The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)

    RD.COM Zodiac

    The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (1)Jessie QuinnUpdated: Mar. 27, 2023

      Wondering if you’ll be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023? Find out when it's your time to shine—and when you should be on your guard.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2), Getty Images (2)

      What’s in store for you this year?

      While hard work, smart decisions and compatible relationships ultimately determine where we are in life, sometimes it all seems just a little bit easier. It’s like the universe is on our side, and all the stars suddenly align. And if you follow astrology, that’s pretty accurate! Some signs are luckier than others at certain times of the year because of the planets’ positions, and some signs are lucky all year long. So what can we expect this year—and will you be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023?

      The first thing you need to know is that 2023 will be all about comfort, security, independence and individuality, according to astrologer Liz Simmons. “At the beginning of 2023, we may feel more inclined to make the most of creating a safe space for ourselves by budgeting appropriately, saving instead of spending and focusing on what we value the most,” she explains, noting that this energy is a carryover from last year. But by the time March rolls around, Simmons says old cycles from 2022 will wrap up, “allowing us to feel more empowered as we get ready to embrace a new cycle of independence.”

      Which will be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023?

      While every zodiac sign will have its moment in the spotlight in 2023, two zodiac signs will have a particularly lucky year. According to Alice Alta, resident astrologer for the Futurio app, it is Aries’s and Taurus’s time to shine. This is all thanks to Jupiter, which starts the year in Aries and then moves to Taurus in May, where it will remain until 2024. “The influence of this planet can help you expand your horizons and achieve success,” says Alta. If you understand your zodiac element and rising sign,you could bolster that success even more.

      But Aries and Taurus aren’t the only ones who will find luck and happiness in 2023. Scroll down to see which months luck will be on your side … and which months you may want to tread a bit more lightly. Interested in the Chinese zodiac too? Find out how 2023’s Year of the Rabbit will affect you as well.

      GetReader’s Digest’sRead Up newsletterfor more zodiac insights, humor, cleaning, travel, tech and fun facts all week long.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (3), Getty Images (2)

      Aries (March 21–April 19)

      Lucky month: July

      Challenging month: November

      It’s going to be your year, Aries! And the first few months of 2023 will be particularly lucky for you, thanks to Jupiter being in your sign. While things will change a bit in May, when Jupiter moves into Taurus, the change won’t necessarily be a bad one. In fact, your luckiest month will occur after this planetary shift. Beginning on July 17, “Aries will become aligned with their true purpose,” says Simmons. “They will feel more self-assured in love and career opportunities.”

      It’s pretty much smooth sailing in 2023, except for November, when Saturn goes into retrograde and Aries won’t be able to hide from poor coping mechanisms and mental-health stressors. “Although this Saturn retrograde could be highly introspective, it may also feel overwhelming for Aries to confront their demons,” says Simmons. To get through this time, Aries might find comfort in engaging in self-care or journaling their thoughts.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (4), Getty Images (2)

      Taurus (April 20–May 20)

      Lucky month: May

      Challenging month: September

      Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth, enters Taurus in May. The celestial bull “will find that it’s much easier to make friends, attract romantic prospects and call in financial abundance during this time,” says astrologer Meghan Rose. And though May is Taurus’s top month, this sun sign will have Jupiter on its side for the rest of the year, making it the luckiest zodiac sign of 2023, along with Aries.

      The one month to watch out for? September. Jupiter will go retrograde in Taurus on Sept. 4, says Simmons, and the bull’s “luck will quite literally turn on a dime. Jupiter retrograde will pump the brakes on Taurus’s serendipity, fortune and adventures.” You’ll likely experience growing pains during this time and need to work through them, but don’t worry—things will pick up after this retrograde, and Taurus will remain the luckiest zodiac sign until 2024.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (5), Getty Images (2)

      Gemini (May 21–June 20)

      Lucky month: June

      Challenging month: January

      “Gemini will feel especially confident during June [when the sun is in Gemini], with the sun’s energy heightening their charisma, curiosity and mutability,” says Simmons. Because of that, Geminis will be particularly lucky in June. According to Rose, June is also the month when Mars, the planet of aggression, “is finally out of your sign and enters into more gentle and sensitive Cancer, giving you some breathing room.” What does that mean for you? Take advantage of this time to experience joy and lean into the spirit of adventure. This could look like planning a fun summer getaway or exploring your city and enjoying everything it has to offer.

