How to Become an Investment Banker (2024)

Everyone knows that investment banking is a lucrative field. Entry-level jobs quickly provide six-figure salaries. Senior investment bankers earn tens of millions of dollars every year. Getting to the top of this field is a multi-step process that requires a combination of education, ambition, hard work, skill, experience, connections, and sometimes more than a little bit of luck.

Here are the steps for reaching the top of the investment banking field:

  • Earn an undergraduate degree from a top school, with a major in finance, economics, or business.
  • Get an advanced degree, preferably an MBA.
  • Get an internship at a top firm to gain on-the-job training and a chance to impress potential employers.
  • Network like crazy to find a job.

Key Takeaways

  • A degree from an Ivy League college or other prestigious school gives you a better chance to land your first job in investment banking.
  • Investment bankers are sales professionals. Hone your selling skills by networking.
  • Earning an MBA is the traditional path but an advanced degree in mathematics is now highly prized by the investment banking world.

Get a College Degree...

A college degree in finance or economics is typically the starting point for entry-level jobs at an investment bank. Accounting and business are also common educational backgrounds. While it is true that liberal arts majors can get jobs on Wall Street, if you have your heart set on investment banking, you’ll be tilting the odds in your favor if you stick to the traditional fields of study that are most closely aligned with your career goals.

...At a Top-Tier School

Investment banks recruit from the best colleges and universities in the world. In the U.S., fledgling investment bankers are often plucked from Ivy League schools. In Great Britain, the London School of Economics is consistently the top choice, with University College London, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, and the University of Warwick among the perennial leaders. Remember, investment banking is a global enterprise with New York, London, Hong Kong, and Tokyo serving as home to the major money center banks that employ many of the world’s most successful investment bankers.

Can you go to a less prestigious institution and still achieve your goals? Sure you can, but just like choosing the right field of study, choosing the right school will help tip the odds in your favor. The schools that investment banks recruit from are well known, so attending one of these schools is a matter of putting yourself in a position where you have the greatest likelihood of being noticed.

When it comes to attracting notice, your grades are also important. Graduating at the top of your class will put you in a good position to draw the attention of campus recruiters and hiring managers.

There are roughly 4,000 investment companies in the United States, but fewer than two dozen are significant on a global scale. Consider carefully whether you want to work for an international entity or a smaller company.

Go for an Advanced Degree

While you can get a job with a bachelor’s degree, having an advanced degree is another way to improve your prospects. A Master of Business Administration (MBA) or an advanced degree in math can add to your appeal. A chartered financial analyst (CFA) certification can help, too.

Nail Down an Internship in Investment Banking

Internships provide a path for students and recent graduates to obtain full-time employment in just about every profession. Investment banking is no different. An internship gives you an opportunity to try out your desired field, gain exposure to the culture, get work experience, and impress potential employers. It’s an excellent way to jump-start your career.

Network, Network, Network

Investment bankers spend their time selling. They find exorbitant amounts of money and convince people to give it to them. They are the movers and shakers behind mergers and acquisitions of Fortune 500 companies, initial public offerings (IPOs) of private companies that command stratospheric valuations, and other high-finance deals that generate enormous fees. Networking is a critical part of the job, and perhaps even more so for those seeking to enter the field.

Long before you land your first megadeal you need to land a job. Selling yourself will be your first task, so every opportunity to do so is important. You need to mix and mingle with people who have the power to hire you or who can recommend you to people who do the hiring. And you need to make a good impression.

Of course, having a parent, uncle, cousin, or family friend who works in the business or has the right contacts never hurts either. The right words in the right ear can open doors. When trying to land the job opportunity of a lifetime in one of the world’s most competitive fields, most job seekers will take advantage of any path that gets them that proverbial foot in the door at the world’s top investment banks.

About That Good Impression

Having attended an elite school and having amassed some impressive credentials are crucial factors in terms of attracting recruiters. However, those interested in a career in investment banking also need to think about what impression they are making in terms of self-presentation and other social cues.

Investment bankers work with, and for, some of the world’s richest, most successful people. There is an expectation of both discretion and class in how bankers present themselves. Dressing well and carrying yourself in a professional and congenial manner is very important if you want to break into the industry.

A study by the U.K. government’s Social Mobility Commission provides a fascinating insight into how important it is for professionals to behave appropriately, dress professionally, and adhere to a dress code.

If all of that wasn't part of your background, it helps to be a quick study, at least to the extent of being able to blend in during your early years in this field, according to some participants included in the U.K. study.


