarely move,” Patrick Curtis, founder and CEO of Wall Street Oasis, tells Poets&Quants. “NYU has such a broad reach into almost all of the bulge brackets, and even for just the notable boutiques and middle market funds. The location is a huge advantage for NYU kids, because they’re able to meet people face-to-face, have coffees, and just network. Being in the city, right there, is a big advantage.”


WSO has almost 900,000 registered users who report a trove of data on the companies where they work. WSO’s 2022 Investment Banking Industry Report takes this user-reported data to show which colleges and universities the 10 Bulge Bracket Banks recruit from the most. These banks include Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.

WSO’s reports are constantly changing based on new information users report to the WSO Company Database. The report we are looking at today is up-to-date as of this month and includes year-to-date data as well as data for the prior two years. Because of this, some of the latest trends reported by users won’t start showing up until later reports. (WSO uses Bayesian statistics to create percentiles for companies with few observations.) Read more about WSO’s report methodology here.


Out of 2,578 WSO reporting users within the Bulge Banks, 91 are graduates of Harvard University. NYU was just a smidge behind with 90. The next three top feeder schools were the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) at 86, Columbia University at 70, and Cornell University at 70.

When totaled together, these schools account for 15.7% of hires at the top 10 Bulge Banks.The top 12 schools on the list make more than 25% of big bank recruitment and hiring.

While Northeastern and Ivy Leagues certainly have an advantage in big bank recruitment, if you click through the chart above you’ll find other schools sending their graduates to Wall Street. The University of Michigan is eight on the list followed by the University of Texas at Austin. There are also several West Coast schools – UC Berkeley, University of Southern California, and UCLA – along with the University of Chicago and University of Virginia landing in the top 25. London School of Economics also makes the list.

In all, there are 99 feeder schools ranked by WSO in its 2022 report. See the full list here.

NEXT PAGE: Where graduate of top feeder schools go to work + Top feeder schools of mid-level banks

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The Top 25 Feeder Schools For Investment Banking (2024)


What are the top feeder schools for investment banking? ›

Undergrad: The Ivy League schools (HYP and UPenn (Wharton) more than the others), NYU (Stern), U Michigan (Ross), UC Berkeley (Haas), Notre Dame (Mendoza), Georgetown (McDonough), Northwestern, Duke, UVA (McIntire), Stanford, MIT, UChicago, and arguably the top liberal arts colleges (Williams, Amherst, etc.).

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Wharton is without a doubt the best finance school in the world. They have extremely bright students, a variety of unique programs, and by far the best investment banking output. Many buy-side firms will hire directly from Wharton. Harvard is obviously amazing but class sizes are smaller, which leads to fewer alumni.

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A college degree in finance or economics is typically the starting point for entry-level jobs at an investment bank. Accounting and business are also common educational backgrounds.

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Among investment banks, Goldman Sachs picked undergraduates most heavily from nearby New York University. Goldman Sachs prefers Ivy League schools, with Cornell, Harvard, and Columbia ranking third through fifth among employees with bachelor's degrees.

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Salary comparisons of CA and Investment banker

According to LinkedIn, the average base salary of a CA in India is 6 lakhs per annum with the total average compensation goes up to 6.25 lakhs per annum whereas the average salary of an Investment banker in India has an average base salary of 11.9 lakhs per annum.

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What Are the Big 4 Investment Banks? The big four are JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. Some other global giants are treading right on their heels, including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, and UBS.

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Investment Banking Managing Director Salary + Bonus: Base salaries are in the mid-six-figure range, with total compensation in the high six figures to low seven figures. An MD doing decently should earn between $1 and $3 million per year, and sometimes a low multiple of that (as of 2022).

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To do the job, you'll need a degree in accounting, business, finance, or management.

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Three of the top schools that investment banks consistently interview and hire from include the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Beyond the top schools, the Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, are also key spots that investment banks look to hire from.

Where do top investment banks recruit from? ›

Three of the top schools that investment banks consistently interview and hire from include the University of Pennsylvania, New York University, and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Beyond the top schools, the Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, are also key spots that investment banks look to hire from.

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In all, there are 99 feeder schools ranked by WSO in its 2022 report. See the full list here.
Top 25 Feeder School For Bulge Bracket Banks.
1. Harvard University
Morgan Stanley14
Credit Suisse8
Barclays Capital8
9 more columns
Feb 9, 2022

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To become an investment banker, it is absolutely essential that you earn a college degree. Usually, it doesn't matter which college you go to as long as there are plenty of opportunities for you to complete internships and make plenty of connections.

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Traditional MBAs are broader than the CFA program, covering topics such as management, marketing, and strategy. The CFA program, on the other hand, provides deeper coverage of investment management. Ultimately, the decision on which one to pursue depends on what one's career goals in finance are.

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