      And you’ll be glad to hear this, Gemini, but you got through the worst of things at the start of the year. Because Mars was stationed in Gemini through Jan. 12, you might have had a rough time slogging through projects, taking the lead and blowing off steam, says Simmons. But hopefully that’s all a distant memory by now, and you should do a little happy dance, because the rest of the year is looking up!

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (6), Getty Images (2)

      Cancer (June 21–July 22)

      Lucky months: July and October

      Challenging month: December

      You might not technically be the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023, Cancer, but get ready for an amazing summer! In July, the sun will be in Cancer, and at the end of the month, there will also be a new moon in Cancer. “Both transits will amplify Cancer’s intuition, sensitivity and empathy—perfect for seeking natural alignment with Cancer’s true calling,” says Simmons. This is a good time to figure out what you really want in life. And lucky you: October is also destined to be an amazing month for you. “Expect windfalls and miracles during this time,” says Rose, “and with the sun sitting in your seventh house of partnership, you could either deepen your existing relationship or find a new (and long-term) love of your dreams.”

      A few months later, in December, Cancer might find times to be a bit challenging, since Mercury will be in retrograde. “Cancer may feel suddenly unsure of their commitments in business and love during this Mercury retrograde,” Simmons explains. “Plans to move forward with arrangements may also be thwarted, so this could cause additional stress.” You may want to surround yourself with your zodiac power colors to try to soothe your nerves and offset the negative energy.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (7), Getty Images (2)

      Leo (July 23–Aug. 22)

      Lucky month: September

      Challenging month: August

      Summer might be hit or miss for you, Leo, but by the time September rolls around, you’ll feel more confident about your love life, financial situation and commitments. In fact, this will be a fantastic time to focus more on relationships of all kinds, since Venus, the planet of love, will enter Leo at the beginning of October.

      So let’s talk about those summer months. We’re not going to lie: It’s likely going to be rough, especially in August. “August is projected to be Leo’s unluckiest month, since Venus retrograde will be occurring during this month in Leo’s sign,” explains Simmons. But this too shall pass for Leo, and things will turn around shortly, so keep your head up!

      Next, find out which is the funniest zodiac sign.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (8), Getty Images (2)

      Virgo (Aug. 23–Sept. 22)

      Lucky month: February

      Challenging months: August and September

      Love may be in the air for everyone around Valentine’s Day, but that’s even more true for Virgos this year. “Between the sun, Venus and the new moon in Pisces, Virgo may feel like things are finally coming together in their relationships,” says Simmons. “February will be the perfect time to sign new contracts, commit to a romantic relationship or deepen a current connection.” Just make sure to remain open to opportunities and allow yourself to revel in the fruits of your labor.

      Enjoy this lucky streak while it lasts, and brace yourself for some challenges in August and September. Two months of not-great luck? Yes, sorry—and that’s because Mercury will be in retrograde from Aug. 23 through Sept. 15. During this time, Simmons says everything will feel “topsy-turvy,” especially when it comes to organization, so Virgo will feel a little disoriented and off their game. Try to keep the things you can control—like cleaning your home—in order during this time to help offset this energy.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (9), Getty Images (2)

      Libra (Sept. 23–Oct. 22)

      Lucky month: November

      Challenging month: July

      On Nov. 8, Venus will move into Libra, amplifying this zodiac sign’s attributes, which include socialization, balance and intelligence. “Whenever a planet is at home in the sign that it rules [which is the case with Venus and Libra], it can help that zodiac sign call more luck into their life,” Simmons explains. And that will cause Libras to experience abundance in the late fall, especially when it comes to love and money.

      But before Libras hit their stride in 2023, they’ll have to get past July. During this tricky time, you’ll be forced to look at your go-to tendencies and work through some challenging lessons. “Libra may need to work through some issues with people-pleasing, being associated with shallow connections and even codependency issues,” Simmons says. When things aren’t going quite as you’d hoped, check out these hilarious zodiac memes for an instant pick-me-up.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (10), Getty Images (2)

      Scorpio (Oct. 23–Nov. 21)

      Lucky month: November

      Challenging month: May

      Like Libra, Scorpio will have a lucky November—but for a different reason. “This will be the first time in over a year that the new moon in Scorpio won’t double as an eclipse,” explains Simmons. Eclipses bring up challenges because they provoke change, which might feel like energetic growing pains. In November, Scorpios will have a markedly different experience and feel like they can finally breathe. Expect an overall easygoing vibe, and do your best to manifest self-growth and self-improvement now that things feel lighter.