The approximate number of investment bank industry employees in the United States, as of 2022.

The Bottom Line

After getting the best education, choosing your major, and networking like crazy, landing a job is an important step in the right direction. From there, keeping the job and advancing through the ranks are the next challenges. Staying in your job will require work weeks that routinely exceed 80 hours. If you want to drive a Ferrari, sip champagne, and vacation on the French Riviera, you’re going to have to work for it.

How to Become an Investment Banker (2024)


How to Become an Investment Banker? ›

Becoming an investment banker involves at least four years spent earning a bachelor's degree, plus additional time spent preparing for and earning FINRA licensure. Mid-level and advanced investment bankers typically earn master's degrees, which can take an additional two years to complete.

How long does it take to become an investment banker? ›

Becoming an investment banker involves at least four years spent earning a bachelor's degree, plus additional time spent preparing for and earning FINRA licensure. Mid-level and advanced investment bankers typically earn master's degrees, which can take an additional two years to complete.

What qualifications do you need to be an investment banker? ›

Most investment banks prefer degrees in finance, accounting, business administration, and other business disciplines. Undergraduate degree subjects are less influential in the hiring process if a candidate has a master's degree in business administration, finance, or another highly relevant subject.

Is it hard to be an investment banker? ›

Investment banking is one of Wall Street's most coveted roles. It is also one of the hardest. It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers.

What is the best degree to become an investment banker? ›

A college degree in finance or economics is typically the starting point for entry-level jobs at an investment bank. Accounting and business are also common educational backgrounds.

How do investment bankers start? ›

Getting Started in Investment Banking

An MBA, an advanced degree in math, or a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification can improve the prospects of a candidate. Networking informally and formally is crucial. An internship at a top firm can help someone get onto the first rung on the ladder.

How do I become an investment banker in Canada? ›

How to get into investment banking in Canada
  1. Complete formal education. ...
  2. Apply for an internship. ...
  3. Earn certifications. ...
  4. Perfect your resume. ...
  5. Build and maintain your professional network. ...
  6. Consider gaining experience in related jobs. ...
  7. Investment banking associate.
  8. Investment underwriter.
Mar 20, 2023

Is 30 too late to become an investment banker? ›

Are You Too Old? This is a vague question, so the only reasonable answer is: “It depends.” You will not win an IB Analyst or Associate role if you're a 40- or 50-year-old accountant, but if you want to make more money while doing something related to finance or deals, there are options.

What age do investment bankers start? ›

Age Range: Associates come from more diverse backgrounds, so 25-35 is the safest bet for the age range. It would be virtually impossible to become an IB Associate much before 25 unless you graduated university at age 18 or 20.

Is investment banking stressful? ›

Many investment bankers are Type A personalities, which means they are ambitious and driven. Young bankers are inducted into a stressful lifestyle from the get-go. They are encouraged to work long hours with very little free time to fit in socializing or relaxation. Many turn to caffeine and drugs to help them cope.

How many hours do investment bankers work? ›

On average, an investment banker works for 80 hours a week. But, yes, there may be some weeks where their working hours may go around to 100 hours a week. The working hours will also differ for different positions of employees.

Do I need CFA for investment banking? ›

Key Takeaways. A bachelor's degree and or a master's degree in a related field is often required to become an investment banker. Investment bankers often start their careers as analysts and do so by earning the CFA charter. Independent investment banks often pay higher bonuses to entry-level investment bankers.

Is investment banking a lot of math? ›

No matter what major you pursue, investment banking will require strong math and analytical skills with a firm understanding of economics and how it affects corporate finance. Also, internships during your bachelor's program can help you build working experience and enhance networking in the financial field.

How much sleep do investment bankers get? ›

How Much Sleep Do You Get in Investment Banking? Investment Bankers who average 80-hour work days will likely get around 7 hours of sleep per night assuming that they go to bed at around 2 AM and wake up around 9 AM.

What are the cons of being an investment banker? ›

Hours: Without question one of the biggest drawbacks are the hours that Investment Bankers work. It is not unusual to be expected to work through the night when deal flow is high. Working weekends is also common when deals are close to being struck.

What GPA do you need for investment banking? ›

Typically banks screen resumes based on GPA and will often remove anyone below 3.5. However, there is room for an exception here, and exceptional experience may bypass GPA requirements if one can prove competency or high value to the bank.

