The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Nonprofit Founder (2024)

The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Nonprofit Founder (1)

Founders play a special role when it comes to the birth and success of a nonprofit. They bring passion, energy, and vision to the mission, which can spread like wildfire throughout the organization.

There are often questions from inside and outside the nonprofit community about the role and responsibilities of the founder once the organization has been started. This article will delve into those questions in an effort to clear up the confusion.

What Is A Founder?

In this case, the founder refers to an individual who establishes a company or institution. More specifically, for the purposes of this article, the founder refers to the person who created a nonprofit organization.

Does The Founder Have A Title?

The founder or founders of a newly formed nonprofit typically hold the position of Board President or Chairman of the Board (often referred to as just “Chairman”). The founder’s official title and role can change depending on the needs and desires of the board.

The Overall Role Of The Founder

The general role of the founder is to manage day-to-day operations, organize fundraising efforts, and secure funding as needed. It is essential for the founder to keep a sharp eye out for potential risks to your nonprofit and implement strategies to mitigate those risks. If and when an Executive Director is hired, it is common for the founder to hand over the reins of these responsibilities to this individual.

The founder is often tasked with leading the nonprofit, and is perceived by the board members to be the leader of the organization. Typically, the Executive Director’s role depends on the nonprofit board culture and relies heavily on whether the organization has set out its mission.

Main Responsibilities As Founder

It is the duty of the founding head of a nonprofit organization to establish the vision and strategic direction of the organization. The role also includes ensuring that all the necessary administrative tasks are running smoothly.

Some of the responsibilities as founder or chairman include:

  • Board member selection
  • Laying out the role of the board members in setting policies for the organization
  • Implementing the policies the board members have set for the organization’s activities
  • Approving annual operating budgets (unless stated otherwise in the organization’s policies)
  • Determining salaries of staff
  • Approving contracts
  • Approving major expenditures that impact the organization’s finances
  • Overseeing the organization’s finances
  • Representing the interests of the organization to the public, donors, and others
  • Overseeing the work of committees of the board
  • Supervising and monitoring the work of outside professionals and consultants

Note: Many of the duties listed above are often handed over to the Executive Director once he or she is in place.

Common Questions Related To Founding A Nonprofit Organization

Does The Founder Own The Nonprofit?

While many assume that the founder is by default the owner, there is no legal way for anyone to actually have full or partial ownership of a nonprofit. There are no shareholders or shares of stock, and due to its non-commercial purpose, a nonprofit organization is strictly monitored and prohibited from operating in a manner that produces a profit for an individual or individuals (ownership).

Does The Founder Get Paid?

From a legal standpoint, founders are not allowed to make a profit or benefit from the net earnings of the nonprofit’s efforts. However, there are other ways founders can be compensated by the organization.

Can The Founder Of A Nonprofit Get Fired?

The founder of a nonprofit organization can be fired if his or her actions are not approved by the board of directors or shareholders, or if the actions of the founder cast a negative light on the organization. For example, the board of directors can fire the founder and appoint a new person to serve in that role if they wish to do so.

Tools For New And Growing Nonprofits

Starting a nonprofit to achieve a particular mission is a worthy and admirable endeavor, and any individual who chooses to take on this challenging task should be commended. Between choosing a board, setting up board meetings, settling on an annual budget, and creating and implementing your organization’s marketing plan, the founder has their fingerprints all over every aspect of the nonprofit’s activities starting from day one.

Fortunately, Aplos has created nonprofit management tools that are specifically designed to address the unique needs of your day-to-day operations. Over 40,000 organizations trust Aplos to streamline their activities, saving time and money in the process.

Learn how Aplos can make your nonprofit run more efficiently.

The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Nonprofit Founder (2)

Bryan Halverson

Bryan Halverson aims to provide quality content for nonprofits and churches.

The Roles And Responsibilities Of A Nonprofit Founder (2024)


What are the roles and responsibilities of a nonprofit co founder? ›

The general role of the founder is to manage day-to-day operations, organize fundraising efforts, and secure funding as needed. It is essential for the founder to keep a sharp eye out for potential risks to your nonprofit and implement strategies to mitigate those risks.

What are the top three responsibilities for a nonprofit board of directors? ›

The basics

Just as for any corporation, the board of directors of a nonprofit has three primary legal duties known as the “duty of care,” “duty of loyalty,” and “duty of obedience.”

Can the founder of a nonprofit serve on the board? ›

Yes, the founder of a nonprofit organization may serve on the board of directors and they usually do. However, refrain from adopting undemocratic terms or special considerations for the founder in the bylaws.