      May isn’t the greatest month for this water sign because there will be an eclipse in Scorpio at the beginning of the month. “Eclipses can be radical, unpredictable and uncontrollable—all things Scorpio tends to disdain because Scorpio likes to be in control,” Simmons explains. Your sister signcan help shed additional light on your relationships.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (11), Getty Images (2)

      Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)

      Lucky month: March

      Challenging month: January

      Sagittarius will have a lucky streak in March, because Saturn will be in Pisces and “Sagittarius can use Saturn to follow their true calling,” says Simmons. That true calling will be different for everyone, of course, but regardless, this will be the time to follow the path toward your destiny and take the steps you need to fulfill it.

      Similar to Gemini, Sagittarius’s unlucky month was also January. That’s when the Mars retrograde in Gemini caused more tension than usual. If you are a Sagittarius, you might have found this month particularly challenging when it came to coordinating new commitments or avoiding arguments with loved ones. But that’s behind you, and now you can look forward to a more productive 2023. These inspirational zodiac quotes can help center you at this time—and any time.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (12), Getty Images (2)

      Capricorn (Dec. 22–Jan. 19)

      Lucky month: March

      Challenging month: June

      “March is the luckiest month for Capricorn not only in 2023—it’s also likely the luckiest month Capricorn has had in a long time,” says Simmons. This is because Pluto will finally leave Capricorn in March, which will allow those with this sun sign to feel temporarily lighter and freer, says Simmons. Up until this point, Capricorns probably felt a bit on edge. However, this burden will be lifted in March, so you’ll be a lot more relaxed.

      Watch out for June, though, when Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn. “For the final time, Pluto retrograde begins one last major period of extreme transformation in June, which will intensify Capricorn’s summertime,” says Simmons. Keep in mind that Pluto is the planet of destruction and renewal. But since Capricorns have been dealing with hardships for the last decade, “it’s nothing Capricorn can’t handle,” Simmons assures. So try not to worry: Even though you might feel like you’re sliding backward, know that it’s a temporary blip and something you already know how to deal with.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (13), Getty Images (2)

      Aquarius (Jan. 20–Feb. 18)

      Lucky months: February and March

      Challenging months: May and June

      February and March are lucky months for Aquarius for two reasons: Venus will enter the sign’s area of “self,” and Saturn will finally leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. According to Simmons, this will be a major cosmic break for Aquarius. “All the hard work from the last few years will come to an end,” she explains, “allowing Aquarius to feel less restricted.” Rose adds: “You will have romantic suitors, career opportunities and travel opportunities that are going to become available to you during this time, even if they don’t come to fruition until a bit later on in the year.”

      May won’t be quite as rosy, unfortunately. “The beginning of Pluto retrograde will be a lot for Aquarius to take in, since it may feel highly introspective, intense and even extreme at times,” Simmons notes. As a result, those with an Aquarius sun might feel a lack of confidence. These feelings will kick up a bit more in June, when Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces and temporarily impacts your finances. “During this time, be careful around investments, income and career shifts that do not have long-term sustainability,” says Rose.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (14), Getty Images (2)

      Pisces (Feb. 19–March 20)

      Lucky month: February

      Challenging month: March

      “February will be Pisces’s luckiest month since the sun, Venus and the new moon will all be in the sign of Pisces,” says Simmons. This cosmic weather will help Pisces feel at ease throughout their season and could amp up the celestial fish’s abilities to manifest and attract what they want. One of the biggest focuses during this time? Transformation. Rose says Pisces should focus on shaking up old thoughts, habits and behaviors that no longer serve you. “You may go through changes in your career and relationships that were unexpected,” she explains, “but ultimately they will lead you to greener pastures.”

      But challenges will hit once February is over. “Saturn will limit Pisces’s ability to go with the flow,” says Simmons. But it’s all about perspective, explains Rose: March won’t be all bad because its challenges will allow you to learn some hard lessons that can lead to the life you’ve always wanted. If that life includes welcoming a puppy, we have the perfect suggestions for dog breeds that are compatible with your zodiac sign. And hey, that just might make you the luckiest zodiac sign in 2023, after all!