Is investment banking career worth it? ›

Pros of being an investment banker

Working in the financial industry can be a potentially lucrative career choice, and the average national salary for investment bankers is $66,493 per year . Successful investment bankers can earn both high base salaries and significant commissions.

Can you become a millionaire as an investment banker? ›

Can you become a millionaire as an investment banker? It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy.

How much money do investment bankers make in Canada? ›

The average investment banker salary in Canada is $130,592 per year or $66.97 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $129,095 per year, while most experienced workers make up to $131,860 per year.

Which course is best for banking in Canada? ›

A career in financial services is within reach.
  • Certificate in Financial Services Advice (CFSA)
  • Certificate in Advanced Financial Advice (CAFA)
  • Certificate in Advanced Investment Advice (CAIA)
  • Certificate in Small Business Banking (CSBB)
  • Certificate in Technical Analysis (CITA)

Do investment bankers travel a lot? ›

Client Management:

Since investment banks work for customers across the world, investment bankers need to travel a lot to service their customers and maintain relationships with their firm's largest accounts.

Which Canadian bank pays the most? ›

Among the country's largest lenders, National Bank of Canada had the biggest pay-per-worker increase.

How much do RBC investment bankers make? ›

The median yearly total compensation reported at RBC for the Investment Banker role is $77,426.

Which schools do investment banks recruit from Canada? ›

Western University (Ivey) and Queen's University (Smith) are the top two schools for investment banking in Canada.

Who is the youngest investment banker? ›

Rajat Tiwari: The Youngest Indian Ingenious of Global Investment Banking. Like the changing weather of our globe, the investment climate of the global financial world keeps evolving.

Do investment bankers really work 80 hours? ›

The short version here is: Yes, investment banking hours, especially in your first year or two, are always bad (think: 70-80 hours in the office per week). But junior bankers also tend to exaggerate their hours, often by not subtracting downtime or breaks during the day.

What do investment bankers do after 2 years? ›

The work includes three primary tasks: presentations, analysis, and administrative. After two years of working for the investment bank, top performing analysts are often offered the chance to stay for a third year, and the most successful analysts can be promoted after three years to investment banking associate.

Do all investment bankers work long hours? ›

How Many Hours Do Investment Bankers Actually Work? Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand.

What is the life of an investment banker? ›

A Day in the Life of a Investment Banker. Investment bankers advise their clients on high level issues of financial organization. They manage the issuance of bonds, recommend and execute strategies for taking over and merging with other companies, and handle selling a company's stock to the public.

Is 24 too old to start investing? ›

No matter how old you are, the best time to start investing was a while ago. But it's never too late to do something. Just make sure the decisions you make are the right ones for your age—your investment approach should age with you.

What is the dropout rate for investment bankers? ›

Working as a junior M&A banker in a big investment bank can make you very good money, but it may well be at the expense of both your health and your social life. A new study suggests that 44% of junior M&A and corporate finance bankers who join banks out of university leave the industry within three years.

Is investment banking high paying? ›

Investment banker, investment broker and financial services professional are some of the highest-paying positions in the finance industry. These roles typically require a bachelor's degree in a related field, such as finance or business, and may require additional certifications or licensing.

What is the least stressful job in finance? ›

The least stressful job in the finance sector is "Accounting." It requires you to build a routine that you can follow daily. It does not require much effort if you have the skill. An accountant is never on the counter and does not have to deal with clients face to face.

How many hours do investment bankers work in Canada? ›

You need to put in at least 90 hours every week in Canadian investment banks.

How much free time do investment bankers have? ›

At 60 hours, you can have one full free day off and generally only have to do some light work on the other day. You might not get to choose exactly when that time is, but in general, this is survivable. You'll see from the schedule that most people get into work around 10am in banking.

Why do investment bankers get paid so much? ›

As long as investment banks remain gatekeepers to the market for companies (and capital markets), they will be able to extract high fees, and use those high fees to pay high salaries and bonuses.

Is the CPA or CFA harder? ›

The CPA certification is typically viewed as more difficult than the CFA because it covers a broader set of topics. The CPA exam broadly focuses on all aspects of accounting while the CFA exam solely focuses on finance. In the end, the difficulty of either exam depends largely on your knowledge and experience.

Is an MBA worth it for investment banking? ›

An MBA degree can help you transition from investment banking into highly desirable roles in private equity and hedge fund management. If you plan to work at one of the top investment banking firms, an MBA may be your only way in. Banks sometimes offer tuition assistance for employees who want to pursue an MBA.

