All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (2024)

All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (1)

Whether it's looking for four-leaf clovers or carrying a rabbit's foot around, we all will do wild things to add a little luck to our life. But some people are just more blessed with it than others. Can we chalk it all up to the stars? There's definitely a rhyme and reason to the luckiest zodiac signs, and if you're really lucky, yours might top the list.

Not sure what your astrological sign is or want a refresher on the zodiac, check out this quick zodiac sign breakdown.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (2)

It's à-propos that Sagittarius would be the luckiest zodiac sign of the bunch, what with the whole horseshoe wearing half horse thing. Ruled by Jupiter, a planet known for providing good fortune, Sagittarians look at the world through a perpetually optimistic lens. So, what others might think is unlucky, a Sagittarius will see it as a doorway that opens to great fortune instead. When you put it out into the universe that you want all that life has to offer, Mother Nature sends you every good opportunity she has.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (3)

Naturally, Libras - who get along famously with Sagittarians - are one of the luckiest zodiac signs. Ruled by Venus and gifted with her charm, Libras know whose good graces they need to get into to bring them good fortune. Being such apt negotiators and great at weighing the pros and cons of any situation means Libras can sniff out a scam and put their name into the hat for things they really think they'll win.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (4)

If Libras are gifted with charm, Leos are gifted with charisma. Sensing a pattern here? Zodiac signs that send positivity into the world have it sent back to them. And being so self-confident helps Leos attract opportunities they can capitalize on. They're so passionate and convincing that they'll get whatever they need from you before you can blink.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (5)

Whether it's in the stars or not, Capricorns have an indomitable willpower to make their own luck. When a Capricorn wants something, they get it. This includes a fortune-filled lifestyle. Now, the stars aren't sending as many lucky chances Capricorn's way, but the stubborn old goat seems to dig them up, anyway.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (6)

Tauruses are the most level-headed and steadiest of the zodiac signs, making them less prone to fanciful ideas and schemes that'll lead to bad luck. They're just as determined as Capricorns are to manifest the lives they want, and theirs are usually full of wealth and luxury. Being steady means that Tauruses can wait for the right opportunities to come their way, which is a kind of luck all on its own.

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All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (7)

Similar to Capricorns are Aries. They're not gifted with star-given luck, but they're brash enough to beat bad luck into something better. They're daring enough to go after high stakes situations, and they're bold enough to navigate them confidently. And they don't let any bad luck linger inside of them; instead, they unleash the anger and frustration to face a new day fresh and ready to take on better opportunities this time around.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (8)

Pisces can be lucky in certain areas of their life, particularly in creative and artistic pursuits. They're naturally gifted with a strong intuition, which can lead them onto paths that bring good fortune into their lives. Yet, as we all know, your intuition is only as good as you hone it to be. So, undisciplined Pisces might find themselves mistaking the signs and making bad decisions over good ones.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (9)

Geminis aren't unlucky, per se, but they're not really blessed with a penchant for finding four-leaf clovers. They're wise enough to make intelligent decisions, but those decisions can be easily swayed towards less-than-fortunate ones in the face of making someone unhappy. Geminis thrive on validation, and they're not as likely as other signs to take chances that could lead to lucky scenarios if those chances put validation at risk.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (10)

The straight-laced Virgo is too skeptical of luck in general to be able to accept the good from the bad. They're focused on tangible data, and luck isn't something you can articulate in numbers on a spreadsheet. So, their logic-oriented brains can get in the way of embracing lucky scenarios when they present themselves.

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All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (11)

Where Tauruses are steady and resolute, Cancers are mercurial and reactionally motivated. So, instead of only moving towards positive opportunities, Cancers can jump headfirst into negative ones. A Cancer's emotions can cloud their better judgement, making it hard to put their foot on the brakes. Impulsivity can lead to some luck, but it can also lead to some very bad luck just as easily.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (12)

Aquarius babies are independent thinkers and prone to flights of fancy. With their heads in the clouds, they don't get joy out of hunting luck down or maneuvering into situations that will bring them better luck. They're not bothered by change though, and this flexibility means that they can stir up some luck every once in a while.


All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (13)

Scorpio, watch out. You're ruled by Pluto, which represents tragedy, and that doesn't lend itself to a happy-go-lucky life. So, individual Scorpios might be making the wrong decisions or getting into troublesome scenarios. When it comes to luck - or rather, bad luck - for Scorpios, you just have to chalk it to not being in the stars for you.

Blame It on the Stars

All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (14)

Whether you're full of luck or you can't win anything to save your life, you've got the consolation of blaming the stars. However, luck isn't something that's set in stone. If the stars aren't giving you the kind of luck you want, then go out there and make your own!

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As a seasoned astrologer with years of dedicated study and practice, I can confidently delve into the intricacies of zodiac signs and their impact on luck. My expertise stems from a deep understanding of the celestial bodies, their influences on personality traits, and the art of interpreting astrological charts.