      Originally Published: March 02, 2022

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (15)

      Jessie Quinn

      Jessie Quinn is a beauty, wellness, fashion, DIY and lifestyle journalist and commerce writer with work published in numerous national publications. Jessie has a Bachelor's Degree in fashion journalism from Academy of Art University and is a certified Reiki Master Teacher. When she is not writing, Jessie can be found crafting her heart out, reading a good book and snuggling with her pug, Daphne.

      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign (2024)


      The Luckiest (and Unluckiest) Months of 2023, According to Your Zodiac Sign? ›

      Capricorn's unluckiest month in 2023 has been and gone - January was their most troublesome time. Hopefully Capricorn avoided making any big decisions during this time, remaining patient. Aquarius' unluckiest month in 2023 will be June, due to the full moon in Sagittarius and planetary ruler Saturn going retrograde.

      Which zodiac sign is unlucky in 2023? ›

      Capricorn's unluckiest month in 2023 has been and gone - January was their most troublesome time. Hopefully Capricorn avoided making any big decisions during this time, remaining patient. Aquarius' unluckiest month in 2023 will be June, due to the full moon in Sagittarius and planetary ruler Saturn going retrograde.

      Which month is lucky in 2023? ›

      And though May is Taurus's top month, this sun sign will have Jupiter on its side for the rest of the year, making it the luckiest zodiac sign of 2023, along with Aries.

      Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2023? ›

      All the luckiest zodiac signs in 2023, ranked from best to worst
      • Sagittarius.
      • Libra.
      • Leo.
      • Taurus.
      • Pisces.
      • Aries.
      • Aquarius.
      • Virgo.
      Mar 5, 2023

      What are the 6 lucky zodiac signs in 2023? ›

      The luckiest Chinese zodiac signs in 2023 are Oxes, Tigers, and Snakes. Then, with not quite so much luck, come Dogs, Horses, Goats, and Pigs. Rabbits' and Rats' fortunes will be influenced by 'opposition to Tai Sui'. Roosters and Monkeys will have to work especially hard to make headway.

      What brings good luck for 2023? ›

      For 2023, the year of the Water Rabbit, the hue that will bring prosperity and positive energy is forest green; read on to discover more about the lucky color for 2023 and how to use it in interiors.

      Which month is lucky to born? ›

      May babies might be born lucky.

      A 2004 study revealed that people born in May consider themselves luckier than those born in other months. (The month considered the least lucky? October.)

      What does astrology predict for 2023? ›

      The year 2023 will be a moderate year for everyone. People will get their love, while some zodiac may need to plan better their life decisions. External support in different aspects for individuals, nations, and corporates will be beneficial. However, the natives of certain zodiacs need to be extra cautious too.

      Which zodiac is lucky in money? ›

      Capricorn: This zodiac sign is known for discipline and hardworking nature, which often leads to success in careers and financial stability. They are also practical, and goal-oriented, which serve them well in their financial endeavors. They are also typically frugal and value financial stability and security.

      What signs will fall in love 2023? ›

      Five Zodiac Signs That Will Be Lucky In Love This Year
      • Taurus. The luckiest sign of 2023 is Taurus. ...
      • Aquarius. The love life of Aquarius will completely change and you can expect genuine connection after the first half of the year. ...
      • Libra. ...
      • Leo. ...
      • Cancer.
      Feb 8, 2023

      Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2024? ›

      Sagittarius. Sagittarius, the adventurous and optimistic zodiac sign, is set to be exceptionally lucky in love during the year 2024.

      What is the lucky number of the year 2023? ›

      Lucky Numbers in 2023: Gemini

      The Gemini lucky number in 2023 is the one related to success, power, and prosperity - the number 5.

      Is 2023 will be a good year? ›

      2023 is going to be a fantastic year for you. A promotion or a salary increase may come your way. You can anticipate skyrocketing success and material abundance in the last quarter. Consistent, small-but-steady efforts over time are what it takes to accomplish anything.

      What number is the luckiest? ›

      Perhaps part of the answer lies in a seminal paper published in 1956 by the psychologist George A Miller called “The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two”. Miller claims that it is more than just coincidence that the number 7 seems to be all around us.