Why do I want to be an investment banker? ›

Investment banking offers the opportunity to become an expert at building large, complex financial models at the earliest stage of your career. While bankers aren't necessarily great investors, they do spend a lot of time on valuation work, and this can be an excellent way to start your career.

Can I do finance if I'm bad at math? ›

Believe it or not, mastery of advanced math skills is not necessary to have a career in finance. With today's technology, all math-related tasks can be done by computers and calculators. That said, there are some basic math skills that would certainly make you a better candidate in the finance industry.

Do investment bankers need to know coding? ›

According to the Financial Times (pay wall), the banking giant is putting all its new investment bankers and managers through code school. They are expected to learn and become proficient in using coding language Python. The bank has so far trained around a third of its analysts and staff.

Do investment bankers learn on the job? ›

Investment banks regularly take on undergraduate and graduate interns and provide them with training and mentorship. Interns typically perform the same kinds of duties that analysts and associates perform, including gathering data, working with financial models, and interacting with clients.

Can investment bankers make 500k? ›

Executives in investment banking can make upward of $300,000-$500,000 per year. Investment banking can also lead to other high-paying careers in finance, such as private equity and wealth management.

How do you survive IB hours? ›

11 survival tips for analysts and associates in investment...
  1. Never ask for work. ...
  2. But don't get comfortable. ...
  3. Ask for help, but try to avoid bothering your manager. ...
  4. It is, sadly, really all about the team. ...
  5. Don't get drawn into competition with your peers. ...
  6. Have a clear career plan. ...
  7. Move around.
Feb 17, 2017

What time do investment bankers go home? ›

The investment banking lifestyle is fast paced and very demanding. On any given day, investment bankers are busy from dusk til dawn with meetings, projects, and presentations. They usually eat all three meals at work and don't go home until late at night.

Can you survive investment banking? ›

You would surely earn enough, but it is hard to discover time to spend it. Life as an investment banker will be hectic, but investment banking is the right choice for those who wish to live through dedication, competition, risks, and perform well.

What skills do investment bankers need? ›

Investment Banker Qualifications/Skills:
  • Strong communication, networking and interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
  • Skilled in research and analysis.
  • Effective presentation skills.
  • Ability to manage time and projects.
  • Knowledge of relevant regulations related to securities and M&As.

Can investment bankers be introverts? ›

The answer is a resounding yes. Introverts typically prefer quiet solitude to noisy crowds. Financial advisors study financial trends, so they can make great investment recommendations to their clients. They spend as much time on research as they do on prospecting, and meeting with, clients.

What majors do investment banks look for? ›

To become an investment banker, you need a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Common majors are finance, business, economics, and accounting.

Do investment banks look at grades? ›

Grades below those levels don't necessarily mean that banks will reject you right away, but they do make it harder to win interviews through the normal process. But there are limits to that statement; for example, if you have below a 3.0 GPA in the U.S., then banks may reject you just based on that.

What is the most popular degree for investment banking? ›

Most investment banks prefer degrees in finance, accounting, business administration, and other business disciplines. Undergraduate degree subjects are less influential in the hiring process if a candidate has a master's degree in business administration, finance, or another highly relevant subject.

Is investment banking a risky career? ›

It is a high risk, high reward career that demands a high degree of commitment, and a herculean ability to juggle your work-life balance.

Is it hard to be hired as an investment banker? ›

Investment banking is extremely competitive with way more applicants than available positions each year. You will often be up against students from Ivy League universities, with a high GPAs and multiple internships under their belts.

Do investment bankers do a lot of math? ›

There's addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division… and occasionally built-in Excel functions like IRR, Mean, and Median. You never use calculus or differential equations or even geometry / trigonometry. Just arithmetic and sometimes algebra.

Is investment banker stressful? ›

Many investment bankers are Type A personalities, which means they are ambitious and driven. Young bankers are inducted into a stressful lifestyle from the get-go. They are encouraged to work long hours with very little free time to fit in socializing or relaxation. Many turn to caffeine and drugs to help them cope.

What are the big 4 investment banks? ›

What Are the Big 4 Investment Banks? The big four are JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Morgan Stanley. Some other global giants are treading right on their heels, including Deutsche Bank, Barclays, Credit Suisse, and UBS.

What hours do investment bankers work? ›

What are Investment Banking Hours? On average, an investment banker works for 80 hours a week. But, yes, there may be some weeks where their working hours may go around to 100 hours a week. The working hours will also differ for different positions of employees.