What are the roles and responsibilities of nonprofit boards of directors within the governance process? ›

Nonprofit Boards: 7 Key Responsibilities for Good Governance
  • Ensure Effective Organizational Planning.
  • Provide Sufficient Resources.
  • Make Sure the Organization Fulfills Legal Obligations.
  • Provide Proper Financial Oversight.
  • Select and Evaluate the Executive Director.
  • Improve the Organization's Public Standing.
Dec 8, 2020

What are the roles and responsibilities of a founder? ›

  • Recognize Market Opportunities.
  • Forming and orchestrating the team.
  • Lead Product Development.
  • Performing direct Marketing and Promotion launching.
  • Providing Financial Estimates.
  • Create Business Plans and legal Documents.
  • Build and Lead the Team.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a co-founder? ›

The co-founder of a startup is generally the person who defines the business idea. They always have a say in a startup's strategy and decision-making and are responsible for implementing its vision. Their other responsibilities can also include bringing in investment or providing technical or business skills.

What are three 3 responsibilities of an effective board of directors? ›

Recruiting, supervising, retaining, evaluating and compensating the CEO or general manager are probably the most important functions of the board of directors. Value-added business boards need to aggressively search for the best possible candidate for this position.

What are the 4 main functions of the board? ›

Hence, it is argued, boards can be helped greatly by focusing on four key areas:
  • establishing vision, mission and values.
  • setting strategy and structure.
  • delegating to management.
  • exercising accountability to shareholders and being responsible to relevant stakeholders.
Sep 13, 2021

What are the leadership roles in a non profit organization? ›

The leadership of a nonprofit is primarily its Board of Directors. They are responsible for strategic planning, financial oversight, fundraising, and hiring other leadership roles like the Executive Director. Nonprofits usually lack the resources to solicit leaders with more qualifications and experience.

Is the founder of a nonprofit the owner? ›

If the founder is a member of the board of directors, a founder usually has the same responsibilities as other board members. While a founder may feel closer to the organization that they helped to form, a founder usually has no ownership rights regarding the nonprofit corporation.

Can a nonprofit founder pay themselves? ›

It is perfectly legal to pay individuals for their work! Our government realizes that it would be challenging to ask people to do the work needed to grow a charity without any form of compensation. It is legal for nonprofit founders and officers to get receive a salary for their work for the nonprofit.

What do you call the founder of a nonprofit? ›

Note that often, for smaller nonprofits, the titles “President” and “Executive Director” are interchangeable meaning that both are commonly used as the title for the founder. Though technically, “President” is an officer title, whereas “Executive Director” is more often a staff role.

What are the roles and responsibilities of the governance board? ›

Boards have numerous responsibilities: they oversee management, finances, and quality; set strategic direction; build community relationships; establish ethical standards, values, and compliance; and select a CEO and monitor his or her progress.

What is the accountability of a nonprofit board? ›

Accountability is central to nonprofit board service. After all, boards are accountable to the organization's constituencies; boards are accountable for complying with governmental regulations; and boards are responsible for holding the CEO/executive director accountable.

What are the 16 governance responsibilities of the board of directors of publicly listed companies? ›

  • Establishing a Competent Board.
  • Establishing Clear Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Establishing Board Committees.
  • Fostering Commitment.
  • Reinforcing Board Independence.
  • Assessing Board Performance.
  • Strengthening Board Ethics.
  • Enhancing Company Disclosure Policies and.

What makes a good founder? ›

Founders acknowledge that ideas are generated continuously, and so, they are flexible, open-minded and considerate of adjustments and advice from others. Drive and Discipline - Have a strong passion for the work and the company. They exemplify a genuine love for their work and, do not give up when things are tough.

What qualities should a founder have? ›

Those qualities will include vision, passion, the ability to build workable teams, the ability to stay focused on a goal, the willingness to ask for what is needed, humility, and persistence.

What skills does a founder need? ›

The key skills every startup founder needs
  • Being able to identify opportunities.
  • Being able to sell your idea.
  • Being able to build a team.
  • Being able to execute your plan.
  • Being able to raise money.
  • Being able to manage finances.
  • Being customer focused.
  • Being resilient.
Mar 23, 2023

What is a founder or the founder role? ›

In business, a founder is an individual who forms and establishes a business or organization. The founder is typically responsible for setting the mission and vision of a company. Essentially, a founder takes a business from an idea to an entity.