      How to attract luck and money in 2023? ›

      Aside from using a red wallet and keeping a bill with a lucky number, another thing you can do to attract luck in your finances is to keep a lucky charm inside your purse, one of which is the Chinese Three Coin. “The Chinese Three Coin tied in red strings [signifies] trinity: heaven, earth, and man,” Chua said.

      What is the lucky food of the year 2023? ›

      Noodles. Noodles are often eaten on the New Year for longevity and prosperity. The Japanese often eat soba noodles, the Chinese eat “longevity noodles”.

      How to find lucky by date of birth? ›

      To begin with, add the digits in your birth date until you get a single-digit number. For example, if your birthday is January 28, 1992, you would add 1+2+8+1+9+9+2 to get 32. Then, you would add 3+2 to get 5. So, in this case, five would be your lucky number.

      What is the most common birthday? ›

      The most common birthday is Sept. 9. In second and third place are Sept. 19 and 12. In fact, the entire top 10 list is made of September birthdays between Sept. 9 and 20. Count backward and you're just in time for the holidays, since pregnancy is an average of 40 weeks from last menstruation.

      Which day of the week born baby is lucky? ›

      Sunday Born Personality

      Ruled by the Sun, Sunday is the first day of the week. People born on Sunday are the luckiest ducks in town not just because it's Sunday on Sunday but also because the Sun, as the King of all planets, has a great influence on such people.

      What does 2023 bring? ›

      The year 2023 is a year of strong fortune for you. Obstacles will be seen to be removed on their own and morale will remain high. Take a measured risk in the first quarter. The initial months are indicative of unpredictability.

      What signs attract money? ›

      5 zodiac signs who are often lucky with money
      • 01/6These signs are lucky with money. Money and wealth. ...
      • 02/6Aries. They have positive energy and their passionate nature attracts money and wealth. ...
      • 03/6Taurus. They are tenacious and very hardworking. ...
      • 04/6Leo. Luck comes to them only when they work hard. ...
      • 05/6Virgo. ...
      • 06/6Scorpio.
      Mar 30, 2022

      What zodiac signs are millionaires? ›

      World's top-10 richest people and their zodiac signs:
      • Bernard Arnault & family (net worth: $214.9 billion) ZODIAC: Pisces.
      • Elon Musk (net worth: $198.2 billion) ZODIAC: Cancer.
      • Jeff Bezos (NETWORTH: $120.4 billion) ZODIAC: Capricorn.
      • Larry Ellison (NETWORTH: $112.3 billion) ZODIAC: Leo.
      Feb 20, 2023

      What zodiac cares about money? ›

      Topping the list of zodiac signs that are good with money is the Capricorn zodiac sign. Capricorn sign is ruled by planet Saturn. It is the Karmic planet and believes in discipline. It makes the Capricorns possess the precise mindset to keep a track of their spending and savings.

      Which zodiac falls out of love quickly? ›

      1. Scorpio. Being the easiest to fall out of love with probably shouldn't surprise you too much, Scorpio. It's easy to fall out of love with you because things go from bliss to discontentment pretty quickly.

      Which zodiac will be lucky in 2025? ›

      According to the Leo Horoscope 2025, it will be an incredible year, and you will get success at the beginning of the year. You will set the bar very high and work towards achieving them one after the other. You will get many such opportunities in your life which will prove beneficial for you in the future.

      Is the year of your zodiac lucky? ›

      It is BAD LUCK When Your Zodiac Year Comes Around!

      As the Chinese zodiac starts over every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc. According to ancient Chinese superstition, in your birth sign year, you will offend the God of Age, and will have bad luck during that year.

      What zodiac is 2023 2024? ›

      This year is the year of Rabbit, predicted to be the year of hope – starting from January 22, 2023 and ending on February 9, 2024. In Chinese culture, rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity. Rabbits are optimistic, kind-hearted, sensible and highly approachable.

      How to succeed in 2023? ›

      16 Coach-Recommended Strategies To Set Yourself Up For Success In 2023
      1. Practice Mindfulness That Places Attention Internally. ...
      2. Create Personal And Professional Goals. ...
      3. Decide Where To Put In The Most Effort. ...
      4. Plan A Trip That Includes Both Business And Pleasure. ...
      5. Start Reflecting On 2022 Before January.
      Dec 22, 2022

      What is the lucky color for Gemini 2023? ›

      The best colours recommended for Geminis are green and yellow. Your zodiac sign is ruled by Mercury. Therefore, white and pink can also bring you positive energy in 2023. Since Gemini is a dual and airy sign, yellow and green can take you nearer to success.