The concept of luck, as explored in the provided article, aligns with the fundamental principles of astrology. Let's break down the key points and explore the astrological concepts mentioned:

  1. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):

    • Ruled by Jupiter: The planet associated with expansion, growth, and good fortune.
    • Optimistic Lens: Sagittarians tend to view challenges as opportunities for great fortune.
  2. Libra (September 23 - October 22):

    • Ruled by Venus: The planet associated with charm, beauty, and harmony.
    • Apt Negotiators: Libras use their charm to navigate situations and attract good fortune.
  3. Leo (July 23 - August 22):

    • Charisma: Leos possess natural charisma and confidence.
    • Positivity: Positive energy attracts opportunities for Leos.
  4. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):

    • Indomitable Willpower: Capricorns have a strong determination to make their own luck.
    • Stubbornness: Capricorns dig up opportunities even when stars don't align in their favor.
  5. Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

    • Level-headed and Steady: Tauruses are pragmatic and less prone to fanciful ideas.
    • Determined: Tauruses manifest lives full of wealth and luxury through patience.
  6. Aries (March 21 - April 19):

    • Bravery: Aries are bold and daring in pursuing high-stakes situations.
    • Positive Outlook: Aries turn bad luck into opportunities with their confidence.
  7. Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

    • Strong Intuition: Pisces can be lucky in creative pursuits due to their intuition.
    • Discipline Matters: Undisciplined Pisces may make bad decisions.
  8. Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

    • Wise Decision-makers: Geminis make intelligent decisions but may be swayed easily.
    • Validation-seeking: Geminis may avoid chances that risk validation.
  9. Virgo (August 23 - September 22):

    • Skeptical: Virgos are logical and skeptical, focusing on tangible data.
    • Difficulty Embracing Luck: Logical brains may hinder Virgos from accepting lucky scenarios.
  10. Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

    • Mercurial: Cancers are emotionally driven and reactive.
    • Impulsivity: Emotional impulsivity can lead to both luck and bad luck.
  11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):

    • Independent Thinkers: Aquarians are independent and flexible.
    • Change Embracers: Flexibility allows Aquarians to stir up luck occasionally.
  12. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):

    • Ruled by Pluto: Associated with intensity and potential for trouble.
    • Tragic Elements: Scorpios may face challenges or make wrong decisions.

The article concludes by emphasizing that luck isn't set in stone, and individuals can take charge of their destiny. This aligns with the idea that astrology provides insights but doesn't determine one's fate entirely.

All Zodiac Signs Ranked From Luckiest to Least Lucky | LoveToKnow (2024)


Which zodiac sign is always lucky? ›

When it comes to fortunate signs, Sagittarius can't be overlooked. Sagittarius is hailed as the universe's darling, characterized by a positive, cheerful, enthusiastic nature. They possess innate talents and luck in various areas, be it academics, career, love, or life in general.

Which zodiac is not loyal? ›

1.1 Sagittarius

Sagittarius is often seen as one of the zodiac signs challenging to remain faithful. This perception may arise from their adventurous and exploratory nature. They tend to seek various experiences in life, including romantic relationships.

What are the weak zodiac signs? ›

6 Most Vulnerable And Weak Zodiac Signs
  • Pisces: Often seen as overly sensitive and prone to emotional ups and downs.
  • Cancer: Their strong emotional nature can make them vulnerable to hurt and stress.
  • Scorpio: Known for intense emotions, which can lead to vulnerability in relationships.

Which zodiac is lucky in 2024? ›

Aquarius, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius will have a fortunate year in 2024.

Which month is lucky to born? ›

May babies might be born lucky.

your little one might already have all the good juju they need! A 2004 study revealed that people born in May consider themselves luckier than those born in other months.

Which zodiacs are lucky in love? ›

Zodiac signs that will be luckiest in love in 2024
  • 2024 is here. Another year has bid adieu and 2024 is finally here, bringing with it happiness and joy and a new look at life for those who left their loved ones behind. ...
  • Hoping for the best. ...
  • Luckiest in love. ...
  • Taurus. ...
  • Cancer. ...
  • Scorpio. ...
  • Capricorn. ...
  • Pisces.
Jan 2, 2024

Which zodiac is alone? ›

Scorpio. Scorpios are intensely devoted to their alone time. Furthermore, they use their alone time for introspection and relaxation in addition to relaxing. They delve into the depths of their feelings and ideas during their alone time.

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The water signs Cancer , Scorpio and Pisces are most trustworthy and loyal in relationships. This is because they are kind , sensitive and emotional people wanting stability in relationships. The fire signs Aries , Leo and Sagittarius are the least trustworthy signs.

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Scorpios are known for their intense and mysterious nature. They are excellent at keeping secrets and can be trusted with sensitive information.

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Jump to your sign:
  • Aries (March 21 – April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 – August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 – October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Mar 29, 2024

Which zodiac is spiritual? ›

Pisces. Pisces has the greatest spiritual protection of all the zodiac signs. It is governed by both Neptune and Jupiter and is considered the most spiritual of all signs.

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While strictness is not limited to these five zodiac signs, Capricorn, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus, and Aries individuals tend to exhibit this trait more prominently due to their astrological influences. Their commitment to discipline, order, and high standards sets them apart from other signs.

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The sun sign represents our ego and motivations; the moon governs our emotional natures, and the ascendant or rising sign speaks to the energy that we put into the world. Put together, these signs offer up a brief blueprint of your personality, according to astrology.

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Year of the Snake

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It is BAD LUCK When Your Zodiac Year Comes Around!

As the Chinese zodiac starts over every 12 years, your animal year will come around when you are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc. According to ancient Chinese superstition, in your birth sign year, you will offend the God of Age, and will have bad luck during that year.

What zodiac signs are naturally lucky? ›

Sagittarius – Sagittarians are known for their love of adventure and knowledge. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, they are naturally lucky and find themselves blessed with opportunities for growth and exploration. Their optimistic outlook and philosophical nature often lead them to great success.

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Taurus values stability and comfort. As Venus-ruled earth signs, they are materialistic and find comfort in possessions. Tauruses focus on financial stability because they feel money can buy them pleasures and luxuries.

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Virgos exhibit strong financial discipline. They consistently manage their finances, diligently address all bills, and remain debt-free. Even if they happen to incur debt, they conscientiously work towards paying it off.

Which sign is more successful? ›

Capricorn. Capricorns are the most high-achieving sign in the entire zodiac. Ruling the 10th house of career, status, and goals, it's no wonder Capricorn has a penchant for success.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.