Is there a difference between founder and co-founder? ›

The founder sets up the business infrastructure and works to get it off the ground. Entrepreneurs who launch a business by themselves are known as “solo founders.” If multiple people are involved in the company's launch, however, then they may all receive the title of “co-founder.”

What is the difference between co owner and founder? ›

A founder is a person who has the initial idea and establishes a business. A co-founder is the one who goes along with that founder's initial thoughts and helps make the new company flourish. There might be cases in which each person in a starting duo is equal in terms of rights and obligations.

What are 3 primary responsibilities of a director? ›

Determining the company's strategic objectives and policies. Monitoring progress towards achieving the objectives and policies. Appointing senior management. Accounting for the company's activities to relevant parties, eg shareholders.

What are five of the primary tasks of being a director? ›

Directors audition and cast actors; assemble and oversee the production team; provide design directives; lead rehearsals; and manage the production schedule of the project, ensuring that all the moving parts connect.

What are two of the most important fiduciary duties of the board of directors? ›

Directors have fiduciary duties of loyalty and care to the company and its stockholders. Duty of loyalty. You must put the interests of the company and its stockholders over your own personal interests in making decisions for the Company and evaluating opportunities.

What is accountability as a function of the board? ›

In general terms, Board accountability is about taking responsibility for all of a company's activities and presenting a fair, balanced and understandable assessment of an organisation's position and prospects to stakeholders.

What are the two main functions of the board of directors? ›

In general, the role of the board is to provide high-level oversight of corporate activities and performance, while some individual board members may take on more involved or activist roles. Directors' actions can have a critical impact on a company's profitability.

What makes a strong nonprofit leader? ›

“A strong nonprofit leader drives a sense of mission down through the organization, upward into the board and outward in to the community. He or she is willing to do whatever it takes to enable the organization to follow their mission effectively.”

What is the best management structure for a nonprofit? ›

Many nonprofit organizations choose to use sociocracy for their organizational structure. Sociocracy uses circle structures, which means an interconnected set of “circles,” or committees. Each circle has a particular domain, or area of decision-making responsibility, as well as aims, meaning particular goals.

What are the 4 nonprofit leadership leader types? ›

In general, though, nonprofit organizations have five common leadership styles.
  • Transformational leadership. Transformational leaders apply enthusiasm, optimism, and confidence to their roles. ...
  • Participative leadership. ...
  • Charismatic leadership. ...
  • Transactional leadership. ...
  • Servant leadership.
Jan 30, 2023

Can the founder be a director? ›

It is common for a founder of a company to also have the role of a director and shareholder. Even if you are not the founder of a company, you may be a director and a shareholder. Each of these roles comes with different rights and responsibilities.

Can a founder be a CEO of a non profit? ›

As many of you know, there are two roles that the Founder can take in the organization. You can either be a volunteer board member who votes to make major decisions for the organization, or a paid executive who makes the day-to-day decisions (usually referred to as executive director or CEO).

When a founder leaves a nonprofit? ›

The founder may go on a six month to one-year sabbatical to give the nonprofit time to adjust his or her absence. Ultimately, the founder accepts a reduced but important role in the organization. The founder does not sit on the Board of Directors.

How much money do founders of nonprofits make? ›

The nonprofit founder sits on the board and is NOT paid for the time they put into the organization. Nonprofit board members need to be volunteers (getting paid can get you into some real legal trouble).

Can a founder be a board member? ›

A founder can be a director and be on the board. In fact, they usually are. Starting out you as the CEO and the other founder (keep it to one) are directors. It's going to be the COO or CTO, depending on your labels.

How much of a nonprofit budget should be salaries? ›

Salaries are a large part of a nonprofit's program expenses, as it cannot run without a staff. The Better Business Bureau's Charity Accountability Standards state that nonprofits should spend at least 65% of their operating budget on program expenses. About 75% to 90% of this 65% should go toward paying employees.

Can a founder of a nonprofit be fired? ›

If the others on the board are really concerned about the mission, they can start their own organization to pursue the goals. For founders who don't protect themselves, they can be ousted by a majority of their family and friends who they put on the board, as is likely to be the case in your situation.

What is the highest position in a non profit? ›

A nonprofit Executive Director is the highest position within an organization. This role is responsible for directing the nonprofit to achieve its mission and determining the right talent, resources, and tools to implement programs effectively.

Can CEO and President be the same person nonprofit? ›

A nonprofit can have a president/CEO and an executive director if the organization maintains a specific structure. For example: President/CEO who has full authority for operations.