      What is the lucky number for money? ›

      Money number 6 in numerology

      Considered to be the money attracting number, people falling under this will have the most luck when it comes to monetary wealth.

      What are the top 5 luckiest number? ›

      In the Realm of Numerology, the Five Luckiest Numbers are Considered to be 3, 7, 9, 11, and 13.

      Who is the luckiest person on earth? ›

      Frane Selak – 7 times lucky, and then again.

      Known as the luckiest man to ever live, Croatian Frane Selak cheated death not once or twice, but an astonishing 7 TIMES! Selak's brushes with death started in January 1962 when the train he was travelling in flipped off the tracks, and crashed in a freezing canyon river.

      Which zodiac sign is very unlucky? ›

      According to the Express, astrologers at Astro Fame have said that Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is the "most unlucky" of all the zodiac signs, as they "fear the slightest twist" of fate, so often miss opportunities.

      Which zodiac sign is unlucky in life? ›

      According to astrologers at Astro Fame, Virgo (August 23 - September 22) is the "most unlucky" of all the zodiac signs. Unfortunately, Virgo can "expect lots of misfortune" in their lives - "and for good reason" too.

      Is your zodiac year your bad luck year? ›

      It is BAD LUCK When Your Zodiac Year Comes Around!

      As the Chinese zodiac starts over every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc. According to ancient Chinese superstition, in your birth sign year, you will offend the God of Age, and will have bad luck during that year.

      Which signs never give up? ›

      Leo. Leos are very strong and confident and sometimes their life becomes so difficult as people try to pull them down but they are so powerful that they get up stronger, show them what they are but do not ever give up.

      What zodiac signs are unforgiving? ›

      Scorpio. Famously unforgiving and likely to remember every bad thing anyone has ever done to them, Scorpio is a cynical sign.

      Which zodiac sign is not afraid of death? ›

      Scorpio is ruled by Pluto – the God of Death. Thus, almost all Scorpios are fascinated with the subject in some form or the other. Unlike most others, they don't fear death – they respect it!

      Which zodiac sign is lucky in money? ›

      Capricorn: This zodiac sign is known for discipline and hardworking nature, which often leads to success in careers and financial stability. They are also practical, and goal-oriented, which serve them well in their financial endeavors. They are also typically frugal and value financial stability and security.

      Which zodiac sign has more luck? ›

      Libra. Naturally, Libras - who get along famously with Sagittarians - are one of the luckiest zodiac signs. Ruled by Venus and gifted with her charm, Libras know whose good graces they need to get into to bring them good fortune.

      What is negative sign zodiac? ›

      Negative polarity signs, also called passive, yin, receptive, or feminine signs, are the six even-numbered signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

      Which month is lucky for marriage? ›

      The month of love, February of 2023 is filled with auspicious wedding dates with even a muhurat falling on Valentine's Day. So if you are looking to tie the knot on this love-filled date, block them now!

      What zodiac age is 2023? ›

      In 2023, the location of the Sun on the March equinox is in the constellation of Pisces but also on the border of Aquarius. So, we are slowly moving into a new age, from Pisces to Aquarius.

      What are good dates in 2023? ›

      Lucky Wedding Dates 2023
      • January 9, 12 and 21.
      • February 2, 8 and 26.
      • March 2, 14 and 19.
      • April 1, 9 and 26.
      • May 6, 12 and 21.
      • June 3, 8 and 21.
      • July 1, 7 and 20.
      • August 1, 7 and 28.
      Mar 15, 2023

      What zodiac signs are the smartest? ›

      The most intelligent zodiac signs, ranked from highest to lowest
      • Aquarius.
      • Virgo.
      • Scorpio.
      • Gemini.
      • Capricorn.
      • Aries.
      • Libra.
      • Taurus.
      Mar 11, 2023

      How do you get good luck in your zodiac year? ›

      Red can drive away bad luck and evil spirits.

      Therefore wearing red during your zodiac year (or zodiac year) will bring you good luck and give you a good year. You can wear a red belt, red socks, red shoes, or red clothes, and red underwear is highly recommended during your zodiac year.

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      Job: Design Supervisor

      Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

      Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.