Do investment bankers make 7 figures? ›

Investment Banking Managing Director Salary + Bonus: Base salaries are in the mid-six-figure range, with total compensation in the high six figures to low seven figures. An MD doing decently should earn between $1 and $3 million per year, and sometimes a low multiple of that (as of 2022).

What is the highest paying job in banking? ›

investment banker

Which degree is best for investment banking in Canada? ›

4 Banking & Investment Bachelor's in Canada
  • Bachelor. Financial Planning (Honours) Seneca College. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  • Advanced Diploma. Business Administration - Financial Planning. Seneca College. ...
  • Advanced Diploma. Business Administration - Financial Planning. Conestoga College. ...
  • B.Sc. Actuarial Science. Faculty of Science.

How much does it cost to study investment banking in Canada? ›

MBA applicants can choose Banking Investment among other specialisations. Graduates of this course can take up jobs as investment bankers, private equity professionals, consultants, etc. The tuition fee is around 42,000 CAD per year.

Can you be a millionaire as an investment banker? ›

Investment Banking is a highly prestigious profession in the field of finance and whoever works in this sector is known to lead a luxurious life making it a hot career choice for many people. So yes, if you work hard and do your job right, there's no way you cannot become a millionaire.

Is 40k a good salary in Canada? ›

The average salary in Toronto is $62,050, which is 14% higher than the Canadian average salary of $54,450. A person making $40,000 a year in Toronto makes 35.5% less than the average working person in Toronto and will take home about $32,284.

How much interest does $1 million dollars earn per year in Canada? ›

Before we take a closer look at these details, however, let's consider how interest rates work in Canada and how it impacts that cool million.
Interest Income Calculator – Canada.
Annual Interest RateAnnual Interest IncomeMonthly Interest Income
6 more rows
Apr 1, 2023

How much does RBC Level 7 pay? ›

RBC PL07 Software Engineer Salary | $84K-$148K+ | Levels.

What is the salary in investment bank in Canada? ›

The average salary for Investment Banking Analyst is CA$92,932 per year in the Toronto, ON, Canada. The average additional cash compensation for a Investment Banking Analyst in the Toronto, ON, Canada is CA$59,750, with a range from CA$25,787 - CA$1,38,444.

Do investment bankers make millions a year? ›

It is possible to become a millionaire as an investment banker, but it is not easy. Investment bankers typically earn salaries in the $200,000 to $700,000 range, with bonuses that can bring their total income up to several million dollars per year.

Is CFA worth it for investment banking? ›

You can do the degree course in finance, accounting, math, banking-related courses, etc. Let us make it clear that you can become an investment banker without getting the CFA Charter. However, with the CFA Charter, you will be able to explore and discover several new opportunities and also get a higher salary.

Do you need an MBA to be an investment banker? ›

An MBA degree is not a requirement for entering the investment banking field; however, you may have an easier time securing a job with this advanced degree.

Do investment bankers get fired? ›

Unfortunately, most investment banking analysts get fired for disciplinary reasons with cause – most commonly, and this is actually pretty sad, cheating on their expenses.

Do investment bankers work a lot of hours? ›

How Many Hours Do Investment Bankers Actually Work? Investment banking is not a normal 9-to-5 job — investment bankers can work anywhere from 60 to over 100 hours per week, depending on the company and the deals at hand.

Is CFA still respected? ›

The CFA charter is one of the most respected designations in finance and is widely considered to be the gold standard in the field of investment analysis. To become a charter holder, candidates must pass three difficult exams, have a bachelors degree, and have at least four years of relevant professional experience.

What is the downside of CFA? ›

It's also expensive: there's a one-time enrollment fee along with exam and registration fees, plus the cost of books and study programs, and the income you're likely to lose while pursuing the credential. All in, you will spend anywhere from $2,500 to $8,500 and roughly two to four to years complete the CFA program.

Which MBA is best for investment banking in Canada? ›

Western University (Ivey) and Queen's University (Smith) are the top two schools for investment banking in Canada.

Do investment bankers work alone? ›

Investment banking deals are done in small teams of 4-6 bankers who usually work with one analyst, one associate, one vice president, possibly a director, and the lead managing director on the deal.

How do I become an investment banker without college? ›

  1. Learn the Lingo.
  2. Round off Your Education.
  3. Enroll in a Financial Boot Camp.
  4. Expand Your Knowledge Base.
  5. Use a Trading Simulator.
  6. Complete Industry Courses.
  7. Maintain a Financial Blog.
  8. Link Up With a Mentor.

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