Who is responsible for board governance? ›

The board of directors takes on the role of governance. Governance is the practice of the board of directors coming together to make decisions about the direction of the company. Duties such as oversight, strategic planning, decision-making and financial planning fall under governance activities.

What does governance mean for nonprofit board? ›

Nonprofit governance simply means how your nonprofit is administered. The key players in a nonprofit organization are the directors, officers, committees, members, executive director, staff and volunteers, and any existing advisory boards or friends groups.

What is good governance on a board? ›

Good governance requires the right ingredients (the right mix of board members), a chef to provide leadership and accountability, and careful mixing and stirring of candid discussions, transparent practices, and thoughtful governance policies. Your board can master the recipe with the right resources.

Who holds board members accountable? ›

Board service is all about accountability. After all, boards are responsible for holding the CEO accountable; boards are accountable to the organization's constituencies and to governmental regulations.

What are the three basic duties of a nonprofit board member? ›

Nonprofit board members have the legal responsibility to meet the duty of care, the duty of loyalty, and the duty of obedience.

Who holds nonprofit organizations accountable? ›

Non-profit organizations are accountable to the donors or sponsors that have provided them with the finances to conduct their operations. The managers should acknowledge all the volunteers and respect their contributions to the mission to be achieved.

What is the role of the chairman of the board? ›

The Chairman is responsible for leading the Board and focusing it on strategic matters, overseeing the Group's business and setting high governance standards. He plays a pivotal role in fostering the effectiveness of the Board and individual Directors, both inside and outside the board room.

Which is the best description of the role of the board of directors in governance? ›

Essentially, it is the role of the board of directors to hire the CEO or general manager of the business and assess the overall direction and strategy of the business. The CEO or general manager is responsible for hiring all of the other employees and overseeing the day-to-day operation of the business.

What makes a good co-founder? ›

Founders acknowledge that ideas are generated continuously, and so, they are flexible, open-minded and considerate of adjustments and advice from others. Drive and Discipline - Have a strong passion for the work and the company. They exemplify a genuine love for their work and, do not give up when things are tough.

What is the difference between founder and co-founder? ›

If a startup has both a founder and co-founders, this likely means that the founder was the company's original ideator, while the co-founders joined in along the entrepreneurial journey.

What are the benefits of being a co-founder? ›

Having a co-founder can contribute skills, strategic thinking, execution, ideas, network, and possibly even emotional and mental support. Running a business is not easy - but there are ways to make it less difficult.

How much should I give my co-founder? ›

The short answer to "how much equity should a founder keep" is founders should keep at least 50% equity in a startup for as long as possible, while investors get between 20 and 30%. There should also be a 10 to 20% portion set aside for employee stock options and, in some cases, about 5% left in a reserve pool.

Does a co-founder get 50%? ›

Equal ownership equity splits are determined by dividing 100% of the equity shares by the number of co-founders involved in the start-up. If there are five co-founders, each co-founder receives 20% equity in the company.

What percentage should a co-founder get? ›

In general, independent startup advisors account for a maximum of 5% of shares. Investors own 20-30% of startup shares, while the founders and co-founders should have more than 60%. You can also leave around 5% of available shares but allocate 10% to employees.

Is the founder the same as the owner? ›

That is the distinction between founders, owners, and chief executives. Founders will always be founders, whereas owners and CEOs are interchangeable and subject to change. Founders may also serve as the company's owner and chief executive officer, but juggling all three roles simultaneously will be difficult.

Is a co-founder an owner? ›

A co-founder is a member of the executive team who played a role in the founding of a company. This person typically works with other founders to create and launch a business.

Can a co-founder quit? ›

In the majority of companies, if a co-founder expresses their intention to leave, the rest of the founders will try to negotiate terms with them, like increasing their compensation or their stakes, etc. if the co-founder is a valuable asset to the company, the company will want him to stay.

How do co founders make money? ›

However, finding the right way to do so can be quite challenging. Startup founders have some option to make money, such as income from dividends, a salary, receive founder's stock or other equity compensation, or take on outside investment which can provide them with capital in exchange for a percentage of the company.

Is founder better than co-founder? ›

One person has more equity in the business than the other. This is often the case when co-founders join the company at different times. The original founder takes the largest share of equity, while later co-founders and employees receive a smaller share depending on their level of contribution.

What happens when a co-founder resigns? ›

In some cases, co-founder exits may be amicable. The departing co-founder may continue to support the company in an advisory or shareholder capacity. In other cases, co-founder exits may be contentious and tricky. This would result in legal disputes and challenges for the company's ongoing operations.

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